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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

Rose and Palamon were in awe at the castle. It was unlike anything Rose had ever seen, or could even imagine. Both Rose and Palamon covered their eyes due to how bright the place was. After getting adjusted they both lowered their arms. She watched with much curosity as the Knightmon kneeled down as Yggdrasil came before them. Rose was too stunned to do anything while Palamon took a knee as well. Soon the two were engrossed as Yggdrasil spoke to them.

Rose felt honored being chosen as a Digidestined. She also felt an immense amount of pressure to do well. The crests also intrigued her. She wondered what everyone's crest was since they were based on virtues. Only time would tell. She watched as Yggdrasil healed Dante's arm and Renamon. Rose knew this wasn't a dream, but it seemed to be too good to be true. Earlier she was scared, trying to make out if this was real or not. Now she was excited, ready to find the crests and save the Digital World. A rush of motivation coursed through her body. Palamon sensed this positive change in Rose and grinned.

Exploring Wiz City would be fun. Rose decided to wait for the others before exploring though. Even though they were safe she figured it was best to stick together for the time being, or at least go with one other person. Rose had no questions for Yggdrasil, at least not yet. Yggdrasil did a great job at explaining everything to them, but she was too nervous to say anything to the God of Digimon.
@GasMaskie @everyone

(OOH BOY this is gunna be a biggun' xD )

Serena Jones

Serena, of course, instantly accepted the bottle of water like it was the last bottle in exsistance. She summarily engulfed the clear liquid and put the bottle in her bag, there could be a faucet or something somewhere to fill it after all. "Thank you." She told her happily. She was just about to reply to her reply to her question(yay confusing sentences) when they reached the inner areas of the tree.

Serena looked around excitedly, her mouth opened in a small 'o' shape in pure awe. It was so...so..bright. And legitamately out of a fantasy video game reminiscent of the Legend of Zelda Hyrule Castle Courtyard. She was slowly beginning to think more and more she was sent straight into a video game. She honestly wouldn't doubt if when they entered the castle she'd meet Zelda(Yes, Zelda is the princess, not the hero you nerds) herself.

After being ushered in with the rest she further looked around in awe at the digimon before them, slowly and casually bringing out her digivice and taking pictures of them. Shortly after a little girl came down, said things reminiscent of a video game starting line, and healed Dante.

Then, then she did the worst possible thing one could ever do in the midst of Serena. She asked if anyone had questions. Of course she had questions! Millions of them! AND SHE WAS GOING TO ASK THEM ALL! Grinning excitedly she waited for everyone else to speak before finally speaking. Raising her hand high she shouted excitedly, "
Me me me! Me next!" She'd shouted.

Comman facepalmed and sighed, "
Here we go again.." He muttered. Serena arched a brow at him but didn't pay him much more attention. "Okay..soo. Lotsa questions, first, Hi I'm Serena nice to meet you! Oh you probably already know my name..anywho. Uhh. First, who made this place and is it a video game? Next, how do these crest thingies work? Can I get mine in pink? Do they give us powers or are they like a club card thingy? Does this place have TV? Ooh, what shows do digimon watch if they do? Do they like..watch cartoons about humans?"

She paused her onslaught of questions momentarily only to catch her breath. "
How did you heal Dante? How did you know we'd help you? Will we ever be able to go home? Can we get super powers? Do we get paid for the missions? Do you guys have normal food or does it like..taste like pixels or something? Speaking of food..I'm hungry, do we get food?" Finally, she was done, ending her last question with a warm smile, looking up to..Yggdrazil..Yggdrasi?..the girl. The digigod girl thing.

Comman was...stunned to say the least. How someone could simply ask all that so casually before the deity of the realm was beyond him. In truth, he was curious about part of the things she'd asked. Namely the crests in particular. Rather than chastising Serena, that could wait for later, he waited for answers himself. Of course..he wasn't exactly opposed to the idea of food himself, but it was fairly low on his priority list.

