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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization


Dante's happiness quickly faded when he saw Devidramon... Was that really Gazimon? Such a radical change... It was like he was completely and utterly out of control...

"If Devidramon does go berserk, Dante, Kyubimon is the only one that has any hope of stopping him. You should prepare yourself for that possibility."

"I know...." he murmured, looking at his Digivice, still clutched in his hand. That X in the center... maybe it cancelled a digivolution?

Kyubimon dodged out of the way as the first strike nearly caught her as well, her eyes narrowing. He was in a rage characteristic of Devidramon, this was definitely not good.

"Kyubimon! I have an idea!" Dante called, his partner sprinting over to him as he hopped onto her back, his staff still in hand.. "We have to get to Tomiko.. She's the best bet to stop Devidramon before he hurts anyone" he spoke in her ear. She nodded, crouching down before she leaped up into the sky, seeming to run on the very air as she looked around for the Tamer.

"There!" Dante pointed to the Tamer as she made a wide arch trying to get in front of Devidramon. "Let's give her a hand up... Maybe she can get him under control!" Kyubimon nodded, diving down towards Tomiko to land next to her, keeping pace with her. "Tomiko... I think our Digivices can cancel a Digivolution! Try hitting the X on your Digivice!" "If that doesn't work, Dante and I will give you a lift up so you can try and calm him down!" He called to her with Renamon adding the last part. He watching her and hoping the first option would work. If not things would get much, much more dangerous for them.

@A Guileless Fable @Colt556 @Everyone Else
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Tomiko Tomagi

Stronger. Stronger. STRONGER! The power surged through his body as he tore away at Gizmon's mechanical body. His crimson nails were soon covered in a slimy black liquid that made his claws a bit slippery, but with his mind focused on destroying the digimon in front of him he didn't even notice. It wasn't long before his claws ripped through the ground, Gizmon having dissolved into a bunch of 1's and 0's. At the realization that his opponent had disappeared, he scanned the area looking for another to fight, his lust for power not fully satisfied by the robot. With his four eyes searching for something new to battle, he roared, his speedy target in sight ... but ...
the girl ... she was ... no she wasn't ... but she ... you want power don't you... yeah but ... follow your instincts ... bu-but... NOW!

Get there. Those words echoed throughout her head, her eyes never leaving the berserk Devidramon. As she ran, her breath grew shorted, her legs feeling like lead getting heavier with each step she took. Get there! The phrase echoed once again as she tripped and fell over a large broken branch that Devidramon had broken during his violent assault on Gizmon. Getting up, Tomiko ignored her scraped knees as well as the blood that dripped from her mouth. For the first time in her life she was being reckless, something she thought she'd see Hero do. A foot forward and she continued on her path to Devidramon only to be found by the Hero she had just thinking about. He called to her while riding what seemed to be a kitsune, very similar to Renamon, but differed in overall structure and form. So she digivolved as well.

Widening her stride, she could here Her-Dante advising her to click the red button on her digivice in order to stop his evolution or de-digivolve. Red button? She paused, her sudden stop causing a surge of pain to run through her body, although she kept a straight face 'cept for the tear in her eye. Looking down at her digivice, she could clearly see a large red X hiding in the middle of the screen.

Got it! I'll press it now!"she nodded her head while attempting to press the button, only to be stopped by a devilish voice.


Tomiko looked up at the sky to see Devidramon flying above the trio, his wing spread wide as he soon flew quickly threw the skies, creating a high pitched noise that brought her to her knees. The hot pink digivice fell from her hands, as Devidramon launched another attack, this time his target focused on the new digivolved Renamon and her tamer. A shining red claw drew closer to the two, but soon turned from red to white as Tomiko managed to press the X with her thumb.

What! How!? ... That Girl! I'll kil- ... STOP IT! What do you mean stop? It means exactly what it sounds like! She took away what was rightfully mines! Ours! That power was meant for us! No, this power was meant for her." the two argued as the light enveloped them, their body decreasing in size. He fought to keep them in their champion form refusing to allow the light to take away what he had so desperately wanted. He bared his fangs at the other angered that he'd side with a human. "You hate her! She's a human! Humans are weak, stupid, and selfish! You can only trust m- ... No... You know I'm right!... You are. She is weak and selfish, as for stupid I can't agree to that. She's also violent, introverted, and rash. Then why? Because. She's also kind when time calls for it. An asshole when I need her to be, and... She's pretty cute." a small growl was made as Gazimon converted back to his original form. "Ha. You're a fool. She'll throw you away in the future and when that time comes there won't be a you here. During that time, this will be me." A final revelation, and the rookie digimon was back, falling from the sky.

Her pupils widened, this scene being all too familiar. She'd told him he couldn't play with his friends that day, because mom was busy. He got mad and ran away, leaving her and their sister worried sick. She went looking for him only to find him walking on the monkey bars at the park. She'd told him to get down and he refused, showing his ass to her instead, and then he slipped. Her small arms couldn't reach him in time. Not again, not this time.

Eyes watering, knees crying blood, and a face that desperately needed a wash, she stood. The ringing in her ears had yet to go away, but she forced herself to deal with it, just like everything else she's been through today. Running towards the falling Gazimon, she hollered,"
Gazimon you damned idiot! Wake up!" She ran with wide stretched open arms, Gazimon's ear twitching slightly as he heard his tamer call for him. He grinned, his tattered glasses clinging to his fur, it's resolve to stay on his face grew stronger as they fell.

If I wake up then you gotta catch me. You asshole." he mumbled, his head only a few feet away from hitting the ground.

Tsk! Tomiko Stranger Molestation Protection Series: #20 Judo Vault!" she hollered, thrusting one foot on the ground pushing herself forward at increasing speed. A single vault later, and she was rolling towards a tree, her back hitting the trunk full force. A smile crept onto her face as she felt something in her grips, her eyes spilling tears from their socket. She opened her arms to see ... What the hell is this? She stared blankly at what was basically a smiling head with sunglasses on her lap.

Come on Tim. It's me Pagumon!" he chirped, his tiny red eyes peaking at her.


Tomiko stared for a moment, blink a couple of times, wiped her glasses, but still she saw this light gray smiling thing on her lap. She was sure she'd caught Gazimon not Pagumon.

I'm a bit smaller now and a lot of tired, but maybe if I wore this you'd believe me?" he said, throwing on the sunglasses that rested on the back of his uh, neck ... head. Yep. No doubt about it, this was Gazimon or Pagumon as he called himself.

So. What'dya think. Did I prove to you that I'm not a coward. Huh did I ... Huh? Why are you-" he was met with a balled up fist as her tears fell on his fur.

You idiot! Baka! Dumbass! Retard! Who told you to go out there and do that huh! Do you know how much I was worried about you! Did you even care about how I felt!" she hollered, raining her fist down upon his head angrily.

Ow! Tim! I just wanted to prove that I wasn't -- I know you aren't a coward dumbass! I was mad at myself and I said somethings that I didn't mean, but that doesn't mean you should run your ass off and go berserk all to prove your damn point!" she yelled, her hits getting slower and gentler as her tears fell out of control.

Tim. Don't cry." he gently patted her head with his hand like ears. "Well, before you go crying for me you have to admit I was pretty cool out there weren't I." her tears stopped, her irises shriveling as she glared down at the unable-to-read-the-mood digimon.

Just admit it. I was pretty darn awesome! Hey ... what is that look in your eye. Why are the veins popping out on her right arm. Wait. No! Come on. We just had such a cool emotional moment. Don't ruin it with -Shut up!" she growled, her hand grabbing the entirety of his head ... body ... both!

Yeah, we were having an emotional moment, but I'm not the one who ruined it." she grinned. her hand tightening over his cranium. "You should learn how to read the mood Pagumon. Just so you know ... I am so sick of the BS THAT COMES OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MOUTH!" she yelled as she threw the head across the pitfall ridden field towards Ryudamon and Mikado's relative location. She wiped her hands clean of him, her smile refusing to leave her as her cheeks grew a light pink. He was pretty cool in a scary crazy way she'd admit, but there was no way she'd tell him that. He'd just had to live without hearing her say it. Although, she was happy. Happy that he came back.

