Dormer Academy

Continuing to focus on her own breathing, keeping it slow and steady, Faith watches her husband with her sister, monitoring for a few seconds more.

It seems Macal has it under control though, so she turns to Adrian, calling over her shoulder for Emma to monitor the other students and make sure none of them are being affected too before walking over to him. Standing close enough to talk easily where she won’t have to raise her voice, but far enough that if he did manage to break out, she could dodge a flame, she speaks to him evenly as well.

“Adrian, think about what you’re doing. Do you even really know why you’re so angry? What even happened, do you remember? This isn’t what you want to do. Katarina would be ashamed and frightened to see you act like this. You don’t have anything against Sheena last I knew, not enough to try to burn her alive. Think. Breathe. Calm down, because this isn’t what you really want to do.”

Even as she speaks to him she is reminding herself of the same thing, keeping herself from escalating her own stress levels into real anger. When it seems that Adrian is beginning to listen, taking in slow breaths, his sparking figures slowly burning out its flames, she exhales, speaking into Macal’s head.

“Do you feel this? It was trying to get in me, I could feel it. I don’t know what the hell this is.”

As her father held her face, looking her in the eye, and spoke to her so intently, Sheena felt herself begin to actually hear and think about his words, the raw feeling she was experiencing giving way gradually to more lucid thought. She looks back at Macal’s face, seeing the intense sincerity he is showing towards her, and slowly she begins to relax, hearing him. She is not a beast…she is a woman. This isn’t her. She’s a Cord, even if she’s technically a Sadovsky…she’s his daughter. Faith’s sister. This is not her. This is NOT her…

He is saying not to be angry, that she can’t be, and slowly Sheena feels her anger begin to fade, her fur retreating back into her body as she fully reforms into her human self. Still shaking slightly, she meets Macal’s eyes, now entirely normal in thinking and form and embarrassed for her former reaction, not meeting his eyes.

“Sorry…I don’t know what happened, exactly…I didn’t mean…”

(Sheena is not Faith's daughter. Faith is only 25, Sheena is 18, lol. Faith considers her a sister, but her husband Macal is about 35 or so in human appearance and he does consider Faith to be his daughter, though Faith does not. It's complicated. They're her guardians in technical sense, or were when she was underage)
(Haha, loved that back there, 'Did you tell your wife about the new class you're adding? Cheating 101?' And hmmm, well, in a mini-RP scene me and Pyre did, Aries made a time-travelling device, albeit faulty, it did work, so, he could make one, if you want him to, it's not that much of a stretch really, since people in real life get their gender changed through ops, so all he'd have to do is employ the basics of those operations into said machine. Anyone up for a gender changing machine? Oh and Magic? I know Emma was talking about Americans in general, and Raina's English accent is barely there anymore, but she is English, raised there and everything, just so ya' know xD )

Raina scowled irritably as she was so easily brushed off, but Faith's words still interested her. Got no time? Don't go to the cafeteria? Oh, she was SO going to the cafeteria now. Just to annoy Faith a lil' and see what all the fuss was about. She shrugged, a lot calmer than she was a moment ago now simply because she has something of interest to be doing, and she follows after Faith and that other woman.

Upon entering the cafe she notices that the rage demon is obviously at work again - the first sign being the fact that she can feel her own emotions being slightly stirred, the second being that Sheena and Adrian look ready to kill each other and everyone else in the room. She smirks lightly, finding this way more amusing than she should. Her eyes soften slightly however when she listens to Macal address Sheena so tenderly, like a true father would, and the smirk threatens to turn into a smile for a moment, only a moment. It was at this time when a doofus in a security outfit comes over to her and tries to tell her to clear out. She raises her brow at him, clearly unimpressed, she smiles sweetly before twisting the truth a bit, "Faith, the headteacher and your bosses wife told me to come here to help out with the angered students, so I suggest you either back off or lose your job for being incompetent, okay?" The security guy seems to considering arguing back for a moment before Raina spots two stray students about to enter to see what's going on, she nods at them, "See, go sort them out, I'll handle this." Her casual way of speaking like she's staff and not another student causes the guy to nod and head over to the curious students and usher them out.

She grins happily before her eyes catch on Jagger, the shooter guy from England, he seems to be struggling with something, not that she cares of course, but she then also notices that woman from earlier who was with Faith, she can see her tense up as she spots Jagger, and she recognizes the hostility coming from her body language. Is she about to attack Jagger? Does she think he's a threat? As much as she doesn't care, it would be tempting to put a teacher in their place, just because they always seem to think that they know more than students.

She herself tensed slightly, ready to intercept if this woman did jump at Jagger.


Faye grinned and followed after Katarina, almost skipping in her excitement as she listened to the older girl talk, when Katarina confirms her attraction to Bucky she holds back another girlish squeal, glad that it doesn't escape this time, and she will totally not ever admit that she is already picturing what their babies might look like. Nope, not doing that at all.

She listens to Katarina's concerns, about having the age gap, and the whole student-teacher thing going on, but she then goes on to say she doesn't mind and then even asks if Faye likes anyway, she frowns, seemingly thinking for a moment before she shrugs, following Katarina inside the school building.

"Not really, I mean, at my old school I did date this vampire guy, he looked about 18 but he was really 100 and something, so that whole age thing you have with Bucky? It's honestly not a big deal, age doesn't really matter all that much as people think it does to be honest." She glanced around, "But do I like anyone here? I don't think so, I mean, I look at some of the guys and think 'oh they're cute' but I don't actually have anyone I have a crush on, yet"

"Oh, and the student-teacher thing doesn't matter either really, because soon you won't be a student anymore anyway, besides 18 is totally legal"


Riesa grins at Liza's clapping and glances up at her, she internally worries a bit as Liza wobbles, but then she has righted herself anyway and Riesa relaxes, "We are awesome! We should make a club or something, Club Awesome! And if I do get a puppy then they can have a Puppy Club Awesome as well."

She isn't all that bothered that Liza takes a while to respond, almost even forgetting that she asked in the first place, and she has to hold back a shrug at the actual answer, not wanting Liza to possibly fall off. "Oh well, and yeah! Both those games sound fun, especially the weapons one, how do you even play that? I've never heard of it before, you'll have to show me how!"

She gives her another happy smile before stopping her drawing. Most of the walls are now covered in the bright lipstick, "Yay! I think I'm finished now, it looks so cool!!"
"100?" Katarina's eyes widen as she looks at Faye quickly, shocked by this. She knows that supernatural people can be very old and look young, but the idea of actually dating one seems crazy to her. It has not yet occurred to her that Bucky will age much more slowly than her. " wasn't weird? How old are you?"

She shrugged at Faye's comment about the teacher/student relationship being okay, saying only, "Faith didn't tell me I couldn't. I don't know if she likes it but she didn't say no, so..."

