Dormer Academy

River stared blankly at Cari who spouted off a thousand questions about Zimbabwe and was mildly thankful that Aric had flicked her forehead which silenced her mid-sentence with a squeal. He looked adorably childlike while the twin helpfully spelled out the word for him. Of course... it wasn't all that important since River was completely bullsh*ting the entire form. His birthplace was certainly not in Zimbabwe among the lions, tigers and bears.... oh my! His tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth as River thought of more and more obscure, annoying answers for the form; the next question was about powers which River had proceeded to write: 'I have the power of flight with the help of flatulence, although it can reach dangerous levels and become extremely hazardous for others after a buffet of Mexican food'. The dark-haired boy rose his gaze to peep at the others, he was becoming bored with filling out all of this tedious nonsense so he quickly scribbled one word on the last four pages which was: 'I' 'Hate' 'This' 'Crap'. River shrugged. It wasn't the most inventive creation his mind had conjured up but he was sure it would succeed in infuriating Emilia which would do just fine.

When finished, River set the form on his lap and peeked over at the twin's papers, unable to sway his curiosity and loomed over Aric's shoulders to snoop.
"I knew you were lying... Aries," He spoke with narrowed eyes, facing Riesa, "Riesa." Then turning to face Aries, completely swapping their names around (for his own amusement). He then set the file on the desk next to him, ready to receive the next from Emma with his blue eyes twinkling with mischief and a small yet smug grin was on his face. When Emilia began to speak about the, sigh, rules, yawn, guidelines, River seemed to switch off entirely, who knew school was so... oppressive? Whose brilliant idea was it to go to this place? River thought, miffed. Oh, it was mine. Stupid brain.

He lazily trailed after the stern, cold lady yet something suddenly changed about him. His mannerisms became much more withdrawn, his large eyes dilated and started shifting wildly around the room - of course River knew what was happening - it was only a matter of time before it kicked in, he was in a new environment of course. River stopped and watched Emma, Aries and Riesa's backs pace further away from him so he took this opportunity to sprint off into a different direction. Random words and phrases whirling in his head, voices warning him about daft things of poison and people out to kill him; around him, his vision began distorting objects. It was confusing and annoying. Eventually, River stopped running and reached a nearby window to stare out of, trying to push his Schizophrenic episode out of his head.
"I suppose I'm lucky that it's just a mild one." He said quietly to himself nibbling on the sleeve of his hoodie.

Mitsy. Katarina had to think to remember the woman attached to the name, and her significance to Bucky. "Oh, right...I haven't seen her. Is there something wrong?"

She smiled as Bucky brushed back her hair, briefly leaning into his hand as she shrugged in response to him. "We weren't really friends, but he was nice. I feel bad that Mel doesn't have a lot of people to be there with her at the doesn't seem right a guy like Riff would only have her and Vash going. So I wanted to go too. Raina and Faye are too."

"Hey, I'm not going, I'm not completely insane," Faith corrected Macal mentally as he assumed she would be going with the students to the funeral. "I've got enough shit to deal with here, are you serious? It's bad enough with kids like Adrian stuck back here, let alone in a box thousands of feet in the air with people who all hate each other. No way. And you tell them both if you can that they better damn well behave and not even think about fighting, this is a job for them, not a pleasure trip, so they better act like it."

As Sheena receives Macal's message, the last thing she wants is to be heading off ANYWHERE with Alex- let alone somewhere she can't escape him. She starts to argue back with Macal, but then swallows it down, realizing and remember there is little point in it. This is a job asked of her as a SHIELD agent, and she cannot refuse it because she's angry with Alex. Glowering, she goes to meet them at the landing strip, boarding the jet in silence and checking that everyone is on, properly situated, and everything is set before tersely telling Alex they're good to go. As they take off, she speaks to him only when necessary.

Back at the academy, Faith goes to meet with Macal, wanting to talk to him in person. Adrian, having quite reluctantly gone to join Liza and the young children who are gathering for a movie, stands in the background, resentment slowly building.

How could his sister, his twin, actually ask him to stay? Where was her loyalty, her common sense? They were all corrupting her here, that Mel and everyone else...what if something happened to her? Faith didn't could she ask this of him? Why didn't she trust him?

The more he thought about it, the less he watched the children, allowing his anger to build more and more until his skin began to heat, the first warning signs of rage.
(Adrian is about to get beatup by a bunch of 5 year olds because he's interupting The Lion King. LOL)

*Alex looked over at Sheena in the co-pilot seat, normally he would engage the auto-pilot and talk to her but she's hardly in the mood to talk, still he gets pissed and just blurts out.* Are you seriously not going to talk to me for real Sheena? How long are you gonna keep acting like this? *Didn't occur to him that his isn't one of those jets were the pilots can seal themselves off from the cabin, so everyone could probably heard him.* For god sakes Sheena it was a mission, just like this one is a mission, we don't have much choice in the matters and we got Akira back in the process..In my book that's a win all around.

*Mac looks up from his chair in the living room where he had moved to after talking to Stick. He was watching an episode of the Three Stooges, one that he's seen probably a thousand times. When he sees Faith walk in he holds out his hand and gestures her to come sit with him on his lap, so they can steal a few minutes of peace and quiet with each other.* Before you sit this is a no drama area for the next 30 minutes, during that time there will be cuddling and snacks but it's byos..Bring your own snacks.
(@amdreams, I laughed a bit too much when Mel used the term 'friend wh*ring', let's just say I found it quite amusing xD )

Aries and Riesa had filled out the forms...relatively nice. They, like River, had lied quite a bit, just not as obviously. They easily put down the truth for when their powers arrived, simply writing age eleven, the extent of them wasn't lied about either or how well they controlled them. But they lied when asked how they arrived and where they had lived in the past. Their family besides themselves wasn't mentioned in the form. The twins were just about done when Aries felt eyes on him and looked up to see River staring at them, he spoke their names - though he got them the wrong way around and Aries simply smirked and shrugged. He didn't bother correcting River; he knew he had done it on purpose. Riesa however sniggered lightly, "I'm Riesa, not Aries dumbo." Despite her correction, there was also a glint in her eyes that suggested was just returning the tease.

