Dormer Academy

*Mac looked at Sheena* Well if you really want to help, you could take the lead with the security teams and make sure no more fights and if there are using as little force as you can to stop anyone that does fight. You know give warning, send them back to their rooms, file reports of the ones that just can't take a hint. This won't be easy considering all the different powers and personalities of the students here, each situation will be different, So do you think you're up to the task?

Liza, how about you and Nickie look out for the younger students, keep them happy and safe, you could set up some kind of game or movie night, I'll even set up one of the gyms for you to use.

(I need to apologize to everyone if I've held anyone up this week. My family just moved to another state and there were a few problems with the setting up the new house and internet was setup wrong and had to be fixed, Then my wife's new bosses wanted to take us out to dinner to celebrate her working their hospital, lastly I've been exhausted from unpacking the house by myself..So I promise I will catch up and post asap If I miss someone that talked to one of my characters just remind me, I have a lot of reading to catch up on..)
Riesa and Aries were almost out of range of the others when Emma came by and told them to stop. Riesa glowered at the woman and carried on tugging her brother along disobediently - she really didn't like the lady - but Aries grabbed her wrist to stop her and looked at Emma. This woman had gotten them to a place where even if they were disliked, it was at least somewhere with a roof to stop the rain, food that they didn't have to steal or even kill for and even something as simple as the beds they would be sleeping in was like heaven on earth to the two street teens. So he at least at the decency to listen to what she had to say. He nodded in response, "Sure" Riesa snorted irritably behind him, glancing over at Emma as she headed to that lady that had told them to leave, "Come on Ari, we don't need her to show us around! She'll just show us boring stuff that we don't even care about anyway," Aries rolled his eyes at his twin, "What like where we need to sleep?" "Exactly! We don't need to know that! We need to know fun things like where we can fight and have adventures.." She trailed off before nudging her twin lightly, "And the science labs." A grin came over Aries's face at that one, "They better have some good chemicals here, or else I'll have to go find some." Riesa giggles, "Just make sure you don't blow it up or anything...actually, that'd be fun, you should so blow it up."

When Emma turned back to them Riesa gave the woman a glare. Even if Riesa acted a bit ditzy and stupid, she was still pretty clever - how else did they survive so long without being caught or killed? it wasn't just Aries who kept them safe - and she knew Emma didn't like them in the slightest and found them annoying and irritating, so Riesa returned the feelings of annoyance mutually. She pulled a childish face at Emma while sticking out her tongue before she hop-skipped in front of Aries and grabbed his hand, leaning her body against his slightly. It was Aries who looked back at Emma and made conversation, even it was just a question, "Hey, are me and Ri sharing a room or do we have to have separate ones?" Riesa pulled a face at that; there was no way she was rooming without her brother.

But before they could hear Emma's answer, the main door flew open and a voice shouted out, "YO, DWELLERS OF DORMER, I HAVE ARRIVED!" Riesa looked over, hoping for something interesting to get her away from Emma, whereas Aries frowned a bit. He knew that voice from somewhere, he was sure of it. His eyes fell upon a boy, either their age or about a year older, and he frowned lightly, tilting his head even as Riesa let go off his hand and ran over, immediately invading the guy's personal space, "Hey! We just arrived too! Does that mean we can be friends? It so does!" She titled her own head then, "You're kinda cute. Your eyes are just wick---" She blinked, then frowned, then a wide smile spread across her face and she crushed the boy in a hug, "RIVER! I know those eyes! Woahhh, I thought we'd never see you again, did you like the pizza?" Aries headed over slowly, glancing back at Emma to check she was still there before he stood behind Riesa, grabbed her shoulder and pulled her off the boy, "Ri, you're acting like he was our best friend who died or something, we met the guy once, in a dirty alley street." Aries was secretly pleased to note that in the past three years he had grown taller and was now taller than both his twin and River. He was pretty sure his own voice was a touch deeper too.


Raina growled under her breath at Faith, and she started forward, literally about to attack the woman here and now, but Faye had grabbed her arm and pulled her back, but Raina was still mad, so she shrugged her off and headed for Faith again. Then she let out a small hiss of pain as Faye grabbed her again, this time with a heated hand. "Ouch Faye, what the f*ck was that for?" She rubbed her burnt arm and Faye shrugged, "I didn't want you and Faith to start a fight in the middle of the hallway," "So you felt the need to burn me?" "Yup! You heal fast anyway Rai, I just did it to get you to stop." Raina glared at Faye, "I swear, if you weren't my sister you'd so be on the ground right now." Faye just grinned in response and turned back to the others, trying to mentally count who was coming. Mel and Vash obviously, then her and Raina, now Katarina too. So that was five right? Was five people enough for a funeral? She guessed it had to be. Five was at least better than two.

(If anyone is curious about how River and the twins know each other, this is how they met:
Emma was showing them down the hallway back down to the castle entry, down there would be the offices were they would set up the application and admittance process. She had done this dozens of times before, it was standard procedure after she recruited a new student as well as showing them the basics around the facility and to their rooms. Emilia found paperwork, for the most part, to be a waste of time, especially when it was so easy to burn. She herself never looked forward to it and what she would consider the most tedious part of her job at the Academy. It was in her own opinion that they have the office staff perform this duty, she was a teacher after all, but those thoughts were her own and she hadn't shared them with anyone. While in the office she would also be doing her own paperwork, filling out a briefing report and recall the events that transpired during the time she took to retrieve any possible students. At least she came back with at least one, if the mission had failed and either the following two happened, turning up a false or nonexistent lead or even the subject dying in her custody, then that would be another stack of paperwork for her. Again, the unglamorous part of her job, but no different if she were at S.H.E.I.D. where if she didn't turn paperwork in at a reasonable fashion they would send the hounds after her.

