Dormer Academy

Jagger swore rather loudly when he was woken by the sound of knocking at his door. Come on, he just wanted some goddamn sleep. Groaning, he sluggishly got off the bed and started for the door, scratching his neck. Damn, the scar wrapping around his neck was starting to itch badly. That coupled with the sudden wake up call, annoyed Jagger enough for his eyes to turn red. Jagger opened the door, ready to bite off the head of whoever decided to wake him up, only to see Macal there. His eyes dulled a bit but still remained reddish in color. "Oh, it's just you. What the Hell do you want anyway?"
Riesa let out a giggle as Liza responded enthusiastically to her, "We're not super old at all! We're 17, that's not even technically an adult!" She let out a whoop of excitement at Liza's next words, "Yay! I've got a little sister!" She grabbed Liza's hands then, jumping on the bed with her now, and grinned, "Come on then! We should go play dress up, do you have somewhere fun where we can play? Can you teleport us there? I've always wanted to teleport!"

Aries looked over at that, frowning lightly, "Ri, please don't teleport, I don't want to have to go looking through the school to find you." When he however heard River's comment about eating Liza he grimaced lightly, muttering, "Don't give her any ideas, please." But there was amusement in his glance he gave River a smirk to show he was finding it as funny as he was.

Aries was watching Riesa trying to coax Liza into teleporting her somewhere fun, but when River exclaimed about not having toys he turned his attention back to the boy and watched his side of the phone call curiously, he snickered at some of the comments River made, quickly gathering that the guy on the other end of the line seemed to be just as twisted as the three teens in the room - stealing and shooting people, yeah, just like them, except they didn't use guns, but maybe River did..he was getting off track now. He caught the phone effortlessly as it was chucked back and he slid it into his pocket, watching River curiously for a moment before speaking, "Your pal there sounds fun. Just tell him not to call me any more. I might be tempted to answer with an air horn next time, maybe." He grinned lightly before glancing back to Riesa and Liza, almost as though checking on Riesa was an unconscious thought of his.


Faye titled her head but still had her smile as Katarina mentioned Raina's being a vampire. She chuckled lightly, amused by that reasoning, "It's not because she's a vampire, I mean, I'm half-vampire and I'm not that mean, right?" She hopes she doesn't come off as mean anyway, sure she has a very bad temper on her, but that doesn't make her mean...does it?

She doesn't realise she is gnawing slightly on her bottom lip now, a recent thing she has started to do whenever she gets worried about something, but when she hears Katarina's nervous voice speak up she glances up at her and stops biting her lip, watching the older girl as she struggles to ask her something.

She grins at Katarina's way of asking her to hang out, finding it sorta sweet that she was a bit too nervous to outright ask, she cuts her off, as she realises she's having trouble asking, "I'd love to hang out, maybe you could show me some of the places around here? I mean, me and Rai only got here just the other day, even if so much has happened don't have to of course, if you can think of anything else you'd rather do." She tries to give her a reassuring smile and hopes it worked. She can already tell how sensitive Kat is just from how she speaks and acts and doesn't want to scare off a potential friend if she can help it.
"I do! I do make tag fun!" Liza declared, bobbing her head enthusiastically in response to River's comment. "Tag is always fun but it is funner when you can teleport and make it hard!"

"Yay!" she was just as excited as Riesa, holding her hands and jumping up and down as she beamed up at her. "Let's go to my room! 'Cause I got toys. I got stuffed friends and I got dresses and I got trucks and ponies plus also my mama has fun clothes that are too big for me but they're fun anyway. Plus also she has that stuff she puts on her lips which is really cool to draw on walls in! Let's go!"

Without listening to Aries's warning, she seizes Riesa's hand and teleports out into her room.


Faye a half vampire? Katarina never would have guessed it. The girl had never been mean to her so far, and so she had assumed meanness and vampire just went together. But then again, she would have thought the same of giant bears, so she supposed nothing was that simple.

Smiling back at Faye, a little more fully now, surprised that the girl would accept her invitation but nevertheless thankful, Katarina nods, licking her lips. "Yeah, I can do that. Adrian and I are pretty new too, but we've been here long enough to know where things are. It can get confusing, figuring out where everything is for a while."

