Dormer Academy

*Alex stops and looks at Bucky then steps back to him, drawing his sidearm out and disables the biometrics so Bucky can fire it, then passes it over to him.* Look, this could all be nothing but a nice easy or this could be a hellstorm of shit, I was trained to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best..Think you can use your senses and alert me to anything else big and furry coming at us? My visor usually is all I need but it's tied to S.H.I.E.L.D'S Comm Sats and I can't reach it at the moment so I can only detect what is only a few yards around me..This is why I hate magic and supernatural crap..No offense but my tech is pretty useless here. I'll have to create a work-around if we get out of here. *Alex spots a decent rooftop not to far away with a good view of the area* We can set up there, oh right rule 2 of the rules of engagement always establish the high ground.*That shot again at Sheena and Raina*

(Raina is a BlackBlood, I remember her asking about it)
(Yeah, Hallsands isn't on some alternate plane or anything. And I hadn't really planned on it interfering with telecommunications but whatever. And most houses are on the second level, so the highest vantage point would be in the forests or farmlands on the top level, wouldn't it?)

Mel and Vash came up to an old mansion on the second level of the town. Time had seemed to be a bit kinder to this house as it still maintained much of its original shape, if you didn't count the destroyed left wing that is. The flora seemed too be taking over as vines and flowers crawled up the stone walls and into some of the lower windows. Dust was turning the once vibrant colors of the interior gray. Mel recalled spending weeks after Bloody Christmas just exploring the mansion and the town. It was astonishing how little she knew about the place she stayed for 7 years. To her at the time, it was one big adventure to take her mind off of what she had just done. Finding "treasure" in the houses, eating all the snacks she found, and reading every diary she could find which would tell tales she wouldn't fully understand until she was older. She reminded herself to grab some of the money in the vault later on.

The two made their way to the garden out back. The town did have a cemetery but Mel dubbed that as for common people to use. Those that she cared about or that her servants cared about were buried in the back garden where she felt they deserved. There were current just five people buried there and today there would be six.

Summoning a shovel, Mel got to work digging the grave by herself. It was Vash's job to carve up a presentable headstone, something he did a little bit away from Mel's position. After about an hour, Mel was finished with the hole and Vash was adding the final details to the headstone. As the demon was smoothing out a curve in the design, he was surprised when his master sat down behind him and leaned her head against his back. According to the faint shaking he felt, she was trembling.

"Vash, am I a good person? Do you think I can become a hero?" There was the same questions again. It was honestly starting to get annoying. Did she want him to lie and say no? Because it sure looked like it every time she brushed off his honest answers. "Mel, you know I'm going to say the same thing I always have. Why does it matter anyway? You've never cared what you were considered before."

There was a bit of silence coming from Mel. Vash had thought she decided to avoid the subject but then she began talking. "I had a servant before Riff. His name was Cobra. He was such a sweet guy, a bit wimpy but sweet. Well, at first I never thought of taking in servants. The night I met him, I thought I was just going to kill the man who killed his twin and never see him again. But when the job was done, he said something that made me want to take him with me."

"What did he say?" "Even though I was covered in blood, knife in hand, he . . . thanked me and even said I was like one of those superheroes in the comic books he read." Her eyes began to water and her voice heighten. "But how can I be a hero . . . when I can't even protect one friend?"

Vash thought about saying or doing something to cheer her up, but he couldn't think of anything. So he let her cry silently while he finished the headstone, praying that she would feel better before he was done. And luckily, she did, standing up and wiping her face off right as he finished. Then after Vash put the finished piece in place, the two left to look for the others.

"Vash?" "Yeah?" "I forbid you to die before I do. I mean it. If you do, I'll . . . I'll kill you. I'll bring you back to life so I can kill you again."


Remmington shook his head when Sheena asked if he could talk. Well, he could talk but not any human languages. He just spoke bear. Things seemed somewhat calm for a minute as Faye even took one of the apples he brought. But then came the fighting and the shouting. Remi was confused at what to do. He had never had to entertain guests before. There had never been guests before. Maybe he should just eat them. But Mel didn't say he could eat them. Confused, Remi put his head back on the ground and covered it with his front paws. Oh, make the yelling stop.

