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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization


Dante and Renamon both looked up at the Royal Knight, keeping silent out of respect before that silence was broken by Cora. Renamon's ears lay flat on her head as she glared at them. Were they really so foolish that they'd try and do all of that on their own. She was just about to give them a piece of her mind when Dante's good arm touched Cora's shoulder.

"Now's not the time for that. If the Shamanmon are anything like Goblinmon, there are going to be too many of them for you to handle on your own... No matter how skilled you think you are, they have numbers on you, and you always have a blind spot." Dante remarked calmly, with an air to his voice that said he spoke from experience as he touched the back of her head lightly to make a point as to the blind spot.. Renamon sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. She wouldn't have been nearly so nice about it. Frankly, she still wanted to say something, but she knew Dante wasn't done..

"Besides... there's more at work here than I think you realize.. The Goblimon that attacked us were united under a Targetmon... Something nasty is at work here, and it really wants to target us. Not long after we fended off the Goblimon, we were attacked by a Gizmon. Call me crazy, but I don't think it's a coincidence. Something really doesn't want us here. Staying here alone would be a death wish. I'm sure your heart is in the right place, but for now, all of us need to stick together until we know what the hell is going on for sure." Dante squeezed her shoulder just a little before releasing it.

"I know, looking at me now, I don't look like much, what with this snapped arm. But keep this in mind, I fought five Goblimon at once, unarmed, and this is the worst I got of it. And that was from blocking one of those clubs" He managed a bit of a smile as he tried to lighten the mood just a bit. It was rather impressive. After all, she at least had a bokken to use. At the time, he had nothing but his hands and feet. "Just trust me on this... Taking on one Digimon with both of you is one thing. But if the Shamanmon have a leader coordinating them like the Goblimon did, they will overwhelm you..." He warned her his gaze actually meeting hers now.

Renamon nodded, looking to Vision. "He's not joking. Vision, in your condition, you two would be overwhelmed, regardless of how skilled your Tamer is in a fight. Not to mention if there's another Gizmon around..." she shook her head. There was no way the two would be able to handle that. It took two champions, plus more to take the last one down, and in Vision's condition, he was pretty much at the rookie level.

The two started walking, not exactly intent on setting off the Mega level Royal Knight, with Dante at least looking back at Cora to make sure she followed.
As the being, Duftmon, descended from the sky, Soren tried his best to take it all in, and failed miserably. There was just an aura of power about this Digimon that set his entire body on edge. It seemed to simultaneously be challenging all those around him, yet letting them know that fighting him was a mistake. To take his mind off of it, he followed Duftmon from a distance. "Coro, what's a Royal Knight?"

"I've only heard a few legends of them. Duftmon I know a little more about because he's the overseer of this area," Coronamon said. "They're said to be a set of 13 Mega-level Digimon which guard the entire Digital world. Duftmon, or Leopardmon, is said to be the strategist, and that's all I've heard about them. Maybe Professor Agumon knows more, but I'm not sure. Everyone thought they were just legends. I'm sorry if that wasn't any help."

"No that's fine." Soren said, thinking. Legendary strength, guarding the entire digital world, and it was instructed to lead them to WiZ City. One thing was for sure, he wasn't going to get on the wrong side of this Digimon. If it was supposed to lead them, he wasn't going to try to leave. The consequences would not be pretty. "I guess we just follow him then." Soren said. Coronamon nodded, and the pair followed.

A thought occurred to Coronamon. "Soren, why don't you get to know the other Tamers?" Coronamon gestured towards the others. "If you're going to be traveling together, you might as well know each other." Coronamon was beginning to form the opinion that his partner wasn't comfortable around people. Coronamon understood it a little bit, but not knowing one's allies can usually hurt later. Hopefully Soren would be able to get over his discomfort in order to make a more stable team. Coronamon was disappointed by Soren shaking his head.

"I just don't know how to start a conversation. I can talk if other people start talking to me, but most of the time people just don't notice me. It's... hard to explain." Soren said. He knew his partner was disappointed in him, and that made him feel a little upset. He felt like he was letting his partner down, but he just didn't feel welcome. Most of the other group had already had time to get to know each other, but he had just shown up. He didn't think they would reject him, but he didn't exactly think he'd be welcomed with open arms into the conversation.

Rose was in awe by the angel Digimon, and the fact he was willing to lead them to this Wiz City. She wondered what made some of the Digimon friendly and some of the other Digimon evil. Another question for later. Hopefully she could get some answers in Wiz City, or at least some food and water. Rose noticed that Cora and Soren were the two new arrivers. The more Digimon and tamers the better! Rose was more in the back of the group, walking with a small smile of her face, not really talking to anyone. She was lost in her thoughts

"Soren, why don't you get to know the other tamers?" Palamon looked back to see Coronamon trying to encourage his tamer, Soren to talk to the other people. She couldn't quite hear what the boy had to say, but he looked nervous or shy. Similar to Rose. A mischievous grin and a fun idea formed in the little plant Digimon.

"This will be good for Rose. I'm sure she'll understand." Palomino thought. "Oh Rose, can we just take a minute? I'm getting a little tired." Palamon said, a complete lie.

"Oh of course! Are you okay?" Rose asked worried.

"I'm fine, no need to worry Rose." Palamon said. As soon as Soren and Coronamon were closer to them Palamon acted fast.

"Oh Rose I'm just so happy your my partner." Palamon said with a grin, she opened her arms, and what Rose thought was going to be a hug turned into a nice but firm push into Soren.

Rose stumbled back into Soren, trying to avoid Coronamon flames. She managed to catch herself and not cause them both to fall to the ground.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I did not mean to do that." Rose apologized rambling her cheeks turning bright pink almost red. She quickly looked back at Palamon, who was still just smiling and gave a small wave at Rose.

"Palamon why did you do that?!" Rose asked.

"Rose, aren't you going to introduce us?" Palamon asked innocently.

Rose sighed and then looked back at Soren, her face still pink.

"Hi, I'm Rose and that plant thing is unfortunately my partner, Palamon." Rose introduced.

"Nice to meet you!" Palamon said. Happy with how her plan turned out.

@Runesage @everyonelse
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Duftmon kept a brisk pace as he led the small group through the forest, occasionally glancing back at his human charges with what seemed to be slight contempt. Still, orders were orders and they were here to serve a particular purpose.

The knightly being stopped in his tracks as they neared the forest's edge. The clearing where they had fought was far behind them and Duftmon turned to face the assembled group. He cleared his throat and folded his arms as he addressed the Tamers.

"Keep going straight through here and you'll hit WiZ City. The Knightmon stationed at the gates will be expecting you." Duftmon glanced down at the humans. His eyes settled on the particular analog who accompanied the wounded Wizardmon. She had offered to assist him in his duties as a Royal Knight. Perhaps he'd humor her and take her up on the offer, though with his strength the Shamanmon extermination would only take a hour or so.

"Right, come with me then gya. Even if you aren't who I suspect you to be, I'm still indebted to your assistance with Targetmon." Professor Agumon interceded as he stepped forward and stood alongside the knight. He adjusted his scholarly cap and began walking past Duftmon.

Past the forest's borders, one could make out the glistening skyline of WiZ City. Even from a distance the buildings stood out on the horizon's edge. Perhaps the most notable thing one could pick out was the enormous trunk of a tree that rose past the constructed buildings. One could barely make out its long-reaching branches that were coated with clouds. Crystals dotted the surface of the tree and it almost seemed like they had been carved into structures.

Takuma snapped a picture as he continued walking along the path. They were out of the woods now. Doru gulped as the skyline got closer and closer with each step they took on the path ahead of them.


A young man, clad in a mask and a cloak emerged from the underbrush of the Forest of Beginnings. One hand emerged from within the confines of the cloth and held what seemed like a floating, crystalline object. Lines of text and visual data raced across the surface of the the data fragment.

"For a prototype, the Gizmon performed above expectations. A will no doubt be pleased by our report." The young man's voice seemed to be filtered by the simple-looking wooden mask. His hidden gaze turned to his companion, another human in a black coat who leaned up against a tree. His one-eyed partner digimon sat upon one of his shoes as he turned to address the cloaked being. When it shifted positions, the chain connected to its collar rattled incessantly.


"A has taken a particular interest in those children, though I suspect that we won't receive orders to wipe them out - at least, not yet. The amount of damage they could do to A's plan is inconsequential." He carefully adjusted the collar of his black coat before sliding out a phone-like device from his pocket. It was the standard black and it seemed that some sort of device had been forcibly attached to the underside of the circular keypad. Wires wrapped around the sides of the device, connecting to both the screen and the keypad.

"The Gizmon's recovered data won't be enough to file a in-depth report. It shouldn't be too hard to predict where they'll be based on our own schedule." The young man yawned slightly as he tapped on an app on the Digivice that was marked with a swirling vortex. The strange add-on beeped as the app activated. A gap in reality formed and white spilled out.

"...Tch, you just want to blow off steam after that fight with Duftmon. Do whatever you want then Ayumu." The cloaked being stepped through the portal first, disappearing into the white void. The young man in the black coat smirked and followed suit along with the cyclopean Digimon.

