Dormer Academy

(Liza and Adrian are alone and not up to much)

Sheena's eyebrows shot up, and she huffed aloud, crossing her arms over her chest briefly as the other girl informs her that she smells like wet dog. That, she was sure, was untrue, and she was rather sick of hearing people joke about things like that in regards to her. Still, the girl seemed friendly enough now and to be saying so in good humor, so she didn't get too angry.

"Wet dog, huh? Guess that beats a two dollar hooker," she quips back before smiling, quickly letting her know, "Just kidding, just kidding. I'm Sheena." Shaking the girl's hand, she looks her over again, genuinely curious. "Werepanther? I've never heard of that. I assume it's a half breed werewolf/panther...then how do you look like a human?"

She shrugged. "Shouldn't that be werepatherhuman or something? I'm half myself as far as the Lycan part goes."


Oh...right. Faith was pretty sure Macal had mentioned something about Jirro going into Sanctuary, but with all that had been going on, it had sort of slipped her mind. It sounded reasonable enough when he described it, though the thought of him being destroyed or something else going wrong with it wasn't exactly a reassuring thought, whatever he said about being at peace with all outcomes.

She stole a glimpse at Izzy, wondering what the woman's thoughts were about this. She was sure Izzy had already expressed them to him quite plainly, and she wants to talk to her, to offer her support if needed. But with all these extra people around, all she can do is settle for nodding towards them both.

"Okay...I understand. Is anyone else going or is it just you?"
*Stick stepped forward to Faith* I will send the others ahead to meet him on the other side while Jirro will have to take a slower time since I will remain behind to anchor and slow the amount of time he'll be between worlds...You all know that usually going through portals seem to take no time almost instant but that is false it's actually a quite of bit of time but our perceptions are fooled into believing it's no time at all, however for Jirro he'll have to spend more time within the portal for two valid reasons one the longer he's outside time and space the less chance my son will detect what's going on and will not be able to track him, also there is a chance that the strain of long time exposure will weaken the chain so that it won't be to difficult to break once he steps through. *Mac looked at Stick as if he sort of understood him but suddenly it was apparent he didn't.* Look just trust me this is what is needed to break the connection, now go so we can be done with this and move on.

(Freaking writer's block UGH!)
(Hahaa, oh geez, you guys left Riesa alone in your house? Not a very smart move to be honest, though I bet knowing Macal he'll probably have some sort of cameras around, but wowza guys xD )

Faye just grinned at Katarina's obvious shock, and simply shrugged, "Why did I do them?" She frowns then, and taps her chin, "Ummm, well.." She glanced at Katarina, "I think I threatened to kill Faith because we had this massive, massive argument in front of the whole class once, and she made me really angry, so I just threatened to do it, I don't ACTUALLY think I was gonna kill her though. I was a lot more violent then as well, I'm calmer now."

She gave her another grin, "You haven't actually seen me freak out yet, have you? Actually, you might have done, I get angry a lot, but yeah, it's not good when I get mad, 'cause then things get set on fire. Oh, and with the forest thing, I was racing this guy, and didn't realise I was leaving a trail of fire behind me...then the forest was on fire, and yeah, that's how that happened"

She follows behind Katarina, content for now, and gives her a sincere smile, "I'm pretty sure I'm right, it seems like it to me anyway."


Chameleon grinned as Vash seemed to have completely forgotten that his forehead was bleeding, since he seemed confused when Chameleon asked about it, from what he had seen of Vash, and from their brief interactions, he knew that he did like the guy, he was pretty amusing to hang out with and unlike 98% of the school he wasn't likely to turn around and attack Chameleon at any moment.

He watched Vash silently as he started saying something about Mel, but then cut himself off half-way through and asked where the infirmary was instead, Leo considered asking about it for a half a second, but then mentally shrugged it off. If Vash wanted to tell him then he would. "Oh yeah right, the infirmary's just down here." He started to lead the way; it didn't matter that Chameleon had only been here a short while, since after living in a palace for the whole of his life, any place became small and easy to memorize.

After walking along in comfortable silence for a moment, Chameleon heard Vash let out a sigh so he glanced over at the demon boy in time to hear him speak, he chuckled lightly at Vash's words, "Yeah I suppose it could have gone better." He shrugged then, "But hey, one tends to get used to life not being normal pretty quick if you know what I mean."

He gave him a lop-sided grin then, "To be honest, if my first day here had been normal, well, that's when I would have been worried."


Riesa, after being the grumpy teenage girl had left, and after searching the house to also find no Liza, let a wicked grin curve her lips. She had been left alone? In someone else's home? Shit! Think of all the things she could do! She could steal all their whipped cream and made a penguin statue! She could take all their shampoo bottles and make a shampoo bottle castle! She could even take their ice cubes and make an ice cube surfboard!

With a gleeful giggle Riesa ran off further into the house to have her fun.

Half an hour later, Riesa left the Cords' residence. The fact that she currently had her pockets stuffed full of their random personal belongings, jewelry and any spare cash she could grab of course didn't have much significance. It wasn't stealing if they didn't notice, right? She was half-sure they wouldn't notice. And anyway, it was their stupid fault for leaving her - a random yet adorable stranger - alone in their home! She happily hop-skipped along the corridors until she spotted a familiar two heads inside the canteen area.