As they walk towards the wing holding the library and other extracurricular rooms, she looks back at her. "What boys do you think are cute? Do you think my brother is? He really needs a girl in my opinion."


"Club Awesome would be awesome!" Liza beams, clapping her hands before sliding herself down off of Riesa's shoulders to the floor. "And I got puppies! You can borrow mine for the club and then we can be Club Puppy Awesome for sure! Oooh this is gonna be fun! Ty and Z are gonna be such cute puppy club people unless they eat my stuff and cry and stuff and then I gotta make them be puppies instead of boys. But it will still be fun."

She admires their work with her hands on her hips from a distance, nodding happily. "We are good at this I think. We oughtta do it all over the school and write our club name so people know who we are I think."

Running into her parents' bedroom, she returns with her arms loaded down with a sword taller than she is, a crossbow she is dragging by its shaft, and a slingshot which looks more like a serious weapon than a toy. Laying them down on the floor, she explains to Riesa, "You take a weapon and you go hide but you gotta both be looking for each other. Plus also you got weapons and you fight but you don't hurt each other bad. It's the most funnest game ever but Mama and Daddy probably shouldn't know about it I think."
{Akira didn't fight Mitsumi, he needed answers and if feeding on her would give him those answers and she was willing to offer herself then all the better, as he leans in closer the first thing he notices is how good she smells, her hair and her skin smells so sweet and nice. As his fangs sank into her skin the sweet and salty blood started to flow down his throat, at first it was no more then the satisfaction of tasting her blood but after a few moments it started to hit him the flood of her memories flowing through her blood everything that has ever happened to her at first then memories of them together but there was more, the history of this blood started to fill him. He saw Alice Eve's life, And Jirro's, he could see the first date of Mitsumi's parents, the entire history of this bloodline was being shared with him, all the violence and also all the good things. As he saw more the more his own memories began to return and then he remembers what HardTime and Marie did to him how they made him watch that image of Mitsumi being tortured, rapped then murdered over and over, it's then when he breaks free from her and falls to the floor, out of breath in a panic, scrambling away from her and afraid to look at her.}

{Outside the room Jirro trying to compose himself when Bucky walks up to him, he must really be disturb because he didn't detect the lycan at all, Jirro looks at Bucky rather unsure when he offers to look at Akira and Mitsumi for them. He's never really trusted any other lycans from Izabella's original pack, Bucky however seems to be someone Izabella has always depended on and trusted, it's for that reason Jirro is trying to trust him also.} Ok Bastian do not let anything happen to either of them, we're counting on you. I think I can find Macal rather easily, he tends to make an impression on people when he's out in the open, when you find Faith where should we meet, I don't think we can discuss our plans in front of Akira and Mitsumi without them wanting to be involve with them and I'm not happy that I have to risk your life for this plan but I need you at my side if I'm to survive.
She felt as if her heart was about to burst free, the way it hammered away in her chest as things moved around her as if in slow motion as Akira was suddenly invading her space, and Mitsumi's breath caught in her throat as a gasp, feeling his fangs scrape against her neck. And then he bit her...

It was weird, being bitten. She knew this was the way of her kind, but the sensation was new to her and she started to panic the second she could feel her blood being drained from her. Her arms came up, hands tightening around Akira's shoulders and then suddenly, the feeling was gone. It was weird, but in a way she could have sworn she was experiencing everything he was, seeing all of their past and present. She was just starting to fully relax when he suddenly ripped away from her, a searing pain jerking her back into reality as his fangs yanked away from her neck, ripping the skin slightly and a hand quickly clamped over the wound, staring wide eyed as Akira backed away from her.

Oh god, did it not work?

"A-Ace?" He was on the floor, crawling away from her. What could he have seen? What of their past could have been so horrible, so terrible...? Suddenly, like a slap in the face, the last thing he had seen flashes before her eyes and she gasps in horror, her blood covered hand covering her lips as she stares back at him in horror.

No wonder he had blocked everything out...those two monsters had showed him.....shaking her head, Mitsumi forces herself to stay come, not give into her sudden rage and slowly lets herself drop down onto her knees, facing Akira. She understood the look he gave her now. He thought she was dead...did he maybe not think she was real?

"''s really me...I swear..." She started to reach out for him then stopped. "Akira?"


Looking back at Bucky one more time, Izzy offered him a small, but reassuring smile and continued to pull Jirro along behind her. "We might as well just try to find them together. No more being apart...I almost lost you again this week..." She paused and looked back at her husband and shrugged. "Not really in the mood to go through that again any time soon..."

The Hybrid knew she sounded silly, almost childish in a way, but with everything going on the past few days, hell the past few months, Izabella didn't know if she could handle any more changes or things not going as planned. She knew there was a lot going around in the academy, and in some way she had begun to believe that maybe HardTime was behind it all. The more she could pin on that bas***d, the easier it would be for her to kill him...


Cora- still watching the fight

Bucky- Outside the Mochizuki apartment
*Mac holds up his hand and waves off all the security, then takes off his jacket to wrap around Sheena since she shifted partially and tore her clothes. (wait does she and Izzy wear those suits Alex made that allows them to shift without ruining their clothes?) He hugs her then starts to walk her out of the cafeteria stopping in front of Faith speaking back to her mind.* I know it tried the same with me, I barely managed to get my senses back before I lost total control..I've had enough of this once I get Sheena settled in and check on Liza I'm going hunting! *He continues to walk with Sheena.* Come on I take you back to our quarters and you can rest.

*Alex uses this chance to quietly slip out of the cafeteria and head back to his quarters, locking himself in and lays down on the bed when a voice enters his head.* Why are you still here, you know you don't belong here, they don't even want you here. *He knows the voice right off and jumps up grabbing a gun from under his bed and starts to scan the room for a target, that's when he sees HardTime sitting on his desk, the Dark Elf grinning from ear to ear when Alex fires and the bullets pass straight through him.* Now now how rude, is that anyway to treat a guest? Well it's a good thing I'm not really here, not that it would matter even if my body was completely healed and here your pitiful bullets wouldn't harm me. Now down to business...Don't you feel like your talents are being taken for granted here? The amount of disrespect shown to you by people who are suppose to care for you...Even love you, even a twisted soul like mine knows that people that love you don't treat you like that wolf bitch treated you. Not only were you willing to take a bullet into your fragile mortal body, then she turns on you like a rabid dog when you just tried to help her. You should come and work for me, we'll have so much fun, we do what we want when we want and best part about it all we have the best snacks. Come on wouldn't you love to place your gun in that cow Raina's mouth and pull the trigger and no one can do anything about it..Aren't you tired of the vast amounts of crap that comes with being a White Hat always looking down from your moral highground and still get no respect? Still treated like a kid when you're smarter then every other person here...maybe on the planet...I could show you worlds where what you know is a mere drop in a bucket the obsene amouts of knowledge out in the universe could be yours...You could be challenged again. We both know you haven't been challenged in a very long time.