Sheena- with Adrian

Faith- with Emma
Riesa lets out an excited whoop at Liza's list of things she has and that they can do, and when she is teleported she finds herself landing in some sort of squishy pile of toys and she giggles excitedly, "That was so much fun! I've never teleported before! I was kinda worried that half of my body would end up in one place and the other half somewhere else but nope! I'm all in one piece!"

She paused for a moment, as if thinking, before leaping up from the pile of toys - with some difficulty - and grinning at Liza, "What did you say about drawing on walls? Can we do that first? We could make up a whole world full of castles and dragons with princesses and knights!" Of course, she was genuinely thrilled to be playing with Liza anyway, but seeing the look on her 'mama''s face when she finds the walls covered in her lipstick would be hilarious.

"Does she have different colours as well?"


Faye smiled happily at Katarina when she agreed to show her around, "Thanks!" She rubbed the back of head awkwardly, "Yeah, I remember one time when I went to this new school I ended up walking into the boys changings room because I thought it was my Art lesson.." She giggled lightly, "That stuck with me for a while."

She looked up at her, "So yeah, being shown around would be great, I'd rather not walk into a room with a bunch of half-naked guys staring at me again this time around" She was grinning though, so clearly the situation hadn't traumatised her or anything.

Faye then glanced to Bucky, "Are you coming as well?"


Aries meanwhile, still back in the room with River, just stared at the spot where Riesa and Liza HAD been. Not anymore though. She had gone and teleported away with a five year old even when Aries had told her not to. Dammit. He let out an exasperated sigh and stood up, "Well this is great, now I have to go find her before she ends up pissing off someone enough to get herself attacked."

He paused and glanced to River, "You feel like coming on a Riesa-hunt with me? Whoever finds her first gets a golden egg."
Izabella looked between her husband and daughter for a moment in pure confusion as she watched Akira introduce himself like they had never met before. "Yes...I'd like to know what is going on as well..." Moving closer to her husbands side she watched as Mitsumi started chewing on her lower lip, a nervous habbit of hers and wondered for a split second if she had done something to cause this.

"He...he doesn't remember who he is..." Mitsumi had hoped that much was obvious. She didn't really know how else to explain it to her parents otherwise. "Alex said he found him...somewhere in Japan..." Tilting her head to the side, she looked over at Akira, feeling a little guilty for talking about him like this with him standing there looking so innocent in the center of the room. "-he found him like this, only well I guess a bit more haggared. He must have been living on the streets and judging on how pale he is, well paler then usual, he hadn't fed in should've seen how quickly he drained a bag..."

Izzy shook her head. "How could this happen...he wasn't with your father and I when HardTime had captured us...I remember every detail of our time down there now...I would have remembered seeing him...I don't understand..."

"Well that makes two of us...he seemed to start remembering me, a little anyways and he reacted when I called him Ace..." Sighing softly, Mistumi went over to Akira and gently took his hand in both of hers and gave it a little squeeze as she looked up into his eyes. "It's okay parents, they're going to help you get your memory back, I promise..." Leaning up, she quickly kissed his cheek before backing away and waited for her father to speak his thoughts.

Scratching at her head, Izzy looked curiously at her husband as well. "Mitsumi, we...I don't know what you expect your father and I to took me months before I remembered everything and..."

"Well you have to try! You both owe me that much!"


Bucky nodded at Faye's offer and offered the girl a small smile in return. "I suppose I could tag along, as long at Katarina doesn't mind a body gurad..."

He looked down at the human and winked, showing her that he was only teasing. The last thing he wanted to do was insult her and make her feel like she couldn't handle things on her own, but with everything that had been going on, he knew he would feel a lot better if he could keep an eye on her. If anything happened to her, Bucky knew that her brother would never let him hear the end of it, and he really did want to get on Adrian's good side.


