Dormer Academy

"Hey, you'd be surprised, Mel," Faith said mildly, shrugging one shoulder in response. "Kids here, most of them are willing to help you out even if they don't know or particularly like you, just because it seems the right thing to do. My sister and my daughter would, almost everyone would, really. Even Raina here, as much as she might say otherwise. I bet in the end, she'd help if she could."

"But you're right, it's your choice. And if you say no, well, we gotta get going with getting him fixed up then."

As she moves to the body, beginning to tell the nurses what to do with it, she looks up, noticing that Adrian DeSanto is standing in the doorway of the infirmary, watching. She raises an eyebrow, as the boy looks from Riff's body to Mel with something like apprehension, remembering her earlier confrontation with Lil and her sneering at his sister. Katarina is standing just behind him, not quite coming close enough to look in, especially when Adrian, eyes narrowed, shoos her back.

"Don't look, Rina...what happened here? Did she do it?" he points towards Mel, his tone tightening. "Where's Lil? Did she-"

"Adrian, stay back and don't get involved in something that isn't your concern here," Faith interjected, motioning with her hand for him to back away. "There's been a serious incident, and it's being dealt with. Lil is no longer a student here so she is no concern of yours."

"What happened?" he asked again, completely ignoring her, one hand still behind him to stop Katarina from coming forward. "Who did that?!"


Sheena turned towards Nickkie slowly, not having expected her to speak, let alone such clearly adult words. She eyes the girl, thoughtful but not outwardly accepting yet, and gives a slight shrug before turning back to Macal. The girl is just a child, she doesn't know what she's saying or asking or what is even going on.

Liza nods though and hugs Nickkie again, satisfied with her assessment. "Uh huh. 'Cause love is good and mad is bad. Alex you don't get no one's chips. Ours ours ours!" She high fived Nickkie for good measure.
It wasn't long before Alice heard some commotion nearby. She blinked and her pace sped up, curious on what was going on. Not before long, she reached the destination. The infirmary? Maybe someone was just getting visited by their friends. Alice slowly walked over to them, not sure if outsiders/strangers were welcomed. A guy was standing at the doorway and seemed to be in a heated conversation with someone inside.

Curiosity tore at Alice and she couldn't help herself but try to crane her head over to sneak a peek. There were more people inside the infirmary. Someone was laying down on a bed. Probably the one being visited? The person didn't seem to be moving though. It was a very confusing situation on Alice's part and it was hard for her to actually understand what was going on.
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Nickkie returned the high five, smiling, though she smiled often it wasn't too often that she really looked happy while smiling, but she did this time. Then she noticed the way Sheena was looking at her and she turned to look at her, she frowned a little as Sheena turned away. If she didn't want to accept her advice, then that was her decision, she couldn't force it on her, she could only offer it.
(Uhhh, Cherushii, you might want to edit your post, the girl with the chips isn't in the infirmary, she's somewhere else entirely. Sorry, blah post, but I'm on a time limit)

Faye wasn't sure what else to do now that she was healed, but she decided to follow Mel to see Riff's body, Raina tagging along behind her. It made sense after all, since Mel had asked Faye to come with her to Riff's funeral. She blinked as Riff's body came into view, trying not to let her eyes water at the sight of his ruined body. She was distracted by Mel asking for hair dye, and just blinked at the pair in curiosity as Mel spoke of being murderers, not thieves, but...wasn't murder worse? She mentally shrugged, it didn't really matter either way she supposed. Faye held back a giggle at Vash's enthusiasm as he rushed out of the room, but then Mel was back to serious matters so she stood silently.

Faye is about to correct Mel on other students not wanting to help her, but Faith beats her to it, Raina however scowls lightly when Faith assumes she'd help, "I wouldn't." Faye frowns at her then, and Raina simply shrugs, "I wouldn't help a stranger, so why would I help someone I mutually dislike?"

Faye was considering scolding Raina, but then movement at the doorway caught her attention seconds before Adrian spoke. Her temper rises easily and she repeats his words. "Did she do it?" She is glaring at Adrian now, "You idiot! Why do you keep assuming that Mel is in the wrong here?!? I already told you that Lil is a b*tch and here's your damn proof!" She steps forward, fists clenched, "Riff and Mel were damn close, so you accusing her of killing him is like me accusing you of killing your sister there! Lil killed him, so stop thinking that shes a good girl!"

It was Raina's hand on her shoulder and her subtle whisper of, "Calm down Faye," that caused Faye to pause, close her eyes, take a breath and speak more calmly, "It's none of your business anyway."
Mel raised an eyebrow when Faith said that there were kids here that would help her simply because it was the right thing to do, even laughing a bit at the idea. "Really? This is practically a high school, filled with teenagers with the occasional adult or child. No kid over the age of 10 has that sort of sense of justice. This place is filled with self absorbed little zit poppers, granted some of us are blessed with clearer skin than others. But I doubt anyone would be willing to help someone unless there was something in it for them. Even if it was just a bit of pride or brownie points with the teachers. That's just human nature or whatever."

And then the DeSantos siblings came in. "Great," Mel remarked sarcastically. "Another headache to deal with." She was prepared to ignore them, but then Adrian started asking questions. What had happened? Where was Lil? And when he had the gall to accuse Mel of killing Riff . . . Well, she slapped him across the face as hard as she could.

After hitting him, she managed to calm herself enough to at least not strike him again, mostly thanks to Faye supporting her. But she still gave him the deadliest glare she could muster while fighting back the small tears pooling at the bottom of her eyes. "Who the Hell are you to make such a crackpot accusation?! You who still smells of your mother's milk*. If you have to know, your little girlfriend did this. And maybe if you took your brain out of your pants for a minute, you might've seen that coming. I'd suggest you'd take that up with that glorified pigeon**, but I've already gotten rid of her . . . for good. And it felt sooo good, watching her head fly off her body like a goddamn soccer ball. Painting the grass in her blood. Finally rid of that annoying pest but now it seems someone else wants to take her place."

Mel then stormed off and out of the infirmary. She bumped into a girl by the entrance, glaring at her before asking, "What the Hell are you looking at?!" But she ended up not waiting for an answer, just pushing her way through and continuing her march to one of the training rooms on campus. She really needed a place to work off all this frustration. A massacre usually helped but while in this school, some training would have to do.

(*Basically, Mel is calling him a child, thus the breastfeeding reference. It could mean that she's saying he's ignorant, bratty and inexperienced. But in this case, she's just calling him stupid.