In a last ditch attempt, Remi remembered something Mel did once that seemed to keep people calm. It made Riff and Vash quiet and smile last time the three were there. Standing up on his back legs, he raised the front paws in the air. He then bent his knees and lowered himself while spreading his arms wide. He then lifted a leg in the air and tried to spin around, but fell onto his back in failure.

But his poor attempt at ballet didn't seem to help. Now the group was separating but there was only one Remmington. He couldn't look after them both. He then felt sad. He wasn't a very good welcoming committee. Remi flopped back onto his stomach and covered his head with his paws.
(Yeah, Rai is a blackblood, though if you called her one she'd have no idea what you were on about, she wasn't taught very much about these things when she was little. Faye is also half-blackblood, but she's in the same boat as Raina, no idea what 'blackblood' means)

Raina is clearly annoyed now as she turns to Alex angrily, "Oh for gods sake Alex! How many times do I have to say it? This is NOT a mission and Mel is NOT the enemy!" She steps forward, eyes glinting angrily, "We have a means of retreat, her name is Mel. The giant bear is about as harmless a freakin' cuddly by the way he's cowering and trying to frickin' dance to calm you down. Once again, Mel is not the enemy." When Alex tosses something at her she simply flicks it away and snarls at his threat, "I'll f*cking talk to you however I like dipshit. Act like an idiot and I'll treat you like one. I'm not scared of your baby toys and if you even think of putting a bullet in me I'll tear your little human head right off your shoulders buddy."

Faye looks over at this, she's still mad at Raina, but she bites her bottom lip worriedly as she notices Alex becoming hostile with her sister. She had sworn a while ago that if anybody was to hurt Raina she wouldn't let them get away alive, not after Myra. She couldn't lose another sister. She knew now that even if she was mad at Raina, if Alex even raised his gun to her Faye would be on him like a fire bolt.

But Raina was still going, "Sheena can protect herself; she's not an invalid. Katarina has that guy there and Faye to look after her, and if you're REALLY here to protect them then get your ass back over here and don't stalk off like an immature brat!"

When he speaks about 'rule two' Raina rolls her eyes, "Engagement? F*ck sake Alex, the only hostile right now is you. Waving your gun around at teddy bears and people who are supposed to be on your 'team'"


Faye, noticing that Remmington seemed distressed, started heading back to him, it was after he fell - which did make Faye smile a bit - and flopped back down that she crouched beside the giant bear and patted his paws covering his head in what she hoped was a soothing manner.

"Hey, hey, it's alright Remi." She was speaking softly like one would to a small child or a frightened animal, "It's nothing to worry about, they're just being silly." She frowned lightly and looked over her shoulder at Alex and Raina, she was getting angry that they were scaring the poor bear. "Hey knock it off you two! You're upsetting Remi!" She didn't know where the nickname came from, though she did remember Vash calling him the same thing, and she turned back to the bear, "Hey Remi, calm down. It's alright," She continued trying to help the bear out.
"It's a sad day when Raina's keeping her head better and making more sense than you are," Sheena commented to Alex, rolling your eyes. "If there was an actual danger that we could see in this very second, then yeah I'd have your back. Got news for you though, I'm the one who can become a wolf in 2 seconds, carrying Katarina on my back if I had to, which it looks like Bucky would do it since he seems perfectly capable of protecting her. And she's probably not as helpless as you think. And I KNOW I'm not, I'm not in need of your protection. It's a friggin bear. One who is trying to communicate, not eat or kill us. And it's not a mission. It's a funeral. Damn, I never thought a day would come where Raina was right and you weren't."

Katarina is keeping her mouth shut, staying near Bucky and Faye and giving the bear an uncertain smile as Sheena calls to the others, "Still, like I said, stay together and say something if something seems weird or dangerous, don't be stupid about it."
((Sorry, been distracted the past couple of days. Didn't really feel the creative juices, still struggling.))