She listened to their slight bickering, Reisa was only half correct, she would be showing them around to the places they would eventually figure out how to get to on their own. For the same of convenience, she considered narrowing down the shitty tour to include only locations that would come across their way to their room. Emilia opened her mouth to answer the boy's question, a reasonable one. She preferred him over the girl, he had at least a shred of respect.

A boy burst through the front doors, shouting the announcement of arrival. Emilia stared at him, her eyes cold. Excellent. A solitary apartment and a hot shower seemed sweeter and sweeter by the moment.

"That was highly unnecessary. This is not a zoo, so I suggest for your own sake you lower tour voice," Emilia Belokhov was not in the mood to be crossed. while she could not....physically harm students, she had other ways of dealing with rebellious students. Imagination she lacked not. "As it may you have impeccable timing. If you care to comply to our rules, and reap the benefits of safety, shelter, sustenance, and education...feel free to join me in the other room. However, if you feel common sense and courtesy are beneath you in your superior sense of self worth, obviously you don't need our Academy; in that case, you know where the door is, and you can kindly show yourself out." Emilia turned her attention specifically to Aries and Reisa, a d without missing a beat said, "Students of different gender are not to live within the same wing of dorms; however, I will see what I can do about setting you two up in the wing for families."

She then walked to a glass pained door with the word "office" carved ornately into wood above it. Inside the room she stalked past the elderly woman who worked the office, grabbed a clipboard and pen. The whole trip had taken little over two months--seven weeks, five days approximately--Emma grabbed six report sheets and sat in one of the two large leather couches in reception. She unlaced her boots and kicked her feet up on the coffee table. Between her report and three admittances, she would be here for a while. Emma sighed and set to work on her report, leaving some time for the three out in the hallway to have their reunion and get their bearings.
Bastian wasn't a huge fan of drama, so with his mentor being missing in action with her husband, and Katarina elsewhere with her brother and friends, the Lycan found himself avoiding the death of the student, as upsetting as it was and took over Izzy's morning classes, with what little students had actually shown up. He had been hoping to see Kat, but his human interest never showed and towards the end of his classes, his mood had shifted, the playful smile gone from his lips. His jealousy of her relationship with the others was starting to get the better of him...the human girl had too strong of a hold on him...

Growling softly, Bucky headed back up to the main campus, clutching the attendance papers, knowing they'd still be checked even with everything going on. A few younger students bumped into him on the way, bringing out a low growl from deep in his chest and he snapped lengthened canines at them, causing the group to scurry. The arrival of River didn't go unnoticed, and the boy's colorful outburst returned the smirk to his face.

Mumbling an apology, he squeezed through a small group of students, two of which he didn't recognize, but shrugged it off as he pushed the door open to the main office. The one room in this place where he could escape all the young'ins....and the temptation to give into his more animalistic urges and anger. What had happened in the cafeteria with everyone still urked him, and seeing everyone he knew here and those he cared for lose it like that...what if he had been a part of that and hurt someone...what if he had hurt Katarina...

Shaking his head, Bucky clicked the lock to the door and headed for the files when another scent caught his attention. Pausing, his nostrils flared slightly. Shifter...definitely shifter...but he couldn't recall any of the teachers here being that species.

Following the scent, his eyes go wide when they fall on the blonde sitting in the lounge area for the instructors, her bare feet up on one of the tables there. He hadn't seen her in ages, not since...

Knowing she hadn't sensed him yet, he shook his head again, and cleared his throat to get Emma's attention and smirked, his arms going to cross over his broad chest.

"So that's what is stinking this place up..." He grinned widely, canines exposed, his accent thick. "Where'd you come from?"
Emma's handwriting was a quick scrawl skittering down the page in a unsightly mess. If she was required to write it down, then they would be required to read her ungodly handwriting. She heard the soft click of the door first, but sensed the three kids still out in the entry. Emma looked up as the man cleared his throat, expecting to see a familiar face. She stared at him, her eyes hard, and lowered her clipboard with her report while he joked and asked here where she had come from. He accent thick, like when he tries to impress someone.

"My American-whore mother's womb," Emilia glared, her voice dropping into heavy Russian. "And it is no concern of yours."

It was silent for a moment and Emma's expression softened, she smiled, her voice picking back in her natural, her heritage barely noticeable within her syllables. "Joking. You're a sight for sore eyes. I was in California, recovering a couple of crack-pot kids." She sunk down into the couch some more, making herself comfortable. "I haven't had running water for three days." She sniffed the air, "And its not like you smell any better. You aren't shedding are you?"
It seemed River's loud, brash entrance had caught the attention of some nearby students and maybe a teacher; a girl bouncing on the heels of her feet; a boy who was frowning lightly - a reaction that River was well acquainted with; and finally an older woman who was glaring coldly in his direction. River tilted his head and mumbled under his breath about being disliked was seemingly becoming a habit of his. The girl eagerly ran towards him and stood about an inch from his face. Spending a year with Wade had made River much comfortable with people standing in his personal bubble... or rather used to it; he still didn't particularly like it. His face scrunched lightly and he pushed her back a tad as she began talking a mile-a-minute, and as she excitedly spoke, River couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with this person... did he try to kill her before? "Hey! We just arrived too!" Oh goody, he wasn't the only newbie. "Does that mean we can be friends? It so does!" Her head tilted and her eyes glimmered, "you're kinda cute. Your eyes are just wick---" As she stopped, River frowned, "Hey, don't stop with the compliments, I- ACK." He was surprisingly caught off of guard as the girl grabbed him and began 'hugging' him... more like being squashed to death. The bones in his back cracked through the strain of the 'hug'.

