Dormer Academy

Aries smirked lightly as River said he wanted him to answer with an air horn just so that he could be there to watch and most likely hear that guy's - Wade was it? - reaction. Fine, if he was cool with it then Aries totally will answer with an air horn next soon as he gets his hands on one that is. He's sure Riesa could find him one.

He chuckled lightly when River said he was sure he was going to be the first victim of an attack and Aries shrugged lightly, "I was just guessing that she's going to get herself attacked, you could still end up getting attacked before she does, if you run outside and punch someone in the face, I'm sure that will do the trick."

He watched him skip to the door, and when he next spoke his words caused Aries's brows to furrow momentarily in thought. He stood for a moment, thinking over those seemingly innocent words before he glanced back up - expression back to normal - just in time to see River pop his head around the door. He grinned at the smaller boy's words before heading over and going out into the corridor, he spoke as he shut the door behind him, "I can get golden eggs. I'm not sure they'd be safe to eat though." Of course, when he says he can get golden eggs what he really means is that he can get some normal eggs and experiment on them until they turn a golden colour.

He then headed down the corridor, not glancing back to check if River was following or not, "You could eat them I suppose, if you're okay with possibly dying from poisoning, or having your skin go purple, either one."


Riesa grinned as Liza told her they would do it in the living room. As pleasing as the idea of her mama coming home and seeing their beautiful art work in just her room was, it would be even more amusing to mess up their living room so that everyone in the house could see it and have their own reactions. She wondered who else lived with Liza, as she watches the little girl pull over a chair, and she frowns lightly when she sees the cushions wobbling underneath Liza.

"Yeah I like dogs too Liza, I want my own dog but my brother won't let me have one," She says this half-distractedly, as she is watching the cushions beneath Liza with worry, and her own maternal instincts kick in when she sees the cushions all tilt to the side. Her eyes widen and she rushes over just in time to catch Liza as the cushions all fall off to the side.

She tilts her head at the little girl and giggles lightly, "You dumbo, you coulda hurt yourself there." She frowns as she looks up at the ceiling, "Hmm, I think I have an idea!" She then maneuvers Liza so that she is now sitting on her shoulders like she's seen dads do to their kids all the time, and she moves over to the wall, "There ya' go! Now I can draw on this wall while you draw on the ceiling, and this way you won't fall either!"

Satisfied with this idea, Riesa herself begins to use the pink lipstick she had swiped earlier to draw love hearts on the wall.


Faye laughs at Katarina's words, her eyes lighting up with her happiness, "That's a good idea, " She grins at her now, "You'd have to come with me though, otherwise I'll have no-one to laugh about it with." She gives her a teasing smirk, just to show she is joking in case Katarina doesn't feel brave enough to do that sort of thing, but she is happy now that she talked to Katarina. It's been a while since she had laughed properly with someone else and just joked around without being under the influence of alcohol.

For once she wasn't feeling any urges to do something stupid and it was nice to just relax and hang out with somebody like she was a normal teenager again.

She nods in response to Katarina's question, "Yeah sure thing" She follows her as she starts to walk to the academy, and glances back as she talks to Bas, her own eyes watching him for his response. She literally has to hold back a squeal when Bucky basically asks her on a date - a picnic date no less! - and asks if she'll be alright. She glances between them both before she cannot hold it in any longer, "Are you two dating or something?" She blurts this out, not realising it could be seen as rude, "Because you're really sweet together!" She has to stop herself from gushing over the cuteness.

If they aren't dating yet, then she is so going to have to set them up.
Cora looked up from her scribbling an studied the teacher for moment. She wondered if this place was really that big that two people could teach here and not know about it...crazy.

Shaking her head, she looked back down at the form, her eyes scanning the questions, making a face at some and easily filling out the others. It took her a few moments to fully explain jut what she was and her abilities. It felt funny seeing it all on paper. She had never had to explain herself this much before in her life. First Josh, then that nice woman, Faith, and now this...

When she was done, he dropped the pen and pad down loudly for effect and grinned. "What's next? Do I have to sacrifice a chicken or something?" She was only joking, but as wouldn't be surprised if there really was another strange initiation or something.


Bucky heard the other girl's faint sequel and smirked slightly, ducking his head slightly. He only looked up again when Faye questioned his and Katarina's relationship and eyed the human, curious as to what he response would be. Not wanting her to get embarrassed or anything he looked at Faye and offered her a small shrug.

"I think Katarina would be better at answering that and I would..." He looked at Kat again, still curious. They had still yet to really discuss their feelings an such. This was still all a bit new to him.

"Well it was very nice meeting you Faye..." He offered her another smile and then turned to Kat. "I'll see you later....keep my girl safe..." Turning again, he headed back in the direction of the staff quarters.
(Did Macal already read Alex's report? Because I'm not sure he'd know who took the weapon with aura reading, would he? Just a question. Also, is it night or day? I wonder if Aries could create something that could switch people's genders. Probably not, that's too much of a stretch for "science", isn't it? Still, some gender bender fun might have been entertaining.)

"Oh, thanks," Jagger said sarcastically as he watched the bag plop onto the floor. "I'll enjoy the stench of lackey sweat." The demon had pretty much tuned the god out during his little rant and rave about how unspoiled he was apparently. If this is how he reacted to a simple question, then it must not be a pretty sight when someone actually tried to wound this man's pride. "You done? It was just a question. I just thought the headmaster to a school of hormonal teens with dangerous abilities would have more pressing matters to attend to. Like defense or order, not a campus tour."