((where is Josh atm so I know where to send Cora?))
It'd be appreciated if someone would reply. I may be new but I'm no 8 year old. The only reason I ask is because I'm not yet adjusted to this particular forums, not because I am incompetent.
Akkiholio said:
It'd be appreciated if someone would reply. I may be new but I'm no 8 year old. The only reason I ask is because I'm not yet adjusted to this particular forums, not because I am incompetent.
((Patience, the author or mods are probably offline at the moment. I'm sure they'll get to you soon enough. :) ))
*Mac held up his hands smirking at Jagger.* Geesh grouchy much? I just thought you wanted to borrow some clothes until you had a chance to go buy yourself something or do you like the whole Hobo with a Shotgun look? Look I borrowed some off duty clothes from a few of my security team because lets face it pal, no way in hell you could wear anything I own. *Being he's all of 6 foot 4 inches and broad as a brick wall* I figured you may want to burn those rags you came in with then I would show you around the academy. But hey if you want to wait till tomorrow that's fine, we'll just set up some fans so the smell of those old clothes down fill the hallways. (Weird Jagger is a bit of a tool but he challenges Mac and he likes that.)

*Alex is laying on his bed in his quarters, debating on rather or not to follow through with what he said and quit, leave this place and just go back to his old base, restart his command, he could probably convince Akira to come back with him..If he ever gets his memory back and becomes the old bad ass he used to be. He just doesn't feel like he fits in here, he's not really a student or an instructor he's pretty much an enigma here...Staying only to be close to Sheena but she seems to not want to be around him so what's the point of staying. He continues to lay there staring at the ceiling when his data pad next to him starts buzzing and displays incoming call Tony Stark, Alex rolls his eyes then turns away from the pad so he can't see it, after a few moments it stops buzzing. Alex sighs in relief that the buzzing stopped that was before, every piece of tech in his room starts buzzing, displaying incoming call Tony Stark, driving Alex crazy with the buzzing he jumps up and starts to shut things off but he has so much stuff it begins to become a fruitless effort. Finally not being able to do anything about the buzzing he grabs his jacket and keys and runs out the door. Eventually reaching the parking garage he climbs on his motorcycle and takes off driving towards the front gates. As he reaches the gates he slows to wait for them to open up suddenly stops a few feet from them when he sees a fimillar figure in red and gold armor hovering just a few feet off the ground in front of the gates.* Didn't anyone ever tell you? When opportunity knocks...Or in this case calls you should answer?

(Ok new comers there is a signup sheet you need to submit a character for approval here and try not to clog up the rp with just OC comments..Thanks alot)
{Jirro stepped towards Akira placing his hand on his head and closing his eyes.} His block isn't the same as your mother's was, I sense truma not any kind of power or spell like what happened to Izabella. You poor lad you saw something that could terrify even someone as powerful as you.

{Akira's eyes open wide when Jirro says he saw something that was so horrible that he had to not only block it but he lost himself in the process} How is it possible, if I'm this powerful being like you say I am how could something frighten me so much that I would do that to myself?

{Jirro's eyes turn black as his fangs come out and without any warning he grabs Akira and sinks his fangs into his neck and starts to drink his blood, Akira struggles against him at first but soon he relaxes against him. As Jirro feeds he starts to absorb Akira's memories, because even if his mind doesn't remember his blood holds it all. After a few moments he pulls away, his eyes return to normal.} I've seen enough, I will discuss what I saw with your mother first then with you two. Mitsumi you have the power to return what has taken from him, your history is in your blood, remember we're the Sage bloodline, knowledge is stored in our blood..History is recorded in our cells, feeding from you will be like reading a book about your lives together, your memories will become his and it will make him whole again.

{Jirro steps away from a confused Akira, moving in front of his wife and speaking in a low voice.} My suspicions were right, both HardTime and Marie took him also, they kept him separate from us, they made him watch an image of Mitsumi being raped and tortured over and over again, I can't blame him for not wanting to remember that. We have to finish this soon, I'm not sure how much longer I can stand living in the world where those monsters are allowed to do this.
(sorry, wasn't getting notifications. Newcomers, as others have said, the sign up thread is there, please utilize that instead of posting on here. Also, no, I do not check this every few hours, I'm pretty busy right now).