Well my time is just about up here, if you wish to take me up on my offer just call my name and I will come for you.

*The voice stops and the image vanishes, Alex sits back on his bed, horrorifed because the offer and the things he hear make sense, he isn't respected, he isn't challenged, Sheena despises him so what is his purpose here? Why hasn't he just left already? Still even tho he's not happy here could he really work for HardTime? He knows he shouldn't even entertain the idea but he is.* 
(Alex quit the academy, he was intending to go back to his old base and restart his old team, he's still a ranking officer and agent)
River traversed next to Aries down the hallway. "That sounds amazingly tempting to eat now, purple skin and/or death? You're spoiling me really." He spoke gleefully, actually excited to eat said golden egg. As they both continued traveling through the building on the prowl for Riesa the two teens walked past the cafeteria and River observed the the group of people and looked at Aries "your sister didn't happen to cause some kind of trouble here before me, did she?" He seemed put out at the thought that someone could gain the reputation as a annoying brat before River could; without checking to see if Aries was also intrigued and followed, River took several strides forward to find out just exactly what was going on, that was until two burly security guards blocked his path causing him to stare up disdainfully. "You are not permitted to enter, please move on." River shrugged and make an attempt to push past them but was thwarted once again in his effort to satiate his curiosity. "Bub, seriously you're starting to annoy me now. Do you have some sort of mental mechanism that makes you stand in peoples' way or something?" One looked at the other and heaved a big sigh, "look kid, you need to leave before we use force and you'll earn yourself a detention."

The younger boy looked thoroughly unimpressed at the meager threat and spoke waved a dismissing hand, "that doesn't bother me much, you could have come up with something a bit scarier, like so I chills running down my spine or whatever but I'll warn you," River folded his arms, took one step back and gave a cold hardy, blue eyed stare, "if you touch or block me from moving forward one more time then I will have you both sprawled on the floor whispering 'oh no, why did I think to be all security guard-y and keep bothering River? Cause he's so cool and awesome and I'm so lame and annoying'." There was a pause and River laughed, "okay, maybe you won't start mumbling about my amazing attributes after I kick your ass but you will be in a lot of pain." The first guard, which River had dubbed as 'Billy' walked forward and patted him on the shoulder, "come on kid we're just doing our jo-" He didn't have time to finish his sentence.

In one swift motion, River had placed one foot on his knee and pushed himself upwards to smash his knee into his chin, while he was disorientated at the sudden attack River then dropped low to the floor and kicked at 'Billy's' legs which caused him to land painfully to the floor. The other male took a stance and readied himself to restrain the student. River took a running leap and flung his legs around his neck then tightened them in a choke hold and used the momentum of the swing to push him off balance and fall to the ground. He was still locked in River's legs, painfully and now River also held his arm at an awkward angle, "I'm not letting go until you say uncle." He ignored the continuous stream of uncleuncleuncle and smiled at Aries, "heh, showing off is actually a lot of fun! Though, I gotta work on my wushu, that's out of practice." He then let go off the security guard, who had gone purple in the face, and got up to walk over into the cafeteria; the men lying on the floor were groaning in pain. River was quite nonchalant about it, he could have killed them but it would have been bad on the first day of school to commit murder... maybe he'd wait until tomorrow to commit a federal offense.
(This might make it awkward for Macal to introduce the new teacher . . . )

Jagger was still lost in thought, trying to dig out old memories, when he was attacked by a . . . jaguar? What @#$%ed up pet policies did this school have?! Who keeps a jaguar as a pet? And how could he let a dumb animal catch him off guard like that? Was he that lacking in training? As he was pushing Emma back, trying to avoid her teeth and claws, the demon noticed how she didn't have the breath of a typical carnivore or any animal. A shifter? Either that or the owner must really stress dental hygiene . . . Yeah, a shifter made a lot more sense.

Knowing that it was a person didn't exactly make her any weaker. But it did make it easier for Jagger to kick her in the stomach, rolling out from under her during the distraction. His vessel's previous owner was rather fond of animals so Jagger, who inherited his will, couldn't attack animals. If it were a person however . . . Well that was a different story.

Now back on his feet, his eyes turned a blood red, but this time his iris expanded, giving him the appearance of compounded eyes, much like those of a fly. The slight scent of rot wafted into the air as a chain and sickle came out of Jagger like a tail and his arms turned a rusty red color. "Shifter or whatever you are, you're obviously damaged in the head, so I'll tell you. You usually greet people with your name. It's not that hard."
Sheena's arms went around Macal lightly as he hugged her, and she hugged back, still trying to think through what had just happened. Her body feels strangely light and empty, her head is spinning slightly, and she feels depleted of energy from the adrenaline seeping out of her so fast after having such a massive quantity within her. Muttering a second apology, directed towards Macal, then a slightly louder one in Adrian's direction, she follows with him, her mind still whirring.

How did this keep happening to her? Did it make her weak? She could barely remember what had even made her so angry, let alone understand why she would react like that. She knew what Faith had said about the demonic presence, but this was just crazy. Only she and Adrian had been impacted, and Alex for a little while, and Adrian was the biggest hothead on campus other than Mel and Raina. Did that mean she was one of the worst of the students?

"Dad, how do I keep that out of me?" she looked up at him, her tone strained. "I can't ever let that happen again. I could have killed was like it was me but it was a worse me. Me as more."


Macal has brought Sheena under control, and Adrian seems to be too as Faith continues to speak to him, watching him closely. He too seems strangely drained, and when he is released from his hold she hesitates, making sure his skin will be cooled, before touching his shoulder.

"You should go rest a while. Stay away from the caf and other people for a while." Turning back to Emma and Joshua, she said, "Thanks for the help. Is any more of this going on right now? It seems to really be focused in this area in particular...maybe because it's usually crowded with people and it....feeds off them as a pack more? I have no idea...have you heard from Jirro or Izzy by the way?"

Turning to address Alex, she realized he had gone and tenses up, remembering his earlier rage. "Okay where the hell did blondie go?" On her commbadge she calls him, unaware that his is likely turned off, nor that he has quit SHIELD.
(Awww man, now I wanna see Alex become HardTime's evil apprentice-y person. xD Bad Jo, stop rooting for the bad guys!)

Faye giggles as Katarina looks so shocked, "Yeah about 100, nah it wasn't weird at all, I mean, I was 14 when I started dating him, then I turned 15 during it, and I'm still 15 now, but he did only look and act about 18, so honestly most of the time I sorta forgot that he was 100, he acted even younger than me at times," She shook her head, "Not a very good relationship to be honest, I mean, he even cheated on me with a teacher and everything! I was stupid to date him." She sighs and shrugs, "Oh well, I'm over it now."