"I can just memorize a map of the place, but if you're offering a tour, then I might as well get it over with now. Might as well get an impression of the brats I'll be teaching or whatever. See if it's even worth it." While following Macal, Jagger took a look at the architecture of the place. It was big, that was certain. And there were signs of wear and tear that gave the illusion of it being rather old, which Jagger believed it be quite the opposite. After all, this was America and America didn't build castles. The place must've gotten its advanced abuse at the hands of the students or staff here. "So, why a castle? In this day and age, it can't be practical for people to learn combat in a stone prison. Especially with everyone bragging about state of the art training facilities, ones that can take a nuclear strike if need be. It must've cost a fortune to build this place. Did you tell your wife about the new class you're adding? Cheating 101?"
(ugh sorry for getting so behind. My work is insane)

Faith welcomed the refill of her glass, raising it as if in toast to Emma with one eyebrow cocked as though to underscore the other woman’s words. Lowering the glass back to her mouth and taking in another swallow, she shook her head, responding to her with a faint laugh.

“Yeah, lucky you, how do you get this radar shit going? I don’t’ think it’s so much the school falls apart without you as, you get some sixth sense of trouble and haul ass before you have to deal with it too.”

She smiled to show she was teasing and nudged her back, still keeping her tone light. “You want to help, I can point you in thirty different directions to start in. Pick a kid, any kid, and there’s something you can help with. But demon research is a great way to start.”


“Oh…okay,” Katarina said in response to Bucky’s statement that he was going to find Izzy, visibly disappointed, but she smiles back at him all the same. Noticing his hands going into his pockets rather than going out to touch her, she takes a step back, uncertain, and pockets her own hands as well. “Um…yeah, I’ll be okay. I’ll be with Faye, and she can sort of blast people into ashes, right, so…”

She gave Faye a quick smile too, though she still felt a little uncertain of Bucky’s reaction to her. Still, he had a right to be worried about his relatives, and truthfully she should soon check in on Adrian herself.

“Let me know if Izzy is okay…and um, I still would like the picnic, later.”

When Faye squeals, Katarina jumps, alarmed, her eyes darting to her, but it’s clear that the girl is simply happy. She flushes, ducking her head, when Faye asks if they are dating and says they are cute, but a quick glance up at Bucky doesn’t tell her what she too wants to know. His answer that Katarina is the one to ask is disappointingly evasive, and she doesn’t respond…until she hears him call her his girl. His girl…that must mean he does think of her like that, doesn’t he? Like he’s dating her? Like she’s his girlfriend?

Her small smile grows until her face is fairly glowing, and she turns to Faye, almost whispering, “He called me his girl. You think that means he does want to date me then?”


“I got a dog,” Liza informs Riesa as she continues to stretch and strain to draw on the ceiling. “His name is Casey. Plus also my daddy got dogs called Z and Ty but they are also little boys sometimes. They are silly I think. You oughtta just get a dog anyway and then all our dogs could play too.”

She pouts when Riesa removes her from her cushions, her scowl deepening when the other girl calls her “dumbo,” though the tone is gentle. Wiggling away from her, hands on her hips, she informs her, “I am not neither a dumbo. I am very smart. Plus also my ears are little and I am not an elephant.”

She becomes cheerful again when Riesa lifts her onto her shoulders, eyes brightening as she sees the potential of this arrangement. Patting Riesa’s head, she tells her, “I’ll forgive you for being mean I think ‘cause now I’m really tall and I can draw anywhere I want, I think.” Resuming her drawings on the ceiling, she hummed to herself happily.


Adrian, hanging back apart from both Sheena and Alex, gawked at this display from Sheena and from the words directed at her by Alex. This seems to him to be an uncomfortably awkward and private conversation between the two, and so muttering, he starts to back away, very much uncomfortable.

“Uh…right, I’ll just…find something else to do…”

“YOU STAY HERE!” Sheena snarled towards him, and he is astonished to see that her eyes are darkening, their dark blue color nearly black now, pupils dilated. She seems to be shaking, fists curling and uncurling as though she is about to punch someone or something, and when she starts after Alex with something like a growl, Adrian automatically grabs for her, intending to pull her back. He can tell immediately this was a bad plan when he feels her skin ripple beneath his hand, and even as he quickly removes his hand, stepping back, he sees that her face is changing, taking on a feral, animalistic quality even before he sees her start to shift.

Oh shit, is the first thought in his head, before his own anger is invoked. Yelling out at her without words, fire formed in his hand, and without thought Alex threw it towards her, intending to hit her straight in the chest.
(No he didn't read the report yet but Jagger said a student confiscated it, only a handful of students were on that plane.)

*Mac nodded at Jagger.* Technically it's not a castle it's a citadel and I chose it because it reminded me of home and yes I admit this, it gives us all a feeling of being elite..Of course everyone here is elite, rather they know it or not they were all hand picked to be here, no one is here by chance. *After walking for awhile he makes a left turn to a pair of double doors and pushes them open.* As for state of the art...Computer..Run Cord Protocol 5.6. *The room darkens then lights up as the holographic projectors start reproducing a battleground, filling with dozens soliders, tanks.* I think here state of the art is in our rear view, as you can see this is one of our Holographic training rooms but don't let the word Holographic fool you these things you see here are Hard Light which means what you see here not only looks real but it feels real..of course nothing here can kill but it hurts like a bitch. This is a room that you may like to use for your students..This isn't the room that I think will impress you that room something I think you might get a kick out of...Computer end protocol..*Moves back to the doors and pushes them open and goes across the hall and through another pair of double doors.* There are 3 chambers like this here but as far as I know I'm the only one that gets any use out of them...Not to many can handle this kind of chamber. This is a gravity chamber, in here I we can manipulate the gravity just within these walls, you can make it as heavy or as light as you want..Well I have put any a safety so that only I can exceed 20 times earth's gravity, I don't think even our most powerful students can withstand anymore then that without doing serious harm to themselves...I'm curious if you can exceeed 20 times tho. Want to give it a shot?