(Not as big as I thought..oh well)
Cora had been later in getting into the castle than she'd planned, her and Vision having been held up by enough curious Digimon. At some point it seemed even the Knightmon took notice of the issue, and the two nearest the door stepped out a little bit after the main group had passed and cleared the spectators away, finally allowing the pair to move through the door way and attempt to catch up. However Vision was worn out from the walk, and even he knew it as they were lagging so far behind. Up ahead Cora could see the group stop and meet with someone that almost looked human, yet not. Too human, if it were an apt enough descriptor. Thankfully the way the halls were shaped she could still pick out what was being said as she learned of what was happening.

"Wow..." Cora whispered as she looked sideways at Vision, "You weren't kidding about how the Digidestined are super important. I mean, I didn't think you were lying, but... well.. exaggerations and all..."

Nodding, Vison pointed to each of the Knights as they grew closer, naming them, and pointing out Dukemon in particular, noting that he had as... complex... about being a good guy. Cora simply nodded. She certainly didn't want to argue the point and prove him right. Finally drawing near after some people had already posted their question, Vision spoke once more.

"Yggdrasil is by far the most important being here. They are the one responsible for us all as a whole. Quite the feat. Together with the Royal Knights, they all work to preserve our oeace and keep us all safe. Sometimes they do, however, require a more hands on approach. This is often through Digidestined. Regardless, what I can tell you is that if anyone is on our side, not us Digidestined, but your and mine, it would be Yggdrasil."

"I understand. Are you alright to stand on your own Vee?"

"Sit me down if it's not too much trouble."

Nodding, Cora lowered her friend to the ground before turning to lock eyes with the one that had called them all. Stepping through her fellows, Cora moved forth.

"Yggdrasil!" she stated, her voice loud and clear in her aim at drawing the God-Digimon's attentions. As she strode past Dante and Renemon Cora reached down and drew her bokken as she closed in on the one that had brought them here.

"You dragged me from my world to this one, you took me from the home I resided in, and have put me here. You did so with out asking, with out warning, and with out knowing you wouldn't be ruing anyone's life like this, regardless of time spent, hour to a day as it is. You changed everything anyone here ever knew... and to be honest, I couldn't be more grateful than I am now for you giving me something to wake up looking forward to. From my first real friend," Cora smiled as her words lessened from their serious tones to softer, more caring ones, "To allowing me a purpose to stand with him against those who would single out child Digimon and others who needed our aid. I spent much of my youth feeling with out aim or cause, and yet now, entering this city, seeing the lives I've changed, and the hope in the eyes of the Digimon who didn't even know me, but just knew I was here to help. It's more of a gift than I could have ever asked for."

Lifting her bokken to rest horizontally across both palms, Cora lowered herself into a bow, well learned from her time bowing to her kendo masters, and respectfully kept her gaze to the floor as she raised the 'sword' above her head in offer to Yggdrasil.

"So I offer my services fully and willingly, to stand against those that would threaten the Digimon that only want to be happy. I..." pausing a moment to try to remember it, Cora couldn't help but curse herself for not wholly remembering the one oath she'd loved from a samurai based book she'd read back home, "I offer my sword as an extension of your will... as... as a shield. To act as an aegis for those you wish to guard, and... ahm... an envoy of your will to those who would threaten them. This on my sword, and my sword being my life, my word I will not break."

Nervous and excited at the prospect of continuing her life in this world, especially to continue her works, Cora carefully cast eyes behind her to see Vision flashing her a subtle thumbs-up from through the crowd of the other Destined.

Now all there was to do was wait.

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Soren shrugged the hand off of his shoulder, not exactly aggressively, but forcefully, and muttered, "I'm fine," making it clear that he wanted to be alone. Coronamon shook his head sadly. Well, it could take a while for him to get over his love of solitude. Right now, Coronamon was focused on the enormous and powerful beings in front of them. The Royal Knights and Yggdrasil, Coronamon was sure there wasn't a power in the world that could have matched their combined might. And yet, looking at the circle, there was, in fact, 1 missing and a substitute. Coronamon tried to think of a power that could have destroyed two Royal Knights and failed. What had happened?

