Dormer Academy

"Oh...right, good point," Katarina muttered, giving a small, somewhat embarrassed smile as Faye pointed out the danger of a pyro in a library. "I should have known that. Adrian doesn't read much either. Or stay around electrical can sort of go bad fast. I guess I'll show you the gym then?"

As she lead her from the library, hearing Faye's assurance to her about not being a "ho," Katarina bit her lip, avoiding her eyes, and is silent as she walks with her for several minutes. Finally she says quietly, "I am though. A...ho. You should see what's written about me at our old school, in the bathrooms I said. I did things with guys. A lot of guys. It was what they wanted, but...I guess I wanted it too. It's not really their fault if they think that."


"Guy in charge?" Faith's eyebrows rose, and she gave a slightly incredulous laugh. "He's my husband, but if you know anything about marriages, that should tell you everything. I'm the one in charge, pal. Macal might like to pretend as much, but he plays with his army and god toys, horseplays with kids and gives them pep talks, and I actually do the running of the place. No, if you're gonna get one thing straight, it's that I'm in charge. And by the way? This the hell is Faith."

Still holding Emma's arm, looking back at her firmly, she sees the coolness in the woman's eyes and knows that there is a grudge of some sorts being harbored. She cannot tell if the woman's statement is an acquiescence or avoiding further defiance, but she allows her to go, intending to check on her later. Turning back to Jagger, she lifts one hand palms up.

"What is going on? Who are you again?"
(Not sure if this is right but I'm gonna go with it anyway.)

*Mac turned to see the girl yelling at him and sighs deeply before speaking to her.* I'm sorry I didn't mean to be disrespectful, however your art wasn't something I could allow to stay where it was. So I take it Liza isn't the only one responsible for that work? I guess she'll have company mucking out the stables (Liza's usual punishment for misbehaving), I would suggest you don't wear your good shoes or clothes. *Suddenly a chill shoots up Mac's spine making him shiver.* Ugh..I sense a distubance...I think somewhere Faith is pissed at me for some reason..Well guess it's time for me to lay low or I may be joining you and Liza in the stables. *He stands up and looks at Sheena.* I've decided to grant Alex's transfer request, I'm entrusting you to pass this on...Seeing how you don't seem too disturbed by his leaving this should be an easy task..Of course someone will have to pick up the slack around here to take over his duties, I guess I'll start looking for a replacement..Oh if Faith ask about me, you haven't seen me and you don't know where I'm going...At least half of that is the truth. *He suddenly vanishes and reappears in one of the gravity chambers and sits in the middle of the floor and begins to meditate.*
Her wings stroked down hard, wheeling through an open window and into fresh evening air. Within a few breaths she was landing on the railing of her balcony, boots touching and jumping down on to level floor.

Emilia sighed. She needed a run. She didnt need to burn off steam, there was no steam to blow off. She didnt need to think, there was nothing to think about. Right now, she just needed mindless physical exertion. She tossed her jacket into the closet, perhaps more irritated that her jacket was torn than the wound in her arm, there was a chill in the air, but Emma wouldn't feel it. Upon inspecting the wound, that looked worse than it was, she wiped a towel over it and tied a bandage around it. Emma pulled the ninja star from her pocket, a "neat toy" as she called it, it was an amateur blade. She tossed it into a box with everything else other misbehaved children had thrown at her, children whom she had later taught their place, Emma then changed Into her running shoes. As she went back to the balcony, she thought about utilizing the Danger Rooms, but deciding against it, she kept into open air.

There used to be a time in her life, where she would hit the ground before she would be able to shift and catch herself. Shifting used to be a long draw out painful process, one that she would not look forward to. But after practicing for so long, toughening up, blocking herself from that pain. Emma had only dropped a few feet in the air, briefly feeling the prickling sensation of blossoming feathers when wings caught her descent and picked her into the air.

She swooped down into the woods, away from the trails as Emma preferred to free run in the forrest, a more desirable run. In her experience, if one was being pursued, one did not have the leisure to choose an ideal flat, level surface to be chased upon. When she was young, the forrest had saved her life countless of times. Reading the land and getting to know the earth was a crucial point in surviving. Weaving through the forest, avoiding thickets, underbrush, and roots, while running an unpredictable path, and maintaining a steady pace was a skill developed over years of survival. Not something one regularly learned when staying at a cushy boarding school, safe from humanity's evils.

It was something along the lines of what Emilia taught in her course. Field survival.
Taking in what her father had told her with some surprise, but more grim resignation, Sheena nodded, setting her jaw. She doesn't want to tell Alex that Macal is granting this request to leave, for a variety of reasons, not only because then she'll have to see him and talk to him at all. She's spent much time for the past year with him, and he is familiar and comfortable, family as much as a friend and boyfriend. She will miss him when he goes, and she doesn't want him to.

But how can she say that now? With her father saying to go and Alex wanting to?

She doesn't understand either why Macal won't tell Faith where he is, if she wants or needs him for something, and she's also pretty sure Faith will be able to tell she's lying. whatever, his problem if that was the case. Wanting to help her sister, but also knowing she had been told to stay out of the line of fire, she exhaled, trying to think of how to tell Alex.
(Sorry for sucky post. DX)

Jagger's eyes narrowed as Faith explained Macal's interest in the school, clearly not amused by the war god's antics. Looking Faith over, he could say that he preferred her as headmaster here, or rather headmistress. She seemed a lot more responsible than Macal did. More dignified in some sense. A harder worker. Not to mention, from what he could tell, she was human or at least humanish. He knew she was a slayer, not from some mysterious 6th sense about this thing but because in his previous life 8 years ago, even he had heard of the infamous Faith Lehane. Anyway, as a human, she could probably relate more to the kids here than an immortal could. "Well, I suppose it's more reassuring to have someone more . . . adult-like to run a school. Especially one with such risks as this one has."