*Alex could feel Sheena's anger on the back of his neck, he couldn't decide rather or not to turn around and face what's coming or keep walking and hope she calms down but when she screams he's not sure if she's screaming at him or Adrian but it gets his attention and he turns as Sheena is moving towards him and Adrian tries to grab him, he almost relaxes when Adrian goes all firestarter and launches an attack at Sheena, suddenly Alex forgets why he's pissed at her and moves towards Adrian and grabs him and shoves him to the side moving in front of Sheena examining her making sure she's not on fire.* WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL SOMEONE!
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Emma smiled, "A radar would be much more handy for me, I mostly rely on my instincts to tell me when it's time to take a trip."

"I'll talk to a source of mine, run a few favors. Try to get some info on your demon problem. Demons are tricky business. I don't proclaim to be a Buffy, a vampire slayer or a witch hunter; my usual assortment of weapons do not include a wooden stake or holy water..."

Emma swirled the contents of her glass around. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I'll see what I can do Faith."

"You know," Emma fold the woman, "This kind of thing really makes me wonder. It makes me wonder happen to a person like myself if all evil was eradicated, if there were no distinction between good and evil, no reason to thwart one or the other. Quite likely it would make a person like myself, my training, my occupation, subsequently irrelevant." She stared at her drink, then swallowed back the rest of her glass and turned her eyes to meet Faith's.
(Hm, maybe it's just me but I would have assumed Alex or Sheena took it since they were in charge, sort of.)

"Just don't let that go to their heads. Teenagers already have massive egos. We don't want to add to that. Feeling elite must be nice but believing you're an elite can lead to overestimating your abilities. Hubris kills more people on the battlefield than any weapon can hope to do." As Macal showed him the holographic training room, Jagger had to admit that he was impressed. Technology had certainly come far since he'd last had to fight. Of course, last time he was a soldier was during WWII and tanks had just become useful. But was this "hard light" enough to teach these kids how to fight? There were lessons only true experience could teach you when it came to war.

"Impressive. But I hope the students don't know that it can't kill them. People do tend to surpass their limitations when in the face of death. These rooms do come with some form of shock absorbency right? Wouldn't want to keep destroying the rooms." Then the god of war introduced the demon to the gravitational chamber. Bit of a let down compared to the training room, seeing as it was a rather crude form of training, focusing more on the development of muscle than technique or ability. Perhaps a homage to Dragon Ball Z. Jagger shook his head when Macal offered him a test run. "No thank you. The soul may be immortal but the vessel is still that of a human boy. I haven't had much time to fully train in this body either so I may be especially weak now." It may have been possible in his demonic form but it's also been quite a while since he last had to use that form, so it may be a bit unstable now.
*Mac nodded at Jagger* Well these rooms are designed not to kill but I assure you the students will be challenged, it's not like training the way I was when I was growing up, my father would hand me a sword and shield and throw me onto a battlefield and wish me luck. And don't worry I've given these rooms a entense shakedown, if they can handle my powers with only the need of minor repairs they can handle anything. So of course you're not required to use them it's completely up to you this academy has a number of areas you can use to train your students. *Jagger speaks of the fragile body he's inhabiting again Mac nods.* Well it shouldn't take you long to get back into shape here, with a steady supply of food and rest and no threat of anything happening to you should have you up to speed in no time. *Mac exits the room and starts down the hall leading Jagger to the dining halls* You know I get what you're saying about the students overestimating their abilities but you need to understand something..Granted I don't want them to become arrogant but despite their advance powers and skills a lot of these students were treated poorly their entire lives before coming here, treated as if they were useless, not worth the air they breathe, disposable weapons . So yes we do encourage them to think of themselves as elite and we treat them that way because no one really did before here. I get arrogance leads to over estimating themselves but at the same time we can not have future leaders with no spines afraid to take chances or lead when they are called on to do so, we're trying to give them confidence in themselves and each other, learn how to build off of each other..Isn't that what us as leaders are suppose to do? Of course their are a few that will miss the point of these lessons but we will still try to teach it to them. *Rubbing the back of his head* Ok that's it I'm done with all my speeches now I promise you.
Adrian yelled without words as Alex thrust him away from Sheena, the fire in his hand falling to the floor and burning through part of it but dying out fast on the tile. Eyes nearly as dark as Sheena's, he begins to move towards her, even as Sheena pulls away from Alex, snarling into his face and snapping her teeth at him before circling back around to Alex. The two seem to be measuring each other up, eyes slitted, ready to strike...and simultaneously, Sheena lunges out at him again even as Adrian draws back his hand to throw another flame.


"Yeah, well, since my usual assortment of weapons kinda does and it doesn't seem to be doing a hell of a lot of good, be my guest with your way," Faith held up a hand as though to wave Emma on with it, finishing the rest of her glass and setting it down behind her. "Info is a great place to start, and I generally suck at research mode. Mostly because I get bored and would rather go out and hit things."