She gives Katarina a sideways glance as they walk, thinking over her words, "Uhmmm, who do I think is cute?" She grinned at her as she spoke of her brother, "Trying to set him up now?" She shrugged again, "He's kinda cute I guess, I like the tall and dark guys so he is my type, but I dunno, I don't think it'd work out well, putting two hot-tempered pyro's in a relationship might end up with the school burnt down. I did that once ya' know, burnt down my old school, it was fun but I got in tons of trouble for it."

She placed her finger on her lip, still thinking on the question despite her ramblings, "Uhmm, who else? Vash is pretty hot, that Jagger guy who shot at us was too" She paused and looked at Katarina, "I think I seem to have a tendency to like bad guys, which really doesn't help in any way at all," She grinned, "I guess if a super-hot-evil villian guy shows up then I'll probably crush on him....let's hope that doesn't happen." She gives a small giggle before continuing to follow Katarina through the school.


Raina was still watching Emma, waiting for her to attack, when suddenly she shifted there and then into a panther and leapt at Jagger, she mentally cursed for being too slow to block her, but once Jagger had pushed her away and said something, Raina sped over and stood beside Jagger, but slightly in front of him without blocking his view of Emma, she raised a brow at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be a teacher, yet you run around attacking people for no reason? You dumbass." She crossed her arms, but her body was still tensed to defend herself if needs be, "Weren't you also supposed to be here to um, I dunno, help with the whole, anger issue thing?" She made a 'pfft' sound and rolled her eyes, "Geez, even I did a better job of helping out here than you did, and I'm supposed to be the rebellious, snappy, trigger-happy student here."

She watched Emma carefully there, but she was giving her a scorning look.


Riesa grins at Liza, "I can borrow your puppies? Really?!?! Uhhh, you wouldn't mind if it came back home with purple fur, right? That might happen..." She listened to Liza blabber on with an amused grin, sort of managing to keep up, but failing at some parts. She giggled as Liza suggested doing it all over the school, using their team name as a signature of sorts for the art work, and she nodded enthusiastically.

"We so should! I'm sure your mama would love to see our beautiful art work all over the school! I think she'd be super pleased at how good you are at drawing Liza!" She was grinning widely now, but more so at the fact that she was imagining a furious mother when she sees that her daughter has used her make-up to vandalize the whole school. Yeah, they needed to do that.

When Liza leaves and then returns with weapons, real actual weapons that Riesa's eyes began to sparkle at as soon as she sees them, Riesa lets out an excited whoop before bouncing over to Liza, "I think I like this game already!" She looks at Liza seriously as she explains the game before nodding, "Got it! But we don't actually hurt each other, right?"

That was one thing Riesa refused to do. Hurt kids. In the past, if it had needed to be done for a very, very good reason, then Riesa would have to turn away while Aries did it. She couldn't hurt a kid.


Aries chuckled at River's response, "You want to try it and experience possible death and/or purple skin? Sure thing, if you're cool with dying then I'll make one for you as soon as I get around to it. It'll be interesting to see what happens." They were supposed to be finding Riesa when River suddenly stopped and looked into the cafeteria, saying about Riesa causing trouble.

Aries frowned very lightly before following the smaller boy, if Riesa was in there then he needed to go in. It was weird. Even though he knew she was most likely - hopefully - safe he couldn't help but internally panic. He and Riesa hadn't been separated, ever, not even for an hour, for at least three years now, and the last time they were separated for a few hours, something terrible happened, so they decided just to never leave each other alone again. And now they were both alone, with another person, but still alone.

During his mental worry, he looked up to see he had missed some sort of conversation between River and two guards, but he glanced up just in time to watch the older boy attack the guards. He watched with a smirk on his lips, clearly amused at the situation, but there was a glint of being impressed in there as well. River seemed to be an even better fighter than last time they met. When the boy glanced up at him with a smile and told him he was having fun showing off Aries's smirk just widened and he watched as River released the guard.

He watched River walk away before he himself shrugged and followed after, he deliberately stepped on one of the guards as he did so, and paused while standing on them, he looked down at them stoically, "Oh sorry, didn't see you there." He then stepped off of them and carried on walking after River. Was Riesa in here?
"PURPLE FUR!" Liza shouted, excited at the very possibility. She gave a little hop, pigtails bouncing, dimples showing in her cheeks as she nodded her head enthusiastically. "I wanna see puppies with purple fur! I never even thought of that! That would be so pretty and you can do that okay!!!"

She claps when Riesa approves of her plan to "beautify" the school, still smiling broadly. "People are gonna say how pretty it is and they're gonna like it so much. This is gonna be wicked. I think we should do that after weapon tag, okay?"

Handing her the crossbow, unconcerned with whether she could use it or not, she nodded in response to her question. "No we don't get hurt. Plus also if we do I can heal you up so it's okay...GO!"

And she tore out of the room, dragging the sword after her.


Katarina was further stunned when Faye told her the circumstances of her relationship, her eyes still wide as she took this in. Fourteen...Katarina had been dating and sleeping with boys at fourteen, but 100 years old seemed crazy to her. Still, she didn't want to offend Faye by saying so, so she just smiled weakly, glad when Faye changed teh subject.

"Adrian isn't really a bad boy, but he does have a temper," she admitted. "He's just...he's really protective, and he wants to keep me safe but...sometimes he goes a little far with it. I mean, he had to before...we had a lot happen."

Changing the subject quickly, she tries to smile when Faye mentions her bad boy fixation. "I think I'm sort of like that too. I've...sort of been with a lot of guys who were sort of like wasn't good." Looking down, she flushed, one hand moving into her pocket as she shrugged. "They were sort of bad to me."
*Mac waited till they were clear of the room with others before he stopped and turned towards Sheena.* I'm not exactly sure how to completely shield yourself from it, even I have fallen victim for brief moments and my own mental training regimes could be considered somewhat fanatic and still the bastard got me. What snapped me out of it was the sound of your voice, so maybe focusing on someone you love or something good can weaken it's hold on us. *Shrugging his shoulders* Or I could be completely reaching on this...I don't want you to worry about this. I've been to passive on this situation, letting this thing run free in my halls for to long. Once I know you're safe and I check on Liza, I will turn this place inside and out drag it out of whatever hole it's in and show this demon the true meaning of eternal pain. *He starts walking again, eventually getting back to the door to their quarters after opening it for Sheena and walking in behind her he announces their return.* LIZA, WE'RE BACK WHERE ARE...You at??? *Looking around then smacks himself in the forehead.* You have got to be kidding me??
{Akira continue to scramble away, he turned and covered his head with his hands then stopped moving as completely motionless, he didn't hear Mitsumi saying his name the first time but the second time his head suddenly came up still turned away from her he went to his feet and slowly turned towards her.} You know I never really liked being called Ace, you're sooooo annoying MIIITSSSY. {He says teasing her, then sticks his tongue out at her, then launches himself at her sweeping her off her feet as the floor starts blooming flowers around them, proof that his powers where back and he knew himself once more, finally he kisses her.} I was so lost but you brought me back, you keep saving me, you stubborn girl don't you know it's my job to save you. You really are starting to make me look bad. {smiling down at her then kisses her once more.} Marry me Mitsumi Mochizuki.