"ARIES, RIVER! I FOUND YOU!" She almost tackled her brother to the ground, but then remembered that her pockets were stuffed full of the Cords' belongings and money, so she settled for stopping right in front of him and giving him a quick peck on the lips. He blinked at her, as if not seeing her properly, but then she suddenly found arms around her and she was crushed to Aries chest tightly. "Where were you? I was really worried Ri." Aries whispered into her ear softly, sounding genuinely upset as his voice shook slightly, and Riesa's eyes widened immediately, "Aw shit Aries, I'm sorry, I forgot." This was said in a soft voice, almost a whisper, and Riesa wrapped her own arms back around Aries and nuzzled his cheek gently. She felt him relax and shrug before he pulled away, and just like that he was back to smirking at her again, "It's alright, just don't do it again" Despite his cocky smirk, Riesa could hear the worry in those last few words and she grinned back, ruffling Aries's hair to which he scowled at. "I won't Ari."

Riesa then turned to grin at River, "Hey River! You been keeping my Aries company? I swear! If you've replaced me I will kick your ass! And you better not have used him as a pillow!"
River glanced over his shoulder at Riesa's sudden announcement. 'Huh, there she is...' The trail of thought slipped from his mind for a moment as the twins greeted each other as if they hasn't met for a decade or something; he inwardly shrugged this off; maybe it was a twin thing. "Alright love birds, break it up, I feel ignored and when I feel ignored my thoughts tell me to break stuff which is fun, so I don't resist the urge at all," River paused and scrunched his nose, "but I guess it can be mentally scarring for others... so don't encourage me... okay encourage me - I don't want to miss out on the fun."

Riesa looked to him now. "Hey River!"

He raised a questioning brow, "yeaaaaaaaah?"

"You been keeping my Aries company? I swear! If you've replaced me I will kick your ass!" To answer her question, River nodded avidly like a child then spoke in a high, squeaky tone, "indeed miss! I kept him company the whole time and we even beat up some bad guys-" he coughed loudly muttering 'I'm never doing that again'.

The latter half of her sentence was slowly registering in his mind and once the mental buffering stopped the teen looked mildly offended, "I said I wasn't going to use him as a pillow so I won't. Gee, you think you know some twins for a couple of hours then everything changes." His eyes narrowed, "you disgust me." A couple of moments passed, then a grin spread across his features and a laugh bubbled from his lips. "Kidding! I didn't use him as a pillow or anything of the sort - he's all yours, bub. We were just looking for you but I guess you're not all that good at hide and seek if you come find the hunters. Jeez, Riesa, seriously it spoils all the fun." A sigh left his mouth and he looked deflated - annoyed that the game had ended. "I guess I should find my suitcase.. I left it somewhere.." His momentary musing was interrupted when River's blue eyes trailed over to Riesa's bulging pockets to which he proceeded to point at with excitement growing in his eyes, "please tell me you brought gifts of extremely explosive materials or are you just really happy to see me?"
((My life has been a bit crazy lately, were moving out of our house, and I'm a bit behind in my other RPs otherwise I would have posted by now. I'll try to have something up in a few days))
((Baindead, please excuse me, I just wanted to get something down at least))

Josh was walking down the hallway, his hands in his pockets, thinking of that look Cora was giving him as he left the room. Almost...

Joshua shook his head and readjusted the straps of his backpack, one he had eventually gotten around to rescuing from Elenore or Edith or whatever the woman's name was, who, as he caught flickers of thought in her mummified brain was thinking about his bag, one in which she had snooped through while he gone. He couldn't blame her much, it would be pretty boring if he had to sit at a desk all day. Good thing he was a teacher.

He slowed to a stop as he recognized the boy from the Cafeteria, Adrian. Josh approached him. "Adrian, how are you doing? I'd like to apologize for earlier."
The infirmary trip went fine. Vash went in, got bandaged up and left. With his demonic physiology, the healers currently on call, with their holy based healing, didn't want to risk an adverse reaction to their help. Not that it really mattered to Vash. Like mentioned before, he had forgotten all about the wounds and they didn't even hurt anymore. But still, he could've done this himself. Going to the infirmary seemed like a waste of time now.

"Well, that was a whole bunch of nothing," he said upon exiting. Upon seeing Chameleon when he left, he raised an eyebrow. "You waited?" Well, Vash had only been there for a short while. Even if the shifter had left, he wouldn't have gotten very far. Still, he didn't expect the guy to still be there. Oh well. At least it gave him some company.

He thought back to what Chameleon had said before they reached the infirmary. About how it was easy to get used to the abnormal. Though Vash didn't believe it was that easy, he did think Leon had a point. In the year Vash came to follow Mel, he had eventually fit into the general routine of things. Seeing people get killed and experiencing the abuse coming from Mel became an everyday occurrence. Still, there was something that stuck out. Leon had said he'd be more worried if things were more normal.

"Hey, what'd you mean about before? When you said that things would be worse if they were more normal? Wouldn't it be better? No vampire or demon mess? No more dead students? I mean, I like my powers and everything but I wish to go back to my old life sometimes."

(I'll do Mel and Jagger tomorrow.)
(and back, sorry, had no internet access)

Faith is trying to follow along with what Stick is telling her, but she doesn't entirely understand and guesses she'll have to just hope he knows what he's talking about. All this talk about Jirro pausing in a portal is concerning to her- what if he gets stuck, or brings something through with him to the others? Of course, Citadel would kill evil, but if Jirro got trapped...then again what better option did they have?