After Emma left, Faith turned back to him, asking who he was. "Jagger," he told her calmly. "I had been living in England for the last 8 years. Until a group of your students came onto my territory and dragged me here. One of them took my weapon. Another tried to get me arrested before storming off like a teenage girl, although judging by his hair, maybe he was one. Your husband is trying to get me to teach your kids how to cheat in battle. And your staff just gave me the warmest welcome here. It . . . it's been a strange day."

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you have here? I could've sworn I felt something . . . familiar . . . Although my memory has decided that now was a good time to just disappear on me. You have other demons here?"


Vash had spent the last half hour outside in the courtyard trying to clear his head in the night air. Mind preoccupied with what had happened with Mel just a while ago and whether or not he'd pay for it later, he spent the time mindlessly doing what he did when he was stressed out. He whittled. So far, he had 3 birds, a miniature llama and the main characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He didn't care what people said, it was an awesome show with valuable life lessons about friendship and love and ponies and stuff.

After placing a wooden Fluttershy on the grass beside the others, Vash tried to grab at another branch on the tree he was sitting under. However, with all the lower branches either a statuette or wood chips, he only grabbed nothing.

Hands now idle, Vash began hitting his fists against his forehead, muttering, "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." A chant that soon turned to shouts of swearing as he realized that one, he was clenching his fists with a relatively sharp knife in his hand, and two, with the small tip poking out of his fist, he had been repeatedly stabbing himself in the head.

Trickles of blood leaked out of the shallow wounds as tears pooled in the corner of his eyes. Compared to Mel and Riff, he had a rather low tolerance for pain. One of the reasons why he always tried to take out enemies as quick as he could was to avoid any heavy strikes against himself. A bit of a cowardly way to go but it worked, didn't it?

Vash dragged himself back into the main school building in search of the infirmary. That was on the first floor, right? Or was it the second? The West part of the building? Or the East? Not that the last two questions would've helped him, seeing as compasses went haywire around him. Giving up, he opted for wandering around the halls until he eventually found the nurse or some healer or whatever. He was in no danger of bleeding to death and the initial pain had subsided already so he was in no immediate hurry.


At first, Mel had been trying to sleep, but a god amount of time tossing and turning in bed convinced her that maybe she should get up. Eyeing the strange red and black weapon on her desk, her curiosity of its inner workings took over. It was unlike anything her family had made in their companies. After getting dressed in a long sleeved shirt and some shorts, she grabbed the thing and ran out to the nearest training room with a firing range.

Once there, she held the contraption in her hand, unsure of how to use it. Looking it over, she found a small button on the underside of the weapon. Upon pressing it, the staff stretched out behind her and the trigger and scope flipped out of the bottom and top respectively. A small barrel poked out of the front. She brought the rifle up to her shoulder, aligning the cross of the scope to the bullseye across the room.

Once she pulled the trigger, she found herself flying backwards until her back slammed into the wall. She and the weapon both fell to the floor as she swore loudly. She had forgotten to account for the recoil which seemed a lot stronger than other guns she had used before. Not that she ever used them. Mel hated guns and the reason why lied in the location of the bullet she had just fired. There was a small hole in the wall opposite of her, a good six inches outside the outermost ring of the target she was aiming at. Whether her miss in this case was due to the recoil or not, Mel had terrible aim with fire arms. She couldn't hit the broadside of a barn . . . and she did try before.

Getting back up, she rubbed the sore part of her back before picking the gun thingy up again. Out of curiosity, she gripped onto it tightly, this time pointing it at the floor before firing. The little experiment ended with the recoil forcing her into the air, but only by 2 maybe 3 feet. A bit of a disappointment since she could already jump higher than that on her own. Now trying to think up other things to try out, she spotted the bullet from her little jump earlier on the floor. She picked it up, seeing that it was a bit different that traditional ammunition. A tranquilizer shot? Was Jagger shooting them with tranqs the entire time back in England. A smirk formed on her face. If this was so, then she could go rub it into that hormonal poodle's face that Jagger wasn't that much of a threat. Although . . . it did raise the question of what he was going to do with them once they were out . . .
(I am REALLY starting to dislike Emma xD Oh and Dreams, I think she meant it as in appearance sort of way, even though Vash isn't dark or a bad boy - lovin' the marshmellow puppy comparison xD - she still does think he's attractive, but just not her type, which is why she said to Katarina she's not really got a crush on anyone, there's just some guys that she thinks are attractive xD And hmmm, the machine thing, Aries is pretty sly, so he'd probably just either say it's a machine created by the Academy that will keep Thanatos's influence from affecting them - which it won't of course xD - or he'd say it's a mandatory weapon check machine that you have to go through before entering the cafeteria or something because of the recent fights that have been happening. Either way he'd say the school made it)

Faye grinned at Katarina as she told her she had a good point about the library thing, "Yeah, don't think Faith would be too happy if I burnt down her library, that's a lot of books to lose." She tilts her head as electrical things are mentioned, then shrugs, she hasn't had much experience with electronics, so she's not sure if her being around them would be a bad or good idea.

