DN Anites (Always Open)

Delilah was the slightest upset. Ever since she gained her two powers, she had no idea to master them. Sometimes her body listened and allowed her to teleport up the block or move something out of her way. But it irritated her not being able to control herself. She was the one in charge, not her powers. And as Delilah sat on the cold ground just feet away from everyone else, she groaned quietly, sat straight and placed all of her focus on a single tree branch, which was really much more of a twig. Her hand raised, a palm slight tilted. The twig didn't budge. A vain popped in the neck of her own, as a quiet breeze swayed through her hair, before bending two fingers. It turned to face west. And just after, the slowest thing she had ever done in her life, straightened her fingers, which on accident, sent the twig zipping through the air so fast, all she saw was the cloud of dust it left behind. There was no stopping it now. Delilah groaned the loudest, irritated, tired and dirty, before throwing herself to lay back. If it hit someone she will apologize. If it hit someone she'd hear it.
"Oh. Okay. So have we learned her name yet? Or her age?" I stood up and put my hand on Jasons shoulder to help me keep my balance. I walked outside to the girl and sat next to her. I touched a pile of dirt in front of her and a purple rose grew. "You see? Not all Gifted are bad. We don't want to hurt you, we are here to protect you, me, Jason, Nicole, and Nicoles pets. We will be inside if you need anything." I got up and turned to go inside, I walked through the door and stopped. "I say that we make our beds and get some sleep, we've had a long day and we need some sleep. Here..." i waved my hand and three clouds appeared on the ground, "... I can only create so many, some of us will have to double up. These will stay here for twelve hours when you decide to go to sleep it will rise about two feet off the ground. I hope she will join us." I say gesturing toward the Human outside. I climb onto my bed/cloud and sat staring at the ceiling.
I tilted my head at her. How are we supposed to make our beds if our beds are clouds?, I thought confusedly, then shrugged it off and went inside to claim a cloud. "We haven't learned anything about her. She's mostly been asleep.", I said to Rylie, answering her question from earlier. I flashed smile in her direction and closed my eyes, snapping my fingers to turn the lights off.

(Time for me to sleep. Nighty night guys!)
Anna sits and puts her elbows on her knees her chin on her fists. She sighs and picks the rose. She studies it for a moment and shakes her head. It just isn't the same to her. A rose grows slowly and peacefully in its own time. This one was forced from the earth into a life it never had time to get used to. It was beautiful but incomplete. She set it next to her and watch the moon climb to the center of the sky. She felt awake now, after her nap. She needed food and water though. She didn't dare ask for it. The lights went off behind her and she shivered in the dark. Then light of the moon shone down and illuminated her porcelain skin and bathed her red hair in angelic light. She sighed and watched the sky for a while.
The lights went off and our world went silent, accept for the shouts from the gifted under the house. What was i thinking? I cant sleep, not after passing out. I slid off my cloud and went out side where the girl was still sitting. she looked cold so i fabricated a warm blanket out of some leaves. I draped it over her and sat next to her. "You know, we have a bed in there for you. You can't stay out here forever. Well you could but you you might get a bit cold." I joked with her.
Anna glanced at the girl and shrugged. "I won't be able to sleep for a while. Um... I hate to ask but... do you have any food or water?" Just as the question slipped out Anna's stomach rumbled and she blushed. Anna laughed nervously and sat up slowly due to her sore muscles. Her clothes were torn up and full of holes and she wasn't wearing any shoes. Anna didn't know what she had done to deserve it, but she figured it had to happen for a reason.
I smiled when she spoke. "Yeah come inside, we will get something from the kitchen." I stood and saw the flower laying on the porch. "Did you not like the flower? I thought it was pretty." but that was just me. I thought all plants were beautiful. But that might just be my whole dominion over nature thing.
"I did... it was pretty," Anna tried to shrug the conversation off. She followed the girl into the house and to the kitchen. The house was warm and full of people. There was a certain welcoming to it that made her subconsciously relax. She hadn't seen the kindness of Gifted nor people for a very long time.
I walked to the cabinet and pulled out a few bananas, some nuts, and a few juice boxes. I handed her some and sat at the table. I opened my banana and took a bit, it tasted amazing, given that it was my firs real fruit in a few months. "So how old are you? How did you end up way out here?" i asked wanting to know more about the girl we were letting stay with us
After tossing and turning on my cloud for a bit, I finally sighed and got up. Magic picked the worst time to fill people with energy. I snapped to turn the lights on, making my way to the kitchen door. "Oh, hey.", I said, mildly surprised to see Rylie and the human sitting at the kitchen table. I crossed to the pantry and opened the door, pulling out the Lucky Charms and walking to the cabinet and pulling out a bowl. I obtained a spoon from the drawer below and the milk from the fridge before sitting down at the table. "So...what's your name?", I asked the girl as I poured some milk in with the cereal in my bowl.
The lights flashed on and it made me jump a bit. Looking up i saw Jason walking to the pantry getting cereal stuff. "Hey Jason, couldn't sleep?" i tried to start a conversation with him, trying not to fall asleep right there on the table.
I glanced at Rylie and saw how tired she was. I smiled and laughed, saying, "No, I couldn't, whereas you look like you're barely holding yourself awake.". I laughed again and took a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.
I laughed with him, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah i had a burst of energy because i had passed out and i think i finally crashed. No energy can last forever. Why couldn't you sleep? I thought that you would just cast a spell and sleep for a few hours." i joked with him.
I chuckled a little and said, "Well, normally I could, but magic is...well, it's like having a self-aware piece of uranium. It only takes a few sparks of magic to refill someone's energy completely, and sometimes my magic breaks away from my consciousness to tell itself 'hey, he's gettin' tired. Fill him up.'.". I smiled, then looked to the ceiling as I thought. I looked back to Rylie and admitted, "In retrospect, it's kinda annoying.". 
(Time for sleep. Unless I find my phone. Nighty night if I don't!)
I completely understood what he was saying, "Yeah i know how you feel, if i get to tired my powers start to go haywire. Hey do you thing while we are here we can work on that? you know the me being tired and having no control? I just don't wanna hurt someone." I felt like he was a good person to confide in, "oh and can you not tell the others about my control issue Jason? And you... Uhh... I still dont know your name but please dont tell anyone." i pleaded with the two.