Then Emma was there and she dumped two more folders on Aries, Riesa's eyes narrowed at this. It was annoying her how this woman seemed to dump everything on poor Aries. It wasn't that she was jealous or annoyed that she was being seen as too 'stupid' to handle the items herself, it was her protective side even now kicking in at something as simple as the fact that she didn't want Aries to have to deal with all the sh*t they were being given. Without hesitation this time she took one of the folders from Aries and when he gave her a raised eyebrow look she shrugged, "Pretty sure your skinny arms can't carry that much weight Ari," She gave him a crooked smirk and he just rolled his eyes. Both twins simultaneously looked up when she missed the 'if' and rather than being offended both their faces grew into matching mischievous grins and Riesa spoke with a sugary sweet voice, "Aww, haven't you got any faith in us Emma?" Aries snorted, "She really shouldn't to be honest."

With their teasing, they didn't notice River slip away, and it was only when Riesa spun around to ask River a question that she noticed the boy was missing. "Uhm, looks like we lost one!" She merely giggled at this fact and spun back around to face Emma, "Better skip his room then, actually no wait don't! If I know where his room is I can bug him more often!" Riesa hummed happily to herself and skipped ahead despite not knowing the way, Aries came up to walk beside Emma as he muttered under his breath, "Please don't show her where he's staying. I don't have enough money to get sued for my sister stalking someone."


Faye shrugged at Mel's sharp response, not really that put off by it. She watched as Katarina and some other guy showed up, then finally Alex appeared from the plane looking like some sort of space alien with that weird suit. Then they are going on the plane as requested by Mel, Faye, as she sits down in between Katarina and Raina, notes that Sheena seems to be there helping fly the plane as well and she sends Raina a quick glance, worried that Raina and Sheena might end up clawing each other's throats out by the end of the trip.

Even she knows the two don't get along so well.

Of course, Raina has noticed the hostility between Sheena and Alex as soon as the two came into the same area, and she doesn't even bothering hiding her smirk as Alex seems to have had enough and outbursts there and then at Sheena, right in front of them all. She snickered at the pair, this scene reminding her extremely of when the three of them went to go find Atherton and Evangeline. Except this time it's Sheena vs Alex rather than Sheena and Alex vs Raina.

"Trouble in paradise?" She says it loud enough so that the pair will hear her and the obvious tease in her tone. If she can't seem to get under Faith's skin much anymore, then she's at least hoping to piss the lycan or even tech-boy off a bit.


Chameleon was once again wandering. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. He guessed that Faye and Raina had left by now, which was a relief. He wasn't sure what to do around Raina anymore, he knew he still had odd feelings for her, but there was no way he could act on them. First of all, she'd kill him if he tried to kiss her or even told her that he liked her in that way. Second, he couldn't even think about having of having a relationship unless he wanted to find his new girlfriend dead somewhere after being assassinated by one of his Mother's or Uncle's men.

Nope, looks like poor Chameleon would be forever alone.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he sensed another presence, and looked up to see a boy looking out of a nearby window and chewing on his hoodie. Was he new here? Well, then again, Leo was technically new too, so he supposed this kid could be an older student either way. He stood for a moment, deciding whether or not to speak before he put his hands casually in his pockets and let his calm voice fill the air.

"You alright there? You look a tad lost."
Sheena barely flicks a glance in Alex's direction, pointedly returning her attention back in front of her as she gestures towards the clouds. "We're on a mission now too, Alex. An important one. One that involves concentration. So let's not have a conversation now. Especially since everyone else can hear it. Maybe you've forgotten about being professional but I haven't."

She ignores Raina's barb, though her jaw tenses slightly, and continues to focus her attention ahead of her.

Katarina looks uneasily between the three, seeing the possible conflict, and leans closer to Faye, whispering to her as one hand rests on Bucky's leg, "Is your sister always like that? She really should stop...I mean, if they get mad and crash us, she dies too."


Back in the auditorium, Liza has gathered all the other children for the movie and every stuffed animal she could round up, distributing them among them while explaining quite seriously what all their favorite snacks were and exactly which color went with with animal and what all their names were and which parts of the movie they needed to cover their eyes during. As she settled down next to Nickkie, bear in her arms, thumb in her mouth, she noticed Adrian to the side, hands in fists, little sparks beginning to emit off his skin, and cocked her head, curious.

"Why you doing that?"


Faith smiled softly as she came to Macal, settling into him and resting her head against his shoulder. As she sighed, her body slowly relaxing into his, she curled her hand around his arm.

"Should be doing a lot more right now, but...thirty minutes. That's all."
"No, no..." Bucky smiled, trying to reassure her. "It's just with everything going on...I just wanted to make sure she had found her way through this place was all..." He shrugged, not really wanting to get into just how protective he was of the Mochizuki girl. He had practically watched her grow up so to speak, although that'd be even weirder getting into considering the fact that Mitsumi appeared to be the same age he was...

