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Fantasy Down The Well

"Crap..." I caught het softly then set her on the ground. 'It would look supious if I dragged her all the way to the house. Maybe I can leave her here and someone will come for her.' I thought, gently lowering her to the ground. I backed up slowly and quietly until I was far enough from the gate. I made my way back to the crowd, but along the way, I went to my cottage for a change of clothes and washing my hands.
Beatrice watched as the man in red approached with two elders side by side with him. He wore a bag over his head, which had a face stitched onto it. She stiffened. The costume scared her a bit. She never liked these sacrifices, but it had to be, or the peace would be broken. The man faced the well, shaking. She remembered the man that volunteered. He wanted his daughter to have a beautiful life with her fiancee, so he sacrificed himself because no one else would.

He stepped onto the well edge, as one elder said a chant, that soon everyone had to follow. "Fugiant bestiae festo huic sacrificio damus. Cadat oratio nostra in pace morari pro multis fecundos fructus protulit inventis ulteriora petit. Cadunt." The elder spoke with a deep voice. Soon everyone started to chant the word "cadent" which meant "Fall" in Latin. It took Beatrice a moment before she could open her dry mouth to speak. "Cadent." She repeated, as the sacrifice spread his arms. He fell forward as screamed as he fell down the dark, and bloody well. The last words echoed through the well.

"Accipe me!"

@las0r0o7 (Sorry I kind of had to take over since no one else was replying.)
I looked away, silently praying for the man that was just sacrificed down the well. I didn't repeat the dreaded words, and just choose to watch. 'I hope that the man that just fell is ok.' I thought, after hearing his last words. I was uneasy sort of speak, practically shaking where I stood. Luckily I hoped no one had noticed me, slip silently back into the crowd earlier.
Vaughn watched the sacrifice, for a second he was visibly distraught by this, before shaking himself back into his normal mood. These sacrifices are a very hard thing to witness, and he did not like to witness this, but alas, everyone had to from time to time. He quietly joined the chants, through he didn't want to, he had to.
Thomas watched with a blank, uncaring look in his eyes, he's performed in many sacrifices. On both ends, and he didn't care much for being apart of either party. He was only here in town for the time being until he would grow board of this village, then he would proceed to move on without looking back.
(Sooo...no one else herd screaming or has seen Thalia's sleeping body yet, cause she's still bleeding)
@las0r0o7[/URL] (Sorry I kind of had to take over since no one else was replying.)
(It's all good)

He looked up for a second to Beatrice who had interrupted the normal ceremony and he pulled the man back from the well and walked over to Beatrice and stood in front of her, not as a friend he normally would, but instead as one to keep the peace "Your telling me you would sacrifice yourself in his place, keep in mind your answer for you have also interrupted the ceremony." He reached to his side and unholstered his gun and bulled the hammer back making it ready to shoot at a moments notice. Then he heard a bunch of screaming coming from the gates and them it went quiet, it was all too suspicious. "Save your answer, somethings not right." He walked away gun still in his hand towards the gate to find a couple people there, one in particular still injured quite a bit, but that wasn't the issue, it was that someone from the outside was let in during the ceremony. "What is the meaning of this."
(What?.... Someone had already come and let Thalia in after she had screamed for help, once inside she fainted and was left laying on the ground, bleeding)
[QUOTE="Wild Born](What?.... Someone had already come and let Thalia in after she had screamed for help, once inside she fainted and was left laying on the ground, bleeding)

(Thomas noticed, he just can't gather the compassion required to care)
(I also apoligize! Sorry!)

Beatrice gulped, and coward until screaming was heard from the gates. Her eyes widened. She ran toward the sound, and knelt down beside the girl who was injured. She did not speak, but showed great concern.

(Also sorry for the short post. I have writers block.)
Louis pulled at the collar of his knit grey poncho, currently in his human form. The atmosphere was a lot gloomier then he generally liked, and even he felt like one of his jokes would only sour the mood further then lift it. He could acknowledge the fact that yes, there were plenty of monsters who wanted to kill humans, but it'd make things so much better if everyone just got along.