Then she shouted his name suddenly and River's eyes lit up in surprise. "Yep, I am in fact River..." He pushed her away, though she still had a hold on him, "and I never got the pizza. It's hard to be served when you're covered in blood. I had to evade the police in the end which was admittedly fun." River remembered the twins now and his eyes glanced over at Aric who was travelling toward them. He pulled Cari off of him and River didn't even bother to send a thankful look in his direction, he then spoke about their meeting, obviously not understand why Cari was was being so friendly towards River. He put his hands behind his back and pouted lightly, "and here I thought that we bonded in glorious friendship, that really breaks my heart, Aric." River still used their aliases, not knowing their real names as of yet. He watched the other boy glimpse over their heads and he definitely seemed smug, "whoa, you actually grew... you used to be a little shortie but you're still a bit of an ass though" River grinned.

The woman who had stood a slight distance away had chose to begin boringly lecture River about being a perfect, nice student while being housed in Dormer Academy. He smiled and waited until she was finished to start talking. River spoke barely above a whisper, "is this a better inside voice?" He said, amusement clearly in his tone before speaking at a regular level, "I'm just kidding... I'm sure we'll get along just fine." He walked by her and punched her arm lightly. Smiling sweetly, River outstretched his arm, "please lead the way, I am very serious about my education." He paused, "or at least I try to be, being annoying and getting distracted is very tempting and I often fall back into my nonchalant nature. But the point here is that I'm trying to be serious so take it or leave it, Honey." River stared at her with a raised eyebrow and clicked his fingers in a z-snap formation. "Sassy." River winked at the twins and followed her to, what he assumed was, her office. Although it could have been anyone's office, perhaps she was stealing it... how rude. She left River with the two siblings and he turned towards them, clapping his hands together. "So how have you two been?" Not that River really cared, he was just attempting to make conversation to cover the nagging thought in his mind about his phone. He hoped that Wade had learned his lesson.

(River will most likely become very annoying, haha :D )
"Touche..." his eyes gleamed slightly as he replied to her quick comeback and shrugged, leaning back against the wall. He was used to the dog comments by now, especially with the way Macal and Jirro still chose to throw them out. If he started letting small things like that bother him, he'd never be able to control his anger in another attack.

Bucky couldn't help but wonder when the last time he had seen the Shifter had been. If he had to stop and think about it, it must have been a pretty long time, but he was pleased to see that it didn't look like she had changed all that much appearance wise. He had always been fond of the fellow blonde, despite the way they sometimes bucked heads on things. "Where did we get mixed up the last time? Pompeii wasn't were undercover looking for some...weapon most likely, and I was on Council business...I'm pretty sure that was it..."

Leaning back more comfortably, he pushed one leg behind him til it rose at the knee. "I didn't realize that you were a part of this...Izzy, well you remember Izabella right? She was still Danvers then...or maybe Greyjoy...can't recall...she's remarried now, Mochizuki...anyways...she got me a gig here for the time being...I thought I had studied the directory to this place thoroughly...guess I must have skimmed your name, that's the problem with books without pictures..." He smirked, then quickly caught himself, realizing that he had begun to flirt. It was odd how easily he was able to still slip into 'that mode'...

Giving his head a tiny shake so that his golden curls bounced, he offered her a tiny smile, keeping his lips pressed tightly together, as if keeping the one-liners ar bay.


((I'll give Jirro Mochizuki like another day, then I'm just gonna go on with Izzy?Mitsy...don't want to be holding anyone back with them...))

Emma's arrival, unlike that of basically everyone else, was one that was much welcomed for Faith, and she actually broke out into a genuine grin as the woman made her appearance, displaying her usual calm, competent demeanor in handling the other children. It was about time that someone showed up who could actually be helpful, and Faith took her arm with some affection, grasping it briefly in appreciation.

"Oh thank my last thread of sanity. You can probably guess how glad I am to have you back. You mean you brought those Tazmanian thingaweirdos in? Thanks a lot, Em."

As River burst in, his yelling causing Katarina to jump and move closer to Faye, Faith rolled her eyes to the ceiling, turning to Emma. "Yours too?"

She smiles again when Emma sharply corrects the new boy's behavior, glad she didn't have to, because by this point it might have been ugly. "Okay, you heard the woman. Go wherever you're supposed to be because unless someone is gushing blood or otherwise near death I'm through here. Mel, we're getting the jet set, so come on out, you ones that are leaving, and let me make sure it's set to see you off."

She noticed Adrian standing, seeming to be struggling still to control him, as Katarina started to walk away obediently, and said to him directly, "Adrian, what I want for you to do is take charge of some of the younger kids here. My husband is having my daughter gather them up to entertain them, so you stay in charge of them. It's important to keep them in our sight right now and it ain't gonna be easy with kids like Liza wanting to be everywhere at once, but I'm trusting you to do it."

Said child Liza, of course, is already running all through the academy, teleporting in and out of each child's room and announcing top volume, "WE'RE GONNA HAVE A PARTY COME ON AND BRING YOUR STUFFED ANIMAL FRIENDS!!!" which was hardly what her father had suggested, but exactly how she interpreted it. Sheena, meanwhile, replying to her father in the affirmative, began to walk through the halls watching for brewing fights and assisting students as needed.
"Nothing?" Emma lifted an eyebrow. "Maybe it has been too long. That should've instigated a snarl at least. Old dog forgetting his tricks." She watched him pull his hand through his hair, she wondered is he was doing that on purpose too or if it was subconscious, as he talked about the last time their paths crossed. A smirk snuck on her lips. "Pompeii was one of them, but you're thinking of Cairo, because that was when I first started calling you Bast, the feline goddess." She nudged him with her leg with a small laugh. I know Izzy and Jirro. Izzy and I get along pretty well, though I'm surprised to hear they are not here--" she sensed the students outside the door of the Office. "Perhaps we should resume this conversation later, in my apartment over drinks in a few hours. And maybe we'll see if the old dog has any new tricks."