[Re-Initialization Arc: Complete]

Next Arc Preview:

"You've all been assembled here for a reason..."

"This is something called a Digimemory gya."

"Analogs, sent to help me? Is this some sort of sick joke?"

"Digivolution app download completed."

"Retrieve that data, without it I won't stand a chance against that army!"

"Ia! Ia! Dagomon fhtagn!"

"A shrine...?"

"...I'll show you the power of a Crest."

Net Ocean Arc

Soren stumbled back as one of the other people, he thought it was Rose, bumped into him. He managed not to fall down, and steadied himself while Rose re-introduced herself and apologized profusely. "No, no. It's fine. You don't need to apologize," Soren said. "I should probably have been more careful." He smiled at her and held out his hand, to try to put her at ease. His mind was racing, like it always did whenever someone tried to start a conversation with him. "I'm Soren, and this is my partner Coronamon. It's nice to meet you as well."

Coronamon was slightly stunned at the transformation that seemed to come over Soren. He'd gone from looking slightly nervous and uncomfortable to looking calm and collected in a matter of seconds. Yet Coronamon got a strange feeling that underneath the placid exterior, Soren was panicking slightly. Coronamon realized that all the comfortable behavior was a mask, and something that probably wouldn't last a long time. Still, Coronamon was impressed that Soren could act so relaxed when he was doing something so out of his element. "It sure is," Coronamon said, returning his thoughts to the conversation. "I've heard about Palamon, but I've never met one before. Have you been to WiZ City before now?" Coronamon asked Palamon politely as the entire group began following Professor Agumon.

Soren noticed the two Digimon talking and internally sighed. Now he would have to keep this up until they were done talking. His mind still whirring, he asked Rose, "So what did you normally do before you got sucked into the Digital World?" He'd heard that a good conversation tactic to make people feel more comfortable is to ask questions about themselves and actually listen to the responses. He didn't know for sure if it was true, but it had worked the few times he'd tried it before.

@stepherz345 @GasMaskie @everyoneelse
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Rose relaxed as he offered his hand. She smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you both. The group is so big and seems to keep growing, I have a hard time keeping track of people, and Digimon." she explained. Rose considered herself to be a "plain jane" which wasn't a bad thing, but didn't make for exciting conversation.

"Well before I came here I use to work in my garden with my mother. We grow flowers, spices, and vegetables. My mom has a stand in the farmers market and we sell our produce, whatever we don't sell we keep. When I'm not in the garden I'm playing some sort of board or card game with my dad. Otherwise I go to school and do my homework. Although I was thinking about joining the swim team, that sounded fun. I really enjoy being outside, camping, hiking, all the outdoors stuff. Oh and my friends will drag me to the mall." Rose replied. Rose gave herself a small smile. Maybe she wasn't as boring as she thought she was. "What did you do before coming to the Digital World?" Rose asked, now feeling much more comfortable. Maybe she'd thank Palamon later, maybe.

"No I've never been to Wiz City, but I've heard the name before. I don't know what to expect though. Palamon tend to stay together so we don't venture out much. Might be why you never heard of us." Palamon answered. "How about you Coronamon? Have you ever heard of Wiz City?" Palamon asked.

As they left the woods Rose could see a large tree. This tree was different though, it was shining. As they got closer she could see that they were crystals inside the tree. "Fascinating!" Rose thought to herself. How could that even be possible? The snap of Takuma's camera snapped her back into reality. Well their reality.

@Runesage @everyone else

Dante and Renamon looked up in awe at the skyline before them. "And I thought New York was huge....." Dante murmured to himself, gazing up at the massive tree that seemed to be the center of the town.

"New York?"

"It's a human city... It's gigantic, but I think WiZ city may just be twice the size..." Dante explained to his partner, his gaze shifting forward once more as Agumon spoke up.

"Right, come with me then gya. Even if you aren't who I suspect you to be, I'm still indebted to your assistance with Targetmon."

"Just point me to the nearest hospital or somewhere I can get my arm fixed up, and we'll call it even" Dante laughed softly as he followed after the orange dinosaur, keeping his staff in hand as Renamon stayed close to his left side to protect it from any further injury. She was really hoping there would be some way to fix his arm here. Dante was a phenomenal fighter, of that Renamon was incredibly aware. He fought better than plenty of Digimon she knew. Part of her wondered if maybe there was a Digimon heart beating in his chest.

Her mind started to wander, wondering just what he would look like if he ever Digivolved... She couldn't see him taking on any sort of bestial form, so maybe he'd get armor like some of the Royal Knights? Yeah. She could see it.. He would make one hell of a Royal Knight...

Her blue eyes blinked as she realized in her thinking she had fallen behind. She picked up the pace to get back to his side as he looked over at her. "Everything alright, Renamon?" He asked curiously as he looked over at her.

"Yeah.. Just thinking I guess.." she murmured, chuckling softly to herself. She made a mental note not to get so caught up in her thinking that she fall behind like that again. She was incredibly proud to have Dante for a tamer. Unlike the others, with the sole exception of maybe Vision, she had a fighter for a partner. From what she had seen, he could probably fight on par with some Champion Digimon... Not that she'd ever just let him fight one on his own. She'd be a poor partner if she did that.

She did keep in mind he would need a little protection though. While they were here, she wanted to see about finding him some kind of protective armor. He was tough, and a hell of a fighter, but human bodies couldn't take the same kind of abuse Digimon could, even with the intense training Dante had gone through. The fact he withstood the attack at all spoke volumes for his durability though. In addition, she'd see about finding him a better weapon than the tree branch he was using for a staff... It was obvious he still intended to fight, so she was going to make sure he was well equipped.

Dante nodded a bit. "Yeah. After all that constant fighting, it's pretty easy to let your mind wander now that we can at least halfway relax..." he chuckled softly, glancing around to be sure everyone was still keeping up just fine, taking a head count every so often to be sure they didn't lose anyone, especially Serena, who Dante figured may be prone to wandering off.

@GasMaskie @Mitchs98 @Everyone else
Tomiko Tomagi

The clouds broke apart, a wave of light spilt in through the rift causing the hair on her arms to stand up in attention. Nature held its breath as something floated down behind her, her mind completely forgetting Soren and Coronamon as she saw something resembling a metal angel silently make it's entrance. If there was a way to get the group's attention, then splitting the sky was one sure hell way to do it. Tomiko's mouth almost fell open if it weren't for her mind telling her to calm herself. Was this an angel? She couldn't tell. It was a humanoid figure covered in brown armor, it's face seemingly hidden behind a leopard mask. She could feel a shiver run down her spine as she stared at it for a moment before the light reflected off it's body and to her face. Avoiding the beam, she tilted her head ever so slightly beneath a tree, her body almost succumbing to one of the many pitfalls dug by Gazimon. She had barely managed to regain her balance before tripping over another hole, luckily falling on her rear opposed to in the hole itself. She withheld her groan, feeling that it wasn't a good time to be complaining of pain when there was a big ass anomaly floating right above them.

Cora's voice brought her out of her awe. The she-man had agreed to help the digimon with the hordes of Shamamon and Goblimon that this "Duftmon" character spoke of. From the looks of it, she doubted if this digimon needed any help seeing that it just broke the sky apart! Geez, what was up with these people helping random monsters all of the sudden? She could've sworn this was some whacked out version of Alice in Wonderland if she hadn't known any better. Not saying that the original film made any sense to begin with just that this was far worse since it wasn't happening to Alice, but her. Rubbing her bum, she carefully picked herself up from off the ground, feeling the sting of the new scabs on her knees. Well that was quick.

The booming yet soothing voice of the knightly figure spoke once again as he, she assumed, told them of his orders. Apparently he was meant to be their guide to WiZ city since they had apparently been the ones to mess up the balance of the between the two rivaling groups. Tomiko had the nerve to tell him of her plight, but held her tongue for the same reason as earlier. There was no need in annoying something that big, who could probably kill her in one swing of that sword at his side. A nice skill indeed. In this case, there weren't any other options than the one given to them by Duftmon. She doubted if any of their digimon could put up a fight, and by his radiant aura she could only guess that he wasn't a champion, maybe the mega that the lab coat wearing t-rex spoke of earlier. Without any further disruptions, Duftmon led them towards this 'WiZ City' that had been the goal ever since their encounter with Professor Agumon. She couldn't help but glare at the dinosaur, her initial question shifting in and out of memory.

A sigh kept her anger at bay as she soon wondered if Pagumon had awoken, seeing a childishly happy Serena she could guess he hadn't. A smile arose on her face but quickly returned to it's original frown as she knew that the tiny fur ball was only a ticking time bomb. He could be returning from his daze state any second now, and when that second came, her little break would be over. For good.


Chrocatleare?" he mumbled as he felt himself swaying in a pair of small arms. Was Tim carrying him? He smiled as his nudged his face deeper onto her chest, feeling nothing but warmth.