"The gym sounds cool," Faye commented distractedly as she took in the surroundings, scowling slightly when she saw a plant pot. She hated those things, they always caught on fire so easily and got her in trouble. She glances to Katarina, as it has been silent for a while now, and sees that she is avoiding looking at her, is she alright? Was it something Faye said?

She finally speaks, and Faye realises it was the ho thing that set her off, she watches her silently with open eyes, she frowns as Katarina finishes, but doesn't say anything yet, they carry on walking in silence and it is only when they are nearing the gym that Faye speaks up, "Well I don't think you're a ho. And it doesn't matter what's written about you at your old school, who cares what they think? They're gone now, you probably will never see them again, I did a bunch of stupid things at my old school, I screamed at Faith in front of the whole class and threatened to kill her, as well as burning down the whole forest outside the school as well," She gave her a small grin at that, "But now I'm here, it's a fresh start, and I just have to forget everything that happened back at the old school."

Her heart gave a painful clench at that, and she couldn't stop herself from frowning at the floor for a moment. Forget everything. Forget Myra. Forget how Kol murdered her. Just forget. She exhaled quietly, the sigh itself was shaky, before she came back to and gave Kat a weak smile, "I don't think you were, you seem too sweet for that, but even if you were a ho back at your old school, even if you did things with guys, so what? Most people do things with guys like that, doesn't make them hos. But what I'm trying to say is that you're not a ho now, it's your chance here to start fresh, and meeting you, talking to you now, I would never say you're even slightly ho-ish. You can start over if you want to, and to me it seems like you have."

She gave her a proper smile this time, though there was still remnants of pain in her amber eyes, "You're nice Kat, no matter what some stupid high school boys think."


Riesa just blinks as the giant turns to her and tells her she'll be mucking stables. Does that mean cleaning horse poop? "Okay! I'm totally up for seeing horses and all - I've never seen one before, ever! - but there is no way I'm going near their shit. Aries would kill me if I came back stinking of horse butt."

He then stands to talk to the other teenage girl, he then...vanishes? She blinks at the space he was in before turning to look at the girl, who still remained.

"Hey! Does everyone around here do that? Just vanish like ghosts?" She noticed the girl seemed lost in thought, exhaling, before she jumped over to prod at Sheena's arm, "Hey? When that giant comes back, tell him that I'm not cleaning the horse shit, alright? There's no way my brother would let me do that, and it sounds kinda gross anyway. I'd probably just end up throwing the shit at random strangers. That would be kinda fun actually.."

She blinked at Sheena and nodded, "Got that?"


Chameleon had been wandering the halls, trying to think over some of the idiotic things that had been happening around here lately, like that weird demon that was apparently prodding at everyone's rage, he needed to make sure he kept himself defended against that, he was glad he was doing an alright job so far. If he got mad he'd be scared he'd come back to reality to find a bunch of dead students around him. That was more than likely to happen. Of course, another thing on his mind was Riff's death, a tragic thing that made him question just how safe this school was, just how safe anywhere was, Mel's past was another thing on his mind, after hearing it via the now deceased Lilith.

He was just glad that for once he wasn't thinking of the issue of him realising he liked Raina. Oh wait, great, now he was thinking of it.

He was pulled out of his revolving thoughts when he felt someone else's presence up ahead and he glanced up to spot Vash trailing along. He was planning to just carry on his way, not wanting to bother the guy, until he noticed the crimson liquid coming from his forehead. He stopped where he was and tilted his head slightly, was he looking for the infirmary? He did know he was heading in the wrong direction...right?

"Hey Vash?" He called out to the demon boy, "Are you alright? Your forehead is sorta bleeding. And you're going in the wrong direction if you're looking for the infirmary."
((sorry for the delay))

Mitsumi blinked in surprise with how quickly Akira shifted back to his usual state. She couldn't get the image of how horrified he had looked while he stared at her only moments before, out of her head. Shaking her head, she forced herself to smile gently when the flowers bloomed around them, gracefully, spinning around to avoid crushing them beneath her heeled boots. And then he proposed...just like that...just like he had tried before, all those months before any of this had ever happened. Her mouth dropped slightly, instantly being pulled back to that night. She hadn't been able to give him an answer then, it had been so close after her sister's death...there had been too much pain, too many thoughts on revenge that Mitsumi couldn't even think of accepting. And was basically like de va ju...

Swallowing hard, Mitsumi reaches out and takes one of her boyfriend's hands in hers. Its warm beneath her touch, and she could feel the way his pulse had quickened, could feel the blood as it flowed through his veins. Realizing that they were now connected through her blood, she knew Akira would automatically pick up on her feelings. He had to know this wasn't exactly the time, or even the way that she had ever imagined him proposing to her. Not now...not like this...and definitely not with HardTime and his insane wife, Marie running around.

"Ace...I...we can't...not yet...when this is all over, when we've destroyed the Zwei's...ask me again. I promise I'll be able to answer you then...I just can't right now...I'm sorry..."

She didn't let go of his hand although she already knew that he would pull away. That's how these things usually went with them. She had constantly disappointed him in the past.

'Why should now be any different?' she thought bitterly.


Izzy had heard the commotion long before her husband had left the safety of the their shadows to step in. She rolled her eyes. He was basically like a wanted fugitive in this place, yet he was more concerned with the safety of these ungrateful-Izzy stopped short and blinked rapidly.

Where the hell had that come from?!