{Jirro and Izabella move through the halls quickly and staying in the shadows something that isn't easy with these brightly lit hallways, still they have no issues avoiding the guards. Jirro makes a sudden stop right before entering another hallway when he sees a group of students squaring off with each other. This was no spar session either they had real weapons drawn including guns.} Dammit I don't have time for this! {The students with the guns were clearly overmatching the others to the point where they were toying with them shooting near them but not hitting them, till now with the weaker ones, leveling their guns towards the vital areas then pulls the trigger, it takes Jirro miliseconds to react almost instantly appearing between the group just as the bullets were about to hit suddenly stop right in front of him floating in mid-air.} Drop your weapons and surrender yourselves to campus security! {Of course they ignore him, there is nothing but rage and disgust in their eyes as the open fire again and again the bullets stop right in front of Jirro, now there was so many it looked like a wall of lead. Once Jirro hears the clicking of empty guns and the students dropping their clips to reload. His eyes turn black, raising his hand he picks out a few bullets then flicks them at the students guns, each bullets going up the barrels of the guns causing them to explode in their hands. He was about to move in when he can hear the footsteps of the security teams, who as they turn the corner come across the students on the floor and the others clutching their hands in pain but no sign of Jirro who had returned to Izabella in the shadows} Damn brats, what the hell is going on around here?

(This is a crappy post, I'm to out of practice)
The kick landed hard in her form's stomach before she had a chance to clamp her jaws around the demon's throat. She gagged slightly, rolling away shifting back to herself, sitting in a crouch. She straightened into a defensive stance, eyes zeroed in on the threat. She smelled it first, her sensitive nose picking up the scent of decay. Emma watched as the boy's body transformed in small ways, confirming her suspicions. The demon's host's arms turned a rusty color, a tail spiraling from the base of the spine in the shape of a chain, a scythe-like blade on the end. There was nothing natural or holy about it.

A student stepped in front of him. Emilia briefly recognized her as the disrespectful child from the hallway. Was this demon possessing her as well? it was clever, using one of the students to protect himself. The girl's mouth opened and closed, talking. Emma wasn't listening.

"The demon is using her, get this student out of here." Emma told the security team.

In a flash, Emma moved. She separated the girl from the demon, pushing her back. The security team moved in and seized her. Emilia planted firm kick to the demon's chest, very aware of the sickle.

"Since when are demon's concerned with formalities." Emma growled.

Her frame doubled, coarse brown hair bristled, and a heavy yellow-clawed arm of a grizzly swept into the demon, throwing it into a wall.


Once seeing that the threat had been neutralized, Joshua had let go of his hold on the two students. He helped the security team with clearing students out if the cafeteria, leaving the Cords to have their family moment. He still kept a discreet eye on Sheena and Adrian. Once Macal had escorted his daughter back to their room, he approached Faith. He laid a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"You okay, Faith?" He asked. "It seems like everyone's all gone through a lot today. I'm always open if you or anyone needs to talk." He of course was talking mostly about Sheena and what had happened earlier that day. "Sometimes it helps to have a mediator. If ever anyone needs a counsel, I would be more than willing to listen."

A scream pierced the air. Josh whirled around to see a student pointing at a bear attacking a mutant, Josh wasn't quite sure what it was but the situation was escalating quickly.
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Looking up, startled, when Josh touches her, Faith subtly shrugs him off and steps away. She isn't sure what expression her face had been showing to make Josh think she might not be okay or might need "counsel" but she hoped it was suitably rearranged now.

"Thanks, but I've five by five, Josh," she tells him, shrugging again. "Appreciate it but I'm good. Maybe some of the other kids would-"

When someone screams, Faith's head whips around, seeing what she recognizes as Emma in her bear shape, clearly in fight mode and rage. It looks to her like she's beating on a student, but what Faith doesn't know is if she is protecting someone else or if Emma too has lost it to the rage that had consumed the other students. Starting forward towards her, barking her name, intending to physically stop her if needed, she tries to assess the situation in the few seconds she has to do so.

(um. Is the "demon" Thanatos? Because he has no physical form. That is the point of him...he is basically pure energy and adrenaline)


"Don't worry about it? That's twice he's got me now," Sheena exclaimed, shaking her head. "No, I'm going to worry about it. I can't just hide out in my room and hope it wont' affect me, I have to fight back against it to keep it from affecting me! I have to control myself and help people, not hurt them! I want to help you. You said focus on people I love? I can do that."

Alex's face briefly flickers into her thoughts, but she pushes it down, leading the way into their living quarters. Blinking, uncomprehending at first, when she sees the drawings on the walls, it soon becomes apparent that it is Liza's doing. What she is confused about is the source, and Sheena steps forward, touching some of it with her hand coming away smudged.

"This is...lipstick?"

Her lips twitch then, and she snickers, then laughs outright. She doesn't own makeup herself, so that leaves one option. "Oh man. Faith is gonna be PISSED."
*Mac shakes his had at Sheena then starts using his powers to remove the art frantically* No no, we have to clean all this before Faith gets back, this isn't the time for Liza's antics. *It takes him a considerable amount of time even with his powers to clean everything up. He reaches out to Liza's mind.* Liza, why did you write on all the walls again? You can't keep doing that, I cleaned it up but your mother is not going to like you ruining all of her lipstick, you better start working on your apologies Mouse. *It's actually rare for Faith to wear makeup at least she doesn't doll herself up but still it's the principle of the matter.* Whereever you are Liza you better enjoy yourself because I see you being grounded in your future. *After breaking the connection to Liza he turns to Sheena and takes a seat by her exhausted.* You have a point, truth be told there is no place here to hide from this demon but isolating yourself can prevent you from snapping on some poor first year student...You do have a bit of a temper Sheena and when you lose it and that demon is around you're like an all you can eat buffet. *He doesn't want to do this but he needs to know about Alex, seeing how before all this started he glanced at a transfer request from him.* So tell me how are you and Alex doing? I only ask because he seems to have requested I reinstate his carrier and base, he wants to transfer out and retake his command...So want to tell me why he's no longer happy here? Bare in mind technically if he wants this there is nothing I can do to stop him, he's earned his own command and I have no reason to stop him from it if he really wants to go.
(Actually Emma is attacking Jagger. Though she does think he's Thanatos, or rather the demon causing this as no one really knows its name yet.)

Jagger raised an eyebrow as Raina stood between him and Emma, unsure if this kid was trying to help or die. "Get out of the way kid. I don't need a temperamental brat with a superhero complex slowing me down." Something the blackblood girl said did pique his interest though. This was a @#$%ing teacher?! A psychotic shifter? And now him? What sort of hiring policies did Macal have?! Soon the kid was taken away by troops ordered by Emma who had apparently thought Jagger was controlling her or something. Really?! He didn't have to hide behind a girl half his goddamn size.

