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Fantasy Down The Well


Six Thousand Club
There was once a town. A small village isolated from all the other kingdoms. Small wooden towers surround the edges of the town, with flags of white. A small trench also surrounds the town, with only a small wooden drawbridge to get to the other side. These are too keep the bad monsters from getting in. White repels these beasts.

In the town, there is a well, but it is not used for water. In order to keep the peace between the monsters and keep everyone in the town safe, they preform human sacrifices to the monsters. At night, they dress the sacrifice in red, and cover their face with a bag. Tied and bound, they are led to the well which is surrounded by candles. Two of the elders of the town pick the sacrifice up and drop them into the well.

The well leads to a cave, that connects to the outside woods. The monsters crawl in the cave, and accept their sacrifice. The sacrifice are never to be seen again. The town is isolated from the other kingdoms mostly because the kingdoms do not accept their "ways."

The bad monsters are attracted to raw meat, and the color red. Therefore, the entire village only eats fruits and vegetables. They do not keep pets, or livestock, in fear that the bad monsters will break the peace. They keep a small shack far from the town, filled with red fabric for the sacrifices.

What they do not know, is that some of the monsters live within the town. The people are unaware of the dangers that await them...

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Beatrice sat on the hill, under two apple trees. Colorful leaves fell from the sky, and the wind blew sharply. She turned the pages in a book. A book with a brown cover. She looked up from her book, and stared into the fiery trees. She blinked her pale eyes, as another breeze swept through her locks. She closed her book and placed it beside her. She took off her shoes and rubbed them in the grass. She closed her eyes, as the day grew darker.
Zavion was walking from his house, well I guess you could call it a house, as he followed the path up to the hill he normally practiced his aim with his hand cannons. To his surprise he found Beatrice there reading a book, well she was reading a book until she closed it and put it way and started rubbing her feet on the grass. He walked up beside her silently as always, sometimes it was like he didn't walk, though he didn't have all the weight to put into his steps so they were always quiet. "You seem to be enjoying the nice sunset, are you prepared for tonight, I believe we have a special guest tonight."
Beatrice looked up at him and blinked. She opened a journal she had beside her and picked up charcoal. She wrote in it and handed the page to him. it read: "We never have guests. Why now?"

She stood, very, very short compared to Zavion. Her long white hair almost reached the floor, but strands of white hair blew into her face as the cold wind struck again.
I awoke to the bird chirping outside my window. I looked at the birds before noticing that most of the village was already up. 'I might as well get ready for today.' I thought, putting on my bakers robe. Not only is my small cottage where I live but it also is where I sell bread and sweets.

I opened the door, switching my wooden sign to open before starting my day like usual. I rolled out dough, placed them into the furnace then repeated the process until 15 loafs of bread was complete. I then placed them on display tables outside then waited for my first costumers.
Zavion looked down to her "I wouldn't say guests, more of, specials for tonight, if your catching what i'm saying" He pulled one of the gun from his side and pointed it out towards the mountain way off in the distance and he pulled the trigger. There wasn't the average bang, it was more of a kaboom, after all it was lightning he just shot out of the end of it, after he watched as the lightning hit the mountainside "damn, a little off, still need a bit more practice" even though the mountain was miles and miles away.
las0r0o7 said:
Zavion looked down to her "I wouldn't say guests, more of, specials for tonight, if your catching what i'm saying" He pulled one of the gun from his side and pointed it out towards the mountain way off in the distance and he pulled the trigger. There wasn't the average bang, it was more of a kaboom, after all it was lightning he just shot out of the end of it, after he watched as the lightning hit the mountainside "damn, a little off, still need a bit more practice" even though the mountain was miles and miles away.
Beatrice suddenly covered her ears in pain. She looked up to him with tears in her eyes from the loud 'kaboom.' She sniffled and picked up her things and started to walk away. She folded her arms over her chest and tried ignoring him. it was quite rude and mean of him to do that to her.
Milton was on one of his daily strolls through the town, no destination in mind. In his hand was an ordinary dandelion that was held at eye level. He gently twisted it between his fingers, examining it thoroughly from every angle. A look of pure fascination was painted on his face.