Of course he had to step in, these were their students...some of her students even, with guns aimed at each other! She watched as they fired at Jiro, gasping out even as the bullets froze and dropped to the floor. Her heart was hammering away in her chest, but still she didn't make her presence known. She knew Jirro could handle himself, and as the students all dropped as a security team approached, she couldn't help but feel a tiny stab of pride at how quickly and professionally he had been able to handle that.

"I have no idea what's gotten into everyone..." she murmured softly as she grabbed onto his arms as they continued down the hallway. "I have a feeling the others might have figured it out while we were gone though...all that anger, how quickly we all turned on each other the other day? Something was causing that...I could feel it..."

Cora- still watching the fight

Bucky- Outside the Mochizuki apartment
Sheena jumped as the girl who had been writing on the walls with Liza jostled her arm, startling her out of her reverie. She doesn't look particularly young, but she seems very excitable and definitely acts younger than she appears to be. As the girl informs her that she won't muck the stables, calling Macal a "giant," Sheena stared at her, shrugging. She could care less about her and any decision she might make.

"Whatever...that's on you. He'll probably make you but I'm not worrying." Making a face at the girl's declaration of what she would prefer to do with the horse manure, she backs away, hands up as though to ward her off.

"That's disgusting. I got better things to do so...whatever."

She's supposed to talk to Alex, apparently, though she doesn't see why she should be the one to do it when he and Macal were making all the decisions. As she turns the corner, she almost runs into a pretty dark-haired girl who appears around her age or slightly older. Backing up, cheeks flushing, she apologizes. "Sorry, didn't see you..."


Stopping in the middle of the gym as Faye continues to talk with her, telling her some about how she had behaved at her old school, Katarina's eyes widen slightly. She had seen Faye show some anger and aggressive tendencies so far, but the girl is so nice to her she can't really believe she could REALLY be violent. Threaten to kill Faith especially, and burn down a whole forest?!

" did you do those things? Faith isn't...why would you want to kill her?"

She ducks her head again, shy but touched, when Faye tells her she's not a ho and that she's sweet, that she has a fresh start here. That's what Faith has told her too, but it's still hard for her to believe, given her history- and she's pretty sure Adrian doesn't really believe it either.

"I guess," she says though, not wanting to argue. "I think you don't know me to well but I hope you're right."
Cora had been too into everything going around her when the other girl walked into her. She could feel her body inch backwards, as she almost lost her balance and quickly recovered. Before she could stop it from happening, the strap to her duffel bag shifted and slipped, and the curses formed at her lips just as the heavy bag fell on top of her feet.

"Son of a-" She looked up, a flash of anger in her eyes which had gone golden but paused when she saw how apologetic the dark haired girl seemed to be. Noting the flushness of her cheeks, Cora shrugged and bent down to grab her bag, returning it back over her shoulder. "It's no big deal...not like I had any steel toed boots in here or nothing..." Which she did, and the lie caused the corners of her mouth to twitch upwards slightly. Looking up again, she gave the girl a once over. She had to be close to her in age, which meant she was a student. This caused Cora to smile a little since she hadn't really met any of the others here besides that Cord guy and Josh.

Her eyes narrowed slightly then quickly widen in recognition. She was that girl from earlier, the one who had started to shift. Her nostrils flared slightly and the were-panther grinned. "So you're a lycan huh?"
{Akira frowned at Mitsumi before stepping back from her and turning away, he walked towards a window looking out over the grounds, he's silent for a few moments before turning to face her.} I remember now, twice I've asked you to be my wife and twice you've turned me down, I guess this means when all of this over, if you wish to marry me Mitsumi Mochizuki, you'll have to ask me, I will not ask a third time and take the chance of being refused again. It's a good thing we live for centuries because for you I will wait until you're ready. {He gives her a small smile before stepping back towards her} Now I need my weapons we have to go find your parents. After your father fed on me, he establish resonance with me, I can hear his thoughts, he's going to risk his life because HardTime has some kind of hold on him, he's going to Macal and Faith so they can help him with some sucidal plan, I will not allow my master to risk his life without me there! But first take me to an armory, I need weapons, I know anyplace Macal is in charge of will have multiple armorys, come we have to hurry before the resonance fades away and I even I won't be able to track your father if he goes to ground again. {He reaches for her hand as he heads towards the door.}

{Jirro looks down at his wife's hand on his arm then back at her and smiles} Do not fear Izabella, I'm starting to feel my old self once more, it seems I was too quick to bury the Silverblade, well it's not to late to resurrect him and wage war against all that stands to tear my family apart. {He leans towards he and kisses her cheek} Perhaps when all is said and done we can travel maybe back to the temple, just remind me to buy my master some MMs so he won't be to grouchy. {Finally catching Mac's scent for a second but it vanishes but then it's back again slightly, after evading security they finally track him to a locked room in the training hall, politely knocking on the large metal door of course for Jirro it sounds more like a sledge hammer hitting door any harder and it would fall over.}
((Jo - Lol, i didnt exactly make her with a sparkling personality in mind. Like I said before, she's a rather twisted and dark individual.))

Joshau stood and watched the battle in progress passively. While had had instantly intervened the fight among students, a fight among staff was quite different. As much as he didnt care for Emma's methodology and teaching, or her attitude, he knew that she had a reason for everything she did, and that no matter what there wasn't a demon putting thoughts into her head.

What he didnt know was that the demon Emma was fighting was a new member of the staff, only recently appointed. What, Josh wondered, would make anyone consider doing such a thing was a mystery to him and he questioned the reliability of demonic staff member. It certainly raised a few alarms. He didnt quite approve it fully, but there wasn't anything he could do to speak against it. Josh was starring intently at Faith. He saw what transpired with Emma, would the Cords really put blind faith into this demonic stranger?