For the most part, Emma ignored the twin's jibes. She turned, "The feeling is mutual," Emma said, returning Reisa's comment on feeling ill, her expression blank. Emilia continued on along in her own brisk pace. They were walking down the main hallway now, one that held some of the more important locations along the way. In her three years, she'd memorized every single detail in each tapestry, every brick, stone, and crack in this hallway. It was a sad fact. That her mind had nothing better to challenge itself with. In that respect she missed her old job, her missions that took her all over the world, getting into sticky situations and getting herself out of them. But Emma did not complain, she never did, she adjusted to this less stressful life. Emma began to wonder if she would still be here, at the Academy, teaching, five years from now, ten years from now. Depressing. Those were the kind of thoughts she only wanted to have when she was by herself with a bottle in her hand.

Emilia introduced them briefly to the dining hall, the library, and a few other common places along their route. She showed them the way to their dorms. "You two sure complain a lot. Do you regret enrolling here? Are you not happy with what we have to offer you?" Questions that Emma asked them, her back turned to them as she walked. She stopped outside of their room, the key to the door gripped in her hand. Emilia turned, her eyes narrowed, eyebrows quizzically, "Why did you agree to come here?"
Cora Graeves, or Ghost as she had once been nicknamed, shielded her eyes from the sun and watched as the huge jet took off, shifting her weight so that she could adjust the huge duffle bag, strapped over her chest. Letting out a tiny sigh as the wind picked up, the twenty year old growled as she pushed a few strands of her dark brown hair out of her face and looked around at the large doors in front of her. She had been standing outside of them now for almost ten minutes, unsure of what she was even doing here in the first place.

After leaving her life with the rest of her Pride behind after her eighteenth birthday, the werepanther had traveled throughout most of the country, meeting others like herself, other shifters, other supernatural beings…it had been a refreshing a change after growing up with a pretty sheltered family and closed off group. Her Pride had pretty much been the only friends she had ever had, so she was hesitant at first to make new ones. But soon she found herself back-roading with a small group of other Shifters, even going as far as Europe before coming back to the states to settle. And it had been on one of their trips that Cora had heard a few whispers about this place and decided to check it out.

Looking up again, her usually brown eyes had a bit of a golden glow to them as she narrowed them, trying to see how far up the building went before giving her head a tiny shake and shifted her weight again. She had walked most of the way up here, and the strap to her bag had begun to dig into her skin about halfway up. But the cabbie refused to go past the gates, so forced to finish the road up to the academy on foot, Cora was ready to get herself all signed in and collapse onto the first bed she saw. Having been homeschooled, she wasn’t all too sure how long she’d last at this place…but it’d be nice to shower indoors and get a hot meal for once.

“Just go in already Ghost…” she muttered under her breath, growling again as her bag slipped, the strap pushing further into her raw skin. Nudging the bottom of one door with her boot, she grabbed the handle and pushed, sighing at the rush of cool air that greeted her. Stepping in further, away from the heat, she let her bag sink down at her feet as she looked around, down one empty hallway and then the next, frowning. Okay…so maybe this wasn’t what she had expected.

For a school, the place seemed awfully quiet, there were no students running around, trying to get to their classes. The place sort of buzzed with this weird energy and Cora felt her body shiver slightly as she moved forward, dragging her bag along behind her.


She stopped and looked around again, hearing a few people up ahead. Leaning down for her bag, Cora hurried along, hoping it was an instructor, or someone up there who get her signed in and on her way. She could only imagine what kind of mess she must look like after walking for so long, some first impression she’d make…


((anyone can jump in to greet her…made her so I can interact with the others since Iz/Mitsy are kinda tied up. her character profile is on the DA sheets thread :D ))
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Joshua watched his students disperse around him, headin back to their dorm rooms after their long trip. Josh was about to follow them, except to the Staff wing to his own apartment. To relax and take it easy, he had to prepare his lesson plans for the next day. He ran a hand through his short dark honey curls, tangled slightly. He sighed, frowning a bit from his recent encounter. Joshua held out his hand to his pack, the bag lifting by itself to met his hand. He shouldered it and was about to exit the Entry when the front doors opened and he heard a woman's voice calling in.