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When Gaizmon was englufed in the light, Rose felt even more confident of them winning. When the light disappeared, she was too speechless to even gasp at what he became. She was more fearful of Devidramon than Gizmon at this point. So far it seemed that Devidramon was attacking Gizmon, but had no concern for any of the other Digimon around. She noticed new fire like Digimon. Quickly she grabbed her Digivice, a green blip. She felt a little relief, knowing that someone else was willing to help in this situation. Still the situation seemed dire.

Rose watched as Kyubimon and Devidramon took down Gizmon. The once mechanical spider digimon was now fading data. That was one less problem they had to deal with. However Devirdramon was still in a rage, wanting to fight everything in its path. She watched as Palamon and the rest of Digimon did their best to avoid Devidramon. She admired how brave Kyubimon and Dante were, taking Tomiko to Devidramon.

She sighed in relief when Devidramon de-digivoled into a much smaller and less dangerous Digimon. She left her cover and headed towards Dante, Tomiko, Kyubimon and now the smaller version of Gaizmon. Palamon quickly joined her side.

"You did great Palamon." Rose praised, grinning.

"Well it helps when you have a great partner worth protecting, and a great team." Palamon answered and smiled.

The duo walked towards the small group.

"Is everyone okay?" Rose asked.

Dante and Renamon came to a stop, with Dante sliding off his partner's back. "You did amazing Kyubimon" He grinned, rubbing her ears as she nuzzled him lightly. "I'm sorry I worried you so much..." She murmured, leaning her nose down to press the X on his digivice, still clutched in his hand. Her body glowed brightly before she reverted back to Renamon, although not at all banged up anymore.

Dante shook his head, fighting back tears of joy at seeing her again before he just pulled her into a hug. Her blue eyes widened again, her body tensing at this strange gesture. After a few moments, she realized this wasn't an attack, and her body slowly relaxed, and she even returned the hug.. "Just don't worry me like that again.. okay?" He murmured, biting his lip just a little bit as he squeeze her just a little tighter.

Renamon uncharacteristically actually gave a genuine smile as she lightly rubbed his back. "I promise I won't... You will never lose me, Dante. You have my word" she murmured. Her ears perked up as she overheard the conversation between Tomiko and Pagumon. She smirked, breaking the hug with Dante to turn him to see it. They both watched as Pagumon, being his usual clueless self, spoiled a rather tender moment and promptly got himself tossed across the clearing towards Mikado and Ryudamon.

Dante and Renamon both couldn't help but laugh at the poor Pagumon's plight. Of course, he brought it upon himself, so they couldn't exactly blame Tomiko. The two made their way over to her. "You alright? Those scrapes look a bit painful" Dante asked, offering her a hand to help her up as he held his makeshift staff on his damaged side.

He glanced over at the other two that approached. "Other than a few scrapes and.... well.. .my preexisting issue.. I think we're all okay" He laughed softly. Renamon crossed her arms over her chest, an amused look in her eye as she watched Tomiko. Tomiko had, unbeknownst to her, earned quite a few brownie points by tossing Pagumon like that. Gazimon tended to work Renamon's last nerve, so watching him get tossed brought her quite a bit of joy. The longer she was around this group, the more these other humans started to grow on her, though she'd never admit it out loud.
Mikado Saris

Mikado remained in her spot next to the tree as Dante ran off to join Kyubimon in a search for Tomiko. She watched on helplessly as the dragon that was once Gazimon finished off the robot and took to the sky. Devidramon let out an ear-piercing howl causing her to quickly bring her hands up to cover her ears to try and get some kind of protection from the sound, a gesture Ryu mimicked. Before the black dragon digimon could cause any harm to their group it was bathed in a blinding light, shrinking in size rapidly as it's digivolution seemed to come to an end. With Tomiko catching the fallen digimon she and Ryu let out a collective sigh of relief, both of them equally glad that the situation didn't spiral out of control.

With the conflict seemingly over she turned her gaze down to the digimon by her side, fear clear as day in her eyes. "Ryu.. you wont.." She trailed off, not liking the idea she was entertaining. "Gazimon was a rare exception, when it comes time for me to digivolve I'll go the route of Kyubimon over there, so don't worry about it." He gave a small nod towards the airborne kitsune as he spoke. The sight of Dante riding on her back as they searched for Tomiko proving that even after digivolving she was still the same Renamon. Ryu was about to suggest they regroup when a wailing Pagumon came flying towards them. He gave a quick glance, noticing Mikado didn't even notice.

Ryu took a long side-ways stride to dodge Pagumon, allowing him to careen directly into Mikado. The force of the little digimon impacting her sent Mikado flying back onto her ass, a surprised yelp escaping her lips followed by a loud "What the hell!?" She opened her eyes and looked down at her lap, seeing a groaning little head that seemed to be rather out of it from the sudden throw and subsequent rough landing. She shot a glare at Ryu, clearly upset. "Why didn't you stop him!? Or at least warn me!" Ryu did his best to hold back his laughter, an effort he was succeeding in albeit it barely. "I figured you'd dodge. Anyways, let's regroup and return Pagumon there to his Tamer." With a little snicker leaking out he made his way towards Tomiko.

Mikado clicked her tongue in frustration and got to her feet, holding Pagumon in one arm as she brushed the dirt from her skirt with the other. She quickly jogged the few steps necessary to catch up to her partner before matching his stride. She wanted to berate him but her mind fell back on the fight they had just won. They had survived, although injuries were yet to be tallied. But that wasn't good enough for her. The others might be satisfied or even pleased with their victory, but she just couldn't stand it. The more she thought of how things transpired the more upset she became. She clenched her fist tightly, digging her nails into her palm as she stared at the ground. A single rookie-level digimon almost wiped out their entire group. They had been in this world for only a little while and they already had wounded and already faced near-death situations. She looked up towards Tomiko as they drew nearer, taking a deep breath as she did. If they were going to survive she'd have to do something. So far they've barely gotten by with flukes and dumb luck and that luck wouldn't hold forever.

As she and Ryu reached Tomiko she forced a small smile to her face. Regardless of the problems this group had the fact did remain that Tomiko and Gazimon saved their lives. "I think you dropped something." She squatted down next to Tomiko, folding her free hand across her backside in order to tuck her skirt under her as she did before handing The little ball-like digimon back to the girl. The thing certainly didn't look like gazimon, or any of their digimon really. She figured it was just a side effect of digivolving and turned her attention back to the tamer. "Thanks to you two we all live to hopefully live another day. Good work out there." She did her best to hide the feelings raging inside her, it wasn't Tomiko's fault after all. The younger girl deserved to have her moment, same with Gazimon. But even so she knew she'd have to do something with this group and sooner rather than later.

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Cora had been following the blip on the device she'd found literally the second she'd ended up in the godforsaken forest she was lost in for what had to have been at least one literal hour. Her trek, however, had told her a lot. First and foremost, she was most assuredly not in Japan, or in any other Earthly area. Not with some of the creatures she had slipped past. She had debated time travel for a touch, but dismissed it in favour of following an idea about aliens, but it was quickly scrapped too. Eventually she decided that she was either dreaming, and couldn't remember getting home, or unconscious and in a coma because she took a strike to the head, because she knew she had been returning from making first at a kendo competition.

Still, the device seemed to have been getting warmer and warmer the more she'd done in this direction, so she figured it had to mean something productive.

Or at least she hoped it did.

Coming around a rather large stone outcropping Cora suddenly fell back behind a smaller boulder as she noticed a pair of beings fighting. One of them, the smaller one, looked to be about average height for people, but was wearing an odd outfit, complete with a cape and wizards hat. He was throwing jolts of electricity while retreating from the other, a huge Oni looking beast wielding an equally large club.

