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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

"Mmm, I guess I'm up now. I'm Takuma, an ordinary high school student from America. And erm, yeah, there's not really anything special about me now that I think about it." Takuma gave a big smile as he introduced himself. His partner remained conspicuously silent, perhaps he was silent from the hunger too? Mmm, must be nice to be able to excel at one thing, huh? The wistful thoughts floated around in his head as the group made their way into WiZ City's bazaar.

If anything, the market area felt like something out of a fantasy novel. All sorts of Digimon wore strange clothing from distant lands and others approached the group and attempted to peddle some miracle elixir called "Orochimon Oil". It was likely that it didn't come from an eight-headed snake but that didn't stop the blue-haired boy from almost buying some. Doru had to practically drag him along towards the large burger shaped restaurant that stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the Witchelny peddlers' stalls.

"Welcome to WcDonald's! What would you like?" A perky little Digimon stood behind the human-sized counter, likely standing upon a stool to handle the register. As Takuma gawked at the numerous choices listed on the lit-up menu board, Doru made his way in front of his Tamer and ordered a standard cheeseburger set with fries and a drink.

"Hrm, it's weird how we can understand what they're saying but their writing's totally different from anything on Earth. I wonder..." The young man flipped his Digivice open and brought the camera lens upwards. Soon enough, a new app loaded up in the second row. The Reader App rendered the DigiCode script in a language that was readable to the Tamer. He stepped up to the counter and ordered a WcFlurry. With food in hand, Takuma made his way to a large table where Doru was now scarfing down the burger.

"WcFlurry's are good right? The candies they put in it aren't as good as that stuff you had in that bag." Doru set down the half-consumed sandwich to finally speak. Takuma nodded eagerly as he dug into the dessert.The delight in his face was soon replaced with one of horror as he pat down his side.

-World Tree-

"Eh? What's this thing?" Beelzebumon brought the small plastic bag up to eye-level as he mulled around the entrance hall to Yggdrasill's chambers. Stuff transferred from the human world were rare commodities that rarely showed up in the bazaar. He rooted through the bag and pulled out a stick of something with the characters: "Deodorant" on them. Perhaps it was one of those distinct candies? The winged Digimon popped the cap off and bit a chunk of the odor-neutralizer off.

"GAAAAAAAAAHHH!" The mega-level Digimon fell to his knees, alternately retching and dry-heaving as he clawed at his tongue. He heard footstep and some light snickering. Beelzebumon's three green eyes narrowed as he brought his attention to Magnamon. Even if the their face was covered by the golden armor, he could still feel the intense smugness that came from the Royal Knight's gaze.


"Dang, must have dropped it back at the castle. Meh, I'm sure one of those Knightmon guys will probably bring it to one of the Royal Knights for safekeeping." He swallowed a sweet-heavy spoonful of the dessert as the panic left his mind just as quickly as it came.

"I wonder why that little Burgermon didn't freak out at the sight of you. Then again, this is the bazaar. Digimon from other servers migrate here to sell their wares. It's likely they've seen tons of strange things."
Doru wiped his mouth with a napkin as he waited for the rest of the group to order.

The Burgermon cashier was a Digimon who has seen a lot of shit in his time. Things that would break a lesser Digimon's mind and render them frothing at the mouth. And that's why the free smile he gave his customers was always coupled with a thousand-yard stare. Of course, not many would notice the despair in his gaze because of his beady little eyes. He was a particularly good at hiding his world-weary mind with a chipper voice.
Vision was resting on a stool at Burgermon's joint. He had to admit that the excitement and action of the day had definitely caught up with him, but now that they had stopped for a brief amount of time it was definitely allowing him to gather his thoughts, the foremost of was the position that he and his fellows had found themselves in.

The meeting with Yggdrasil was, well, alarming and notable to say the least. In his studies, Vision knew that not many champions had actually been awarded and audience with the God, so for them to be afforded the opportunity to do so meant that something major had to be happening, bigger than normal if it had both their God and their Knights summoning champions to aid them. That in of itself was sobering to him alone, but the rising tensions between the digimon in the woods meant there had to be more going on, and none of it seemed to be boding well.

Getting himself so lost in thought, it came as a startling surprise as he jumped at the notice of Chuchidarumon tapping on his shoulder.

"It's wonderful to see you back in town, Wizardmon," Chuchidarumon greeted as he but a box on the counter next to his friend, "The young ones are always excitable when you return, and this 'Cora-mon' friend that you've brought back has only got them ever more excited. As thanks for what you'v done for us, I spared the expenses to get you a knew hat as cape, seeing as you've let yours get a touch ragged on your adventures."

Smiling under his cloak's collar, Vision nodded, "Well, I will say, I'm pleased to have gotten back as well. Honestly it was hit or miss there a few times, but Cora, as she's named, has been a good friend. She doesn't consider herself a tamer either. Insists on being my friend and my partner only. She stood for me when I wasn't able to, and to be honest, I now understand why so many of you are always so grateful for when I do something I simply view as right. Thank you, by the way, as I've been meaning to get these replaced sometime soon."

Noticing the interaction between her friend and Chuchidarumon, Cora walked over and took a seat, giving a grin to Vision as he did his best to swap his cloak and hat as fast as possible. She had always wondered what he looked like without his hiding away behind the garb. Seems like he wasn't intent on letting anyone find out.

"What's the matter Vee? 'Fraid you don't have an award winning smile over there?" she jibed, "Always gotta hide behind that silly cloak?"

Vision just smiled as he nudged Chuchidarumon, both of them laughing at some sort of hidden joke that Cora wasn't privy too. The pair shared a knowing look before Vision reached into the box and pulled out a second hat and cloak, this pair the a black colour like her pants and top, with blue accents similar to her eyes colour.

"But Cora, you have a set of your own! Kyupimon wanted to make sure of it!" Chuchidarumon smiled as Vision slid the garments over to her.

Hesitating for a moment, Cora gave the folded cloak and hat a critical look as they rested on the table before her. She hadn't expected to receive a gift, or even received have received the welcome she had, but here it all was. Her whole life she had been picking up the scraps left over, yet here people... or Digimon... were lining up to give her thanks and praise... and gifts. It was clear she was no longer in Japan, or anywhere like her home any more, a it gave her a tinge of a smile as her hands lifted the soft, yet sturdy feeling fabric, looking at some of the blue 'words' on the inside, even though she couldn't understand them.

"Well, if Kyupimon wants me to have them, then I can't rightly say no, now can I? Besides, I don't get given gifts too often, so I should enjoy the ones I am given, shouldn't I?" Cora smiled, standing up and swapping her hoodie for the cloak, looking at her reflection in some glass. She tried on the hat, but couldn't help but give a chuckle before taking it back off and tucking into her satchel, "Hat's a bit much, isn't it? Well, tell Kyupimon I said thank you very much, Chuchidarumon."

Th trio all shared a few more words before Chuchidarumon bid his farewell, as well as leaving one more gift, and Cora then turned her attention to the group, stepping her way through the group to smile at Burgermon, slipping him a note and a small parcel from Chuchidarumon before turning to her compatriots.

