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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

stepherz345 said:
Rose nodded, and realized how crazy she sounded. "I'm not sure what a champion level is. What I do know is that the Digimon can digivole. Palamon has not digivoled yet, but Dante's Digimon, Renamon digivolved. So this must be a beginner stage or something. I'm not sure if Champion is the highest stage or if they can continue. That's something only time will tell." Rose replied.
Rose chuckled as Black Agumon chimed in. She wasn't surprised that he could breath fire. "So far I've noticed that they only know one move. I'm not sure if they can learn more. I guess when I say training I was thinking of leveling up, seeing what our weakness and strengths are. See how we can help the team. For example Palamon here has a move called Posion Ivy, which would probably be useful for distracting enemies while everyone else does some heavy damage." Rose explained. Palamon nodded in agreement.

"Does any of that make sense?" Rose asked. She probably sounded like a crazy lady, digivoling, training, and saving the digital world. It all sounded crazy, but Rose was learning to adjust. It was dangerous but she didn't feel as scared anymore, knowing that the Digimon were here to help.

Jakob listened, nodding his head while slowly leaning to the side to take a sip from his drink. He said, "So, how would Agumon digivolve here?" Agumon finished his second burger and began unwrapping the third. He just really loved the food and wanted to finish. Jakob sighed, and said, "You know, it's not to weird. You have to adapt fast in the real world, so I guess I can let this sink in." Jakob slowly raised up and moved his neck. He looked to Agumon, "Keep the bag and we can eat on the go. We'll make you a champion!" Agumon raised an eyebrow and stated, "I still can't believe you want to help me." Jakob replied back, "Well, why wouldn't I?" "Cause you just met me!" "Why does that matter?" "We've been friends for only... three hours!" "So?" "So?! Your just so calm about all of this! Your not even shocked in the slightest!" "I am internally screaming, but otherwise i'm perfectly fine." "Well.. at least you gave me that. Anyways... fine. I finished my last burger anyways."

Both of them would walk out towards the forest to begin their training after talking with Rose.
Serena Jones

After it was decided everyone could go do their own thing for a while Serena quickly finished her food threw away her trash. Finally she'd be able to explore WiZ city without being told she couldn't do something. Of course...there was the problem of Comman impeding her exploration at times..but she knew she could get around him better than the rest. It wasn't like he'd shoot her after all, at-least she figured he wouldn't.

With that she set off outside, Comman following soon after. She didn't really get a chance to admire the city at all since she had arrived, at closer glance it really did look just like a big city on Earth. "Woah..this place is huge!" She commented excitedly, looking around wide-eyed with her mouth open slightly in awe. Back in her city all they had were your average sized buildings, the biggest being the church/school but even then it was only marginally bigger than the rest.

Though, what she mainly wanted to do was walk around and observe digimon daily life in all it's cute adorableness. "
So, Comman. Have you ever been here before?" She asked him, breaking the silence between the two. "Once or twice for supplies. About it." He replied simply. He'd rather not rile up Serena more than she already was, so therefore he decided not to go into detail.

Serena pouted from his answer, it was clear he was hiding something from her, she'd figure it out later. For now she had exploring to do! She walked around WiZ City, using her digivice to take pictures and such. She talked with some of various digimon as they worked, watching them run stores, asking what they did. Quite frankly she was being outright annoying to the majority of them, so much so that some of them started avoiding her altogether.

She couldn't understand why, she just wanted to learn about them because most of them were fluffy and awesome! "
Fine, be that way." She told the most recent digimon she was questioning accompanied by sticking her tongue out and storming out of the building.

All she'd asked was if she could help out with their store, repeatedly..even after they'd said no at-least ten times. She couldn't understand why most of the digimon were so rude to her, just because she was human. It wasn't like she was some kind of monster, she was just a little girl curious about things, so why were they so against her?

Ehh..Don't think to much into it kid. There have been many humans before you, just..some of them weren't so nice. I don't know the full story, but they don't hate you. It'll just take some time for them to get used to you." Comman told her after noticing her solemn expression, hoping to comfort her. Serena glanced over to him and nodded slowly. "Oh..okay. I guess that means we need to find something to do to help them then! Come on let's go!" She replied, donning a excited smile and running off down the street. "Wait up!" Comman shouted, running after her as fast as his stubby little legs could carry him.

Though, Serena was much to fast for him, nor had she heard or paid attention to his shout to wait. She was long, long gone down the streets of WiZ City. "
Damnit.." Comman growled, kicking a rock as he did so. Of all the partners he had to get, he had to get an overly energetic little kid. Sighing heavily he trudged on, attempting to find her. Meanwhile Serena had ran quite far from Comman, though eventually she stopped running and opted for walking at a brisk pace.