The latter definitely seemed to have the advantage as she seemingly walked through the former's attacks, and the former seemed like he had already taken a beating. Still, the former was giving it good and dodging quite well all up until he stumbled over and exposed root.

The Oni-beast's club collided with the wizard looking one and sent him careening towards Cora. For her part she didn't know why she did it, but she somehow she knew it was the right thing to do as she stepped out and did her best to catch the wizard like one. She sort of succeeded as they both went rolling backwards , and Cora found herself coughing from the impact before stopping, with the wizard person rolling once or twice more and stopping next to her. As she moved to make sure he was okay, she noticed the device she'd found was suddenly glowing.

"You!" a gravely, almost stereotypical western cowboy-esque voice spoke out, "You're the one I've been waiting for. I can explain things later, but we need to leave before Fugamon comes over here!"

Somewhat startled, Cora got to her feet and took a couple steps back from the wizard as he struggled to his feet.

"You seem confused, girl, but I am Wizardmon, and that device? It's from legends, but it denotes you as a tamer. My tamer. I can explain more, I promise you, but Fugamon is dangerous, and we need to leave now!"

Suddenly Cora found herself pushed aside by Wizardmon, and as she turned she saw that the Oni-beast, presumably Fugamon, was lunging out of the woods, his club ready to swing down of Wizardmon who'd just pushed her out of the way. Despite Fugamon easily being double her height Cora reacted on instinct, her hand drawing her bokken as she dashed forward and swung the wooden tool brutally into Fugamon's shin, causing him to leap back on one leg, yowling terribly.

Not taking any time to think Cora turned and grabbed Wizardmon, throwing his arm over her shoulder as they ran.

"So, ah, Wixardmon, right? What is this? You said that you know what the hell is going on here, so I don't have a choice but to listen to listen." Cora explained. As she cast her eyes over him she realised he really was in terrible shape, and from under the brim of his hat she could see a nasty mark over his right eyes. That and his clothes were in tatters.

"Yes, I am called Wizardmon. And this is the Digiworld, where all Digimon reside. According to the legends occasionally heroes known as humans appear in our world, and they help us. They always have devices such as yours known as Digivices, and they find their Digimon partners and become Digimon Tamers. You would be my tamer."

Mind reeling at what was all happening Cora did her best to keep her nerves straight, but promptly did the same thing that Wizardmon had early and found herself stumbling over a root. Taking a moment Cora lowered Wizardmon down to sit against a tree as she tried to comprehend everything happening. According to this... not quite human, she was in some completely different world that didn't even usually have humans?! Waaaaay too much information for one setting.

"Tamer, watch out behind you!" Wizardmon called as Fugamon came out of the woods, anger evident in his eyes as Wizardmon struggled to stand between her and the beast, "As your Digimon and partner, it is my duty to protect you, stay back!"

Cora's eyes narrowed. There was no way Wizardmon could handle this. He was too far gone at this point, and bound to get himself killed. Not only that, but he had her answers too. Striding forward, Cora pushed past Wizardmon, ignoring his calls to stay behind her, and that he was supposed to protect her, to come before Fugamon, pulling her bokken back out and standing at ready.

"Wizardmon, you stay back. If we're going to be partners, then we protect each other. In my world a tamer would mean I own you, and Wizardmon, I will not own you, but I will stand by your side as a comrade."
Cora called out before facing Fugamon. All she knew was that she was going to have to keep moving, and strike fast and hard...


"Yo, Vee, you said you thought all that ruckus was coming from over here, right? Because as far as I can tell, we've got trees, trees, and more trees." Cora called out joking, "You sure your left eye is having issues now too, or are you just that tired?"

Looking back at her friend, Cora couldn't help but laugh as he gave her the finger, something he'd picked up from her. Despite this Vision was laughing too, even as he hobbled along behind her on his makeshift cane. Looking back, both were surprised at how well they were doing. They'd taken down three threats since Fugamon, but he'd really been their first trial. Still, that was the one that cemented everything. Cora standing up and protecting Vision, and eventually after Cora was grabbed by Fugamon, and Vision promptly used Tunder Ball on the back of Fugamon's head destroying him.

Once the pair had argued out the friend vs tamer topic, and settled on being friends, Cora helped bandage up Wizardmon and make a makeshift crutch for him that he would eventually change into a cane. Since then, between protecting other Digimon and getting to k now each other, they'd been looking for the other humans that no doubt had to be here, with Wizardmon swearing he could see them in his dreams sometimes. Just flashes that gave him direction. Eventually Cora began to call him Vision, and Wizardmon approved of the name, cementing it as his new moniker for all he met.

"To be honest, it could be either one. We have been travelling far today friend Cora. Still, I am certain that they have to be close at this point. Especially given that over there."

Looking to where Vision was pointing through the trees Cora saw a cloud of dust that had to have stirred up during a fight. Nodding to Vision, Cora walked back and let him lean on her, allowing them to move just a bit faster as they made their way towards the area they'd seen. With any luck they could finally find others like them, and both Cora and Vision were hoping it'd give the other a break.

In fact it was an interesting relationship they shared, with Cora bearing many of the unrefined qualities of Vision. Any time Cora fought another Digimon, Vision would find himself coaching her, telling her what to watch out for and advising her to watch her temperament whilst throwing the odd attack in when able. It was strange for him, because he knew that if anything it should have been the other way around, but he appreciated Cora's attitude about the subject. Meanwhile Cora found herself exercising a responsibility she'd never had before, helping take care of the wounded Vision, and having to think of more than just herself. It was a nuisance at times, for both, but for how well they got along, they had no reason to complain.

As they began nearing the area they'd seen the dust come from Vision swapped back to using his cane as Cora's left hand travelled across her waist and rested on the hilt of her bokken. Stepping out from the trees the pair were greeted with the sight of an obvious battle, as well as a handful of other Digimon and their partners.

"Hello everyone, name's Cora," Cora stated with a slight bow, her hand not leaving the bokken's hilt.

"And I call myself Vision. You wouldn't happen to all be tamers... would you?" Vision concluded with a relieved grin hidden behind his cape's collar.

Serena Jones

"I'm sorry Pata!" She told him, relaxing her grip on him now that she'd calmed down some more. Her eyes grew wide as Gazimon digivolved in Devidramon, she wasn't sure if she should be scared or in complete awe of the creature. She settled on awe for the time being. Comman on the other hand settled on getting the hell out of dodge, jumping down out of his tree into a roll and running over to Serena and the rest. He had the good sense to stay away from Devildramon after his job was done, no point in getting crushed. Almost immediately he noticed the burn that ran up most of Serena's forearm, but now wasn't the time to worry about that, he knew much like Ryu did that Devidramon's tend to be unpredictable. "You did awesome Comman! Good work!" She praised him, and probably would run over and hug him if her arms weren't full with a Patamon. "Thanks kid. But it's not over yet." He replied, shifting his aim from Devidramon to Gizmon.

Gizmon soon bit the dust so Devidramon was the sole target of Comman's aim. He didn't fire, not until he was sure. Of course, those plans were soon tossed out of the window altogether as a deafening roar was sent out by the digimon. Releasing his grip on his gun Comman immediately raised his hands to his ears whilst Serena buried her head into Tsubaki's stomach, doing her best to shield both her own ears and Patamon's. Soon, it was all over though, as Devidramon soon de-digivolved. Gently setting Patamon down she ran over to the rest of the group, resisting the urge to hug Pagumon.

You guys did awesome! I was scared we weren't going to make it at first once Rena got hurt...but then she evolved and kicked the things butt! It was awesome! Gazimon too!" She cheered, with a wide excited grin on her face, ignoring the stinging pain coming from her arm. "Speaking of Gazimon where is he? I don't see him anywhere.." She added, looking around sadly, subconciously hiding her wound with her other arm. Soon after that two new people arrived, turning to them she smiled and waved. "Yep we are! I'm Serena and this is Comman!" She replied happily, gesturing to Comman as he walked over.
"Oh, look Doru, another guy! Wait, that's a woman." Takuma said to his partner as he carried them over to the rest of the group. Professor Agumon rushed past him, carefully expecting the area where the Gizmon had been vanquished. The scholar began to jot down various notes in some strange script as the others began to reconvene.