"Then do this," she nodded, gesturing with one hand. "The hell we waiting for, let's go. While we're at it, Stick, you have any intel on this demon around the academy? Ever hear of anything like it, any idea of how it works or what it might be, or more importantly, how to kill it?"


Listening to Faye's description of her fire-setting mishaps, Katarina tried to picture each occasion. She still has difficulty picturing Faith almost getting burned to death by the girl, but Faye has no reason to lie. She can only imagine the look on Faith's face and hid a smile, ducking her head. If Faith could forgive Faye for that, maybe she wouldn't get too impatient with Katarina after all.

"How do you not notice you're on fire? Didn't you feel hot...what's it feel like?" she asked her curiously as they resumed walking. "I never asked Adrian, he doesn't like to talk about you have a room yet, Faye? If you don't and we're too full...I don't know, I don't have a roommate, so maybe..."

She blushed again, dismissing before continuing her own sentence. Surely Faye wouldn't actually want to room with her.


Adrian stiffened as Joshua approached, already warning himself mentally to calm down. The man was trouble in his opinion, and not exactly conductive to him not becoming a mass of flames. He nodded in greeting, trying to maintain civility, but when the man spoke apologies, he relaxed slightly, surprised.

"Oh. Uh, thank you. That...sort of got out of hand." He still doesn't like the guy, but apologies he can accept. "I'm...sorry too."
Joshua smiled tentatively, "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but please believe me when I say I was protecting you and the other students, but in any other case I never would have done what I did." He smiled a bit more seeing the boy relax slightly. He raised his hand. "We haven't officially met. My name is Joshua Bernard, I teach meditation and control here at the Academy. May we talk?"


Emma had encircled the grounds once, a complete five miles, when she felt she was sufficiently focused to begin to concentrate on another task. She didn't really have much "me" time, and when she did it felt wrong and a waste of time. She glanced at her communicator on her wrist, debating whether or not she should make contact with a rep over at the agency and file a report. Besides, she needed access to their database.

Emma began walking back towards the castle, seeing no use in rushing. The demon wasn't going anywhere. She was still convinced she knew what the source was. But, of course, she would waste her precious time figuring out what was going around. That prospect, made her frown with anticipation. There was a reason she wasn't sitting behind a computer, typing algorithms or whatever it is that tech specialists do behind computers. Emilia was born for the field, and here she was, paperwork she could do, type commands into her watch sure. But she didn't have to time to catch up on all the newest technology that she would rarely use anyway. Point her towards the nearest rebel fort with agents held hostage and she'll recapture the fort, kill the rebels, and save the hostages without being detected. That was her job, she was not some paper-pusher or...key-board typer?

Emma activated her watch. "This is Emilia Belohkav requesting access to the Division of Research and Resources. Badge number zero-five-two-zero-zero. Requesting information on the supernatural, demons, subcatorized rage demons. Priority One, I'm cashing in a favor." She hung up and continued walking back to the castle, she would have her answers soon enough. There were many people who owed her favors, and she never forgot a favor--they are a powerful thing in this world of paper and protocall.
(Sorry don't mean to interupt the flow here but just wanted to say I'll catch up tomorrow, it's been a rough week and I haven't had a lot of free time to post.) 
*Mac not wanting to upset anyone by showing that he's lacking confidence in his own plan and that if it failed Jirro would die because of him and if he did die within the portal there would be no way to recover him, no he has to seem sure that this will work. He can see Faith has no intention on coming with him, despite her having her duties her that were important but this could literally be the last time they see Jirro and if that happened he wouldn't be much of a help to Izzy, still if she's made up her mind it would be pointless to make a scene right now. Nodding to his wife and everyone else just before he steps through the portal and in a blink appears on the other side. He pauses for a second to take in everything, it was hard to believe he was home once more. Yes the citadel is a home and the place where his kingdom is but Sanctuary is where he considers his real home, it's the safest place in existence, it's where his best friend Abernathy was laid to rest, as well as Buffy and Angel, it's where he will eventually bring all the people he cares for when they die. Because here their souls are protected from being taken and manipulated by evil forces. Stick had managed to send them close to where Faith and Mac's cabin was far away from the castle, the people seemed to respect this place there was no signs of anyone intruding in the area minus the staff that are allowed here to maintain the place. He steps away from the portal and turns back to wait for Izzy to come through and hopefully Jirro.*
{Jirro steps towards Izabella, moving right in front of her, taking both her hands into his and pulls her close to him, smiling warmly as he looked into her eyes.} Do not worry about me, I will be fine and we will be together on the other side, I promise you on the bond that we share I shall not die. {Ignoring everyone else around He leans in and kisses her, very long and deeply before forcing himself to pull away. He Nods to Stick as he steps to the edge of the portal.} I'm ready and Master Stick thankyou for your help but be aware if I survive I will kill your son, I know what you're doing is hard but he has become a monster and this must be done, after all he's done against my family and friends there is no mercy for him. You would be within your rights to trap me inside this portal but I feel you know this has to be done.

{Not waiting for a response Jirro looks one more time to his wife before stepping inside. Once inside the long brightly lite blue tunnel, Jirro can see it stretches for a long long distance, at first he starts to dash through trying to close the distance quickly but the further he moves the heavier he felt. It's about 30 minutes to him when he notices a heavy black chain that seems to be attached to his wrist, this must be the soul chain he was told about, it looked corrupted and dark, it wasn't very thick but it was heavy, it seemed to weigh his entire body down even though it was only attached to his wrist, the further he walked with it the more weight it seemed to gain, to the point that he realized that if he wasn't a Black Blood this chain would have crushed him.