Joshua turned, a mildly curious eyebrow lifting. "Hello," Josh answered, he offered his hand, obviously this was the first time she had step foot inside these doors. Whether he was gone or not the past week or so, she was definitely new here, she certainly didnt look familiar. "'Ghost', huh? Thats an interesting name," Her name popped out at him, perhaps he was tired if his wall was weakening. The wall that kept everyone's thoughts around him from flooding his mind. Come to think of it, Josh wasn't really sure the last time he got decent sleep, he mostly kept awake on tea and energy drinks. "Forgive me. Joshua Bernard," he introduced himself, hand still extended, "What brings you here," he mustered a smile, though he was a bit spent, "You look a bit older then most of the students here, if you don't mind me saying. Are you new staff?" He was genuinely curious now, he was having difficulty pinpointing her age by appearance. He wasn't about to play tricks until he got some sleep.
Cora took a step back from the man, her nostrils flaring slightly. She hadn't told him, Josh was it?, what her name even was, yet he had spoken her nickname like he had already known her for years. A telepath maybe? She hadn't come across one of those in awhile...

"It's Cora...actually..." The werepanther couldn't hide the slight irritation in her voice as she shifted her weight once more, this time in more of a defensive manner, her arms going to cross over her chest, making no move to shake the stranger's hand. She knew it was rude of her, and knew she'd eventually have to apologize, but she didn't take well to strangers poking around in her head. "And...I just turned" Trailing off, she realized how childish that had sounded and sighed tiredly, running a hand through her dark waves. "I...I'm just...caught me off guard with the whole Ghost thing...that's a...a family nickname honestly...noone outside of my Pri-of my kin have called me that, really..." Her southern accent was a bit thick and realizing this, she blushed slightly, the golden gleam returning to her eyes once more.

" last name is Graeves...I don't know if anyone knew I was coming or not today...I saw this jet take off and...' she laughs nervously, and tucks a strand of hair behind one ear, revealing a few studs and hoops. "I wasn't sure anyone would even be here..." She coldn't really bring herself to look up at the man, and rubbed one boot against the other as she focused on her feet. Knowing he could get into her mind left her feeling a little intimidated and she tried not to think too hard about his looks.

"I'm supposed here...and maybe do some work study...if that's offered..." she shrugged, finally looking up. "I know I'm probably a bit older then most of the students here, but I never really got past high school...and I heard this was a special place...for people like learn more so..." Trailing off again, she offered Joshua a helpless shrug and a smile. "Point me in the direction of the admission's office and I can be out of that adorable head of yours..." the word slipped out before she could stop it and she groaned softly, cursing herself inwardly.
He watched her face, "Hah, right. I think I'd much rather like to call you Cora," he dropped his hand to rub the back of his neck. "Haven't been doing such a great job making friends today," he joked, "I wouldn't know; the jet, etcetera, I just got back from a retreat in the mountains," Josh shrugged, he crossed his arms, paced around before settling for leaning against a pillar. "Anyways, you've come to the right place, the Academy. You'll be in good hands here, our staff are experienced in their fields." Josh chuckled to himself, "Myself included, I hope."

He listened as she talked. Joshua smiled at her accent, observing her cheeks flush. She was nervous. Josh supposed most would be. Though she was definitely older. And he couldn't help but wonder how experienced he was. "So, where're you from? What are your abilities?"
Letting out a tiny sigh of relief, she's glad he didn't address her calling him adorable and runs a hand through her hair, mimicking his movements and looked around. "For a school it's pretty quiet...I wasn't too sure when I first heard about this place...all these 'gifted youngsters' and then the jet when I came in..." She smirked slightly, feeling a bit more relaxed and let out a soft laugh. "One might think this was the home of the X-Men or something..." her smirk turned to a grin as she looked Josh over before shaking her head. "But you have waaaay too much hair to be confused with Charles Xavier..."