She smiled, well aware that she sounded like a teenager, but it was the truth. Although Sheena was more impulsive than she was, she had never really lost the instincts that made her cut from the same basic mold as the younger woman, the drive of a Slayer.

She looks up as Emma muses aloud, trying to figure out exactly what the woman is trying to say. She had a way of using words and phrasing like that which made Faith feel vaguely illiterate in comparison, which she supposed, being the high school dropout that she was, she was, in a way. Raising an eyebrow, she said, "English? You saying if there was no evil, we wouldn't exist? True enough in my case, because it was a bunch of cowardly men who forced demonic powers into a girl to make the first Slayer. So if evil wasn't there for her to fight they wouldn't have created her, and if the men weren't evil themselves, they wouldn't have ruined the lives of girls for centuries to come forcing them to fight it 'cause they didn't have the balls to."
Josh begins to relax, listening to the sounds of Cora's pen marking on the form and the secretary clacking away at a computer and otherwise the dead silence within the office. Joshua's breath slows, his mind wanders as it does on the brink of sleep, taking in the collective minds around him, almost as if he was in a crowded room and voices blurred together, he couldn't quite pick out words, not quite sound but it had the effect of white noise, to him it was like an artist's pallet when it was being washed. Distinct colors washing together making neutral colors. It was peaceful, feeling the colors.

Neutral colors running together.

Getting darker.

Cora's voice broke him from the edge of sleep. She me filmed something about chickens. Josh felt disoriented. He let Cora's voice fade away from him as he let his mind drift elsewhere. His gaze snapped on her, suddenly alert. "I'll meet up with you later, I have to leave."

Josh jumped up and ran out the door, leaving his things behind. He jogged down the hallway, looking into doorways, not quite sure what he was looking for. Just knowing something wasn't right. But he had to get to the bottom of this weird feeling. He hadnt experienced anything like this before. Well, similar things, but they didnt fit this. But if it was what he thought, he had to get there. He backtracked a few hallways, going down different directions. Cloning would be such a useful skill.

Suddenly he crossed one of the school's three cafeterias. He jolted to a stop and stared at the scene in front of him. He watched as a few mostly unfamiliar students were engaged on the verge of a fight. They radiated a kind of nebulous darkness.

Joshua strode forward. A female shifter on the verge of attack was hit with fire. An older boy attacked at the pyrokinetic student. The situation was only escalating.

"Enough." Joshua shouted throwing out his hands. The three students separated, moved by an invisible force, forming a triangle with Joshua in the center. It was pointless to remind them that the school clearly had a zero-tolerance policy for fighting. These students clearly were not in the right mind. "All of you, calm down." His voice was steady and stone cold.

The hair on the back of his neck prickled. Joshua tensed. He felt powerful. Calling the shots. Breaking up these students so easily.

Joshua locked up then, he threw up his mental wall, and wiped the sneer from his face. He had to stay calm.

"What is going on. Time to talk."
{Jirro's eyes look dark, they didn't change colors like before but the anger in them is very apparent, he and Izabella haven't been on the same page since they returned but right now they're one mind and purpose.} I refuse to wait any longer, we need to find Macal and Faith and get this over with, it is one thing to toy with my life but to do such a thing to you and what they did to Akira. It's {His fangs come back down and he starts grinding his teeth.} This is unforgiveable. This stupid, twisted vendetta those two have is dragging everyone around them into and we're all suffering. I almost blame Macal as much as I blame HardTime! {Starts to calm hisself down} I truely hope that Mitsumi loves Akira because once he feeds on her, they will be bound by the blood she shares with him. {He leans forward pressing his forehead to hers} We should go find the others now and get this whole thing over with.

{Inside Akira looks at Mitsumi confused} Are you sure you want to do this? You look unsure. {He reaches out to her and takes her hand} I may not know myself but I feel, no I know you would never hurt me so I trust you, I will do whatever you wish me to do without question Mitsumi, just tell me what I should do.

(I know it's crappy, tried to get it done on my dinner break.)
"Good," Jagger said in reference to Macal talking about how badly some of these kids were treated. He didn't mean anything by it. It was just he believed there were certain qualities and experiences earned from tragedy. Certain lessons that could only be learned through adversary and suffering. "I mean, you never heard of a superhero with a bright and cheery past, did you? Discrimination, cruelty and pain are what creates a warrior, as evil as it sounds."

As he was being led to the dining hall, Jagger could feel his stomach rumbling. Having not eaten since England, he felt like he could eat a horse or two . . . literally. He wasn't exactly a picky eater. As Macal stressed the safety of the school in regards to Jagger's training, the demon shook his head. "That's the very reason this body is weak. No battles or danger to provide experience or training. There's only so much the monotony of lifting weights or jogging can do."

Nearing the dining hall, Jagger felt something . . . off. There was something that felt like it was tugging on his mind. His eyes began turning red, though he wasn't feeling the least bit angry. Then came the noises from the room. It seemed a bit too loud, even for a bunch of teenagers. Opening the doors inside, Jagger saw what looked like a fight between three students, with an adult caught in the middle. "Is . . . is this normal?"
Cora was a bit startled when Josh just jumped up off from the couch like that, her eyes shifting to feral for a moment and only calmed down once he had left. "What the hell was that all about?" she mumbled, scratching at the back of her neck. Taking another look around the office, she noticed the secretary still there, staring pointedly at her and the forms she still held in her hands. "Oh, bad..." Smiling sheepishly, she grabbed her bag first before handing the woman everything she had written and wanders back into the hallway.