Hey Tim! I knew you liked me... Wait a gosh darn second. You're not Tim!" he noticed, his eyes looking directly into Serena's and then at Commandramon's. "You're that girl who complimented my sun...glass...es... wherethehellaremysunglasses!" he cried, tears falling from his slit like eyes as he felt the wind hitting his bare face. He hid his face behind his ears as he searched for Tomiko, his eyes scanning for his traitorous tamer. Pagumon had a weird complex in which he couldn't be without his sunglasses for he would revert to this miserable state of shyness and embarrassment. He muttered nonsensical words as his body turned a bright red until his eyes landed on a black headed girl with torn pants walking at 9'oclock. Without a moments hesitation, he freed himself from Serena's arm and hopped furiously towards the traitor. One hop, three hops, and then five had brought him near her feet. Another large hop and he was resting in her hood, Tomiko shrieking in surprise. What the...

Vere arve they?!" he growled, shoving his face into her dirtied jacket hood.

Tomiko shivered at Pagumon's sudden leap of faith into her jacket, his growling bringing momentary fright and then an overbearing annoyance.

Where's your what." she whispered, making sure to keep her voice low as to not disrupt the digimon leading them.

Don't vlay dwumb with mwe Twim! Fuu know exactly wavte I'm twalking vout!" he claimed, her jacket muffling his voice. Pagumon had been totally unaware of their current visitor finding his glasses to be slightly more important than understanding his surroundings.

Are you talking about these old things?" she questioned, bringing out his mangled sunglasses with the left lens cracked. He jumped from her hood faster than she could pull the spectacles out of her pocket, forcing his "body" into them reverting to his regular annoying self.

That's better! What's going on around here?" he asked ignorantly, his eyes taking in a long yellow mane before he realized he was in the presence of Duftmon, one of the Holy Knight Digimon that protected this world. His eyes widened beneath his glasses as he jumped right back into her hood. Pagumon knew of the tales of Duftmon, and also knew that he was no digimon for jokes.

Tell me when he's gone." he stuttered, shivering within her hood. Tomiko couldn't help but laugh at his fear, but soon patted his back sympathizing with the little fiend. She knew how scary it was to be small, especially when you were an annoying Pagumon who she was sure many wanted to thrash. Quietly rubbing his back, the two walked the rest of the way in silence.

It wasn't long before Duftmon bid them farewell, ordering them to continue down the path which showed a visible skyline that she assumed to belong to WiZ City. The scene was simply breath taking, something she had never thought to see in a backwards world as this. Maybe this place wasn't the hell she had originally thought it to be. As she watched the knight digimon, she admitted she was somewhat sad to see him leave although having never spoke to him. His presence at least kept the otherwise active Pagumon at bay, and that's all she could ever ask for at this point. She gave a silent goodbye as Professor Agumon took it upon himself to guide them in Duftmon's absence, a role that had initially been his own.

Leaving the metal knight behind, Tomiko found no better time to have Professor Agumon address her question then now. Picking up her pace she open only to close her mouth, her question having been forgotten with the loud entrance of her partner. She gritted her teeth, a lesser question popping into her mind.

Professor Agumon. Is it alright to assume that we're safe in this WiZ City of yours?" she asked before her mouth shot out another question. " And by the way. Are digimon like Gizmon common at all? I don't understand it, but it seems to me like it wasn't ... normal. Although my definition of normal has been changed quite a bit since my arrival here." she admitted, waiting for the digimon to answer. She felt like a kid asking a teacher questions in primary school. The comparison was a little disheartening, but she'd deal with it until she fully grasped what this world had in stored for them. Tomiko could guess his response to her first question. No place was a guaranteed sanctuary, and she hadn't expect it to be. It was her second one she wanted to know an answer to.

@Veirrianna Valentine




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By now, the group were soon approaching the enormous gates of the fabled WiZ City. They seemed to be crafted from the same crystals that grew upon the city's gigantic tree. To say that it was majestic would be an understatement. The large crystalline doors were set into the city's white marble walls and it seemed that the entrance way was embroidered with gold filigree. There was an image crafted into the gates, one that seemed to be an abstract representation of a being.

"Of course, WiZ City is the safest location on File Island gya. For one, the Royal Knights' m-" Professor Agumon had been waiting for one of his human companions to ask. Expositing and dumping information were hobbies of his, so much so that he went through the trouble of a post-grad education in order to take up a position in an institute of higher education. His long-winded speech was interrupted when he bumped up against a knightly Digimon.

Takuma instinctively scanned the two Digimon clad in silver armor. He smirked slightly as he read off the name of their species: Knightmon. Quite appropriate, although rather blunt. According to the database, they were Ultimate level as well. The blue-haired boy gulped as they turned their collective attention from the fallen Agumon who was now rubbing his forehead to the assembled group.

"...Analogs." A Knightmon on the right muttered as he drew one of his enormous swords and took a stance. His fellow Knightmon did the same and Takuma took a step back, drawing out his Digivice as the injured Doru leapt forward with a glare. However, before either side could make a move, a blue figure emerged from the crystal gates. The surface of the doors rippled for a second as he strode out, almost like a reflection walking right out of a mirror. The Knightmon glanced back in surprise as they kneeled before the newcomer. They avoided eye contact and planted their broadswords firmly into the paved road.


The Digimon gave off the same immense pressure as Duftmon. And given the Knightmons' reactions it was clear that this being was another of the Royal Knights. The blue knight vanished, only to suddenly reappear in front of the assembled group. By now, Professor Agumon had finally gotten back up and stood at attention. He bowed slightly as the Royal Knight spoke.

"Apologies, Digidestined. The Knightmon were not informed of your arrival. Professor Agumon, thank you for your compliance with this matter. In any case, I suggest that you make your way down Main Street and head towards the World Tree... I commend you for managing to survive the Forest of Beginnings, especially without any knowledge of your own current situation. With that said, I'll see you there. Try not to idle too long around the city, my master may get rather cross." He spoke with a more casual tone, as if he were greeting old friends. At the very least, the dragonic knight seemed more jovial and welcoming than his comrade in the forest. Still, he seemed just as dangerous as Duftmon, perhaps moreso. With a swift motion of his hand the Knightmon stood and moved aside to open the path. And within a mere fraction of a second the blue being vanished, leaving only a circle of kicked up dust from where he stood. The surface of the gates rippled again and a shade of blue soon faded away from where the Royal Knight had entered.

"Ah, that was UlforceVeedramon gya. He's the one who instructed me to head out into the forest gya. I need to record my findings back at my office but the path to the World Tree is straight ahead gya. Feel free to drop by the Digital World University, I'll have that reward prepared gya." Professor Agumon cleared his throat as the crystal gates began to rumble. He turned back to the small group and waved with a grin. Slowly, they began to retract into the white walls of WiZ City. The scholarly dinosaur walked ahead of the group and slipped through the small opening, disappearing from sight.

The buildings that lined WiZ City's main street looked rather curious. They featured old stone masonry but as the buildings ascended they seemed to become more and more modern looking. The skyscrapers that they had seen on the horizon were built upon ornate cathedral-like structures that seemed to flawlessly transition into a building of steel and glass somewhere up above. The road was formed from paved brick and it sparkled from the crystals that were laid into each stone. There was a sidewalk, although the road was conspicuously empty. A large creature resembling a T-Rex crossed an intersection in front of them, its orange skin and blue markings seemed to vaguely remind one of Professor Agumon.

Numerous Digimon moved about, mostly Rookie-level based on their small statures and a few key scans. Although most went about their day, a few of the digital creatures took out cameras or fainted at the sight of the humans. Some carried briefcases while others had backpacks that were as big as they were.

Takuma grinned as he brought two hands up in v signs and posed for the curious camera fiends as the group walked towards the tree that grew in the center of the city. His partner was less amused as he prodded him to keep walking with a push from his snout. For every curious Digimon, there was one who looked upon them with fear or panic. Faint whispers lingered in the air as the less adventurous citizens actively avoided the Tamers' gazes.
Mikado Saris

It wasn't a terribly long walk out of the forest. Some of the group participated in various idle chatter while more than a few kept to themselves. She was one of those few as she and Ryu walked along in silence. There simply wasn't all that much to say between them, or the others for that matter, at least not until they got to the city. As if the world itself read her mind the faint glimmer of light reflecting off glass and steel began to come into view. As they crested the hill she was knocked out of her solemn thoughts, a smile slowly creeping over her features as she took in the sight. No matter how you looked at it, this was a city much like her hometown. Well, it had it's fair share of differences such as the impossibly huge tree. But those were easily overlooked by the fact that it was a trace of the civilization she had left behind.

She couldn't contain her excitement as she looked down at Ryu. "A city, Ryu! An actual city! I expected some kind of village or something, but those are actual skyscrapers!" After waking up in a strange new world, after nearly being killed, the sight of actual civilization was just too much. Ryu was taken slightly aback by Mikado's sudden outburst. He didn't figure his partner would get this excited over a mere city, did they not have cities back in her world? Were they just really rare? Regardless of why he was still pleased that his partner regained some life to her. After the two fights she had been far more reserved than when they had first met and he began to worry she would remain that way for a long time, or maybe even permanently. After a few moments of letting Mikado enjoy her first glimpse of the city he decided to air one of his questions. "Do they not have cities back in your world or something?"