Now..if I was a digimon that needed help where would I be.." She mumbled, looking around with a serious inquisitive expression on her face. Eventually she found a food stand ran by a digimon that looked like a giant sushi roll with small stick like arms, legs, and a face. Serena gawked at the sight, first a hamburger and now a sushi. What was next, lo mein? "Uhh..Hi. Need some help?" She asked, looking at the Sushimon curiously.

Ironically enough, the Sushimon ran a sushi stand. Though, she guessed it made sense seeing as a Burgermon seemed to run what was basically McDonalds. At first the Sushimon ignored her, though Serena continued standing there and staring nonetheless. Eventually the Sushimon turned to her, "Su..Shi?" it spoke, shaking it's ..body as it did so seeing as it lacked a neck. "
No..I just ate. Thanks though. I asked if you wanted help." She replied. "Su..shi. Su-su-Shi." It replied, shaking itself once more.

No, I don't want sushi! I'll just take that as a yes and help you anyway!" She shouted, getting kind of annoyed, before walking around behind the stand to stand beside the Sushimon. She had no real clue what she was doing, but she was determined to help. Grabbing a sushi mat she started placing rice and vegetables on it, all the while ignoring the pleas of the Sushimon.

Lunamon led them through the streets toward the University. As they approached the massive building, Soren took in the size and majesty of the building and was amazed. These Digimon had seemed to create their buildings similarly to humans. Maybe they were more similar than then any of them thought. Lunamon spared no time in moving through the crowds, leading the pair through the traffic of students. Soren noticed less hostile glances from the students than in the main town, and more curiosity. Students must be less quick to judge new things, which made sense to Soren, or maybe they hadn't had as much trouble this far into the city. It didn't really matter to Soren at this point.

Coronamon had a similar conclusion about the students as Soren. They didn't seem to hate humans as much, or seemed willing to accept them. It'd had been a long time since he'd come here. He'd considered enrolling before he'd discovered how much he loved to travel, and Lunamon had been excited to see him often. However, he left, and promised Lunamon he'd visit often and tell her about what he'd seen. He'd kept the promise as best he could, and he always loved coming back. His mind snapped back into the present, as Lunamon led them into an empty classroom, except for the teacher, who prowled behind the desk, muttering. He noticed Soren pull out his digivice and saw the screen read Nefertimon.

"Nefertimon!" Lunamon shouted. "I have to ask you something!"

The Digimon turned and stared a them. Soren saw a spark of happiness in her eyes as she saw Lunamon and Coronamon, but also a tiny bit of sadness behind that, like she knew something. She turned her gaze on him, and as he met her intelligent eyes, he knew that this digimon, while intelligent, was rather powerful, and she could create a strategy just as well as he could, if not better. "What is it?" She asked, seemingly unperturbed by the presence of a human in her classroom.

"These people met a strange Digimon while they were traveling. They didn't know, that much about it, and I didn't either, so we decided to ask you." Lunamon said, happily.

Nefertimon smiled. "I'd be happy to help. What was it called?"

Soren stepped forward. "This is what it looked like. It's called Gizmon, or Gizumon." Silence followed his statement.

@GasMaskie @One Mean Ghost @Mitchs98

Of all the places to find in the digital world to eat. Oh well, on an empty stomach, Dante wasn't about to complain, and neither was Renamon for that matter. It seemed both of them preferred chicken to beef, for some unknown reason, as they both ordered chicken sandwiches instead of burgers. In addition to the food, he had also procured several little bags.

Renamon watched as, while everyone was talking he rapidly sorted through the coins arranging them in several equal stacks at a rather quick rate. He had worked so much with computers and algorithms that to sort something like this he could basically put his mind on autopilot. Cora hadn't even stood up from the table by the time he had sorted the entire massive bag into several smaller, more manageable bags.

"Dante, wouldn't it be better to keep all of the money under one person, like a treasurer?" Renamon asked curiously as she watched him tie off the bags so the money wouldn't fall out accidentally.

"Not really. I'm a firm believer that you should never keep all of your eggs in one basket. Besides, I don't like the idea of basically giving everyone an allowance whenever we need to shop. Then comes the additional problem of carrying that bag everywhere... It's basically begging someone to snatch it from us." He remarked, causing Renamon to reluctantly nod her head.

"True, but what if one of us blows all their funds in one go and can't buy things they need?" Renamon inquired, most likely referring to Serena, who thus far seemed rather impulsive.