Shaking his head, he settled in besides Katarina, taking her hand in his. He watched the exchange between Sheena and Alex, feeling a little uneasy at either of them having to fly the jet. He hears Raina take a stab at the two and clicks his tongue against his teeth, deciding to stay out of it. He knew Sheena could handle herself.
*Alex looked back over his shoulder at Raina* Hey you want to know the difference between a S.H.I.E.L.D T-44 and a regular C-130..On this plane I can seal the cockpit and eject the cargo with the push of a button, now ask yourself think you can survive a 45,000 foot drop? *He turns to Sheena, I am being a professional..Ok minus what I just said to Raina I'm being very professional but if you don't think I am feel free to take the yolk. *With that he lets go and the plane's nose drops sharply* Being the professional you are I'm sure you're qualified on this size aircraft right?

*Mac continued to hold Faith while they watched tv, he nods his head to acknowledge the limited amount of time they will get alone before one or both of them has to go put out some fire somewhere.* I really miss those days when I could make 30 minutes last for a week if I wanted, sadly 30 minutes now is really only 30 minutes, proof that I've no longer myself, seems like everyday I'm finding a new limitation...But I don't want you to think I'm complaining about that. As long as I have you and the girls I still feel invincible.
(Sorry if I'm sort of fastforwarding the actual flight. I just think that there can't be much happening on a flight and sort of wanted to move on . . . But feel free to do whatever you want. Also, sorry for the bad post. )

Getting on the plane, Mel sat as far back as she could, although it wasn't that big of a plane. She had wanted some quiet to help her rest a bit before she wanted up passing out in the middle of digging an open grave. But apparently she wouldn't be getting any of that because the pilots had decided to provide some drama for the on flight entertainment . . . Great . . . Too tired to complain, she took out an ipod and brought the volume up as high as she could handle. Then after crossing her arms, she proceeded to stare blankly out the window.

Vash sat next to Mel on the plane, no loner eating because he was feeling a bit full. As Alex and Sheena started fighting, the demon did his best not to listen in, although it was a bit hard to ignore. Was it really best for them to be fighting while flying? What if they crashed because of some argument?


Eventually, Mel could see a black dome-like mass along the northeastern coast of England. "You might want to land outside. It's not exactly easy to get into town. Especially something this big." As soon as the plane landed, Mel ran off as if her life depended on it. She wasn't keeping track, so she had no idea how long they had been flying but it seemed way too long to be trapped in a confined space with these people.

Stepping forward, Mel took a look at her hometown, now a huge mass of black thorny vines and barbed wire forming a dome that also went off the cliff and into the sea below. Like worms, the vines and wire were continuously moving, squirming. It was a rather ugly sight but it was her birthplace.

Vash stepped off the aircraft carrying Riff's coffin on his shoulder. Mel had made it extremely clear that he had to carry the thing around because she didn't want Riff in the hands of the others. Not that he minded. It wasn't even that heavy with his demonic strength. The demon stared at the strange structure as well. The last time he had been here was last year to bury his sister's ashes. The moving mass still creeped him out today. It was like watching a hole of snakes. And Vash didn't like snakes.

After getting the rest of the shivers out of his spine, he turned to the others. "Uh . . . Welcome to Hallsands, I guess. As you can see, we don't get that many tourists here . . . "

"Everyone grab your things if you have any now," Mel told them. "If you want to get in, we have to stay close together. We only have a short time to get everyone through and stragglers risk getting left out or injured. As soon as I make the opening, I want everyone to run in as fast as they can." She then pulled a deck of tarot cards out from her pocket, shuffling through them until she found the card she needed: The King of Swords. Closing her eyes, she held the card to her forehead, trying to visualize the thing she had to summon. It took a while but a pale silver rapier appeared before her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdfa2ef3d_KingofSwords.png.3069632387cd649c264d6d663b771dbb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdfa2ef3d_KingofSwords.png.3069632387cd649c264d6d663b771dbb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Taking the blade in her hand, she spun the revolving compartment by the hilt until each window (the red parts) turned white. White runes covered the blade and then Mel made a slash at the barrier. A white light in the shape of the swing collided with the black and the the vines parted, forming a large hole that was quickly shrinking.

Mel and Vash both bolted through the opening before it could close behind them, sliding against the grass inside. Vash got up rather quickly and after brushing the grass off his clothes, looked around to make sure everyone made it through safely. Mel, however, stood up sluggishly and even had to use her sword to help. Breathing extremely heavily, she wondered why she felt so winded. The blade had always taken a lot of energy to use, that's why she mostly only used it as an overpowered key home, but usually, she could fit like four attacks like that before getting tired. "What the Hell did that b*tch do in my body?! Eat lard and sleep all day?! @#$%, I feel like a fat guy after a five minute jog!" When they went back, she was going on a strict training program.

Behind her stretched green grass until the edge of the cliff about 100 or so feet away. The town itself was built into the side of a cliff and was comprised of three levels connected by a zigzagging path up the vertical sides of the cliff. The top level, where they were, had dense forest and what looked like old farmland covered in weeds and grass. The second level held the houses and shops. Most of which looked like they were just a breath away from collapsing and the rest were in ruins. And the last level was just sandy shores next to a nearly dead still ocean. The entire place looked horrible, as if no one lived there for years, which was the case. Perhaps the only things in the town that could be considered pretty were the wild flowers that managed to spring up anywhere it could, and the seemingly dancing rays of sunlight let in by the gaps in the moving barrier. The place seemed dead other than the sound of birds coming from all over.

When she finally got her breath back, Mel set the sword back and turned to the others. "Okay, a few ground rules. First, as you can see, there are no restaurants here, so if you get hungry, you're going to have to go find or kill something yourself. There are deer and rabbits in the forest as well as a ton of birds. Don't try to fish in the ocean; there is nothing. Second, there's no running water but there is an old inn with a hot spring if you need to clean up. Don't muck it up. And finally, you may go anywhere you want in this place but stay away from the mansion. Are we clear?"