After what seems like hours the end of this tunnel is in view, what he was told earlier about how stepping through could destroy him gives him second thoughts at first but he thinks about his family waiting for him, he takes a deep breath and steps through, at first it didn't seem to be a big deal but suddenly his entire body was on fire or at least it felt like it, the pain was blindingly sharp, it was so bad he couldn't form a thought, only panic. Suddenly his fangs came down his eyes turned black, fully embracing his Black Blood self by instinct granted him so level of a clear mind, just in time to see his arm with the chain attached to it was quickly turing to ash and it was climbing quickly up his arm, it took him half a second to realize that if he didn't do something this would happen to him whole body, leaving him no choice. He quickly drew his sword and with one quick motion removed his arm just above the elbow. Suddenly he found himself expelled from the portal sent flying out until he hit and crashed through half a dozen trees. Slowly getting to his feet he holds where he had cut his arm off to stop the bleeding, It didn't hit him right away of where he was but then the smell of the air was much more pure then it was on Earth, it was queit and beautiful, he had made it through to Sanctuary which means he was free of HardTime. He smiles then passes out and falls to the ground face first.}
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Jagger took back his weapon with caution, not sure if this was some sort of trap or if the girl really did get over him and her brother in a few hours. But as she merely let go once he had gotten hold of Crimson Moon, he decided to believe her words. That they had no relation. Though he did know better. "Thank you. If I'm to be teaching a bunch of snot-nosed brats, this will definitely come in handy," he said, laughing a bit at his last comment. But his laughter soon faded when he looked at Mel, or rather her attire.

"Girl, why aren't you wearing any pants?" Mel raised an eyebrow and looked down at herself. "Okay, first, it's not 'girl'. My name is Mel. And second, I am wearing pants. They're shorts." The demon's eye twitched a bit. Those were pants?! There was no way those were pants. They barely covered any bit of her legs. Even succubi wouldn't wear something that short. Although it had been thousands of years since he last met one, but he was sure he was right.

"Those are too short! Even for shorts! You're showing your entire legs. You might as well be wearing nothing at all. Are you trying to be some cheap harlot?!" His eyes flickered red. A bit trivial for him to get angry over, maybe, but his vessel's residual feelings for this girl were not easy to control. Big brother Maer meant well he supposed.

Jagger yelling at her began to p*ss Mel off as well. How dare this guy critique her outfit? He was just some stranger! And how dare he compare her to some dime store sl*t?! There were some incidents in the past, so Mel wasn't exactly a virgin either. And that may bring people to question her promiscuity, but she was not a damn harlot! "Oh, shut up! It's not like I'm wearing some daisy dukes. It's just a pair of short shorts. There are girls in this school who wear way shorter than this. Why do you even care? You're not my father. You're not even my brother. So don't go lecturing me when we have nothing to do with each other." She then stormed out of the room.

"Don't you leave, young lady. Get back here." But she didn't listen, apparent by the fading sound of her foot steps. Jagger stood still, staring at the door until his eyes changed back to green and he realized what he had just done. "@#$%," he muttered as he buried his face in his hand. That . . . could've gone better . . .

But this wasn't the time for that. He had originally come to train a little. After having Crimson Moon collapse itself to its mobile form, he placed it to the side before heading for the free weights. He grabbed a couple of 10 lb dumbbells and did a few reps before punching the air with it still in his hand. The strike was much slower than he'd like, so that meant he'd have to work harder to get back to what he used to be. Well, not completely. He still had techniques and forms etched into his brain. He just had to work on the physical ability to carry them out. So for now, it'd be endless bouts of stupid weights and cardio.


Mel, however, was not so easily calmed. She rarely was unless something else was distracting her. And luckily, a perfect little distraction came her way . . . in the form of flying sh*t. In her annoyed state, she had managed to make her way to the stables, though not really meaning to, sort of made obvious by the fact that she had no animals to put in the stables in the first place. But she was still there and nearly struck with some sh*t. Looking in the direction of the projectile's origin, she noticed other things occasionally flying out of the stables.

With curiosity getting the best of her, she approached the stables, fortunately managing to dodge the sh*t coming her way. Her eyes narrowed as she saw who was there. It was just Liza and of course, a bunch of horses. Mel didn't particularly like the little girl. She didn't really like anyone. But she did keep in mind how Liza was the only person who actually treated her kindly back in the old academy, even before the whole thing with Lilith happened.

But what was she doing, flinging sh*t everywhere? Mel was pretty sure that's not what she was supposed to be doing. "How come everytime I see or hear about you, I get more convinced that you're some sort of monkey?"
Adrian had known that the man- Joshua Bernard, he said his name was- was a teacher, but he hadn't yet had him in a classroom, seeing as classes were on hold for now. The man was a fairly new employee, he assumed, as he hadn't seen him around often. As the man held out his hand, again assuring him that he wished to start over on the correct foot, Adrian took it, shaking briefly, and after a moment's hesitation, nodded, stepping closer to follow him.

Talk. This probably meant more like lecture or instruction about controlling anger and powers, what Adrian was all too used to hearing now. But he guessed he could live with it. Maybe even learn something.

