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Fantasy Down The Well

las0r0o7 said:
Zavion had finally made it to his own house, though some might call it a bunker, especially since most of it was under ground though considering the size to Anaxial he would probably have to enter through the back. Zavion continued his way around the building and opened up a set of big double doors that had a slope that went down to his basement, though it was more of an areana size basement, and he spread his wings out and started to float the rest of the way. "It may not have much but its built to store just about anything, but I'm sure you don't mind being able to stand at your normal height either, so, lets cut to the chase, cause I'm sure we could both stand here and talk all day, so, I'll ask the question that's on everyone's mind, why are you here, or better known as what brought you here."
Following Zavion at his slower pace, he seemed curious of the bunker home. With a failed attempt to enter in at the front door, the large insectoid made his way for the back entrance and managed to squeeze inside. He seemed indifferent to anything he knocked off tables or crushed with his body, Anaxial lowered his upper torso until he resembled a centipede from Hell, crawling on all his talons and legs, swerving like a snake. When they reached the basement, Anaxial curled into a cobra-like ball and raised his red and talons, now resting by his body like a praying-mantis. Just like before, an itch formed behind Zavion's eyes and his own subconscious spoke to him for Anaxial.

No, no... I like the tight confines it feels... Comforting. Reminds me of the Hive.

It replied, it sounded happy at first but seemed to trail off as if saddened by something.

When asked why he had come here, Anaxial cocked his head like a curious puppy and twitched a bit, the sound of chitin clacking against chitin was more profound in the confines of Zavion's basement and after a long silence the voice returned to Zavion's mind.

Why are


Anaxial said:
Following Zavion at his slower pace, he seemed curious of the bunker home. With a failed attempt to enter in at the front door, the large insectoid made his way for the back entrance and managed to squeeze inside. He seemed indifferent to anything he knocked off tables or crushed with his body, Anaxial lowered his upper torso until he resembled a centipede from Hell, crawling on all his talons and legs, swerving like a snake. When they reached the basement, Anaxial curled into a cobra-like ball and raised his red and talons, now resting by his body like a praying-mantis. Just like before, an itch formed behind Zavion's eyes and his own subconscious spoke to him for Anaxial.

No, no... I like the tight confines it feels... Comforting. Reminds me of the Hive.

It replied, it sounded happy at first but seemed to trail off as if saddened by something.

When asked why he had come here, Anaxial cocked his head like a curious puppy and twitched a bit, the sound of chitin clacking against chitin was more profound in the confines of Zavion's basement and after a long silence the voice returned to Zavion's mind.

Why are


Zavion laughed a bit "That's an easy answer, to kill as many humans as possible, speaking of, there are a couple nearby towns I've had an itch to destroy, one way or another that is" he walked over to a wall with a big map on it and pointed out the two big town nearby "that would be those two cities right here, and I'm pretty sure we could both have some fun" (seems like there is only a few of us left for the rp)
(Seems like it, back to four again)

I groaned, waking up 5 minutes after I had passed out. The crowd was overwhelming me with questions. I lightly smiled then brushed them off, I parted my way through the crowd. With my weakened strength, I managed to pull Thalia on my back and slowly made my way to my house.
(Sorry I had church to head to this morning!)

Beatrice looked up the damp well, seeing Zavion's face, and hearing his whisper. her face turned sickly pale. She's been friends with him ever since she's arrived to the town with no memory. She stood, and pulled the stray white hairs from her face. She looked around the dark cave, trying to find a source of light. She started walking one way, as the more she walked, the brighter a light shone. Her foot dragging became, a jog, then a sprint. She had reached the mouth of the cave, but she had no idea where she was. No one had ever ventured that far into the forest. She pulled off the red cape, and threw it around a log, to trick the bad monster into thinking the log was the sacrifice. She turned than ran into the forest. Fire colored leaves covered the floor, and they stuck to her feet as she walked.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](Sorry I had church to head to this morning!)
Beatrice looked up the damp well, seeing Zavion's face, and hearing his whisper. her face turned sickly pale. She's been friends with him ever since she's arrived to the town with no memory. She stood, and pulled the stray white hairs from her face. She looked around the dark cave, trying to find a source of light. She started walking one way, as the more she walked, the brighter a light shone. Her foot dragging became, a jog, then a sprint. She had reached the mouth of the cave, but she had no idea where she was. No one had ever ventured that far into the forest. She pulled off the red cape, and threw it around a log, to trick the bad monster into thinking the log was the sacrifice. She turned than ran into the forest. Fire colored leaves covered the floor, and they stuck to her feet as she walked.

Thomas was around, he just vanished as quickly as he left for reasons only he knew. He just never bothered to share the reasons surrounding them. He appears to be rather calm at the moment, but then he noticed Beatrice whilst sitting on a stump, the expression in his eyes turned to one of curiosity. Now what was she doing all the way out here? He wondered to himself as he began to follow her, something was amiss and he sought to find out why.
I arrived at my house, placing Thalia softly in my garden before returning inside. "Now what to do about these cuts?" I mumbled, looking at my healing herbs. I placed some salve on my back, then slowly rapped my back in bandages. The thing still stung but at least you wont get infected.

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