Emma turned and started back on the tour, her heart racing after that brief encounter with the other teacher. She had never stood for a telepath in her head since...

Emilia shook off her emotions, dismissing them for cool and calm. She would not let her emotions get the best of her. Emma hardly allowed Macal to speak in her head on occasion, she was extremely protective for deeply personal reasons. There was only room for one within her skull, Emilia would make sure of that.

Emilia was so caught up she hadn't noticed River's disappearance until one of the twins mentioned it. She shrugged, it was no concern of hers, she did her job, it was more of a convince that she help them to their rooms. The castle could easily become a maze to the inexperienced. "What do you propose I do? Run after him, beg him to show me the way through the castle, apologize for my poor behavior?" Her sarcasm was dry and cold. Emma's eyes grazed along the walls as she walked past displays and tapestries that decorated the otherwise bare walls.
Katarina nods, taking in Bucky's response in silence, and wonders again just who this girl is to him, exactly, and what history they've had. She was older than Katarina, closer to his age and closer to him in status, a fellow Lycan. She wondered if they had a romantic history, if he missed her. If he had loved her. But she says nothing, sitting with him, hand in hand, as they wait for their flight to come to an end.

Sheena grabbed Alex's hands on the wheel of the plane and jerked it upright again as he made it shift downward, gasping aloud not in fear but in anger. When the plane was under control, she smacked him in the back of the head, hissing, "You don't play with this, Alex Sage, what the hell is your problem? Your stupid ego could kill a plane of people if you slipped for a second!"

She refuses to talk to him for the rest of the flight, fuming, eyes peeled for the slightest falter on his part, because she was more than ready to take over. By the time they land safely, she scrambles away from him out of the plane, looking at everything around her with little apprehension or surprise. She wouldn't think Mel would be used to much more from her attitude. She nods her understanding of her need to get her own food; not a problem, as a Lycan or even huntress. Katarina, though, looks around with some unease, then up at Bucky.

"I've never killed animals before for food. I guess this will be new."


"And immortal...mostly," Faith murmurred, head against Macal's chest, fingertips lightly stroking over his wrist. "You and Liza."

She had almost forgotten their earlier argument, or at least, was willing now to push it aside. She needed this, to recharge and reconnect, to gear herself up to go out there and be in charge all over again. So she lay with her husband in quiet, letting all responsibilities and worries and plans fade for just a few minutes.


As Liza observed Adrian, still tilting her head, she made her own decision about the problem.

"You are mad," she stated simply. "You should stop. Hug Mr. Lolo and eat some popcorn and watch Lion King and you'll feel better."

She handed him a stuffed monkey and then took his hand, and what Adrian noticed was a strange calming affect to her touch, for Liza, through her effort to "heal," was actually dissipating his rage. He followed her without thinking as she sat next to him, reinserting her bear in her arms and her thumb in her mouth.

"Better," she announced, eyes returning to the screen. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/normal_This_Boy_s_Life_avi4890.jpg.7d433b20e9e1a649e691c2c53e42acc3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/normal_This_Boy_s_Life_avi4890.jpg.7d433b20e9e1a649e691c2c53e42acc3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raina is a bit irked that Sheena didn't reply, but from this angle she can see her tense slightly and this is enough to keep her satisfied for now, and of course the smirk on her face grows when it is Alex who responds to her tease, she merely rolls her eyes and responds back with no hesitation, "Hey, you want to know the difference between me and you? You're too chicken shit to push that damn button. Now ask yourself, think you can kill a few innocents because one girl is pissing you off?"

Faye is about to intervene somewhat when Katarina leans over and whispers to her, she tries to give her a small smile, though it may look more like a grimace, "That's just Raina, she's always like that and telling her to stop won't do anything," She shrugs, "It's alright though, Sheena and Alex aren't stupid enough to crash just because Raina is being her usual self, hopefully they're used to her by now."

Apparently she is wrong. As then Alex drops the plane's nose and she jolts in her chair, not even bothering to care that she may anger him more as she calls out, "Alex you idiot! You're acting like a five year old! No scratch that! Liza is more mature than you're acting right now! Pick the plane back up dumbass!" But it is Sheena who saves the plane from plummeting any further and she breathes a sigh of relief. What the hell was Alex thinking?

Soon they arrived, and Faye just blinked at the massive dome of moving, wiggling black vines and wire, "Uhhh" Was all she could manage to get out, Raina came up beside her and shrugged, "Not the weirdest thing I've seen." They both listened as Mel spoke, nodding separately to let her know they got it. They both bolted through together, getting to the other side rather fast thanks to their vampire speeds, Faye resisted the urge to giggle at Mel's outburst. But then listened as Mel spoke, Raina did as well, and Faye was surprised at how well-behaved her sister was being, but then again maybe she just knew it was a surprise she was even allowed to be here. Faye nodded at the end of Mel's speech, "Got it."


Riesa and Aries both twin rolled their eyes at Emma's words, "Watch it there, you almost tripped me over with that bucketful of sarcasm." It was Aries who spoke first, but Riesa literally started speaking as soon as he stopped, "No need to get your panties in a twist, I was just letting you know. And why would you beg him to show you through the castle? Don't you know your way already?" Riesa smirked at the end of her sentence before dropping back to link her fingers through Aries's own, swinging their hands together.