Her eyes had returned to their normal chocolate brown color as she looked up and down the halls again, hoping to get a whiff or something, any indication that there might be others like her in this place. She thought she smelled the faint scent of a Shifter and possibly a few Lycans and the werepanther felt her heartbeat quicken slightly. Realizing that Joshua had asked her some more questions, she blinked a few times before giving herself a tiny shake, going back to stand by her bag of belongings as she shrugged again. "Um...I'm from Jackson...Mississippi...and I'm..." Cora stopped and chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment. "I'm a really big cat..." It sounded lame, but she wasn't sure how to tell someone what she was. It was so much easier throwing the term 'shifter' or 'lycan' around, or even a 'werecat' but most people didn't understand how different one was from the other these days.

"I'm a werepanther..." she finally got out, clicking her tongue gently against her teeth.
Joshua nodded in agreement taking a look around, "You're right, it is a bit quiet around here, something must be going on, I'll have to find out later," he shrugged. A fight. And a death. That was tragic. The general thoughts were buzzing about it, but he was in no mood to listen. Not when he just got back, besides, it sounded like it was under control, being handled.

Cora's voice pulled him back. She joked around about Dormer, comparing it to Xaivier's school. The comment caught him off guard. Laughter rumbled unexpectedly in his chest and he decided he liked her smile. "Professor X has his own school, you're welcome to go there if you like." A smile caught his cheeks, "Though, personally, I prefer it here.

"With this mane?" He ran both hands dramatically through his hair, "I better hope you dont mistake me for Charles!" Joshua'd noticed her eyes turning color, back to a warm brown. A smile crept on Josh's lips as his eyes met hers. It was curious, he'd seen Bucky's eyes do that.

"Mm..." He mumbled to himself.

"Werepanther? I think that has to be a first for me. I've met," 'and killed', he thought regrettably, "My share of Lycans, Shifters, Werewolves...hell, even a Wendigo. But I can't say I know much about them, unfortunately. 'Were'panther, that mean you can only shift at a full moon, or something like that?"
Her eyes watched his movements closely as he ran his hands through his hair, and she found herself wondering if it was soft. Giving her head a tiny shake, she started to relax even more when he smiled but then she realized something...

He was staring at her. It made Cora feel a little insecure and she found herself shifting her weight from one foot to the other, the blush returning to her cheeks. He had never met one of her kind before? She hoped Josh didn't ask to see her Shift, that wasn't exactly something she was prepared to do on the spot...she just hoped it wouldn't be a requirement later on either.

"A full moon? No...that's ah...only with werewolves...I can control when I Shift...I mean, I guess there's more of a pull when it's that time of the month, but I don't have to Shift if I don't want to..." She smiled sheepishly, and Cora took a deep breath. "'re a teacher huh...I wonder if I'll be in any of your classes..." She wanted to question him further on what he was exactly, but figured that would be rude. She had to remind herself that Josh wasn't a student. They probably couldn't be friends.
By her description she sounded closer to a shifter or the likes of a lycan than anything 'were'. He wasn't for sure on his theory, but he was sure he would have to look into that. It seemed there were several Lycans at the Academy, and it would do no harm to learn more about them. Learning more about his students to help them, that was kind of his job.

Joshua nodded when she said he was a teacher, "I teach Meditation and control. I help kids understand their gifts and use them appropriately." He uncrossed his arms, having no use for his hands stuck them in his pockets, crossed his ankles and leaned back against the pillar once more. "I guess I'm Dormer's version of a counselor or something. You might very well be in my classes." Joshua smiled. He ran his eyes over her frame. She was athletic, the fact that she had been on her own or with "kin", along with the fact that she knowingly chose to come here was significant, there was more to her than what met the eye. It was hard to gauge experience from appearances, Joshua would be the first to tell anyone that.

