Dormer Academy

((Ill do my posts tomorrow, sorry if I'm holding people up, in Maryland for the week to see my fam, things have been hectic. Plenty of free time after tonight))
(You do? Well, that's a bit awkward. I don't ship them at all . . . I actually have no plans of them ending up together . . . But yeah, Vash is a bit jealous right now.)

Mel narrowed her eyes at Alex. Sensing Mel's hostility toward Alex, Remmington began growling, baring his teeth at the boy. "Are you honestly threatening me? Here of all places? Did you forget that I am your only way out of here?! I can leave you here to rot if I feel like it! I can get myself back just fine. The reason we needed the jet was because the guest list got a bit out of control. The only thing I requested was for you to not treat him like a bloody criminal before he has any formal charges against him. You 'hero' types preach about protecting the innocent and basic human rights all the time. Why not act upon it?"

Based on experience, Mel losing her cool was not a very good sign, so Vash decided to intervene. The demon walked up to Mel, placing a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. "Look, Mel, he's just being careful. The guy did shoot at us earlier and he did say he was trying to kill us. He might be dangerous. He could be a murderer."

His hand was quickly smacked away as the dark haired girl turned to glare at him as well. "He may have tried, but he didn't. And if he has indeed been trapped in this place for the past nine to ten years, then he couldn't have killed anyone. There's no one to kill. Now are you really going to stand there and tell me to stand by as he gets treated like I was? Like Maria was?"

Vash had to step back as his sister was mentioned. He didn't want this guy to come back with him, but would that make him the same as those people who burned his sister alive for being pregnant with a bastard child? Mel seemed to trust this guy, seemed to know him, and Vash didn't like that. She was already treating this Jagger guy better than she did him. It wasn't fair.

Before he could say anything, Sheena had already agreed to allow Jagger to come back to the academy with them, although they would have to take responsibility for the guy. Mel nodded in agreement and started for the barrier to let everyone out. "Vash, carry Jagger. I don't think he can run very fast like that." Vash tried to protest but one look from Mel and her command became absolute.

To get out, the same ritual was performed as how to get in, with the sword, the light and the rush to make it to the other side before the wires and vines trapped you in. Once on the shuttle, Mel sat Jagger next to her, taking Vash's previous seat. Annoying the demon, Vash decided to sit in a different row, crossing his arms and pouting, though Mel didn't take notice. She was too busy staring at Jagger. The resemblance was uncanny. So much that a sense of guilt filled her chest. But it was okay now, right? It was as if Maer had come back to life.
*Alex is done arguing with people about common sense things, removes aside so everyone can pass him and he's bring up the rear back through the portal, his comms start coming back online as soon as they're on the other side. Back onboard the plane Alex stops short of the cockpit, blocking Sheena.* You can fly with them, I can handle this on my own. *Turning his back on her, he climbs back into his seat and starts the engines. During the flight back he doesn't speak or look at anyone, except for a communication back to Faith and Mac. "Returning home bringing in a hostile, will need support upon arrival". Hours later the plane lands at the airbase they left from, Alex doesn't open the doors until he's completely shut down, that's when he notices the troopers moving in around the plane, that's when he opens the doors allowing them to come onboard, he then leaves the cockpit and walks up to the commander and points out Jagger.* Him..He doesn't leave this plane until Faith or Mac gets here and says so! *Alex then pushes pass them again not looking at anyone especially Sheena. When the commander ask him where he was going? Alex replied* I quit, screw this place! *As he walks down the ramp to leave the plane he starts stripping off his gear and weapons, then drops his comm badge on the ground and steps on it as he walks out the hanger.*
River listened intently at Chameleon's reply and then scrunched up his nose and frowned at him. "Rage demon, dead guys? Jeez I was trying to get away from things like that... Disaster loves to follow me, it seems." He was muttering under his breath and didn't particularly care if Chameleon heard his words. His face contorted into a strange expression as River looked back at him and waved his hand in a motion to continue then the young assassin gave a look like the cat that swallowed the canary; Raina and Mel seemed rather interesting; River stood suddenly and began skipping away merrily, "I'll leave them well alone then, Lee, I don't want to cause any trouble, now do I?" Sarcasm hung heavy in the air when the hooded boy called back and in a heartbeat, the strange boy was gone.


It wasn't long until River started to hear some familiar voices as he neared the Family Dormitories, he stood outside of the doorway and lent against the wooden frame and waited for the opportune moment to burst in and make a dramatic entrance. Despite the crazy, annoying personality River held - he wasn't without emotions - he wasn't a immature child who didn't understand emotions and while Aries and Riesa spoke excitedly about the most usual, common house-hold objects River couldn't help the small smile that spread across his pale features. After that there was a sound of two thumps on the bed and a small yet heartfelt moment which helped River decide his moment to shine. Quickly, he bolted into the room, flipped onto the mattress and started bouncing around the twins - sending their bodies flying into the air. "Isn't" bounce "that" bounce "uncomfortable" bounce "to" he then stopped abruptly and landed heavily on Aries' upper leg, "sit like that?" River uttered a small opps and with a devilish grin collapsed and plonked himself on the male twin's lap.
It was true that Macal seemed calmer now, and when he touched Adrian, his hand was gentle, not shaking him or trying to crush his shoulder. Still, Adrian couldn't feel entirely assured, given all that had been going on, even as he tried for a smile back at the man.

"Okay. I mean, I guess you would know."

He paused before going on with his next question. "Macal? I'm sorry for how I've acted. I still...I still really need help, I guess. Learning what to do with myself. I know that whatever's going on gets to me, really bad. But even without's in me all on its own. And I need it not to be."


As everyone got back into the plane, Sheena automatically started towards the pilot area, by now weary enough of the snipping and anger to begin to think about trying to at least partly smooth the waters between her and Alex. But as she starts towards him, he brushes her off, even closing off the pit and sending her back in with the others. As she is closed off, she quickly becomes angry and beats on the divider.

"Alex! Don't be an idiot, you about crashed us last time! It's safer to have two and you know it, and anyway, it's my turn to drive!"

But when he didn't budge, with one last pounding she slunk back with the others, throwing herself in a seat beside Katarina, who looked quite concerned about this turn of events. Muttering under her breath about egos and idiots, she let Alex drive for the remainder of the flight, texting Faith that he was on a power trip rush, which was a text Faith didn't receive. When they finally landed back at the academy and procedures began to transport Jagger inside, the other passengers exiting the plane, and Sheena saw what Alex was doing, her eyes opened wide, and she ran to intercept him, snagging his arm.