"We almost there yet? Being around you for so long is making me feel ill, I think it's your stinkiness." Aries rolled his eyes at that, "Ri, be nice." It sounded more as if Aries was forcing himself to tell his sister off rather than actually meaning it; which was probably the case.
{Akira let himself be dragged around, still confused why she seemed so hurt it wasn't her he's forgotten she was the one thing that seems to make sense to him. He makes a sudden stop pulling his arm away} Look I don't know what's going on here, that blonde guy kept saying things, that didn't make sense to me. He said that he and I were best friends and that we worked together for some super secret spy organization and that it was being led by a god. That I'm some sort of monster only I'm good and don't hurt people. Oh and I'm a ninja. Me a ninja first of all there is no such thing as ninja these days. I may not remember who I am but I'm not stupid.

{He takes a step towards her} So please just tell me who I am. What I am and where do I belong, no scratch that last part for some reason I feel that I belong at your side and for a long time something was trying to keep me away from you. {His hands turn into tight fist and he starts hitting himself in the head} Damn! Why can't I remember anything!

{Jirro looked at his wife and gave her a weak smile before kneeling down by her, he looks at her wrist then at her again before his fangs lowered and he sinks them into her wrist but only for a few seconds kissing her wrist and watches the wound heal instantly. He moves and sits by her putting his arm around her} Thankyou, if that was going be my last meal I'm glad it was you and not some tonic or a stranger. I have to hope that this will work and I don't get destroyed because if I do survive I want to sink my fangs into that bastard HardTimes throat and rip it out so that his blood flows like a fountain! {He turns and faces her.} Izabella, Bella there is one more thing I wish to do before I risk everything, if you don't mind. {He places his hand on her cheek and turns her face towards his and leans forward to kiss her.} No matter what happens to me, remember as long as my blood flows through you and our daughter I will always be with you and love you both.
*Alex, rubbed the back of his head after Sheena smacked him and laughed.* Oh relax this plane has a safety system on it, any drastic drop in altitude the plane's computer takes control and levels the plane out. *He only smirks at Raina's comment..After the plane lands and he secures it, he jumps out of his seat and gathers his gear at first he wasn't going to take his rifle but after hearing what could be waiting for he decides it's better to be safe then sorry. Once outside the plane again he lines up behind the others and follows instructions to the word as they enter.* Just what exactly do you think we'll be walking into? I thought this was just a funeral for your friend. *Outside of the plane he's completely focused on mission. He was going to offer to help Vash with the coffin but the demon seemed to be a powerhouse and didn't need help..Hell if Sheena was here, Alex probably wouldn't even have left the plane. Once through the portal he moves by Sheena's side intent on staying there rather she wanted him there or not talking low so only she can hear him but he's pretty sure that's a futile effort being he's surrounded by vampires and demons* Hey no more kidding or messing around here Sheena, if shit goes sideways, we bug out together and get back to the plane, we don't stand our ground we don't get into combat..I don't know these people with the exception of Raina and I still don't trust her. I have 4 clips of old blood rounds that will make even Jirro think twice about attacking.
"Good luck with that," Mel said in response to Alex's little "escape plan". "The opening has already closed and it's not going to open with that little gun of yours. You might be able to leave on your own in you were a small enough bird but I don't think that's in your skill set." Everyone else seemed to understand and agree to the rules Mel had set. Good, she couldn't be bothered with questions and incidents.

Behind her and Vash, a dark shape was slowly emerging over the cliffside via the sloping path. When fully revealed, the figure stood at 8 feet tall and resembled some sort of Frankenstein teddy bear. "This is Remmington, the guardian of this place," Mel said, motioning to the creature behind her. "Vash and I have to go dig the grave which might take a while. Remmington here will answer any questions you may have. Granted, he can't speak but he still knows more about this place than you do."

Remmington let out a low growl as he lowered his head enough for Mel to pet it. Then he nudged Vash's side with his head. "Yeah, long time no see Remi." The demon turned to the crowd. "We'll come get you when we're ready to start the funeral." He began running after Mel, who was already at the path to the second level, tugging the coffin along on his back. "One tip: Don't touch his tail. It puts him in a bad mood."

After the two disappeared over the edge, Remmington turned to address those that were left. The demonic bear tilted his head to the side, as if asking if they had any questions or perhaps wondering if he had permission to eat these people.

*Rolls his eyes at Mel* Yeah yeah I get it you got super hearing..rude much? And I don't have a little gun, it's a quite adequate size gun..Besides some of us don't have super powers so I'm gonna keep believing that it's not completely pointless if you don't mind. *Speaking of pointless when the giant bear seems to appear out of nowhere in front of them, Alex raised the barrel of his rifle and points it at him.* Ok am I the only one freaked out by the giant Yogi Frankenstein there! *He listens to Mel and watches her interaction with Remmington, slowly lowering his rifle. When Mel and Vash start to take off he yells at them.* HEY DID YOU AT LEAST EXPLAIN WE'RE FRIENDLIES NOT ENTREES! *But there already out of sight* Damn super hearing damn super speed..Left here with Booboo on steroids with nowhere to retreat to..I don't get paid enough for this! *He looks up at the bear and smiles nervously at him* Hey I didn't mean anything about that Booboo on Steroids comment..So where cool right?
Katarina's eyes widen as she looks up at the bear, and she edges a little closer to Faye and Bucky. She has never seen one in person before, and to her, it looks more than ready to attack at any notice. Eyes glued to him- Remi, Mel had called him- she whispers to those near her, " her friend? Does"

Sheena too blinks up at it, not as startled as Katarina or Alex, but shrugs it off as just another odd occurrence in her very odd life. She's Lycan herself, half, anyway, so someone being friends with a bear doesn't seem all that odd. Maybe it's half human, or at least somewhat friendly.

When Alex points his gun at it, she reaches out to cover his hand with hers, hissing in irritation to him. Doesn't he have any sense at all, is he TRYING to get them all killed on this trip?!