She could smell the fire, long before the sounds of a fight met her ears and she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck prickle slightly. Her first school fight...awesome...

Sighing softly, she followed the sounds down one hallway, nearly bumping into that man Macal again. He was with someone else, but Cora didn't know who. She still hardly knew anyone in this place. Peering in between the two men, she gasped softly when she spotted Josh moving his hands, and only then saw the three other people as they all moved in different directions. "Damn..." she whispered, craning her neck to get a better look. The smells revealed another Shifter, maybe a Lycan (she couldn't tell) and Cora found herself studying the girl pinned against one wall. She was pretty, even with the snarl on her face. The other two seemed human for the most part, but the faint burning smell seemed to be coming from the dark haired one, while the blonde just seemed to be normal.

Squeezing around Macal, she leaned against a wall, away from the fight, waiting to see what would happen next.



Bucky, still with the smile on his face after leaving Kat with Faye, was rounding the corner towards his room when he nearly bumped right into the Mochizuki couple. "Hey!" His eyes widened slightly as he took in the angry faces of Jirro and Izabella. "You guys are back...are you supposed to be back? Why are you guys- is Mitsumi okay?!"

Turning, Izzy rolled her eyes and told Bucky to hush before looking back at her husband. "I can track down Faith. Why don't you go look for Macal? The sooner we get this over with the better..."

"Get what over?"

Izzy looked back at the blonde, her expression unchanging as she simply stated, "Killing the Zwei's..."

HardTime and Marie?! They were going after those two?! "Are you f***-, you guys can't! That's like a suicide mission....aren't those two gods?! We just got you back! And now your daughter is guys can't keep leaving her behind all the know how that makes her feel...and after losing Esme..." Bucky paused, noticing the daggers Izzy was throwing his way and quickly shut up. He knew he had no right bringing up the subject of her dead daughter, not when she had died while in his care. Deep down he wondered if his best friend had ever truly forgiven him for that.

Tightening his jaw, Bucky turned to look at Jirro. "Look, I know you guys have been through a especially as it turns out. But please...just don't get yourselves killed...Mitsumi needs you...both of you..."

"She has Akira...another reason why he have to do this..." Izzy's hands were clenched into fists at her sides and Bucky could see the way a muscle in her cheek twitched. Wasn't Akira being here a good thing?

Looking in the direction of their apartment, Bucky's lips formed a hard line and he sighed softly. "I'll keep an eye on her...both of them...while you guys go do..." he tailed off and waved a hand around. "-whatever it is you guys have to go do..."

Offering Bucky a nod, Izzy looked back at Jirro and grabbed his hand. "Come on..."




Mitsumi sighed when Akira questioned her. The truth was, she wasn't sure. Not of helping him, but what would come of it after. She had never shared a blood link with another Black Blood before. Her link to Nathan had been brief, but she could still recall the intensity of it, and that had just been with a mortal. Swallowing hard, she hoped that Akira could see that she wasn't doubting him, but how she herself could handle it. She had never actually had someone feed from her...not in the way he was about to anyway...

Leaning up on tiptoe, she exposed more of her throat to him, grabbing onto his shoulder with her free hand for support. "Don't think about it, or second guess yourself...this is the only way to get you back to how you were before and...and I need you right please...just do it..."

Knowing he may need more of a push, she moved her pinkie slightly from the grip she still had on her hair and ran the nail against her skin, only nicking a small spot, but enough that she could feel and even smell it as a small bubble of blood appeared and threatened to drip. "Don't let my blood go to waste..."

"I suppose I have some patience to spare," Emilia shrugged. She had more patience than some, she wasn't one to be sloppy. She was known for getting the job done the first time. "As I said, I will look into it."

She listened, watching Faith above the rim of her glass, nodding respectively at her words. Emma gave a tiny smile at Faith's interpretation. "I suppose I'm just glad I have something do. Something to fill my time and to make use of the..." Emma chose her word after short consideration, "'Skills'...I was giving, that everyone is given to help each individual find their place in the world. That would be why they call a job or career an occupation." Emma paused. "I don't where I would be if I hadn't found an outlet, something to do with my "skills"."

Emilia became silent for a moment, her thoughts trailing in a million different direction. "When did the attacks begin?" She said suddenly. " Where did the happen? And who were the victims?"
*Alex backed up from Sheena and held up his hands.* Seriously I was just trying to help you and you're gonna snarl and snap at me! Screw this I'm outta here! *Before he can leave he feels a force push him against the wall and pin him there.* WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE! *He's a little dizzy because he knocked his head when he hit the wall so it takes him a moment to figure out what and who has him. When his eyes lock on Josh he yells at him to free him..Not really noticing the rage demon is slowly creeping into his mind making him try to reach for his gun on his side.* LET ME GO DAMMIT OR I'LL PLASTER YOUR BRAINS ALL OVER THE WALLS!