** Mel often refers to angels as glorified pigeons. It references doves, usually used to represent God's purity and often beloved birds, but are closely related to, and often used interchangeably, with pigeons, the more hated members of the family.)
(Oh! Thank you.)

Alice stumbled back a bit when the girl bumped into her. "Um.... Sorry?" She asked, staring at her like she was crazy. When the girl disappeared around the corner, her gaze turned back to the people in the infirmary. "Sorry, just... Wondering what is going on." Alice explained, laughing a bit and rubbing the back of her neck. She looked around her, the laughter awkwardly quieting down. She felt like an outsider. But isn't that what she was? After all, everyone knew each other save her. "I-I'm Alice."
"Ah, right, Raina is a cold-hearted bitch who hates everyone and has no feelings, how could I ever forget that? Please forgive me, your bitchness," Faith held up both hands, her tone light, teasing, and obviously not taking a word she says seriously. She rolls her eyes at Raina and gives her a faint smile.

But then the DeSantos are getting themselves into further conflict, or at least Adrian is, and clearly people are getting upset. Faye turns towards Faye, motioning for her to calm down.

"Look, I've got this, Faye."

Faith gives a glare in his direction, raising her voice slightly. "Adrian, I said this isn't your business, now get out of the way before someone-"

But "someone" was already slapping him across the face and following up with a scathing list of insults that Faith completely didn't understand. As Mel stormed past them all, nearly knocking a somewhat stunned Katarina to the floor, Faith could see Adrian's face reddening, him taking a step towards her, but she grabbed his arm, dropping it when she felt its heat, as she raised her voice all over again.

"Don't even think it. Gotta say you deserved that one, Adrian, and honestly, if I wasn't supposed to be all responsible here I'd probably hit you too over that. You gotta think once in a while instead of running at the mouth everywhere. Look, do what I asked in the first place and go away, alright?"

Turning to Katarina, she asked more gently, "You okay?" As Katarina nodded, her eyes darting between everyone, she asked hesitantly, her eyes settling on Faye and Raina, "You're...going somewhere? With Mel?"

Faith noticed she was very obviously avoiding looking towards Riff's body on the table.
Raina glared at Faith, annoyed that she was being teased, and muttered under her breath, but still loud enough for the slayer to hear, "Watch it Faithy girl, you only know where the edge is AFTER you've gone over it." Raina watched with a tilted head as Mel slapped Adrian, Raina's hand still on Faye's shoulder to keep her calm, and the observant vampire didn't miss the slight sheen of water over Mel's eyes. She supposed if someone accused her of killing Faye she'd react the same way. Well, she'd probably outright kill them, but Mel's reaction was still pretty close.

She snickered slightly after Faith was done talking to Adrian, smirking at the fiery boy, "You got off easy flame-boy, when I pissed off Faith she used to put a stake to my chest," She shrugged, "Granted it was because I threatened her kid, but still, I'm not that friendly with those wooden buggers." She then looked down to her sister and flicked her forehead, Faye scowled at her in return, "You calm now? You're not gonna burn my hand off or anything are you?" Faye grinned at her lightly, "I will if you keep flicking me!" She then paused and frowned, "You think we should go after Mel? She looked ready to murder someone." Raina glanced up at the door where Mel had left, frowned then shook her head as she looked back at Faye, "Nah, she looked like she needed to blow off some steam, best to leave her to it."

Faye nodded, then looked back at the twins and Faith as Katarina spoke to her and Raina, knowing that Raina would most likely just be rude, Faye spoke first with a small nod, "Yeah, we're gonna go with her to Riff's funeral, I knew him before he um, passed away, and he was a really nice guy, so I want to go pay my respects." Raina shrugged behind her, "And I'm just going to keep an eye on Faye and make sure she doesn't burn down the plane or anything on the way there." "I would not burn down the plane." Faye muttered sulkily, "Pfft, you would if someone annoyed you enough, you almost burnt down that club in Russia because a guy was annoying you" "Not my fault he was being a jerk."

Faye ended their mini-conversation by looking back at Katarina, she didn't know why, but she found herself already wanting to hang out with this girl - which wasn't that unusual for herself she supposed - but it was something in the way she was so hesitant and nervous. It sorta reminded her of herself when she was having one of her worst days. "You don't have to be worried," She gave her a small smile, reminding herself that most people thought Mel was...well..evil, "Mel's not as bad as you think, she's just..." "A b*tch?" Raina commented rather unhelpfully, Faye scowled at her before continuing talking to Katarina, "No, I think she's just so used to people being mean to her and thinking she's bad that she's just started being mean to people before they can be mean to her. Ya' know, pull the trigger before you get shot yourself"

Faye then glanced at Riff's body out of the corner of her eye, now that Mel was 'blowing off steam', as Raina put it, she guessed it was up to her and Faith to sort something out - they couldn't just leave the body in the infirmary could they?

"Uhm, Faith?" Faye turned to look at the older woman, "We should probably get a coffin or something to put the body in, just in case any more students decide to come by and get freaked out." She glanced at the body very quickly before looking back at Faith, "Maybe a black one. I think Mel likes black, and Riff used to wear black suits all the time."

It was then that Raina noticed the girl at the door, trying to ask what was going on, and she rolled her eyes, "Look, we're sorta busy here dealing with a dead body, so welcome to the school and all that sh*t, but could you go find someone else to introduce yourself to? You're supposed to go to the office anyway to get your schedule and stuff, so p*ss off."

(Hmm, amdreams, you want Chameleon or someone to bump into Mel? And Cherushii, just a heads up, Raina isn't nice, don't take it personally xD )
"I know all about edge, and you ain't got it, Rainbow," Faith smirked as she used Liza's disliked nickname for Raina to continue to tease.

She continues to watch Adrian, prepared to interfere if he flares up, literally or figuratively, but though he is bristling, he seems to be controlling himself for now. Taking Katarina's arm, he mutters to her, "Come on, Rina," but Katarina ignores him, still watching what is going on inside the doorway as Faye answers her.

"She says pretty nasty things," Katarina ventured, her voice still soft. "But...that boy died? Riff? Wasn't he her friend, or brother...she must be really upset." She hesitated before finishing, "I'm sorry. It's...really hard when someone you care about dies."

She isn't one to be like Mel, mean towards someone before they can be mean first, but she can understand the idea of it and nods, taking some measure of relief in it. If that is true, Mel's behavior towards her isn't personal.