"Simple, I made a separate emergency fund in case any of us gets silly with money." he remarked, pointing to a slightly fuller bag marked with an 'E'.

With that explanation given, he passed out the bags to each team, before giving the emergency fund to Tsubaki. "You seem like you'd be one of the most money sensible people here, so you can handle the emergency fund. I would take it myself, but given I'm a fighter I don't want to be weighed down more than necessary" He explained laughing softly.

About that point, Vision and Cora stood to make their exit. Dante stood up with Renamon. "Yeah, It'd probably be a good idea for us to train together." he agreed as he stowed his own "allowance" in his coat pocket. He glanced to Tsubaki. "I'll pass the message along, no worries" he remarked as he and Renamon went out of the restaurant and into the streets of the Bazaar. As they walked towards wherever Cora had in mind for training, Something caught Renamon's eye. In the blink of an eye she had snatched the money Dante had stored and shot off after whatever had caught her attention.

Dante blinked in surprise, but he wasn't kept waiting long. Not a minute later Renamon returned carrying a ornate metal spear. Something far more durable than the glorified tree branch he had used before. It was a spear, with a sharp point on the bottom, and an ornate blade for both slicing and piercing on the top. It was, as he found when he held it, remarkably well balanced.

"If you're going to be fighting... I thought you could use an actual weapon.." Renamon remarked to explain why she suddenly darted off as she returned the money, only slightly lighter now after purchasing the weapon. She, of course, was still on the lookout for suitable armor, but as of yet she hadn't found anything.

Dante couldn't help the smile. "Thanks, Renamon.. Now, come on, we can't let Cora and Vision just walk off without us!" he remarked, grabbing Renamon's paw and rushing off where he had last seen Cora and Vision going with his new weapon in hand.



Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki accepted the two bags of bits with a slight nod. "I don't know about having the most money sense out of everyone," She joked, "But I'll take care of it." She agreed that dividing up the money now did save a lot of time and hassle down the road. Not to mention the little emergency fund if any of them were to forget how limited of a budget they were on. "Taking bets, whose bag is gonna rip first?" She called out with a laugh as she stood, gathering the trash from her and Patamon's lunch.

Trash taken care of, she walked back over to the table and scooped Patamon up in her arms. The tired digimon mumbled something before snuggling in closer to her. Tsubaki chuckled softly before heading out. The Tamer knew she should head out, explore, get a better feel for the world she was going to be living in for who knows how long. Maybe she should even find a bag of some kind that could actually carry any of the supplies she gathered.

But that could wait a little longer.

Right now what she really needed to do was find some quiet place to sit down and try to process everything that's happened in the past few hours. Besides, it wasn't like she could do much work carrying a sleeping Patamon in her arms. The other digimon in their little group didn't seem as drained as he did, and they did more fighting during the attacks. Why was he so exhausted? Maybe he was from far away like Ryu was? She didn't know. Maybe I'll ask him once he wakes up. Spotting a small park, Tsubaki started in that direction. She tried to ignore the stares she was getting from the other digimon of the city.

How were they supposed to protect this place if everyone looked at them like they were monsters?
After Black Augmon and Jakob left Palamon looked up at Rose. "Well looks like they are going to do their own thing. Let's get going Rose!" Palamon urged. All the digimon seemed to fear them, running away and avoiding eye contact. Rose started to feel guilty, wondering if they would eventually be accepted. The duo walked around the streets until something caught Palamon's eye. "Hey Rose, isn't that Serena?" Palamon asked and pointed at the sushi stand.

Sure enough Rose saw Serna trying to help the sushi digimon. Although the sushi digimon seemed more terrified then anything. "
Serena! I don't think this digimon needs help. I think....say where is Comman?" Rose asked, realizing she was alone. Hopefully they would find him later. "Say why don't you join me? Palamon and I plan on trying to help some Digimon too. We'd love your help." Rose suggested. Palamon nodded in agreement with Rose and smiled.

stepherz345 said:
After Black Augmon and Jakob left Palamon looked up at Rose. "Well looks like they are going to do their own thing. Let's get going Rose!" Palamon urged. All the digimon seemed to fear them, running away and avoiding eye contact. Rose started to feel guilty, wondering if they would eventually be accepted. The duo walked around the streets until something caught Palamon's eye. "Hey Rose, isn't that Serena?" Palamon asked and pointed at the sushi stand.
Sure enough Rose saw Serna trying to help the sushi digimon. Although the sushi digimon seemed more terrified then anything. "
Serena! I don't think this digimon needs help. I think....say where is Comman?" Rose asked, realizing she was alone. Hopefully they would find him later. "Say why don't you join me? Palamon and I plan on trying to help some Digimon too. We'd love your help." Rose suggested. Palamon nodded in agreement with Rose and smiled.


