Dormer Academy

(Aw, poor Adrian. I don't even think he made a friend yet. Oh well. If Adrian does go psycho on us, I think Kat should be the one to kill him. It would give her a start for some change and if you wanted her to develop a power, that would be a good time for it to manifest itself. I do worry, though, if she'd be able to handle the fact that she killed her brother. Especially since he wasn't evil, like in Sheena's case with Evangeline.)

While waiting for Alex to surface, Mel had already begun drawing random swirls in the sand with a nearby stick. With his thrashings confirming that he didn't die, she was about ready to leave "Don't apologize so much. It makes you look like a wuss. Besides, if I were easily hurt by such words, I'd have killed myself long ago. I'm used to it now." She stopped her doodling when Alex mentioned Hardtime, trying to warn her about the man. "So . . . I'm supposed to look out for a LARPer*? Oh no, a costumed loser. What am I going to do?" Please. Mel had been through quite a bit in her life. She wouldn't be so easily broken by some World of Warcraft fanatic since she didn't have to imagine what true Hell meant.

Not really having much choice, she continued to listen to Alex, wondering if she could just go already. Then he said something that made her blood boil. The stick in her hand snapped in two and she threw the bit in her hand right at the blond's head. "So, you're just going to take the b*tch way out, Goldilocks?! Pathetic! The @#$% are you going on about? A dark and bad place? Either make peace with it or let it consume you? Oh come on. So you've got some issues right now. Who doesn't?! And why are you even confused about what to do? The answer is @#$%ing easy."

"You stand up like a man who doesn't have his balls in a jar in some pervert's trophy case. You do what you want. You fight. If something bothers you, then get rid of it. If you're too weak, then get stronger. If your fancy SHEILD training isn't helping then find something that will. Because it looks like you're just waiting for someone to swoop in and save you like a @#$%ing princess. No, wait, lower than that. Because I'm pretty sure Liza wouldn't act that way and I sure as Hell know I wouldn't."

Finally had it with him, Mel stood up and headed back to the castle. She didn't even want to look at that pathetic excuse of a "man" anymore, and with her back still toward him, yelled over her shoulder. "It's a good thing your girlfriend's okay with girls. Because she certainly didn't find herself a guy."

Her pace did not slow down, even after getting back in the castle. Heels clacking loudly against the floor, she hurried through hallways, not really caring where she went or who she bumped into, as long as they could distract her from the monstrosity she had just seen.

*live-action roleplayer
(Ok, seems a lot of us took an extended break, so for those of you that are still here, we're gonna used that time in story and advance things some of the time that has passed in the real world....I think we need a roll call of whoever is still interested and active in this rp)

*In the past couple of weeks, Alex has decided to stay but has often taken extended missions that have kept him away from the Academy days on end there is still tension between him and Sheena but not quite as bad as it was. Mac has since returned from Sanctuary however Jirro, Izabella, Mitsumi and Akira have remained behind to recover (Putting them safely to the side so they can return if they want) Mac has settled back into daily life, teaching and spending his time with his family. At night him and Faith and the other remaining staff now fully aware of the Rage Demon in the Academy, are working together to discover it's weaknesses so that can cause it's downfall.(If Faith doesn't mine, there have been a few close calls that have put the demon on it's heels and it's been absent for a week or two we can get back to that arc as soon as you're ready.) Classes have resumed and life has returned to normal...Well normal for this place with a demon going around. *
A week had passed since Jagger had exited his old prison and entered a new one and to be honest, he sort of preferred the old one. Sure, Hallsands didn't have much light or life but Dormer Academy was filled with sweaty teenagers driven by a mixture of arrogance, shame and lust. It was much like being surrounded by clothed pigs. To make matters worse, he was responsible for them, having been made a teacher Macal. "Alternative Tactics" a pathetic name for cheating. But luckily, it seemed like not many people signed up for his class. A very dim light in the dark here. He was supposed to start classes today but he was tempted to not show up like many of his "students" probably planned to do.