Faith: still with Emma

Liza nods enthusiastically in response to Riesa's question about Faith's lipstick, jumping to her feet and running to her door. Looking behind her to see if Riesa is following, she elaborates, "Yes! She got red and brown and black and pink and plus also I think she got other red and other pink. She don't wear the black except once at Halloween though 'cause it makes her look like her lips are falling off I think. Plus also she has stuff you put on your eyes and it's ALL KINDSA colors! Only it don't write as good. But we can try."

Practically skipping into her mother's bedroom, she immediately rummages on her dresser looking for the described makeup, opening its case and scattering the contents over her bed. Picking out a red lipstick and holding it up, she waits for Riesa to join her, saying triumphantly, "See this is nice and red and pointy. It will write real good. I think I can even draw with it. I can draw Clifford 'cause he's red and funny and cute."


Katarina smiled back at Faye, then giggled at her description of her embarrassment, one hand partly covering her mouth. She herself would have been embarrassed too, but she thankfully hadn't had such an experience yet.

"Were any of them shirtless and nice looking?" she teased, before casting a slightly guilty look back at Bucky. When Faye asks for him to join too, she smiles back at him, accepting his own teasing without hurt feelings.

"I think you just like to watch my body, Bas...not guard it," she shot back, then blushed brilliantly. For her, this was quite the comeback. Looking back at Faye quickly, she gestured. "We can start now?"


Sheena is trying not to think about Alex.

She's supposed to be spending time with Adrian, after all. Helping the guy sort of...make friends or be normal or...something. She wasn't exactly sure what her assignment was with him, and it seemed he wasn't too comfortable either. The awkwardness as they walked and talked together was not yet fading, and it didn't help that he seemed to want to find his sister, and she wanted...well, she wasn't sure.

She was still annoyed with Alex, even pissed. He was overreacting and refusing to acknowledge his part in things, adding fuel to the fire when he should have let it die down on its own. He was leaving ship when everyone needed him most, making everything about her and her own fault even where clearly fault lay with him. He was supposed to be the guy, why was he so freaking emotional and needy anyway, why did everything she do seem to just gut him?

But at the same time...he wasn't just leaving the building, the academy. He was leaving her. Even if she had not wanted him around her, for him to actually want to leave? That hurt?

As she continues to look for Faith with Adrian, she stops herself repeatedly from texting Alex. No, she will NOT give in.
((Ohmygod. This is pissing me off. I swear to god that I posted a reply to Faith, I remember reading it over again. I wondered why you hadn't replied back. I can't find what I wrote! Usually I write it in Notes on my iPod but its not there either! I must be going insane))
Riesa can barely hold back her own giggles as Liza so willingly elaborates on all the colour lipsticks her Mum has, finding the little girl not only adorable but incredibly amusing as well, and she is already imagining all the things they can draw with the aforementioned colours. She listens to Liza with a grin on her lips as Liza goes on to talk about Halloween and eye shadows that they could try to use.

She follows the skipping girl quite happily, almost skipping herself, and comes to a halt in front of the bed just as Liza tips out all the makeup. She giggles lightly as Liza holds up the red one and tells her she wants to draw Clifford with it. Riesa vaguely remembers watching Clifford when she was little, and she loved the idea of having a giant red pet dog.

She picks up the black and pink lipstick, looking them over to check their pointiness as she casually speaks, "Red's my favourite colour actually," She looks up at Liza and beams at her with this statement, "I think I'll draw a huge pink heart, these ones look like good ones to draw with!" She holds out the lipsticks for Liza to check if she thinks they look alright to use before glancing around the room, "Hmm, should we draw the pictures in here for your mama to see or are we supposed to do it somewhere else?"

She looks at Liza innocently, as if she isn't encouraging a little girl to deface her family's home walls with makeup.


Faye's smile broadens as Katarina actually giggles, this in her eyes is a massive accomplishment, since she hadn't yet heard the older girl laugh yet, and she knows just from interacting with her that Katarina is majorly shy. Faye herself lets out a laugh at Katarina's words, and it takes a moment before she can respond, still partially giggling, "A few of them, I mean, they were all a few years older than me as well so at the time I thought most of them were super hot," She tilted her head then and put her finger to her chin, "Now that I think back on it, only about two or three were actually good-looking."