The young man narrowly avoided falling into one of Gazimon's pitfalls as he approached. There was the small lion-like Digimon who had aided them, odds were that his tamer was somewhere in the area as well. He checked his radar once more - just green blips now. Doru leaped down from his arms, slowly stretching as leapt over another one of the pitfalls.

"I'm Doru, and this is Takuma. That Agumon over there was guiding us to WiZ City when we got ambushed by something. In any case, we should save pleasantries for later and get out of here before we get jumped again. A few of us got pretty banged up in that fight." Doru looked over to Mikado and Tim. With Gazimon degenerated into a Pagumon, their combat strength decreased. Vision had been crippled to some extent and odds were that he wouldn't be able to fight as well as he could be.


Tsubaki Mifune

Patamon sighed in relief as Serena loosened her hold on him. The girl had a strong grip, that's for sure. But the Devidramon... He'd only heard of them before, seeing one up close wasn't exactly something he wanted to do. Was that one of the Tamer's partners? He'd heard so many stories on the Tamers, the so-called digidestined. But never had any of those stories mentioned them working with virus type digimon. Didn't that go against the whole supposed purpose of the digidestined? An ear-piercing roar ripped through the air. Even with Serena trying to shield him, his ears were left ringing something fierce.

Tsubaki was tense as she watched the seemingly out of control Devidramon mindlessly tear apart Gizmon as if it were nothing. She could see Dante and Kyubimon pick up Tomiko. It looked like they were preparing for a fight if the Tamer failed to talk some sense into her partner. That deafening roar let out by the dragon... It was made even worse thanks to her concussion. The Tamer nearly dropped to her knees from the noise. Tears in her eyes she looked over to see Devidramon had reverted forms. She sighed, wincing slightly. It felt like an ice pick was being driven into her skull.

Free from Serena's arms, Patamon ran over to his Tamer and stood on his hind legs to try and get a better look at her. With his ears still ringing, the digimon didn't think it was a good idea to try and fly. Besides his wings weren't back in top shape anyway. "Are you okay?" He asked, cerulean eyes showing concern.

Tsubaki managed a weak smile at her partner. "Yeah, I'll be alright." She turned to look over the group, noting that there was a new face mixed in. Just how many humans got sucked in here? The Tamer sighed as she noticed all the new injuries that needed tended to. It seemed her and Wormmon may just have their work cut out for them.

She looked over as two more emerged from the brush. The pair introduced themselves as Cora and Vision. She looked down at her own partner, "Any idea what digimon Vision is?"

Patamon shifted slightly as he studied the newcomer. Finally the ringing in his ears had died down enough to let him think. "I think he's a Wizardmon. But he's seen better days..." He remembered a few Wizardmon stopping by their little village to rest. The Digimon always had great stories to share with everyone. Patamon shook his head. Why was he thinking of that village so much?
Roxana Lockhart

Roxana ended up carrying Biyo in her arms as they set off in search of the green blimps. It was an extremely long walk but Roxana didn't seem to mind. It was like walking around the mall for hours and hours. It wasn't anything she couldn't handle. Checking the radar every so often, the blimps seemed to get closer and closer. They were making pretty good progress. Eventually she could hear voices and actually see the sources of these green blimps. "Um...Hello? I'm Roxana. And this is Biyo." Biyo had fallen asleep somewhere along the way. A smile crept onto Roxana's face as she looked down at the sleepy digimon.
Tomiko Tomagi

Tomiko groaned, her back killing her after having hitting it so hard while catching Gazi-Pagumon from earlier. She fell back down, the pain ringing with each breath she took. Although it gave her momentary pleasure, she soon realized that throwing that digital talking mouth wasn't the best course of action. She should've kicked him. Would've involved less of her back and more of her thigh, but glancing down at her blood covered jeans she'd doubt that would've cause her any less agony. Releasing another horrific groan, she finally noticed all the new faces that seem to have randomly join the group. She only realized it after a brunette with blue eyes, perhaps of american lineage, asked if everyone was okay. Responding wasn't necessarily easy at the moment, so she just gave a thumbs up hoping that would be suffice as a reasonable answer. Resting against the trunk of a nearby tree, she closed her eyes, breathing slowly as she remembered the contents of a short yoga video she had saw while walking to school. The breeze blew gently through her dirtied hair, dirt and leaves nestled into the black mess. The sudden lack of fighting or anything really had felt somewhat relaxing as she took another deep breath in and slowly released it. One more breath and the pain had devolved into something more of a sore than an agonizing injury. She remained quiet until she heard a voice call out to her.

Opening her eyes, she saw a hand as well as a pair of brightly colored yellow legs. Following the hand up to the neck she recognized it to be the Hero and Renamon. Gazing upon the outstretched hand, she felt a hint of hesitation, a feeling of loss swelling in the pit of her stomach. Tomiko had been commenting on his lack of sense ever since she's seen him in action, and now receiving help from him felt out of place. But looking at her sorry state after doing something similar to himself, she guess she'd take this as a lost.

The pain is bearable. I can still move them so the damages aren't irreversible." she stated bluntly. It was apparent that she lacked an social skills to conversate with another person which was somewhat embarrassing, but not enough to cause her to be flustered. Staring at her torn pants and bloodied knees she decided the best course of action was to get rid of the parts covered in dirt and blood as to avoid infection. Putting her fingers through her ripped jeans, she tore them until her jeans now turned short stopped a few centimeters above the knee. She did the same for the other side until she had nearly symmetrical pair of short, although the left one was shorter by a few millimeter, the difference wasn't obvious so she thought it'd be fine. The whole process took around a minute to finish before she respectively took the hand that was given to her.

Thanks Her-Dante." she corrected, nearly calling him her self proclaimed nickname for him. Her knees stung a bit from a combination of bending and a slight wind that blew sadistically across her bare skin. Tomiko winced for a moment before standing fully erect, here eyes now on the newcomers who've joined the group. Counting, she caught one new face and then two more that approached them. One looked quite shy while the other had a masculine feel to them. Was that a man? She wasn't sure, but her analysis on the androgynous would have to wait as she heard the small grunts of discomfort move closer to her. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced over to Mikado who held something she wanted to rid herself of. The creatures eyes spun as his glasses shook with each movement Mikado made.

Uhm, thanks for dropping it off." she thanked through closed teeth, allowing Pagumon to fall into her grubby little hands. The digimon seemed quite out it, his eyes continued to spin, while his mouth hung open in a confused daze. She didn't know whether she meant to thank her for returning him or wanted to burn her for it. For now the not-so-thankful-thanks would have to do. Note to self: Don't throw Pagumon towards Mikado. He will be returned. She tossed the confused head into the hood of her jacket, the hole being large enough for him to fit in while not causing strain on her already sore arms.

Another thanks had brought her attention back to the front in which she responded,"
Yeah." she said halfheartedly," Good work, huh." the phrase sounding more like a question then an actual statement. It had been true that the digivolved Renamon and Devidramon had won the fight against Gizmon, but did they really win? It seemed less than likely, which brought her ever so confused brain another question. Where was Professor Agumon when you need him?

Yeah Swanmon. I'd like another piece of chrocolarte too. No darc kwind pwease." he muttered, his mouth being fully covered by her hood. What the heck was he on about? She could ask him, but seeing his condition and the minimal amount of talking he's done so far she decided to let him continue his nonsensical babble. Better than that intentional narcissism of his. The small pattering of footsteps brought her gaze to Serena who had innocently asked her where Gazimon was after thanking him.