There had to be a reason why she was so excited and he was curious as to what it might be. Mikado calmed herself down slightly, offering a small cough as she regained her composure. "My world has countless cities, in fact I use to live in one. That's why I'm excited to see it. I figured 'cities' of this world would look like some kind of elf village or something. But it's surprisingly modern.... God I can't wait to take a nice hot shower and get a clean set of clothes..."

Times like this, Ryu couldn't help but feel there would always be some level of disconnect between them and their tamers. 'Elf village'? Who knows what that was but she clearly thought large cities like this didn't exist in the digital world. Well, most places were small villages and towns so she wasn't all that far off, but still. He couldn't help but think she'd be disappointed with what WiZ city had to offer but decided it best to refrain from saying anything, best to let her enjoy herself while she could.

As they drew near the city she looked over as Tomoki, Timoko, Tomiko.. whatever, asked a question about the safety of the city. Her knee-jerk response was to think what a dumb question that was, but after giving it a second's thought she realized it was actually a pretty good question. They were just going on blind faith that they were being led somewhere safe, there wasn't any actual reason for them to believe or trust their guides. Even with the professor stating it was super safe she couldn't help but let a sigh slip past her lips. Way to go, Tom, you completely ruined the mood. She came to a stop as the professor was interrupted mid-sentence by colliding with one of the guards.

Seeing the two imposing knights she couldn't help but feel they were probably 'Ultimate' or 'Mega' themselves. If her days in MMOs taught her anything it was that town guards were always stupidly strong and could generally one-hit kill you if you started trouble. This train of thought caused her to take a step back as the guards seemed to react in a rather hostile manner. "Ryu..." Ryu stepped forward, ready to try and defend his tamer if it came to that. He knew he stood no chance against two Knightmon, but he and the others, especially Kyubimon and ... well maybe not Devidramon, could probably beat them. Luckily it didn't come to that as another imposing Digimon came through the gate and caused the Knightmon to drop to their knees.

Two Royal Knights in one day, most Digimon could go their entire lives without ever seeing even one royal knight, and yet they met two already. The tamers probably didn't understand the significance of this, but he was sure the other digimon of their group knew full well the weight this put on them. As the royal knight finished speaking Mikado looked back down at Ryu. "Was that another one of those Royal Knights?" Ryu delayed his response as he listened to Hakase Agumon. "Yes, as the Professor said that was Ulforceveedramon, one of the Royal Knights." Mikado looked back at the gates as they slowly parted. "Huh...... he seemed nicer than the other one. Worse name, though. Can I just call him "Vee" or something?" Comments like that just reaffirmed his belief that the Tamers couldn't grasp the importance of the digimon they were meeting. With a sigh he began to walk ahead of Mikado who quickly fell in behind him. "Don't ask me, ask him. I wouldn't recommend it, though." As they began to walk down the street he couldn't help but notice the looks they were getting. Many of the citizens were intrigued by the newcomers, many more seemed afraid. He wasn't one to be the center of attention and picked up his pace slightly. The sooner they got to the world tree the sooner they'd be done with all these gawkers.

Unfortunately for him Mikado seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting. She had on her best smile and made sure to wave at the digimon, especially ones with cameras. She would occasionally offer a small pose for a particularly large crowd of camera-wielding digimon, absolutely loving the attention they were giving her. With a smug grin she turned her attention back to her partner. "Seems my beauty is so vast it's causing some of these digimon to faint." Ryu let out another sigh as he heard his partner's remark, looking over his shoulder as she basked in a spotlight that wasn't even intended for her. "They aren't fainting because of your beauty, y'know."

He didn't even really have to give a jab this time, merely speaking the truth did the job perfectly fine. He didn't care to elaborate why some of the digimon were fainting but he would have figured their fear-filled expressions would have clued the girl in. Clearly the attention she was getting blinded her to such trivial things such as reality. Ryu looked back at the group that followed, taking note that at least one other tamer seemed to be lapping up the attention same as Mikado. Focusing his attention down slightly and he could make out Dorumon pushing the blue haired boy along, a less than thrilled expression on the digimon's face. Offering a knowing look to the other digimon Ryu turned his attention back to the world tree ahead of them. The more they walked the more the tree loomed over everything.

@Veirrianna Valentine
@A Guileless Fable @ everyone else

Serena Jones

Serena continued to happily walk with the dazed Pagumon, blissfully un-aware of her current surroundings or where they were heading, and anything said to her for that matter. She couldn't help but think shy of Patamon Pagumon was the cutest digimon she'd seen by far, Pagumon's ears also looked bigger than Patamon's. Or...whatever the hell they were. Ears, hands, Serena wasn't exactly sure. Either way, he was cute!

She smiled once it seemed Pagumon was coming around. "
Feeling better Pag-" She began to ask before he became fully concious and started freaking out. She gently pet his head as he started crying, "It's okay Pagu. Mikado had them so I wouldn't break the-" Once again she was interrupted by Pagumon panicking and jumping free from her arms. She frowned as she watched him hop off, even debated on chasing after him, but decided against it. It was fun while it lasted, after all, though she'd of preferred to be able to play with him while he was concious.

Oh well. Serena soon walked closer to Comman as they approached the gates of the city, staring onwards in awe. "
Oooh...pretty..." She gasped, staring up at the massive tree and nearly falling over due to the angle she had to crane her neck and back to do such a feat. She waved kindly to the guards, despite them drawing weapons at them. Couldn't hurt to be friendly, besides they might only be on edge because they think they're hostile.

Shortly after another digimon came out and addressed them, he was obviously like their leader or something by the way they reacted. She smiled triumphantly as he congratulated them, because clearly she had done more than cheer everyone on and fawn over Patamon and Pagumon, after all she gave Dante her water! It clearly helped him survive, somehow.

Comman on the other hand was standing at full attention, silently saluting Ulforce and staring onward as he had with Duftmon. While, it was clear to him Serena didn't quite grasp the significance of the Holy Knights, Comman did. And the last thing he wanted to do was make them mad. He'd be sure to tell her later, right now they needed to get into the city and get everyone treated before doing anything else.

And probably food, food sounded good too. Once Ulforce left and they were ushered inside he gently nudged Serena along. "
Show more respect for guys like him, he's a Royal Knight like Duftmon. I'll explain more later once we get settled down, but just remember what I said alright?" He told her as they walked. "Oka- oooooh." Serena began to reply, quickly being interrupted by the inside of WiZ city.

It was freaking MASSIVE! Much bigger than her small town for sure, not to mention filled with digimon of all shapes and sizes. She really wished she had her phone right now, she would be taking pictures just as the digimon were. Actually, maybe the digivice had a camera? Glancing over a Takuma it seemed it did. Taking hers out she rapidly took pictures of everything around her.

She was sure to smile sweetly whenever one of the digimon were taking a picture of her as well. After she was satisfied with taking pictures she placed the digivice back in her small bag and continued to look on at the city and the digimon in awe. Every single instinct in her body was practically screaming at her to run up and hug them all, most of them were freaking adorable!

The excitement was clearly evident on her face. Try as hard as she might she was, ultimately in the end, un-able to refrain from hugging the digimon. There was simply too much cute in one place for her to resist. Running up and hugging a digimon that looked like a living teddy bear(Bearmon) she squealed with joy.

She didn't care if she was delaying things slightly, they were just too cute! "
Oh my gosh you're all just too adorable and fluffy and warm! You shouldn't be called digimon you should be called cutemon!" She shouted happily as she moved between the digimon group, hugging and examining all the less..aggro looking digimon.

Comman sighed. "
Annnd we lost her..." He muttered to the rest.
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The pace they'd been on during the walk had been fine for most of the group, but it seemed to be taking its toll on Vision, who was regularly lagging behind the group. It wasn't as if Cora didn't realise, either, as she had initially started falling back to stay with him, before eventually lifting his cane and putting his arm around her shoulder, allowing him to use her as a crutch. It wasn't like it was the first time either, and honestly Cora didn't mind it too much.

She'd had a lot on her mind since finding out that it was the rest of the group that had stirred up the forest, as she and Vision had largely been playing sheriff, taking down any Digimon who made a point to go after the weaker ones. But if what was said was true, then it was their fault so many innocent Digimon were attacked in the forest.

Feeling his friend tense as she came to her conclusion Vision decided to speak up as they neared the gate.

"Are you doing okay Cora? I can always go back to walking on my own two feet."

"Huh, oh, ahm..." Cora shook her head, not wanting to let on that she was upset, nor let Vision think it was his fault, "Yes, I'm fine, just zoned out a little bit."

As the pair finally only just sort of caught up to the group, the others were suddenly off again, their pause having been to address the Knightmon at the entrance to the city. Vision gave them a kind hello and Cora nodded as they walked past the pair and into the city where the crowds were already gathering to see the newly arrived Digidestined. Cora, for one, was happy she and Vision were at the back. It largely allowed them to avoid being noticed, as everyone was focusing on the bigger group ahead. That and when they did look at the pair, they saw not Digimon and their 'Tamers', but instead Vision having a friend alongside him.

Having seen what it did to her uncle, Cora didn't want to be in a position of power like that.

