DN Anites (Always Open)

I waved my hand dismissively. "Don't waste any of it, it's for serious injuries and sicknesses. She has some scrapes and cuts, bruises at worst. Bandages will take care of her fine.", I said, staying close to the girl in case her legs has a seizure or something.
"Cool!" i walked over to the girl, "Do you want me to create a cloud so that you don't have to use your strength Nicole?" i whistled and Markissa came running from what i can only guess was a squirrel hunt. "And Jasons right we should save that ointment for emergencies."
i sighed and decided to go flying for a bit. "Hey guys ill be right back i need to fly for a bit." i said to them not sure if they heard or cared. i walked away from the group and go to an open field. I take a deep breath and breathe out, from my mouth was a black and purple smoke that surrounded my body, spinning faster and faster morphing my shoulder blades into wing like growths. i looked to the sky and pushed from the ground, i flew through the clouds loving the fresh air. i looked down and below me i saw my group of friends, i looked back a few hundred feet and saw some movement. I flew a bit lower and saw that it was the group of Gifteds that attacked the Human. I let out a small gasp and flew strait to my friends, i was going so fast that i couldn't stop my self in time and i knocked Jason off of his feet and we ran into the trunk of a tree.
I nodded as I added this combination to my mental potions book, then said, "Very nice. May I suggest adding allspice to give added energy and balsam to relieve mental stress? There's only a ten percent chance they'd cause the mixture to explode.". I was kidding of course...it was twenty percent. I laughed a little and gave a smile just before Rylie flew into me out of nowhere and crashed the both of us into a tree. "Uuughh...", I groaned as we slid down the trunk to the ground.
i was out of breath from the flight, "Gifted... Coming... for... Human. About fifteen of them" my breath was starting to come back. "We need to get her back to the house. Nicole you take her back and ill stay and fend them off. I think it will be good practice for my powers," i joked.
(you guys are busy busy posters... ack! sorry I've had a bunch of math to get through)

Anna sat down on the ground with her legs crossed. She was propped against a tree and watching the others. She didn't know what to think of the group. All her life she had been running from rouge Gifted. She had barely escaped death, rape, and abuse hundreds of times at the hands of Gifted. She wasn't rude to them, but she was too exhausted to talk. She considered asking for food and drink, but didn't know if she could trust them. They seemed friendly enough, but Anna could never be sure with the Gifted. She sighed and leaned her head on the tree trunk. She needed sleep.
i nodded and berry and i hopped on artemis's back. "cmon art time to fly!" artemis got a running start before flying off to the house i kept a good grip on the girl so she wouldnt fall.
[QUOTE="yullen-chan]i nodded and berry and i hopped on artemis's back. "cmon art time to fly!" artemis got a running start before flying off to the house i kept a good grip on the girl so she wouldnt fall.

Anna squirmed and kicked at the stranger. "Get off!" she muttered as she tried to get away. As soon as she leaves the ground she screams and flails. "Get off of me!" she struggled.
i sighed and said"stop struggling im not gonna hurt you please stop struggling before you fall...." artemis landed and said"ok so she woke up what now?"

I saw through the window the human, neko, pika-girl, and shapeshifter land, and though Jason told me to go to his room I had to protect the house. I bounded out the door to the hallway and jumped down the stairs, my paws barely touching the ground before I leapt through the still-open door. I skidded to a stop in front of the group, growling, but before I could attack Jason spoke in my head.


'Ranger, listen up. There are four people coming to the house. Two shapeshifters, a neko, and a human. Show them in, please.', I said to him through our link, then turned my attention to the direction Rylie had come from. "Usually that spell puts people further away than a couple hundred feet.", I growled, clapping my hands together and spreading them. Between my palms shimmered a sword made of hardened sunlight, whose hilt I took in my hand.
Anna bit her lip and glanced around. "Look, please just let me go. I can just leave into the woods and we can pretend like this never happened." she urged. She had black circlces under her eyes and her ribs protruded forward. She had no supplies or weapons and swayed a bit. She wouldn't survive a few hours on her own but she didn't know how much of a chance she stood here.

I whined at the neko's words. 'Jason, she's still scared, and the neko's being...blunt.', I said to him.


'You mean Nichole?', I thought with a sigh. I had been expecting the human wanting to leave, but I had hoped Nichole would be a bit more...supportive. "Ke rumah dengan saya.", I said tiredly, and I vanished in a flash of light. I reappeared in front of the house, looked around to get my bearings, and slowly approached the girl. "Alright, I know you don't trust us,", I began softly, ", but this house is a place you can be safe. Not all Gifted believe humans should die.". I looked toward the forest quickly as I heard the group of violent Gifted get closer, then said to the girl, "Look, if you want to leave later, you can, but right now there are some violent Gifted heading this way. While we get rid of them, let Nichole patch you up and feed you. Nichole, Ranger will show you where the food and bandages are. The servants in the house will help you.". I turned to go, then added, "And Nichole? if any of those violent Gifted get past Rylie and I...well, sic Ranger on 'em.". I smiled savagely and said, "Balik ke Rylie.", vanishing and reappearing next to Rylie.
I felt Jason take his stance next to me. "She still wont calm down? OH and can you let me take some of them? I need the practice." My hair turned pure white and my eyes became like diamonds. Lightning was growing from my fingertips and the wind started to pick up. I turned my head to Jason and smiled, i was ready to fight.
Anna tensed at the savage smile. She wandered into a large open room that must have been the living room. She huddled into the corner and watched the dog. "Hey doggy, here boy," she mumbled softly. She still had a weird feeling about the Gifted here. If she was going to trust anybody she might as well trust the dog. Mans best friend. She smiled and raised her hand towards the dog as her eyes drooped. she felt herself slipping into sleep, but she still was curious off the dog.

"You think I could take on a pack of Gifted all on my own? Little ol' me? I'm flattered.", I admitted with a grin, reforming my sword and setting it ablaze.


Dog!? I was indignant, but I could still tell the girl needed a friend. I approached her slowly, so as not to scare her, and sat down beside her. I called to the servants, the little balls of fire that Jason sometimes created, to bring the girl a blanket as I nuzzled her face to acquire her scent. I whined a little at her injuries and licked some of the blood away, laying down and putting my head in her lap.
i started cooking and hummed some. i said"excuse me may is see your wounds? i'll have you patched up in a jiffy!" smiling at the human. artemis changed back and stretched walking over to her.

I heard the girl call Ranger and felt left out, i ran to the girls side and laid by her side


I couldn't hold in my laugh. I was going to say something in return but a Gifted ran strait in front of me and stopped. My lightning struck the girl right in the chest knocking her off of her feet. I smiled at my accuracy, When i looked over at Jason he was surrounded, they must have seen that he was the stronger of us two, which he is, and tried to take him out also, a few of them charged me and tried to take me out. I flew back and created a deep pit about 20 feet and about 4 of them fell in, I touched the ground next to it and made enchanted vines grow, they made it so that the four couldn't escape. " 5 down 10 to go. I think." i flew to assist Jason
Anna smiled and stroked the animals head. "Good boy," she snuggled up to the warm creature. She glanced up at the gifted that looked like a cat. Anna was too tired to argue. She pointed to the cut on her cheek and held out her arms. "Thanks," she mumbled with a tired smile. She tilted her head to the side and yawned

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