Joshua's stomach rumbled, demanding food. He chuckled. "I'm going to go down to the Dining Hall," he could use a hot meal, the last six days of their trip they had fallen back on dried and dehydrated foods and whatever animal they hunted that day. Needless to say, it left something to be desired. Joshua checked his watch, the square glass face and flat silver band, "They should still be serving dinner. Care to join me?"
*Didn't take long before the 30 minutes to go by like a flash and it was time for Mac and Faith to get back to work, gently nudging his wife off his lap, he stood up and stretched, his hands almost go through the ceiling due to him being so much taller then her, after leaning down to kiss her he stepped back* Well I think I'm gonna get going to my office, try to plan some kind of class for tomorrow...Lets just hope we get through the rest of the day without any major drama, I may pop in on Liza and the others before I do anything else first, seeya later for dinner? *He walks out in a rather cheerful and playful mood and instead of just walking he randomly teleports about the academy, mostly for shock and awe values to see if he can get someone to jump at the sight of him just appearing out of nowhere with a big goofy grin on his face. In his playfulness he teleports into the main foyer above the massive fountain in the middle of the room, standing on the very top of the water as if it was a solid object while it still seems to move and flow under him.

He spots two faces he's yet to talk to Joshua, a fairly new instructor and a new female student, happy to see Joshua stepping up and helping the girl settle in, it's a relief that there is a capable staff that can get things done unlike the other academy that seemed to ran by a student and inept moron that dumped everything onto Faith's shoulders but got upset whenever she did anything on her own. Slowly he floated down to the floor and walked towards the two but then right past them and continued on but stopped and looked over his shoulders* By the way Prof X although a good friend, his place might as well be a shack compared to this place. *He grins and keeps walking.*
Cora didn't meet his eye as he continued to look her over. Crossing and then uncrossing her arms over her chest again, she casually tried to get a better feel for the place, wondering where everyone was at. She couldn't help but wonder where that big jet had gone off to, and these hallways...they seemed endless...she couldn't wait to go exploring.

Hearing Josh's stomach growl snapped her back to attention and she tilted her head to the side as she finally looked back at him, unable to hide the smirk that played at her lips. Arching an eyebrow at his mention of food,she tried to hide her own stomach's growl and nodded, pushing some hair out of her eyes again. "Um, sounds good...I ah, still have to register and all that though...really don't want to have to sleep outside again..." Turning to grab her bag, she jumps, suddenly realizing that they weren't alone and stares a bit open-mouthed at the large man as he jokes about this place being bigger then Xaviers. There was some sort of energy radiating off from him and Cora couldn't help but to stare after him even as he walked off.

"Um...who was that?" She turns to look at Josh, picking up her bag and moves to his side. "Like the principal or something...that dude reeks of power..."
((What time of day is it? I'm a bit confused. Also, if its not too much to ask, could we see a picture of the Academy? It is a castle right? How old is it? and how many years has it been "Dormer Academy". It would help me in my descriptions of things))

"I'm not really sure about the whole, "Registering" thing. Usually Emma Belokhov takes care of that stuff. I'm sure we can find her later. My main concern is food right now."

Joshua himself turned only to nearly walk into Mac. He chuckled at the comment. The Academy was much larger and grander than Xavier's mansion, that was true. He had visited the professor's school on occasion, but Dormer was his home. Macal walked away, leaving Josh questioning where the man had come from in the first place, that teleportation of his. Josh shook his head slowly, what a power that must be.

"That would be Macal Cord." Joshua told her, he pushed away from the pillar and began to stroll down the hallway slowly, waiting for Cora to catch up.

'Like the principal or something...' She said.

Josh tipped his head slightly. "...Or something," he sighed. "He's a war god, not really sure how that works. But his power is impressive, teleportation is just one of his many abilities."
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((I was assuming it was about mid-day))

"A god?" Cora shook her head, still watching where the man had walked off to. "Huh...never met one of those before..."