"The hell are you doing, Alex, are you SERIOUS? You're leaving AGAIN?! Now!?"
*Mac started slowly started walking, pushing Adrian to come with him.* I think I understand, you have an inner fire and no I'm not talking about your powers, your fire probably started small but after years of life dumping on you that fire grew and started to fuel anger and resentment, somewhere along the way you've mistaken it as just you being over protective of your sister, that may be part of it but mostly it's directed at the entire world, so you close yourself off, you have little to no friends again directly impacting your relationship with your sister..She's all you got now. *Looks down at Adrian and smirks.* Kid all of that I just said is total bullshit! You got temper, you're possessive and you're anti-social, guess what, that's about 50 percent of the students here but the other 50 percent are the complete opposite which is why we encourage you kids to interact with each other, so you can each learn from each other. Kid you need to make friends, when you have friends by your side you don't sweat the small stuff so much, you won't let things like your sister dating if you are dating..Adrian on the path you're taking being alone all the time you're setting yourself up for a long lonely life. Tell you what there are a few guys here I'll introduce you to later.

*Alex yanks his arm away, he's clearly pissed off at Sheena more then he's ever been since he's known her.* Oh you're damn right I'm leaving, I'm sick and tire of you treating me like shit, you act like you're not the one that is wrong here! You got pissed at me for doing my job and getting Akira back, you took that as some personal slight against you, guess what the world doesn't revolve around you! Oh that's right before I left you said all those things to me in the cafeteria, think I forgot about all of that? But I was suppose to just jump and forgive you. Is that why you got so pissed at me that I didn't stay and just fall back in line and acted like what you said didn't hurt and just forgive you? Lastly you never listen to me, you didn't listen to me about this mission or your sister until after she killed someone innocent guess what that one is on you, you're such a damn child! You let your personal feelings interfer with a mission...Yes Sheena it was a mission, you know how I know it was a mission BECAUSE NOT A DAMN PERSON ON THAT PLANE WAS YOUR FRIEND! But you know who was your friend me! But since you wanted to act so self-righteous and what look cool for Raina and Mel two people who you hate, you made me look like a joke, you disregarded my orders and almost got people killed. If you had been doing your damn job and paying attention about how my damn visor was down and our communications were down, you would have been using your senses and probably have detected that Jagger guy before he got the damn drop on us and started shooting at us all...Oh by the way you're welcome because despite being pissed at you I was still willing to take a bullet for your selfish ass! So yeah I'm done with this academy and requesting a transfer back to my own command which I gave up for you! So I guess I'm not the genius I thought I was!
Emma sat with the folder, reading its contents passively. She did not have much opinion about the information, though it was in her distaste as it meant she was being kept tabs on. Her arrive back at the Academy had been fairly quiet, compared to the massive size of the school. It would be easy for her appearance to slip past. It made her wonder who or what she was dealing with.

Emilia stood feeling a few droplets on her cheek. She looked at the sky. It didnt look especially like rain, just regular overcast skies. The breeze licking at her damp hair, Emma padded back indoors. She set the folder inside her desk, locking the drawer with a key. In her bedroom she changed into a black tee-shirt and gray shorts, then shrugged back into the robe. She liked wearing it around the house.

She had to turn on more lights, the apartment growing dark as the day grew longer. It would be time for dinner soon. Emilia generally avoiding the dining hall. Instead, Emma would make her own trips to various produce markets in the fifty-mile radius of the Academy to purchase her groceries. Paranoid? Perhaps. She was perfectly suited to this lifestyle. Emma generally cooked for herself, but seeing how her fridge was cleaned out of perishables. It made cooking somewhat difficult without fundamental ingredients; eggs, milk, bread, meat. Emma didnt keep "frozen dinners", didnt care for all the nonsense chemicals in them. She opened cabinets, smelling the scents of cardboard and stale food.

Emma also picked up the scent of another, in the hallway. She felt the footsteps slow. She took a swig as she opened the door. "What's the password," she joked with a small smile, seeing Faith standing outside of her doorstep. "I wasn't expecting company, but come in,"

Emma lifted her glass, leaving the door open for Faith, walking inside and grabbing a second glass, "You a drinking woman?" She gestured to the crystal bottle.
Faith smiled as Emma asked her in, entering through the doorway after her and falling her into her kitchen area. Taking the glass from her, she raised an eyebrow as she answered wryly.

"I work with teenagers all day long and I'm from Boston. What do you think?"

Accepting the drink the woman offered, she took a swallow and stood across from her, looking at her over her glass. She let her eyes shift to take in the woman's home set up, not having visited very often before, but was not really interested in what she saw as she returned her attention back to Emma.

"So obviously we have some catching up to do. A lot happened while you were gone and I'm sure you have plenty to say about those twin terrors you dragged back with you."


Adrian had been following along with Macal pretty well, feeling that he was describing his life and how he got to be the way he was...that is until he took a 180 and turned it around saying it was his personality rather than life circumstances that made him the way he was. His softer expression stiffened, and he tensed his jaw, wanting to retort back and defend himself, but instead he took in a slow breath, released it, and made himself nod.

Maybe Macal did have a point, at least a little. He didn't try very hard to interact with anyone but Katarina, and he guessed Evan to some extent. Maybe it would be better if he did branch out past the box they had once inhabited together out of necessity, to let Katarina branch out too. Here it was dangerous still, but they were accepted. This was not their home and these people were not their parents. That family and that life was over, and all they had left was now.

"What people?" he asked, working up some curiosity. "I've met most of the students."


Stricken, Sheena took a step back, staring at Alex as she struggled to process everything he had just told her. It was a lot at once to take in, let alone form a response to, and her own strong emotions of anger, pride, upset feelings, and worry were warring within her, fighting for control. She too snapped back at him at first, but then gradually wound herself in, trying to subdue herself.

"They were my friends! I like Faye and Katarina and Bucky, and Raina might be a b*tch but she's not like an ENEMY, and same with Mel and there's nothing wrong with Vash! They are my friends, just because everyone is a potential threat to you doesn't mean we all have to be so paranoid! I'm not pissed because you brought Akira back, I'm pissed because the way you went about it and you KNOW that! The cafeteria stuff should be done and over with, you know I'm sorry and I didn't mean it, and I could name a hell of a lot of things that you've said to me over the past year by the way! I'm a child?! I'm not the one playing with the plane and people's safety just to be an ass, and I'm not the one who locked my supposed partner out of the cockpit! It was not a mission! It was an escort service and we're all fine, if you didn't notice! Don't blame any of this shit on me, I didn't do anything and I didn't see you doing much to make the situation better as it is, you could have provoked Remington into killing us because of how you acted with him! You have to follow the natives sometimes, Mel know where we were and how to be there and you could have charged in and got us all killed acting like you did! And now you're gonna just take off when the school needs you now more than ever? And you say I'm the child!"