Emma kicked his feet from the coffee table, "Out." And stood as the door opened and Dormer Academy's three newest students burst into the room with an enormous racket. River had been talking when she walked into the Office and had 't paid much attention then and wasn't paying much now.

"Excellent, your decision in joining our fine academy has cost you the penalty of paperwork." She handed Aries two clipboards a d River his own. "Fill this out to the best of your knowledge. If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask...Edith, who is sitting over at that nice desk over there. She is our official receptionist and can answer your questions better than I can."

Emma resumed a place in a lone armchair on the otherwise of the room, and began writing again.

((I didn't have her respond back to Faith because I believe they are in different areas and is definitely in a separate room now))
"Bast...." he flinched at the nickname realizing it was what Kat called him as well and tried to smile. "I haven't forgotten anything Emilia, trust me..."

Pushing his body away from the wall as she mentioned his mentor and shrugged, trying to appear as if nothing was wrong with those two. "Yeah, well...something came up with Jirro and he had to go away for a bit, Izzy went along with. I'm sure they'll be back soon enough..." He felt bad lying, and wanted to say more, but he figured if she hadn't heard it with everyone else when Macal had revealed the Black Blood's secret, then he had no business being the one to tell her. Let Izzy cover that one...

His eyebrows rose at her offer for drinks later and he nodded, stiffening slightly as the door sprung open and three newcomers burst in. "Alright...I'll see you later...have fun with..." Grinning, he offered Emma a tiny wave and squeezed past the students, closing the door to the office behind him as he stepped back into the hallway.

Rounding the corner, he spotted a familiar head of dark hair. "Kat! Katarina!" Jogging to catch up, he gently touched her arm to stop her and moved in front of her. "Hey...I was looking for you earlier...are you...are you okay?" He knew with everything going on he should have checked in on her sooner and a pang of guilt tugged at him.
(Sorry for the sucky post.)

Mel listened quietly as Faith told her that they were to take a private jet. And she continued to watch as Faith called out to Macal telepathically in regards to the aircraft. Then a woman came by who followed the strange twins. Another nutcase was screaming down the hall. And the Lycan teacher's aid came by and was speaking to the girl Vash invited to the funeral. And finally came Faith's order to prepare for the trip. "Fine. In the mean time, I've got to fix my hair. Got to be presentable and all that. Come on, Vash."

She left with the demon right on her heels. Things seemed to be going along fine. They'd go to England. Bury Riff. And then come back and try to forget this whole thing even happened. But . . . would it be that easy for her to forget him? The guy who stood by her side for 5 years? No, Mel was sure that'd she'd never forget him, but it saddened her a bit to think that the others might forget fairly easily.


Now with her hair black once again, Mel was waiting at where she thought she was supposed to be. This was where the jet would be, right? She didn't carry any luggage, not really needing to go out of her way to pack anything. Vash however had a small backpack of various snacks and stuff for the ride. He was actually munching on some chips right then, making a loud crunching noise that, alongside the general silence of their location, was irritating her. Where the Hell was everyone else? She couldn't have been that early, right?
*Mac waits till everyone leaves before going into his bedroom, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, he tries to focus his mind so that he can reach out to Master Stick, it doesn't take long before Stick appears in the room.* Good you're here, I have a favor to ask of you but first I'd like to bring in Faith, Jirro and Izzy into the conversation. *Mac's eyes flash as he establish a link with the others.* Sorry for the intrusion but I have an idea and I would like share it with you. *He looks at Stick* I need you to give me access to my Sanctuary once more, I haven't been able to connect to it since Faith and I lost our powers, I had hoped when my powers returned that I would be able to enter it once more but I still can not, It may have something to do with the fact that my powers over time and space are very weak almost gone, I've always known my powers from my mother's side were weak compared to the powers of my father's side. *Stick rubs his chin and thinks about this but is interupted.* Sensi let me explain why I need this. I have a theory that taking Jirro there will cut the connection to HardTime, short of killing HardTime this is the only way we can save Jirro.

*Stick looks up at Mac* Are you telling me given the chance you won't kill my son? If you're saying that because you think I will not help you let me be clear...My son is long dead to myself and Tsai, there is no saving him or bringing him back to the path of light, we are depending on you Macal to kill him and give him a true death because we can not. Anyway you're theory is sound, using the laws of Sanctuary to break the connection but you forget one thing, if the soul chain is embedded deep enough into Jirro's soul Sanctuary make read him as evil and destroy him while trying to enter.

*Mac nods at Stick* I've thought of that, yes there is a chance of that happening but if Jirro is willing to risk it I believe the odds are in our favor.

*Stick walks over and puts his hand on Mac's shoulder* If anyone can steer destiny towards his favor it's you Macal.

*Mac smiles at his former teacher* Right...So what do you all say? You've trusted me in the past and we've always come out with lives intact..I'm asking you to trust me one more time...We'll free Jirro and then we'll lure that egotistic moronic god out into the open and them we will pay him back for all the misery a thousand times over...Trust me one more time and the only thing that will beat HardTime to the graveyard will be the headlights on the hearse his coffin is riding in!