"Yeah, okay. What do you want to talk about?"


Waiiit a second. Faith hadn't expected Macal to go with them...why was that necessary? Granted it was his kingdom they were traveling through, but the strain to him, and what if something did happen to Jirro, was it possible Macal, with his weakened powers, could get lost in the portal too, even with Stick helping?

She opened her mouth, wanting to voice these concerns, but Macal was already stepping through, after first giving her a look that seemed to say to her he had hoped or expected she would join him. And normally- even a few months ago- she would have. But now? She had duties not only to her daughter and her sister, to leave at least one parent figure behind, but also for all the other children in the school. She would never hesitate to battle anything that was a threat; that was exactly what she was planning to do with this demon at the school, once she could figure out what exactly it was and how to kill it. But to offer herself up potentially with Macal to something she had little understanding

It seemed best now to find Emma, to try to smooth over some of the jagged edges between them now and see if she had any other intel to share. Leaving the room once the others had vanished, offering a brief wish for their safety beneath her breath, she contacted Emma on her telecom, asking her to respond and give her location.


Several stalls now free of horse manure- however, half of it is now stuck in pieces to the stable walls- Liza looked up at Mel with a cheerful wave and grin as the girl approached. Giggling at her comment about her being a monkey, she shook her head, taking it seriously.

"No, Mel, I am not a monkey. I don't got a tail. Plus also I'm not so fuzzy. Also I do not like bananas."

Continuing to casually cause the manure to fly through the air, she giggled again. "Poo poo is funny! Wanna help me?"

Kat- with Faye

Sheena- with Cora
*Alex could still hear HardTime's voice echoing in his head, the words struck deep, he decided to risk venturing out and go for a walk to clear his mind and get some air, slipping on a dark hoodie to cover his head he started roaming the halls, until he hit the doors leading outside, the grounds looked fairly empty so he decided to step outside and just walk towards the lake, pass the stables giving it a wide berth when he can hear voices coming from it. In the distance he can see the edge of the lake the smell of the water carried by a cool breeze coming across the lake. Alex finds a nice spot with some trees running along the shoreline and sits under one of them. He knows he needs to make a decision soon, either stay or go...entertain HardTimes offer and betray everything and everyone he knows or continue to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. but under his own authority far far away from everyone here, it either way he's sure he probably won't be missed but one choice he would be fine with the other is so horrible he knows it would be difficult to live with himself...He needs to decide soon.
Mel was left speechless as Liza takes her comment seriously. Mel wasn't exactly good with this type of person. There was just something sickening about the cheerful ditz and it didn't sit well with her. Still, it wasn't as if Mel hated Liza . . . anymore. She was nearly tolerable . . . when she was quiet and not flinging sh*t everywhere. Plus, she took Mel's punch straight on when it was being powered by demonic gauntlets. That deserved a small degree of respect.

She crossed her arms as Liza asked if she wanted to help mucking the stables, moving out of the way of a piece of manure. "Yeah, not going to happen. I've been hit with enough sh*t to know that I'm never going to willingly touch that stuff. But I'm pretty sure your parents and the animals here would like cr*p-free walls much better."

For a while, Mel just stood there, watching Liza create a tornado of manure and painting the walls with the smelly excrement. She turned her head when she thought she heard footsteps outside but they soon disappeared. Maybe a stray dog or something wandered onto the school grounds. It could have been a cat, but for its sake it better be a dog. Mel didn't like cats. Not sure why. She just hated them.

She continued to face the door, long after the noises outside stopped. Mel glanced quickly at Liza before turning away and letting out a sigh. " . . . Sorry. For hitting you back at the old school. I didn't mean to. It was for Lilith and you just . . . got in the way. I've been meaning to say it a long time ago, but you left in such a hurry and we never really met again. So . . . sorry."

Mel moved toward the stable door only to stop short of it. "And . . . thank you. For treating me nicely when we first met. It was only for a short bit, but it made me . . . a little happy. Oh, and if you tell anyone we just had this conversation, I'll turn all your stuffed animals inside out." And with that, she left.

Once outside, Mel took in a deep breath, grateful that it didn't smell like sh*t. Well, that was a load off her chest. She wasn't exactly one for apologies or thank yous, but she hated the idea of owing people anything, even if it was just an apology. So if she felt like she needed to give one, she would, but those times were still few and far in-between.

But now what was she going to do? She was bored, but not enough to go back into the foul smelling stables . . . Well, a walk could be nice. She had to get used to moving in her own body again anyway. And so she picked a random direction and began walking. As she saw a lake, her eyes lit up and she ran toward the shore. She licked off her shoes and jumped into the shallow part of the water.

How long since she last played in water? Probably not since she had been in California. She had missed the sensation of sand between her toes and the cool feeling of water hitting her legs. She spent a while, amusing herself with kicking up the water to make various ripples in the surface.

Mel stopped instantly when she caught a figure out of the corner of her eye. He wore a dark sweatshirt with the hood pulled up so she couldn't make out his face from that distance. Getting out of the water, she gradually closed in on the figure to see the familiar poof of blond hair. Oh sh*t, poodle boy.

She froze up a bit. He . . . he didn't see that, right? Her playing in the lake. The last thing she wanted was for this guy to have a reason to believe himself more mature than she was. He was already a d*ck as is, but if he thought of her anymore as a child . . . But then again, she was pretty far down the coast. And he seemed a bit preoccupied. Maybe he didn't see her.