She smirked slightly as she noticed the guilty look Katarina gave to the guy beside her, Bas she called him, and made a mental note to lock those two alone in a room later on today. She grinned as Katarina teased Bas about her body and her blush afterwards completely made up her mind; she was so getting those two together.

She nodded in response to Katarina, "Yeah sure, whenever's cool with me. I haven't got anything else to be doing," She gave her a grin at the end of her sentence and bounced slightly on the balls of her feet, waiting for the two of them to move and lead her somewhere.
( . . . Okay? . . . )

Jagger crossed his arms, not amused by Macal's offer or joke. "I'll have you know, I don't own a shotgun. They are a bit crude for my tastes. I have a collapsible high caliber sniper scythe with retractable blade and grappling hook attachment. Or at least I did until one of your students confiscated it from me." He did consider a change of clothes but he didn't really want to wear something owned by someone else, a complete stranger at that. Plus would those fuddy duddy guards even have something Jagger would like? It seemed very unlikely to him. "I'll have to pass on that. Don't think your employees would have anything my style. Besides, if your students can handle a bit of stink, well, they're not really cut out for combat, are they?"

Jagger narrowed his eyes, suspicious at Macal's offer of a tour of the school. It wasn't exactly a headmaster's job to do that. Did this guys really have nothing better to do? "Really? A tour? Now I'm pretty sure you have other people who can do that for you. So why has the big bad god of war come to seek me out personally?"
*Mac didn't really care for the manners of Jagger and toss the bag with the clothes through the door on the floor.* Suit yourself on the clothes, I was trying to be polite. As for your weapon I will see what I can do to get it back for you but don't hold your breath on that, being it's the spoils of war and all who am I to deny one of my students her prize after she defeated you in fair combat? And yes I have people here that can do something as mundane as show you around but given I have the time I decided to do it myself, even tho I'm a King, I was never pampered as a child, I was always thought to lead by example, and get my hands dirty. I come from a long line of Kings that lead from the battlefield and not just their thrones, I've even been known to do my own dishes. So do you want to take a tour or do you wish to stay in here all day?

*Alex talks to Stark for about 15 minutes before he steps back in his armor and takes off to the south, Alex decides he'll take his ride another time and heads back to the academy, after leaving his motorcycle he decides to go for a bite to eat, strange enough his path crosses Sheena and Adrian but he walks on without a word to either and walks on to the cafetria after getting some food and some coffee he finds a table in the corner and pulls out a data pad that Stark handed him before he took off and starts reading it.*
((combined Josh/Cora post between @MagicPocket and I))

Grabbing her bag from the seat besides her, Cora stood up and after offering Faith another smile and a tiny wave, followed Josh out of the cafeteria.

In a better mood now, she adjusted the hold she had on her belongings and took everything in as they walked through more hallways. She was practically skipping as more students passed her, and a wave of belonging washed over her.

"So, anyone can go here huh?" She was almost positive she had smelled the faint scent of human here, mixed in with all the others. "I honestly never thought all these different supernaturals could be under the same roof and get along...hell, if my Pride even got a whiff of others in our territory, they'd go nuts..."

Shrugging, she shuts up, feeling a slight twinge of guilt for talking bad about her kind. "Don't you guys worry about bad things coming in?"

He watched the skip, the enthusiasm in her step. Her cheeks no longer flushed pink, her expression more relaxed. "You seem to be adjusting nicely," Joshua observed, his voice light with a smile on his lips.

He listens and senses that she slips when she mentions her "Pride". We're panther lingo, must mean her family. Cora obviously did not mean to say that. Joshua pretends not to notice the slip.

"We have all types of Supernaturals under our roof, sure," he shrugs as if its no big deal, "There are fights and sometimes kids can get out of hand. Rambunctious children and raging hormonal teenagers can do that to a place like this. I help with that, anger management, control, counseling. Emma is a Nazi-Hitler with punishment around here, maybe I'm over exaggerating. For the other..." He glanced at Cora from the corner of his eyes, continuing down the hallway at his steady pace, "Bad things...our instructors are experienced veterans, they can handle themselves if ever shit hit the fan. But we have active SHIELD agents on patrol around her to make sure our students are safe."