"Chuchidarumon apparently sends his regards, meals for everyone. Future thanks to us for what we will do to protect him and his orphans. I say we enjoy our meals and make sure we don't let them down. Now, Dante, Soren, Takuma, Tsubaki, we all seem to be the oldest. I'd say we all sit down and figure out what we need to get our shit together. Vision and our partners no doubt have invaluable knowledge as well. I think we need to figure out who does what in our fights, coordinate our defences so we don't interrupt each other's flow. That and I think it's important that we all realise that our group, by the look of things, is all we are going to have to rely on. I'm not about to volunteer to be leader or anything, far from it, but I know Dante and I at least are fighters. Time to figure out where everyone else stands, right?"
Mikado Saris

"Boat's aren't that bad but it's not a trip I'd like to take again anytime soon." Ryu gave a nod towards Coronamon, slightly surprised anyone would take his little backstory with any semblance of interest. The sound of growling tummies and the constant talk of food made his own stomach growl in hunger. Looking up at Tsubaki as she mentioned food again he gave a rather emphatic nod. "I'm starving and have been for a while now, let's pick up the pace." Mikado looked down as Ryu conversed with one of the other digimon. He had been keeping to himself and it was nice to see some interaction out of the little dragon digimon. She turned her attention towards Takuma as he gave a brief snippet of his own history. It was nice having her introduction followed up by someone else not claiming some ridiculous feat.

Her gaze slowly drifted from stall to stall as they made their way through the bazaar. Despite the weird looking creatures manning them it looked like the kind of market you'd see in some third world country or fantasy setting. That was, at least, until they came upon a building with an unmistakable logo. She took a moment to stare at the name, noting the large W at the front. She couldn't help but wonder how many similarities such as this would be scattered around the digital world. After letting herself be amused at the name for a few moments she followed Takuma inside. After the boy ordered she stepped forward, a pleasant smile on her face. "Ah, yeah, I'll take two of the.. uh.. chicken sandwiches. One double bacon cheeseburger. A large order of chicken nuggets. Two large fries and a large Wcflurry." After the initial trepidation at what the names might be she simply decided to go with what they were called in the real world.

With her order placed she looked down at Ryu, tilting her head slightly at the sight of his surprised expression. "Um.. do you want something?" The little dragon shook his head with a bemused smirk before turning his attention to the digimon behind the counter. "Just a basic burger set." After a relatively short wait their food was delivered to them. Quickly picking up the tray Mikado made her way towards the table Takuma had sat at, setting her tray down as she left a one-seat gap between herself and the other boy. Both herself and Ryu unceremoniously dug into their food, both of them hungry from the adventures they had earlier.

With one of the chicken sandwiches already half-gone she looked over at the boy, taking a moment to swallow her food before speaking up. "So uh.. Toyota, right? You seem particularly unfazed by all of this. Is that just the kinda guy you are or do you have some kind of inside information?" With her question complete she took another bite of her sandwich, holding her gaze on the boy as she expectantly awaited a reply.


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KageYuuki said:


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki glanced at Dante as he mentioned they didn't even know how the currency worked just yet. "I really hope it doesn't end up like Yen. Though it would explain the massive bag of coins or Bits or whatever it was." Sure, there were bills for Yen but coins popped up all over the place there. Patamon shifted slightly in her arms. He was too tired to really jump into the ongoing conversation, though he made a mental note to ask Tsubaki about Yen or whatever it was she was talking about. Her gaze shifted to Mikado as she spoke. "I'm sure all of us more on the normal side when you get down to it." She shrugged, "Just weird circumstances made it seem otherwise. Anyway, you're going to have to tell me what kind of games you tend to play, but that can wait a few minutes."

Tsubaki turned to continue down the hall of the palace. "I don't know about you guys, but I can't think straight when I'm hungry. Let's grab a bite to eat and actually piece together some kind of plan." With that she continued down the hall. The Tamer knew for sure Serena and likely Dante would follow right away. The others likely only would because they were hungry.

Food was a great motivator and bribing tool.
GasMaskie said:
"Mmm, I guess I'm up now. I'm Takuma, an ordinary high school student from America. And erm, yeah, there's not really anything special about me now that I think about it." Takuma gave a big smile as he introduced himself. His partner remained conspicuously silent, perhaps he was silent from the hunger too? Mmm, must be nice to be able to excel at one thing, huh? The wistful thoughts floated around in his head as the group made their way into WiZ City's bazaar.
If anything, the market area felt like something out of a fantasy novel. All sorts of Digimon wore strange clothing from distant lands and others approached the group and attempted to peddle some miracle elixir called "Orochimon Oil". It was likely that it didn't come from an eight-headed snake but that didn't stop the blue-haired boy from almost buying some. Doru had to practically drag him along towards the large burger shaped restaurant that stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the Witchelny peddlers' stalls.

"Welcome to WcDonald's! What would you like?" A perky little Digimon stood behind the human-sized counter, likely standing upon a stool to handle the register. As Takuma gawked at the numerous choices listed on the lit-up menu board, Doru made his way in front of his Tamer and ordered a standard cheeseburger set with fries and a drink.

"Hrm, it's weird how we can understand what they're saying but their writing's totally different from anything on Earth. I wonder..." The young man flipped his Digivice open and brought the camera lens upwards. Soon enough, a new app loaded up in the second row. The Reader App rendered the DigiCode script in a language that was readable to the Tamer. He stepped up to the counter and ordered a WcFlurry. With food in hand, Takuma made his way to a large table where Doru was now scarfing down the burger.

"WcFlurry's are good right? The candies they put in it aren't as good as that stuff you had in that bag." Doru set down the half-consumed sandwich to finally speak. Takuma nodded eagerly as he dug into the dessert.The delight in his face was soon replaced with one of horror as he pat down his side.

-World Tree-

"Eh? What's this thing?" Beelzebumon brought the small plastic bag up to eye-level as he mulled around the entrance hall to Yggdrasill's chambers. Stuff transferred from the human world were rare commodities that rarely showed up in the bazaar. He rooted through the bag and pulled out a stick of something with the characters: "Deodorant" on them. Perhaps it was one of those distinct candies? The winged Digimon popped the cap off and bit a chunk of the odor-neutralizer off.

"GAAAAAAAAAHHH!" The mega-level Digimon fell to his knees, alternately retching and dry-heaving as he clawed at his tongue. He heard footstep and some light snickering. Beelzebumon's three green eyes narrowed as he brought his attention to Magnamon. Even if the their face was covered by the golden armor, he could still feel the intense smugness that came from the Royal Knight's gaze.


"Dang, must have dropped it back at the castle. Meh, I'm sure one of those Knightmon guys will probably bring it to one of the Royal Knights for safekeeping." He swallowed a sweet-heavy spoonful of the dessert as the panic left his mind just as quickly as it came.

"I wonder why that little Burgermon didn't freak out at the sight of you. Then again, this is the bazaar. Digimon from other servers migrate here to sell their wares. It's likely they've seen tons of strange things."
Doru wiped his mouth with a napkin as he waited for the rest of the group to order.

The Burgermon cashier was a Digimon who has seen a lot of shit in his time. Things that would break a lesser Digimon's mind and render them frothing at the mouth. And that's why the free smile he gave his customers was always coupled with a thousand-yard stare. Of course, not many would notice the despair in his gaze because of his beady little eyes. He was a particularly good at hiding his world-weary mind with a chipper voice.

Serena Jones

Serena nodded in agreement of food and picked up the pace alongside Tsubaki, growing silent as she wondered about the Digiworld food. Did their food taste like real world food? Did it taste better? Did it have a taste at all? So many questions, thankfully they would soon be answered as they soon came into the store. She frowned slightly at what Cora said, leaving Serena out of the plan making just because she was younger! She was part of the team to, so was Comman! She'd be sure to tell them that too, after she got her food of course. When she was able she walked up and stared at the menu with a blank and confused expression on her face.

Shrugging she decided to follow suit with Mikado, though she didn't order near as much food. "Uhh. I wanna chicken sandwich, large fries, small order of chicken nuggets, and a Wcflurry." She told him before stepping to the side for Comman to order. "Burger set will be fine." He told them simply. Serena arched a brow momentarily at him, all of the digimon seemed to mostly be ordering some 'burger set' thing. She wasn't entirely sure what it was, but eh if that's what they wanted. Shortly after they got their food, grabbing the tray she walked over to the table everyone else was sitting at. She sat on the opposite side of the large table no one else was sitting at with Comman sitting beside her. She decided to eat some of her food before addressing the situation of leaving her out because she was younger than all of them.