Uhmm, Gazimon de-digivolved into Pagumon. If you're looking for him he's in my hood. Want to play with him?" She offered maniacally, the drowsy and unfocused Pagumon unable to refute her offer. If Serena took him, she wouldn't have to deal with him until he'd woke up. Good plan great plan! Soon, Serena answered the androgynous that she had swore looked similar to an anime character she had saw on a show once. She forgot the name of the anime, but she couldn't forget a face like that. But if she went off of that than that'd mean they'd be a boy, but observing a little while longer she could see their feminine curves. Okay, were they a boy or a girl? Asking would be rude, and so Tomiko decided avoid pronouns until she was sure of their gender. Taking a sideways glance at the humanoid digimon, she seemed quite at awe to see a magician. His design was quite appealing to say the least, much better than what she had grown accustomed too. But it appeared to be a little different from their digimon. Was it also a rookie? Maybe a champion? She couldn't tell, and wished that there were some way to identify their name and level so she could stop beating around the bush. It was getting a little annoying, especially since with each level their names apparently changed for some odd reason.

After that, a second round of introductions took place to the newer members. It began with Serena, who always seemed to be the initiators of these things. Then Takuma, who she'd caught walking towards them from the corner of her eye. He introduced himself before taking note that everyone had been a little 'banged' up from the fight, some a little worse than others. If they were to take into account the total number of existing casualties it'd be around 3 being Tsubaki, Dante, and herself. She wasn't sure if there were more, but the three were the only ones with visible wounds as far as she could tell, although hers weren't as bad as her two other associates. She opened her mouth to say something, but went silent after the last newcomer appeared introducing herself on the spot. The light blue haired girl awkwardly gave them her name (Roxy) while holding an unknown digimon she introduced as Biyo.

Hello, I'm Tomiko." she greeted quickly before returning back to Takuma's previous statement. "You're right. Taking into account that 3 of us are injured I'd say we should get a move on. Seeing as how the day has progressed thus far it wouldn't be weird if we faced another enemy, and continuous fighting is bound to tire our digimon out." she stated, analyzing the situation before continue," If we count our total party as of now we are around 10 humans and 10 digimon making us 20 in total. Since we humans are unable to fight excluding a rather heroic Dante that leaves us at 9 strong. Pagumon excluded due to his current state." Tomiko took a quick look around seeing another digimon roaming, a fiery lion that she hadn't noticed until now. Could it possibly be one of them? If so, then where was it's tamer? She gritted her teeth, leaving the digimon out of their total until she was sure that he was an ally.

Now if we agree then we should get going. Does anyone know where Professor Agumon is hiding?" she questioned. They'd be unable to move forward without him as he was their navigator of sorts. They could leave him, but that would result in them either being lost or accidentally landing upon the city, a fifty-fifty percent chance really. The stakes were to high to go on instinct alone so she waited until the lab coat wearing dinosaur showed himself, having another question to ask about this digital world.

@Veirrianna Valentine


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Dante shook his head as Tomiko spoke after he had helped her to her feet. "I'm no hero. I'm just someone that's been trained to fight, so I might as well put it to good use to make sure no one else gets hurt whenever I can." He corrected. He could never see himself as a hero. He protected others, that was it. His eyes immediately locked on the bokken on Cora's hip. "And you should probably recount the human fighters... Looks like this one is either a kendoka or an Iadoka." He remarked watching Cora, the two terms referring to individuals who practiced Kendo and Iado respectfully.

Renamon glanced over at the new arrivals before looking back at Dante. "And that would mean?" she inquired, still not familiar with human martial arts just yet.

"Meaning she practices a school of swordsmanship, hence the wooden sword on her hip" Dante explained to his partner. " I should probably introduce us, I'm Dante, and my partner is Renamon" he rested his good hand on Renamon's shoulder, keeping his bo staff in his left hand. It was obvious he was carrying his left arm a little gingerly, for reasons obvious to anyone who had seen the horrible purple and black bruising that covered his broken forearm after hard blocking a Goblimon's club.

He looked over at Tomiko as she suggested they get a move on. "Yeah... once we find Professor Agumon and account for everyone, we should get moving as soon as possible. Has anyone seen Nathan?" He asked, noticing that Wormmon and his partner hadn't rejoined the group just yet. He saw Nathan not far, still alive and kicking from the looks of it. "Add another to the wounded list... Looks like Nathan took a shot to the shoulder..." Dante murmured, seeing the injury from here.

Even if most of these injuries thus far aside from his arm were just flesh wounds, they'd start adding up if they didn't catch a break and find a safe place.... He looked over to Tomiko, taking into account her legs were banged up. "Will you be okay to walk on your own?" He asked quietly, keeping his voice down so that it wouldn't draw too much attention to the injuries if she didn't want others to notice. If she struggled with walking, Dante wouldn't hesitate to help her.

Renamon couldn't help but chuckle softly. "He's so set on making sure everyone gets through this.. He doesn't think for a second about himself..." She murmured to herself before her smile faded into a bit of a frown. She had noticed he seemed all too intent to make himself a target. Was it just because he was confident in the two of them, or was there another reason why he chose to be the diversion when it was needed? She had seen firsthand that he was quite good at assessing the situation and developing a strategy to limit casualties, but why did he always put himself in the danger zone to ensure the strategies worked? Was he just that confident in his own abilities, or was it something else?

She would make it a point to ask later, for now, they needed to get moving...

@Veirrianna Valentine @GasMaskie @Everyoneelse(I only specifically tag those addressed in my post)
Serena Jones

Almost as soon as she introduced herself to one set of tamer and digimon, another appeared. Normally, someone would get mad at having to repeat themselves for about the...sixth time that day, but Serena didn't mind. She was just excited to meet more people after all. "I'm Serena and this is Comman!" She greeted them, just as cheerful as she had greeted everyone else that day. Comman waved to them, "Good thing to see we're getting more allies instead of losing them." He told the second set of newcomers. "We really should get going after we find the Professor, though, and talk back in the city. Especially seeing as we only got more injured in the last fight." He added, gesturing to Serena and the rest. Even if they were flesh wounds, burns were nasty things, and not all of them were only flesh wounds.

Serena turned to Tomiko when she explained what had happened to Gazimon, and that the small grey ball she had seen earlier was indeed him. Even better, she asked if she wanted to play with him! She'd all but forgotten about her wound at that point, she'd just been offered one of the cuter digimon to play with after all. "
Sure, I'd love to!" She replied, holding her hands out expectantly with a wide excited grin on her face. She'd play with Comman, but he didn't exactly look like the playable type. Plus he was as tall as her roughly so she couldn't exactly hold him like the smaller digimon either.

Comman glanced over at Serena's wound with worry, sure it wasn't as bad as Dante's or the rest, but it was the fact that she was his tamer, the skin was red and bleeding slightly, torn and burned from the lazers. He just hoped there was someone in WiZ city that could treat, or help treat, human injuries. Though, he wasn't exactly sure how himself.
Mikado Saris

After returning the dazed pagumon she got to her feet and looked around as the group began to reform. As the others made their way over she couldn't help but notice a few of them had taken some hits during the fight. The more wounds they got the more she was sure she would have to do something before they got into a situation they couldn't handle. Dante's words only further agitated her, even after everything that's happened he still had that same attitude. She was tempted to give the boy a piece of her mind but decided against it. They were all tired, their digimon were probably getting exhausted from the constant fighting and they now had some new faces to deal with.

She turned her attention to the newcomers, the wooden sword on the tomboy worried her slightly. They already had enough problems with Dante and Nathan, she really didn't want to deal with another one. She was thankful for her ability to quickly put on a nice face, the ability to hide her inner thoughts had served her well many times in the past and she fully intended to keep up her success with these people. Putting on her trademarked smile she walked over towards the newcomers. "Sup, I'm Mikado and my partner's the wannabe-samurai." She gestured down to her side where Ryu gave a somewhat confused look. "Samurai...?" He turned his attention to the new humans, offering them a nod. "Whatever, I'm Ryudamon but she calls me Ryu. Feel free to do so too."