"Kat," Adrian tugs at her arm again, but Katarina shakes him off, taking a step forward into the room, still averting her eyes from Riff to look at Faye. "Were you friends?"

"I don't happen to have a coffin laying around here, but we have...refrigerator boxes...this is so stupid," Faith mutters more to herself than to the kids, briefly facepalming before straightening, running a hand through her hair, and setting her jaw. "I'll call now, but it's best Mel and whoever else is going with her gets set ASAP."

Finally noticing Alice in the doorway, standing a few feet away from Adrian and Katarina, she says to her offhandedly, "Like Raina said, head to the front lobby for info. I'm Faith, I'm your headmistress, nice to meet you and whatever but I'm also really busy in the moment, so...front, they'll get you set. And Adrian, I asked you to leave, didn't I?"
*Alex decides that if Sheena wasn't in the mood for him to be around and Akira and Mitsy needed time together, there was no real reason for him to stay, so after a quick wave to Akira he backs away heading towards the door.* Well there is a lot of family stuff going on here right now, so I'm gonna take my leave and go about my own business, Akira welcome back buddy. *He turns and heads out the door closing it behind him.* Well that was eventful, think I'm gonna go for a run. *He heads out of the building and crosses the grounds to leave through the main building, stopping in the lobby to stretch before he goes running.*

*Mac didn't think about that his link to his Sanctuary has been cut, Faith is right he'll need someone like Stick or Tsai to do this for him, It's hard for him to believe that he's not been concern with losing access to his own Sanctuary after all it was his home, it's where he proposed to Faith...yelled his declaration of his love for her from the highest tower. How could he blow off not being able to go back to a place that is so sacred to him? Especially now when it's probably the only thing that can save his friend from being controlled by a monster.* Faith I don't know how I'll get him there but I'll figure it out.
(I'm fine with anyone who wants to bump into Mel. And Faith, if you want Kat and Adrian to come to England with the others, Kat might have to mention knowing Riff a bit to Mel or someone who can tell her. Faye or Vash could invite them or something. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have made Mel leave so quickly.)

Mel had eventually found an empty training room on the first floor of the castle. Dragging her feet as she entered, the initial burst of adrenaline that sprouted from her anger at Adrian was beginning to fade. It would probably be a good idea for her to rest for now, but she didn't want to. She spotted a training dummy near the back of the room, one about the same height as the DeSantos brother, and began her way to it with more determination in her steps now.

As she approached the wooden form, she held out her hand, summoning a baseball bat. After tightening her grip on the handle, she smashed it into the dummy. Over and over again, she hit the dummy, picturing Adrian's stupid face on it as she tried to bash his head in. Even after the bat broke, she continued to hit it, swinging her fists this time while mixing in a kick every now and then.

The dummy began to wear down as splinters flew off but Mel didn't show sign of slowing down or calming down. How dare that idiot even assume that she was the one who killed Riff?! He didn't know anything! Just a stupid zit popping brat running his mouth off as if he had a damn clue! And with a high kick, the wood beam underneath gave way and the dummy's main body flew across the room, hitting a sandbag about five feet away.

Still seeing red, Mel jumped the fallen form and continued to punch away at the wood. The continued hits wore away at her gloves and he knuckles began to bloody, yet only wanting to rip the kid apart, she didn't notice the sting. But soon enough, the last of her adrenaline was gone and her punches slowed until she finally stopped. Her arms fell to the floor and her chest was heaving with each of her heavy breaths. Well, she had calmed down now . . . a little, at the expense of a wooden dummy but she supposed the school went through these regularly.


After coming back with the hair dye, Vash made his way to the infirmary to look for Mel, assuming she didn't already go somewhere else that is. By the time to hear Faye say that they should order a coffin for Riff. "Actually, Mel's favorite color's blue. Black is third. Riff's favorite color was black though, followed by forest green and indigo, so I guess we'd still get a black one."

Hearing a girl he didn't know ask what was going on, Vash looked down at her. He wondered why she was even asking that. Couldn't she read the mood? Even Vash knew that this was no time to be curious, and he once walked in on a girl threatening another girl believing it to be some secret lesbian confession. "Sorry . . . whoever you are, but this is a bit too personal to tell strangers."

He then looked around the infirmary but couldn't find Mel. She probably left. After making sure once more, he turned to Faith and the others. "Uh . . . do you know where Mel is? I've got the dye."
*Doctor in the infirmary was trying to give the group some space to view Riff's body, over hearing the plans, he steps forward.* Excuse me, I can find you something to put him in, I'm guessing you would prefer that over transporting him in a mere body bag, if you can give me a few hours, I can arrange for a casket and I'm sure we can get you a shuttle and pilot to take you to your designation.* Like most the support staff here, the doctor and his staff work for S.H.I.E.L.D* I'm sure Directory Cord would want to help in anyway possible. In the meantime I would like to clean the body and replace the clothing, so he will be ready for the trip home.

(Sorry I got writer's block...But also Alex could fly them back to England on a shuttle if you want.)
Raina glares at Faith as she calls her Rainbow, "Don't fuckin' call me that slayer. Or else I'll be forced to go old-school on you and put a flaming bag of sh*t in front of your door." Raina doesn't pay much attention to Katarina and Faye's conversation, but she does hear Katarina apologize, and she bristles slightly, rolling her eyes. She really hated it when people apologized for someone dying - unless they had caused it themselves of course. It was a stupid thing to do. There's no point in apologizing because they're not the ones who killed the person, so why say sorry? It doesn't do any good, it doesn't bring the person back from the dead, so why do it?

She snickered lightly when Faith spoke about refrigerator boxes, muttering under her breath, "Let's hope no-one mistakes him for food."


Faye nods lightly when Katarina speaks, "Yeah, they were close enough to be considered brother and sister, at least I think so anyway. He was really important to her from what I saw." Faye gives her a small smile when she apologizes, and she shrugs lightly, "It's alright, I wasn't nearly as close to him as Mel," She can't help but think back to Myra when Katarina says it's hard when someone you care about dies, and she quickly averts her eyes just in case she has another one of her 'moments'. She doesn't want to let herself think about it. Although she hasn't hurt herself in a while, she still has the scars from the last time across the insides of her wrist, and she's at least hoping they may heal before anything like that happens again.