(Sleep? do you live on the east coast? Well that actually makes sense. Haha night!)
(I don't know where the East Coast is in relation to me, but I live in Ontario. It's about 10:15 right now.)

"Oh, of course we can work on that. And don't worry, your secret's safe with me.", I promised, overexaggerating a wink.
(OH! okay lol)

I giggled at his exaggerated wink. I finished my banana and threw the peel in the trash. "Well i think i should go to bed before i pass out." i said with a laugh. I accidentally bumped into him and got a sudden chill, "Whoa, you do have a lot of built up energy." i shook it off and went to lay on my cloud that had started to lose its shape. I held my hand out and put more of my energy into keeping the clouds shape. this nearly dropped me so i hurried to get into bed and i passed out almost instantly.
I did a mental scan of my built up power. Now, someone more cliche would say it was over nine thousand, and that it couldn't possibly be right, but I'm not cliche. My power was built up to about 15 terawatts, enough to power 16043467 U.S. homes for a thirty-one day month. I briefly wondered if releasing all that magic into the atmoshere would be bad, then scoffed. Of course it would. I materialized two conducting rods in front of me and placed one hand on each, experiencing a rush of fatigue as fourteen terawatts of energy was transferred to an immense magical battery. You never know when you'd need enough magic to destroy the universe, and with the rate I accumulated magic I had surpassed that mark a while ago. I was steadily approaching the power needed to create a universe, but there was no time to think about that. "Night.", I muttered to the human as I stood, placing my bowl in the sink before going back to the living room. After that energy drain, I needed sleep, and even though most of my magic was gone I still had a substantial amount. I was able to make it back to my cloud and stabilize it, along with all the others, and I would have made a few modifications...except I fell asleep. The lights turned off automatically.
Anna stayed quite the entire time the boy was present. She couldn't look him in the eye and he quite honestly frightened her. She ate her food in silence and when he was gone she could breath easy again. He seemed alright,but the first time Anna had ever gotten a really good look at her was when a primal and sinister smirk had crossed his face. There was so much coldness and hatred in that one look that Anna was considerably suspicious of the boy. The girl began to walk away and she sat up, not sure how she felt about being alone in this house. Anna glanced around the kitchen and hoped to spot one of the wolves she was with earlier. She liked them,
I was tossing and turning in my sleep, small bolts of lightning were shooting from my fingers. Flowers and vines were growing around the room and through clouds, a few grew in front of the of the kitchen door nearly blocking it of completely. I heard the wolves growling and started to stir from my sleep.
Anna jumped back from the door and her heart skipped a beat. Anna's first thought is that she had been trapped. She panicked and grabbed a knife. She slashed through the vines on the door and leaped through the opening. She looked around frantically as vines began growing around her feet and arms. "No, no, no," she whispered in a desperate attempt to pull free. The vines twisted tightly up her legs and Anna fell backwards. She was careful to throw the knife away from her body. "Stop!" She yelped as the vines started to crawl up her wrists.
I snapped awake and saw the girl on the ground being consumed by vines. I jumped off of the cloud and ran to her side. I held my hands out and my eyes turned a smokey white. the vines started to retract from the floor, they were slowly releasing the Human. I gave it my all and she was completely free. I reached out for her hand to help her up and simultaneously removed the rest of the vines in the house
I was awakened by a servant ramming itself against my head repeatedly. Groaning, I sat up blearily and asked, "What, what's the big - ", but broke off when I registered the scene in front of me. A maelstrom of vines was being subdued by Rylie, the human being freed from the vines that momentarily ensnared her. "So that's what you meant by out of control.", I stated drowsily. 
(Okay, time for sleep. For realsies this time.)
I let out a gasp as my power bounced back and knocked me to the ground. Groaning i said, "Yeah, that's what i meant. What did you think i meant?" I was aggravated with my lack of control. I got up off my butt and got rid of the rest of the flowers and vines. "I'll just stay awake from now on, i'll give myself little bursts of energy to keep me up until i get my powers under control." i was determined to do this.
My eyes darkened disapprovingly. "That's not healthy Rylie.", I warned, "You can do that for a while, but if it takes too long you'll have to stop.". I huffed uncertainly, then made my mind up and got up from my cloud. I crossed the room to Rylie and placed my hand on her shoulder, converting a spark of power to energy and sending it to her. I grinned toothily at the hyper feeling she was surely having and said, "Like a self-aware piece of uranium.".

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