Serena Jones

By the time Rose and Palamon arrived to the stand Serena had pretty much ruined a good portion of the poor Sushimon's stock, that much was evident by the poor thing crying. Of course the crying didn't convince Serena what she was doing was wrong, no! Clearly the Sushimon didn't know how well she was helping him yet, therefore she was even MORE determined to help him.

She frowned slightly when Rose said the Sushimon didn't need help, then looked to the Sushimon and sighed. Though she quickly perked up when she invited her to come along with her and Palamon to help other digimon. "Yeah..you're right. Sorry Mr. Sushi!" She told the Sushimon before promptly running back around to Rose and Palamon.

Of course I'll come with you guys! It'll be fun!" She told them excitedly while looking between them with an expression to match her excitement. "What are we gunna do first?" She asked them.

Meanwhile Comman was pretty much panicking at this point. At first he figured Serena would be fine on her own, at-least for a little bit. Then it quickly hit him she wasn't exactly that smart, at all, and even moreso was the fact she was way to curious about things. She might upset one of the digimon and they'd hurt her and the he'd never forgive himself for not being there.

Several digimon had spotted her based on the description he gave, but they had no clue where she went to. Eventually he spotted Tsubaki carrying a unconcious Patamon towards a park, maybe she could help look for her with him? "
Tsubaki! Serena ran off and I can't find her! I have no idea where she is or if she's alright. Can you help me look for her? If you're not busy, or whatever. Please?" He told her frantically, clearly worried and completely different from his normal gruff personality.


Tsubaki Mifune

Patamon squirmed and quietly groaned in his sleep. His whole form was tense, whatever the small digimon was dreaming it clearly wasn't pleasant. "N-no..." He murmured, squirming once again. "I didn't . . ." His voice was pained as he tried to convince the being in his dream.

"Tsubaki! Serena ran off and I can't find her!"

Comman's calls caused Patamon to jolt awake, cerulean eyes frantically scanning his surroundings. Patamon was back in WiZ City, in Tsubaki's arms. The digimon tried to slow his breathing and calm back down.

"Hey," Tsubaki's voice was gentle, "Patamon, it's okay it was just a bad dream." She held him closer before turning towards Comman. She figured it was only a matter of time before something like this happened... "We've only been split up for what, five minutes?" Tsubaki sighed before shaking her head. "Alright, what happened?"
"Well we should probably find Comman. Especially if we run into bad Digimon while helping good Digimon." Rose said. "Afterwords we can go around and look for some Digimon who need help. How does that sound?" Rose asked. She looked around trying to find any other tamers nearby. Funny how there were so many of them yet she couldn't find a single one. "Where did you last see Comman?" Palamon asked.
KageYuuki said:


Tsubaki Mifune

Patamon squirmed and quietly groaned in his sleep. His whole form was tense, whatever the small digimon was dreaming it clearly wasn't pleasant. "N-no..." He murmured, squirming once again. "I didn't . . ." His voice was pained as he tried to convince the being in his dream.

"Tsubaki! Serena ran off and I can't find her!"

Comman's calls caused Patamon to jolt awake, cerulean eyes frantically scanning his surroundings. Patamon was back in WiZ City, in Tsubaki's arms. The digimon tried to slow his breathing and calm back down.

"Hey," Tsubaki's voice was gentle, "Patamon, it's okay it was just a bad dream." She held him closer before turning towards Comman. She figured it was only a matter of time before something like this happened... "We've only been split up for what, five minutes?" Tsubaki sighed before shaking her head. "Alright, what happened?"
stepherz345 said:
"Well we should probably find Comman. Especially if we run into bad Digimon while helping good Digimon." Rose said. "Afterwords we can go around and look for some Digimon who need help. How does that sound?" Rose asked. She looked around trying to find any other tamers nearby. Funny how there were so many of them yet she couldn't find a single one. "Where did you last see Comman?" Palamon asked.
Serena Jones

Comman explained the events of them going around town and talking to the digimon as well as Serena's determination to help them, which was pretty much instantly denied every time she tried. "And then she ran off. Not exactly built for running so I couldn't keep up with her. I looked for her but I have no clue where she is, she could be anywhere in the city by now, or even outside of it." He finally finished with a sigh. "I told her to slow down but she didn't..I hope she's okay. She should be, right?" He added, looking up at Tsubaki with an uncharacteristically sad expression and tears in his eyes. It was evident he cared about Serena despite not exactly seeming like the most caring being ever.