Reeling herself back in, she took a deep breath, let it out, and said more quietly, through a tensed jaw, "Listen. We have a mission HERE at this SCHOOL. Everyone else is already bailing out on Faith and Macal. You're going to too now?"
HE WAS A FREAKING MONSTER BEAR SO EXCUSE ME IF MY FIRST INSTINCT WAS MY SURVIAL! And at least I didn't shoot him and I apologized to him...TO A BEAR I APOLOGIZED! And when I first got back I tried to make things right between us, but you pushed me away, you always push me away..And no matter what you think about me personally you don't ever undermine my authority in the field. What little creditibity I had with these people you've shot to hell. And no matter what you've done or say in the past when we're around other people I aways had you back, I've never undermined you in front of someone like Raina...Do you realize what you've done to me? Do you? Or do you even care? So now you want me to stay here where everyone thinks I'm a joke..because my own girlfriend told them so!

*Mac looked down at Adrian and grinned* You don't get motion sick do you? *Without waiting for him to answer Mac teleports with him to the hangar intent on introducing Adrian to Alex, not knowing Alex and Adrian already met and didn't really get along in fact they almost fought. Also the whole situation with Sheena and Alex fighting wasn't apparent until they appeared behind them and could hear then arguing. This is not the example he wanted to set for Adrian. Stepping away from Adrian.* Excuse me for a second son. *He steps forward and moves between the couple.* What the hell are you two doing? This isn't the place to be hashing out your personal business!

*Alex looks up at Mac, then at Sheena* I was just leaving, you'll have my report on your desk in an hour. *Pulls away and starts to walk off*

Alex..Alex..Agent Alex Sage! *Alex doesn't stop walking away.* Sheena what..You know what I don't want to know right now, put it in your report and I'll read it later, right now I want to introduce you to Adrian..Well you probably already know him but I want you to help him adjust to here.

(this post sucks sorry I'm really sleepy)
The plane ride was mostly silent with a mix of hostility and awkwardness in the air. Mel had spent the entire time glancing at Jagger out of the corner of her eye while feigning looking out the window. Vash had also spent the entire time looking at the stranger, peeking over the top of his seat with narrowed eyes. Trying to find something, anything, that could be reason enough to throw the guy off the plane. But Jagger didn't do anything suspicious. He spent the entire ride silent, going over various escape plans in his head. He looked at the cuffs put on him by the blonde brat. What a joke. Judging by what abilities he had seen back in Hallsands, the white haired guy seemed to control magnetism. Should the time come, Jagger could just use the dufus eyeing him in order to escape his restraints.

Then as the shuttle landed, it was stormed with officers with Alex telling the leader that Jagger was not to leave the craft until either Macal or Faith got there. Mel shot out of her seat. "What the Hell is going on?!" she yelled to Alex but he was already gone. "Come back here you overgroomed brat!" She then stood between Jagger and the troops. "You guys think he's a threat? I'm a thousand times more dangerous than he is." At her feet, pieces of black barbed wire began sprouting through the shuttle floor, but they quickly shrunk back and disappeared when Vash lifted Mel up, muffling her voice with his hand.

"Mel, I think that's enough. Sorry about her. She's just a bit . . . cranky. Not enough sleep and all that." Mel began to kick Vash's legs in order to force him to let her go, but the demon had already turned his legs to metal. So she could try all she wanted to. What Vash didn't account for was Mel biting his hand. "Ow! What was that for?!" He pulled his hand away, dropping Mel who subsequently shouted, "Stay away from my brother!"

Her sudden exclamation made Vash freeze. Her brother? Mel thought this guy was her brother? A sense of relief washed over him but was gone once he saw her try to attack one of the troopers. She was stopped though. Pulled back by none other than Jagger who looked at the commander with cold eyes. "I just have to stay here until one of the big guys comes here, right? Fine then. Whatever."

Though he agreed to it, Mel didn't like him being trapped here. If Faith was the one to evaluate whether or not he could stay, Mel could somewhat deal with that. But there was also a chance that Macal would come and she didn't want that eyesore deciding whether or not Jagger was fit to go here. She looked up at Jagger, trying to convince him to not agree to this unfair (Or at least unfair in her eyes.) treatment."But-" She was cut off when he glared at her, eyes practically glowing red. "Shut up, girl. In case you haven't noticed. I'm not your goddamn brother."

Mel fell silent, trying to process what Jagger had said. Maer had never said anything like that to her. This was not the way Maer acted. Seeing her in such a confused state, Vash took her by the shoulder and lead her off the aircraft and to their rooms. He glared at Jagger on the way out. Though he was glad to be rid of the guy, he didn't have to be such a d*ck about it.

After the two left, Jagger plopped himself down on an empty seat. His eyes, now green again, fell to the floor in a downcast gaze. He let out a deep sigh. That girl . . . Her eyes had raised his suspicions but just now, the idiot confirmed it when he called her name. She was Mel. The little sister of the vessel he possessed. His little sister. But she had certainly changed since she had killed him years ago. The innocent little girl he found in the dark room was now filled with nothing but hatred and anger. What had happened? He supposed he should postpone his escape a little bit. After all, he was her brother.
*Mac done with his conversation with Sheena for now, over hears the comotion on the plane, turning to walk towards the plane when he's stopped by a trooper who explains Alex's orders before he left. Out the corner of his eye he watches Mel and Vash to leave, quickly holding out his hand to stop them.* I didn't say this before but I'm truely sorry for your lost, my daughter was quite fond of Riff, and despite everyone's thinking that she likes everyone the truth is for Liza to truely become attach to someone, they must be an amazing person. Now do you not wish to stay with the person you've brought with you to see what his fate is? *Not waiting for an answer he walks up the ramp, the troopers onboard snap to still maintaining their weapons on Jagger but Mac just waves them off.* You're all dismissed. *The troopers didn't question the order and left the plane, Mac takes a seat in across from Jagger, he leans back into the seat and cross his legs showing how relax he was, then smiles at Jagger.* Well someone really knows how to make a first impression..I'm Macal, I guess you can say I'm in charge, the main man and...Well I have so many titles I would bore you trying to list them all. So lets get down to brass tacs. *He leans forward and his eyes glow* My my aren't you a twisted little monster? Well what should I do with someone like you? Well in the past I would probably tear your head off and drop kick it into space....However given the academy's charter is not to judge someone on their aligment I'm force to extend the invitation to stay, if you want it. However understand you will find things difficult at the Academy, you will not be able to spill blood here. *Mac waves his hand and the cuffs fall off, then he stands.* Someone will see to it you get settled in. Wait I bet you're wondering why I'm letting your twisted ass into this place? Because this is an academy for combat and students won't learn anything if all they know about is how the good guys operate..Just don't take advantage of my trust.