The entirety of her chicken sandwich gone she finally spoke up. "
I wanna help you guys make a plan too, just 'cause I'm younger than you doesn't mean I'm not useful you know." She told them before crossing her arms in a defiant manner. Comman sighed, he was worried she'd start something along those lines from the second he heard Cora say something. He didn't comment, figuring it best not to get into it with his own tamer, and simply resumed eating his food. Though he did watch to make sure none of them said anything particularly rude to the girl.
Kai Takeshi

Another good day in the digiworld as Kai had been walking with Guilmon for a very long time. There was like no end to the walking they had went through, it was if the adventure would last forever. Kai looked at the sun that seemed to be scheming on him and his partner. The desert of the digiworld was not a nice thing to be in especially with barely water. "You holding up on your own Guilmon, or do you need another break?" Kai asked as he was walking not looking at his heavy breathing partner. "P-please Kai I need one badly." Guilmon said with his tongue out dragging his feet across the sand, it was as if the sun had drained the life out of this poor digimon. Kai could do nothing but simply laugh at the sight of his partner struggling.

Kai had finally found a spot for him and Guilmon to rest it was under a small structure of rocks that stood tall from the two. He sat under the nice and relaxing shade as he sighed from looking at the helpless Guilmon hungry and thirsty. "Here buddy." Kai said giving the last and finally drops of water to Guilmon, this shows that he would go to the extremes for his best friend. Guilmon drank and continued to drink as the bottle had nothing in it left, not even a drop left. He sighed in relief and looked at Kai as he smiled. "Thanks Kai I really needed that!" He shouted sitting next to Kai looking at the bright floor in front of them. Looking ahead of them both Kai has spotted a couple of green like areas, he was sure these weren't illusions or heat waves. He was sure of the tricks that the digiworld could play on him, but that did not stop him to believe they had finally found the forest. Was it Amida Forest?!
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Tsubaki Mifune

While walking towards the small restaurant, Tsubaki scanned the various stalls in the bazaar. There were many different things being offered there, very few of it actually recognizable. Finding what they'd need for their first mission could be difficult... In the meantime, the Tamer couldn't help but wonder what kind of food there were going to find. Not to mention if it would taste like anything they were used to. It seemed seemed she would find the answer soon enough as they stepped into . . . McDonald's . . . Are you kidding me? God I cannot seem to escape these things...

Shaking her head, she nudged the sleeping digimon in her arms while the first few stepped up and ordered. "Hey, Patamon, are you hungry?"

The small form groaned and shifted before looking up at her with cerulean eyes. "Hm? Um . . . yeah, food sounds good."

Tsubaki nodded, gesturing to the menu. "Any preferences?"

Patamon blinked up at the menu, quiet for a few moments. "I haven't been here before," He said sheepishly, "Whatever you get should be fine."

Tsubaki scanned the menu before nodding and ordering a couple chicken sandwiches for her and her partner. After securing a cup of iced tea, she and Patamon moved over to the table with everyone else. "Of course the bits has to work like Yen..." She grumbled biting into the sandwich. Her gaze moved over to Cora as she mentioned everyone sitting down and talking. "Part of me agrees that we need to sit down and talk. Actually figure everything out and get a plan together. However, leaving part of the group out is only going to cause dissen-"

"I wanna help you guys make a plan too, just 'cause I'm younger than you doesn't mean I'm not useful you know."

Tsubaki sighed, taking another bite from her lunch. "Well, that."

Patamon slowly ate his own sandwich, half listening to the others talk.

"I'm not going to try and take over nor try to turn this into some military style group, as much as Commandramon would surely like that." She gestured to the digimon with her head. To be honest she wasn't entirely sure what to do with the group. They still didn't really know each other so figuring who was best where wasn't going to come for awhile yet.
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Jakob not only saw but felt the pure white flash that enveloped him. His eyes snapped open, watching his hands and feet rapidly melt away into some white light like the rest of the cursed place. His eyes looked up to a woman with blue eyes and surprise surprise, lots of white! Did he die in his sleep? If he did, then he died doing something he hated... homework. The world seemed to crash into him, ripping him apart like a wall of razor wire.

Jakob slowly rises up to greet his surroundings. He mumbled out, "Great. I'm alone in the... forest! A forest. Completely and totally unfamiliar. Greaaaat." He sat back down to get a hold of himself. He was still messed up from that trip. He rubbed his sleepy eyes. He leaned back to support his weight on his hands, which gave him the result of finding his Digivice. He questioned aloud, "Why would anyone keep their phone out here in the wild? Never had one of these before.."

He looked it over, twisting it a bit unsure of just how to open it. A disappointing sigh came out from the trees. Walking straight towards him was a pitch black Agumon. It spoke fiercely, "Great, a idiot who can't even do something as simple as open a digivice?!" Jakob just blinked silently before tilting his head and letting out a confused "Whaaa?" The Agumon marched over and took the dark device from his hands. He snarled out, "Tamers come around all the time, talking about how cool it is and how they love what they do. Listen to a few inquisitional questions and you get everything you need. Anyways, I am a Black Agumon. Call me Agumon, and we're going to be partners."

Jakob lifted up a single finger towards him, speaking out, "Okay I can get talking monsters and everything like that, I grew up on video games. But what I can't get a hold of is why are we partners?" Black Agumon raised his head to the air before smirking. He said, "Well, I may know a lot but I don't know everything eh? Point the device at me and we can get started on this journey of ours." Jakob smiled as he took the device and scanned Black Agumon obediently. He offered a hand to Agumon, "I'm Jakob. Want me to give you a nick name or something partner? It's not that Agumon isn't a good name but if you had to call yourself a Black Agumon then there must be Agumons?" Agumon replied with, "There's like... 6 different Agumons at least? I'll think of something... Partner." He put his claw into Jakob's hand, and shook it slightly.

Jakob got to his feet and asked, "So... what now?"
Soren could only stare at the structure in front of him. "You've got to be kidding me..." he muttered. "This isn't-"

"Come on." Coronamon said, pulling him forward again. "If I'm going to have to drag you around everywhere, I at least want to be able to do it on a full stomach." Despite Soren's protests, Coronamon did not let go and he soon found himself at the front of the line. Coronamon ordered first, "I just want a standard burger set." He then stepped back to let Soren order. Remembering what he'd seen Takuma do, he pulled his digivice out and discovered the Reader App.

Quickly selecting it and scanning his choices, he said, "I'll just have a burger meal, add bacon to the burger." He wanted to try to spend as little time as possible dallying in this place and to start doing things. However, come to think of it, they had never been told specifically what they were supposed to do. They'd just been given a general, 'We'll let you know when we need you, but we need you,' style of mission. Soren sighed as he picked up his food and headed over to the table they seemed to be sitting at. He arrived just in time to hear Cora's suggestion and Serena's upset response. He sighed again. "I don't really see why a plan is necessary at this point. We don't really know what Yggdrasil wants us to do, so there's no use planning for that, and we also can't really plan for a fight, because we don't know who the enemy will be. There's a very real possibility that any plan we have could go straight out the window as soon as we encounter an enemy that we didn't plan specifically for. It just doesn't make sense to plan for a fight we don't know exists." That was Soren's main thoughts when it came to planning. Roles, positions, formations, all of those could, and most likely would take the back seat in fights. While a strategy may be effective 90% of the time, there was always the 10% that it wouldn't work on. A strategy working on the Goblinmon was highly unlikely to work on the Gizumon for example, and less likely to work on an enemy of the Royal Knights' caliber. Soren preferred to wait, and design a plan based on the specific circumstances, and with as much knowledge as possible, for knowledge was power in his mind.
Alan was minding his own business, as he was reading, a book and walking down the street, and looked up to see where he was going, and eyes back to the book. As a light appeared in Alan's point of view as it surrounded him, as he dropped his book as everything went white.