*Stick nods and smiles* You have my support young king!
{Akira was taken off balance when the girl threw herself at him, at first he couldn't remember her in fact just by sight he had no clue who she was but when they touched it was like a shock ran up his spine to his brain, then her scent hit him, he knows this scent and then last that name, why is it he couldn't remember his own name but he remembers being called Ace. The entire time Akira was being led around and even when Macal was talking to him or listening to the others in the room his eyes had a dull like glaze over them, it wasn't until this girl touched him that signs of life showed up in his eyes. slowly he closed his arms around her as her name starts to slowly come out of his lipand wait for him to make the next move. {He reaches down and places his hand over hers}s.} Mit..sumi?? {He says it as if he's struggling to remember if it's correct or not but he says it again and again each time with more confidence.} Mitsumi Mitsumi. I remember you, why is it I can remember you but not myself?

{Jirro felt even worst the more his wife seemed to forgive and support him, he can not understand how she can be so forgiving and willing to stand by him despite the danger his condition puts them in but the last thing he wants to do is push his luck. Suddenly Mac is in his head, an annoying and shocking habit that Macal has, sometimes Jirro listens to him and Stick, at first he doesn't look at his wife but then he moves closer to her and shyly puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him and lets out a deep sigh.} Thankyou Izabella, for reminding me exactly why I'm so lucky I am. I don't know if we can beat HardTime even together and with the help of the Cords but thanks to you I have my will to fight again. And live or die I will show that monster what it means to toy with the lives of a true Black Blood of the Sage Bloodline! I guess I tried to bury the SilverBlade to soon but it's not to late for him to once again take the battlefield. Tonight we rest because tomorrow we head back, I will not hide I will not sit around. It's not like I have much anyway, either be destroyed by Sanctuary or enslaved by the God of Death and Chaos for all my days. Or I can trust you to free me Mac. {He looks down at Izabella for a final boost of confidence} I trust you Mac, I know you will do your best to free me but if this doesn't work, I want you to take care of my family for me. If you can promise me I'll trust you.
(So will Riesa Pyre, don't sweat it ^^)

Riesa snickered as River spoke back to Emma, thrilled that someone was being mean to the woman she had grown to intensely dislike. She had noted how River had used Aries's street name and also grinned at that. That was a bit troublesome though, would they have to tell him their real first names? Probably, considering they were at the school where everyone would know their real first names and not their street ones.

River turned to the twins then, asking how they had been, and Aries shrugged, "Alright I guess. We're still alive so I suppose it's all going fine." Riesa piped up then, "It's been a blast! Stealing this, pissing off that person, ki--" Aries was behind Riesa in seconds and clamped a hand over her mouth, there was a muffled sound from the now-irritated blonde and Aries rolled his eyes, "Kicking guys in the nuts, yeah we get it Riesa." He gave her a pointed look and she shut up abruptly, he removed his hand and looked back to River, "What about you?" Like River had been, he wasn't really all that interested, just small talk. Though, remembering the boy's earlier comment, he gave him a smirk, "I'm not that much of an ass, right Ri?" The blonde, still a bit irritated at Aries muttered darkly under her breath, "You're a smartass, that's for sure."

Riesa made a face as - once in the office - they were handed paperwork. Well, Aries was anyway. And she gave Emma a particularly cold look. Was she not even going to help? She glanced to Aries and noted him frowning lightly at the paperwork. Aries was the smarter of the two, Riesa knew that much, but even then, they had both been forced to drop out of school at the young age of eleven. Did he have any idea how to even fill out paperwork? "Ari?" She spoke softly, probably the first time she had been serious since they had met Emma, and he looked up at her, "Mm?" "You alright with that?" Riesa had a slight protective gleam to her eyes and he rolled his eyes, "I'm fine Ri, just a bit of paperwork." She nodded, then surprisingly swept one of the clipboards out of his hand and gave him a smirk, "What? You think I'mma let you hog all the paper?" She then grabbed Aries's arm and plopped down on one of the 'waiting chairs'.


Faye and Raina were next to show up at the meeting point. Faye - like Vash - had a small backpack filled with various foods and junks, as she remembered hearing Vash mention they couldn't get food at the place they were going. Raina walked beside her casually, looking a tad bored. She was only here for Faye anyway really. There was no way she was letting her unstable sister go to another country alone. She did wonder what this 'funeral' would be like though.

Faye came up beside Mel and Vash and gave them a glance, she noted Mel's hair was back to black again and decided not to comment on it - it was Lil who bleached it anyway, not Mel. She instead attempted making some kind of conversation by glancing around, "Where is Kat?" She remembered Faith subtly asking her to look after the girl, and she was sticking to that.

(Sorry for bad post, got a touch of writer's block but Pyre kept bugging me to post xD )
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River nodded in disinterest at the twins reply although River noticed that as soon as Cari began to speak Aric became somewhat flustered and covered her mouth, speaking over her. He gave them a dreamy-eyed look to give off the impression that he totally believed them but River wasn't as stupid as people thought he was - it was just a front most of the time. "Kicking guys in the nuts seems like a fun pastime." He murmured. At Aric's question, River put a finger thoughtfully to his chin. "Hm, I haven't done too much." Lie. "I've traveled around for a bit, alone." Complete and utter lie. "Buuuuuut nothing too exciting." River was somewhat bored with the small talk.