(I was gonna zap him but I remembered he hasn't read Alex and Sheena's report so he doesn't know Jagger shot at the group..Again sorry if this is a crappy post, I'm heading out.)
Raina literally just waves off Alex's words with one hand and Faye responds by clenching her fists and tightening her lips, but also doesn't speak. They both watched as Mel and the others argued amongst themselves and Raina rolled her eyes, about to speak up and complain about wanting to go back already, but it seemed the children were done as they all piled back onto the plane. Faye did however notice and watch Vash's reactions to Mel and this newcomer, he seemed upset and she made a mental note to talk to him later.

Raina grinned though as, when the plane landed, Alex literally stormed out, obviously pissed, and even said he quit. She let out a, "Whoop!" and fist punched the air, "Does that mean you'll be leaving?" She watches the two argue with a smirk and amusement in her eyes, her smirk did however fall when Sheena's sister was mentioned, sure Evangeline was a b*tch, but that was a low blow, even for her. Faye glared at Alex as he shouted that no-one on the plane was Sheena's friend, and she spoke up instantly, not caring if they heard her or not, "I'm her friend! I like Sheena!" She grumbles to herself a little bit then carries on watching as they argue more and then Macal is coming over, to which she note Raina rolls her eyes at.

"Right, the BFG is here, which means the fun is gone, let's go Faye" Faye nodded, but it was then that there was an exclamation from the plane and Faye looked back, watching with wide eyes as Mel seemed to be freaking out. She blinked in shock when Mel shouted about this new guy Jagger being her brother. So that's why she wanted him to come back with them? She made a move to head over and help them out, but a hand on her wrist pulled her back and she glanced up into Raina's stoic eyes, "Leave it Faye, I know you wanna help but that looks more like something that Mel needs to sort out on her own." Faye bit her bottom lip lightly, before nodding, "Okay," It seemed to be the right choice then, as Mel and Vash walked past them and back to the school. The fire girl glanced back once more at Jagger, as though debating now whether to talk to him or not, but another tug on her arm and she sighed before letting Raina pull her away, she paused next to Macal though and gave him a wave and smile before continuing on, "Hey Macal! Nice to see you again!" She was pretty sure she hadn't seen the big guy since she arrived, though she knew Raina had, but maybe she just had bad memory. Too much stuff had happened already in the past few days for her to remember much of anything.


Chameleon watched as the odd boy responded to him, and shrugged as he spoke of disaster following him, "Actually, pretty sure it was here before you showed up." Chameleon wasn't stupid though, he noticed the look River had when he told him to stay away from Mel and Raina. It was clear the guy was going to do the exact opposite of what he had suggested.

He just hoped he wasn't going to be the one to find River's dead body once the girls were done with him.

He watched as the guy skipped away, a small grin tugged at his lips at the girly action but he held back the laugh and simply nodded, catching the sarcasm that dripped from the guy's words, "Alright then, just make sure you take a medic with you when you do go to bug them." He smirked before pushing himself up off the window sill and also beginning to walk away in the other direction.

Well, that was a few minutes killed. Now what?


They were enjoying a peaceful moment, eyes closed, each listening to the beating of the other's heart, then...BOOM. Suddenly both twins were flying up into the air, and both pairs of brown eyes shot open, Aries gasped, caught off guard, and Riesa just started giggling madly as she spotted River being the one who had jumped on them. Aries - once he had realised it was just River bouncing on them - had calmed down and was intending to answer River's question but then with the last few words River slammed himself down, hitting Aries crotch somehow on the way, and the younger male let out a wince and a VERY manly yelp, thank you very much, at the sudden pain that raced through him.

Riesa just grinned, sitting crossed legged on the bed now, catching on that River had just slammed himself into Aries's nuts - unintentional or not she couldn't tell, but it was still hilarious - she watched as he regained his composure before glancing down at the other boy and speaking. "It's actually really comfortable, what you just did however, really wasn't."

He was about to ask why River had come bursting into their room, but then there was a yell from Riesa and Aries watched as the blonde girl shoved River right off of Aries - onto the floor - and glared lightly at him, "Hey! Aries is my pillow to lay on, not yours! So back off mister!" Aries smirked in amusement and pulled himself up so that he was resting on his elbows. "Do I have a say in this?" Riesa grinned at him and stuck her tongue out, "Nope." She then went back to glaring at River - though you could see the amusement in her eyes - and spoke again, "Anyway, if you want a pillow so bad go and use that one!" She pointed to the untouched other bed in the room, "In fact, can you take the whole bed? We don't need it, you could turn it into a really small, really unbouncy bouncy castle!"
(It wouldn't matter anyway since Jagger can "eat" any attack that does not have a solid physical form, so he could just eat that lightning. You also know that Jagger isn't a villain, right?)

Vash stopped as Macal put out his hand, but Mel brushed past it, still hating the war god for that morning. "Unless those pretty words of yours can bring back my servant, I do not wish to hear such words from an eyesore. And why bother waiting for someone who doesn't want you there?" As the war guy left for the plane, Mel and Vash continued into the castle.

About halfway back to their rooms, Vash glanced at the back of Mel's head. He wasn't quite sure how she took the whole thing with what Jagger had said. Was she sad? Or mad? It was rather hard to read emotions, especially when only looking at black hair. He was feeling rather conflicted now. He didn't want Jagger here but if it hurt Mel . . . "Mel, he probably didn't mean any of that."

"Vash. I just want to go to bed, okay? I don't want to talk about this now." By this time, the two had reached the door to Mel's room. Now facing eachother with less than two feet separating them, Mel was waiting for Vash to leave so she could go in. Vash was waiting for the right words to come to mind. "Don't take what he said to heart, okay?" "Vash, I'm tired." "I know. But I mean it. We don't need that guy. I know my cooking sucks but with a few lessons, maybe I can take Riff's place instead of hi-"

The demon was stopped mid-sentence by sentence with a punch to the face, sending him staggering back. Hand pressed against his face, he looked to see Mel's face full of disgust. "How dare you even insinuate that I'm trying to replace Riff. I didn't bring Jagger back because I wanted him to take Riff's place! Riff is Riff. Just like you are Vash and there is nothing that will replace you if you're gone. Jagger is my b-" "He's not your brother!" Vash yelled back at her. "Your brother is dead! You told us that many times. So there is no way that Jagger guy can be him!" "You think I don't know that?!" Mel was now shaking a bit, eyes looking down as she fought back the urge to hit Vash again. "I was the one who killed him. I dug his grave with my own hands. I know better than anyone else than he isn't coming back! But . . . I still miss my brother. My first friend. I still want to see him. To apologize for what I did. And having Jagger here, who looks just like him, makes me feel like I can do that."

