DN Anites (Always Open)

Anna huddled back up against the wall. Bruises had begun to blossom where the vines wrapped tightly around her. She was shivering and staring at the gifted. Anna wasn't sure what to think. As soon as she was becoming somewhat comfortable with the idea of the gifted she had been attacked. She knew it wasn't entirely intentional, but if she was at risk of being harmed even when it wasn't intended she wasn't sure what to do.
With the problem of keeping Rylie awake momentarily appeased, I turned my attention to the concerns for her safety the human was probably feeling right now. I turned my head to regard the poor girl shivering against the wall, walking over to her and crouching down in front of her. "Those vines were brought about because of Rylie's nightmares.", I informed her, "Since we're planning to keep her awake until the nightmares go away, however, you have nothing to worry about. If you still feel uncomfortable, though, I could give you a room warded against her powers.".
I took a deep breath and walked out side. I created model people and things out of plants i grew. I raised my arms to shoulder height and lifted into the air. My eyes turned white and i felt energy flowing through me, i clapped my hands together and lightning was forming between them. I separated my hands and released the energy, I hit the models with all of my force and destroyed most of them with one strike of lighting, i smiled at my success but i looked off to my left and saw some trees with huge slashes through them. I sighed and released my power and touched back on the ground.
Anna bit her lip and stood slowly. She nodded and said nothing to the boy. She just kept her back up to the wall and eyes him suspiciously. She didn't trust him and she knew he knew it. But she would take the room. She went to the room and slept lightly, tossing and turning throughout the night. In the morning she yawned and walked out from the room, almost forgetting where she was. She was well rested and her soreness faded.
"AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", I cackled maniacally as I flew down the stairs behind the human, passing my hands through her hair like deranged bats and swooping over the side of the banister. I stopped suddenly, frozen in midair, then made several realistic beeping noises as I backed up and put my face close to the floor. Glaring at the hardwood, I turned my fist into a hammer and hit a loose board back into place before continuing to the kitchen.
Mind If I Join?

Name: Honour Levish

Nickname: Honor

Age: 27

Gender: Girl

Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual: Heterosexual


Personality: A little loving, Stubborn, caring, cheerful at times. strong, never backs down on a fight, gets angry too easily, total badass, even though may seem innocent. Friendly. Curious.

Gifted,Trainer,or Human: Gifted

Powers (if any): Water/snow

Crush (optional): No one... yet.

Other: . There's times when Honour gets too angry she uses her power for destruction. But don't worry, it's rare. 
I fall out of a tree, guess I got into reading too much. I look up at the tree and it's full of snow. Big Whoop. As I walk around the camp I leave a trail of snow every time I walk. Unfortunately I have no control of that.I see some other gifted, but some humans. Humans? They probably came for shelter, as I go into my room I just stare at the wall, while making a blanket of snow fall over me.
Anna stumbled and tripped over her own foot. She quickly rolled on her shoulder and hopped up to her feet as she approached the door. She glanced the strange boy as she passed, he was making odd noises and rummaging through the cabinets in the kitchen. Anna slid quietly past the kitchen entry way and into the living room. She searched around the room and sighed before heading back to the stairs. She was on a mission to find what she wanted.
I woke up, not knowing what to do or say I walked down stairs into the living room I see Jay pass down this girl and clashes into he kitchen Freaking maniac. I see the human girl walk into the living room determined. As if she wants something. A little curious(Like I always am), I step down quietly but then she passed me up the stairs. Am I invisible, didn't she see me? I guess not, I slowly move and see she was intensively looking for something. I ease closer and closer, a little discreet, but of course my snow trail gives me away. i try my best to stay away, What does she want?
I took a deep breath and moved towards the house. I step across the thresh hold and glance to the kitchen seeing Jason, i look toward the living room and see the Human. As I step into the living room i step on a loose board and i creaks. I step to the side to avoid doing that again. "Hey, i'm sorry that i scared you earlier. I lost control and didnt mean to." i sat on my cloud and attempted to relaxed. during my failed attempt a chill went up my spine and i stood up from my cloud and looked to the darkness outside of the room. "Hello?" i called to the noise.
I jumped slightly at Jason's sudden appearance. My hand went over my heart and i caught my breath. "Ugh. Jason don't do that! It scares the crap out of me!" I yelled to him, where ever he was.
I popped into existence again, my face sporting a wide grin as I hovered inches in front of her and upside down. "Why not, Ryles?", I asked, trying out my new nickname for her. I liked it.
I looked at him hovering upside down. I smirked at this, not surprised at all. "Because it scares the crap out of me! And since when am I "Ryles"? Is this a new name?" i laughed at him. I grabbed his shoulders and turned him so that he was right side up and i could finally take him seriously, or as much as i could.
I laughed brightly and said, "But scaring people is fun! And yes, it's my new nickname for you! Just like Markissa is Rissa, Nichole is Holy Nicholey, and Ranger is Fluffles.". A growling started up behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Ranger, hackles raised and mouth frothing. "Would you prefer Buster?", I asked him curiously, and he immediately stopped. "Thought so.", I said, glancing at Rylie with a smirk.
I laughed at Rangers... uh i mean Fluffles' reaction to the name. "Well, I do like it. But why is it so fun to scare me? What do you want me to avoid you or jump into your arms?" I joked with him. I whistled and Markissa came running and i used her as a pillow.
I put a finger to my chin in thought, looking toward the ceiling as I said, "I dunno...", before I smiled and continued, "I guess it's just the way people react. It's funny to see them jump a few feet when you scare them.". I plopped down on the floor and asked her curiously, "Do you usually jump into the arms of things that scare you?".
"Haha no. Not usually." I laid my head back and relaxed. "So, whats your story? Like, what brought you here, I know the whole Human vs. Gifted thing, but why were you alone?"
I sighed sadly and admitted, "I'm from an all-Gifted family. They all hated humans, so when I came along and they found out about my magic, they started researching ways to use me to annihilate every non-Gifted on Earth.". I immediately cheered up and finished, "So I burned the house to the ground and came out here where they couldn't find me.".
I barely held back a laugh, "Well, that escalated quickly. I'm sorry your family didn't understand. It sucks sometimes, being able to do what we can do. Sometimes we do things we aren't proud of... ugh never mind..." i trailed off hoping he didn't notice.
I raised an amused eyebrow and asked Markissa with a smile, "Aw, isn't that cute? She thought I wouldn't notice.". I put my elbows on my knees and rested my chin in my hands, saying sternly, "I told you my big bone-crushing secret, now it's your turn. Spill.".
My eyes, which had widened a bit more with each passing word, softened into an expression of sympathy. I bit my lip as I tried to think of something I could possibly do, or say, but I found nothing. "I...I don't know what to say...", I admitted, "I...I shouldn't have forced you to tell me...I'm sorry.". I hesitated before scooting closer and laying a hand on her shoulder.

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