"ALEX, that's her...she knows him! She called him by name! You really think it's smart to go kill someone she knows when we're already here for one funeral? God, just don't touch anything or say anything so you can't do any further damage."

Looking up at the bear, she inclined her head a little awkwardly. "Hi. Uh, I'm Sheena. You knew Riff?"

She doesn't know if it talks or not, but if it does, she guesses it's polite to talk first.
*Alex glares back at Sheena* Yeah it's "her friend" maybe you forget your history but neither you or I have ever been friends with Mel and lets not forget some of us can't run at 60 miles per hour to out run him if he did decide to attack..Oh yeah don't forget in the field I have command like you tried to remind me this is a mission. *Alex slides the rifle to his side letting it hang there.* Look Remmington right? No hard feelings there, you just took me by surprise, wasn't expecting a giant bear to just walk up on us like that. I'm sure you understand my reaction.*Alex smiles at the bear but takes a step back, something Mel said to him is bothering him he had to test something. He presses his commbadge to call Titan or anyone else but he gets static on all his channels.* Sheena try to call home, to reach your father or Faith, see if you can get a signal on your communicator..I don't think you will because I'm not sure we're still on the same plane of existence anymore. That is the only explanation because these communicators have a global range.
Mitsumi’s eye widened in surprise when Akira ripped his arm from her grasp and took a step back, blinking rapidly a few times, almost as if she was fighting back more tears as he started his rant about what Alex had told him. She couldn’t understand how both her mother and Akira had had their memories wiped almost at the same time. She didn’t think Akira had been with them, but was it possible? Or had something else happened while the other Black Blood had been looking for them in Japan.

Mitsy has to stop herself from jumping when he takes a step towards her, asking for help, a weird sensation tugging at her chest. Here was the man she had fallen in love with, standing in front of her after months of separation…only it wasn’t truly him…not really…

“Hey…hey!” She lashes out quickly, grabbing both of his arms, stopping Akira short from hitting himself again and glares at him, her fangs having extended. “Knock it off Ace! Giving yourself a damned concussion isn’t going to help you remember anything!” Growling softly, she releases him and steps back once more, leaning against the wall. She knew the hallway wasn’t really the place to do this, but it didn’t really seem like there was too many people around to begin with. She could have sworn she had heard the jet take off a few minutes back, and remember that some student had died, Mitsy looks around again before holding out her hand to Akira once more. “Look…we should get you to someplace where we can talk more…in private…figure things out…and get you something to eat…c’mon…”

She waits for him to take her hand before leading him to her parent’s place, knowing that they still hadn’t returned. Going to the fridge, she fishes around for a blood bag, tossing it gently at him. “You need to feed, get that in your system and then we can talk more…” Grabbing a bag for herself, her eyes never leave his as she pops her fangs into the plastic, trying not to make a face at the taste of it. Ever since she had fed from Nathan all those years ago, she hadn’t quite gotten used to the bagged taste after having sampled the real thing. When her bag has been fully drained, which doesn’t take long, she grabs one of the bar stools by the counter, and hops on, still eyeing Akira.

Where do you want me to start? I mean…you must already know that you’re not human…I smelled someone else’s blood on you when I first saw you…you probably think you’re a vampire, but you’re not…you’re a Black Blood…like me…it’s…I mean, we’re like vampires…in a way. But we’re more, I guess you’d consider it superior…we have souls…sunlight and silver doesn’t harm us…” She sighs, wishing that her father was here, he’d explain things so much better. And maybe seeing his old Master would far his memories more. “Is any of this making any sense?”


The feeling of her husband’s fangs sinking into her almost caused Izabella’s heart beat to increase and she felt dizzy for a second, but she forced herself to stay sitting up straight, closing her eyes and counted slowly in her head as he fed from her. Usually with them, feeding led to something much more…but she knew tonight that that wouldn’t be the case. When Jirro was finished, she smiled softly at him, and allowed him to pull her against her.

Listening to Jirro talk about HardTime caused the Hybrid to growl softly, the sound echoing in her chest and she hid her face against him for a moment, not wanting to think of their mission to come. The sooner they got to the Sanctuary the better…and the sooner they killed HardTime…

Izzy feels herself blush slightly when Jirro kisses her and looks away for a moment, trying to keep her anger in check when he speaks about possibly not surviving everything. “I know you’ll always be with us…because after we kill HardTime, you’re coming home…and things will go back to normal for us…well about as normal as things for people like us can be…”

She sits up a bit straighter, leaning back so that she touches his chest, propping her head under his chin. “We need to get back to Dormer…and we need to let Mitsumi know about what we’re all preparing to do…we can’t keep running out on our kid like this…”


Bucky had stayed quiet for most of the trip. He didn't really know anyone on the jet aside from Kat and Sheena, although he and Izzy's cousin had never really talked. After they had landed, he stayed close to his human's side. The bear had thrown his off a bit, and he found himself growling as it approached him, not even relaxing when Mel, he thought that was what the student's name was, went over to pet it, and the other Vash, explained that they knew it...him...

"Don't touch it's tail..." he mumbled, and rolled his eyes, taking Katarina's and in his and squeezed it hard. "Don't touch it period..."
(Hm? What did Mel say that bothered him? Also, Remmington is actually rather slow but he does possess extreme strength. And Mel does have keener hearing than most humans but it isn't anywhere near as strong as supernatural hearing.)

Having always been a bear, even before becoming the demonic guardian of this place, Remmington didn't understand the concept of a joke or most of the human languages. He did however understand when there was a gun pointed at him. The bear assumed a threatening stance and even growled at Alex when the guy began shouting. Remmington only began to relax when the gun was lowered and Sheena began speaking to him. There was something about her scent that relaxed him, something not quite human, more animalistic. There was a man there as well with a similar scent.