Hearing Mel say that made Vash feel like a jerk. Who was he to tell her that she couldn't believe her brother came back from the dead? If Vash found someone who looked like Maria, he may have used that girl as a replacement too. "Look, Mel, I'm sorry." "I think it'd be best if you just leave." And with that, Mel went into her room and slammed the door in Vash's face. There was nothing but silence on the other side of that door and the demon took that as signal to really leave like she had said. Yeah, he pretty much screwed up big time.


Jagger crossed his arms, eyeing Macal with a raised eyebrow. "My, my, the later generations sure have become rather disappointing, haven't they? You'd think the head of an academy would lead by example and respect his elders. And good luck with the whole head football thing. I cannot die. Or at least not truly." Though his current vessel was just 21 years old, Jagger had been around for thousands of years. He had lived countless different lives and remembered every detail of each one, including seducing Cleopatra along the Nile shore, and failing at it. This man in front of him couldn't be more than 800 years old at best. "I have quite a few names myself," he said. "However, I currently go by Jagger."

When Macal's eyes start to glow, the demon chuckled to himself, his own eyes turning blood red. "Nice parlor trick. Are you going to pull a rabbit out of your arse now?" Then the war god began going on about how the academy didn't judge people by if they were evil or good. The whole thing so ridiculous that Jagger couldn't help but laugh at it all. "And you are doing such a wonderful job at this neutrality thing. Though I can't believe that the others are getting as warm a welcome as I am. And you honestly think I am the twisted one here? You holy types have always been the true sickos in my eyes. Strutting around like some prize winning horse. Believing that you're better than the rest of the world just because you think the Creator is on your side. So eager to force your values onto others and to use violence should they refuse. Even now you preach neutrality and not caring for alignments and yet you have clearly labeled me as evil. You assume that I will go tearing your students apart and feasting on their flesh the moment you turn around? Well, let me tell you that I have not spilled blood since fighting alongside soldiers on the beaches of Normandy."

"I do have a need to stay at your pathetic excuse for neutral ground. But it is not to be told the same things I've experienced through teachers not even old enough to pass for my great great grandchildren. It is not for your trust although I doubt you're even really offering it. I have a duty to this vessel and I plan on carrying it out."
(Jagger is hardly Mac's elder by human measures Mac is about 12,300 years old but that's just a number he uses that mortals can wrap their minds around his age. And a common mistake people make is Mac's lighting although it sometimes appears to come from the sky is not natural lighting, it's a power from his own body, he sometimes channels it through the two guns he carries but that's just to take some of the kick out of it.)

*Mac turns and smirks* Oh I didn't say you're evil, I said you're a twisted little bastard, my eyes glowing wasn't to scare you it was so I could read your aura and I know that body you're in isn't yours. I'm here to offer you the choice to stay or go. Man I do love it when you tough guys like to spout stuff and act all tough..It's just sooooo scary...You're a funny guy I like that. stay funny it's so cute. Anyway I'm gonna get some pancakes, you want to eat but first I would suggest you take a shower no offense but your smell like the business end of a dead horse. We can discuss this duty after you get cleaned up over some pancakes. As for my trust..I'm Macal Cord God of War..King to the Realm of Oberian, Paladin of the First Order, Second Son of Heironeus and Executive Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I lead armies on multiple worlds, soldiers, knights, troopers, when I give someone my word I keep it. When I say you are welcome here as long as you do not spill blood then you are welcome. However if I say I will destroy you if you betray my trust. Then you can goddamn take that to the bank because there is no where I can't find you. Now shower and pancakes are you down with that or are you one of those french toast people?
"You never undermined me in front of anyone?! What the hell do you call it every time you tell me I can't do my job or BAN ME FROM THE COCKPIT, I seem to remember Raina being there! Our job was to fly those people over there and keep them safe. Which we did, perfectly well, when Jagger showed up, but until then there was no threat, Alex, why the hell can't you accept that?" Sheena yelled back, losing her efforts to keep cool now as she strode closer to him, grabbing his arm. She was nearly as tall as he was and so looked him straight in the face as she continued.

"If you really cared about anyone you would stay because staying here and protecting this SCHOOL is our mission. I shouldn't even be a factor here, but if I am, that means you're basing your whole sense of worth and your life around me, and yet you call ME the child!"

As Macal teleported in with Adrian, the boy staggers, dizzy and disoriented, only a few feet from their argument, interrupting them both. As Alex stalks off and Macal thrusts Adrian towards Sheena, she ignores everyone else, lowering her head and taking deep breaths, trying not to lose her temper. She can feel her anger stirring strongly, her skin prickling with her urge to shift, but she fights it down, not raising her eyes until she is back in control.

Forcing a tight smile to Adrian, she nods. "Uh. We're back alive if not well, but your sister is fine, if you were worried about her. She's...somewhere...let's...go find MY sister. Okay?"

Barely waiting to see if he was following, she entered the building, searching for Faith, with a bemused Adrian trailing more slowly behind her.


Katarina had in fact started to walk away with Bucky the moment they landed, eager to get away from the tension and fighting that had been occurring from the moment they got on the plane and only seemed to be escalating once they had landed. It wasn't very long before she heard someone walking from behind them, and when she turned, she realized that Faye and Raina were behind her. Stopping and giving them a small, careful smile, still wary of Raina, she waved. "Where are you going? Are they still fighting back there?"


The party with the children in the castle is winding down, but Liza is still very much energetic. Singing loudly to herself, she randomly teleports in and out of rooms, startling and frightening many people and giggling, waving, and greeting them before teleporting right back out again. When she lands inside the room with Riesa and Aries and River, however, right in the middle of the bed, she pauses, interested, and gives a bounce and a wave.

"Hi! I'm Liza. It looks fun in here. Can I play?"
(Well, as long as no bullets come out as well, Jagger can eat it. He'd still be able to eat the lightning but not the bullets. And oh, I thought Mac was like 700-something like it said on his character sheet. But as Beelzebub, Jagger has been around since before the beginning, in the Biblical meaning of the word, although as a Cherubim angel and one of the original angels who rebelled against God with Lucifer. Perhaps that would make them the same age? . . . I have no idea.)