Josh was willing to admit he wasn't loving this idea. He didnt have to be a mind-reader to tell Faith wasn't in the mood to listen to anyone's opinions, positive or negative. Her body movements said stressed and her facial expression was unforgiving. No. He'd go to her at a later time and profess his qualms on a more personal note.

On the other side of the room, he noticed Cora standing watching the fight. He imagined this wasn't the "first day" she envisioned, or for the most part, that anyone would envision. This hadnt turned out to be the most flattering day in the Academy's short history.

He was walking back to her, forming an explanation in his head, when she bumped into Sheena. Seeing Cora smile, Josh knew the lycan-were panther combo had hit it off. Seeing with everything in the cafeteria settled, and not exactly feeling charitable enough to introduce himself to the new teacher. He gave a fleeting glance at Faith as he left in case she needed something of him, and a smile in Cora's direction, hoping she'd catch his eye; Josh then excused himself from the cafeteria where he'd go find someplace he could meditate for a while. His version of detoxing the stress out of his day.
*Mac had started to ease into his meditation when the slamming on the door started, his first assumption was Faith had tracked him down and for some reason wanted to yell but when he looked at the massive metal door or more like through it he saw Jirro and Izzy, he huffs as he waved his hand towards the lock and the door flung open, afterwards he closed his eyes again and tried to regain his focus while talking to the couple.* What part of lay low didn't you two get? Faith is gonna be pissed if you're roaming the halls with that chain still attached to you Jirro..I mean really Izzy aren't you suppose to be keeping him out of sight? You both suck and are a huge pain in the ass...Now since you've came all this way and risk being caught by security. *One of his eyes opens and he smirks at the thought of anyone catching Jirro or Izzy unless they wanted to be caught.* So what can I do for you two?

*Alex paced around his room HardTime's offer still burning his ears and weighing heavy on his mind, what should he do? Is he really that lost here that he could become the enemy of the people he cares about the most, even if they seem not to appreciate him any longer can he become their enemy? No this was not something he could just make a snap decision about, things couldn't be so bad that he had to decide right now, there was still hope here right? He had to think about this more, he had other things to consider first..Getting his own command back or Stark's offer, he would do what he always does and weigh all his options before acting, not because he felt he owed the others that but he owed it to himself.* 
(good thing I waited before I posted I would have missed Jirro and Izzy)
Izzy smirked slightly and shrugged, her hair falling back behind her shoulders. "You try telling my husband to lay low...did you honestly think he could stay in that little cabin for more then a few hours without going nuts..." She winked in Jirro's direction, feeling a bit more at ease now that they were back in the company of friends.

"Look...we want in...we know you're planning some sort of retaliation against that bas***rd HardTime and his bi**h wife..." Izzy wasn't really giving Jirro much time to talk. After all, she had been the first victim of those two and their torturous ways. She wanted to be right there when they got brought down. "We want Jirro's name more doubting his capability with these kids...I want that son of a bi**h out of his head...and I want them both to pay for what they did to us and apparently Akira..." She figured that Macal already knew that the other Black Blood had returned.

"And I personally want to be the one to rip Marie's head off..." her eyes started to glow as she said this, her canines more pronouced. "After what she did to me...I want her to suffer the most..."


Mitsumi frowned as Akira started for the door and pulled her hand away from his. "No."

She waited for him to turn and look at her before dropping her hands at her sides. "I just got you back...I haven't seen you in almost a didn't even know who I was a few hours ago and now you want to run right back into the same mission that got us all here in the first place? No...better yet, f**k no!" The golden ring around her blue eyes wavered slightly before starting to spread. "I am so sick of everyone that I know and love, running off and coming close to getting themselves fuc***g killed every single damn time!" Her voice rose and shook while she spoke. "My parents, hell you saw how quick they just ran off...they didn't even wait to see if you got your memory back, or to make sure you didn't drain me...let them take care of those two...I can', i won't keep getting caught in the middle of losing all the people I you have any idea how alone I've been, how scared that once my mission was over, that I would come home and find you all gone?" Her eyes have gone wide now and tears threaten to drop, but instead, she growls angrily and wipes at them roughly.

"I am so sick of everyone leaving...everyone deserting never should have left me...we should have fought them when SHIELD split us up to look for my parents...this never would have happened...hell, we should be married by now..."

It was clear that if Akira didn't shut her up somehow that her rant was going to continue...
The other girl is obviously rattled by her, and Sheena puts up her hands as though to calm her, half expecting her to swing out at her. When the girl calms, then speaks in a friendly manner towards her, Sheena smiles back, somewhat relieved, and relaxes. Subtly she looks the girl over, noting that she is attractive, and flushes as this registers, taking a small step back, but remaining close nevertheless.

"Sorry anyway...your feet okay?" she asked, having seen the girl drop the bag directly on them. But she is distracted when girl acknowledges that she is Lycan. Looking up at her with some surprise, she blinked, then nodded, more intrigued than suspicious. Not everyone could tell at a glance- or could the girl smell her?

"Yes. How did you know? Are you?"

Only being half Lycan, Sheena was not always adept at identifying others of her kind, though generally their smell told all.


Just a few years ago, having someone tell Faith she was "adult-like" would have made her guffaw with laughter or stare in utter disbelief. But now she only allowed her lips to twitch sardonically in response; she supposed she was pretty responsible and "adult-like" now, weird and sometimes discomfitting as that was.