He took to the halls. taking quick strides as to avoid any teens trying to find themselves clever by asking if the demon had "them moves." But though he was avoiding them, he wasn't completely blocking out everything in the halls, scanning his surroundings with emerald eyes. During his time here, Jagger had witnessed many occurrences like the one he saw the first night he was here. Fights breaking out among students and staff for petty reasons. A familiar feeling of deja vu creeping into the back of his mind. Each time, he would remember bits and pieces of Hell, mainly of Barbelos and all the unnatural fights the demon seemed to get in. The feeling he got here was similar but not quite the same. This was not the work of his old "buddy," but what could it be?


Mel had begun the day with her usual run in the morning. With each passing day, she felt her body returning to its previous state and found a bit of enjoyment in that. As she ran, she could feel any traces of Lilith fall away and disappear forever. The only part of that glorified pigeon that Mel wanted to keep would be the whip that now hung on Mel's wall along with all the other trophies she had collected over the years. Approaching the end of her run, Mel ended it with a few high kicks, her foot making contact with nothing but air.

Hearing some people arguing, Mel turned her head to see a pair of girls fighting over which prepubescent girl was the cutest out of One Direction. A lot of yelling but no physical contact from what she could tell. There had been quite a few fights lately. Even a couple near murders. Some sort of demon that the staff was warning people about. Mel herself had never been touched, but she had seen what it did to Vash, nearly bringing out his demonic form.

It was something to be watchful for, but still not Mel's problem. Done with her workout, she went inside the castle toward the student housing, wanting to shower and change before classes started.


Vash, being a morning person, was up at around the same time Mel had awoke. But as he didn't really want to exercise, he spent his time in the cafeteria, storing as much bacon as he could in his stomach before he had to run to class. Things between him and Mel cooled down almost as soon as he got back to his room a week ago, with her saying that she didn't want to make the same mistake with him that she she did with Riff. And then she slammed the door in his face. Not exactly a perfect ending, but that was the best he would get out of her.

With his third plate now empty, he looked down at his stomach. Maybe he should start doing regular workouts like Mel did. He wasn't exactly fat, his stomach was actually pretty flat thanks to his metabolism, but he could probably do better. Get a six pack and all that. Yeah. And maybe he should watch what he- Are those waffles?
((Hey. I'm back. Sorry I disappeared for a forever long time. But you guys are second on my list of catch-ups.))
(Right sorry I was gone for a while guys, major writers block, so in order to get rid of it I think I'll just do what you guys are doing and restart xD )

Aries and Riesa felt they had settled in pretty well at the school. And by 'pretty well' they just meant that Riesa hadn't been almost killed yet and Aries hadn't blown up the school or created a black hole which would ultimately destroy the universe. There had been a few close calls where enraged students had gone for Riesa after a bit of prodding on her part - literally. But Riesa was somehow miraculously in one piece still and despite having made no friends, the twins really didn't care. They had each other and that was all they needed.

The two were on their way to a new class, something called 'Alternative Tactics' and Aries had to keep hold of Riesa's hand so that she wouldn't run off and try to join in a forming fight. It seemed every since this apparent 'demon' had invaded this school fights were starting all over the place. And it was just Aries' luck that Riesa adored fighting. He'd already had to threaten to drug her if she didn't leave the idiots to their arguments. Though, what was probably even worse than trying to join in fights was that Riesa had actually tried to cause a few on her own before; just the fun of it. Aries had even had to put a student to sleep because Riesa wound them up enough that they had attacked her.