Thankfully Katarina is asking her if she was friends with Riff, distracting her from herself, she looks up at her, slightly startled, then nods, "I, I like to think so. Like I said earlier, we weren't that close, but in the old school we went to, I hung out with him for a bit, and he was really nice to me then, even though I was being a bit stupid, he was a really nice guy.." She glances to the body, frowning a bit. Why was it always the good ones that got taken? Why did assh*les like Kol get to live for so long, then even get a second chance, when people like Myra and Riff died so early on, so brutally fast as well, without even the chance of a proper goodbye?

She looked back to the twins with a sad smile, "It sucks doesn't it? It's always the good ones that go." She notices Raina glance at her out of the corner of her eye for that comment, noting the worried look on her face, and she gives her big sister a quick nod to tell her she's fine. She looked up then as Vash came back into the room and noted the colours, "Got it." She bit her bottom lip lightly as he asked where Mel went, about to open her mouth and tell him when Raina beat her to it. "Idiot over there," She nodded in Adrian's direction, "Pissed her off so she went off to go blow off some steam, I'm guessing she headed either for the training rooms or for a student to kill. But we haven't heard any screams yet, so probably the first option."


Chameleon had given up on trying to find the library for now. He'd ask someone later when there were less emergency situations happening and people weren't freaking out about deaths and some evil-demon that was apparently making everyone mad. He was just glad it hadn't touched him yet. He wouldn't want to be kicked out of the school for killing a bunch of students; and he's not sure his broken conscience could take it either. Then again, he has killed toddlers and he was still functioning now, so maybe he'd be fine.

Instead while walking he noticed a fuming-Mel storming past, and since she looked ready to massacre a village, he thought he'd follow and check that murder wasn't on the agenda today. He found himself entering the training room just as Mel's bat broke, and watched silently as she continued to pummel the poor thing until it was flying straight across the room. But she still carried on, pouncing on the inanimate object like a hungry tiger and carried on tearing away at it with her fists. She finally stopped, panting from the exertion she had just used, and Chameleon waited a moment before letting his calm voice fill the air - he wasn't sure if she knew he was in there or not already, she may have been to into her 'training' to notice, or maybe she hadn't cared.

"Aren't you going to England soon Mel? You should probably rest before you leave. I can clean this up." He waved his hand at the dummy as he spoke the last line.
Sheena turns, watching with a slight frown as Alex leaves, but quickly shrugs it off, telling herself she isn't bothered by everything that's just passed between them. They'll have a conversation when she's good and ready to, and the time isn't now.

Her father didn't seem to have heard her, so she looked up at him, taking his arm as she repeated, "Can I do something to help?"

"I wanna help too," Liza announced, finally pulling away from Nickkie and coming around to stand on her father's other side, grabbing hold of his other arm and deliberately dangling from it, kicking her feet off the floor. "What can I do? I wanna good job to help with."


It had been so long since they'd been to Sanctuary, since they even had the capability of being able to access it, that it almost seems a distant memory to Faith, unreal that they had once lived there at all. Had she really once had the powers of goddess, been a queen to an entire world? Had she really ever been able to teleport and conjure lightening, been nearly invulnerable to death?

It seemed almost unbelievable, given her limited abilities now, and the strange part was only in times of crisis did she really miss it. But she can understand how it would be much harder for Macal, having spent thousands of years accustomed to his life in his kingdom...and that's why she can hardly believe he's seemed to have forgotten he can no longer access it. Perhaps he's adjusting to earth better than she thought.

"Babe, you've been saying that for over a year now...but I trust you," she said back to him in her head, the first real softening between them.

As Vash came up to her, telling her he had dye for the coffin for Riff, Faith blinked, gesturing vaguely down the hall. "I think she went to a training room?"

She nodded in response to the doctor who had spoken up, giving her okay for these arrangements to be made, and barely smirks towards Raina in response to her snarking. "You like Raincloud better? Since you're all dark and stormy...whatever, if you think "old school" and "badass" is a flaming shitbag, you really need to take a few pages out of my own book to get with the times. Actually, you should just take the whole thing because Rainbowcloudsky, there is really not a hell of a lot you can throw at me that I haven't already done myself a million times. So give it up."

She notices Faye and Katarina talking, Katarina doing so more than Faith has seen her in a few days with anyone but Bucky and Adrian, and she sees Adrian bristling again as Raina calls him an idiot. Stepping closer, she waves her hand impatiently at him and Alice both.

"Hello, clear off already, guys. Look, let's get this settled. Anyone who's going with Mel to help her with Riff's funeral, go out of the room and stand outside the door to the left, the rest of you, just go, okay? If there's a problem, tell another staff person or let me know in a little bit."

Adrian starts to leave, looking back for Katarina to follow, but to his own surprise, she goes to the wall, meaning, according to Faith's instruction, she thinks she's going with the others to the funeral. Adrian's eyebrows raise, and he starts to say, "Kat? That's for people who are going to the-"

"I want to go," she said quietly, looking back at him. "He was nice...and...he should have more than just a few people there. It doesn't seem right. It's...there was no one for Alice, Adri. There should be someone for him."
(I'm fine with Alex flying the shuttle if you wish, Mac. I suppose it might be easier than sneaking a corpse onto a commercial airline.)

Vash narrowed his eyes as Raina told him that Mel had stormed off. "Nah, can't really rule out the possibility of murder. It's very possible Mel finished the deed before they could, especially when she aims for the throat first. But she's mad again? We just calmed her down too. Damn, this is going to be one awkward funeral." He then looked to Adrian. "And what'd you do anyway? . . . I don't even think Mel and I know you, do we?" Did he? No. Vash was pretty sure he had never met this boy before. However, that didn't mean that he couldn't p*ss Mel off. It wasn't that hard.

Before Vash could think more about how Adrian could have pissed Mel off or where she could have been, Faith told everyone headed for England to line up outside the infirmary door. He headed for the wall with Raina and Faye, but was surprised when another girl headed for the wall as well. Even more so, when she told the guy who angered Mel that she wanted to come as well. "You knew Riff?" he asked her.

Vash thought about inviting Kat to come. Mel didn't exactly say that the girl could but surely, she wanted more people there, right? That's why she let Raina tag along. Plus this girl seemed genuinely sad for Riff's death. It couldn't hurt, right? "Well, if you want to come, I guess Mel wouldn't mind. There's plenty of room. Not many people are coming . . . "


It wasn't until she was done with the dummy that Mel had seen Chameleon out of the corner of her eye, having not noticed him before. Damn, was she that rusty? Normally she would be able to hear the guy walking from a good ten meters away. "You have an odd habit of showing up out of nowhere, Lizard Boy," she said through heavy breaths. "Is spying a hobby of yours?"