As she listened to Jagger's explanation of who he was and how he had come to be at the academy, she is beginning to piece things together and nods along with him, wondering how much of his version he can trust. She can't say she outright suspects or senses something wrong about him, but appearances are generally deceiving, so she will take his story with a grain of salt. Still, his reference to the guy with girl hair storming off makes her smirk- undoubtedly this is Alex, unless he took the tomboyish Sheena to be a boy.

"Some of the students here are part demon or full demon, yeah," Faith said somewhat evasively. "But at the moment there are...others present that aren't exactly invited. We think."

Changing the subject quickly, she asked Jagger, "So you got dragged here why, exactly? Were you threatening them or slaughtering masses or something like that?"


Out in the stables, Liza, having been assigned mucking, is nevertheless not exactly sad about it. In fact, she appears to be having a blast. She is not touching anything at all, but rather is concentrating on using her ability to formulate wind to lift the manure into the air, propel it out of the stables, and deposit it in the woods. She bursts into giggles each time a pile of manure goes flying through the sky, especially when she loses focus and it splatters against various objects outside and in the barn.


(Sorry, I totally forgot to respond with Faith for Dreams)

Adrian- resting in room

Katarina- with Faye
You're right of course..But hey that was hardly a shack in fact that shack makes Trump towers look like a shack. And you better not have touched my pudding stash! *Mac grins at Jirro, walking towards him and pats him on the shoulder.* Seriously that violent streak in her never scares the crap out of you? Pup you're right of course things are starting to pile up and if we're going to get this place straighten out we're gonna need all hands on deck, which means I need my right hand back in full fighting form. *lifting his arms above his head and stretching* Right time to get this show on the road so hold onto your lunch kiddies. *He grins again as his eyes flashed and they all appeared in the room with Faith, not long after Stick appears looking grumpy as always.* Faith sorry to interrupt but we have important business to take care of. *He sees Jagger standing there and rubs the back of his head looking forgetful.* Oh crap I forgot I hired that guy on a trial period, I was going to explain it but I've had a lot on my mind lately. *which is true he did forget to tell her about him.* Anyway can you wrap this up so we can go, before Stick gets grumpier then he already is. *He suddenly ducks out just as Stick's staff goes over his head.* HA YOU MISSED ME OLD MAN!
{Jirro gave Mac an "I'm not amused" look but then grinned playfully showing his fangs.} Actually she scares the hell out me when she gets like this, so we better satisfy her bloodlust before she tears the place apart but come to think of it I'm thirsting for blood myself and there is a certain god I wish to drain into a dried out husk! {Not willing to comment about the cabin, it didn't matter much to him. When Mac teleported without saying a word Jirro glares at him, until he sees where they landed and when Master Stick shows up he knows it's time to really do this. Walking up to Stick and bowing to him} Greetings Master Stick, I want you to know how much I appreciate your assistants in this matter, I know I have little to fear with you helping. {He had completely ignored everyone else in the room, he wasn't being rude but distracted seeing how what they are about to do could literally rip him to pieces then vaporize those pieces. Finally he does acknowledge the rest of the people.} Pardon my rudness good evening to you all.

{Akira turned quickly and took Mitsumi by the wrist, he snapped at her to get her attention.} Mitsumi, MITSY STOP! You know we don't have such luxuries, even if he wasn't my master I could not live with myself knowing I turned my back on him, I get you're scared and yes I've just come back to my senses but we are Blackblood there is no turning away or running for us, no matter the risk we stick together. And I'm happy we weren't married already because if I had been forced to watch them do those things to my wife, one that I was bonded with by blood I think I would have killed myself instead of just blocking it out. {Putting his wrist to his mouth he suddenly bites down hard enough to let blood flow from it.} Drink it! I will return what I've taken from you with a piece of myself along with it, our bond will be complete and we will never be alone again, we will always be connected and know how to find each other. Drink away your fears Mitsumi then let us take our places at your parents side once more.

((Going to try to post when I get home around 1am for now on so I don't slow anyone down anymore.))
Izabella just huffed and rolled her eyes when the guys made playful jabs at her blood thirsty ness. She even went as far as snapping her fangs in Macal's direction at the use of his nickname for her. All these years and she still hated being called pup...

The teleporting caught her off guard and she growled, latching onto her husband's arm until the uneasy floating feeling in her stomach had passed. She breathed easier when her eye landed on Faith. It had been far too long since she had seen her best friend. At least to Izzy anyways, in reality it had only been like a day. But with everything going on, it was nice seeing her without the sudden urge to attack again. Her gaze shifted and landed on Stick, her frown returning once more. She didn't understand why HardTime's father was doing there.

Clearing her throat, Izzy glanced once more at Jirro before speaking.

"I think...I believe HardTime targeted me, knowing it could get to the rest of you. I betrayed him all those years ago when I was still his and Catherine's hell-hound...I joined Macal...met Henry...married Jirro..." she paused, her face flushing with self anger at her past. "They held me in the same dungeons Catherine had used as training grounds for my pack and I...I think that's how I had managed to escape...I know ways of getting in and out of that place because a few were designed by me...we could sneak in, they'd never realize it until it was too late..." she stops talking and looks up at everyone shrugging. "Be back I time for the first class of the day..."


She watched as Akira bit into his wrist, watched as the blood pooled from the tiny fang marks and fought the urge to lunge at the spot. Unlike her parents, Mitsumi, being a full blooded Hybrid, had a harder time controlling herself around fresh blood then a typical Black Blood would. And having once fed on human blood, it was difficult for her not to be drawn to any live blood, so she had gotten used to forcing herself to only feed from blood bags.