When Sheena introduced herself and asked if Remi knew Riff, the bear lied down on the ground. This eyes seemed wet and he emitted a sound like a gruff whimper. Remi hadn't seen Riff among the crowd but he did smell the butler and the scent came from the big black box on Vash's shoulders. Having been assigned to protect this place long ago, he knew that Mel only came home for one reason and so knew the significance of the big black box.

After Alex tries to make peace with the bear, Remi stuck out one of his front paws and opened it. In the middle of a palm large enough to fit a small child, were a small bunch of blackberries and a few apples, mixed with a few twigs and leaves. They were slightly crushed as apparent of the stains in his fur. This was usually what he gave Mel when she comes to the village, but she left him in charge of the welcoming committee, so he was giving it to these people.
River was in a completely different world right now, everything in his vision was distorted, strange and although he's had to live with this mental disorder for nearly his whole life it was still a lot to take in. River figured he was doing a fine job of ignoring the hallucinations in spite of the fact that his red jacket now had a whole bitten into the sleeve because of his furious chomping. Then the hooded boy felt a tremor on the ground; someone was approaching. He focused his intense blue eyes on the glass and tried to ignore whatever it was - the young killer was very sure that it was just a part of his episode; River didn't want to turn and see the Shadow Man, the personification of his deep childhood fear. Instead a calm voice carried through the air, "you alright there? You look a tad lost." It probably looked very amusing to the other person to witness the new student shoot up about 10 feet in the air. A complete exaggeration but the point is that it scared him.

"Oh jeez, you scared the hell out of me! Who do you think you are, huh, bub? Sneaking up on someone who was clearly staring out of the window for dramatic affect an-" River paused. He was gaping at his torn sleeve and then looked murderously at the 'intruder'. "Look what you did. You broke it." River stood and took a few slow steps toward the other person, staring accusingly. The temperamental teen raised his fist and swung at the student and at the last second... patted his head. "I was just kidding, silly! I forgive you.. you'll just have to buy me another one," he halted for a moment and then spoke again, "a red one obviously. I guess I should introduce myself if you're going to buy me stuff; the name's River." He darted behind him suddenly, "what's your name then, bub?"

Despite this strange introduction, River noticed that the appearance of this guy had let the episode fade away. He was thankful for that at least.
(Pretty sure they're still on the same plane of existence Macal, I mean, they're in England. The reason the communicators aren't working is because of Mel's magical mojo stuff around the barrier of the town, I'm assuming anyway)

Raina simply rolled her eyes as she heard Alex's 'escape plan' with her supernatural hearing, she knew Faye heard it too if the tightening of her lips was anything to go by and Raina scoffed lightly, but besides that didn't say anything. She had looked back only briefly while running, and she had seen how that thing had swallowed right back up again - she was pretty sure only Mel could open it up for them again. That thought was somewhat confirmed in Raina's mind when Mel spoke up.

Raina just blinked as a massive bear came into view, and Faye tilted her head, eyes a tad shocked. "Uhhmm?" Raina, after a moment of staring, just shrugged, "Still not the weirdest thing I've seen." She then glanced at her sister who still seemed a little bit shocked, "Ah chill out Faye," She then glanced back at the bear, "He's sorta cuddly looking." At this Faye seemed to calm and she nodded, smiling lightly, "I guess so." Raina smirked lightly at the tail comment and took a step forward, thankfully, Faye noticed and pulled her back with a simple, "No."

Faye, when Katarina edged closer, gave her what she hoped was a reassuring smile, "I think so, I mean, she patted his head and for Mel that's like a hug and giving a present combined, I think. Plus, he doesn't seem that bad." At this, the bear growled, and Faye corrected herself, "Well, at least when someone isn't pointing a gun at it. But..I don't think he talks." Raina managed to stand there for quite a good while actually, only twitching slightly at Alex's behaviour, but it was slowly beginning to piss her off more and more. But when he talks about the mission she growls lightly and turns to him, "Oh just shut up already Alex! Stop being such a baby, yes, it's a bear, no, it won't eat us unless you idiotically point that gun at it again, just because you're not Mel's friend doesn't mean she's going to set a giant bear on you and you have no command here alright!" She rolled her eyes, "This isn't a goddamned mission, it's a funeral. F-u-n-e-r-a-l, Alex. The only reason you're here was because we needed a plane and you were the first choice, doesn't mean we have to listen to anything you say." She shrugged, "Even if I don't like it, far as I'm concerned Mel is the one in 'command' here, she knows the place, she has the power and if you piss me off anymore I don't mind kicking your ass just to prove to you you're not in 'command' here." She let out a huff of breath and gave him a warning glare before turning to look at the bear again, keeping Alex in her sight still though.

Faye, having overheard her sister's little rant turned and gave Alex a somewhat apologetic smile, she 'whispered' under her breath to him, "Sorry, she's been a bit edgy since she stopped attacking humans for their blood. Change of diet does that I suppose." The firey girl then turned to the bear, who at this point was seemingly mourning Riff and then offering berries, she let out a giggle at that and hopped forward and beamed up at the bear with a friendly expression. She was seemingly unafraid of the large bear as she took an apple and patted him, "Thanks Remmington! You're sweet, I like you!" She then gave him a smaller smile, this one more sorrowful than anything, "I'm sorry about Riff, I'm guessing you must have been sorta close too since you obviously know Mel and Vash,"


Chameleon held back a chuckle as the boy jumped, realising that laughing at him being scared probably wouldn't make the best first impression. He watched silently as the boy began talking quickly, but then he cut himself off at the part about dramatic effect and stared at his sleeve which had clearly been bitten through, but, somehow, it was Chameleon's fault, and he merely shrugged. He was about to reply but then the smaller boy was coming over, then a fist was raised, aiming for Chameleon, the shifter's eyes seemed to darken slightly at that, and just as the fist was a few inches away Chameleon's own hand shot up in record time and grabbed the other person's wrist tightly, but when it seemed his own head was only being patted his eyes lightened again and he let go abruptly.