He lost his breath as Emma kicked him in the chest. And before he could regain it, she had turned into a bear, throwing him into the wall. Damn, he really needed to get this vessel in shape. But now he was too angry to think about it. Jagger promptly gave her the finger. "Don't compare me to those lesser beings, you racist b*tch! Not all demons are the same!"

He grabbed onto a table to help himself up, the wood beneath his hand decaying in mere seconds. His tail went charging for Emma's leg, trying to trip her before pulling Jagger forward in order to increase momentum. While in the air, his hands changed to form large scythe blades. He aimed them at the bear, trying to pin her to the floor by piercing one or two of her limbs.

Then came another woman, yelling at a woman named "Emma" to stop. Jagger assumed it to be the woman he was fighting, since no one else seemed to be doing anything. He turned to Faith. "What the Hell is going on? Is this some sort of sick initiation for new staff or something? Because if I knew about this, I wouldn't have accepted the job from your headmaster here. This place is crazier than Caligula, Ibrahim the Mad and Peter the Great combined."
Raina almost growled irritably as the idiot teacher didn't even listen to her, and then told the guards to get rid of her. She wasn't expecting the strength of Emma's push, so she did stumble, but as soon as the guards came to 'seize' her she was ready for them and growled at them slightly, "What did I tell you idiots earlier? That teacher is being controlled by the rage demon Thanatos and is attacking that guy because of it, now back up before you get me mad as well, and that's something that could get you fired." The guy who Raina had spoken to earlier, believing she was some sort of high-up member in the school, came over then and sorted out the guards for her.

With a hmmph, she turned back to see Emma had shifted into a bear - another shifter? great, as if Leo wasn't enough - and was still attacking Jagger. She growled irritably now and quickly whipped out a ninja star from her boot, she threw it directly at Emma's arm, watching as it hit, no-where vital, to get her attention.

"Hey you f*ck-faced idiot! Did you not listen to me? He's not the demon. He's apparently a teacher, like you're supposed to be. Now back off before you get hurt." She glanced at the ninja star stuck in the bear's arm, "Well, hurt more anyway."

Raina then looked to Faith as she shouted out Emma's name, trying to get her attention, and she hoped that Faith had it under control now.


Riesa giggles as Liza tells her she actually wants a puppy with purple fur and she shrugs, "Yeah sure, Aries can make it's fur purple for you if ya' want!" She watches the little girl with a grin, loving her enthusiasm for, well, everything, and nods excitedly when she speaks of de-facing the school walls.

"Yeah sure! I bet everyone will love it!" She then took the crossbow from her, glad that she knew how to use it though she didn't plan on hurting Liza anyway, and smiled when she said they won't get hurt. "You can heal?!? That's soo--" She was going to say cool, but by this point Liza had already ran and hid; taking a sword with her.

She grinned and started to go after her when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, she frowned and ducked around a corner to hide. A giant of a man comes in, with a dark-haired teenage girl in front of him, and he shouts for Liza. Is that Liza's dad then? And..her sister? Yeah probably. She grins widely when he sees the lipstick all over the room and watches silently from behind the corner, not even moving as to keep herself quiet. Her grin grows when the teenage girl laughs and says Faith will be pissed, and she assumes that's Liza's mama she's talking about.

Her expression falls when the man removes the art, actually a bit upset, and it is then that she jumps out from around the corner, uncaring that she is still holding the bow, and points her finger at him, "Hey you! That was mean! Me and Liza worked really hard on that!" She then glanced over her shoulder to shout, "LIZAAA! SOME MEAN OLD MAN JUST GOT RID OF OUR DRAWINGS!" She turned back to glare at Macal, but she was trying not to grin, "Liza's gonna be so upset! We loved those drawings! We didn't get even to take a picture of them!"


Faye shrugged, "Yeah, I'm a bit like that too I suppose. That's why it probably wouldn't work. I mean, I don't think I'm all that bad, though a lot of people always say I'm bad, but I just have a bad temper too. And then the fire happens and it just allll goes downhill from there."

She listens though when Katarina seems to trail off, talking about having stuff happen, and she quickly understands that Katarina had something bad happen to her and her brother, and that she didn't want to talk about it. She gave her a small smile, as if to be supportive, and then carries on listening as Katarina changes the subject.

Has everyone at this school been through sh*t then?

She tilts her head as Katarina says that she dated bad boys, but it seems like she's talking not about 'bad boys' in general, but actual boys who were bad to her, Faye frowns at that. "Why? Why would someone be bad to you? You're probably the sweetest person I've met in a long time, the sweetest person at this school for sure."
"I'm suppose to believe--" Emilia growled through her teeth, back in human form again, rolling with the punches or in this case, blades. She saw what happened to the wooden table when the demon laid his hand on it, if she didnt want an amputation on her hands or anywhere else she would damn well avoid those blades and everywhere else. She dove to the side, rolling away to avoid a slice with the tail.

"That Faith and Macal allowed a--" The demon knocked her back, looking to pin her down. What was this amateur hour? Emilia was a professional, as if she would let this thing get a lead on her. As far as Emma knew, the demon was as vulnerable as the host's body, which was in poor condition. As far as Emma knew, this was a student. And with Faith standing right there, she had to put some effort forward not to kill the kid. More effort than it was worth, at least that was her opinion. Emma was having a hard time understanding how a demon of its kind had not prepared the body for hosting. There must be some kind of toll the host body was taking by being a vessel of such archaic darkness.

Emma shifted into a rabbit and lunged away, quickly shifting into a hawk and taking to the air, then changing back to a human and getting the drop on the demon, landing on top of it from behind and flattening it to the floor before hopping off and putting distance between them.

"With everything else going on," she gestured around the cafeteria motioning to everything that had happened, the possessing. her eyes never left the demon, "That they allowed an unholy creature, a demon, to infiltrate the school." There was a thunk from her arm as what appeared to be a ninja star pierced her upper arm. Emma grabbed it and pulled it out of her arm like it was nothing, because it was. She held it in her hand. "Nice toy."

Emilia's eyes flickered to Faith. "Is this is the company you choose to keep, then you can damn well find someone else to fix your "demon possessing" problem. Because I refuse to be responsible for lousy judgement."

She gave one last glare at the demon. Then looked at the security team. "If you allow your judgment to be over ruled by an obnoxious teenager, then you deserve to lose your job."