Standing up off the remains of the dummy, she brushed off the splinters accumulated on her clothes. "Sorry, you're not getting your shirt back," she said, eyeing the torn off hem and now the fine traces of blood from her knuckles. "I'm burning it." Seeing her sloppy appearance, Mel closed her eyes as a large halo of silver light appeared above her. Then it fell around her and Mel's outfit was replaced with a new one. Man, she really missed her powers. Getting dressed manually was just too much work sometimes.

Mel brushed the shapeshifter off as he spoke up. "I'll sleep on the plane and I believe this school already has a janitorial staff. What are you even doing here?"
Raina has to grit her teeth in an effort to keep herself from brutally mutilating Faith there and then, she barely contained herself to growl out a response. "What about a flaming dead body instead? Would that shut you the f*ck up?"

Then Faith is trying to take charge - an annoying habit of hers - and tells them to stand in groups like fuckin' kids or something. But Faye is tugging at her arm, so she sighs and lets her sister pull her outside to stand in the 'Going to England' group. She watches with half-amusement as that shy girl - Katarina was it? - joined them, thinking she was going as well. She listened to the girl talk, then snickered lightly once she was done, "Good luck with that. I thought you didn't like Mel anyway, didn't she hurt your ickle feelings or something?" Her tone turned teasing towards the end, but her smirk was short lived as she roughly elbowed in the ribs and she glared at Faye, who promptly ignored her and the fire-girl instead turned to look at Katarina and gave her what she hoped to be a reassuring smile, "Don't listen to her, she's been taking too many grumpy pills lately - opposite of happy pills I think - but if Mel's fine with it I think it'd be awesome for you to come as well, you seem super nice as well, and it's always good to have nice people at funerals." She wants to add she thinks Riff would be pleased as well that so many people want to say goodbye to him, but she stops herself at the last second, she supposes it's not her place to say.


Chameleon just shrugged and shoved his hands in his pocket when she asked if spying was a hobby of his, deciding not to answer. Though Mel didn't really seem to need one, as she swiftly moved on to tell him that he was not getting shirt back, as it was being burned, "'S'alright. I've got loads in my wardrobe anyway." Which was true, at least one good thing about being royalty was that you usually had a lot of money, which meant a lot of stuff. He wasn't that bothering about losing one measly shirt. Plus, it was sorta ruined anyway.

He watched with slight awe as a new outfit just appeared out of nowhere and replaced the clothes Mel had on before. When she brushed away his questions and asked why he was here he shrugged once more, "I saw you storm past earlier, you looked pretty mad and ready to kill someone so I thought I'd follow you to make sure you weren't about to murder anybody or anything. Plus, it's not like I was actually doing anything anyway. I was gonna go find the library but I gave up after a while of wandering." He hoped she wouldn't take the murder thing personally; he once had to follow Raina to make sure she didn't kill anyone either, but he was sure Mel wouldn't appreciate him comparing her to Raina anymore. They didn't seem to be on the best terms at the moment.


Riesa and Aries Blackwood arrived at the large building relatively late compared to when they were supposed to start. Riesa blamed it on the fact that they had no vehicle or anything to get them there. Aries just told her it was because she made them stop so many times because 'her feet hurt'. " we have to go to this stinky school? We're doing fine on our own!" "We live on the streets Ri." "The streets are fun!" She nudged him in the side playfully, before he grinned and nudged her back just as hard, "We need to stay here! At least here there's a roof over our head and we don't have to worry about missing a day or two with no food!" Another nudge and by this time they were at the door. Then Riesa grinned wickedly and full out leapt at her twin, knocking him backwards and consequently opening the door in doing so. They ended up tumbling through the hallways in a ball of laughter and apparent tickle attacks. They so busy tickling each other and laughing that it was only when they bumped straight into someone's feet that they stopped. Riesa ended up flat on her back, staring up at a bewildered looking girl with fiery orange hair, "Aww, you're cute!" She gushed, still laying on the floor as she looked up at the girl, "But sadly for you I'm only into guys." She nodded at her twin brother, who was now sitting up and rubbing the back of his head, "But I'm sure Aries would be interested, he likes girls and guys you see, not fussy at all my brother!"

Faye, who was the one they bumped into, just blinked wide-eyed, "Uhmmm, okay?" Riesa then did some sort of worm-like move that managed to flip her up into her feet and she spun around, prodding Faye's nose with her glove-clothed finger, "Is that all you can say? 'Uhmmm, okay?' I'm offering you a chance to get a date girl! At least be a bit more excited!" There was a sudden growl and Raina had inserted herself between this new-comer and Faye, snarling lightly, "You mind backing off a bit? And she doesn't want a date alright? So f*ck off." Riesa simply giggled, "Wow! Are you a vampire! I've never met one before!" She then actually went as far to prod Raina's cheek, like she had a deathwish or something, before jumping back from her with a hop-skip.

Aries looked up at Faith meanwhile, deeming her to probably be the most knowledgeable one here, "Hey, do you have any idea where we're supposed to go? We need to sign in or something right? I'm Aries Blackwood and that's my twin Riesa." There was a shout from Riesa as she spotted the infirmary, "Hey! Maybe this is the reception!" She bolted in, only to see a dead body, "Hey Ari! There's a dead guy in here!" "Don't poke him!" Riesa came back out of the room and grinned, "Too late. I poked him." She ran over to her twin and wiped her gloved finger on his arm, "Heh, now you have dead-guy germs, you're gonna turn into a zombie or something." With that, she helped her twin up and stood beside him, rocking back and forth on her feet.

(Yeah, Riesa is a bit crazy, just a heads up.)
"We've met," Adrian said in response to Vash, nodding. "She was mean to my sister. For no good reason."

Turning back to Katarina, he started again, "Kat, you barely knew the guy...and flying all the way over there with them-"

"I want to go, Adrian," she repeated, more firmly, and she is looking at Vash rather than him as she speaks. "Okay. Thanks...I guess let me know the details?"

Faith rolls her eyes again at Raina while offering her a wide, put on smile, just to piss her off. "You wouldn't do it, your sister's the pyro and you're too reformed and guilt stricken now to do that, so I'm not too concerned. And as for me shutting up? You'd have to cut out my tongue, and I move way too fast for you to lay a hand on me."