She stepped closer. "Something wrong, poodle boy? You got 'teenage angst' written all over you." She then added sarcastically, "Oh, I know. Dean didn't ask you to the dance. I told you he's a bad influence. Marsha said she even saw him jaywalking. And the light was red! I also heard that he returns library books late! That fiend! But don't worry. He's a jerk. There are plenty of guys out there for you."

(If you'd rather Mel not interfere then I will edit it out right away and apologize for any inconvenience I have caused.)
(Heh, I giggled when I read that Mel hates cats, simply because Aries does as well, he can't stand the things xD )

Riesa grinned at River as he told her and Aries to cut it out with the affection stuff, and Aries simply smirked at River as he began to yabber on about breaking things, "Oooh! That sounds so fun! We can go break loads of stuff! And pssh, you don't have to worry about mentally scarring people! If we don't do it, who will?" After Riesa's excited giggle Aries just shrugged at River, "I might unintentionally encourage you."

When River changed his voice Riesa giggled at him and watched with a grin as he coughed and muttered under his breath, "Aw! But it was soo amusing!" Riesa titled her head as River looked offended and unconsciously linked her hand with Aries' hand and they both watched River as he mildly complained. Aries was smirking as River told them they disgusted him, whereas Riesa was biting her bottom lip worriedly but had a playful glint in her eyes. The worried look turnt to a grin as River laughed and she let go off Aries' hand to skip closer to River, "Ah! But what if the hunted becomes the hunter and the hunter becomes the hunted? Then, in that case, shouldn't it be YOU who spoilt the fun?" She grinned at River like the cheshire cat and bounced slightly on the heels of her feet. It was at this point that River pointed out her bulging pockets and she glanced down as if she had entirely forgotten about Faith and Macal's stolen goods.

She rolled her eyes at River, "Duh River, as happy as I am to see your pudgy little face I am not a dude, which means I can't get an erecti*n. Got that?" She hummed slightly as she shifted her hands around in her pockets before pulling out a dagger and handing it to River. "There ya' go! It's a gift for you for looking after my Aries so well!" Aries rolled his eyes at that, "I'm not a pet Riesa." Riesa just carried on as if Aries hadn't spoke at all, "It's kinda stolen from Faith's house though, so um, yeah, don't let them see it or else they might try to take it back!" Aries sighed then, as if actually irritated before walking over to Riesa and speaking from behind her, except from the fact that it sounded like gibberish coming from his tongue, "Riesa, wouh idd yovo vostea? Nad wuio fraro? Ije lo yovo ra doast nebeso o dofai tuiha namolus. Nast fopo z whani naino."* Riesa turned around immediately at that to see Aries frowning lightly at her, she smiled at him before speaking back in the odd tongue, "Oh doast woter Aries! Icela witas jes fraro Faith's houma! Nad Ijema sodeso! Icela jes altou logarlo iso shilla nad prasse nad logar ra hoive molus marne naino o buchet saftu!"** Aries frowned at her for a moment longer before sighing and shrugging, shoving his hands into his pockets lazily, "Ije uppo. Buma fis sellhe covemi logarana fopo icela, gion icela batou ka? Ijewais raplu nast eb kouplo osur deof scole suon ouno fipremi dajou heici."***

They both looked at River then with identical grins before Aries spoke, "What were you saying about a suitcase River? You didn't leave any explosives in there right? That could be troublesome."


Chameleon, once he had shown Vash to the infirmary, decided to wait outside; it wasn't like he had anything else to do anyway. Vash returned pretty quick though, and seemed almost surprised that Chameleon was still there. In response to his question, Chameleon simply shrugged, "Wasn't like I have anything else to do anyway."

He watched silently as Vash seemed to be stuck in thought for a moment, before finally speaking up. Oh right, that's what he was thinking about? He seemed to ponder on his own thoughts for a moment before answering, "That's not exactly what I meant. I meant that, if things had gone smoothly on my first day, then I would have been worried because I'm so used now to everything going wrong and being abnormal that, if something went, well, normally, then I'd think something was up or someone was plotting something. The calm before the storm you know?"

He did wonder though about what Vash said about going back to his old life, did he know anything about Vash's 'old life'? No, he didn't think he did. Oh well, he wouldn't pry unless Vash wanted him to, he had a point though. "But yeah, I suppose it would be nice to go back to how things used to be." Chameleon had a wistful look about him as he spoke, as if remembering an old memory, he smiled lightly before glancing at the floor and then back up at Vash, "But I guess that's just the way things are, we can't really change the past no matter how much we want to."


Faye glanced up at Katarina as she asked about what the fire felt like, she frowned lightly and looked down, as if considering this herself, "Uh well. I guess I didn't notice with the forest because I was so excited from running so fast and racing this guy that I wasn't paying enough attention to realise I was burning up the forest behind me." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Hmm, but how does it feel? I dunno, I'm sort of always hot really, hence why you'll only ever really see me in shorts and tank tops" She motioned to her current outfit of jean shorts and a pink tank top before carrying on, "But most of the time I can tell when I'm about to, well, light up, because it sort of feels like the fire is underneath my skin? I dunno, it's weird, like, I'll feel myself getting hotter and hotter as the fire gets closer to my last layer of skin, and then boom! I'm on fire. It's pretty hard to control to be honest, but I'm slowly getting better at it. I was terrible at first, the slightest thing would set me off and I'd be alight in a matter of seconds."