The taller boy smirked then. "I'm not that much of an ass, right Ri?" River tried to cover up a snort at this and turned his gaze on Cari who seemed peeved. She was muttering under her breath yet his keen hearing picked it up easily: "You're a smartass, that's for sure." He had to smother a giggle and coughed loudly, looking around to find something else to look at to stop himself from laughing. Hm, there, a wall. Interesting. River's attention was drawn away from the bricked wall when the office door opened, a grinning man was apparently talking to the lady who obviously disliked him and shuffled past them. River couldn't resist offering him a small wave as he closed the door. Now in the office, River had noticed a little plaque with the name Emelia Belokhov. Well, at least there was a name to the face that kept glaring at him. Then River was handed paperwork to which he flicked through with disdain, "right... personal details..."

The scowl lifted from his features and instead a mocking grin set in place and he spoke while following the twins to the seats. "Okay, I will 'fill this in' to the best of my ability..." He had swiped a nice looking Biro from Emelia's desk and began to write. His handwriting was surprisingly neat and tidy as he wrote; then he paused and River turned to Aric, mildly peaking at his sheet of paper before prodding him on the chest, "psssst, how do you spell 'Zimbabwe'?" He asked in an obvious loud whispery tone as he eyed the boy in a deadly serious manner.

(Too right I kept bugging you! Ehehehe :D )
Aries was busy filling out his form, having to stop and help Riesa every five seconds, and when he was prodded he looked up to River curiously, he grinned as the boy asked him to help spell something, and Riesa squealed excitedly from behind him, "You've been to Zimbabwe! How cool! Is it fun there? What did you do? Did y---" She was cut off mid squeal by a flick to her forehead from Aries and he turned back to face River calmly, "Z-i-m-b-a-b-w-e."

He then turned back and carried on with his form, he was curious though despite his outwards apparent lack of the emotion. He and Riesa had never been anywhere besides their hometown and the rest of Los Angeles, and he supposed this place now if he wanted to count it. It must be fun to go somewhere new with a different climate, different cultures and different landscapes. He wished he could take Riesa somewhere like that, even if only for a day.

But, as he always had to tell himself - and occasionally Riesa - beggars can't be choosers.

When it came to certain parts of the form, like family, he paused and frowned. He noted Riesa did the same and they both shared a silent glance. Nothing was said between them, but when they returned to their forms they simply put each other's names and nothing else.
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She sat in her chair, legs crossed at the knee. She was silent as she completed her own asinine paperwork. But it had to be done, and she was the only one who could do it, that was the drill. That was also her job, so she did as she was suppose to and didn't complain about it.

However, Emma did note how the girl had reacted to her when she had discounted Reisa's competence. Emma made no physical sign of awareness that alerted others of this fact, she just lowered her eyes and went back to writing.

Having finished her account of the initial "tracking and surveillance" she moved onto her first encounter with the twins, which included finding them in the thick of a fight with a couple of muggers. Emma was about to drop in and take control when she noticed the brother and sister had it in hand. There only hesitation in combat came when they toyed, played with, teased their attackers for whom were no match as they dropped quickly, and bled out from critical injuries. Having witnessed the twins and their abnormal abilities, Emma wouldn't go so far to say she was impressed, but she would say she was fascinated. Emilia included a portion of writing that stated her initial opinion of their potential. She recounted the diner and their conversation word-for-word verbatim, then continued on to the fourth sheet of paper.

Every so often she would hear the kids talking amongst themselves, or ask a question--that in which she would refer them to Edith, the receptionist sitting at the only desk in this room of the office. On the application Emma knew there were questions about their powers, when they arrive, how they arrived, the extent of them, how well they control them; also things like living relatives, where they had lived in the past. They were things that their personal mentor would eventually come to learn anyhow, but it helped if the School had something on record, it would also help the Academy try to locate any other relatives that they could recruit to the Academy, or reunite student with family. That happened at the academy, maybe not often, but there was a wing dedicated to housing families, and many had taken advantage of the safety that Dormer Academy provided, not just as a school.

Emma was on page six of her report and thinking she might have to add an eighth or ninth page at the rate of her accounts. That was normal, reports were usually five to ten pages long depending on how long it took to retrieve the kid and what happened along the way. Her longest report at the academy was twenty-one pages, front and back, only because the mission became comprmised and the kid taken hostage and held for ransom. The mission complicated from there. Skip to the end of the story, the kid died and she had to fill out the twenty-one page long report of how the kid died on her watch.

On the back of page six, the kids announced themselves finished. Emma stood from the armchair and stacked their clipboards and tossed them onto Edith's desk, who was looking like she was about to fall asleep reading a paperback romance novel. She jumped, startled and glared hotly at Emilia. Emilia met her gaze with her own and stared her down until the woman shivered and looked away.

Emilia slid back into her boots and picked up three folders and slowly turned to met with the three teens once again. It felt odd calling them teenagers, she would prefer to call them kids or children for the sheer fact that was the way they acted and Emilia had a difficult time seeing them as anything but. She handed out the three folders, same as last time--giving two to Aries--to observe how Reisa would react this time.

"Orientation folders, they contain all the information you need to know about Dormer Academy. Your schedule is also included--" Emma interrupted herself to hold up her wrist and open her communications device--a broad flat silver band around her wrist with a square glass watch-like face--she tapped it once and a holographic screen projects from the glass face, it is set at the size of a three by five card and is projected only a few inches from the wrist. She scrolls down, her eyes running back and forth across the projection, and confirms her suspicion. "Classes will resume the day after tomorrow, so expect you all to be prepared." She tapped the watch again, the screen flickered and disappeared. "In the folder you will find all necessary materials, our handbook, rules and guidelines, etc. I expect you all know how to read, so when" Emma intentionally skipped 'if', "you get yourself in trouble, you will have excuse to say that you "didnt know"." Emilia began to walk, "I will show you to your rooms, to the student wing, where you will reside," she looked at River over her shoulder as she walked, expecting them to follow along, she hadn't bothered learning his name yet, "Then the family wing, when the twins will reside." Emilia set on a brisk pace, her long legs striding easily, her footsteps nearly silent on the marble floor. "I will show you to the main locations along the way."
Izabella felt her body stiffen as Macal’s voice filled her mind for the third time that day. She almost didn’t notice the look her husband offered her and the way her slowly put his arm around her. She felt herself start to relax when her body touched his and she closed her eyes, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she listened to Macal and Stick go back and forth about killing HardTime. If it was possible, she wanted it done, and soon…She hated feeling like her husband had just become some ticking time bomb, hated how isolated he had to be from the others…their family, friends..,.Mitsumi…he had already lost one daughter that year, why did he have to lose the second.