Both Ryu and Mikado perked up at the talk about looking for the professor and finally getting to the city. Ryu was absolutely starving after the multiple battles and was eager to get something to eat. He also knew that he wouldn't have the strength to fight a third match without getting at least something edible. Mikado cared less about the prospect of food and was more thankful that the others, especially Dante, seemed to understand their dire need for safety. Maybe this last battle and Renamon almost dying actually did leave an impact on the boy. She glanced over in Nathan's direction, hoping the same held true for him. Either way, all of this could wait until they got to the city. She quickly scanned the surroundings until her eyes fell on the orange little dinosaur not that far off, apparently studying the area where Gizmon bit the dust.

She raised her hands to form a sort of cone around her mouth before shouting in the dinosaur's direction. "Professor! Time to go!" She didn't know much of anything about that particular digimon and was slightly worried he'd be the aloof genius type. That was another headache she didn't want to deal with. Without waiting for a response from the little orange creature she turned her attention back to their group. She looked over the group, many of them sporting some kind of injury and all of them looking more than a little roughed up. While looking over the group she noticed the little kid treating Pagumon like some kind of stuffed animal.

Figuring it'd help take her mind off the doom and gloom she looked down at her own partner, her lips curling into a smirk. "Too bad nobody thinks you're cute enough to play with, huh?" Ryu was caught off guard briefly, he had taken jabs at her but usually she just sulked. This was the first time she's taken the initiative. She was a hundred years too early to challenge him as he looked back up at her. "Suppose that makes two of us then, huh?" He gave the girl a sympathetic pat before heading over to fetch Agumon. He knew his gesture of supposed kindness would only annoy her further. His assumption was correct as Mikado glared after him. Her plan had succeeded, although not in the way she had intended.

@Veirrianna Valentine
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Soren watched the proceedings. He was really glad Coronamon didn't get hurt, but that Devidramon looked pretty dangerous, and there was that metal thing. Coronamon wandered back to him. "Soren, why aren't you coming out? We won. There's nothing to worry about, all the dots on the Digivice are green." Soren checked it, and it was true. It seemed pretty safe, and he really didn't have any excuses.

"I'm coming Coro," Soren said. He slipped out from the trees and walked over to Coronamon. "You were pretty great. I'm glad you were safe." Coronamon chuckled and beamed up at him. He looked at the others, and, sure enough, they hadn't noticed him yet. Old habits crept up on him, and he found himself slinking back towards the trees. He caught Coronamon's eyes, and Cornamon shook his head in reply to the unspoken question. Soren sighed, and waked forward again. He overheard all the people introducing themselves, and mentally noted down all their names. He stood there, unnoticed for a minute, until Coronamon nudged him. "I'm Soren, but you can call me Ren if you want. I've heard all your names. I hope I'm not a bother." Coronamon beamed again. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

"I'm Coronamon, but I kind of like the name Soren gave me, Coro," he said. "Does anyone know what that metal thing we fought was?"
"Right, glad introductions are out of the way kids and... Digikids. Anyway, judging by the fact you all seem like you can't hold yourselves together, I'd say that we should get to whatever city it is you're all talking about and stay there long enough for you all to manage to not die." Cora barked. Quite frankly the number of younger kids she saw was higher than she'd like. She had definitely been expecting more people around her age to be these' Digidestined rather than one girl who looked like she was still a pre-teen.

Rolling her eyes at the mess, Cora moved forward towards the one that introduced himself as Dante. Whether he realised it or not, she saw his left arm was tucked in under his jacket and strode forward to snap her finger in his face twice before pointing to his arm.

"Bruised, sprained or broken? I've seen enough chicken wings from bokken to know you did something. Tell me you at least set it if it needed set and got a splint on it. If not I can do it, but trust me when I say it's not going to feel good."

Meanwhile Vision approached Dante's partner, Renemon, and offered hand to shake as he gestured to Cora and Dante.

"Looks like your partner got handled like I did. Oh, and don'y worry too much about Cora. She can seem mean and angry, but, and don't let her know I said this, she's a good, nice person, she just doesn't know how to be sometimes. Or, well, most of the time, but at the core... yeah, she's good." Vision informed her, expressing his trust in his admittedly rough partner, "Anyway, I knew she was Digidestined, and we had to find you all eventually. Now that we have, what can you tell me about the group? Do we have a direction other than WiZ city?"

@One Mean Ghost
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Tomiko Tomagi

Dante spoke, taking note of the wooden sword on ... her, as he classified, person leaving a bad taste in her mouth. She pleaded for her not to be as reckless and borderline insane like the man beside her. He had refuted being a hero earlier, simply stating that since he learned martial arts he might as well put it to good use. Tomiko hoped this did not prove true for the tomboyish girl in front of them. Releasing a tiny sigh, she heard a whisper that came from Dante asking her if her legs were bothering her. Looking down at her new wounds she shook her head.

No, I'm fine. The wounds are already turning into scabs. Although they may sting a bit, I'll be able to manage." she whispered, thinking that the man should care for himself a bit more. He may have thought his wound wasn't serious, but it wasn't like her's that could heal over a course of a day. His broken arm needed dire attention along with Tsubaki's concussion, which she hoped they'd get once they made it to WiZ City. Inching away from t the overly helpful man, she heard a rather cheery Serena agree to her offer. A smile slid across her face as she dug the fluff ball out of her hood and into Serena's little outstretched arms, happy to finally rid herself of this itch even if it were for just a moment. Pagumon eyes still resembled swirling railroad tracks when she put him in the little girl's custody. His sunglasses hung ever so slightly off his neckless body, Tomiko's hands instinctively moving to remove them. A second later and the dusty shades were in her possession, shoved into her pocket for safe keeping until he awoke. Once that had been done, she couldn't help but notice Commandramon worried expression when he gazed upon his tamer. Did something happened that she didn't know about? Tracing where the commando digimon eyes fell, she could see a slight burn on the child arm. Probably the same type that Nathan over there had thanks to one of Gizmon's precise lasers.

That makes 5 casualties." she muttered low enough to not be heard. Apparently the child did not want anyone to worry about her injury, and although she found the whole "I don't want you guys to worry about me" , as she was sure she'd be thinking, didn't make sense to her she'd keep her discovery to herself until she felt that it was becoming a bother to her. For now, she kept a mask of cheerfulness on her face quite well, so she decided to let it slide. Tomiko knew she'd regret following the little girls wishes later, but she'd just have to deal with it when that time comes.

She had barely noticed the man walking towards them since he voice had been akin to a whisper. She looked up to see one more pretty face enter the group along with the lion digimon that she'd seen earlier.
Now that makes 22 of us in total. Strength is now 10 strong. she thought as ... Soren? Soren was it? As Soren introduced himself and soon after Coronamon who had asked a rather good question. Avoiding pitfalls made by Gazimon, she walked towards the little lion and his tamer hoping to enlighten them on current events. There was no need for ignorance at the moment, so she took it upon herself to answer the small digimon.

Well since we both know each others names I guess I'll just jump right in." she said, referring to Soren's earlier comment.

That digimon we've just fought is known as Gizmon. We aren't particularly sure of it's origins or why it attacked up, but seeing as it appeared to be following order than doing this out of it's own will I think it's safe to assume that someone knows we're here and they're not to fond of us either." she paused for a moment to take a breath. "As of now, we're heading to WiZ City along with Professor Agumon to learn more about our reason for being here. I think. Anyway, if you have anymore questions concerning our plans feel free to ask." she told them, sounding more like a guide than an associate. She probably wouldn't be able to answer the harder questions about this world if they asked her, but she'd tried to answer them to the best of her ability.

Taking a quick glance behind her, she could see Cora move in to help with Dante's broken arm. Maybe she wouldn't be as reckless seeing as she seemed quite annoyed with it, as she stated that'd there be pain involved. Oh well, maybe that'll teach him about analyzing the situation before jumping head first into battle. Hopefully.