"You try smelling like a field of flowers with a demonic bear hogging the hot spring and no running water for ten years," Jagger said, rolling his eyes. "Though I am surprised that Lycan and vampire girls didn't throw up on the ride back. And if memory serves me right, and it always does, you said that you were allowing my 'twisted a**' to be here because your students 'won't learn anything if all they know about if how the good guys operate.' That's already pinning me as a bad guy unless you've already forgotten it. And if your senile mind is any indication, you should already be old enough to know that there are way more 'twisted' creatures in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some in your school already."

Jagger let out a sigh and sat back crossing his legs, though his body was still stiff. He couldn't bring himself to trust this man, a holy type who was already flaunting his status around as if it were a weapon. History has shown how much Jagger hated anything to do with God and this "paladin" was no exception. "I was not trying to be 'tough' as you so eloquently put it. I am merely tired, cranky, hungry and do not like being talked down to, especially when you are putting me on equal ground as other demons. If you do not wish for me to confirm my prejudices of you and your kind, I'd much prefer if you didn't compare me to those pea brained pathetic excuses for demons you've already come across. I am far more intelligent than them and do not needlessly thirst for blood and violence like those lesser beings. However, I've already told you. This vessel apparently has a duty to fulfill here and if bloodshed is necessary to complete it, only then will it be shed."

The demon stood as Macal told him to go shower and eat. "I'm more of a waffle guy myself. Not that frozen toaster sh*t but real Belgian waffles. But I'll have to pass. I just need some sleep before I pass out in the shower."

(Not sure how Jagger will feel about being a student . . . But if I make him a teacher, I don't have any idea what he could teach. Poo.)
River laughed loudly at Aries' sharp cry and wiggled his eyebrows at him in response to his statement then merely returned an innocent smile. "Total accident, ya' know?" For a few moments longer, River was watching Aries - it seemed he was about to say something - that was until his body jerked backwards from being propelled to the floor by Riesa; he had landed on his back, his legs resting against the side of the bed and feet dangling in the air - which he playfully waved backward and forward. From the floor, he eyed Riesa in mock-disdain as she spoke. "Hey! Aries is my pillow to lay on, not yours! So back off mister!" The humor clearly shone in her eyes so River didn't have to not-worry about making more enemies. Placing a pale head to his chest, River dipped his head awkwardly from the ground, "my apologies, madam. I'll be sure not to claim Aries as my personal cushion in the future." His blue eyes directed towards her foot, "you got a mean kick there, bub," River said absentmindedly.

In amusement, he watched them interact from the floor and when they finished, he perked up once more while Riesa offered the now spare bed to River; mind you, not as a bed but as a mini unbouncy castle and it sounded highly tempting. "I think I'll take you up on that offer." River responded. "I don't know where my actual room is since I, you know, ditched you guys." He paused for a moment and looked around the room and then stared sheepishly at a random spot on the wall. "I forgot my suitcase. I definitely had it with me during the drive here... where did I leave it? Damn. I hope no one opens it or they'll be met with a few... explosives..." River mostly muttered this under his breath. "Hm, I suppose I'll have to go find it, don't want to be told off for melting the faces of students on the first day - I'd be frowned upon!"

Due to River's nifty ability to have some control over the earth he could easily detect when people were sneaking up on him and such however he had no experience dealing with teleporting children; this caused him to shout loudly when Liza - as she announced herself - appeared on the bed. River rolled completely over his head and landed sprawled out on the floor uncomfortably. "Why are you teleporting?! You are a child, don't do that it's weird and it made me jump and-" sensing that his reaction may cause the trio to laugh at him he stared darkly with pursed lips, "-don't laugh at me, bubs." The sudden change in emotion and the seriousness of it made it difficult to tell if River was teasing or not.
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*Mac nodded to Jagger and grinned* Well if I insulted your intelligence I apologize and if I offended you by labeling a common demon again my apologies, however that body you're using is not yours and I seriously doubt a young man in that kind of shape willingly offered himself to be hallowed out and shucked aside like a bad peanut. You are obiviously a being that gets things done by any means. That's something we usually don't teach here. Of course I'm not advocating students to use dirty and under-handed tricks but I would like them to know that those means exist and can be used against them, I want my students to strive for victory despite the challenges they will face. So I'm gonna take a chance an offer you a position here, to teach a class....Call it Alternative Tactics or whatever. *Mac waves over a trooper.* Take Mr....? I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, oh well just fill out the paperwork and we'll figure it out later...Now I'm gonna go enjoy some pancakes before I explain to my wife that I've allowed you to stay..And lets just say it's a good thing I'm immortal cause she may not take it very well.
(He could teach History? xD Heh, sorry, age joke.)

Raina was still sort of dragging Faye away from the plane when that human girl Katarina turned and gave them a small smile and a wave, Raina paused, narrowing her eyes at the girl as she spoke to them. Just because she may have gotten a bit soft with some people, like Faye and Liza, didn't mean she still didn't hate every other idiot she came across; Katarina included.

She held back a small growl and instead settled for rolling her eyes and speaking bitterly to the girl in front of her, "Where we're going is none of your beeswax, and how the hell would I know?" She made a move to walk past Katarina then, and just because she's mean like that she bumped right into the girl's shoulder as she walked past. She glanced back over her shoulder at her sister, "Come on Faye,"

Faye meanwhile was frowning heavily at Raina and she shook her head, her anger evident in her tone, "No. You go ahead. I'm staying here with Katarina and apologizing to her for you being such a b*tch." Raina's questioning look soon turned to a scowl and she shrugged, "Fine whatever." She then carried on walking off into the school building, not even looking back once. Faye sighed irritably before turning to Katarina and giving her a smile, "Sorry, Rai's's not that she means to be mean. Well, I suppose she does. It's hard to explain. She's just not very used to being nice to people, it's sorta a new thing for her, so it'll take a while until she's good at it."

She then glanced back at the plane then looked back to Katarina and shrugged, "I'm not sure really, I think Macal is giving Jagger one of his really long, 'i'm-a-god-you-shall-listen-to-me' speeches, but no more fighting, I'm guessing anyway. As for where I'm going..I don't know," She grinned slightly, "I mean, until classes re-start again tomorrow I really haven't got anything to do"


Riesa smirked as River complimented her kick but didn't comment on it; she already knew she had a mean kick. She was just glad River wasn't going to use her Aries as a cushion anymore. She grinned widely when River said he'd take the bed off their hands and did a bounce on the bed in her excitement, "Yay! That means we can get a jacuzzi to put there instead! I've always wanted one of those things!" Aries raised a brow at that but he was smirking lightly, "A jacuzzi Ri? Where do you plan to get one of those from?" The blonde twin shrugged, "I dunno, I'll steal one or something. It'll be easy as pie." Aries chuckled lightly at that, "As easy as pie? Ri, you can't even do your times tables without freaking out." She scowled at him then and bonked his head lightly, "Maths is evil, I tell you this all the time, you should listen to your older sister." He rolled his eyes at that and glanced to River, about to comment on the suitcase exploding comment.