Emma then turned on her heal, blood dripping down her fingertip, and walked out of the cafeteria. She headed for the library.
Raina watched the whole exchange, then snorted once Emma has left and turned to look at Faith, "Nice teacher you got there." Sarcasm dripped from her words and she glanced around the room, "Sure hope she's not teaching me, or else I can see either one of us ending up dead five minutes into the lesson." She looked at Jagger then, as if she was considering asking him if he was alright, before her inner voice reminded her that she didn't do those sort of things and she looked away again, glancing over at the two people who had managed to knock out a few guards and get into the room. She recognized one as that annoying blonde chick's twin brother, but the other she didn't recall seeing.

She let out a small sigh then and glanced at Faith, "Just to give you a heads up, there's two kids over there who seemed to have taken down some of the guards, no idea what they want." She looked as if she considered going over, but she could still sort of feel the demon's presence amongst them, as though waiting for another outbreak of anger from someone, and she sure as heck wasn't going to be the one to give it to him.

She'd had a demon mess with her before when she was younger and more vulnerable, there was no way she was just going to lay down and let this one do the same to her again. She just needed to figure out how to do that exactly.
Hearing her father speak into her mind about the walls, Liza stops short where she is running in the halls, sword held up high over her head, and remains in this position as she replies. The average child could not hold something so large and heavy up like this, but Liza is no average child, of course.

“Daddy, do you like it? Isn’t it pretty? I know you said no more writing stuff but this is really good pictures and we don’t go no pictures on the walls and we did a good job. Plus also Riesa said it was okay. It was a very good idea I think. Daddy, did Mama see it yet?”

Sheena isn’t privy to this conversation, but she watches Macal wipe the walls with an arched eyebrow before sitting on the couch. “Yeah, between Liza and Faith, there’s gonna be an explosion tonight…hope the whatever this is thing stays away or someone might end up ran through with a sword or shot in the head with a crossbow.”

She nods in response to Macal’s question, understanding what he is really asking of her, then sighs, shrugging one shoulder. The truth is that she’s very confused about Alex. She’s angry with him, but the reasons why are becoming muddled and distant, second to the feeling itself. She knows that they are both being stubborn and self-focused, but she still can’t help but feel that she is right.

“I don’t know. We’re sort of fighting and he wants to leave…he always wants to leave, even when we’re not fighting. He doesn’t like it here. He wants to be off doing some mission and being like the number one guy everyone goes to, like the whole time he’s here I know he’s just doing it for me and he’s just settling for me and I can feel it. Like he’s never going to really be happy or really want to be here and he’s using it as some card to play against me, like he can draw it out at any point and stick it to me about how he’s only here because of me and other people would appreciate him more.”

(Um they’re inside their house, Jo? How did Riesa see them if they’re inside the house and the drawings are too? Isn’t she out in the hall?0


The student Faith doesn’t recognize yet, not having met Jagger, but it’s becoming obvious that this is in fact one of the new students- maybe the one Macal had mentioned in her mind earlier? If that’s the case then definitely this is far from the best introduction to the school he could have, and this could all go really bad, really fast if she didn’t step in.

However Raina throws a ninja star at Emma before Faith herself can physically interfere, which seems to do the trick to halt her actions as she shifts into a hawk, pulling away. The woman, Jagger, and Raina are all raising their voices at each other, and the blame seems to be directed at Faith as much as anyone. How the hell they could pin any of this on her was beyond her, and she holds up both hands, incredulous.

“Okay, first off, new…person. HEADMASTER?! Excuse me?! I’m headmaster of this place right now, so either you’re lying out your ass or someone is screwing with you, or else someone isn’t telling me shit about what goes on at my own school here. Who was it that told you that? Raina. Thanks for the help, okay? Emma,” she followed after the woman, grabbing hold of her arm and briefly forcing her to look at her, “It’s none of your damn business who is and isn’t admitted to this school, but for your information I know nothing about that person back there, but I’m sure as hell about to find out. But we’re getting something straight right here. Yes, there are demons and partial demons admitted to this school. And the majority of them are not evil or possessed or anything else. This is a school about redemption more than training or academics, and I’m not backing down from that mission because it makes you uncomfortable or because you disapprove. And you get this straight. I don’t pull rank here much, but I’m pulling it now. If you can do anything to help with the EVIL demon situation here, then you’re doing it, or else you’re finding somewhere else to work. I won’t have someone on staff who can help but won’t. I like you, we’re friends, but that’s just how it is.”

Letting her go, she called out after her, “Go get your arm looked at, okay?” before turning to Raina, sighing, and nods her understanding of her words, heading to the two students to break up that situation as well.


Katarina blushes at Faye’s compliment, ducking her head as a smile plays at her lips. She’s never been complimented before coming to this school, at least not by anyone other than her brother, sister, or guys trying to get into her pants. She isn’t sure how to respond to it, so she avoids that part, only talking about the guys.

“I don’t know. Adrian says it’s because they’re assholes who only want one thing. But…I don’t know, I sort of did a lot of things and…people sort of thought I was a…ho, or something.”

Embarrassed, she leads her down another hallway. “The library and art room is this way.”
Since the incident that occurred just moments ago River was striding forward with movements that oozed confidence. After the smack down with the security guards he was on an emotional high from the victory; An easy win, granted but he appreciated the warm-up. But as the teen neared the group a fight broke out - he was really interested in this little battle going on, could he join in and make matters worse at someone else's expense? Because he sure as hell wanted to cause a little chaos around here. Then he remembered that he had a taller companion that was supposed to be following him. The blue-eyed boy spun around 180° to check if Aries had stuck around and sure enough, there he was. River heard a groan and slinking behind him, almost in a sly manner was Aries, staring down at the man who he had just stepped on. He spoke monotonously about 'not seeing him' which made River grin. Aries was still following which was good, River liked the guy, Aries was interesting, fun and enjoyed his antics without getting annoyed and blowing River's brains out, out of sheer frustration. Although... having his brains exploding out the back of his head sounded amusing... maybe he'll try it later and get someone else to clean up the mess.

The older boy glanced at Aries and gave a sigh. "You look... impatient, or jittery or something! Where is Riesa? Either she's insanely good at hiding or I've gotten rusty at hunting..." River thought on this for a nano second before laughing, "no, there is no way my skills have dulled. No way at all." Then his mouth closed with a snap. Someone was nearing the two of them and immediately River pointed at Aries innocently, "he did it." River gave a poke at his side and giggled girlishly. "Naaaah, just kidding, it's all me, bubs!"
(No, I don't remember putting her outside..? Riesa is inside the house still, she was about to go hide in one of the bedrooms' when she heard Macal and Sheena, so she is there. Maybe you're thinking of Raina? She's inside the hall xD )

Faye smiles softly as she notes Katarina's reaction to being complimented, is she not complimented often then? Faye can't understand why, she's so kind and pretty it just makes sense that people would like her. Then again, thinking about it, most kids in this school were the types who tried to stamp on the weaker - essentially kinder - people so that they themselves wouldn't be stamped on. Like Raina. Thinking of her sister gave Faye a small headache at the moment - she loved Raina, she really did - but after the way she spoke to Katarina Faye wasn't so sure what to do now. Fair enough, the words weren't directed at her, as she knew Raina would never intentionally try to hurt her, but directed them at Kat, who was even shyer and fragile than Faye herself was at the moment, was just as bad.