On his shoulders a large Red Iguana named Tod sat, watching the events with unintelligent eyes. He spoke to the feminine lizard with a whisper, "I don't even know why I came to watch this... Today feels different though, Tod, I think things are going to change soon." A low smirk started to snake it's way onto his lips, "The times of change are chameleon and soon we won't have to blend in any longer." Tod gave him an impassive look, causing her master to frown. "You know you laughed!"

Sighing, he instead made to follow the screaming noise, wringing his hands together. Things might be changing, but truthfully, he felt as if things were going to get a lot worse before they got better... if they got better.
Thalia coughed, a bit of blood was mixed in with her spit, she held her arm tighter wincing in pain her bleeding had slowed but she was pale and shaking in the chilly night air
'Crap, everyone heard the scream, but alas what can I do? I know, I can correct my wrong doings by leaving her there to go patch up her wounds.' I thought, making my way back to the gate. Before walking there, I grabbed bandages from my house and hid them under my sleeves, silently praying that nobody is going to kill the girl. I walked back to the gate, and made my way through the crowd.
Lucia was at the age of the crowd as ahw watched the ceremony as always. She never much cared for gettinf closer. As the breeze kicked up she gripped the hood over her head tighter as the breeze flicked her onyx hair around. As the man screamed as he fell to his demise luxia couldn't help but purse her lips and wonder how she truly felt about the sacrifices.

She could tell the young woman to her left was surely in pain as she quietly cried into a young mans shoulder. She simply sighed and prepared to head back to her cottage when there was muffled screaming and zavion and a few others moved to the gate. And at this point she couldn't dent her curiosity and followed. At the scene there was a bleeding firl collapsed on the ground, lucias bright eyes searched the girl as they trailed back to the gate where blood was streaked on the edge. She had some supplies in her pouch that was tied around her waist as she prepared to helping girl when the baker scooted her way past her and to the body. Her hood slippes from her head as she moved out of the way. She to could feel a shift in the air and it made her uneasy. She tucked her hair behind her ears as she made a move to back up only to bump into Todd. She stopped quickly and looks at him.

"I do apologize..seems I wasn't paying much attention."

Todd was always a little odd to her, always joking at innapropriate times and what not but he had a good air about him unlike many of the people around here.

(Also I do apologize for spelling errors I'm doing this on my phone and I spell checks to wrong words frequently :/ or I just mistype. If any confusion comes about from one of my posts feel free to ask)
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](I also apoligize! Sorry!)
Beatrice gulped, and coward until screaming was heard from the gates. Her eyes widened. She ran toward the sound, and knelt down beside the girl who was injured. She did not speak, but showed great concern.

(Also sorry for the short post. I have writers block.)

[QUOTE="Wild Born]Thalia coughed, a bit of blood was mixed in with her spit, she held her arm tighter wincing in pain her bleeding had slowed but she was pale and shaking in the chilly night air

Mena said:
'Crap, everyone heard the scream, but alas what can I do? I know, I can correct my wrong doings by leaving her there to go patch up her wounds.' I thought, making my way back to the gate. Before walking there, I grabbed bandages from my house and hid them under my sleeves, silently praying that nobody is going to kill the girl. I walked back to the gate, and made my way through the crowd.
Zavion sighed as he pointed the gun just over the crowds head and shot it off making sure he had everyone's attention, including the ones tending to the person "let's all make this really clear, we have always had the traditional sacrifice every night when the moon is high, now we all should take a moment to look up at the moon, we don't have but a few minutes and then some of us knows what will happen if we don't." He was referring to the time that they were attacked by everything outside the village, some may remember, some may have lost a relative to them, others may not know at all. "So let us make a decision as a whole, there are three choices here to save our own skin here, first is the man who is prepared to go, second is the volunteer, last is this intruder." He looked among the crowd to see what their decision was "What say you as a decision."
Beatrice breathed heavily as she tried to make up her mind. "How could someone like without a parent? I did... I mean it wasn't pleasant, but she's about to get married. The man should see her wed before death.." She thought to herself.

