DN Anites (Always Open)

I wiped the tears from my eyes, "No its fine. I needed to get it off my chest, and it had to come out a some time." i closed my eyes, took a deep breath and relaxed. "Thanks for listening."
Anna smiled as she found what she was looking for. She shoved open a heavy door and fell into a room. But it was no ordinary room. It was a room full of books. Anna had found... a library.
"No problem, Ryleth. What are friendth for?", I asked in a goofy voice, grinning widely. The grin fell off my face as my mental alarm went off. "I'll be right back.", I promised, propelling myself into the air and soaring down the hallway. I found the door to the library open, and the human sprawled on the ground inside. "Found the library, have you?", I asked her with a grin, lighting the old fashioned braziers with a flick of my hand. "I find the light gives it a certain atmosphere.", I confided, flying over her to snap a bike lock on the gates to the dangerous archive. "Now.", I said briskly, turning around to address her, "Most of the more dangerous books are behind these gates, but there are still some books that may hurt you out here. If you want to open anything with 'dark' in the title, you have to splash a drop of blood on the front cover. Anything with 'beast', 'monster', or any words like those in the title will try to bite you, but if you run a finger down the spine it'll be putty in your hands. Don't accept anything the books try to give you, especially food, and remember: If you can't see where it keeps it's brain, don't trust it. Have fun!". I left a silver knife on one of the desks for the 'dark' books and flew back outside, knowing I'd probably have to come back sometime soon.
Anna frowned. Giving blood to open a book? What kind of library was this?

She shook her head and sighed. Anna wasn't sure of anything anymore. In the past few days everything she knew had changed. Gifted were kind, beds could be made of clouds, and books required blood. Anna pushed the thoughts away as a flicker of joy emerged in her soul. She let her eyes study the enormous library and licked her lips with excitement.

Anna had never felt more at home then among words. The smell of aging pages, the worn surface of leather bound books, the crisp feel of paper and ink gliding through her hands. So many stories, and so little time to enjoy them all. Anna took one last glance at the door, half expecting to see the strange gifted boy again, but he was gone. Anna was alone in a small paradise. She let out an audible squeal of excitement and twisted with her arms extended as if to thank the heavens. Then she ran down the rows and rows of books trying to get lost in the sheer size of the library. Once she couldn't see the entrance she slowed and stopped. She scanned the book and tilted her head to get a better glimpse at the titles. Some of the titles were in strange, curving characters, others had glowing engravings on the sides. Finally, Anna found a legible title and snatched it off the shelf. It was bound in black leather and had gold letters engraved on the front. With a smile she sat down in the middle of the aisle and opened the book. "Planet of the Apes" was the title.

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