Cora nodded slowly as she took in what Josh said, and continued looking around. "Yeah well..." She turned to smile at him again, a playful gleam in her eyes, and when she moved, her hair fell back behind her shoulders. "I ain't a hormonal teenie, so ya got nothing to worry about there."

More students passed them in the hall, and she continued to smile, nodding at a few even. She couldn't help but feel a little out of place though, realizing that she was a lot older then the students she was seeing. Pausing, she turns mid step to face Josh and scratches at the back of her neck.

"Is there like a program here for older advance classes maybe?" She shrugged, feeling sheepish again. "I'm not the oldest non student here, am I?"
((Ill get a post back up for Emma after this))

When Cora asks if "bad things" happen. He is t quite sure how to answer at first, what with the attacks and the two recent deaths that just occurred.

"We have all types of Supernaturals under our roof, sure," he shrugs as if its no big deal, "There are fights and sometimes kids can get out of hand. Rambunctious children and raging hormonal teenagers can do that to a place like this. I help with that, anger management, control, counseling. Emma is a Nazi-Hitler with punishment around here, maybe I'm over exaggerating. For the other..." He glanced at Cora from the corner of his eyes, continuing down the hallway at his steady pace, "Bad things...our instructors are experienced veterans, they can handle themselves if ever shit hit the fan. But we have active SHIELD agents on patrol around her to make sure our students are safe."

At the question of more advanced courses, he understands since she is much older than regular students. "I'm not quite sure about regular "advanced" classes. I'm sure we have them. I, myself, do not have an "advanced" course, I suppose it would be more one-on-one time, working on mastery of a particular skill." He rubbed the back of his head, thinking. "We have a few older students like yourself. Alex, I believe, for one example. He's an older student, but he is also a SHIELD agent. Not a teacher but not quite a student since he doesn't really need the instruction. But I'm confident we can find a place for you here."

He gave her a reassuring smile and opened the door to the office for her.
“I think the living room is the best place!” Liza decided, gathering several lipsticks into her hands. “’Cause then people who come to visit can all see and know we did it and it’s cool and pretty and stuff. And maybe they can draw too and it will be so wicked! Let’s do it in the living room! Let’s do it on the CEILING! Do we got a really tall chair?”

She ran into the living room and started to experiment, dragging a chair into the center of the floor and going to stand on it. She’s too short to reach the ceiling even when stretching on her tiptoes, so she starts to balance several couch cushions atop it. Climbing on top and balancing precariously, Liza begins to scrabble out a very awkward “Clifford” on the ceiling that looks rather like a mess of red smear than an actual dog shape. She hums to herself happily as she works.

“I like dogs, dogs say bow wow. I’m drawing a dog on the ceiling now!”


“Oh, that’s too bad. Wasted opportunity,” Katarina smiled back at Faye, shaking her head. “Maybe next time you can wait until you know that some guys who are hot are in there, and you can just sneak in and pretend it was an accident then.”

Of course she wouldn’t do such a thing herself, and she’s still blushing to tell Faye to do it. But it’s a fun idea, and it’s fun to talk to another girl like this, like a friend. Katarina had not been at all popular in high school, and other girls had talked so badly about her she had hidden from most of them as much as possible. Talking to Faye isn’t as scary as she had anticipated, and she finds herself opening up a little more, worrying less as she goes on about how she looks or sounds to her.

“I guess we can start with the inside? I can show you the classes and where people eat and sleep and work out and stuff,” she tells her, gesturing for her to follow as they start towards the front of the academy. “Bas? You’re coming too or do you need to go somewhere…?”


When Alex crosses in front of them and says nothing, Sheena’s breath catches, and she starts to call out to him, but then stops herself. She’s not chasing him. Not in front of Adrian especially. Alex can do whatever the hell he wants, what does she care?

And yet she finds herself hastening a confused Adrian back inside, tracking Alex down by his scent. She finds herself leaving him standing awkwardly in the cafeteria door as she stalks up to Alex, her anger already rising. She can feel something crackling within her as she leans in close, swiping the data pad out of his hand and throwing it against the wall.