*As Mac steps in and sees all of this, he decides to let things play out, like Jagger he too senses something but unlike Jagger, Mac knows what's here, his eyes start to glow and he starts to scan the room for the demon's presense, even tho the 3 people being affected are fairly weak, this invasion would still require some power to affect all 3 of them. When Mac gets a glimpse of the demon he doesn't act instead he looks at Jagger to see what his reaction is.* Tell me Jagger what do you sense here? *It's not long until the security teams arrive on scene to break things up, Mac holds out his hand in front of them to hold them back long enough to give instructions.* Assist Josh, to deescalate this situation do not harm anyone but do not be afraid to take non-lethal action to subdue anyone that resist. *The fact that one of the people involve being Mac's daughter isn't lost on them and they voice that out loud but Mac indicates that doesn't matter. After that the security joins Josh's side and awaits his orders. Mac turns his attention back to Jagger.* So where were we? Can you sense something here?
Sheena fought against the force seemingly leaving her immobile, unable to move more than a few centimeters before her body locked up, outside of her control of it. Across from her Adrian and Alex too seemed to be experiencing the same issue as they strained and bucked against an invisible force holding them from lunging out at anyone around them. Still snarling, snapping her teeth at anyone who even looked in her direction, Sheena's body rippled with her continual shifting back and forth from human to Lycan as waves of anger flooded through her, increasing and then subsiding continuously before increasing again. Her fur smelled scorched even as her Lycan healing got to work healing the burned skin beneath, and all she could think of was breaking out of the invisible hold. She wanted to kill Adrian, Alex, and now Joshua too for doing this to her.

When Josh asks her to talk, she gladly takes the opportunity, turning to scream at him as well as the others. "I hate you all! I'm going to kill every single one of you, you think you're better than me, you're NOTHING, NOTHING! I'm stronger and faster and maybe I'm not as smart as bleachhead there but I can tear him apart faster than he can calculate sh*t and I WILL KILL YOU ALL IF YOU TOUCH ME!"


"I think it started a couple of days ago, in the cafeteria," Faith told Emma, thinking back. She tilted her head to the side, cracking her neck as she considered. "Adrian DeSanto usually seems to be part of it. His sister, not so much. Sheena...Alex. Liza, me. Vash and Riff. Faye, Raina. Evan. I don't know, it seemed like everyone at the time."

She shrugged, trying to think of a common denominator between them all. "Izzy and Jirro and Macal too...the only one I can think of it not affecting at least once in some way so far is Katarina DeSanto and Nickkie, the little girl. And the ghost, Ezra. So I would say it's live people with powers except that Nickkie has powers and is alive. So maybe people who are especially nice don't get affected? I don't know. People who are timid or shy?"

Just then a message popped up on her telecom, and she looked down at the band on her wrist, reading the alert message. Sighing, she started towards the door, tossing over her shoulder to Emma, "and now you get the chance to see it first hand. Issues in the caf, you coming?"
Faye, as soon as Bucky had left, turned to Katarina with a massive grin, when the other girl turns to her, almost glowing with the smile overtaking her face, and speaks quietly enough that it could be considered a whisper Faye nods excitedly, "Of course it does! You don't just go around calling girls YOUR girl unless you actually see them as your girl, like, your girlfriend. And it's totally obvious that he likes you!" She is almost bouncing on the heels of her bare feet in her excitement.

"I think the only reason he said I should ask you is because he didn't wanna say you were his girlfriend in case you didn't want to be his girlfriend, I think maybe he's not sure if you like him or not, and him calling you his girl means that he's gotta like you." She prodded her chin thoughtfully before grinning at Kat again, "This just means that you've got to show him somehow that you like him too! Have you guys talked about it yet? About liking each other?"

She gives her a supportive smile, liking the fact that she was just relaxing and having one of the first girly talks she's had for a while. It's nice to be a giggling, boy-obsessed teenager again for a bit.


Riesa giggled as Liza told her she was forgiven and began re-drawing as if nothing had even happened. She herself begins to also hum as she draws with Liza sitting on her shoulders. This was nice. She held back a content sigh as she drew alongside Liza. She knew if Aries were here he'd be saying - well, at least thinking - this was just her missing Mykal. It was true she had been very close to their little brother, enough so that even now she was still thinking of him, but maybe it was because she had an annoyingly large maternal instinct, even if Mykal wasn't her son he was close enough with being her baby brother, and even Aries was still technically her little brother.

She couldn't help but want to be around kids, play with them and protect them. It really didn't help that Liza was adorable and just generally fun to hang out with.

Glancing up to see Liza's drawings she grinned at her, "Woah Liza, that's a really cool one there!" She points to the latest drawing Liza has done before carrying on with her own group of love hearts that happen to have smiley faces, arms, legs and seem to be dancing with a cane and a top hat.

"When do ya' think your mama will come home so we can show her how cool our drawings are?"


Raina had left Faye a while back with that Katarina girl, she walked down the halls, clearly a bit pissed off from the way that she was walking, and maybe the fact that when a student accidentally bumped into her she snarled at them and shoved them away from, making them hit the wall. The poor girl didn't even dare to look back as she grabbed the book she had dropped and ran off.

At least some people in this damn school had some sense.

Raina was almost growling softly to herself as she marched down the halls. What the hell was up Faye's ass that made her snap at Raina like that? Sure, Raina might have been a TAD out of line to that human girl, but she was out of line to everyone, it's who she is! Why was Faye getting all pissy about it now when she knows Raina isn't good when it comes to well, being nice. Sure she knows how to, and most of the time she does want to, but she knows she can't. Life is, essentially, all about survival. And being that person who has the ability to step on those weaker than themselves to keep ahead has been something that has saved Raina's life many a time. So what was Faye's deal?