Still making their way down the streets Vision was caught totally off guard when a random Kyupimon slammed into his side. Letting out a grunt, the Wizardmon looked down at the smaller Digimon that was hugging him with a touch of surprise, before realising who it was an smiling, nudging Cora.

"Looks like I was right. I told you Chuchidarumon would get her to safety."

Instead of words Cora dropped down to her knees and scooped up the Kyupimon into a hug, much to the Digimons glee.

"Ms. Coramon! You're here too! I've been telling everyone about how Wizardmon and Ms Coramon saved me from those nasty Shamanmon!" Kyupimon shouted exuberantly as Chuchidarumon and a host of other young Digimon came flocking out with him only to rush forward to meet Wizardmon and 'Ms Coramon'. Standing up, Cora looked to Chuchidarumon and spoke.

"I trust you were able to get back here safely? We did our best to make a distraction... I'm just glad it worked."

Chuchidarumon just nodded and pat Cora gently on the head before getting into the task of rounding up his wards and herding them off and away from the pair. Still, as the orphaned Digimon and their pseudo-parent wandered off, other Digimon began to step forward, curious as to why these two ushered such a reaction. Doing her best to get back to Vision, she got back to supporting him while he did his best to abate the questions being pushed their way as the Digimon in the streets became more emboldened by the others.

All Cora and Vision could do was look at each other and realise that unless Ulforceveedramon came back, they may be stuck in the middle of many an inquisitive Digimon for quite some time.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki remained silent most of the walk back. She held Patamon in her arms as the small digimon snuggled in close against her. From the way he fought to keep his eyes open, Tsubaki could tell he was exhausted. "It's alright if you want to sleep," She said in a low voice, gently petting him.

The digimon looked up at her with bleary eyes before shaking his head. "Not until we make it to the city . . . I don't want something to happen."

The Tamer let out a quiet sigh. For a little guy he sure was stubborn. "I don't think anything's going to happen on the way. Not with that knight leading the way." She gestured with her head over to Duftmon who strode towards the city. One would think with as many injured as they had, he would at least slow down a little. Not that he seemed overly thrilled about the whole situation to begin with. Even if she was irritated with the knight, Tsubaki sure as hell wasn't about to show it. Not towards someone that gave off the air of being able to slaughter everyone before they had a chance to even blink. At least he's on our side...

Patamon shifted, studying the Royal Knight leading the way. "I'll be fine until we get to the city, it shouldn't be too far off."

Tsubaki hesitated before letting out a defeated sigh. No sense in arguing over the matter. She moved closer to Dante and Renamon, ignoring the antics of the others. Just from first glance, it seemed she, Dante, Cora might have been the oldest out of everyone. Granted looks could be deceiving, but she couldn't imagine anyone in their little group being over twenty. The question could wait though. At least until they arrived at Wiz City and had a chance to actually sit down and figure out just what was going on. Maybe they'd be lucky and there would be a digimon there that actually had some answers. After all, someone had sent Professor Agumon to go find them.

With the city finally in sight, Duftmon bid the group farewell before disappearing again. Even from as far as they were Tsubaki could see the tree towering over the city. What looked like crystals glinted at them in the sunlight. "Whoa . . . " Was all the Tamer could murmur. This wasn't anything like what she'd been expecting to see. Not that she was overly sure on what to expect given some of the strange sights in the forest.

She nodded in agreement with Dante's statement. "Though I think this would give New York or Chicago a run for their money..."

"Um, Tsubaki," Confused, cerulean eyes stared up at her. "What's New York or Chicago?"

"Hm? Oh, they're a few really big cities were I'm from."

"Really? Is that where you're from?"

Tsubaki quietly chuckled, shaking her head. "No, the city I'm from is nothing compared to either of those."

"Oh," Patamon almost sounded disappointed as he looked back at the wall of Wiz City. "I see."

Scarlet eyes narrowed down at her partner. But before she had a chance to ask what that response was all about, the tense reactions from the Knightmon caught her attention. Tsubaki stumbled back a step, eyeing their swords. Even with as many digimon as they had with them it was clear they wouldn't stand a chance in a fight. Thankfully before the Knightmon could attack, another figure appeared. Another Royal Knight. He gave off the same feeling of immense power that Duftmon had. However unlike his counterpart, he didn't give off the same condescending air.

The Tamer lowered her head. Partially out of respect, and partially due to not knowing how to act in front of such a powerful being. Sure, she could speak to a full bird Colonel without breaking a sweat. She could handle being around a Major General with no problem. But this . . . this was so different compared to those times. She took a slow, calming breath. He was on their side, not to mention he also seemed to actually be nice. There wasn't any reason to be afraid of him, right?

Unlike his Tamer, Patamon stared up at UlforceVeedramon with wide eyes. He had heard so many stories about the Royal Knights from digimon passing through their village. He never thought he'd get to see one face to face. Let alone two of them! There was something that the knight said that stood out from everything else he was tell them: he called the group 'digidestined.' They were also the subject of many tales. Though at the time, they'd all seemed like just myths and legends. Something to tell young digimon before they went to sleep. Humans from some other world appearing, partnering with digimon who then can become more powerful than even the Royal Knight that was just before them? There was no way it could have been true. And yet here he was, in the arms of a human named Tsubaki; who was just one of many humans that appeared. A few of which had already caused their partners to evolve . . .

It wasn't long after they'd entered the city that Tsubaki took notice of the attention they were receiving. Not all of it was positive either. Pulling her hood up and lowering her head, the Tamer silently cursed at the way some of the others seemed to just lap up the attention seemingly blind of the fearful looks they were getting. "I don't want to keep whoever's powerful enough to give orders to those Royal Knights," She murmured to Dante. "But at the same time, both your arm and Vision need medical attention the most out of all of us... What a mess."

"Oh my gosh you're all just too adorable and fluffy and warm! You shouldn't be called digimon you should be called cutemon!"

"Oh no . . ." Tsubaki groaned before slowly letting go of Patamon, allowing him to just hover beside her. Moving over to Serena, she carefully guided the girl away from the digimon and back towards their destination. "A lot of them look busy, I don't think we should be bugging them." She spoke in a low voice. "Besides, I don't think we could keep the Royal Knights waiting."

@Mitchs98 @One Mean Ghost
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KageYuuki said:


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki remained silent the entire walk back. She ehld Patamon in her arms as the small digimon snuggled in close against her. From the way he fought to keep his eyes open, Tsubaki could tell he was exhausted. "It's alright if you want to sleep," She said in a low voice, gently petting him.

The digimon looked up at her with bleary eyes before shaking his head. "Not until we make it to the city . . . I don't want something to happen."

The Tamer let out a quiet sigh. For a little guy he sure was stubborn. "I don't think anything's going to happen on the way. Not with that knight leading the way." She gestured with her head over to Duftmon who strode towards the city. One would think with as many injured as they had, he would at least slow down a little. Not that he seemed overly thrilled about the whole situation to begin with. Even if she was irritated with the knight, Tsubaki sure as hell wasn't about to show it. Not towards someone that gave off the air of being able to slaughter everyone before they had a chance to even blink. At least he's on our side...

Patamon shifted, studying the Royal Knight leading the way. "I'll be fine until we get to the city, it shouldn't be too far off."

Tsubaki hesitated before letting out a defeated sigh. No sense in arguing over the matter. She moved closer to Dante and Renamon, ignoring the antics of the others. Just from first glance, it seemed she, Dante, Cora might have been the oldest out of everyone. Granted looks could be deceiving, but she couldn't imagine anyone in their little group being over twenty. The question could wait though. At least until they arrived at Wiz City and had a chance to actually sit down and figure out just what was going on. Maybe they'd be lucky and there would be a digimon there that actually had some answers. After all, someone had sent Professor Agumon to go find them.

With the city finally in sight, Duftmon bid the group farewell before disappearing again. Even from as far as they were Tsubaki could see the tree towering over the city. What looked like crystals glinted at them in the sunlight. "Whoa . . . " Was all the Tamer could murmur. This wasn't anything like what she'd been expecting to see. Not that she was overly sure on what to expect given some of the strange sights in the forest.

She nodded in agreement with Dante's statement. "Though I think this would give New York or Chicago a run for their money..."

"Um, Tsubaki," Confused, cerulean eyes stared up at her. "What's New York or Chicago?"

"Hm? Oh, they're a few really big cities were I'm from."

"Really? Is that where you're from?"

Tsubaki quietly chuckled, shaking her head. "No, the city I'm from is nothing compared to either of those."

"Oh," Patamon almost sounded disappointed as he looked back at the wall of Wiz City. "I see."

Scarlet eyes narrowed down at her partner. But before she had a chance to ask what that response was all about, the tense reactions from the Knightmon caught her attention. Tsubaki stumbled back a step, eyeing their swords. Even with as many digimon as they had with them it was clear they wouldn't stand a chance in a fight. Thankfully before the Knightmon could attack, another figure appeared. Another Royal Knight. He gave off the same feeling of immense power that Duftmon had. However unlike his counterpart, he didn't give off the same condescending air.