Soren's response was similar, but slightly different than Coronamon's. He could feel power emanating from the beings in front of him, and yet several of the kinghts were staring with open hostility. The one with golden armor in particular seemed to be so rage-filled, Soren was glad that it couldn't shoot lasers from it's eyes. Or maybe it could, but was restraining itself in front of that Yggdrasill-thing. Soren was about to back out of the room or into the shadows when he caught the eye of the one with the fake mask and lance. Soren thought he saw one of the slightest shakes of his head, as if he could tell what was going on in his mind and was warning him to stay. So, Soren stayed and watched as Yggdrasil appeared in the form of a young girl. He listened attentively to her explanation, but had to hold back a snort when he learned that the Crests represented certain virtues, and that he was compatible with one of them. There had to be a mistake. Virtues were things heroes possessed, and he was not a hero by any stretch of the imagination. His mind wandered back to the present as Yggdrasil asked if there were any questions. Soren had a few, but almost immediately a barrage of questions was fired from Serena, and a few from Mikado. Cora's response to the proceedings caused him to raise an eyebrow. He certainly wasn't going to be swearing allegiance to anyone, even if they were powerful. First off, he was sure he wouldn't be much use to them, and second, he valued his freedom. So instead of doing anything, he watched silently, making himself as hidden as he could be in plain sight. He was eager to leave this place, and he could tell Coronamon was also somewhat eager to get out and do things.

@GasMaskie @stepherz345


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki could only stand in silence at the sight of all the gathered Knights. Whoever was capable of commanding them had to be powerful, that much was obvious. That said, she didn't exactly plan on being face to face with the literal god of the digital world. Part of her wondered why Yggdrasil chose to appear before them as a young girl. Perhaps they figured that the Tamers would find them more approachable in that form? She wasn't sure.

Patamon's eyes only widened at the sight of Yggdrasil. He recognized her appearance right away. One of the figures from those dreams . . . He shifted, looking away from her and the piercing gaze of the Knights.

Tsubaki couldn't help but shift slightly as Yggdrasil told them they were meant to save this Digital World. The god even likened it to a scenario you'd find in a video game. But the name she used, Takumi, that didn't sound like a digimon. So we aren't the only humans here then. Now it was Omegamon's turn to explain what they were meant to do. How they expected them to fill in the role of these Knights, she wasn't sure. Just one of them was beyond the power of all the Tamers and their partners combined, and that's taking in the fact two of them were capable digivolving now.

These Crests caught her interest though. So each of them were chosen because they best represented one of these virtues? Or at least that was the case for some of them. Alright, well at least we have an explanation for why we were chosen and brought here. Though I'm not overly sure what virtue they found in me. Tsubaki had never considered herself someone that stood out. Sure, she was more than capable of taking command on a situation but that didn't mean she had any special skills or talents or anything. She was just doing what she'd been trained to handle.

A quiet gasp caught her attention, the Tamer turned to look at Dante beside her whose arm had just been healed. At least that solved that particular problem, though it certainly didn't seem to be a pleasant experience for the ones that weren't digimon. Something Yggdrasil soon confirmed as they said humans were far different from digimon and more difficult for them to heal, god or not. Just as Serena began her barrage of questions, a sharp pain shot through her head. Like an ice pick being driven into her skull. As the room around her spun, Tsubaki instinctively grabbed Dante's shoulder in an effort not to fall. "S-sorry . . . I'll be fine once everything stops spinning." Her crimson gaze moved up towards the god. "Thank you, Lady Yggdrasil."

@One Mean Ghost @GasMaskie
"Ah, I suppose Sill is fine. But once you encounter a crest, you'll know whether or not you're compatible with it based on how it reacts to your presence. Although transferring your data over to Witchelny is no problem, your matrix data is incompatible with the 'magic' practiced by the Digimon who hail from that server. Your crests will be able to grant you powers to aid your partner, although I'm sure you'll need practice with them." The young woman cleared her throat and then turned her attention to the little girl. Yggdrasill could only smile and close her eyes as she patiently listened to Serena's barrage of questions.