Alan awoke with his eyes, as he yawned out, and scratched his eyes. "Where am I?" Alan said as he looked around his surroundings as there were "many" trees around him, and a device in his hands. He examined it as he heard some loud foot steps around him. He looked at the direction where the noise was coming from.

"So this is my tamer?" A metallic voice was heard, as Black Pawnchessmon appeared. "Where am I?" Alan asked as the Pawn shifted it's helmet towards Alan. "You are in the digital world in the Wandering Forest, after we find a way out, or find the owner to be more precise" The Black pawn said as it pointed it's spears in a direction.
KageYuuki said:


Tsubaki Mifune

While walking towards the small restaurant, Tsubaki scanned the various stalls in the bazaar. There were many different things being offered there, very few of it actually recognizable. Finding what they'd need for their first mission could be difficult... In the meantime, the Tamer couldn't help but wonder what kind of food there were going to find. Not to mention if it would taste like anything they were used to. It seemed seemed she would find the answer soon enough as they stepped into . . . McDonald's . . . Are you kidding me? God I cannot seem to escape these things...

Shaking her head, she nudged the sleeping digimon in her arms while the first few stepped up and ordered. "Hey, Patamon, are you hungry?"

The small form groaned and shifted before looking up at her with cerulean eyes. "Hm? Um . . . yeah, food sounds good."

Tsubaki nodded, gesturing to the menu. "Any preferences?"

Patamon blinked up at the menu, quiet for a few moments. "I haven't been here before," He said sheepishly, "Whatever you get should be fine."

Tsubaki scanned the menu before nodding and ordering a couple chicken sandwiches for her and her partner. After securing a cup of iced tea, she and Patamon moved over to the table with everyone else. "Of course the bits has to work like Yen..." She grumbled biting into the sandwich. Her gaze moved over to Cora as she mentioned everyone sitting down and talking. "Part of me agrees that we need to sit down and talk. Actually figure everything out and get a plan together. However, leaving part of the group out is only going to cause dissen-"

"I wanna help you guys make a plan too, just 'cause I'm younger than you doesn't mean I'm not useful you know."

Tsubaki sighed, taking another bite from her lunch. "Well, that."

Patamon slowly ate his own sandwich, half listening to the others talk.

"I'm not going to try and take over nor try to turn this into some military style group, as much as Commandramon would surely like that." She gestured to the digimon with her head. To be honest she wasn't entirely sure what to do with the group. They still didn't really know each other so figuring who was best where wasn't going to come for awhile yet.
Runesage said:
Soren could only stare at the structure in front of him. "You've got to be kidding me..." he muttered. "This isn't-"
"Come on." Coronamon said, pulling him forward again. "If I'm going to have to drag you around everywhere, I at least want to be able to do it on a full stomach." Despite Soren's protests, Coronamon did not let go and he soon found himself at the front of the line. Coronamon ordered first, "I just want a standard burger set." He then stepped back to let Soren order. Remembering what he'd seen Takuma do, he pulled his digivice out and discovered the Reader App.

Quickly selecting it and scanning his choices, he said, "I'll just have a burger meal, add bacon to the burger." He wanted to try to spend as little time as possible dallying in this place and to start doing things. However, come to think of it, they had never been told specifically what they were supposed to do. They'd just been given a general, 'We'll let you know when we need you, but we need you,' style of mission. Soren sighed as he picked up his food and headed over to the table they seemed to be sitting at. He arrived just in time to hear Cora's suggestion and Serena's upset response. He sighed again. "I don't really see why a plan is necessary at this point. We don't really know what Yggdrasil wants us to do, so there's no use planning for that, and we also can't really plan for a fight, because we don't know who the enemy will be. There's a very real possibility that any plan we have could go straight out the window as soon as we encounter an enemy that we didn't plan specifically for. It just doesn't make sense to plan for a fight we don't know exists." That was Soren's main thoughts when it came to planning. Roles, positions, formations, all of those could, and most likely would take the back seat in fights. While a strategy may be effective 90% of the time, there was always the 10% that it wouldn't work on. A strategy working on the Goblinmon was highly unlikely to work on the Gizumon for example, and less likely to work on an enemy of the Royal Knights' caliber. Soren preferred to wait, and design a plan based on the specific circumstances, and with as much knowledge as possible, for knowledge was power in his mind.
Serena Jones

Serena nodded in agreement with Tsubaki's statement followed by an accusing "Yeah!" before resuming her meal. She wasn't sure why Cora had suggested leaving her out of the discussion in the first place. She was a smart girl, or at-least she believed she was. She disliked the fact that the sole reason she suggested to leave Serena out was because she was younger, it wasn't fair really seeing as she was the only one in the group that was as young as her. The thought of her asking too many questions being one of the reasons didn't cross her mind at all, but that was probably one of the reasons too.

Comman arched a brow at Tsubaki suggesting he wanted to take lead, but otherwise said nothing as he slowly ate his sandwich. To be fair, it was partially true, it was in his nature to take charge. But he didn't think any of them would take to kindly to that, and he wouldn't exactly of suggested it in the first place. Comman was going to speak his opinion on what Soren said, but as he opened his mouth to do so his chance to speak was quickly usurped by Serena..much to his annoyance.

"Well..I'd assume we'll be fighting things, finding things, and generally helping people. A basic guideline of a plan for a few different scenarios would be a good idea, basic usefulness of each of us and different variations of what we could do given a situation. Whose good at scouting, observation, fighting, co-ordination. That kind of thing. I understand what you mean though, no plans are ever concrete. Even video game walkthroughs and stuff are wrong sometimes. But that's offtopic. And I forgot I'm apparently to young to be useful, so I'll just eat my food in silence now." She replied before frowning slightly and nibbling on a chicken nugget.
"So uh.. Toyota, right? You seem particularly unfazed by all of this. Is that just the kinda guy you are or do you have some kind of inside information?"

Takuma finished off the rest of the frozen treat as he looked over to Mikado. He tapped his chin, as if he was actually mulling the question over with serious though. The young man dabbed his mouth clean as he began to speak.

"Eh, well... I guess that's just the kinda guy I am. I mean, all of this is pretty exciting but I think it's just better to go with the flow with this. Like, this is a quest to save their world, but I'm sure that all of us will grow as individuals or something and bond over the course of this mission." Doru's eyes widened as he looked over to the insight that his tamer had displayed for once as the others soon approached.

The young man listened to the conversation unfold between the rest of the Digidestined. He leaned back in the seat and folded his arms. What was his specialty? At best, the most he could think about was the luck he had with using his Digivice. But even in the Real World, he was someone who was completely unremarkable. The young man sighed as the blue beast at his side leaned over the table and began to speak.

"Well, even if I can't digivolve yet, I can handle myself in a fight well enough. I know for a fact that I'll be able to fly and provide short-distance transportation once I advance through my stages. Serena has the right idea, it seems like Yggdrasill's algorithms also picked you guys based on your skill sets in order to diversify the group."
Mikado Saris

She slowly munched on her chicken sandwich, her attention shifting from one speaker to the other as she silently ate. The talk of forming some kind of plan was all well and dandy but the shy kid did have a point. Even if they knew the general parameters of their so-called mission you can't really plan around that. Knowing you have to help someone is not the same as knowing who you have to help, where you have to help them, when you need to help them, how you can help them. She finished off one of her sandwiches as she looked back to Toyota, she had dealt with his type before and they certainly weren't the worst people to deal with. "While I'm not convinced this'll be something good for us I can at least appreciate the mentality of just going along with it."