Resting her head on Jirro’s chest, Izzy kept her eyes closed and listened as he spoke, focusing more on the beating of his heart then his actual response to Macal. She knew this would be risky, HardTime wouldn’t just go down without a fight. It had been awhile since either of them had stepped into the Sanctuary, who knew what was going to come out of this even if they did succeed in killing the Chaos God.

She waited until the conversation had faded from her mind and opened her eyes, sitting up slowly, her knees coming up to rest against her chest. “This…it’s going to work…it has to…” Her voice is muffled slightly and she titls her head to the side, studying the expression on her husband’s face, suddenly feeling so small compared to him. “It has to…”

The sun was already setting outside of the safe house and she lets out a tiny yawn, wondering how things were going back at the campus, how her daughter was readjusting. Shaking her head, she sat up a bit straighter and rolled her shoulders back. “You need to feed…and then get some sleep…we have a long day ahead of us…”

Rolling her sleeve back, she offers him her wrist and waits quietly.



Mitsumi pulled away from Akira, a frown playing at her lips and shook her head. If this was his idea of a joke, it wasn’t very funny. “Wh-what do you mean….how…” Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes and playfully smacked his shoulder. “Real funny Ace…what did you work on your sense of humor or something over there? I gotta tell you, you’re still not that funny babe…” She smirked and waited for him to break down and start laughing at her, but nothing came. Dropping her hands at her sides, she looked him over, taking another step back.

“You…you’re serious…” His blank expression was rattling her and she swallowed hard, shaking her head. “No…how could you just forget…you…” Looking around widely, she tries to find Alex again in the crowd. When she can’t find him, she curses loudly, her eyes shifting to black in an instant.

“You have no idea who you are? What you are?” she turns on the man who was the love of her life, her eyes narrowing. “That’s impossible…you can’t just forget everything…you’re not…” She stills, recalling what had just happened with her parents thanks to HardTime and shakes her head again/ “No…not you too…I can’t…”

Grabbing his arm roughly, she starts back through the hallway, searching for Alex. “The boy that brought you here…did he say anything to you…do you remember anything, besides me?”

Katarina looked up as Bucky called to her, touching her arm. He looks flustered to her, and she tilts her head, concerned, even as she responds.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Bas...I'm about to leave for a while though. Riff died and I'm going to his you want to come with me? Mel said something about we can bring guests?"

She hopes he will come; it would make things easier for her, if he was there. Safer.

Faith, overhearing, glances back at them and gives Bucky a nod as she agrees, "That would probably be a good idea, we could use some adult supervision on this thing. Keep Raina from killing anyone- even though she's too sweet to do that for real," she couldn't resist continuing to tease the girl. "Yeah it would be good if you could go, Bucky."

She is still not physically present with Macal and the others gathered as Macal opens a mindlink to her, sharing his plan on how to get Jirro freed of HardTime's hold on him. Listening to his idea, she transmits her words to him mentally to relay to the others.

"Okay. If he's willing and you think it would work, I support it. Just...have them hurry with that, we could really use his help back here. What about Izzy, what's she doing? Oh, and Emma's back, thank god for small favors."

Motioning for Katarina to follow her, and Bucky as well if he was coming, she hastened towards the landing strip area of the jet to make sure it was ready for take off and that all the students leaving were as well. Meeting them there, she realized then that there was no pilot and spoke again with Macal.

"Need Sheena, Alex, or both to fly this thing, don't we? I don't care about any teenage lover spat they're having, tell them both to come here now. Looks like they have a new plan for now."

It was probably best to get Sheena away from the rage demon for a while anyway, considering how angry she got even without it sometimes.
Bucky swallowed hard at Kat's request, biting down on his lower lip. He wasn't too fond of funerals, the last one had been to had been Esme's, and just thinking about it caused him to wince inwardly. Taking in a deep breath he forced himself to smile down at him human and nodded. "Of course...if you want me there then I don't see where I should be anywhere else..." He touched her cheek gently.

Pleased with Faith's approval of him coming as well, he slipped an arm around Katarina's waist and followed the dark haired teacher to the landing strip, looking around. He couldn't find Mitsumi in the crowd and felt slightly bothered by this, hoping she was alright. He knew how upsrt she had been with her parents disappearance, and now with them being back but gone again...he only hoped that the Hybrid wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Are you alright?" He looks down at Kat, giving her a gentle squeeze. His earlier guilt for not being there for her earlier had only grown worse since he saw her, and now with seeing Emma again and making a plan for drinks, the Lycan felt slightly torn.
Katarina smiled, pleased both with Faith's approval and with Bucky's agreement, and slipped her arm through his, giving him a small sideways hug before beginning to walk with him, following behind Faith. To her, if not to anyone else, things seem to be looking up. She has somewhere to go and something to do where she feels somewhat needed. Even if she didn't know Riff that well and wasn't friendly with Mel at all, she could be useful, help someone feel better about someone's death even just by showing she cared that he was gone. And she could do it without Adrian. Faith trusted her to.