"...Well, the Digital World was created unintentionally long ago when ENIAC was built by humans. While it may seem like a video game, the Digital World and all dangers you face are real. Mmm, I think there might have been a pink crest, though which crest you'll carry is unknown to me as well. There's no televisions here, although you may be able to find some high-quality ones in the Bazaar. Erm, you should ask some Digimon about their viewing preferences, I don't leave the World Tree." The god conjured up a handkerchief and wiped her brow. This one certainly had a lot of energy. With a wave of her hand, a glass full of water materialized in her hand. Yggdrasill took a generous gulp of the virtual water and began to answer the questions once more.

"As the current God of the Digital World, I can perform many tasks. As for your assistance, I simply assumed you'd agree... Although it's not as if you have much of a choice as I won't be able to send you back to the Real World unless the crisis is over. Erm, I'll provide you all with some Bits to buy supplies and food. Try to conserve it, I don't want to destabilize the economy by creating more Bits. Food should taste as it should, at least based on with Takumi said. He liked visiting the stalls set up by the Burgermon in the Bazaar."

She turned her attention to Cora now and took a step back as she gave the young woman a small smile. 'Dukemon' smirked underneath the plastic mask and chuckled into one of his hands.

"...Nnn, thank you for your continued support?" Yggdrasill finally spoke after a long pause. She was running the repair processes in the background and it looked as if everyone was finally healed up. Ngh, ENIAC really did have it easier when he only had to deal with Takumi. Ah... this would go smoother if Takumi was here too... I think I'll take a long nap after they leave.

Renamon's eyes turned to the girl with the wooden sword when she spoke up. "A touch dramatic... isn't she?" Renamon muttered crossing her arms over her chest. Dante chuckled softly. "Maybe, but you got to admire someone that follows old school Bushido principles." He murmured to his partner. His head turned as Tsubaki almost seemed to fall on him, and he rested a hand on her shoulder to help support her. Given what he had experienced with his arm, he could imagine how having her concussion fixed must feel...

It looked like everyone's questions had been answered, including the question barrage Serena launched. It was almost like everyone was just awkwardly standing around waiting for things to actually get moving. His eyes wandered to the Digimon with the plastic mask that stood among the knights. Something was off about that one, but he couldn't quite place what it was. The mask was an obvious reason why he was curious about that one, but given what he'd seen so far of Digimon, it wouldn't have been hard for him to believe that is just how that particular Digimon looks...

"If that's all, Lady Yggdrasil, Renamon and I will take our leave. We have supplies to acquire and I need to get to training again. My technique was sloppy before, and given the gravity of the situation we're in, I can't afford to make mistakes like that. Thank you for your aid. We won't fail" Dante bowed his head, as did Renamon before the two turned to leave, walking side by side as they always did. Only now, Renamon didn't need to defend his left side.

No matter what it took. He would get the others through this alive.

Even if it would cost him his own life.
Rose watched as Dante and Renamon simply left. Clearly she was making this harder than it needed to be. "We shall take our leave as well Lady Yggdrasil. Thank you for your generosity." Rose thanked and bowed. "We won't let you down." Palamon added and bowed with Rose. As the two left Rose saw Soren and Coronamon in the back. Coronamon looking excited to leave and Soren looking anxious to leave. Rose stopped, she couldn't tell if Soren still wanted to be left alone or not. "Come on Rose, I'm hungry! Then we should explore and eventually train." Palamon said, trying to rush Rose.

"Um Soren, Coronamon we were going to get some food. If you want to come. I mean you don't have to I just thought you guys might be hungry." Rose explained. Palamon smiled and ran ahead to see Dante and Renamon almost out the door. "Excuse me, Renamon and Dante. Rose and I were thinking of getting some food. You're welcome to join us! I know you two want to train so I understand if you don't want to come." Palamon explained and smiled.