He had no idea why he was buying this boy stuff, but he was given a name and asked for one in return when the guy darted behind him. It seemed he had no worries about being attacked from behind as he remained where he was and chuckled lightly; this guy was sort of funny. "Wait, why am I buying you stuff? You know you chewed through that sleeve yourself right? If you're that hungry we've got food in the cafeteria, I can take you there if you want."

It was then that he turned to face River and he stuck out his hand, his blue eyes glinting with amusement, "And my name's Chameleon, but you can call me Leon or Leo if that's too much of a mouthful,"
Sheena rolled her eyes at Alex again, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked between him and Remington, irritated. He really was overly paranoid.

"If you don't trust Mel why the hell would you go off with her like we did and why would Faith send us if she thought the girl would feed us to a bear? Look, he's offering you berries...he's like a huge teddy bear. Or something. Chill out."

To Remington, she smiled again, asking, "Do you talk?" before looking around for Mel, seeing if she was returning yet. She remained alert to any others who might be approaching even as she raised her voice to speak to the group at large. "Everyone stay close together and make sure you stay aware of your surroundings, we don't know what's out here. If you have weapons, keep them close, but don't go off half cocked like some people threatening everything that moves."

Yes, that was a poke at Alex.

Holding Bucky's hand, Katarina shook her head quickly at his comment. "I wasn't going to touch him...he seems...okay though?"

Turning her head to Faye, she managed a small smile, before speaking with some sympathy towards Raina. The other girl made her nervous, but Sheena didn't seem afraid of her, nor had Faith, so she guessed it was worth trying to be nice to her. "So you're hungry? Maybe we can get you something soon and you'll feel better."
Raina snickered lightly as Sheena made a jab at Alex, but then that human girl was speaking to her, and Raina looked over impassively, her eyes narrowed, not liking the sympathy in the girl's tone. She didn't need her damn sympathy, it was pathetic. A year or so ago and this idiot would have been her lunch. She scoffed lightly at her comment and stepped forward with a glint in her eyes, "Unless you're deaf or just plain stupid, Faye said it's human blood I need, but if you're offering I'd gladly tear your neck open." She titled her head with a smirk, about to step even closer when Faye's arm shot out and pulled her back, the younger girl frowning at her sister.

"Raina, don't be a b*tch." Raina half-glared, half-frowned at Faye then, "Well if she's going to be stupid then why can't I be a b*tch? I'm sure no-one would miss her anyway." Faye's lips tightened at that then, and for the first time in a long while she was actually mad at her sister. Did she not understand how badly that sentence could affect someone? To be honest, Faye herself wouldn't have understood less than a year ago, but thinking on it, if someone said that to her, about her, that she wouldn't be missed, she'd probably have another one of her moments. "I'd miss her." She spoke sharply and Raina looked at her with confusion, why was Faye so mad all of the sudden? She was used to her incredible mood swings by now, but she usually knew what had caused them.

"I like Katarina, she's much nicer than a lot of the people here," That was aimed directly at Raina then, she could tell by Faye's narrowed eyes and the hiss in her tone, "And if you even suggest something like that about her again I will kick your ass and convince Mel to leave you here alone." With that she sharply turned her back to Raina and walked over to stand with Katarina and Bucky instead. Raina seemed to recover from her mixed state of confusion and shock to growl lightly under her breath and also turn away with a muttered, "Whatever."

Faye looked up at Katarina apologetically, "Sorry, she didn't mean that. I was going to suggest we find her a deer or something to drink from, but now I'm considering just leaving it if she's going to be such a jerk." She titled her head and gave her a smile, "But thanks for trying to be nice. It's probably better just to ignore her though to be honest."
*Alex snaps back at Sheena* Look you may have forgotten your training but I haven't, why don't you and fang face there think about the situation..Or maybe I'm the only one that has read the Art of War, here is reminder. 1. We have no means of retreat..2. With the giant bear in our path who I'm sure there is more to then his looks blocks our advance. 3. Cut your enemy's communication lines 4. The more in the dark your enemy is about his surroundings the higher chance of their destruction. *Alex drops his clip and slides out one of the 50. cal nano-tipped rounds and tosses it to Raina.* Talk to me like that again and the next 29 of those will be coming much much faster. Oh btw my job is to protect Sheena and that plane and maybe Kat since she's also a human..So yeah this is a mission for me and until we're back on that plane I will follow my orders and my oath. *He looks around for a building or some high ground and starts walking away* But since I can do no right here I'll go find a spot to lay low...Oh Sheena way to have my back partner. *He speaking under his breath as he walks away* Might as well not have come back in the first damn place!
Bucky snarls softly when Raina made a jab at Katarina, his eyes shifting to feral in an instant as his arm goes protectively in front of the human and gently pushes her behind him.

"Just try it blood bag..." His canines had lengthened and he narrowed his eyes at her, even as Faye led her away. Growling again, he moved the two of them back and looked in Alex's direction.

"I think it'd be best if we stuck by Alex and Sheena for now Katarina..." His gaze followed Raina's movements and he huffed slightly, looking back at Kat to show her how serious he was. "Anything I can do to help?" This was directed towards Alex. He didn't know much about the others on this trip, but he figured sticking with the techie would be the best bet.

((sorry, not a good post, kinda winged it...and I forget, is Raina just a vampire or a Black Blood?))

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