She just needed to let it go for now. She'll cross that bridge when she gets to it.

She listens to Katarina talk about the boys, frowning as she quickly finishes her sentence and then jumps topic to the tour, as if trying to change the subject or divert the attention from her. She follows her either way, there is a small pang in her chest as Katarina speaks of the library, her mind instantly thinking of how Myra would have loved the library here, since she had always liked books and the quiet peace that came with the library itself, but she tells herself to focus, that she needs to stop connecting Myra with every sentence she hears, and she shrugs with a small grin.

"Not so sure I'll be visiting the library much, books and fire don't tend to go well." She pauses then, before looking at Katarina with a small, searching frown, "About the boys..., look, even if you did do 'a lot of things' that doesn't mean they should have hurt you. And trust me, after meeting you I can tell you that you are anything but a ho." She gave her a small smile, "And Adrian's got a point, almost every guy I've met is only after one thing, especially when they're drunk."


Aries was still following after River as they entered the cafeteria, and even though his body posture seemed casual his eyes were glancing around the room to try to spot his twin. He was worried. He hated that he was worried as well, it wasn't a nice feeling, but he couldn't help but think back to what happened last time they were apart. It couldn't happen here though surely. Neither the students nor the teachers would do that sort of thing, hopefully, besides, he was older now, more able to defend himself. It shouldn't happen again.

It was just when he had come to the conclusion that Riesa was not definitely not in this room when River's voice drifted to his ears and he immediately glanced to the older boy, there was a flicker of momentary panic in Aries's brown eyes for a moment before it was replaced by a cool sort of calmness and a slightly intrusive gaze, he was slightly annoyed that River had picked up on his state of mind, and made a mental note to keep his guard up a bit tighter around the other boy.

He didn't reply to River asking where Riesa was, almost as if he didn't want to admit to not knowing, but he gave him a small smirk before speaking next, "I'm sure your skills are the same as always, Riesa's just very good at hiding, we both are." He assumed that they had six years of living on the streets, hiding from cops, do-gooders and criminals alike to thank for that. Then River seemed to spot something behind them, judging by how his eyes moved from Aries to the space behind him, and the younger twin wasted no time in turning to face said-person. River was suddenly blaming the guards' current state on him, and Aries didn't object but just rolled his eyes. He moved away when he was poked, frowning as if it made him uncomfortable, before he glanced up at the woman whom he recognized as the headteacher from earlier.

He watched her for a moment, a proper soul-stare, his eyes searching as though he was analyzing the woman before he seemed to finish and come to a conclusion and look at River, "Hey River, Riesa's not here, are you coming with me to find her or do you want to have the pleasure of telling Faith why her guards are on the floor?"


Raina watches when Faith steps in and deals with the situation, somewhat relieved, and when Faith looks to her, saying her name, Raina is expecting for her to tell her to butt out, don't interfere next time, or even have a go at her for throwing that ninja star at Emma, but instead she gets - albeit short - an actual thank you, as though she had done something good, and she frowns for a moment, as though she doesn't get why she is being thanked, before she shrugs and her expression returns to how it was before again.

When Faith nods at her and heads over to the two new students, Raina decides not to follow her, and glances at Jagger, wondering if she should ask if he was alright - is that what you're supposed to do in these situations? - before her brain catches up and wards her against it, she decides there's nothing else for her to do, so she thinks to leave, but as she walks over she realises the two people and Faith are sort of blocking the doorway now anyway.

She holds back her sigh, seems she is heading over there after all.
( . . . How does Faye think Vash is hot? Dark? Bad boys? Jagger I can sort of get but Vash is like a puppy or marshmallows or a puppy made out of marshmallows. He can't handle his liquor. He's stupidly honest and happy. Hardly bad boy material. It's just not making sense to me if Faye goes for the dark bad boy types. Also, I think some gender bender would be fun. Temporary of course. But how are you going to get people to step into a questionable machine?)

"Who the Hell is Faith?" Jagger shouted as Emily jumped off of him. Having only spoken to Macal, he had assumed the war god was the headmaster. The only headmaster here. Apparently that wasn't the case. Was it a co-runner sort of thing or was Jagger lied to. His eyes narrowed, quite unhappy with the blonde's words. "You'd think a woman of your skills would've met enough people in your lifetime not to be so uptight about race. Holy this. Unholy that. You're just as bad as those a**holes upstairs."

As Emma left, Jagger reverted back to his human form. Flexing his hand as the last of the red drained away, he was glad that he still had full control over his transformation. "First, the poodle boy and now a shifter. You guys certainly know how to make a guy feel welcomed here."

Soon a brunette woman approaches Jagger, calling herself the headmaster. He raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Headmaster? You sure?" Thinking back to what Emma said, he recalled her shouting out two names. He met Macal supposedly, so was this Faith? "Isn't the headmaster that guy . . . who is not here anymore . . . Great. But the big guy? Built like a house? Likes to show off a little too much? Wants me to teach the kids how to fight dirty . . . essentially? Something about pancakes? Sort of assumed he was the guy in charge."
((Emma is hard convinced that Jagger is the problem. For the most part her state of mind is twisted, so i dont mean to offend anyone. but anyways, It's nice to have an...uncommon enemy, for lack of a better term. Emma's in need of someone to be at odds with. Also sorry for holding anyone up :) ))

Emma allows Faith to grab her arm, even to hold onto it while she lectures her. Emilia knows fully well of the stakes, and the role of superior versus subordinate, She was not one to take such a relationship lightly. But Emma was also one to choose her battles, and this one she was willing to fight. A demon was a demon, they all come from the same damned place, and there would be no mistaking the two. Even if this was some rogue demon going native, who's to say what allegiance the creature will have when things get shifty.

Emma snatched her arm away from Faith, never once breaking eye contact, her expression hard. She was given an order, and of course she had the capabilities. Emma would obey, there should be no personal feelings involved. That was Emilia's mistake. This was not her school. Merely an assignment. Who was she to care if some out-of-control brat died? She wasnt. Emma was not permanently invested here, she could pick up and leave any moment and make money someplace else doing slightly more illegal things but two fold of the cut.

So what was keeping her here? An assignment. And she would stay only until reassigned.

Emilia's expression did not change. She would allow Faith to feel like she won, that was best play at the moment until she could finish a game plan. "You can find me in the library if you need me." Blood still ran down her arm, Emma had no intention of seeking medical attention. Being in the field for so long, one learned how to perform first aid. And this, this little scratch in her arm, it was nothing. She turned, shifting into the same hawk from before, only with a red soaked wing, and flew down the hallway.

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