“I thought you were leaving! Why the hell aren’t you going then? All you do is go back and forth, you’re a damn yo-yo, you want me you don’t, you love me you don’t, you want to leave you’re back, you’re someone’s man-bro and you’re my boyfriend, I’m too much for you and you can’t live without me, and now here you are sitting here reading your little toy thing when you told me you were leaving, making up your damn mind, Alex Sage!”

She can’t seem to control the words coming out, and her hair is standing slightly on end. Even to herself this feels strange, distant from her feelings, as though she is not quite feeling them herself.

(It’s Thanatos back)
*Alex watches his data pad slam against the wall and shatter, he's all set to snap at her when he looks around and can see other people now staring at them, he stands and steps towards the mess and starts to gather the pieces up but there are just to many to get. He stands up straight and turns around to face her, calmly speaking to her so not to make a bigger scene.* What I do is no longer a concern of yours, as you said to everyone before..What I do doesn't matter so just ignore me but fyi, I'm waiting for approval from your father for my transfer and even if he doesn't approve it, I just got a very interesting offer from Stark. Now if you're done further embrassing me and making into a even bigger joke I'd like to eat in peace. You dare speak to me about love! After all I've given up for you and then there is this. *He pulls open his shirt revealing the scar she gave him. * Half an inch more and you would have ripped my heart out..It still would have been kinder then how you treated me lately, so how can I love someone that can treat me like crap and disrespect me in public over and over like you do then have the nerve to blame me for getting upset. *He tilts his head and sees Adrian* You have no respect for anyone, aren't you here with that guy and you left him to come over here to yell at me? *Instead of sitting back down he walks pass her and steps in front of Adrian.* I don't know what your deal is but good luck.
Emma lets Faith vent to her, she listens patiently to what the woman has to say. "It seems," Emma begins to say, pushing off from the railing and walking back in the house. She grabs the bottle and saunters back outside. A cool breeze from the earth cooling after a long day, rustles her drying hair. "It seems that I miss all the action," she fills Faith's and her own glass with another inch. "And, most regrettably, the drama," she adds with sarcasm. "Whenever I'm gone. Seems like everything goes to hell when I leave." She nudged the woman's side, Emma was teasing Faith now. She hid her smirk with her glass as she took a drink.

"You've had your hands full, a responsibility to this academy that I wouldn't want on my shoulders. I respect that. Next time, if you need help, let me know. Protecting what we have here, that is what's important. I don't know what's going in here. With the demons and all. I'll be looking into it." Emma's frowned slightly.

((Crappy post. Sorry))
Izzy barely even flinched as her husband sank his fangs into Akira’s neck, but one hand did shoot out, grasping at Mitsumi’s wrist as she growled out a protest, moving forwards as if to stop him.

“Don’t,” she warned her. “-your father knows what he is doing…”

Ripping her hand free from her mother’s grasp, Mitsy’s eye, which had gone golden, narrowed slightly as she watched the two men closely, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. When Jirro was finished, she rushed forward, one arm going protectively around her former boyfriend and glared up at the older Black Blood, until she realized exactly what he had done. How could she have been so stupid, she could have tapped into his memories hours ago that way…

When Jirro brings up the fact that she can restore Akira’s memories for him, she feels uncertain for a moment, not knowing if Akira could handle feeding on her blood. Hers was special, at least that was what her parents were constantly telling her. She was different, stronger…she was a little worried that it may be too intense for him. She knew the exchanging of blood between two Black Bloods was usually a more, well sexual experience, something she and Akira had never shared before. She felt a little funny letting him feed from her now, especially like this.

Offering her father a grateful nod, and her mother a small smile, Mitsy watches as both parents leave to discuss what Jirro had saw, and then turns to face Akira once more. Her eyes are still golden, a black ring playing around them and her cheeks have gone pink. “Well….you heard the man…if you want to remember…” Trailing off, her gaze drops to her feet and she pushes her hair to one side, exposing her throat to him. “I’m not going to force you to do this…but if he thinks it’ll help then…”

Taking a step up to him, the top of her head just barely grazes his chin and she stands there shaking for a moment. “Just feed…then we can figure out where to go from here…”


Izzy closes the door to their apartment behind them as she and Jirro step back into the hallway. Of course it had been those two…it was always those two…the more she thought about it the angrier the Hybrid got and the angrier she got…

Swallowing hard, Izzy forced herself not to give into her anger again, recalling what had happened in the cafeteria and focuses on her husband’s hearbeat instead, allowing the beat to slowly calm her down.