Hoisting her bag over her shoulder once more, she grunted softly and gave Josh a weak smile. " you said something about food..." her stomach growled again and this time she blushed. "I haven't had a meal indoors in awhile...just ah...lead the way..."
Joshua picked up the pace as Cora caught up. Going down the main hallway, he headed for the main Dining Hall. "Yup, a god. I can't tell you what he's doing here instead of Sanctuary. Probably has something to do with his family. But I don't know the whole story, and that's really none of my business unless the Cords thought otherwise." Josh shrugged again.

"So you're from Jackson, but you've obviously been living off the land for a while. Was it circumstantial or by choice?" They walked through a pair of large oak doors into the Dining Hall. Joshua led them to the buffet and grabbed a plate.
Still wrapping her head around the fact that she had just seen a god, Cora drops her bag at one of the tables and mimics Josh's movements, grabbing a plate and slips behind him at the buffet. Her mouth watered slightly at the sight of all the food, and she tried not to come off as a pig as she tried to slip a little bit of everything on her plate. Werepanther or not, she had a pretty big appetite and she was starving.

Dropping a piece of chicken onto her plate with a pair of metal tongs, she thought about what he had asked her. Cora wasn't really one to open up and tell a stranger her life story, but she figured under the circumstances, and him being a teacher and all, that some trust had to be given, Balancing her plate in one hand, she went to grab some silverware thinking about just how much she could let this guy in one.

" Pride," she corrected herself- "-lived on this huge ranch deep in Jackson....lots of land where we didn't have to worry about anyone unwelcome wandering in when we had shifted...stuff like that. My folks ran one of the inns in town, mostly for other supernaturals...but we all pretty much stuck together for the most part..." She trailed off, leading him back to the table where she had dropped her bag and sat down, instantly grabbing a roll from her plate and took a huge bite of it, closing her eyes as she chewed. She could seriously get used to this place.

Downing a glass of water, she continued. "Um...when I was eighteen, they gave me the option to go out and explore. So I did...haven't gone back since...kinda don't plan to." She looked over at the teacher and smiled sheepishly as she shrugged. "Like the freedom too much I guess...I did a lot of traveling, mostly back packing through the southern states, joined up with a small group of shifters in Louisianan and we got all the way to New York before coming back towards this area...heard about Dormer and..." She shrugged again. "-here I am..."

Cora felt herself growing a little self conscious again and quickly stopped talking, taking her time with some of the food on her plate and looked around the dining hall, smiling when she saw other students there, and even more coming in.
Joshua piled his plate with food, stuck silverware in the pocket of his shirt and grabbed a glass of water before going the table Cora had staked out. He set down his food and slung off his pack, letting it fall to the ground with a heavy thud. He sat down and took a swallow of water, remembering he forgot to grab a roll, he twisted slightly, holding up his hand. A roll flew into his hand as if he were catching an ordinary baseball. He tore off a piece of it while listening to her story. It was barebones but considering he'd only known her a few minutes, it was generous.

Joshua nodded, he let her talk, he was a good listener. "You had a home, more than some of our students can ask for." He smiled politely, knowing this might be a touchy area, "You're lucky. I grew up at SHIELD, worked there up until a couple of months ago. Not really sure why they transferred me here, it wasn't because of my age, they've had agents as young as me so I don't believe it's a maturity thing. And I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest staff member." His smile grew larger, "Do you know how old I am?"
Shrugging, Cora chased a piece of corn around on her plate. She knew she hadn't given the guy much to go on, but she figured the less he knew about her for now, the better. The last thing she wanted was someone running their mouth back to her parents and the rest of the Pride coming and dragging her back. She didn't want to go back. Ever.

"Um..." Blinking, she realized she hadn't even thought about how old he might be and chewed on her lower lip as she looked him over. He was definitely older then she was, she knew that for certain. And figured he had to be at least twenty one or older to teach in a place like this. Her nose scrunched up slightly as she thought this over until finally she shrugged again and staked the piece of corn with her fork and popped it into her mouth. "Twenty five maybe? Twenty six? You don't really look that old...then again you could be like a six-hundred year old kawana demon with just a really good glamour trick for all I know..." This last part was a joke and she sat back in her seat smirking.
He laughed at her guess, "I'm flattered," he teased. "But, nope, I'm twenty-four. Like I said, not really sure why they transferred me here." He pulled his flatware from his pocket and began carving into his chicken, all the while his orange began peeling itself.

