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Fantasy Down The Well

"What in the hell?!" I whispered hearing the crash outside. I was flinching just a bit when the crash happened. Everyone was looking at the gate's direction, including me. 'I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this evening.' I thought, slightly trembling.
Anaxial said:
In the darkness of night, when the Cosmos could be seen their clearest is when it appeared; a star, a magical twinkling angle in the sky seemed to stream across the horizon. The star was growing however, getting larger and larger until eventually it was almost the size of a small house in the night sky. This was no star however, this was a gift from the cosmos, a show of power for the universe revealing to all that they were not alone. The falling star grew closer to the village and it's blazing tail began to light up the sky in hues of red and white, illuminating the dark forest from is incandescent glow. The falling star was a deep purple however, only it's head glowed red with heat as it plummeted towards the Earth and eventually crashed into the ground with a deafening BOOM!!

The collision could be heard for miles, the falling star revealed not to be of Holy origins, but rather unknown ones. The object was steaming from its quick descent and now lay in a trench just outside the walls of the village, it could be seen from the towers and had apparently knocked over several trees with its crash landing. The meteor lay still for quite some time, quickly cooling in the autumn night. The meteor was made of some sort of stone, though it was dark purple and covered in deep pores that dotted its surface. After what seemed like a lifetime, the meteor let out a loud rush of air tshhh and cracked open. The stone-like substance quickly crumbled and left nothing but fragments in the first as a monstrous being emerged. Nearly 12ft tall and nothing like anything that existed here the being rose from the rubble of its transport and let out a bellowing growl as it supported it's massive body on it's front talons. Despite it's monstrous appearance the creature stood docile, taking in the sights and sounds of its new world with a unchanging fanged face.

A voice creeped into the minds of all those who witnessed the being, the voice was strange however... It had no sound, no true 'voice', rather it was like your own thoughts being shifted in your minds to formulate a question;

"Where am I?" the thoughts seemed to stem from fear and curiosity rather than aggression, could this beast be a gentle giant, or one of the monsters that the village seemed so afraid of?
(So an angel and a reaper, we may have a few issues xD )
Lucia arched her brow at him and couldn't help but smirk just a little.

"At least you know how to keep a positive attitude"

She patted his arm gently, her long sleeves coming up to her knuckles. She flinched and put her hand to her heart as a crash sounded from outside the gates.

"What the..."

She turns quickly to the gate and gets shot with a wave of odd and strange feelings.

"How much more strange does this day need to be..."

Her hair whipped around her face as she touched her pouch of spells lightly.

Louis frowned, wringing his hands again and subconsciously heating his fingers with magic. He caught himself before they glowed, and hmmed aloud. "Things strange? In this town? I'm honestly quite shocked. But really... what could've caused that? I don't recall there being any star streaks predicted this season, so where could that have come from?"

Writhing as it hauled its body from the rubble of it's fallen rock, the creature crawled forward a a few feet. It used it's massive forward talons as legs and pulled it's body forward while it's thinner abdomen slithered behind it like a snake. In the moonlight, on the backdrop of a few small fires the creature's outer skin reflected a strong purple light, these were chitinous plates covering the softer, pale flesh of its under body. The creature's mandibles clacked together as it's talons began to rub together curiously, it behaved much like a small insect would, it's black eyes staring at each of the people come to investigate. It cocked it's head much like a puppy would and pulled itself forward a tad more.

Standing an eerie 7 feet away from the gathering crowd at the gate, the creature towered over everyone there. It drove it's talons into the dirt and leaned forward, it's pale face, insect-like mandibles, and black soulless eyes getting mere inches from Lucia's face. It's eyes were unblinking and stared deeply into hers, as if it was sizing her up, examining prey. It's mandibles twitched curiously as it seemed to do the insect equivalent of licking its lips before a thought began to creep inside Lucia's mind.

"You are such... hideous creatures... Where am I? Who... Who are you?"
Thalia moved away from the creature as best she could since getting up was out of the question, letting her sprained ankle drag in front of her as she kicked backwards with her good leg she grunted getting frustrated
Vaughn continued to watch the creature for a moment, before instinctively throwing a small rock at the space monster. "HEY!" He said in a brave tone, before realizing what exactly he has done.

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The rock thrown hit the monster with a solid yet wet sounding clack. The beast jerked it's head for a moment as it seemed to reel back from the strike. It's head leaned away from Lucia quickly and scanned the crowd hungrily, it's eyes stopping directly on Vaughn. The beast let out a low pitched clacking sound as it used it's talons to pull itself closer to the gate, Lucia- had she not moved- would be face to stomach with the monster as it leaned up tall, standing at it's full height, it was almost as large as the towers that watched over the village. It's body now supported on it's abdomen now, it's two massive scythe-like talons raised up defensively by it's head. The monster starred Vaughn down with it's black soulless eyes and continued to chip and clack angrily. An itch behind Vaughn's eye began to form as a voice was burrowed into his brain.