She glanced down at the little dragon and thought back to how quickly she accepted the guy. While she seemed to care more than Toyota did there was a degree of similarity between the two. Then again everyone seemed to be taking this better than she would have thought, realizing that perhaps that was one of the criteria for them being chosen. She began working on her second sandwich, occasionally taking a fry or chicken nugget to mix things up. She looked over at Serena as she seemed to be sulking over the comment on her age. While she fully agreed a little kid probably wasn't going to be any use, even if she was some apparent speed-running champ, she knew better than to have some sulking child around. Quick to remedy the situation she put her signature smile on and injected herself into their conversation.

"I don't think age has anything to do with it. You're absolutely right, we need to figure out who's good at what and where we can apply those skills." She gave the girl a reassuring nod before taking another bite of her sandwich. She glanced down at Ryu, noting his piercing stare she quickly looked away. She really didn't like the fact that her partner seemed to be able to see through everything she tried. Then again that was probably why he was her partner to begin with.




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Jakob leaped up and put his foot into the ancient wood's form. He grasped the high ledge, sneaking a peak over to see nothing. He gradually clambered up, until he realized his upper body strength wasn't to grand. He fell down and screeched in pain. Agumon was just starring in disbelief from on top of the ledge. He moaned out, "Who ever decides the fates must have picked the wrong person here. An idiot and unable to climb away from even a Kapurimon..." Jakob moaned out, "To be completely fair, if these woods existed where I came from I would happily live here. No poison ivy, no bugs, and talking animals!"

Agumon sighed, realizing how long he will have to deal with Jakob. He looks down to Jakob, who is still trying to climb the 7 foot tall ledge. Why not try and teach the fool? He said, "I am a Thing, not an animal. Your an animal, and since you talk, doesn't that mean you contradicted yourself? Plus they have KoDokugumons, giant eight legged digimon." Jakob fell down harder then last time, snarling in outrage. It amused Agumon to see just how much he was trying. Jakob moaned out his response between attempts, "Okay I stand corrected, but who cares? I don't know the place.. plus where in the name of hell are we going?!"

Jakob's hand finally broke past the ledge, and his head popped up over. He raised himself slightly over, before his sweaty palms send him backwards against the dirt once again. A nasty crack echoed from his body, which got Agumon's attention. He looked over to see him clutching his left knee, holding it tightly while closing his eyes. He just kept on yelling tell tears came out of his eyes. Did the kid just break a bone? Agumon placed his claws into the tall tree and slid down to his partner.

He ran over, his eyes wide with shock. Agumon stated, "Why did you even do that?! How stupid are you?! If your not that strong why did you keep on trying to climb?!" Jakob's eyes starred into Agumon's, and Agumon was surprised. He thought it would have been anger for him just being out of reach, or from all the insults, but instead it was worry. Jakob said, "I may have only met ya for a few hours, but a few hours is all it takes to know if you want to be friends or not. I don't want to hold you back, I want to help you get farther.." He wince through the pain, getting up to Agumon's protest. He said, "Just lie down already! I can go get help!"

Jakob trudged on, resting his back against the ledge. Agumon questioned him, his words dripping with anger, "Why do you keep on going? Why for me? What have I done for you?! You wouldn't move your lazy butt on the hard road before, but why now?!" Jakob carefully climbed up, supporting his weight on the tree while dangling his left leg like a broken accessory for a toy. Jakob struggled as Agumon climbed quickly around. He stood at the ledge, looking down at the flaming determination in Jakob's eyes. He roared out, "Answer me already!" Jakob finally found his answer. He stated, "You found me, and you helped me. You said we are partners. I say friends! And this friend.." Jakob leaped, yelping out but holding on. His chest was finally over, so he slid his body side ways and rolled to Agumon's panic. Agumon leaped back. Jakob stated, "...won't keep you waiting if he can help it!"

Jakob panted in pain and effort, but did finally see where they were going. He thought some of the weird structures in the distance were just parts of the digital world that flew through, like the half fused vending machine into a rock. Agumon looked over Jakob's body. He sighed, "Fine idiot. Come on, we're almost there." Agumon walked ahead of Jakob, who was still wincing but decided to get up. He followed closely behind. Agumon looked behind his shoulders conflicting between what to do. Jakob spoke up during the silence journey, "Hey... what do you like to eat?" Agumon just starred at Jakob for a moment. Of all the things he said, of all the possible things he could ask or complain about about... he was still concerned about Agumon? Agumon blank a few times before he said his answer, "Strawberries and meat. I can chomp through bones no problem." Jakob caught up to Agumon and gave him a warm smile. He held his right hand against any tree or prop he could, while his left hand held his leg. He slowly stated, "You know... if your just going to stand there the crippled will get there first? Come on then... I got some cash on me. Maybe I can buy us something to eat, like a hamburger."

Agumon walked side by side with Jakob. At least now he had a reason to not be able to outrun a Kapurimon. He said, "I could go for a Hamburger. I've never been to the city so I don't know what to expect. Why don't you lead for now Jakob?"
Vision watched as everyone vocalised their responses to Cora's comment, including the young one, listening to the thoughts of each of their members, noting who said what and how everyone felt about the situation. The truth of it was, it seemed that the first thing any of them was going to have to learn was how to get along and trust each other, Cora included, and as the voices all came to a head Vision lifted his staff and tapped it loudly against the top of the table, standing to ensure people put eyes on him.

"The fact of the matter is that we are all right, in some way or another, in our ideas. True, no one plan fixes every problem, but going in blindly trying to learn how to work around each other is foolish at best. Furthermore, we will have to, whether we initially want to or not, learn how to work together, regardless of whether or not the human partners fight or not, or, Cora, if they are young. I've studied the Digidestined in my realm before and I can tell you that age was only ever a number, because the Digidestined were always so for a reason." Vision stated calmly, his gravely voice giving his words a weathered 'been there, done that' feel as he continued, "As for basic planning, in combat in would not be uncommon to see myself providing support. I am still recovering, and Cora and I have learned to work around that. It seems Dante too fights with his partner, Renamon. That allows us two extra fighters. Now I'm not going to say who does what, but I think we should all think about the places we'd expect each other in a fight, and go talk to the ones you think you might encounter the most. Point and case, I'd expect Dante, Cora and Renemon, given what I've gathered about their tactics, to wind up alongside each other in a fight due to their styles. We sort things out, we learn to be cohesive, we save the world and we make it back home in time for tea, sound good?"

Vision knew he was cherry picking and leaving things out, but despite his knowledge through his studying, he knew that levelling with the group about how hard or difficult this task was going to truly be would discourage them, and to be honest he was worried for the future himself. The days ahead were going to be harrowing, no doubt, and he expected more than the broken arm and concussion to spring up before it was all said and done, but this group seemed stronger than most, and the Destined seemed more ready to stand and fight themselves than he'd seen in most iterations. They were strong enough, they just needed to realise it.

Leaning back against the wall behind him, Vision let out a yawn and closed his eyes. He wasn't going to sleep yet, but a bit of a rest would do him good as he heard Cora begin to speak.

"Hey, Serana, sorry about trying to leave you out. Back in my kendo classes we were always put in age groups, and I kind of just rolled with that kiddo." she apologised, offering a fist bump to the girl before returning to her food.