She eyes Katarina, assessing her, having some doubts about this arrangement, but the girl does seem determined, so she nods, her eyes sliding to Raina and Faye as she gives them the unspoken message from the way she is looking at them that she wants them to keep an eye on her, look out for her, in Faith's absence of being around her. "Okay, Kat, sounds like a plan then."

Katarina gives Faye a tentative smile in response to her kinder words, even as Adrian speaks up. "Kat, if you're going, I am too."

"Hey, I don't know about that," Faith started, thinking of the potential disaster of Adrian and Mel stuck in one location together, but just then the twins come barrelling in and fully distract her. As they flit around, generally irritating people and then ending up rocking like complete psychos in the case of the girl, she stared, exasperated, one hand shifting to her hip.

"What is with this hord of pixie like newbies coming to the INFIRMARY, is no one stopping you guys at the front door? Jesus and we call this a secure campus. Look, you two, go to the front and I'll be there in a minute, okay?"

She raised an eyebrow at Riesa. "You'll survive. Unless this so called dead guy's friend kills you if she sees you screwing with him. Both of you, go to the front....JEEZ."
Mel narrowed her eyes at Chameleon, not happy with his reason for tailing her as well as the fact that he was tailing her. "I'm not so indiscriminate that I'd kill anyone who crosses my path at the right time. So I don't need a babysitter. Nor am I a source of entertainment." Her eyes glanced up to the clock on the wall. Her little "tantrum" took a bit longer than she would like. With her summoning power, she didn't really need to pack anything and neither would Vash. Plus they were only going to leave for a day, most likely less than that, so how much stuff would they even need?

"I should go find Riff," she muttered to no one in particular. She needed to see that he was being treated relatively well. "Well, bye then, I guess. Unless you want to come find your girlfriend."


Vash stared blankly at Adrian as the boy confirmed that Mel and him had met before and that she was mean to Kat. "Huh . . . You say that like it means something. Mel's mean to everyone. She was still mean to Riff and they knew eachother for over five years.It's not like Mel ripped one of your sister's arms off." Then Kat said she was definitely going to England with them and Vash smiled. "Great. Well, I'm not sure when we're leaving exactly, just soon. I suggest packing some snacks or something. I've been there before and there isn't exactly a restaurant we can just go to."

The demon would've said more but Adrian said he was going as well. Ugh . . . That couldn't end well . . . "Faith's right. If you pissed Mel off, and just now, I don't know if she'll let you come. Although she did let Raina tag along . . . Yeah, you're going to have to talk to Mel about that."

Then came a pair of . . . odd siblings. Vash watched as the new kids interacted with everyone in silence. It wasn't until the girl mentioned Riff's body that Vash chose to react. "Don't touch him!" But it was too late. The girl had come out, having already poked Riff. How dare she? Touching Riff so disrespectfully and now even joking about it? "Apologize!" he shouted. "Riff is not some toy or game!"

Before the girl could respond though, Vash heard a voice addressed to him. "Vash?" Mel stood a few feet away, hands on her hips and not looking too pleased, although a lot calmer than the demon thought she'd be. Well, other than the vein popping in her forehead. "Vash, who are these people?" she asked, referring to the Blackwood twins. "And why did I hear 'that one' saying that she touched Riff? Did you allow a pair of lowly commoners to spread their plebeian germs onto my property?"
"Well she should get a life," Adrian said in response to Vash's description of Mel. "She has no right to treat people like that who never did anything to her. Other people are people too."

When Vash told him that it probably wasn't a good idea for him to tag along with Katarina and the rest of the gang to see Riff's funeral, Adrian's eyebrows shot up, and he stepped closer to Katarina unconsciously, as though to make sure she couldn't walk too far away without him. "I can control myself. Especially away from this demon thing in the academy Faith was talking about earlier. I'm not letting my sister go off somewhere alone-"

"Adrian, I'll be with like five other people," Katarina pointed out, her own eyebrows raising.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/za.jpg.a029f0161dcead4afb5dee292d80ad49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/za.jpg.a029f0161dcead4afb5dee292d80ad49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Without me, is what I mean," he amended, which Katarina seemed no less pleased with. Somewhat offended, she put one hand on her hip as she shot back, with some surprising spunk for her, "So now I can't go anywhere without you? I won't be safe without you? Adrian, you're the one who makes me NOT safe sometimes when you lose it and start shooting flames."

"Like I said, I don't think that sounds like a good idea," Faith started, before being distracted again by Mel's re-entrance and Vash's anger. Turning to now deal with this too, her patience beginning to wear extremely thin, she almost barked her words to them as a whole, pointing at each person as she spoke.

"First pair of twins. Kat, if you're going, you're gonna stay with Faye or Raina or both at all times. Adrian, you're not going because if I hear about one of my students being charcoaled I will want to burn you alive myself. Vash, chill out right now, remember the demon thing. Second pair of twins, I don't blame him for being pissed off because you are SCREWING WITH A DEAD BODY, get the hell away from it and to the lobby! Mel...let's just get this show on the road and get Riff and everyone who's going with you out of here before anything else happens, okay?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Faith.jpg.2b3b03cd786e8818d38af1f715ff6791.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Faith.jpg.2b3b03cd786e8818d38af1f715ff6791.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raina sent a stubborn glare Faith's way; she was not backing down. "Just because my sister's the pyro doesn't mean I've never heard of matches and petrol, and you telling me that I'm reformed makes me want to do it even more just to prove you wrong slayer." When she mentions cutting off her tongue Raina shrugs, "I could just find a way to drug you or knock you out, then cut out your tongue." She frowned though, "Though that's pretty gross actually, tongue cutting, it just gets blood everywhere, so I probably wouldn't do that anyway." She is quite pleased with herself, being able to talk so casually about tongue removals when it's how her little sister died. But she supposed she had to be able to talk about it, showing weakness like that was just pathetic and it could be used against you.

Both Raina and Faye catch the look sent their way. and both understand it, but Raina simply rolls her eyes in response, against the idea of babysitting a girl practically her own age, whereas Faye responds with a small nod. She already feels quite friendly towards Katarina just from their small talk, and anyone Faye considers a friend is automatically going to be someone she protects.


