DN Anites (Always Open)


"Depends on who's asking.", I told her, "Are you for the humans or against them?". I flicked my gaze to the left as I sensed both another person and some minor seismic activity, then returned it to the girl.
there was an energy radiating off of him, a mystical energy, he was a gifted. Of that i'm sure. "Well i'm not particularly fond of them, however i do not wish them any harm. I am called Ryleana Moranna, but you may call me Rylie. You still have not told me your name." I stood with my arms crossed waiting for him to answer my question. Markissa nudged at my knee and caused me to loose balance and fall forward.
i smiled and yawned "cmon guys...." we walked into the site of where we saw those people. i tilted my head and berry said"do you think they could help us?" i said"i dont know..."

I instinctively flicked my power out to cause a cushion of air to catch her. It set her back on her feet as I said, "I'm Jason. Nice to see another Gifted who doesn't want the humans dead.". I flashed her a smile before glancing in the direction of the house and asking, "Are you here about the training camp?".
He cushioned my fall i guess with what ever his power was. "Yeah i am. I heard that this place could help you control your abilities, or powers, whatever you call them. I have issues when i'm sleeping," I started to explain, "i always have nightmares so my powers go haywire, i start turning into random things and people, i create random storms and floods. I really need help, can you help me?" i asked him, desperate for any kind of help. i turn to the whimpering Markissa and touch the ground in front of her, a small berry bush grew with a bunch of different kinds of berries. She ceased her whining and started to eat the berries, i grabbed some for my self and offered some to Jason, not knowing if he was hungry or not.
I got enough courage and said"h-hello?" looking at the two. Artemis said"oh yea thats so gonna be heard..." being sarcastic. berry glared at her and said"hey shes doing the best she can here!"
I tilted my head at the offered berries before taking them with an appreciative smile. "Thanks.", I said, popping one into my mouth as I thought about her problem. Powers going haywire because of nightmares? "It seems your problem stems from these nightmares, something traumatic from your past maybe? I'm no psychiatrist, but I can take you to see one. And you can sleep in a little pocket dimension where you won't be able to hurt anybody.", I offered, eating another berry.
He begins shooting by the cars, using his great speed to shoot up a building and look down at everyone from a tall building, he then croches and naps while standing.
Guuyyyssssss.... It's Claire S. Copaine... I'm a total butt and forgot my old log-in information! Made a new account with a prettier name :3 mind if i join in?

Name: Anastasia McAlaster

Nickname: Anna

Age: 15

Gender: Female ._.

Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual: Bi! <3


Personality: Kind, Friendly, determined, sly, quick, considerate, thoughtful, stubborn

Gifted,Trainer,or Human: Human

Crush (optional): None yet

Other: She's basically a bad ass... 

[QUOTE="yullen-chan](hii Claire!)


i smiled at his willingness to help. But i was curious about more things, "So if you are a gifted, what are your powers?" i asked him
(Hey Claire!)

"Hi dudette!", I called before saying to Rylie, "My powers are flight, talking to animals using telepathy, and anything I can find a spell for. I'm....maaaaagic. WoooOOOoooo...", waving my arms for emphasis.
berry smiled and said"he seems nice now go introduce ourselves!" i sighed walking up. "hello im Nichole this is Artemis and berry...im a gifted..."

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