Thinking about what Vision said, and how he'd said it, had given Cora a lot to think about. Sighing, she realised that she had been thinking as some in the group as less qualified based on age or appearance, which was unfair since she had no issue working with her partner, and his appearance told all that he couldn't properly fight at the moment. Finishing the last of her burger and swigging down the remnants of her drink, she put her hands down on the table and rapped her knuckles lightly to draw everyone's attention.

"I don't know that much about this place. Everything I've don, I've done because Vision was guiding me along. For us humans, we're new here, and from what I've seen, you have all, unintentionally, destabilised the forest. That no doubt has many of the people here off put. My attention was only gained because I helped. I'm not anyone special, I'm not just that cool or anything, I just helped. This is my opinion alone, feel free to disagree with me because lord knows I shouldn't be the one in charge, but I think we should rest up for the day, gather ourselves, maybe get a little settled in, but come tomorrow we should to and offer help to the citizens here. Start small, work our way up, just like in kendo, you don't start day one fighting the master with a metal sword."

After her words Cora rose from her seat and made sure her bokken and cloak were secure before walking towards the door. Her words had been uncomfortable for her, but they were true. If they were ever going to be the heroes they were supposed to be, then they were going to need to start somewhere. Making reparations for the forest incident would be good for them. Maybe then they could stop others from winding up like Kyupimon.

Pushing the door open, Cora turned and look over her shoulder to Dante and Renmon and nodded outside, "You two want to come with? I'm needing to go train, and if Vision is right, which he usually is, then it might be best for us to train together."
GasMaskie said:
"So uh.. Toyota, right? You seem particularly unfazed by all of this. Is that just the kinda guy you are or do you have some kind of inside information?"

Takuma finished off the rest of the frozen treat as he looked over to Mikado. He tapped his chin, as if he was actually mulling the question over with serious though. The young man dabbed his mouth clean as he began to speak.

"Eh, well... I guess that's just the kinda guy I am. I mean, all of this is pretty exciting but I think it's just better to go with the flow with this. Like, this is a quest to save their world, but I'm sure that all of us will grow as individuals or something and bond over the course of this mission." Doru's eyes widened as he looked over to the insight that his tamer had displayed for once as the others soon approached.

The young man listened to the conversation unfold between the rest of the Digidestined. He leaned back in the seat and folded his arms. What was his specialty? At best, the most he could think about was the luck he had with using his Digivice. But even in the Real World, he was someone who was completely unremarkable. The young man sighed as the blue beast at his side leaned over the table and began to speak.

"Well, even if I can't digivolve yet, I can handle myself in a fight well enough. I know for a fact that I'll be able to fly and provide short-distance transportation once I advance through my stages. Serena has the right idea, it seems like Yggdrasill's algorithms also picked you guys based on your skill sets in order to diversify the group."
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris

She slowly munched on her chicken sandwich, her attention shifting from one speaker to the other as she silently ate. The talk of forming some kind of plan was all well and dandy but the shy kid did have a point. Even if they knew the general parameters of their so-called mission you can't really plan around that. Knowing you have to help someone is not the same as knowing who you have to help, where you have to help them, when you need to help them, how you can help them. She finished off one of her sandwiches as she looked back to Toyota, she had dealt with his type before and they certainly weren't the worst people to deal with. "While I'm not convinced this'll be something good for us I can at least appreciate the mentality of just going along with it."

She glanced down at the little dragon and thought back to how quickly she accepted the guy. While she seemed to care more than Toyota did there was a degree of similarity between the two. Then again everyone seemed to be taking this better than she would have thought, realizing that perhaps that was one of the criteria for them being chosen. She began working on her second sandwich, occasionally taking a fry or chicken nugget to mix things up. She looked over at Serena as she seemed to be sulking over the comment on her age. While she fully agreed a little kid probably wasn't going to be any use, even if she was some apparent speed-running champ, she knew better than to have some sulking child around. Quick to remedy the situation she put her signature smile on and injected herself into their conversation.

"I don't think age has anything to do with it. You're absolutely right, we need to figure out who's good at what and where we can apply those skills." She gave the girl a reassuring nod before taking another bite of her sandwich. She glanced down at Ryu, noting his piercing stare she quickly looked away. She really didn't like the fact that her partner seemed to be able to see through everything she tried. Then again that was probably why he was her partner to begin with.




@KageYuuki[/URL] @One Mean Ghost @Runesage

Serena Jones

Serena glanced up from her food as everyone started speaking, it seemed everyone agreed with her that no one should be left out. She'd half expected to be reprimanded for her actions, seeing as she was younger than everyone there. Thankfully though, she wasn't. Even Cora apologized for what she'd said. Swiftly returning the fist bump Serena smiled. "Apology accepted Cora." She told her happily.

Her brief wave of sadness over she was back to her usually overly perky self, finishing eating her food while she listened to Cora speak soon after they'd made ammends. She nodded in agreement with Cora when she was finished speaking. Truth be told she was very excited to help the digimon, preferrably with easier tasks that didn't involve house sized death bots with lasers. "
I agree. We need to get used to the area more after all, and it couldn't hurt to help out the digimon some. Who knows, they might even pay us. We won't always be able to get free food after all." She told them.

Plus we can discuss plans and junk back at the apartment thing they set aside for us, might as well." She added before taking a sip of her WcFlurry. Meanwhile Comman was glad everything seemed to resolve itself without too many issues. "I also agree with Cora. It'd be best for all of you to do small tasks that aren't life threatening to get a feel of the Digiworld." He chimed in.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki's crimson gaze shifted between everyone as they took their turn voicing an opinion. It seemed most everyone was already reaching a consensus on the matter though. Explore first, chat and plan later. Tsubaki wasn't about to stop them, it gave her more time to sit down and actually figure things out. Not to mention give her some time to get to know Patamon a little better. She glanced over at her partner to find the small digimon asleep in a half eaten sandwich. She chuckled softly, gently running her hand along his back. There were a few places beneath the soft fur that rougher and raised. Almost like they were scars. But given her lack of knowledge on digimon, she couldn't really say one way or the other.

She reached into her pocket and retrieved her digivice. After taking a moment to study the dark blue and gold device, she spotted the small clock on the screen. 1330, huh? She placed the digivice on the table. "Since it seems everyone's already beginning to go off on their own for awhile, why don't we all meet back by the university in three hours? That should give us some time to get even a slightly better feel for everything." She glanced at Dante, "Could you pass that message onto Cora since she's already decided to take off? I'm assuming you're going to take up her offer on sparring a little."
Rose waited in line as everyone got their burger. She wondered what Palamon would get, since she was a plant. "I'll get a veggie burger please." Palamon requested and grinned. The flower digimon looked at Rose "You can get whatever you want. I don't mind. I promise!" Palamon assured. "Thanks Palamon. I think I'll just get a burger set like everyone else." Rose requested. Soon their meal was ready and the duo sat next to Soren. She listen to people talk about stratagizing, planning, people's strengths and weakness. Rose decided to remain silent while everyone spoke.

She looked at Palamon. "You seemed like a good fighter, you seemed to slow that digimon down with your vines while everyone attacked." Rose said. Palamon nodded and finished her burger.
"I'll do whatever needs to be done in order to protect you, the people here, and the Digiworld." Palamon explained. "That's so sweet Palamon." Rose said and grinned. She was proud that Palamon was such a willing and able fighter. Rose hoped she would be a good tamer even though she couldn't fight.

Rose liked the idea of starting small, exploring and trying small non-life threatening tasks. This would really help her get use battle and great way to train. "Three hours at the university sounds like a great idea." Rose replied as people began to leave and do their own thing. She was nervous about being on her own, but new she wouldn't always have people to have her back. The duo left the table and began to walk around.