He delicately cast the dandelion into the air in one swift movement, and with another wave of the hand he sent it away into the sky. He watched it float away until it was no more than speck. A slight smile touched his lips as he began picking up the pace. He still had no destination in mind. Perhaps he'd pay a visit to the local bakery.
"I guess I woke up too late..." I mumbled to myself seeing the sun setting. 'Now...what to do with this bread?' I started tapping on the table. It took me a minute or two, but I finally found an idea. 'Oh I know! I'll just do an overnight special on bread, that's it.' I thought, while putting flour in a bowl.

Right now I was about to bake strawberry short cake. I grabbed the jam and started mixing it with the dough until it was smooth. I poured the batter into a pan and popped it into the furnace.
Zavion spun the gun around on his finger for a second before pointing it back at the mountain again, and again, and again, he did this for a little while until he stopped all of sudden and came back over to Beatrice "I did it, I finally, I hit the flag on the top of the mountain"
Beatrice held her ears as Zavion kept shooting the mountain. Enough was enough when he approached her. She actually spoke. "Stop it, fool! You'll torment the bad ones." She said, then she quickly ran down the hill with a great speed. A howl emerged from the forest, then multiple joined in. The sun set behind the mountains, as the sky became dark.
Zavion looked at her for a second "Need you forget, I do this every day, however, now that I've got my goal it won't be done any more." he placed one of his floating skeletal arms on her head and pat her head as he began walking towards the well and looked down into it for a second and had made his decision on who was the next person, though his hunch was right from earlier today, he brought his arm back from Beatrice and looked at her and gave her a bit of a nod letting her know it was time to gather the people as he got the robes.
Milton stood outside of the bakery, or was it a cottage? They were one of the same as far as he knew. His hazel eyes considered the now dark sky. Perhaps it was too late to get anything afterall; however, the fresh aroma of baking treats from within told him otherwise. What's the harm in asking? With that he raised his hand to the door and knocked thrice.
"Hm?" I made a little sound before poking my head up from the furnace. 'Oh a customer.' I quickly pulled the cake out then placed it on a small plate. I then proceeded to the front of the shop, almost tripping over myself again for the billionth time.

"May I help you?" I spoke in a whisper.
Beatrice sighed and knocked on everyone's door, letting them know it was time for the sacrifice. She sat idly as the people surrounded the well, whispering among themselves, unknown to who was next. She lit the candles surrounding the bloody well, and the candles lifted the stench of death inside. She backed away, blowing out the match.
Zavion came back with the robes as he held them high over his head and he walked to one of the elders of the village and set his and on their shoulder and he went with Zavion to a little shack to change into the robes. Zavion placed the hood over his head and tied it for the man and asked him "any last requests" the man shook his head "just make sure we see another day Zavion, make sure we see another day." Zavion closed up the hood and let it look like a sack as usual and guided the man out and over to the well.
Miton surveyed the small bakery with mild interest. Out of the few years he's lived here, he's only visited the bakery twice. He smelled the faint scent of cake and decided it was to be his. He was about to order when the faint sound of knocking from outside interrupted him. He already knew what it meant. The sacrifice ceremony was starting. With a spin of the heel he swiveled around and headed out the door. "Sorry. Perhaps I'll catch you another time." he said with a sigh. He stepped out into the night air and inhaled deeply. He never liked the sacrifices, but for some unknown reason he still attended them.
I watched the boy walked out and sighed. 'Great another ceremony. When will these ever end?' I looked at the lit candle a little down the road. I just shook my head then walked out the door. Even though I never attended a ceremony before, I could tell something was going to happen today.
Thalia ran limping and bleeding through the forest towards the village she screamed as loud as she could " HELP!!! LET ME IN!!! " she stopped at the draw bridge and screamed for them to let it down as she held her arm and kept pressure off her left leg
"What was that?" I mumbled to myself, hearing thumping at the gate. I slowly back away from the crowd and made my way to the gate. As I grew closer, I heard a girls voice screaming for help. I quickly slide the gate door open then locked it back in place.

Thalia winced when she got pulled inside and stumbled a bit stefing herself she grunted " Thanks " then there was a bang on the door followed by a yelp and the scratching of receafing paws, Thalia wobbled and said quietly " Please catch me " then she fainted falling to the side

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