@Veirrianna Valentine



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Tsubaki Mifune

Instead of introductions, Tsubaki found herself taking note of all the new injuries sustained in their last battle. Dante's arm still needed treated, Serena now had first and second degree burns on her forearm that needed tended to. Her crimson gaze fell on Tomiko and her scrapes, they didn't look bad, sure they were going to hurt but the younger Tamer could handle cleaning them up herself. Tsubaki figured she'd still have to ask her if she had any other injuries. Finally spotting Nathan, she noticed his shoulder had been burned. That was going to be all sorts of fun to take care of.

She looked at Cora, listening to the Tamer quiz Dante about his arm. "Yeah, it's broken. But it's already set and splinted. I'll just need to adjust the splint once we get to whatever city it was." Her gaze scanned the brush searching for that pesky Agumon that was supposed to be showing them the way. "But from the way it sounds, I'm not the only one with first aid training anymore. Good, makes my life a lot easier right now. Most of these injuries can wait until we reach the city to be tended to though."

Tsubaki approached Dante, retrieving the bandages and water from the pouch of her hoodie. "You, however, need an actual sling before we head out. Maybe the professor will take a hint and get out here before we're done..."

While his Tamer was focused on tallying injuries, Patamon ran over to the Wizardmon. At the older digimon's side, he stood on his hind legs to try and get a better look. "Are you alright? You look like you got into a pretty bad fight . . . " The little digimon asked, looking up at the weakened Wizardmon. "Tsubaki might be able to help you too. Maybe," Patamon glanced at his Tamer, unsure if she could do anything for a digimon. "It's worth asking her anyway."

@Veirrianna Valentine
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"No, I'm fine. The wounds are already turning into scabs. Although they may sting a bit, I'll be able to manage."

Dante just nodded his head in understanding. As far as he was concerned, it couldn't hurt to ask. After all, everyone had different levels of pain tolerance. His just happened to be very, VERY high. His gaze adjusted when someone was snapping in his face. He just chuckled and shook off the rather rude gesture, deciding instead to address her question.

"You don't need to worry about me.." He paused, tapping his forearm with his staff so all could hear the sound of wood hitting wood as he tapped his splint to show it was there under the jacket. "I already took care of it. Sadly this was the result of an almost perfectly executed strategy to prevent casualties." He shook his head, still upset with himself for letting that Goblimon get into his blind spot. "On the upside, it worked. I was the only one hurt in the initial ambush even with us being outnumbered" he shrugged it off, referring, of course, to the initial Goblimon that arrived before Targetmon revealed himself. As far as Dante was concerned, the fact Serena got out of that ambush unscathed was the important part. He knew he could take a hit, but Serena wouldn't have come off so easily if those Goblimon hadn't taken the bait...

As Comman had probably come to realize, and maybe a few others, Dante wasn't as reckless as he first appeared. He had a plan in place every time. It just so happened that in all of them he put himself in the most dangerous position. In the initial ambush, he had used himself to draw the Goblimon out of the trees so Comman and the others could pick them off, while also using himself as a target to keep the Goblimon from trying to rush the main group, where no doubt many more casualties would have happened, especially if they got to Serena... He couldn't help but see her almost as the little sister he never had...

When Targetmon revealed himself, he and Renamon had rushed on ahead. Not because they were reckless, but because of a calculated risk. He knew that Comman and the others could handle the Goblimon on their own after seeing them in action, but unknown threat, however, could have(and was) causing havoc with the second group. He and Renamon could get there faster than anyone else to provide backup, so they had done so.

There was a common theme to his strategies. They put him in a dangerous spot, and relied on the others to cover him. Each time, he put his life in their hands, trusting in their abilities. The question was, why did he insist on taking the dangerous positions himself? Sure, he was capable. After all, he had handled five Goblimon, two of which with a broken arm. Was there more to it though besides just confidence in his abilities?

That was on Renamon's mind before Vision's voice broke her train of thoughts. Her icy blue eyes shifting over to the Wizardmon. She chuckled softly.
"Dante won't be so easily handled. Don't think for a second that just because he's injured he's unable to fight. He's already proven he can fight with one arm quite effectively." Renamon remarked, crossing her arms over her chest before pondering his next question. "As for this group... Frankly, most of the humans seem pretty useless, even if their hearts are in the right place... Tomiko and Tsubaki at least seem to have a little medical experience, but Dante is the only one worth anything in a fight. I'd almost think he was a Digimon himself if I didn't know better... Serena is young, but she's growing on me, I'll admit.." She chuckled softly. "As for the others... some just arrived, so I can't say much, but I can say that Mikado is a flight risk. She seems to think running from everything is the best policy... I'm afraid she'll have to learn the hard way that here, running is often the worst possible option." she remarked, her tail swishing around behind her. "As for the Digimon, all of them seem to be capable in one way or another. Wormmon is useful for providing bandages at least. Patamon... I guess he'd make a good footrest or a pillow?" She tilted her head, still not too sure how useful the overgrown flying hamster would be in a fight. "As for direction, I think Tomiko did a good job summing it up..." she remarked.

Dante's gaze shifted to Tsubaki as she insisted on him having a sling. He sighed a little, but he got the impression Tsubaki wasn't going to let this one rest. Just a look in her eye said that if he argued, she'd pop him upside the head.
"Fine...." he relented, allowing her to put his arm in a sling for now. He didn't like having attention on his injuries like this. Still, even with just one good arm, the staff he now held would still allow him to be a force to reckoned with if the situation called for it.

@KageYuuki @A Guileless Fable @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @EveryoneElse
@A Guileless Fable @everyone else

Serena Jones

Serena pretty much immediately hugged Pagumon when Tomiko handed him to her, it was probably a good thing she removed his sunglasses for just such a reason because if she didn't they'd be crushed right about now. She wished he wasn't dazed but if anything it just made him cuter. For now she decided until the Professor collected himself and everyone started moving that she'd sit off to the side slightly and out of everyones' way with Pagumon. She placed him in her lap and set to work stretching his ears..arms..hands? Whatever they were out, seeing how long they were and wondering if they actually functioned like hands. She hoped no one saw the burn on her arm, or if they did didn't really pay much attention to it. Mostly everyone else was hurt worse than she was, the last thing she wanted was for someone to worry about her right now.

Glancing down at the burn on her arm she winced slightly as she was reminded of it, really it looked worse than it actually did as most burns do. Regardless she figured if anyone did fully notice it they just hadn't said anything. Shrugging and not putting much more thought into it she resumed her attention fully on the warm ball of fluff in her lap that was Pagumon.

If Pagumon changed so much from when he was Gazimon, she wondered what Patamon and the rest would look like if they de-digivolved. Was it possible for Patamon to get even more adorable? She giggled happily to herself at the thought, blisfully un-aware of the conversations at hand, she was sure Comman would poke her if they started moving anyway.

Comman watched as Serena walked off with Pagumon, he wondered if Tomiko gave him to her because she wanted to keep Serena distracted or if it was some form of torture or payback to Pagumon. Knowing how she was acting to him prior he figured it was the latter rather than the former, even though he felt he deserved it Comman still felt bad for Pagumon. Though, he could tell Tomiko still cared for him and Pagumon was just slightly dense at times..well more than slightly, really. But still. He glanced over to the Proffessor, still seemingly ignoring everyone in favor of studying the area Gizmon digitized.

Sighing, he said nothing about the situation and simply elected to observe the situation before him. Much like the others he was making notes of the injuries, while he wasn't exactly familiar with human physiology he easily guessed that bleeding was bad, as were burns and broken things. He just hoped they'd get moving before things got worse, such as Targetmon coming back again.

Turning the the Professor he felt it was appropriate to try and grab his attention again. "Professor, If you don't mind we should probably get going now!" He called out to him, clearly annoyed.
"Hold on, just a few more observa-" Professor Agumon was waving off Comman's complaint with a free hand when his body suddenly stiffened and he looked to the skies with a far more serious look on his face - one that was a mix of both fear and respect. Soon enough, the virtual clouds began to part as a golden light bathed the area.