Riesa giggled as they walked past two moron girls verbally fighting, "This is so cool!" She grinned around at the arguments that were already forming for the day and Aries rolled his eyes, clenching her hand tighter in his, "You think a bunch of idiotic teenagers trying to kill each other is cool Ri?" As he finished speaking, Aries noticed a dark haired girl walking in their direction and although he hadn't interacted with her yet he knew from seeing her around that her name was Mel and according to a lot of wimps in his classes she was dangerous and best left alone. Not that he was one to listen to rumors. He saw Riesa was off in her own world as she responded excitedly, "Of course I do! It's hilarious! You don't think it's funny how quickly they get angry?" Half-way through his sister talking, Aries had to tug on her arm to stop her from walking straight into Mel, but Riesa's shoulder still brushed Mel's. The blonde twin didn't seem to notice and glanced at Aries for his response, "Yes Ri, it's highly amusing. But if you get yourself hurt because you're purposely aggravating them then--" "Then you'll have a chance to test out that black hole you've been working on!" Riesa grinned at him and after a moment of staring at his twin silently Aries smirked and looked away.


Chameleon was extremely surprised and grateful that the rage demon hadn't gone for him yet. It was still a constant worry of his that at any second he'd get affected by it and kill a dozen students and/or teachers, but so far, so good. It was a bit odd though, walking around school and just having to get used to the fact that you'd often see a bunch of kids trying to kill each other. That wasn't so nice. He even saw a blonde haired short girl trying to actually start a fight the other day just because he could see it was amusing her. Why the heck would she want to start a fight with someone without being angry? It made no sense to him.

He was walking through the halls, on his way to the canteen to get some food when he was intervened by a student blocking his path and glaring up at him angrily. "And you huh! What makes you think you're so cool! Why don't YOU ever get into fights or in trouble, Mr.Perfect!" He was shoved then and he could tell this student had obviously just come out of an argument with someone else as another kid came storming over furiously, "HEY! I was talking to you idio---" The kid trailed off as he spotted Chameleon and pointed angrily at him, "You! Why did you interrupt our argument like that! That's so rude!" Great. Just great. Chameleon now had two angsty teenagers shouting at him. He sighed and rubbed his forehead lightly. This was getting tiring. He looked up at the two teens then, his face the absolute picture of calm. He turned to the first teen, "I don't think I'm 'so cool' and why would I want to get into fights? It's pointless." He then turned to the second, "And I didn't interrupt your argument, your 'friend' here came up to me and just started yelling at me. Now, are you two done?" Of course, his calm non-committal response just made the two in front of him even madder and they began outright yelling in the halls now, attracting the attention of other students. Chameleon just tuned them out.

Great. What a lovely way to start the day.


After a few days of silence and a few small arguments Faye and Raina had made up again. It took Faye bursting into tears one night before bed and explaining to Raina why she had upset her and then some massive hugs and a film night to get there, but they were fine now. Faye did notice that since the fights had begun breaking out Raina had been sticking closer than ever to her, almost never letting her out of sight unless she had to. They were currently in the canteen, eating breakfast together, and they both watched as two guys began to argue loudly about something, a teacher headed over and soon the two guys were taken out to 'calm down' Raina rolled her eyes as she watched them go.

"I'm getting sick of this. When are Faith and Macal gonna sort this out? It was sorta amusing at first, but now I can't even breathe without some idiot thinking they can start a fight with me." Faye grinned at that, swallowing a piece of waffle as she cheekily glanced at Raina out of the corner of her eye, "Raina? Sick of fighting? Never thought that'd happen." "Shut up you." Raina nudged her little sister lightly in the side, but Faye could see the grin she was trying to hide.

"I'm just saying it's stupid. If you're gonna fight about something then it should be something important like revenge for killing a loved one or to save your own life. Not 'oh-I-hate-you-because-you're-wearing-the-same-top-as-me-I'm-gonna-kill-you'." Faye giggled at that one, and set down her fork as she finished eating. "Well then maybe instead of sitting around whining about it you should go see Faith or Macal and see what's being done about it, and if they need your help." Raina made a 'pfft' sound at that, "I am not whining. Dogs whine. And there's no way I'd offer my help to those two. If they need my help they can come get it."

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