When Katarina mentioned Adrian Faye smiled at her and shrugged, "Well, if you've got any more questions you can ask me, I don't mind talking about it at all." It's actually quite nice, she realises, to talk about it. Myra never wanted to talk about it, neither did her parents, in fact, Katarina was the first person to really ask what it was like, being a pyro. Everyone just assumes you're bad news and that you're at fault; they don't seem to realise how hard fire is to control.

Katarina then went on to ask about Faye having a room, and Faye smiles at her, noticing how shy she is, "I do have a room, but, I'm sorta by myself, and I'd love to room with you if you wanted a roommate or anything, it would be fun!" She titled her head then, "Uhm, there's one thing though, my sister Raina, she's sorta protective, so you might have to deal with her checking up on me a lot, if that's okay?" She shrugs, "I mean, I get it, if you don't wanna have to deal with an overprotective sibling, it's kinda hard to just hang out with other people when you've got an older sibling worrying about you all the time, as sweet as it is."

She realises she has gotten off track so she gives Katarina a smile as she tries to summarise, "But yeah, I'd love to room with you, if that's what you're asking."

(* = Riesa, why did you steal? And who from? I told you we don't need to do that anymore. Not for a while now.)

(** = Oh don't worry Aries! It was just from Faith's house! And I'm sorry! It just all looked so shiny and pretty and look we have more money now to buy stuff!)

(*** = I suppose. But if she comes looking for it, give it back okay? I'd rather not be kicked out of school on our first day here.)
*Alex looked up at Mel, then sighed* Teenage angst huh? Sorry out grew of my whole Dawson's Creek phase a long time ago but if I was I have to say your bedside matter is lacking. And the Poodleboy thing is something I allow my friends to call me, so Mel are you my friend? Because again you kind of suck at the whole being there for people but you nailed the being a complete bitch part. *He looked away from her.* Look sorry I didn't mean that, I'm just having the king of crappy weeks but I shouldn't have said that to you. So what brings you out here tonight...Besides playing in the water like a little kid on Spring Break? You know what, don't tell me, you'll probably just give me some snipe instead of a real answer cause god knows it's a high crime for any of you girls to give an honest answer about how you feel around here. Tell you what how about we both do what you like doing with everyone in the first place...Just pretend I don't exist or matter. *Turns his body so she's no longer in his line of sight*
Mel rolled her eyes as Alex said he "outgrew" teenage angst. Please. No one outgrew teenage angst and drama. She's seen grown men cry and twiddle their fingers when women reject them. She's seen women obsess over the latest fashions because they wanted to fit in. She's seen the elderly talk smack about people behind their backs. Yeah, there was no outgrowing that sh*t. She did flinch when he mentioned her failing at being there for people. As if she needed him to tell her that. She knew that better than anyone. If she had been there for Cobra, he wouldn't have been tricked into killing himself by Lilith. If she was there for Riff, he wouldn't have had to give his life for her. Her nails dug into her arms, trying to pierce the skin, but not succeeding.

"Fine then, Goldilocks. That work for you?" The bitterness in her voice faded as he apologized, but she was still p*ssed at him for reminding her of her dead comrades. Her eyes narrowed when he said it was high crime for girls to be honest, probably something decided by God. "And isn't high crime for you boys to admit to being wrong?" she said sarcastically, referring to his apology just before.

"For your information, I like playing in water. Lakes and rivers are sort of the only places you can go to have fun when people don't let you into their towns. As for why I'm here. Part boredom, part exercise, part family/nonfamily issues, part the stables smelling of sh*t. Oh, and part every time I close my eyes, I see Riff's bloody corpse in my arms. I can't sleep no matter how tired I am and the castle is way too crowded for my liking. That honest enough for you?"

Alex then suggests that they forget the other person existed, like what she was doing apparently. Big sack of sh*t! Her fist tightened and she wanted to yell at him, but instead let out a sigh. "Whatever you want, Goldilocks." And she firmly kicked him square in the back, knocking him over and proceeded to walk on his back, jumping off once she reached his head. "My, the ground sure feels weird here. Maybe there are some rocks under the dirt."

(Yeah . . . sorry . . . It was an opportunity I had to take. Please forgive the bit of bunnying.)
*Alex didn't protest or lose his temper when she stepped on him, instead he sat back up and dusted himself off, happy enough she was leaving when a voice in his head started again.* See what did I tell you? No one here respects you..You of all people one of the few humans on the planet with an understanding of the universe. Shut up you don't know what you're talking about! HELLO SHE LITTERALLY JUST WALKED ALL OVER YOU! SHE USED YOU LIKE A DIRTY RUG! *At first Alex was only speaking back into his own head but now he's speaking out loud.* I said SHUT YOUR DAMN FILTY MOUTH YOU MONSTER! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY LIFE DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME! *HardTime realizing Mel is still close enough to hear this finds it amusing.* She thinks you're trash, you know what you should do? Tear her face off and wear it for Halloween...I could give you that power, think about it no one would ever walk all over you again. *Alex jumps to his feet and starts screaming.* LEAVE ME ALONE OR I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS! I'M NOT TRASH, I'M NOT WORTHLESS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! *Hardtime's voice fades away knowing he's done the damage.*
Originally, Mel was going to leave Alex to wallow in his own self pity, but then he began yelling. Thinking that he was talking to her, she turned around, raising an eyebrow. Damn, he had the mood swings of a pmsing girl. What the hell was he even talking about? Monster she could understand, but when did she judge him on anything other than his hair? He was going to kill her? He could try. "What are you going on about? I'm already leaving you alone! You're the one going back on it!"