"Hmph, so these were the odd signals detected in my domain." A voice spoke out with a sigh as the atmosphere seemed to shatter under an approaching presence's pressure. From high above, a single Digimon descended. It was humanoid, although it was far taller than any human could hope to be. A golden glow surrounded the knightly being as it finally touched down in the clearing.


Professor Agumon immediately stowed away his notebook as being drew his rapier and planted it in the ground. Doru prostrated himself as well, being acquainted with the significance of this Digimon.

"I am Duftmon, Royal Knight and overseer of the Forest of Beginnings. You've made my job this much harder by destabilizing the area. Had you not intervened, the Goblimon and Shamanmon hordes would have remained in a stalemate against one another indefinitely. Now that one side has been wiped out, I'll need to clear out the others." The knight ran a hand through his golden mane and sighed once more.

"Still, I cannot fault you for initiating combat against them. Nevertheless, I've been instructed to lead you out of my sector and to WiZ City. I will answer any objections with my blade." Takuma gulped as Duftmon finished talking. Even with their combined strength, there was no way they'd be able to compare to this guy. The scanner listed him as a Mega-level, an on top of that it seemed like he was giving off a fierce pressure - perhaps the authority of a so-called Royal Knight?

Duftmon turned his back on the assembly of humans and Digimon as he began to stride forward with his long legs. He was confident that they recognized the consequences of going up against a higher existence. However, he rubbed his side and if one looked closely they could make out a small scratch of static.


Tsubaki Mifune

Shaking her head at Dante's grumbling, Tsubaki moved over to him and carefully pulled his jacket away. She sighed as she examined the cut that had been quickly bandaged. That would need looked at later, however she had a feeling it was beyond her skill levels. Would there be a doctor in the city? Hell, would they even be able to do anything for them since they're humans and not digimon? The Tamer pushed the thought aside as she carefully put Dante's injured arm in a sling. Unfolding the longest of the bandages, she wrapped it around Dante's arm and body to keep the sling from moving too much. "It's not perfect, but it'll be better than just that jacket of yours."

"Hmph, so these were the odd signals detected in my domain."

Tsubaki looked up with the rest as Duftmon landed in front of them. "An angel . . .?" She murmured, studying the Royal Knight. He seemed very aloof yet at the same time rather condescending of the group. Sure, they weren't going to object to being escorted, but was threatening to kill them necessary? "Let's just go before this guy starts thinking we're ignoring him." She muttered, scooping up Patamon as she started to follow Duftmon. Just get to the city, that's all that mattered right now.
Mikado Saris

Ryu's attempt at fetching the professor came to a stand still as the clouds parted and golden light washed down over the clearing. He had never personally met a digimon of such power but even so he could still recognize it as one worthy of great respect. Without hesitation he lowered his head. While he didn't know what the proper procedure for dealing with such digimon was he at least knew he didn't want to upset the being. He spared a quick glance in the direction of his tamer, slightly worried that she or the other humans might offend Duftmon in their ignorance. He could only hope they would take note of their digimon and follow suit.

As Duftmon finished speaking Ryu quickly made his way over to his tamer. He wasn't sure how patient the Royal Knight was and he wasn't exactly in a hurry to find out. As he reached the girl he grabbed her hand and began to tug her along in the direction Duftmon went. "Come on, less gawking and more walking, Mikado." He couldn't entirely blame the girl for staring at the colossal digimon. Seeing something that so completely dwarfed everything else in terms of size and power must be a shock. But the chances of the Royal Knight abiding such actions were not exactly high. With Ryu tugging on her, Mikado finally snapped out of her revere and turned her gaze down on the samurai dragon pulling her along.

She cast one last glance up at the Royal Knight before them before speaking in a whisper, worried what might happen should the massive digimon hear her. "Ryu, he seems injured..." It was small but the digimon's movements drew attention to the mark on it's side. If something as huge and evidently as powerful as he could get hurt it begged the question about what kind of monster inflicted the wound. Upon hearing Mikado, Ryu took the chance of look Duftmon over more closely. After a few moments he noticed the Royal Knight's hand and the scratch on his side. While it was a mystery, it was one they couldn't exactly afford to try and solve and as such didn't even bother responding to her remark.

Mikado stared at her partner as he continued to lead her along. After a few moments it became apparent he wasn't going to say anything so she looked over her shoulder at the group. With such a powerful digimon personally escorting them it was all but guaranteed they were now officially safe, right? All they had to do was get to the city, treat the wounded, and head home. That was how these things worked, or at least that's what she kept telling herself. She turned her attention back towards Ryu and shook her hand free from his grasp, finally growing tired of being led around by the small creature. "I can walk on my own.." Ryu looked back at the girl as she freed herself from his grasp but otherwise ignored her action. As long as she kept up he didn't need to continue dragging her along.

@Veirrianna Valentine
Serena Jones

Serena looked up from playing with Pagumon with wide eyes at Duftmon. He was awesome! And freaking huge! She stared on in awe, she figured the being wasn't going to hurt them seeing as it probably had the power to do so as soon as it wavered into their plane of exsistance. After the initial awe filled moment, however, she quickly turned her attention back to Pagumon. She figured if it was anything important Comman would come and collect her.

Rather than bow, Comman saluted him, more or less the same thing. He quickly ran over and grabbed Serena once he finished speaking, he'd figured the girl didn't pay attention and he was right. "
Come on Serena let's go." He told her. She looked up at him and shrugged, standing up shakily due to trying to pick Pagumon up at the same time. Regardless they fell in line with the rest. Comman gestured for her to keep quiet, the last thing they needed was the over excited kid to get them all turned into a smear of blood and data on the ground.
As Cora and Vision listened to what the others had to say, Cora couldn't help but question the legitimacy of how well they could fight. It wasn't anything personal against them, but if both Cora and Vision could effectively face off against foes even given the Digimon's state of affairs, just how 'skilled' were these fighters? That and Cora couldn't help but question Dante either. Sure, he and Renemon seemed like the most likely fighters, but Dante's arm made him a liability, and how had he managed to get it to begin with? A failed fight no doubt.

Furthermore, if this group had thrown off the local populace of violent Digimon, it would mean that the peaceful ones she and Vision had made a point of protecting thus far was rendered useless, something Cora was less than pleased about as her teeth and fists clenched impulsively. Stepping forward, Cora acknowledged the larger Digimon respectfully, giving him a bow.

"Apologies, Duftmon. It seems that between yourself, myself and Vision, my friend, this group has undone a bit of our hard work," explained Cora, before standing and throwing a thumb back over her shoulder to point out the rest of the Digidestined with far less respectful words, "If it helps, Vision and I would have no issue helping you clear out the Shamanmon. Wouldn't be the first we've had to challenge, nor the first time we played polis."

At the same time Vision partly wanted to hit Cora for her comment, but couldn't help but somewhat agree. He and Cora had done a lot of work trying to keep the peace since they had met, and it seemed that as much effort they had put into keeping the peace in the forest, the group they'd found had all undone. His own hand tightening around the handle of his cane before he addressed Duftmon as well.

"While I don't agree wholly agree with her phrasing, I do agree with the base message my partner had to say. Despite my current state, I can still fight, and I would have no issue aiding you in clearing the forest. I have put much effort into such an undertaking already, and I would have no problem finishing the job if it means the Digimon of this forest will be safe." coming to stand at Cora's side, Vision stood resolute as he gazed upon the Knight, "Cora and I will stay here and find the Shamanmon, but it would be best to see the rest of these... Digidestined to the city so that they may recover."

It wasn't as if neither knew the words they spoke may have very well angered the rest of their group, but their frustration was justified. Ever since they had met Cora had aided Vision in his goals of protecting the Digimon that couldn't protect themselves, and the underdog in her wouldn't allow Cora to just leave things be now. Not with out at least trying to fix things.

Even if she had a feeling her attitude was bound to ostracise her from the others.


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