It was while she was silently fuming that she just managed to bump straight into someone, she growled angrily then, "Why the f*ck does everyone keep damn walking into me?!? I swear I will tear your he--" She glanced up, about to rip said person's head off, which was visible by the heated glare she sent them, only to see it was none-other than her favourite person in the whole entire world. Faith Cord. She rolled her eyes then, her anger having turned to just irritation now, "Oh it's you. Great." Sarcasm dripped from her words quite obviously, "That funeral cr*p went fine by the way, 'cept some crazy guy started shooting at us and Princess Lucifer thought it'd be a great idea to bring him back as a pet."

Her slight anger with Faye was also turning into anger at Katarina and this showed in her next sentence, "Oh, and who's bright idea was it to let powerless humans into this school? You do know they're gonna end up either being eaten by me or killed by a anger-fueled supernatural or something, right?"

(Yeah...Raina needs some form of blood, she's getting antsy xD )
(Guess Jagger can answer Mac later.)

*When Sheena and Alex start screaming, especially Sheena screaming she'll kill people, he can no longer stand aside, leaving Jagger he steps up by Josh, touching his shoulder to let him know he was there, he walks through Josh's field towards Sheena, giving Alex a stern look which silences him right away making him look away quite a shame of himself. Mac manages to stand in front of Sheena the same stern look on his face for her. He's pretty sure this is the rage demon's work but it's only amplifying what's already in her and he's still angry with how she's speaking.* SHEENA SNAP OUT OF IT! This is no way for a daughter of mine to behave, now come to your senses or do wish to kill me also? Now calm down before you hurt yourself!
Joshua gives a nod of greeting to Macal and the security team's appearance. To the security he tells them, "Contain the area. Clear the cafeteria, see to it that none of our students has been affected, and that whatever is going on is spread." The leader nodded and set his men to work. Josh was glad they had something to do other than stand around and look intimidated.

Seeing that Alex had a hold on himself, Joshua removed himself and focused on the two hot heads who were farther under the demon's influence. Sheena more obvious than Adrian, from the dilation of her pupils and her rage.

Josh felt a hand on his shoulder, feeling Alex's presence behind him, he eyed him warily. Joshua still watched him closely for a tell. There were personal feelings involved in this, Joshua was more astute than he led on, even without the telepathy.

Mac began to address the issue with his daughter. "Macal. Raising our voices won't help anyone. Fighting fire with fire won't work in this case."
Emilia frowns slightly. There is no noticeable patterns from the information Faith gave her. Of course, shed have to dig deeper anyway. "Things are always more complicated than what they look on the surface." She shifts her stance, leaning back on the railing, she crossed her ankles and folded her arms. "You have records on all of this of course--" Emma begins to say when Faith's comm beeps with an alert.

When the woman tells her that there is another incidence in the process downstairs, Emma jumps and is crouched, balancing on the railing, ready to spread a pair of wings and shift into a bird, or climb down the wall in the shape of a lizard when Emilia remembers Faith is not a shifter. She jumps down again and going inside to pull on her boots and a light jacket over her tee-shirt and shorts and is ready with the door open waiting for Faith. What was going to be a peaceful evening of relaxing just turned into a stressful night of angsty teenagers and taxing paperwork and research.

But Emilia did not complain, she remained quiet, jogging along with Faith to the cafeteria in shorts and combat boots. She pulled her almost dry hair into a loose ponytail not really knowing what to expect, but hopefully she would get something useful that would aid her newest task.
Josh was quite correct in his words to Macal. Although part of Sheena recognized her father, heard his words, and was ashamed of herself for her behavior, the piece of her that Thanatos had seized onto was only further infuriated. How dare he speak to her in this tone, like she was a child, like she was dumber than he was. How dare he interrupt her when he had no idea what was going on. He wasn't her father, not really, he had never wanted to be in the first place and she knew it. Tiny pieces of resentment that had still remained deeply buried within her were now amplified into fury, same as the pieces that were genuinely irritated with Alex, now blown way out of proportion, and rather than calming, Sheena fought harder against her holds. "YES I WILL KILL YOU! YOU THINK YOU CAN'T DIE, EVEN GODS GO DOWN SOME DAY!"

Across the room Adrian was doing little better, his own resentments towards Macal in particular, small as the genuine parts of it were, heightened as well, Sheena's anger and its energy feeding into his own. In the contained space around him fire flares continually, flickering out but then blazing again every few minutes as he too struggles.

As Faith strides down the hall, Emma on her heels, she almost smacks straight into Raina Sharpe, who immediately begins to spew venom that Faith has no time or patience to hear. She didn't have time to hear the girl's sarcasm or angry words, not listening to her at all as she strode past her, calling over her shoulder without looking at her, "Raina, got no time for this. You want to make yourself useful, you got two options. Stay out of my hair which means don't go to the cafeteria, or go get some staff to back us up if we need it. Either way, got no time for your bs."

As she enters the cafeteria, quickly taking in the situation and the stage it's reached, she takes a deep breath, feeling her faint irritation towards Raina and the situation at general threatening to blow up and become actual anger. She takes several more deep breaths, trying to push it down, refocus herself, and takes a second to whisper to Emma, "Do you feel it? The air is different. I can feel it in me, stop me if you need to. Okay?"

Another deep breath in and she steps forward, fairly controlled for now as she addresses both Sheena and Adrian. "Stop. Breathe. Now. Just breathe, do you hear me? This is the thing that happened before. This isn't you. BREATHE."


Katarina smiled a little wider, ducking her head as Faye enthused her support for her and Bucky's non relationship relationship. What the girl said made sense, gave her hope. If Bucky didn't really like her he wouldn't say those things...right?