The Tamer lowered her head. Partially out of respect, and partially due to not knowing how to act in front of such a powerful being. Sure, she could speak to a full bird Colonel without breaking a sweat. She could handle being around a Major General with no problem. But this . . . this was so different compared to those times. She took a slow, calming breath. He was on their side, not to mention he also seemed to actually be nice. There wasn't any reason to be afraid of him, right?

Unlike his Tamer, Patamon stared up at UlforceVeedramon with wide eyes. He had heard so many stories about the Royal Knights from digimon passing through their village. He never thought he'd get to see one face to face. Let alone two of them! There was something that the knight said that stood out from everything else he was tell them: he called the group 'digidestined.' They were also the subject of many tales. Though at the time, they'd all seemed like just myths and legends. Something to tell young digimon before they went to sleep. Humans from some other world appearing, partnering with digimon who then can become more powerful than even the Royal Knight that was just before them? There was no way it could have been true. And yet here he was, in the arms of a human named Tsubaki; who was just one of many humans that appeared. A few of which had already caused their partners to evolve . . .

It wasn't long after they'd entered the city that Tsubaki took notice of the attention they were receiving. Not all of it was positive either. Pulling her hood up and lowering her head, the Tamer silently cursed at the way some of the others seemed to just lap up the attention seemingly blind of the fearful looks they were getting. "I don't want to keep whoever's powerful enough to give orders to those Royal Knights," She murmured to Dante. "But at the same time, both your arm and Vision need medical attention the most out of all of us... What a mess."

"Oh my gosh you're all just too adorable and fluffy and warm! You shouldn't be called digimon you should be called cutemon!"

"Oh no . . ." Tsubaki groaned before slowly letting go of Patamon, allowing him to just hover beside her. Moving over to Serena, she carefully guided the girl away from the digimon and back towards their destination. "A lot of them look busy, I don't think we should be bugging them." She spoke in a low voice. "Besides, I don't think we could keep the Royal Knights waiting."

@Mitchs98 @One Mean Ghost
Serena Jones

Serena continued bouncing back and forth between the group of assembled digimon, hugging, petting, and examining all of them. She'd completely forgotten about the burn on her arm by far, much more focused on hugging every single one of the gathered digimon. Which was cut short when Tsubaki guided her away from the digimon and towards their destination.

"But..but..they're so cute. And they were taking pictures and stuff.." She whined, pouting as they walked down the street and away from the digimon. She crossed her arms and continued to sulk and pout as they walked towards the World Tree. She would've came! Eventually! She was just making friends and stuff.

Comman on the other hand was silently thanking Tsubaki from dragging the girl away from the group of digimon. He really didn't want to keep the Holy Knights waiting, nor did he want Serena to dislike him, otherwise he would've done it himself. Thankfully he didn't, so he didn't put much more thought into it.

After a bit of walking Serena's stomach growled loudly. "
I'm starving...I hope this tree has food. And water." She whined, partially regretting giving Dante her water earlier despite him needing it more than her by far. She debated on asking if anyone had any snacks..but figured she'd live the rest of the trek to the tree so decided against it.

Sooo....Tsubaki. Like any video games?" She asked her, quickly growing bored as well as trying to take her mind off of her hunger. She figured she'd at-least make casual conversation with her, despite still being mad at her for tearing her away from the Bearmon and other digimon.
"Heh, Ms. Coramon? Don't tell me you're actually a Digimon in disguise." Takuma tilted his head, feigning a worried expression before smiling at the bokken-wielding woman. Doru looked up at their new companion as well and remained silent as he slowly started thinking.

"Hmm, you're all considered analog here, but technically, aren't you also made out of data now too? Not quite a Digimon, but your body must have changed when you entered this world."
The bipedal beast said as his eyes darted around the large group of Tamers. Although they still bled and showed no signs of the same damage, surely they must have been turned into data and re-processed into flesh and blood when they came here.

"I don't know Doru, I don't feel any different. It'd be cool if I could Digivolve like Gazimon and Renamon though, maybe into Ultraman or something."
The young man briefly looked around as they continued unimpeded down the street. To his left there seemed to be a wide-open area filled with market stalls. If they ended up staying in the Digital World longer than expected that bazaar might be a good place to stock up.

On his right, Takuma noticed the Digital World University. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to pick up the sidequest reward after we're done with whoever it was we were supposed to meet. Maybe it's something mildly useful like a diploma for one of those for-profit online colleges. The boy scratched his cheek as the base of the World Tree came into view as a far-off speck.

White marble walls like the ones that surrounded the city were also built around the World Tree, although they managed to be even taller than those fortifications. The structure that was built into the World Tree's roots could be described as a castle found only in the most idealistic and saccharine of fairy tales. It was no doubt majestic, although one could perhaps find that it resembled a certain theme park's signature castle. The towers that stretched out from the structure eventually transitioned from stone to crystal, although they never reached as high as the skyscrapers they had seen earlier.

Doru sighed as he looked back at Ryu, silently sharing his own sentiments about dealing with his Tamer. It helped ease his nerves slightly as it distracted him from the fact that they were going to meet with the rest of the Royal Knights and their master. They answered to a being who could be considered the God of the Digital World, it was only natural for a Digimon to be hesitant about these summons. Especially given the behaviors of some of the people in their little party. The Digimon brought a paw to his face and sighed once more as he marched onwards, sometimes being forced to push Takuma ahead to keep the pace.
Mikado Saris

As she was walking along enjoying all the attention she couldn't help but notice the slight commotion behind her. She quickly spun around clasped her hands behind her back, now walking backwards so she could see what the others were up to. The little kid was causing a slight ruckus as she went around treating the digimon as if they were stuffed animals... Then again, given the particular digimon she hugged it wasn't that hard to believe. At the same time 'Ms Coramon' was getting swamped by her own little group of digimon. She couldn't help but puff her cheeks slightly at the scenes before her. Clearly she would have to work harder with people like them around.

She was about to do just that when Takuma said something that piqued her interest more than self gratification. "About that, I want to speak with the Professor after we talk to whoever's in charge. He said something back in the forest that got me wondering." She didn't bother explaining what, exactly, had gotten her wondering. There wasn't much reason to explain in detail without the Professor around. It wasn't like any of them could answer her questions after all.

Without bothering to let the boy even respond she quickly spun back around. She turned her gaze frontward in the nick of time, barely managing to avoid bumping into a digimon that looked this world's equivalent of a middle aged salary-man. After letting out a small breath at the avoided collision she took notice of the large walls looming around the tree. Her gaze drifted up even higher before settling on the castle those walls protected. "Oh hey, I've been there." This remark elicited a surprised look from her companion. "What do you mean you've "been there"? I thought you just arrived in the digital world." Mikado simply waved Ryu's question away dismissively. "I don't mean I've been here, specifically. Back in my world there's a castle that looks similar to that one, and I've visited it."

Ryu let his gaze linger on his tamer, the flippant remark really catching him off guard. The girl really should be more careful with what she says. Although it did seem there were more similarities between their two worlds than he had originally thought. Perhaps their tamers wouldn't find it too difficult to adapt to their new environment after they've had time to settle in. That was a reassuring hope he would cling to, unlike Agumon Hakase he wasn't a fan of exposition and the thought of constantly dealing with the girl being surprised and scared and asking questions was a terrifying prospect to be sure. Ryu was knocked out of his thoughts as his partner once again chimed up. "Don't you digimon have any sort of mass transit or anything? They're wounded.." She thumbed over her shoulder at those behind her as she spoke. "and I'm tired, why do we have to walk through the entire city just to meet the person in charge? Couldn't they at least give us a ride?"

Another sigh escaped Ryu's lips as it began to dawn on him that his partner might be more than a little difficult when she wasn't threatened into submission by life or death situations. He didn't bother giving a verbal response to her question, instead just offering a shrug. If the Royal Knights had wanted to provide some form of transportation they would have. The fact that they didn't meant that they were expected to walk.

@Veirrianna Valentine

"Both your arm and Vision need medical attention the most out of all of us... What a mess."

Dante chuckled softly. "I'll manage a bit longer. This isn't anything I can't handle." He remarked, watching as she ran off to corral Serena before she could hug all of the gathered Digimon to death. He just shook his head, not the least bit surprised as Renamon rubbed her forehead. "Comman really needs to get a leash on that one..." She murmured with a hint of a smirk on her lips.

Her Tamer nodded his head, using his staff much like a walking stick for the moment as he took in all the sights, making a mental note of where the Bazaar is so that he could go looking around later. For now though, he didn't think it would be wise to keep someone strong enough to command the Royal Knights waiting... He noticed that Cora and Vision were, well, surrounded by inquisitive minds. "Don't fall behind you two... Tell your fans they'll have to hold their questions until we get back" he called over to them with a grin on his face.

Dante didn't fail to notice the mixed reactions. Some Digimon seemed outright terrified of the Tamers while others, like the ones swarming Cora and Vision, seemed incredibly interested in them. He didn't fail to notice that the two of them were getting a lot of the curious glances. Renamon was a notorious loner, but here she was strolling through town with a Tamer that looked like he was more than capable of fighting himself, if not for the broken arm...