"So, on your own for two years, you must be a survival expert by now," he lifted an eyebrow. He stuck a piece of chicken and his mouth, he waited til he swallowed to speak again, "You'll probably enjoy Miss Belokhov's course. An independent woman like yourself, I'm sure you'd enjoy the challenge."
"See, I wasn't off by much..." Cora's eyes never left the orange as it started to peel and smiled lightly. "That's a pretty cool trick...I'm afraid I don't have too many neat gifts like that...well aside from my shift...oh and..." She trailed off, looking around to make sure that no one was watching. "Just ah...don't freak out okay?" Smiling weakly, she rolled the sleeve to her black hoodie up, and before she could give Joshua anytime to react, her steak knife was in her other hand, and she had sliced it across the bare skin of her arm, leaving a decent sized gash.


In moments the skin started to heal, the blood surrounding the wound almost seemed to be getting sucked back into the cut and within seconds it was as if there never had been anything there to begin with. "Pretty sure you've already seen something like that before...but you were showing off so I figured I should too...figured my healing thing would draw less attention then a huge panther sitting at a cafeteria table..." She grinned him and rolled her sleeve back down, grabbing another piece of chicken from her plate, cleaning the meat off from the bone as her canines lengthened slightly.

"So...who's Miss Bachlavah?" She knew she had screwed the name up and made a face. "Is she your girlfriend or something?"
*Mac continued to walk until he reached the Auditorium where Liza and the others where watching movies. He leans against the door and watches everyone, not making his presence known so everyone can continue to enjoy themselves. It's amazing what a good leader she's become at such a young age, organizing all of this and gathering all these kids who seem completely satisfied with everything. The kid has all the chops of future queen if something were to ever happen to himself or Faith his realm would be in safe hands.*

(Check the sign-up sheet I've posted a description of the Academy, it was a bit of a rush because I'm on my way out the door)
(It's a rather large castle with a good amount of land. I'm guessing about 1200 acres, I'm going off my work place which is the that large. It's fairly new, only about three years old, and has only been in operation recently for about a month. Has woods, lake, gardens, gate around main area, etc. Also, guys, if you plan to do a lot of back and forth between two characters, please do it through inbox and copy/paste the exchanges into one or two posts so people don't get so far behind and confused. Also I think this day should end before long? Which means we need to wrap up funeral, maybe plot out through inbox how else the rage demon might affect things, intentions with Josh and Emma, etc. Also sorry for crap post but I can't think of what to do with Faith and Liza and Adrian atm besides this.)

The thirty minutes were up all too soon, and Faith left Macal reluctantly to go attend to the rest of business in the castle. There were still a lot of students to check in and check up on, and a minor incident of rage fight broke out in one of the kitchen areas that had to be broken up and tended to, with Faith barely containing her own instinctive anger when walking in on it. It was another hour and a half before she felt like things were back in control, and after checking in on Liza, whose second movie was almost over, with the other children, and seeing that they were playing a noisy game of hide and seek that somehow involved swords and stuffed animals, she told the noticeably more mellow Adrian with a brief smile that he could leave his "job" now to go practice his fire control with one of the teachers. The busier she kept him, she figured, the better chance he wouldn't literally explode.

Deciding to check the dining hall, the main source of chaos from earlier, one last time, Faith's stomach growled as she realized she hadn't yet eaten anything all day. As she entered the dining hall, seeing only a few students eating, Faith noticed a student she didn't recognize, a young woman, sitting with Joshua. Walking up to them, she nodded towards them both, but mainly eyed the woman. She was pretty, brunette, and a few years younger than Faith, maybe in her late teens or early twenties.

"Hi, I'm Faith Cord. Head of school, teacher, etc. Did one of the staff people admit you?"

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