But then there was a small thump on the bed and the twins looked with wide eyes to see a small girl who looked no older than five sitting on the bed smiling at them. To be honest, Riesa and Aries would have laughed at River if it weren't for that fact that Liza's appearance had shocked them as much as it had River. It seemed Riesa was the first to recover though, as after her initial shock she realised that there was an adorable child sitting on her bed, asking to play and she couldn't stop the huge smile that took over her face as she practically smothered Liza in a hug, squeezing the life out of her, "Of course we can play!" She then pulled back and prodded Liza's cheek, "Awww! You're just so CUTE! Can I buy you loads of dresses and toys and we can play mummy and baby and you could so be my little sister! I've always wanted a little sister!"

Aries meanwhile, was now pinching the bridge of his nose very lightly and muttering to himself, "It had to be a kid didn't it? Great, just great." He then stopped and looked over at River, seemingly ignoring his twin who was now asking to give Liza a makeover, "Sorry, she likes kids. A lot." He opened his mouth, about to say something else when suddenly his phone jolted in his pocket and began ringing, he frowned then and glanced at Riesa; she was the only one who had his number. But she was too busy playing with Liza, and obviously wasn't calling him, so he frowned and pulled the phone out of his pocket. The number simply said 'Withdrawn' so he shrugged and answered anyway.

"Hello?" A loud voice came through the other end and Aries pulled it away from his ear a bit before listening, "Hey complete-and-total-stranger-whose-cellphone-number-I-happened-to-find-and-decided-to-call! It's Wade Wilson here, totally your lucky day, kiddo, and I gotta' to talk to someone that is not you. Look, just go find River Chander for me cause, uh, he has turned off his phone. I don't think River is very happy with me and that it makes me want to cry!" There was a pause and Aries decided to speak, "Um, sure. Wait, how the heck did you get my number?" The guy on the other end of the phone seemed to completely ignore him as he carried on speaking, "I like you! Mind if I call ya' Alonso? Cool, Jo won't mind so you'll obviously be fine with it. Anyway, Alonso, get your ass moving and find River, 'kay? We need to move on for our readers." Aries just blinked before speaking; he was sure his face just looked utterly confused and a bit bemused, "Our readers? And who is Jo?" There was some sort of dismissal sound on the other end of the phone before the guy spoke again, "It's a fourth wall thing, just go with the flow." Aries sighed and didn't speak anymore as he chucked the phone at River, "It's for you." He didn't even bother telling him the guy's name before glancing at Riesa and Liza; just to check Riesa hadn't scared the kid off yet.
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((sorry for holding anyone up. I've been out dealing with family issues but I'm heading back to NY in a few hours so I'll be able to get online to do all my replies once I get home tonight. Sorry again :/ ))
"Sounds like you have an earful to give me." Emma mused, "What's on your mind? Perhaps you can start with the dead student, or the rumors going around about some nasty stuff."

"It's a bit stuffy in here," Emilia said, mostly to herself. She drew back the drapes, dust clouded the air in the rays of evening light. Emma sneezed, and pulled open the window and opened the other curtains. "Looks like I have some cleaning to do." She pushed open the balcony door, propping them open with the doorstop. "How about we sit outside,"

Emma leaned against the railing, taking a drink from her glass before setting it on the rail. "Time to play catch up, I suppose. Its apparent I missed quite a bit in my absence."
(So . . . would they be the same age? Also, Jagger didn't have to ask for permission to use a vessel. He possesses the corpses of people who die young.)

"You'd be surprised what people would be willing to give in order to live again. Besides, there was a vacancy so I took it." Jagger's body language loosened when Macal offered the teaching position. "Alternative Tactics"? Quite a fancy name for cheating and dirty tricks. That couldn't end well. But teaching could be interesting. That is if it wasn't to a bunch of snot nosed teenagers. "So, basically, you want me to teach them to cheat. And don't go saying that wasn't the point because we both know when you tell a bunch of zitpoppers not to do something, they just want to do it more."

Then the war god called a trooper to get Jagger settled, asking for his name as well. "Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies and physical manifestation of Gluttony. There's also a longer list of names I don't feel like going through. I go by Jagger now. Do not make a Maroon 5 joke I am warning you. Rolling Stone references are fine though. They are a respectable band." The demon rolled his eyes as Macal joked about telling his wife about the new addition to the staff, mentioning his gratitude for his own immortality. Being somewhat immortal himself, he knew first hand that it was not a blessing but a curse, having watched loved ones die with each life he had lived. Walking after the trooper, Jagger said to the war god, "Death is scariest to the immortal. For he knows that it cannot touch himself, only the ones he loves. And he shall never see them again."

After filing some paperwork, the demon was led to a room in the staff wing. It was fairly empty. Only a bed, a desk and a bathroom. But it was certainly nicer than the accommodations he had back in Hallsands. After a quick shower, Jagger slipped back into the clothes he had worn before, not having anything to change into. He should probably buy more but he'd have to get money first. Which meant that he'd be wearing the old T-shirt and fading jeans for a while. Oh well, he didn't need to impress some judgmental teens, though he'd have to get his weapon back from that girl. A sharp pain hit his chest as he thought that, a little warning sent in by his 'landlord'. "Yeah, I know. I'm not allowed to hurt her, 'big brother'."

And with that, he let himself fall asleep. He'd need all the energy he could get to handle being in the same room as a bunch of idiots.
"It's not weird," Liza declared, not at all bothered by River's reaction to her. She gave another bounce on the bed, pigtails bobbing, knees bent, arms flailing up and down with each hop, then jumped over to the next bed, right beside the twins. "It's fun. Plus also it's cool. You wanna jump beds with me? How old are you guys? You look old but not super old. Not like twenty."

She jumped back to the next bed, more strongly this time. "Come on, let's play!"

When Riesa hugged her, clearly thrilled, and offered her several activities, Liza's eyes lit up, and she nodded happily, hugging the girl back as she smiled, dimples showing in her cheeks. "Yes! Yes I love dress up! Plus also I love being Batman. Plus also I love getting new sisters. YAY another sister, this is gonna be wicked 'cause soon EVERYONE is gonna be my sister I think!"