Serena nodded, it seemed like a good idea. Honestly she figured Comman was close by, or at-least she assumed he kept up somewhat. She had no idea she'd completely abandoned him though. "Sounds good to me! And last time I saw him was over in..that direction? I think..it was a bit ago." She replied while pointing in a completely random direction. She figured he was alright, though she hadn't exactly thought about it. They were safe in the city, she assumed, so she didn't see anything wrong with what she did.
Mitchs98 said:
Serena Jones
Comman explained the events of them going around town and talking to the digimon as well as Serena's determination to help them, which was pretty much instantly denied every time she tried. "And then she ran off. Not exactly built for running so I couldn't keep up with her. I looked for her but I have no clue where she is, she could be anywhere in the city by now, or even outside of it." He finally finished with a sigh. "I told her to slow down but she didn't..I hope she's okay. She should be, right?" He added, looking up at Tsubaki with an uncharacteristically sad expression and tears in his eyes. It was evident he cared about Serena despite not exactly seeming like the most caring being ever.

Serena nodded, it seemed like a good idea. Honestly she figured Comman was close by, or at-least she assumed he kept up somewhat. She had no idea she'd completely abandoned him though. "Sounds good to me! And last time I saw him was over in..that direction? I think..it was a bit ago." She replied while pointing in a completely random direction. She figured he was alright, though she hadn't exactly thought about it. They were safe in the city, she assumed, so she didn't see anything wrong with what she did.


Tsubaki Mifune

"Take it easy," Tsubaki said as she gripped Comman's shoulder. "I really don't think someone would try to hurt her, so she'll be alright until we track her down." Though it seemed Tsubaki may have to talk to Serena about leaving her partner behind. Digging through her pocket, the Tamer withdrew her Digivice and turned on the radar. Compared to the relatively empty forest, the screen was filled with blips. Though a majority of them were blue, I'm guessing those must be neutral. Much to Tsubaki's relief, there weren't any signs of a red blip, though there weren't any greens out on their own either.

"From the looks of it another member of our group's already found her," She said, bending down to let Comman see her screen. "My guess is she's in this little cluster of three right here."
KageYuuki said:


Tsubaki Mifune

"Take it easy," Tsubaki said as she gripped Comman's shoulder. "I really don't think someone would try to hurt her, so she'll be alright until we track her down." Though it seemed Tsubaki may have to talk to Serena about leaving her partner behind. Digging through her pocket, the Tamer withdrew her Digivice and turned on the radar. Compared to the relatively empty forest, the screen was filled with blips. Though a majority of them were blue, I'm guessing those must be neutral. Much to Tsubaki's relief, there weren't any signs of a red blip, though there weren't any greens out on their own either.

"From the looks of it another member of our group's already found her," She said, bending down to let Comman see her screen. "My guess is she's in this little cluster of three right here."

Comman nodded, trying to calm himself down. Tsubaki was right..he doubted any digimon in the city would be trying to hurt any of them, at-least physically. He attempted to look at the digivice when she pulled it out, but sadly was too short. Luckily she knelt down to let him see. He studied it curiously and slowly nodded at what she said before breathing a sigh of relief. At-least she was safe. "
Can you help me get to her? I don't exactly come to the city that often." He asked her.
Mitchs98 said:
Comman nodded, trying to calm himself down. Tsubaki was right..he doubted any digimon in the city would be trying to hurt any of them, at-least physically. He attempted to look at the digivice when she pulled it out, but sadly was too short. Luckily she knelt down to let him see. He studied it curiously and slowly nodded at what she said before breathing a sigh of relief. At-least she was safe. "
Can you help me get to her? I don't exactly come to the city that often." He asked her.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki nodded as she stood. In a small flutter of his wings, Patamon moved from her arm to a decent perch on one of her shoulders. "I can't exactly go around saying I know my way around here either." She gave a slight shrug, looking back to her Digivice. "But at least we have the radar to go by. Come on, let's see if we can't track her down."
"We'll start in that direction then." Rose said and led them in that direction. Back tracking was the best way to find lost things. At least that worked for her in the past. "Comman we're with Serena!" Palamon yelled. Some nearby Digimon gave them some puzzled and strange looks. "Oh, good idea." Rose said. "Comman!" Rose called out, hoping he could hear them. This whole incident reminded her of when she was a child and lost her mother in the grocery store. Except in this case the grocery store was a city. @Mitchs98 @KageYuuki
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