When Bucky asks her if she's all right, Katarina looked up at him, surprised, and then nodded. For once this is truthful.

"Yes, I am. Are you? You look worried...are you looking for someone?"
((sorry so short....heading to work))

"Mitsy..." He looked around again before shrugging and returning his gaze to her.

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere..." He brushed some hair out of her eyes and shrugged again. "So ah....where are we going? I heard about the student who died....I'm sorry...was he a friend of yours?"
*Stick nods to Mac then steps back.* Give me time to prepare, I shall contact you when I'm ready. *With that he vanishes.* Ok folks you heard the man I suggest everyone rest and prepare yourselves...Say your goodbyes just in case things go sideways on us. *Jirro and Izzy's link is cut so that only Mac and Faith are still talking* You really want to be in a close space 60,000 feet up with a bunch of super powered teenagers on top of Sheena yelling at Alex while he's flying? You really should have learned to fly when I offered it..Ok fine I'll call them both but last I saw them neither was very happy to see each other. *Adding Alex and Sheena into the connection* ALEX! Get your skinny butt into a flight suit and prep a jet to transport Riff's body home and Sheena you're going with him.*Alex jumps when Mac shouts in his mind.* Seriously Mac? I just got back from Japan, my jet lag has jet lag, can we do this in the morning...Next Tuesday? *Mac shouts again.* NO WHEELS UP IN 30 MINUTES..One way or another you're flying them to England..Either in a jet or I stack them all up on your back and I drop kick your ass there! *Alex lets out a deep sigh* Sir yes sir..Wheels up in 30 minutes I'm on my way. (Jump ahead so he can meet them on the plane) *Exactly 25 minutes later Alex walks up the ramp onto the S.H.I.E.L.D Jet in a black flight suit, his badge and logo clear on his chest and arms he steps up to the coffin and makes sure it's secured properly and after signing some paperwork he steps up to Faith* Ok our flightplan has been flied and we're clear all the way there. So if everyone is onboard we can takeoff on your orders.
"I don't know and I don't care," was Mel's only response to Faye's question. Although it'd be nice if a lot of people came to Riff's funeral, Mel didn't need people who were late. To her, it meant that they didn't care enough. But soon enough, Faith came by with Kat . . . and the Lycan teacher's aid . . . Lucky? Sucky? Clucky? His name was something like that. First Kat and now this guy? Where were they all coming from? Was Riff friend wh*ring himself off or something? Three was way more friends than what Mel thought Riff had.

Well, the guests were all here . . . . but not the pilots . . . Great . . . After a mind call from Faith, and thirty minutes later, a guy came out dressed like a douchebag agent from one of those sh*tty movies. (Please tak eno offense. It's . . . well, it's Mel.) And they were trusting their lives to this guy? Why not send them to England in a rowboat across the Atlantic? Well, at least the guy had the intelligence to check to make sure Riff's coffin was secure. But Mel's patience was wearing thin now. Unless that coffin was also a cooler, they'd have to hurry. "Hey, can we go now? It'd be nice to get there while there's only one body that needs to be buried."
((Please excuse crappy introduction post. I was drawing a blank))

Joshua Bernard counted the days on his fingers. Fifteen days, a little over a week. One for every person in his group, that was what he usually went by--ten kids, ten days and so on--but usually the group wasn't so large, maybe seven to ten students. Larger groups tended to be more distracting, less efficient. This was his third retreat in the few months he had been at Dormer and so far it has had positive results. A one or two day hike into the mountains, away from the Academy, classes, stress. Students could blow off steam in, a place that was quiet without disruption, a place, a tranquil environment that was conductive to energy flow essential for Meditation. His class was about teaching stability, but how could he teach it if some didn't know what stability felt like. Everything worked out, when it was time to teach back at the academy, he would instruct the students on the retreat to meditate while he taught his class and gave lectures miles away telepathically.

Today had been his group's last day of the outing. Joshua loved the outdoors, but he couldn't help but be grateful for something other than a mountain spring to bathe in. As he parted with his group in the Entry, he could help but feel his students would have the new appreciation as well. He noticed a woman walking with a few unfamiliar students. He raised and eyebrow, trying to remember her. Emily-Something-Russian. Josh had forgotten her name. He had only known her for a few weeks before she disappeared, and even then he had only seen her around the castle a handful of times. He had actually worked with her on a mission or two back at his time in SHIELD but even then she was cold and distant, very serious and focused on the job at hand. It seemed like were quite a few agents from that organization here now.

But he really had forgotten her name somehow. Joshua's forehead creased as he thought over an idea. Deciding that, like most, she wouldn't notice his presence, Josh dipped into her brain. The woman came to an abrupt halt.

Emilia Belokhov. That was her name. And that was all he got before he was completely shut down and shoved out.

He watched as forty feet down the hallway, she turned her head to look over her shoulder. The look on her face, he had seen no other. Her eyes burned with fury and it made him wonder if she had, at one point, developed the ability to shoot lasers from her eyes.

"Never." The word pounded in his head, just a single word. And it made more of an impact than if she'd yelled at him for five minutes. Joshua held her glare. After a moment she turned away and began walking again. Joshua wondered what just happened and how, he was definitely missing a piece of the puzzle.

A year ago there wasn't one puzzle he couldn't solve. The brain was his greatest challenge. Every time he thought he'd come close to understand, it would throw him a brick wall. Joshua had a gift of navigation, but even with that there were barriers to resolve, and that was how he wove his fingers through memories and altered them, by finding the right key and unlocking them. His next challenge would be figuring out how Emilia Belokhov had usurped him.

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