“We have to get rid of those tow already…” her voice was hard, and when she looked up at Jirro, her eyes had gone black. Just thinking about what they had done to Akira ontop of the torture they had put herself and Jirro through, was almost too much for Izabella to stand.

“Mac said he had an idea how right? Or that he was going to come up with a plan…I want them dead Jirro…that b***h Marie especially…I

want this over!”


Bucky smiles warmly as he follows along silently behind Katarina and Faye, rolling his eyes at Kat's playful jabs about him guarding her and just shakes his head as they get closer back to the academy. It was nice seeing her smile, especially after everything that had been going down the last few days. Aside from Izzy and her family, no one else in this place really mattered that much to Bucky...then this human girl came along and...

The Lycan shook his head and was shook from his thoughts when Kat had turned around again to ask him what his plans were. "Um..." he scratched at the back of his neck before running his hand through his hair. "Why don't you girls go along without me...come see me later if you want...I still owe you that picnic..." he smiled at her. "-I really should go see what's been going on with Izzy. I feel bad for just leaving her and the others like that."

He goes to hug her but then pauses, remembering that Faye was standing there, watching them and drops his hands at his sides, feeling sheepish. "Will you be okay?"


Cora follows Josh into the office, still looking around. She wasn't exactly looking forward to filling out paperwork.

"Yeah...I figured I'd ask...I mean...I'd feel a little funny if my first day of classes, I walked in and found out everyone was like...teenagers and I was the only on in my twenties, ya know?" Offering Josh another smile, she dropped her bag onto the floor and spotted a clipboard on one of the tables there. Seeing that it had new student forms there, she ripped one off and looked around for a pen.

" really don't like this Emma person huh?" Eyeing Josh over the paper, she spotted a pen by some books and started scrawling her information across the form. "I don't mean to's just, well you've mentioned her a few times and each time..." she trailed off and chuckled softly, shaking her head. A smirk tugged at her lips and she paused her writing to really look at the older guy. "You're heart beat increased I'm guessing some minor hostility? You said no for a girlfriend, so I'm guessing ex maybe? Turned ya down? Something? I mean, if this is a place for all the good guys, she can't be that bad right?"

The werepanther knew it was rude to pry in other's business, especially when she hardly knew them, but it felt nice talking to someone she hadn't grown up with, or had been forced to be friends with because of the Pride. It was a weird feeling, trying to make friends. Cora wondered if she had the hang of it yet.
"Hostility..." He mused over the word. "No, no," he dismissed. "We were assigned to a mission together years ago. She is an amazingly skilled and successful agent. Mutual disagreement, would be a better term. Difficult to get along with sometimes. There's something about me that puts her off. I have t quite figured the trigger yet. But I'm lead to believe it has something to do with my abilities..."

Joshua dropped his equipment and plopped down on the couch, crossing his ankles and resting his heals on the coffee table, he made himself comfortable on the leather sofa. "At least," he shrugged, closing his eyes and sinking back into the couch, "That is my thought process on it. I didn't even know she worked here until thirty minutes ago."
River fiddled with his sleeve while smirking at Aries, "if you're going to answer with an air horn then I'm not going to say a thing to him. Just make sure I'm around to watch it!" A devilish smile grew on his face but was then was replaced with a look of awe as Riesa and Liza vanished together, he looked at Aries in amusement to see him give a great sigh. River jumped up as Aries stood and began bouncing on his heels. "Huh, I thought I'd be the first to be attacked... I don't have good impulse control, ya' know." As Aries spoke to him, River skipped gleefully to the door and opened it wide to let him pass, "sure, I'm a good hunter!" His voice continued, echoing down the hallway after the excitable boy passed through the door - it paused for a moment and River's head popped around the doorway with a look of confusion. "You can get golden eggs? Why does no one tell me things like this? I could make a golden omelette or something like that."

(Sorry for the blegh-ish post D:)

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