Renamon seemed rather calm, given who had summoned them. From her perspective, she didn't have to worry about her Tamer doing something stupid to offend the Royal Knights. As for the others, she just hoped the Digimon could keep their Tamers in check. They both wondered what the Royal Knights wanted with them... It seemed they would find out soon enough though.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki gave a small nod in response to Dante. It wasn't like they had much of a choice, given the one waiting for them was powerful enough the Royal Knights obeyed him. She just quietly hoped he would be more like UlforceVeedramon than Duftmon. She didn't really want to be judged by another condescending digimon that could wipe out their entire group in the blink of an eye. But if that's what ended up happening, she'd just have to quietly deal with it. She didn't really have a choice in the whole matter. Though Tsubaki hoped the other members could hold their tongue, Mikado especially. She seemed to be the type that would lash out not caring who or what it was she was going after.

The Tamer gave a quiet chuckle at Serena's protests. She's admit, some of those digimon were on the cute. Some of them really did look like walking stuffed animals. "Yeah, some of them were cute. But I think they were trying to get to work or run errands." She said, carefully wrapping her arm around the younger Tamer's shoulders.

"I'm starving...I hope this tree has food. And water."

"Yeah, food doesn't sound like a bad idea. We'll have to look for something after this meeting." She withdrew the water bottle Takuma had given her, holding it out to Serena. "I still have this if you want some." While she passed the water bottle over, Patamon came and landed on Tsubaki's shoulder before letting out a sigh. He was exhausted, not to mention his wings needed more time to be strong enough for him to fly around like her used to.

"Sooo....Tsubaki. Like any video games?"

Tsubaki gave a soft chuckle as she nodded. "You could say that . . . I've probably been playing them since I was about five." Another soft laugh, "Can't say I'm all that good even if I do speedrun a couple."

@One Mean Ghost @Mitchs98
Soren nodded. "It's getting pretty big." He listened attentively as she described her life before being pulled into the digital world. It was a nice variety of hobbies, responsibilities, and goals. Rose asked what he did before, and he chuckled. "I wasn't half as active as you were. I spent most of my time inside on the computer or at school. I camped a couple of times, but I never really enjoyed it that much. I think the last active thing that I enjoyed was doing fencing a few years ago. Not kendo, like Cora over there, I used a foil and epee. They're a lot lighter and do a lot more deflecting the strikes than blocking them. It's most likely easier than kendo, but it was fun. Most of my time was spent on the computer, either playing games or studying." Soren sighed. He was starting to feel a little strain from keeping his emotional mask up.

Coronamon nodded. "I've been there once before. It's really busy, but really pretty. There's this really big tree, and... well, there it is. It's probably best if you see it yourself." As they approached the city. Coronamon stared happily. He had a few good memories of this place, and he was pretty excited to be back. When they got to the gate, after the confrontation with the Knightmon, Ulforceveedramon appeared, and Coronamon stared in amazement. "Two Royal Knights in one day. I kind of want to start asking him questions and taking notes." He muttered. Coronamon noticed the strange behavior of the other Digimon in the city and curiously watched. "Something's wrong here. Look at the fear." He told Palamon. "There shouldn't be that much fright at the sight of a few analogs."

Soren was just as astonished as his partner at the sight of Ulforceveedramon. He mentally noted the word the Knightmon had used to describe them, analogs. He wondered about it for a second, then pushed it away, trying to continue the conversation with Rose. Upon entering the city and seeing the terror in some of the Digimon's faces, however, something inside him shut down, and his face became stony. "Something's wrong here," he said, unconsciously echoing his partner's earlier remark. "Something's happened, recently, and involving humans. There's just too much fear at the sight of us. It's not just understandable apprehension at something different." His voice had changed from the pleasant tone he'd had with Rose until this point. His posture was different too, seeming to be trying to avoid attention. Coronamon noticed the change and sighed sadly.

He'd been doing so well, Coronamon thought as the group headed towards the World Tree.

@stepherz345 @GasMaskie @Everyone else in the RP
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"Well camping isn't for everyone. I didn't really like it when I first went, but after awhile I started to enjoy it. I've never done anything like fencing or kendo. They sound fun, and particularly useful skills to have. I've never been much of a fighter though. I'll have to get over that while we are here though." Seeing Knightmon and

Ulforceveedramon made Rose feel comfortable. She heard the other Digimon mention they were Mega. Rose said. She was about to ask him another question until she noticed Soren's attitude changed, he seemed nervous. "Yeah, you're right the atmosphere seems tense, something is wrong. Hey are you okay?" Rose asked, she put her hand on his shoulder.

At first Palamon was admiring WiZ City, excited to see the Wonder tree. Seeing Knightmon and

Ulforceveedramon put her in awe, she didn't see Mega Digimon everyday. She hadn't noticed the fear of other Digimon until Coronamon mentioned it. "Yeah you're right." Palamon said. Her excitement went down, now ready for something to happen. She hoped they would get some answers soon.

@Runesage @ everyone else
And right on cue, the gates of the castle slowly began to open as the group passed into the World Tree's courtyard between its defensive walls. The courtyard itself was filled with strange plants that didn't seem derivative of anything found on Earth. Occasionally, a Floramon would pass by them and tend to the garden.

Takuma whistled as he stepped into the castle first. At first he had to cover his eyes as the interior was a pearly white that almost seemed to reflect light. When his eyes adjusted he noticed the large amount of Knightmon who stood at attention and lined the straight path towards what he assumed to be the throne room. An ornate door lay at the end of the path and oddly enough it seemed to bear a larger version of the circular display found on their Digivices.

Doru bowed down slightly before he followed his human. He wasn't aware of human cultures nor their equivalencies in the Digital World, but Takuma seemed like someone who would die from his carelessness in front of the master of the Royal Knights. Something caused him to shiver slightly as continued to walk down the ornate carpet that led to the throne room. Vague memories surfaced in his head, although he quickly pushed them away and focused on walking.

Each Knightmon stood with one of their broadswords planted firmly in the ground. Their gazes bored into the humans primarily, while others seemed to hold their partners in contempt as well. However, upon second glance it seemed that a small fraction of the armored warriors watched them with bated breaths - at the very least they didn't seem as overtly hostile.


A single Digimon stood at the end of the path with his back turned to the group. It was an exceedingly tall being and its presence was more pronounced than the last two Royal Knights the group had encountered. Even Takuma hesitated to take a step forward. The white cape that covered his back swayed slightly as he turned slightly to address the assembled Tamers.

"Come now. Yggdrasill is expecting you. We have much to discuss about your role - no, your destinies." His voice seemed to have a reverberating echo, almost as if it were two voices speaking rather than one. His gaze seemed to cast no judgement upon them, just looking at his eyes wasn't enough to properly read him.

The Royal Knight stepped forward and waved one of his strange armored hands over the circular display. An omega symbol appeared and the sealed door seemed to pixilate and disappear.


Tsubaki Mifune

For the most part as they walked, Tsubaki opted to not pay as much attention to the conversations going on between other Tamers such as Mikado and Takuma going back and forth about the castle they were headed to. It was certainly impressive looking, fit for serving as a base for the Royal Knights they'd met earlier. As they stepped inside, the Tamer winced and looked away slightly. Her concussion left her eyes sensitive to light, and the intense brightness that came from inside the castle was not playing so nice with this fact.

Even though she had to keep her gaze down to prevent herself from being blinded by the bright lights inside, Tsubaki could feel the heavy gazes of the Knightmon. Why did they seem to hate them so much? Were there other humans here that left a bad impression? She didn't know. The only time she actually looked up was when the Royal Knight addressed them. Our . . . destinies? The name Yggdrasil sounded familiar too. From what she could remember it was a tree in Norse mythology. Yggdrasil spanned between nine different worlds, connecting them. Could that be the case here too? Would this Yggdrasil hold some connection to both the real world and digital? It didn't seem all that far fetched to her.

Sheer exhaustion was beginning to win its battle with Patamon. The warmth of the sun, once again being held in Tsubaki's arms . . . these weren't helping his case any. But he was a stubborn little digimon who fought to stay awake. At least until everyone stopped to rest. He hoped that would be after they saw whoever it was inside the city. Noticing the harsh looks of the Knightmon, Patamon shifted, trying to hide himself against his Tamer. He closed his eyes, burying his face in the fabric of her hoodie. He knew those looks, cold, unforgiving, like they wanted to cut them down right there and then.

He knew those looks all too well and hated it.
The Royal Knight led the group into a circular chamber that was made completely out of crystals. A section of the back wall was missing and the enormous tree's bark filled in the gap. Directly ahead was a set of marble steps that led to a crystalline throne that jutted out of the World Tree's bark. A strange, armored creature rested upon the seat - it wasn't quite a Digimon. White light flooded the room as the Royal Knight took his place alongside a few others. UlforceVeedramon stood to one side, resolute and silent, a stark contrast to his previous demeanor. Next to him was a smaller blue being clad in golden armor. The gold-plated knight looked upon them with distrust and barely concealed anger. On the other side, a centaur-like Digimon wielding an enormous crossbow glanced at them briefly without turning his head. And... there was a strange Digimon standing in another space. Dark, feathery wings rested upon its back. The silver armor it wore was dull and he seemed to be clad in leather. A paper cut-out of a lance was taped onto the arm cannon attached to his right arm and the Digimon wore a cheap plastic mask depicting a knightly visage. He squirmed slightly but remained in his spot.