Riesa gave Faith a grin as she started speaking, "You think I'm pixie like? That's so sweet!" She prodded her brother's cheek, "She called me a pixie Ari! Pixie's are cute and small!" He chuckled and gave her a smirk, "They're also annoying and too hyperactive Ri," She pouted at him, frowning lightly, but then the boy who apparently wasn't a twin had spoken up, getting mad at her for touching that dead body. He shouted at her to apologize, and she looked at blankly, "Apologize for what?" She frowned then looked to her brother, seeming actually confused, "Aries?" He shrugged, "I think he wants you to apologize for poking the dead guy. You got to remember that's not a normal thing to do Ri." She frowned, "I thought it was! People poke dead things all the time, especially those cop people when someone's being killed, they poke at them for ages!" It seemed another girl was speaking to the twins now though, one who looked a tad pissed off, and Riesa looked between the two mad at her, " does the dead guy belong to him or her?" She huffed under her breath, "Dunno why you're all getting so worked up, it's not like I cut his arm off or anything." She then turned to Mel, "And I didn't spread any germs!" She held up her hand, waving it slightly as she showed off the fact that she was wearing red gloves over both hands, "See, gloves, no germs being spread!"

But then Faith was shouting out at everyone to do stuff, which included the twins leaving, Riesa sniggered lightly at her words, "Screwing with a dead body? That's just gross, what's the word for that Aries?" "Necrophilia." "Yeah that! I wouldn't do that with a dea--" Before Riesa could finish her sentence, Aries grabbed her mouth from behind, effectively silencing her, "That's enough, we've only been here a few minutes and you've already managed to piss off at least five people Riesa." He let go and grabbed her hand, "Let's go find the reception before you get us killed alright?" He began to try to drag her away, "Well then we should just go back to the streets!" She ripped her hand out of his and headed for the door, "No Riesa! I will put you to sleep if I have to!" Riesa shivered then and stopped heading for the door, "Fine, just don't give me that weird sleeping pill again! It made me feel sick." "Fine let's go." She grabbed her twin's hand and began to pull him away, "Bye guys! It was nice meeting you all!" Aries's snort could be heard as they walked off.


Chameleon held back his sigh. He knew she'd get offended. He frowned lightly though when she was she was a source of entertainment, but before he could protest it she was muttering about going to find Riff and he kept his mouth shut and nodded. He was about to politely say goodbye but then she mentioned the girlfriend and his eyes narrowed as he found himself following after her, "Raina is not my girlfriend, nor will she ever be." He damn hoped his cheeks weren't tinted right now, because his face felt a bit hot.

He followed Mel to find wayyy too many people crowded around the infirmary, he glanced around, taking in their expressions. Adrian looked annoyed, Katarina looked determined, Faith looked pissed, Mel and Vash both looked pretty mad too, Raina looked angry, but she always looked angry, and Faye looked utterly confused. Then there were two newbies, related if their face structure was anything to go by, and the girl looked amused and happy while the boy looked also amused but his amusement was directed at the girl beside him. He just stood and watched as they blabbered on about stuff that sorta confused him as well, then they were leaving and he just blinked, "What the heck was that about?"
Vash smiled at Adrian as she said that Mel should just "get a life", however his clenched fist didn't exactly match the look on his face. "Well, she's not doing this on purpose. It's just her personality; it comes natural. You should know what it's like. I'm sure you don't mean to come off as a complete d*ck, right?" Then Adrian began complaining about not being able to go to England with his sister, saying that he was in better control of himself. "Dude, I'm not saying you can't go because you might be dangerous or anything. The point is that you're being a bit of a d*ck. And not the good type of d*ck where you're kind of funny but the bad type of d*ck that guys become when they have a small d*ck. This is Mel's hometown and you p*ssed her off. To make things easier for the rest of us, it'd be smarter to keep her as calm as she can be. If you want to come, you'll have to take it up with her."

Vash did sort of understand how Adrian wanted to protect his sister. The demon often regretted not being able to help his own sister, feeling terrible for how weak he was. But this was about Mel wanting the firestarter there or not. Still . . . "You know. Mel said something about invited guests getting a plus one or something. And she did let Raina come along . . . I think that if you behaved yourself, she might be okay with it. At least for Riff's sake."


"It doesn't matter if you have gloves or not," Mel said to Riesa. "Your very presence reeks enough filth to pollute the entire ward." She narrowed her eyes even more as the girl continued to joke about necrophilia. How dare she treat this like some sort of poorly written joke?! But fortunately, the twins left before Mel felt the urge to rip out the girl's throat. She hoped never to see them again. Her eyes turned to Faith as the woman addressed her. "Fine. I can't leave this place soon enough either. So how are we going to get there? I can't imagine many commercial airlines allow corpses with your luggage."

Watching the strange twins walk away did not make Vash feel any better, especially since the girl never apologized for touching Riff. However, Faith's warning about the strange entity in the castle forced him to do so. The slayer was right. They could afford any more conflict today.
"Your lips are moving, Rainbowcloud, but all I hear is "Sure, Faith! I'll do it gladly, Faith! You're so awesome, Faith!" Faith smirked back at the younger woman, still unbothered by her aggressive response. As she turned to the newer set of twins, she addressed Riesa specifically.

"You act like my five year old, key word, she's FIVE. Also, even she has the sense not to just start groping a dead body and bouncing around like it's a new stuffed toy or something. PLEASE get out of here!"

Adrian had to restrain himself from sounding off at Vash again, taking a deep breath and telling himself that the guy was upset, what with his friend being dead and all. He didn't know Adrian or Kat or understand them, and he didn't know what Katarina was like how she needed someone to look out for her. If he got upset with him now, then he wouldn't be able to go for sure.

"See, I can be your plus one, Rina," he told his sister hopefully, unable to believe that she was actually in a position of power over him currently. "You heard him.

"Maybe I want you to stay, Adrian," she said quietly, even as Faith, turning towards them, spoke over her.

"You heard me too, I said you're staying."

To Mel, she replied, "We'll use a private jet. Let me let Macal know we need it so he or Alex or someone can get it ready."

In her head she spoke to Macal. "Can someone get the jet prepped to take Riff and about five or six other people out? Has there been anymore outbreaks of the rage thing? What's the situation with Izzy and Jirro? Also, we have, like, three new students all of a sudden."
It was solitary work, weeks spent on her own in a foreign land, long tedious nights with occasional sleep, following up on shady leads. She came along several confrontations, less than usual, most, disappointing enough, ended in mild bloodshed. She hadnt killed one person. Usually for hustlers, muggers, gangs, bounties, coming after her was a confirmed suicide attempt. Those who lived, she had not spared them, their attempt merely failed. Like making a faulty noose knot, something so simple that it was difficult to fail. She did not decide to let them live, merely decided that she was not foolish enough to play god. They had not seriously harmed her or did her any misdoing. So she continued on her way. Using her superior resourcefulness and tracking ability to accomplish her given task. She did not mind. This part of the job, it was home to her, Emilia Belokhov enjoyed this part.