"Little creature... You've made a terrible mistake. Have you got a screw loose? Or is it your own pathetic fearful nature that drives you to aggression?"
Vaughn shook in fear, but he refused to cower boasting his chest. The monster would also receive a message back in his mind. "Hm? I shall admit you do look of a rather sturdy build, but I hold no fear of you. And I'd suggest against further action against me lest you incur my wrath, wretch." The voice in Vaughn's head sounded rather odd for a human, it sounded distorted and strange.

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"Big... big giant monster... Hah! Big giant bug monster thing" He starts to laugh nervously, and he picks up Tod, holding her protectively. He start to back up away from the strange creature. "The monsters are supposed to stay out! H-how did it get here? Why is there a monster here?!" He shouts, completely hypocritical due to the fact that he certainly wasn't a human either. This is mainly because he was legitimately scared... and a little hungry. This WAS a lot of insect... thing... whatever...
Thalia watched the bug thing and the guy stare at each other finally she spoke up " Well don't just stand there and gawk at each other like a pair of simpleton...I'd suggest you don't fight though there are to many who could get hurt...of more hurt " she winced as she reluctantly did try and get up when her body screamed at her to rest, wobbly she limped over till she was between the two
Vaughn looked at Thalia. "But... But- I was gonna be all big and strong! Standing up to the big bad bug monster! Why'ya have to steal my glory?" Vaughn said comically mopey.
Thomas glanced over, completely disregarding Thalia's words, "No, no. Go ahead, duke it out. It's been a while since I've seen a good, bloody deathmatch." He told The creature and Vaughn nonchalantly, he didn't seem to care what this tension would lead up to, he just wanted good ole' fashioned violence. It'd be just like the good ole' days, where people beat other people with clubs and rocks.

Good times.
A low hiss escaped from the creature's mouth, one may compare it to the monster's version of laughter as it didn't flinch to the man before it, nor the crowd gathering. He drove his Talons on both sides of Vaughn but missed him completely. He brought his face close to Vaughns and the voice burrowed back into his head.

"You can't lie to me, creature. I can see your trembles, the way your feet shift, your body shakes... You are afraid of me. Wise."

The creature pulled its talons from the dirt and slithered a bit away from Vaughn to get a look at everyone, his body shook for a moment and a thin orange fog emitted from his body, the air was filled with the sent of rusted metal but the sent quickly faded. The creature no longer had a voice, rather you could 'see' and 'smell' what it was trying to say.

"I assure you, it wouldn't be a fight. It would be a feast." It said as it let out the hiss once again. "I am..." a long pause followed before you continued to receive the message. "...Anaxial, Fallen Prince. I... Can't seem to remember why I am here, I've not come to kill. At least I can't... remember if I am." It said, it's body was once again supported on it's talons and it's head hung low, it almost seemed depressed, if the face could express you're sure that it would look sad. "What is this place? and what are you... Creatures?"
A telepathic laugh would be sent back to the creature, however Vaughn seemed oblivious to this telepathic retort he had sent and continued to look at the creature. Before blurting out. "Well you see, we are this special thing called... a.... HUMAN!" He said throwing his arms in the air ecstatically, Vaughn is always a little hyper in anything he does, and so keeping his energy on the down low was hard.
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Thalia sighed and sat back down " Pain...pain...pain...ow, don't like pain " she was exhausted but managed to stay awake watching the bug creature carefully she saw how he seemed depressed " I'm Thalia " technically not human... She added to herswlf in her mind and murmured inaudible "forest nymph"
Vaughn sat down next to her, and looked at Thalia with curious eyes and asked. "What's a fympth. Sounds like a fruit, or some kind of... Squirrel....." Vaughn said thinking really hard about the Squirrel. Oh, also it probably was abit rude for him to listen.
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"We're h-humans, you... you monster thing! You shouldn't be here!" Well, he was in a human form so clearly that counted as him also being a human.
Thalia blinked and shook her head " Nothing...I was just messing around with...random words " she swallowed suddenly getting nervous
Vaughn for a second stopped thinking about the squirrel to look at Thalia. "You don't look so good... You look kinda sleepy. But maybe it's because I'm sleepy, are you sleepy?" Vaughn said in a rather strange way.
" Well being attacked by a pissed off faunas is always tiring, plus the fact I've probably lost a little too much blood " Thalia leaned bck on her elbows beggining to see black spots in her vision before passing out, again
Vaughn began to freak out, as he looked around to see if anyone could help her. At first he'd attempt to use what weak magic he had to heal her. As his began to spin around yelling for anyone to help. "HELP! She doesn't look really.. Uh... UH... HELP!"

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