As the group walked further into the chamber, it became apparent that the Royal Knights were standing in spots designated by markings on the floor. In total, there were 13 of these areas that circled around the room. The white Royal Knight, Omegamon as the scan app indicated, took his place at behind the group as the door closed and sealed up. The being in the throne seemed to stir slightly as the assembled Royal Knights and the substitute kneeled down and lowered their heads. The armored being that sat at the throne rose up, hovering over the ground.

Steam erupted from the gaps in the being's armor as it slowly lowered onto the white steps. A figure emerged from the haze and descended down the steps. It was a young girl with eyes as blue as the ocean and hair whiter than fresh snow. Although she moved like the Tamers and looked like them, it was clear that she wasn't a human. Her beauty was ethereal or perhaps artificial. She walked barefoot, showing no reaction to the cold stone floor as she walked into the area surrounded by the Royal Knights.

"Ahem. Welcome, Digidestined. I am Yggdrasill, the God of the Digital World and master of the Royal Knights. I apologize for the cold reception, but it was necessary to test your skills. At least, that's what Beelz-Dukemon said." She cleared her throat as the winged Digimon coughed loudly. The girl briefly looked across the Tamers who were brought before her. She didn't seem disappointed, but she wasn't overly impressed either.

"As you may have noticed, you've been brought into another world. The Digital World is an alternate reality composed from the data transmitted by your world..." The young girl paused and brought up a window and scrolled through text. She cleared her throat once more.

"...What did ENIAC say here... Oh, right. The Digital World is in great danger and you've been brought here to save it. You were chosen to serve as protectors in stead of the Royal Knights who are currently dealing with other matters. I think as T-Takumi put it, "It's like being in one of those old RPGs"." The girl blushed slightly as she stuttered out a name and attempted to imitate a young man's voice. Omegamon merely brought his golden arm to his head and shook it with a nearly inaudible sigh.

"Anyways. Based on ENIAC's algorithms many of you were compatible with the Crests." She brought up another window and rotated it so that it faced the group. A set of 12 symbols were displayed and Yggdrasill pushed the window closer to the group as she regained her composure and continued to speak.

"Don't worry about the Real World and your absence. According to my current calculations, a year in the Digital World equates an hour in the Real World. Unfortunately, due to the work required to sync your existences up with the Digital World's time you've all arrived about three months late give or take. Well, barring that other boy. In any case, I'll let Omegamon brief you on your tasks." Yggdrasill stepped back as Omegamon rose up once more and folded his arms.

"As Digidestined, you'll need to resolve the imbalances in the Digital World that the Royal Knights are unable to act upon. This is largely because we're on high alert after two of our number were deleted by the same unknown, malevolent force that is threatening the Digital World. The Crests that our Lord spoke of are symbols that represent certain virtues exhibited by humanity. These will allow you to access stages of Digivolution beyond Champion-level and will aid you in surviving the Digital World. Due to the re-formatting of the Digital World a few years back, the Crests have since been scattered around the world in randomized locations and are housed in shrines. The Tamer before you, Takumi Jimon, acts as the System Administrator and holds the Crests of Miracle and Destiny. Unfortunately, he's gone missing and as such you've been summoned here to fill his place and perhaps find him - if he's still alive." Omegamon took a deep breath as he finally finished his speech. The supposed God of the Digital World pouted.

"He is alive, his data is still present according to my scans. Moving on, I'll summon you here and assign the tasks that require your unique assistance. The Royal Knight overseeing that area will have further information and will go into further depth. I recommend staying within WiZ City's walls during your periods between missions, I'm sure there's a lot to see here." She opened up a status screen looked over the assembled Digidestined once more.

"...Dante is it? Partnered with Renamon, according to your Digivice. Stand still for just a moment." Yggdrasill tapped on the new window that displayed the outline of the human in question. She zoomed in on the broken arm and tapped on it twice in quick succession and selected an option from the drop-down menu. Unimaginable pain coursed through the young man's broken arm as bones began to shift around and meld back together. She then shifted the status screen over to Renamon and performed the same operations on her injured areas. However, the process was quick and painless.

"...Right, try not to get too injured. Although I am God of the Digital World, the difference between Digimon and Human anatomy makes healing far more difficult (and painful). Now, are there any other questions you have for me while I heal the rest of you up? There haven't been any alerts in the past few days from the rest of the Royal Knights so you all should be able to idle around the city for the time being."

@Veirrianna Valentine

@Whyte mail
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Dante was, to say the least, amazed by everything as it was revealed. So they were in a Digital World.. Like... a computer? Oh if his father could see this... He listened intently as this Yggdrasil explained everything about the World, and the Crests. It was a lot to take in. His eyes gazed up at her when she addressed him. He wondered why she wanted him to stand still, but he didn't have too long to wonder. Out of nowhere, intense pain shot through his arm, causing his posture to break for just a moment as he bit his lip to keep from crying out, forcing himself to stand up straight even as his body shook from the excruciating pain.

He was never one to let his pain show. Given they were surrounded by Royal Knights, and now it was in the open they were expected to protect this whole world, he couldn't show any weakness now. Sweat beaded his forehead as the pain stopped almost as quickly as it began. He let out a breath he had been holding, wiping the sweat on his sleeve as he looked up at Yggdrasil.

"Believe me... Getting hurt again isn't in the plan. Thank you, Yggdrasil.." He murmured, still trying to keep his breathing level. He looked down at his healed arm, tossing off the sling as he moved his arm, amazed to find it was perfectly healed, given the bones had snapped when he blocked that attack before.... It was fortunate he had such a high pain tolerance, otherwise he likely would have screamed and dropped to the floor in agony...

Renamon smiled softly as she saw Dante's arm had recovered. He was one hell of a fighter, and now that he had both arms, she knew he'd be back in the fray again. That meant she'd need to be quick in finding him some gear to protect himself... She blinked as her own injuries were healed as well. "I thank you as well, Yggdrasil" She murmured, bowing her head respectfully.

It was abundantly clear these two knew how to behave when faced with a literal God... The other members of the group though.... That remained to be seen...
Mikado Saris

Her attention was brought back to the castle ahead of them as the sound of opening gates filled the surrounding area. As they passed through the gate she was in awe at the assortment of vegetation. Nothing screamed 'fantasy world' like this castle seemed to. As they entered the castle itself she was nearly blinded by just how bright it was. She always did have fairly sensitive eyes and never fully adjusted to situations like this. In order to see at all she kept her head downcast, only able to see a few feet in front of her at any given time. Her limited vision served it's purpose as she occasionally looked up to make sure she wouldn't run into any walls or anything.

Her attempt at shielding her eyes also served to shield her from the looks of the various Knightmon, something Ryu took special note of. He didn't like the fact that most of the digimon they've come across thus far seemed to regard the humans with fear or contempt. There was little he could actually do about, though, other than quietly following along. Mikado's interest was piqued at the word 'destinies' and she forced herself to look up at the large digimon that said it. The tree of life was waiting for them and would likely disclose what their 'destiny' was. Well that seemed more than a little cliche, at this point it wouldn't surprise her if the tree of life was anthropomorphized as a little girl and was going to ask them to save the world.

As they entered the throne room her eyes were spared the blinding light and she could finally take a good look at her surroundings. She took note of the various digimon standing around the circular room before settling on the.. thing.. on the throne once the Royal Knights took a knee. The strange digimon's design was pretty cool compared to the ones she had seen thus far. For a brief moment she wondered if she could trade Ryu for the geometric robot before deciding that would be kinda mean. She jumped slightly as her thoughts were interrupted by the digimon suddenly expelling steam.

A look of amused surprise was plastered on her face as she saw a figure emerge from the steam and introduced itself as the Yggdrasil. They actually did it, they turned the tree of life into a cute little girl. She was really starting to think her very initial theory was actually correct and they were indeed in a video game. She put a lid on her thoughts as she listened intently to the girl's explanation of things. As if going out of her way to fulfill the cliche the girl quickly revealed they were brought here as chosen champions to save the world, even likening it to a game herself.

Once the briefing was over she did have a few questions of her own and so she slowly raised her hand as she spoke up. "Ah, yeah um Yig.. Yag..." she fell silent again, as much as she had read about the tree of life in games and other media she never could pronounce the damned thing's name. After a brief pause she again spoke up. "Look I'm not Nordic so can I just call you Sill or something? Anyways, I have two questions." As if to punctuate this she held up her right hand, her index and middle fingers extended skyward as she did. "First of all you mentioned these crests, I assume we each get our own unique one so will we know who gets what one? As for my second question, is there any way for us humans to get any sort of powers or anything? The Professor mentioned some place called Witchelny that had magic so I was wondering if we could go there and make ourselves a little less useless in a fight."

She was sure she should probably be more respectful, a stern glare held by Ryu pretty much affirmed that. But then if they were needed to save the world that meant they were afforded special privileges. At least that's how things usually worked. Besides if the tree wanted respect it should have stayed a tree, or a cool robot, and not some cute girl who stutters and blushes.

@Veirrianna Valentine

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