Katarina didn't take offense at Raina's brusque response, though she did flinch slightly when the girl knocked her shoulder into hers. She doesn't expect Faye to stay, so when she does, she is surprised and grateful, giving her a small smile as she turns towards her, listening.

"'s okay. I mean...she doesn't have to be nice, she doesn't have to like me. I know she's a vampire and everything."

She doesn't understand much about them, but she assumes vampires hate humans.

"So...if you don't have anything to do..." she starts tentatively, working up her daring to ask, "do you want to...I mean, you've been's okay if you don't want to hang out, but I thought maybe..."


Following Emma outside to her balcony, taking another swallow of the drink in her hand, Faith leaned against the railing, her back to the view as she turned to face the other woman. Another drink, a flipping back of her hair from her face, and a brief eye roll, and she begins to explain.

"Been crazy. Okay, so it started...I think in the cafeteria? I don't even know how, everyone started flipping out all at once. Yelling and shifting and wanting to fight, even Liza, if you can believe that. It's been going on ever since, though not all at once like that. Some kids are half killing each other and some of them are powder kegs waiting to go off in the best of times. Oh, and Mel and Lil and Riff went off campus and Lil and Riff are now dead. We sent them and a few others off to see to his funeral, they should be back soon. If it went okay. And Jirro, you know, the guy supposed to be helping us run the place? Apparently he's being controlled by HardTime, who is, like, Macal's immortal and insanely annoying enemy who never seems to die but never really seems to do as much damage as he claims he's gonna either...basically he's kind of hooked into his soul or whatever so Jirro? He's been killing humans and he could kill any one of our human kids at any time and have no control over it. So I sent him off. And Izzy's going too. And I don't know about their daughter, who just showed up, but she might...oh and her ex showed up too, so...not to mention like, all your new kids plus a few more."

Finishing off her drink, she exhaled, lightly nudging Emma's ankle with her foot. "I'm serious though, I barely got myself under control and I'm supposed to be friggin example here. This is bad stuff, Em."
River had snapped out of his sudden mood swing and sat himself up on the floor - now in a crossed legged form - he stuck out his tongue at the girl. "I bet you make playing tag so much fun." Liza didn't seem to pay attention to his off-handed comment and instead gave a grand bounce on the bed then with a hop she was next to the twins; eyeing Riesa was incredibly amusing right now, her eyes lit up like she'd seen a giant candybar... Jeez, I hope she doesn't eat the kid... Liza interrupted his inner musing and spoke. "It's fun. Plus also it's cool. You wanna jump beds with me? How old are you guys? You look old but not super old. Not like twenty." He straightened up, releasing a loud yawn. "Hm, age, age, age..." River scrunched up his nose and let out a big breath, "I am pretty sure I'm 17... but I could be older.. or younger... if you couldn't tell, bub, I hardly know myself." The teen didn't seem all that concerned about the lack of knowledge concerning his age and simply gave a shrug. He then smirked when Riesa's huge smile and crushing hug gave away her excitement to see the child; River looked at Aries and laughed once at his muttering; he then spoke to him directly, "Sorry, she likes kids. A lot."

"I'm not all that bothered, I'm just glad that she isn't eating her." River wasn't aware that this comment may have come across as strange, he had yet to release that not everyone follows the same weird thought track. A buzzing caught his attention momentarily so River kept a mental tab on Aries for curious reasons only, of course but it was while he listened that River gaped in disbelieve. He didn't. As the conversation went on, albeit he could only hear one side, River came to the conclusion that he most certainly did. "It's for you." With a dark scowl, he caught the phone easily and held it to his ear silently, waiting for him to speak.

"Hey! I know you're there, Riv!" River didn't reply.

"You're not still mad at me, right? Cuz' I'll totally snapchat Alonso to show you my pouty face..." Wade paused and then continued, speaking in a suspicious tone. "I can hear you breathing, oh wait, that's us - we breathe loudly." River couldn't help but give a small smile - despite being annoyed with him, River did miss his familiar antics but still didn't speak. On the other end River heard a loud and rather dramatic sigh, "Well, I know that someone's out there listening to me and if they don't paying attention to me then there's gonna be trouble. I'm in the lets-blow-stuff-up mood so I think I'll go with that, starting with River's favourite teddy bear!" River frowned in confusion - not an unusual reaction to Deadpool - and finally spoke. "I don't have any toys!" River protested indignantly.

"I know! But it made you talk, right? Anyway, you do now because I swiped one from a store that is holding a pillow saying 'I'm sorry'. It's kinda creepy if you ask me."

River pushed himself up and wandered around the room in a circle. "So you stole it? You couldn't even buy me one." He said accusingly.

"You're making this beary difficult to apologise to you." There was a pause until River lightly snorted, "okay you made a pun, it lightened the mood but you're not off the hook just yet, Wade!" He seemed to think otherwise, "yes I am~! Now switch your phone back on so I can send pointless messages to you." In one swift move River reached into his pocket and fished out his phone and effectively switched it on in a quick motion while Wade kept jabbering on. "Logan just keeps ignoring me!" There was a beep. "Ooh, I got a text, just let me check it and - HEY! Logan is so hurtful, I guess he's still pissed that I shot him in the ass."

"Yeah, I know from experience that people don't particularly warm up to you when you shoot them full of holes." River said casually. "I've turned it on so I think this is an appropriate time to stop the call." Wade snickered, "well let's keep the phone call going, I'm not one for being appropriate, I'm more of an inappropriate guy, you know?" River rolled his eyes and ended the call with a quick 'bye!' He ignored the 'hey!' as he pushed 'end call' and threw the cellphone back at Aries.
*Mac knows he needs to talk to Sheena and Alex separately to see what the hell is going on with them but he's quite intrigue about Jagger with all his names and titles, not a whole lot of beings around that can actually have a real clue of what it's like to be truely immortal here and most are barely a few hundred years old, to someone like him or Jagger they're babies..ok at least small children. And what he said about it being a curse is true also, knowing that even the most powerful of his love ones will someday eventually fade away, with the exception of Liza, either their aging will eventually catch up with them, they'll fall in battle or they'll go insane and take their own lives....Or worst beg him to take their life like Abe did because he was so heartbroken when Buffy died, Even his wife Faith will evenutally pass on, despite his offer to give her back her full immortaity when his powers returned but she refused it. He had hope knowing Liza being immortal like himself that Faith would change her mind so she could always be by their daughter's side, maybe someday he can convince her again to become fully immortal once more.

He waited what he thought was a decent amount of time to give Jagger time to get settled in before going to his room and knocking on the door, even tho he owns every room in this place he still believes privacy, waiting patiently for an answer.*

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