Her current task as the Search and Retrieval team was to recover the likes of two supernatural youths within the Western costal region of the United States. It was solitary work. Emma was THEE "Search and Retrieval" team, it had been that way since she transferred to the Academy from her previous position as a field agent for S.H.I.E.L.D., and it would remain that way. Emma needed no other. She worked better that way. She preferred it that way. Being on her own and testing the limits of her abilities in real situations was more stimulating than anything she did back at the Academy. Of course, at the Academy all she did was teach or mentor. But it was nice, to get out of the house, away from everything and everyone you know and get your hands dirty.

Emma enjoyed herself until she actually found the two children, teens she supposed, after a month and a half if scrupulous scouring. Her interest in the mission took a dive after that, spiraling until it plummeted and hit the ground. If she didnt know better she might have compared them to demons. The two of them were insane and wreaked havoc everywhere they went. She was amazed she hadn't found them sooner, but somehow the twins managed to stay out of the papers which was a feat in itself.

Emma bit her tongue. It took them two weeks to trek back to the Academy. Twice as long as she would take. She fought the urge to say something, but soon realized it would do them no good anyhow. She used her eyes, always glaring at them in disapproval. Once she found them, the two kids, living together in an alley in southern L.A. It was a mess pursues ding them back to the Academy. She had bought them lunch at a small diner down the block and discussed their schooling and accommodations as they scarfed down their food. She let them order whatever they liked, it wasn't her money she was paying with, and whatever it took to convince them, right? That is when she discovered out that the brother was actually more logical than their wild first impression. He did most reasoning in the conversation. The female was not happy with this at all but in Emilia's opinion she didnt have much sense in her anyway. Once the decision was made , the brother had the key influencing factor over the sister until she finally succumbed to her offer. Free shelter, food, education, and an environment where they were free from torment or bounties. They would be a fool not to take it, a pointed glare at the girl Reisa, and Emma corrected herself, or insane.

The returning journey was brutal. At least in Emma's opinion. She had withstood physical and mental torture, but dealing with the two twins made a woman like Emilia want to tear her own skin off with an oyster shucker. The journey itself was not a journey, usually a one and a half day excursion back to the Academy by shuttle. These two had insisted that they take a more fun, more traditional means of travel. By bus, by car, and by train back to the Academy. Excruciating hours spent in close quarters with the twins. By Ohio, Emma was ready to tie them to cement blocks and throw them into Lake Erie.

Emilia had little tolerance for this kind of foolishness. So when she was finally returned to the Academy at last, she was ready for a hot shower and to sit in bed for the next twenty four hours to destress her nerves. When the private car stopped at the castle that was Dormer Academy. Aries and Reisa jumped out of the car and ran inside. Emma stepped out of the vehicle, shouldered her small backpack she needed to live on her own and track down supernaturals, which wasn't very much. She had one other set of clothes besides a dark teeshirt, jeans, and worn leather traveling jacket. Emma didnt really need much else, she lived off of necessity. She followed the two inside at her own pace, in no rush now. Emma followed their scent down the hallways as she trailed after them. There were many people nearby. The infirmary was also in this direction. Emma lifted a dark eyebrow, things were busy while she was gone. She sensed Faith.

Something indeed had been going on. Emma rounded the corner. Reisa and Aries flew past her. "You two, hold it!" She looked at Aries, she had learned that if she wanted them to do anything, it was useless talking to Reisa. "Give me a minute and I will show you there myself. The castle is like a large labyrinth until you grow to learn it."

Emma continued up to Faith, it had been almost two months since she saw that familiar face "I can see you have your hands full, so I won't press your time. I've returned, unfortunately successful," she offered a grim smile, tilting her head after the twins when she suddenly became aware of something--"There is a dead body in there. My condolences, I'll leave you to that. It seems I've missed a lot. Let me know if theres anything I can do. I hope we can catch up eventually." Emma smiled ruefully and patted Faith's arm comfortingly.

Emilia nodded to herself and turned to follow after the twins, taking note at who was gathered outside of the door and based on that who was missing. However she had to finish her first task, which was taking care of the "retrieval". She could wait to relax. If she could ever use a drink, it was now.
River was settled in an awkward fetal position in the back seat area of a four-seat car, his blue eyes glassy, caught in a reverie while his gaze peered at the window. While staring at the scenic view of blurring trees he was stationed directly behind the driver who was jovially singing and taping his fingers in a lousy rhythm to the beat of the radio. The journey went smoothly while the roads unfolded before them until the GPS navigation system suddenly uttered: "Turn left at the next exit". This broke River out of his dreamy state immediately and he stood quickly, peeking over the driver's shoulder.

"Hey, bud, you missed my turning. You're going the wrong way." He stated calmly as the driver shouted in complete panic, swerving the car. "H-h-how the hell did you get in my car! God, please don't do anything, please!" The stout man, dressed in a smart grey suit begged, shuddering visibly. River was rather apathetic in comparison and merely raised a brow, "drive more carefully, you'll get us killed, stupid." He pondered this for a moment before correcting his sentence. "Nah, actually just you will die. Anyway, the details aren't important, I snuck in when you were at the gas station." He grinned and laughed loudly, "it was easy to get in without you knowing; you're kind of a dummy, really." The man, Brian, was somehow taking this in without p*ssing his pants, then River spoke again. "And dude, your singing is horrifying," he loomed over to make eye contact with Brian, "I don't think the music industry will ever accept you, sorry your dreams are destroyed. Now, turn this junk you call a car around and take the turning you missed." River ordered darkly, pressing a gun to his head.

Just in the outer proximity of the remote wooded area, River was now on foot and walking towards the Dormer Academy. A frown was obviously spread across his features while he mashed buttons on his phone and muttered under his breath. "Stupid Wade.... wouldn't even give me a ride down here. D*ck." The cell suddenly beeped. A new text. River felt peeved and glared childishly at the phone and switched it off, cutting off all contact to his annoying friend.

Now he was stood directly outside of the academy and he whistled impressively. "Can't blow this up, it's way too pretty." Then proceeded to kick open the front door, "YO, DWELLERS OF DORMER, I HAVE ARRIVED!" River bellowed, hoping to pique the interest of anyone around and he certainly did not care if it was negative or positive - either would be amusing enough.

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