As they stood up to leave Palamon pulled on Rose's dress and pointed at the human standing in the hamburger line next to Agumon."He doesn't look familiar. He looks injured too. Maybe we should introduce ourselves." Rose said and walked up to the duo. Rose wasn't nearly as nervous to introduce herself now.

"Hi I'm Rose. You must be one of us but got here late. If you want I can try and explain what's going on and introduce you to the others." Rose offered. "Hi! I'm Palamon! It's nice to meet you." Palamon said happily.

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stepherz345 said:
Rose waited in line as everyone got their burger. She wondered what Palamon would get, since she was a plant. "I'll get a veggie burger please." Palamon requested and grinned. The flower digimon looked at Rose "You can get whatever you want. I don't mind. I promise!" Palamon assured. "Thanks Palamon. I think I'll just get a burger set like everyone else." Rose requested. Soon their meal was ready and the duo sat next to Soren. She listen to people talk about stratagizing, planning, people's strengths and weakness. Rose decided to remain silent while everyone spoke.
She looked at Palamon. "You seemed like a good fighter, you seemed to slow that digimon down with your vines while everyone attacked." Rose said. Palamon nodded and finished her burger.
"I'll do whatever needs to be done in order to protect you, the people here, and the Digiworld." Palamon explained. "That's so sweet Palamon." Rose said and grinned. She was proud that Palamon was such a willing and able fighter. Rose hoped she would be a good tamer even though she couldn't fight.

Rose liked the idea of starting small, exploring and trying small non-life threatening tasks. This would really help her get use battle and great way to train. "Three hours at the university sounds like a great idea." Rose replied as people began to leave and do their own thing. She was nervous about being on her own, but new she wouldn't always have people to have her back. The duo left the table and began to walk around.

As they stood up to leave Palamon pulled on Rose's dress and pointed at the human standing in the hamburger line next to Agumon."He doesn't look familiar. He looks injured too. Maybe we should introduce ourselves." Rose said and walked up to the duo. Rose wasn't nearly as nervous to introduce herself now.

"Hi I'm Rose. You must be one of us but got here late. If you want I can try and explain what's going on and introduce you to the others." Rose offered. "Hi! I'm Palamon! It's nice to meet you." Palamon said happily.

Jakob moaned as he limped slightly in line. Black Agumon looked up to Jakob before saying, "How many people get hamburgers seriously?" Jakob looked down to the dark dinosaur before saying, "It's one of the most popular food in America alongside hot dogs and pizza. At least, I think so." Agumon blinked silently before asking, "What's an 'America'?" Jakob snickered before commenting, "Finally something I know that you don't. America is where I come from. It's a country." Agumon replied back rather annoyed, "It's not like I know much about the physical world. You came here to the digital one!"

Then from what seemed like out of nowhere, a woman walked up to him and Black Agumon. A plant-like digimon stood right next to her which just amazed Jakob. He just blinked slowly to show his surprise, but did offer his hand out for a shake. Agumon answered first, "I'm Black Agumon. Nice to meet ya..." He offered his sharp talons up to Palamon. Jakob commented, "I'm Jakob Clarke, and assuming you understand what's going on... your another one of these Digidestined? Sure... I need another brain bashing of knowledge through my way." He pushed up his glasses, but then seeing he had about two more people ahead of him and five behind, he awkwardly said, "Yeah... uhh, I am not to fond of waiting. I'll get my meal then walk over if that's alright with you. Agumon you can go on ahead. Double cheese?"

Agumon would if Rose and Palamon accepted walk over by himself. He spoke out without turning back, "Yup! Sounds Good." He was warming up to the idea of having a partner, but so far it felt like that kid was way to accepting. Agumon would treat him better, but he still wasn't certain of Jakob was smarter then he appeared. He did have four eyes after all.
Palamon shook Black Agumon's hand. She had seen Agumons before, but never a black one. From her prior experiences Agumon were pretty nice. His claws were sharp, lightly digging into her skin. Still a smile remained on her face, happy that Rose was opening up and introducing herself to people. Rose shook Jakob's hand and smiled "Yeah take your time. We'll be over there." Rose said and pointed at the table. The duo walked sat at the table and waited for Jakob and Black Agumon to return with their food. @hudhouse
stepherz345 said:
Palamon shook Black Agumon's hand. She had seen Agumons before, but never a black one. From her prior experiences Agumon were pretty nice. His claws were sharp, lightly digging into her skin. Still a smile remained on her face, happy that Rose was opening up and introducing herself to people. Rose shook Jakob's hand and smiled "Yeah take your time. We'll be over there." Rose said and pointed at the table. The duo walked sat at the table and waited for Jakob and Black Agumon to return with their food. @hudhouse
Jakob paid for four burgers, and walked over with the meal towards the table. He waved his left hand, saying, "Howdy. I'm Jakob Clarke, and apparently I'm part of your group?" He would slide into his seat, and plop down the Seven items he purchased. He slide four of them over to Black Agumon, a double cheese burger, Chicken sandwich, a ice cream, and a orange drink. Jakob had his own chicken sandwich, orange drink, and a WcFlurry.

Jakob said, "Sorry for being awkward getting into this, but yeah I would love some answers please. So Rose, or anyone else for that matter, pray tell what is going on here?"

Soren watched the proceedings with interest. He noted that most of them agreed that a set plan wouldn't work, but they still seemed to want general roles or ideas on tactics. Soren saw the value with those, but he remained silent and didn't comment. Deep down, he knew that most people couldn't analyze enemies quickly or come up with a strategy on short notice, so for them a general strategy would be better, but his pride refused to allow him to admit, even partially, that he was incorrect. If he did, it meant he couldn't trust his intuition anymore, which was one of the only things he had left.

Coronamon just continued watching his partner. The more he saw, the more he worried. Some empathetic link allowed him to understand the conflicting emotions inside of him. Doubts constantly skirted his thoughts, and underneath there was a stubborn sense of pride. Both of those could blind a person to trust or friendships. Soren, Coronamon thought, was just too complicated. Sometimes simple was better.

Suddenly, as the group began to disperse, Coronamon felt an internal pull, one he hadn't felt in a long time. Some of it seemed to echo across the link between him and Soren because he shook his head and pulled himself out of his thoughts, searching the area, confused. Coronamon knew what it meant and a grin spread across his face. "Three hours?" he asked Tsubaki to confirm, "That should be enough time. Come on Soren, I have to show you something." He reached for Soren's hand, but this time Soren was quicker.

"You need to stop pulling me around everywhere." Soren said seriously, but warmly so Coronamon knew he wasn't mad. "I'll come, but I don't know why you're in a rush." Soren stood up and stretched. He checked the clock on the Digivice and nodded. "I'll try meeting up at the university in three hours. I don't know what this is about, so I might be a little late." Coronamon could barely contain his excitement and reached for Soren's hand again, but caught himself this time. Soren's mouth twitched in a slight smile. "What did you want to show me."

"Come on!" Coronamon said, gesturing. He began walking quickly, and Soren had to speed up his normal pace. They walked through the city for a while, ignoring the responses of those around them, until they turned a corner and Coronamon sprinted forward. A blueish-white, rabbit-looking digimon stood before them. "Lunamon!" Coronamon shouted, still running.

The digimon, Lunamon, turned. "Coronamon?" she said, surprised. She smiled when she saw the advancing figure. "It's you!" She said. They embraced gleefully. "I thought I felt you nearby!" She said, releasing him for a second, "Where have you been all this time?"

Coronamon smiled back. "I felt you too! You know me, I've been traveling." They embraced again. "Lunamon, I want you to meet someone." Coronamon said after they finished embracing.

Lunamon looked at him, puzzled. "Who is it? Someone you met on your travels?"