"I do like him," she confided as she gestured for Faye to follow her towards the entrance of the school. "I do. I's just that he's older and a teacher and I'm a student...but I'm eighteen so I guess it's okay. I don't mind anyway. I've been with older guys before."

She paused, looking back at her as she waited for her, and added, "Do you have someone you like?"


"I know, it's wicked cool, isn't it?" Liza said proudly, admiring the drawing that Riesa had and clapping with delight when she saw Riesa's own, nearly losing her balance off the girl's shoulders as a result. "Yours is pretty too! We are so good at this! We are awesome I think."

She continues to draw contently for several more minutes before responding to her almost as an afterthought. "I don't know. We'll see...wanna play dress up after this? Plus also hide and go see with weapons? That is a really fun game."
*When Sheena screams back at him it's like a blinder was lifted, because just then he realized this demon actually tried to take him over and her voice actually brought him back to his senses. He probably has the strongest mind here and for a moment he was actually able to take control, it's a good thing he didn't try to hurt anyone. After clearing his head he stepped closer to Sheena, placing his hand under her chin lifting her head so she could see his eyes, speaking softly to her now.* you won't kill me or anyone else, you're not a child and you're not stupid or weak. rather you carry my blood or my name...You are a Cord, my daugther, we do not harm or kill the innocent, we fight to protect those that can not protect themselves...This is the creed of our family, now focus on my voice and listen to me carefully, their is a weak cowardly demon playing games with your mind....He thinks you're weak, he thinks that you are all wolf and not a woman...He thinks you are stupid....He needs your anger to feed him...So Sheena I want you to listen to me, calm down and come back to me...Sheena he feeds on anger so starve the bastard!

*Alex free now found himself a chair to sit in, when a memeber of the security team comes up to him and tells him to clear out, he pulls rank on the guy and sends him away with his tail between his legs, he watches as Mac and Sheena confront each other, scared that Sheena was going to get free and attack Mac and force him to hurt her, just makes him worry more. When he hears Mac talking about the demon, he realizes that this may be what Sheena was talking about when she said something was going on around here, now he can somewhat understand why she's so angry at him but it still doesn't explain how she treated him on the plane..The whole situation is confusing even for his mind to wrap around.*
(How can Alex pull rank when he quit? Did he automatically get his old position? Sorry, just curious. Also, would it be okay if Jagger knew about Thanatos? Well, maybe not know exactly but have memories of similar situations like this in Hell? If not, I can edit this out.)

Where did he see this before? When did he feel this? Jagger grabbed his head trying to remember why this all seemed so familiar. A sharp pain filled his head. It was strange. This deja vu feeling definitely meant that he saw this before but why couldn't he remember? His photographic memory was usually flawless. As he tried to think, he could feel something creep into the back of his mind, poking and prodding at the frustration he felt just now and the anger he had felt against Macal for seemingly looking down on him before. "Get the @#$% out of my head!" he shouted, and the presence seemed to go away.

That's when it hit him. Why this scene was so familiar and where he had seen it before. It was in Hell. This scene was like one of the fights between Barbelos, demon of wrath, and a few other demons. The fight was odd though because although Barbelos was always ready for a fight, no demon wanted to risk their life against the behemoth. So there was something he did to ensure himself a good fight every now and then. But what was it? What did he do? UGH! He still couldn't remember but the feeling of this was definitely similar.
Emma jogged along beside Faith, not quite sure which of the school's three cafeteria's they were routing, so she followed Faith's lead. Her light exchange with the woman beside her not minutes ago was behind her as she shifted into combat-ready mode.

They ran into a girl in the hallway, Faith immediately dismissing the otherwise foul-mouthed delinquent. Emilia would of handled that confrontation slightly differently. In Emilia's professional opinion, Faith encouraged the disobedience that ran wild here. her unprofessional individualized relationships with students made her an ineffective enforced. However, For the most part Emma could blame America for raising its children with loud mouths and little respect for their elders. In the Academy Emilia Belohkav was raised at, in the old country, such subordination would result punishment one would not be soon to forget. Of course, that sort of thing is not so popular in America, "child abuse" and all that. That was like the Americans to raise their young spoiled, spineless, and disrespectful. Emilia got punish often in school, at that age she had a loud mouth and more often than not talked with her fists, but unlike some of the children here she only started fights she knew she could finish.

Teaching here, she had to be more..."creative" at "enforcing behavior". She was not well liked, but her teaching strategies were effective and successful in the long run. She produced warriors. Emilia cultivated strength.

Her professional opinion was her professional opinion. Despite that, Faith was one of Emma's closest this god forsaken hell hole. Emilia jogged along side her into the cafeteria. Faith ran over to her daughter, Emma slowed in the doorway, walking into the room, doing a 360 scan. She stood to the side observing, there was not much she could do. She knew nothing about demons, and until she could dig herself into some research all she would be able to do was throw a book at a thing she couldn't even see until she had some time digest information and formulate an opinion as well as a plan.

Though Emma couldn't see it, she could feel the demon in the room, her shifter DNA kicking in, her animal fraction sensing something archaic and evil. Her eyes focused in on a man standing within the crowd who had his eyes closed. He was a demon. Perhaps the same that was controlling Faith's daughter? To her it seemed a likely possibility. It looked to be controlling a host, a student's body.

Emma's skin rippled. Her body tensed, ready to leap.

((Emma doesn't know about Jagger. Forgot that some people don't know he's on the "good" side, figured I could take advantage of this opportunity to stir the pot. Ams, is it kool if Emma tackles him or something. Wanted to ask first.))

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