Now that he had fed from her, she knew Akira had seen the time she had fed from Nathan when she had been close to death and she knew he nut understand her struggle with blood now. It had become almost like an aphrodisiac to her and she couldn't allow herself to lose control.

"I...I'm fine..." She wet her bottom lip with her tongue and forces herself to look away from the dripping blood. "You're right though...we should help my parents..." She moved past him and into the kitchen, finding a bag of blood in the fridge a quickly pops her fangs into the foul tasting plastic, drawing it so quickly that she didn't have time to make a face at how cold it was. Not looking at him, she drops the empty bag in the sink and grand her leather jacket from behind one of the kitchen chairs.

She couldn't bring herself to face him. She was ashamed, but Akira hadn't been around her in the past year to see her struggles. He feared that now he wouldn't understand.

"I think...I heard them, my folks mention the Cords...we find those two, we can find my parents and start helping...okay?"


Cora was still smiling at the other girl when she caught a familiar scent and spotted Josh watching her. She smiled at him and went to motion him over but he seemed distracted and her smile faded slightly when she saw him walk off. She had really been hoping to get to know him a little better...her first day here and already things had gotten insane. He was her one familiar face admits the chaos.

Looking back at the other girl, Cora's smile returned when she caught her checking her out and rolled her shoulders back.

"Well for one, you kind of smell like wet dog..." She teased gently, her smile spreading into a grin. "I'm Cora..." she extended her hand. "-and I'm a werepanther...."
*Stick's eyes were stern but there was a hint of regret behind them as he looked at Jirro.* My son has gone to far, done to much evil, he has no intention of repenting his evil ways, he will never return to Tsai, his sister or myself...My son has been long dead it's time we put that monster pretending to be a Zwei to the sword. *Mac lowered his eyes, not wanting to speak to Stick about this, he felt gulity because he's asking a father to help weaken his son so that he can be killed but he does have to speak up because he feels the need to explain somethings.* Look, I won't lie to you Jirro this will be painful, you may lose yourself in the pain and want to give up so that the pain will stop...Focus on what's...Who is important to you, we'll all be waiting for you on the otherside...Master Stick can you send us all ahead so that we may meet him on the other side? *Stick, nods his head holding out his hand and a portal opens before anyone walks through Stick steps in front of it.* Remember Macal, no evil may enter Sanctuary, it will be erased from the universe if it tries. *Mac places his hand on Stick's shoulder.* They'll be ok, they're angry which is understandable...But I remember the law...Laws that precede even my father, Sanctuary is a universal force that can not be control or breached it must accept you..When this is all said and done I would like to investigate why my key was destroyed. *He turns and faces everyone* Did you all hear that? Sanctuary can not be fooled, if there is evil in your hearts and souls do not try to follow me, you will be destroyed. Jirro I would suggest you make your peace before you follow just...Just in case. *Mac holds out his hand for Faith* Are you ready to go?
( . . . I actually like Emma . . . )

As Jagger hears Faith explain how some students were of demonic origin, he only gets confused. No one he knew, or at least remembered, from Hell would be young enough or want to become a student. Especially one belonging to a paladin. So the familiar feeling he got couldn't have come from any of them. He played with the idea of it coming from one of the staff but if Emma's reaction to his own presence was any indication, there wasn't a demon among staff. Faith's comment about uninvited guests brought a sense of discomfort to him. Could one of his old comrades be here? Most likely not. Most of the ones he knew wouldn't bother with a school of all things. Plus if it were them, everyone here would know it. They really loved showing off and like Jagger, fed off of fear. No way, anyone of them would've kept hidden. "I see . . . I suppose I just might be getting senile."

Jagger let out a sigh when Faith begins to ask why he was brought here. "I was trying to chase them off my land, well, the land that belongs to my present vessel. Some girl then wants to take me here. Then the p*ss colored poodle brings in a bunch of troopers to arrest me. Damn idiot didn't bother to even check my weapon or he'd know I was firing tranquilizers. I did threaten them though. Thought it'd make them want to leave me alone. Didn't work, as you can see. Whatever happened to the age when people would run from a realistic looking water gun or a finger poking through a jacket pocket?"

Soon, Macal walks in, apparently needing Faith for something. When the war god somewhat apologizes for forgetting to alert Faith about the new addition to staff, the demon just rolled his eyes. He then plastered an obviously fake smile on for Macal, voice dripping in sarcasm. "Well, everyone makes mistakes. Just glad you told her before there was any misunderstanding like . . . " His eyes narrowed, now red, and a frown formed on his face. Contempt replaced the sarcasm in his voice. "A staff member attacking me, thinking that I was possessing students and using them as human shields. Yeah. Really relieved to know the school's in her hands, big guy."

"Well, it's obvious you guys have got. . . stuff to do. So I'm just going to go." On his way out, he passed by Raina, and without looking at her, he only said through gritted teeth, "I told you not to interfere." The thing with Emma would've, or at least could've, gone smoother if only the little Blackblood didn't step in and "confirm" the b*tch shifter's delusioned suspicions.

Walking down the hallway, his heavy and quickened footsteps revealed his irritation. The entire situation wasn't enough to get him angry. Being a demon put him in many similar situations, but the entire "Heaven is good and Hell is bad" belief was getting rather old. It was a wonder that after all the racism and prejudices the world had moved past, the oldest stereotype had continued to be the one and only "truth". Their appearances probably didn't help, but there were just as many d*ck angels as their were d*ck demons. Unfortunately, there would be no end to this belief, so the best Jagger could do was train his newest vessel to keep up with Emma and any other "warriors of God" that might take it upon themselves to rid the world of another evil.