Coronamon nodded. "This is Soren," he said gesturing, "He's my partner."

Soren stood watching the reunion happily. So Coronamon had a friend here. That was nice to see; maybe she could help them. When Lunamon saw him, he saw something in her face, that resembled shock, fear, or maybe a little bit of jealousy. However, it all resolved itself quickly as she stepped forward. "It's nice to meet you," she said, extending her hand.

Soren was a little bit taken aback at the similarity of human and Digimon customs. He shook it gently. "Likewise," he said, seeing Coronamon's happiness. "How do you know Coronamon?" Soren asked.

Coronamon laughed. "She saved me when I was in a tight spot. I was wandering the continent when the ground suddenly collapsed beneath me, and I fell into a lake. She spotted me and managed to pull me out."

Lunamon blushed slightly. "I only did what any good Digimon would do," she mumbled. Looking up, she asked, "How did an analog come to be your friend Coronamon?" She asked. Soren did not fail to notice the fact that she did not address him directly, or that she referred to him as an analog, which he was beginning to understand could be used as an insult in this world.

Coronamon noticed as well, and frowned slightly. "Well, it kind of just happened. I found him in the Forest of Beginnings, passed out, and I watched him, just like you did for me. Afterwards we fought this really strange Digimon together that was trying to attack us." Soren watched Lunamon intently and noticed a quick flash of, what was it? It couldn't be jealousy or envy, could it? She wasn't envious of being attached to a human, that couldn't be right, but there was something there...

The emotion disappeared as soon as it appeared, and worry took it's place on Lunamon's face. "What was it that attacked you?" She asked. Coronamon shrugged and looked at Soren.

Soren pulled out his digivice. Looking at the scanning app, he found a picture of the Digimon that attacked them. "It looked like this, and I heard it referred to as either Gizumon or Gizmon. Do you know what it is?" Soren asked.

"Well, not off the top of my head. Maybe my professor at University knows." Lunamon said. She was as intrigued about the mysterious digimon as Professor Agumon had been. She looked up at the pair of them. "Come with me." She said, and began walking off. Soren and Coronamon looked at each other, then followed.

@Veirrianna Valentine
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Rose cleared her throat. "Well the Digimon God, Yggdrasill summoned us here because the Digital world is in danger. For now we will be helping the Knightmon with problems. Oh! Also we each match a Crest. These Crest are symbols of human virtues, such as love, trust, courage, etc. Those are something we will have to find as we explore the Digital World since their locations are random. When we get them they will help our Digimon digivole beyond their Champion level. So everyone is off training now. We are going to meet at the University in three hours." Rose explained. She figured everyone wouldn't be bothered by having another Digidestined join their group. The more the better in this whole scenario.

"That's the short version. If anyone else wants to mention something I forgot feel free. Otherwise we should see if there are any Digimon that can help you with your leg when you're done eating." Rose noted. "Sounds about right to me! Although there was another human here before you. He went missing but he's still alive. She's hoping we can find him too." Palamon added. Rose hoped that they could find someone in the city and not have to go back to the palace, and maybe try and do a little training before the three hours were up.

@hudhouse @everyone else
stepherz345 said:
Rose cleared her throat. "Well the Digimon God, Yggdrasill summoned us here because the Digital world is in danger. For now we will be helping the Knightmon with problems. Oh! Also we each match a Crest. These Crest are symbols of human virtues, such as love, trust, courage, etc. Those are something we will have to find as we explore the Digital World since their locations are random. When we get them they will help our Digimon digivole beyond their Champion level. So everyone is off training now. We are going to meet at the University in three hours." Rose explained. She figured everyone wouldn't be bothered by having another Digidestined join their group. The more the better in this whole scenario.
"That's the short version. If anyone else wants to mention something I forgot feel free. Otherwise we should see if there are any Digimon that can help you with your leg when you're done eating." Rose noted. "Sounds about right to me! Although there was another human here before you. He went missing but he's still alive. She's hoping we can find him too." Palamon added. Rose hoped that they could find someone in the city and not have to go back to the palace, and maybe try and do a little training before the three hours were up.

@hudhouse @everyone else
Jakob just blinked silently, looking over to Agumon eating happily. He looked over to Rose and placed his elbows down on the table. He H opened his hands and his mouth to say something. He looked slightly to the left, before focusing on her and pushing his hands forward somewhat like, 'okay one on one here'. He said, "So if I'm understanding what you are saying, we all represent some virtue and because we match it, a god summoned us here to prove our virtue and defend this world? Also, what is 'Champion level'?"

Agumon grew a wide smile as he finished off his first burger. He just wanted to see how someone would explain it to him. Jakob commented further, "It's not my leg, it's just the knee. It may be a limp but I can get around. I don't want to be a bother and waste time getting it all checked out and searching for a special digimon to help me." He blinked when he realized something. He asked, "Wait... Training? Agumon is already amazing, what types of tricks could I teach him? Breathing fire?" Agumon chimed in then, "Already can do that!" Jakob's eyes went wide as he looked over to Agumon. He said, "Really?! That's awesome!"
"...Hmm, if that's the case, I think I'll look for a library. Maybe it'd be a good idea to read about that guy who came before us." Takuma stood up and stretched out his back. Tsubaki had the right idea, splitting up now would probably get a lot more accomplished. Plus, it'd likely help them focus on their individual strengths.

"If you're really up to it, I guess we should head to the University and check out their archives Takuma. Just don't blame me when you end up knocking out at a table." Doru gave a slight sigh as he piled the trash onto his tray and disposed of it. The young man followed after him as they left the WcDonalds.

The blue-furred creature navigated the streets of WiZ City with a certain familiarity, although there were times where they'd hit dead ends that were blocked my newly constructed buildings. Still, after a bit of maneuvering the pair found themselves standing on the University's campus. It looked as if it had been constructed from every stock image of a university. The quiet atmosphere and the constant traffic of students to and from classes meant that the pair could walk around the open-air quad without worry of causing a scene.

"...This should be it. I guess your best bet is to start at the beginning then."
Doru spoke softly as the pair descended down the stairs of the University's library. As one might expect, there were seemingly endless rows of books that filled the first row. However, there were more antiquated sections that were stocked with older formats like over-sized CD-ROMs.

Takuma coughed slightly as he walked down the dimly lit rows of giant floppy disks with his partner in tow. As they continued towards the heart of the archives, these rows gave way to sleeved LaserDiscs and then the shelves stopped. Rows of enormous cylindrical machinery the size of refrigerators were the next formats to appear. At the end of this path was a pedestal with a worn binder. The young man activated the Reader App and opened up the binder.

"Eh? Punch cards? And it doesn't look like the Reader App actually works on this. Hmm, there's probably something around here that can read it..."
Rose nodded, and realized how crazy she sounded. "I'm not sure what a champion level is. What I do know is that the Digimon can digivole. Palamon has not digivoled yet, but Dante's Digimon, Renamon digivolved. So this must be a beginner stage or something. I'm not sure if Champion is the highest stage or if they can continue. That's something only time will tell." Rose replied.

Rose chuckled as Black Agumon chimed in. She wasn't surprised that he could breath fire. "So far I've noticed that they only know one move. I'm not sure if they can learn more. I guess when I say training I was thinking of leveling up, seeing what our weakness and strengths are. See how we can help the team. For example Palamon here has a move called Posion Ivy, which would probably be useful for distracting enemies while everyone else does some heavy damage." Rose explained. Palamon nodded in agreement.

"Does any of that make sense?" Rose asked. She probably sounded like a crazy lady, digivoling, training, and saving the digital world. It all sounded crazy, but Rose was learning to adjust. It was dangerous but she didn't feel as scared anymore, knowing that the Digimon were here to help.


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