Beatrice stood, stiff and eyes closed. She stuttered as she spoke, obviously full with fear. "I-I volunteer." She muttered. "The man does not deserve to die yet. His daughter is going to get married. She-- she needs him." She said quietly. She was not used to speaking. She walked over to the well, and waited to be prepared. "There's no reason for me to be here anymore."
(so many new post x~x)

Stuck in the thickest part of the crowd, Milton watched the scene unfold. He took it all in, from the new injured stranger, the gunshot from the person who's name ge faintly remembered as Zavion, and the girl who offered herself as sacrifice. He thought of moving or speaking up, but found himself frozen with anticipation just like the crowd around him.
Ygrol was shifted watching in the crowd, he himself held no care for what transpired here. But he did use it as an advantage, he used the guise of attempting to get close to get a better view in order to shift one finger of his hand, and discreetly, do a small incision to as many people he could without being noticed. Probably three at most, the cut would barely be felt unless, due to him focusing his magic to make it seem discreet.
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In the darkness of night, when the Cosmos could be seen their clearest is when it appeared; a star, a magical twinkling angle in the sky seemed to stream across the horizon. The star was growing however, getting larger and larger until eventually it was almost the size of a small house in the night sky. This was no star however, this was a gift from the cosmos, a show of power for the universe revealing to all that they were not alone. The falling star grew closer to the village and it's blazing tail began to light up the sky in hues of red and white, illuminating the dark forest from is incandescent glow. The falling star was a deep purple however, only it's head glowed red with heat as it plummeted towards the Earth and eventually crashed into the ground with a deafening BOOM!!

The collision could be heard for miles, the falling star revealed not to be of Holy origins, but rather unknown ones. The object was steaming from its quick descent and now lay in a trench just outside the walls of the village, it could be seen from the towers and had apparently knocked over several trees with its crash landing. The meteor lay still for quite some time, quickly cooling in the autumn night. The meteor was made of some sort of stone, though it was dark purple and covered in deep pores that dotted its surface. After what seemed like a lifetime, the meteor let out a loud rush of air tshhh and cracked open. The stone-like substance quickly crumbled and left nothing but fragments in the first as a monstrous being emerged. Nearly 12ft tall and nothing like anything that existed here the being rose from the rubble of its transport and let out a bellowing growl as it supported it's massive body on it's front talons. Despite it's monstrous appearance the creature stood docile, taking in the sights and sounds of its new world with a unchanging fanged face.

A voice creeped into the minds of all those who witnessed the being, the voice was strange however... It had no sound, no true 'voice', rather it was like your own thoughts being shifted in your minds to formulate a question;

"Where am I?" the thoughts seemed to stem from fear and curiosity rather than aggression, could this beast be a gentle giant, or one of the monsters that the village seemed so afraid of?
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Thalia was slowly healing herself, but since she was very weak it was unnoticeable unless you just stared at her wounds...when the the star crashed just outside the village she flinched and gasped now awake she had a small coughing fit and sat up " What was that? " she asked looking around at everyone, still shaking and weak
Vaughn quickly turned and ran back to investigate the loud crash he had heard. Upon seeing it he went silent, observing the creature.
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Louis, the man himself{though he also happened to be a lizard}, and not the Iguana on his shoulders turned to Lucia. He took a moment, before offering her a smile. "Hey don't worry about it, it's no... skin off my back!" He nudged her with his elbow, finding whatever he just said to be hilarious. Tod licked the air in disaproval, and he turned his head to offer her a glare. "What? That was golden. Because, lizards shed their skin, right, so... Why am I explaining this to you." Sighing, he turned back to the human.

"But yes, don't worry-" He cut off upon hearing the crash, "What in the seven hells-?"
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