As he neared one of the training rooms, he heard the sounds of gunshots, and upon closer inspection found Mel firing off Crimson Moon, allowing the recoil to pretty much throw her across the room. "You're wasting my ammunition."

The voice caused Mel to stop, a bit surprised that she didn't hear him coming, though with all the gunshot it was understandable. As she stared at him, Jagger could've sworn there was a look of pain in her eyes but it quickly turned into a gaze of coldness. She walked up to him and held out Crimson Moon. "You can have it back. Seeing as you're not the one I was looking for, I have no reason to keep this."


Vash continued wandering the halls when he had spotted Chameleon. The pain in his head and hand were already gone, so he had initially been confused by the shifter's comment. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Well, I was going to get there eventually. Plus I don't think it's that serious. Seeing as I forgot it and all."

"Besides, I can probably get Mel to he- I mean, can you tell me which way the infirmary is?" He was glad he was able to catch himself on time. First because he didn't even know if Mel would take care of this for him. It was just a minor wound after all and it wouldn't be right asking her to let him drink some blood for just this. Plus Mel seemed rather pissed at him at the moment . . .

Then there was also the fact that Mel didn't like people knowing about her blood. Vash couldn't really see why though. He thought it was cool how it could heal people and make plants grow. But she wanted it secret so he'd comply.

On his way to the infirmary, he took a peek at Chameleon. Cool, calm and collected, Vash bet Leon never had girl problems. Probably had a long line of girlfriends or something. Meanwhile, Vash was left with demonic powers and a pile of wooden ponies. But it wasn't Leon's fault that the demon wasn't a hit with girls. He had always been rather . . . undesirable . . .

He let out a sigh before speaking to the shifter again. "Pretty eventful first day of school for you, wasn't it? I swear things are a lot more normal on the average day. Well, as normal as it can get here."
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{Akira stood there confused by Mitsumi, why would she refuse to feed from him, this is actually making him feel like he's not good enough for her. Pushing back the concern for Jirro he has to deal with this right now. He watches as the bite marks on his wrist quickly heal, he turned and looked at her then the blood bag.} Why did you just do that? Feeding from each other not only substains us but increases our bond, till now I had no intention of us sharing each others blood until after we are married but now I've drank from you and you refuse to do so from me, do you think my blood is sub-par, not as good as one of the noble bloodlines? I only ask this because you say you love me and wish to be with me but you refused to do the most imtimate thing two of our kind can do? {He suddenly feels like he did when they first met, like he wasn't worthy of her.}

(Sorry this is very short, had a very long day. I'll check my inbox for the starter for Jirro and the others side thing.)
Mitsumi sighs and leans back against the counter, unable to bring herself to look up at him. Instead she keeps her gaze fixed on the black and white tiles of her parent's kitchen. There's a single, tiny drop of blood from her quick feeding right besides her left boot. She covers it with her heel and bites down on her lower lip. How could he not understand. Hadn't he just had complete access to each and every one of her memories, her past thoughts and feelings. Shouldn't he be able to sense what had caused her to reject his offer...

"You really have no idea do you?" She finally looks up at him. Mitsumi runs a hand through her long hair, her finger tips straying at the ends. "How can you not realize why I..." Trailing off she shakes her head and pushes away from the counter.

"Look, you wanted to go after my folks...this isn't the tim to get into this..."
As the new group of people suddenly appear before her and Jagger, Izzy and Jirro among them, Faith blinks, startled, and steps back, seeming not so much surprised as on guard. Her eyes narrow as she looks between Izzy and Jirro, but even as she keeps her eyes on Jirro, it is Macal she addresses.

"I told him to leave the grounds until everything is figured out. Why the hell are they still here and don't tell me you're the one who invited him back or let him back after you told me you'd back me up on this. I've got more than enough to deal with without this being added back to worry about too for the kids' sakes. Jirro, no offense, you know I love you and we're family and all the rest, but I'm not dealing with having to rip you into pieces because you ripped out one of the kids' throats."

Staring at Macal with something closely approaching anger now, she crosses her arms, eyebrows raising. "You...hired this guy without talking to me about it at all? This guy who doesn't even know your name? This guy your daughter dragged back from their mission-that-wasn't-a-mission? Can you PLEASE clue me in on what the hell is up?"
{Jirro gives Faith a smile and nods} No offense taken Faith, I truly understand your position but I wish to end this saga not only for my sake but for all of you too, the last thing I would ever want would be to hurt an innocent or someone I care for and to make sure of this I'm willing to risk my life to destroy this blasted chain attached to my soul. For me to do so I only need be given access to Sanctuary and once I step through this portal one way or another I will no longer be a problem for you, because either the chain will break or I will be destroyed.

{Jirro looks around at everyone and smiles.} Just in case I am destroyed I know I'll live on because the blood of my clan flows through my wife and daugther. It has been my honor to be part of your lives, I want you all to know I'm at peace with whatever outcome. Although if I die it could be a serious pain in the ass. Especially if I can not get my revenge on HardTime.

(Quick FYI, this is a rough week for me, it's time for PTs so I've been extra exhausted, I may miss a day or two.)
(heads up, I will be out of town from Friday night until Monday night, may or may not have internet access, and I have company Thursday night. I will reply to Jirro when I have a few more posts to reply to)

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