But the yelling continued. At this point, she was sure that Alex had somehow gone insane, and to be honest, she was really tired of his little tantrum. This was worse than his little angst act earlier. She was tempted to leave but she'd probably still hear his rants within the castle. She'd have to do something about this, wouldn't she? She let out a sigh when the answer was yes.

Mel walked over to the blond and raised a hand to his back before . . . pushing him into the lake. She knelt by the edge, waiting for him to surface before speaking. It was still the shallow end so he wasn't going to drown or anything. "Chill out, Goldilocks. What the @#$% is wrong with you? First the angst and now a tantrum? Shouldn't some big shot SHIELD agent handle himself better? Seriously! Vash shows more maturity than you are now, and he still refuses to eat his vegetables."


Vash pulled a face as Chameleon said how normal days made him suspicious. "Dude, you're weird." He then turned away, smiling brightly. "You should feel happy during those days. People like us don't get too many of them so you should be grateful when things go well, not be suspicious. You're never going to be happy that way."

Walking along, Vash closed his eyes, remembering what his life had been like before he even knew that demons, vampires and werewolves existed. "Yeah. I mean life wasn't perfect back then either, but it wasn't bad. I'd spend all day working at the construction site or doing odd jobs around town, then I'd come home to Maria's innocent smile." But his smile soon faded when he thought back to his little sister. The girl who sold her body to the townsmen for food and help. Who got pregnant with a b*st*rd child. And because no one wanted to fess up to their crimes, the girl who burned at the stake, never once angry with the people who did it to her. Chameleon was right. Some things you could never change in the past. Even if he hadn't met Mel, Maria would've died regardless. And he would still have not been able to help her.

"But, you know. It's not like I hate this life either. I may be a demon now but I've made friends here. And I got to meet Mel." The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve upwards as he mentioned her, his cheeks slightly flushed. Vash looked down at his fists, his face serious now, and clenched them tightly. "And now I have the power to protect the ones I care about . . . Though Mel does say the only thing I've got going for me is brute strength."
"That sounds kind of cool," Katarina smiled back at Faye as she described the feeling of the fire within her. "A little scary, but neat. I'm just normal. There's nothing special about me like that...I've always kind of wondered what that must be like. To have something like that."

When Faye further invites her to question her, Katarina considers, wanting to take her up on it. She and Adrian rarely talk about his pyrokinesis, as it is for them connected with guilt, shame, and fear, and even thoughtfulness on his part, not to make her feel inadequate or less because she has no powers herself. She does have a lot of questions.

"How have you tried to control it? Like with thoughts or magic, or..." she paused, then looked away as she asked, "Have you ever...really badly hurt anyone? Or...killed them?"

By now she has lead Faye back towards the dorm areas, and they are outside her own room as the girl responds that she would like to room with her. Disbelieving, but pleased, Katarina smiles, looking away, then makes herself look back at her, meeting her eyes.

"That would be fun. If you really want to. And Raina doesn't mind...don't you want to room with her? Your sister?"

She has a feeling Raina will be pissed, and she doesn't want to deal with that if it will be a problem.


"I think you oughtta do it with me, 'cause it's fun and you don't have fun too much," Liza informs Mel as the girl rejects her offer. "It would make you feel nicer I think and you'd be happy 'cause fun makes you happy. But I won't even make you if you don't wanna."

She pauses in her manure flinging as Mel apologizes, smiling back at her as if the apology is not a surprise but simply an inevitability, and for Liza, it is. "That's okay Mel. You were feeling mean but you're being nice now and we're friends, so that's okay. I like being nice to you. I wanna keep making you happy, okay? We can be friends? You shouldn't oughtta turn my friends inside out though, that would hurt them and be mean."

She goes forward to try to hug the girl before she leaves. "We're friends now right?"

Faith- asking for Emma

Sheena- with Cora- Heatherrrr?

Adrian- with Josh

(Okay guys, we need a game plan. I'm kind of drifting here in the plot and I feel like I'm having a hard time keeping up with all my characters. I think I want to kill Adrian off. Any offers or ideas on how? Something to do with the rage demon, I think, but who or how? Offers? Maybe even Kat or Sheena or someone has to kill him while he's in a rage and they see how serious it can get?)
*Alex comes up out of the water thrashing around, his eyes searching around for any signs of HardTime when he only sees Mel he calms down slowly walking out of the water up towards her and stops.* Sorry about that but I wasn't talking to you I was talking to...Look I'm sorry for that, I'm dealing with stuff and things, I really shouldn't be around other people..I'm just in a really dark and bad place and no there is no amount of S.H.I.E.L.D training that can help with this...Either I make peace with it or I let it consume me....Do yourself a favor if you see a guy that looks like a Dark Elf in black plate armor...Run, run as far and as fast as you can cause if he catches you death will be a blessing. *He holds up his left arm and and a black metal bracer appears and after touching it a few times his wet clothes change into a completely different set of clothes only dry.* It would also be real smart of you to stay as far away from me as possible. *With that he starts to walk away.* You're hardly an innocent but even you don't deserve some of the things he was talking about.

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