@Runesage @One Mean Ghost @ everyone else


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki was thankful for Dante's support while Yggdrasil was healing her injuries. "Thanks . . . " She said quietly as the room seemed to finally stop spinning. Or at least it was still enough she could stand up straight without fear of falling over. It seemed questions were beginning to be answered. Though some answers were more vague than others. The Tamer found Mikado's sudden interest in entering the fray rather unexpected given her determination to flee the last battle.

Shaking off the thought, Tsubaki glanced around the room. She noticed how drained Yggdrasil appeared to be. Healing a group of humans must have been more taxing then they thought. She shifted a little, it would probably be best if the rest of them took their leave like Dante and Renamon did. She gave a slight bow at the waist. "I don't believe we should take anymore of your time, Lady Yggdrasil. I will do everything in my power to help this world."

Failure here wasn't an option, not if any of them wanted to go home.
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Serena Jones

Much to Commans' surprise Yggdrasil actually seemed rather calm to answer Serena, none of the Knights seemed to make any moves either. It was honestly un-expected, for some reason he imagined them to of been more...intense? for lack of a better word. Serena, once satisfied with the answers, nodded to herself. "Thanks for explaining Sill! You bet me and Comman will help! We'll do our best!" She replied happily after Tsubaki finished speaking.

Noticing everyone else taking their leave to get food Serena turned to Tsubaki, "
Wanna go get some food with me? Everyone else is going, soo, why not?" She asked her. She hoped she would, honestly, but she'd go herself if need be. She was practically starving after all. Then she got another idea, "Infact, why don't we all go together? It'll be fun! And we can finally get to know each other since we'll be working together for a while!" She asked..well..everyone, raising her voice loud enough for everyone to hear with an excited grin on her face. She hoped they'd agree, she really wanted to get to know each other after all.

@Veirrianna Valentine @anyone else active
Rose turned around when she heard Serena inviting everyone to go get food. "That's a great idea Serena." Rose replied and grinned. Finally a chance to really meet the other Digidestined and their Digimon. "Come on Palamon let's..." Rose said, looking down, seeing that Palamon was gone. "Guess she couldn't wait." Rose thought to herself, not worried about her partner. She looked back at Soren. "I hope you come." Rose added. She looked at the bits. Interesting that the concept of currency was in the Digital World. "Hopefully we earn more later." Rose thought and put the bits in her bag. She hoped that more people would join them.

@Mitchs98 @Runesage @ everyone else.
Mikado Saris

She wasn't too keen on the answers Sill gave them, but there wasn't much more she could do. These 'crests' seemed to be their only way of actually being useful so finding them would have to be their top priority. Especially given the news that they would be stuck in this world until they completed their quest to save it. Still, the God of the digital world seemed to put such great faith in them, it was hard to imagine them failing with that kind of endorsement. With the injured having their wounds healed and the group's questions being answered it seemed as if this meeting was drawing to a close. Even so she was surprised when Dante just straight up excused himself. Wasn't there some sort of decorum for situations like this? Shouldn't they wait to be excused? She quickly cast nervous glances between those taking their leave and the supposed Digital Goddess.

Not wanting to be the odd one out she quickly followed after the rest. They were supposed to be the saviors of the world so the worst that could happen is they'd be asked to wait, at least that was the hope. She cast a glance at Ryu who, for his part, offered a deep bow to Yggdrasil before following after her. Perhaps she should have bowed as well? Regardless it was too late now. Her worries were pushed to the side as she heard mention of food. She picked up her pace for a few strides to catch up with the group before quickly chiming in her support. "I could go for something to eat, too." She looked down at Ryu who seemed to brighten up at the idea of getting something to eat. "After those fights I'm absolutely starving, so I wouldn't be against eating being our top priority." While she was more interested in food the idea that they could also get to know one another better was appealing in it's own right. They were suppose to be some team after all, and it never hurts to know your teammates.

@Veirrianna Valentine

Dante and Renamon looked to each other as first one of the Digimon addressed them about food, and then Serena suggested they go together. Even Mikado seemed to be in agreement. Renamon looked like she was about to protest, but as if on cue, both hers and Dante's stomachs roared quite loudly. "Well partner, it looks like our plans have been overruled by a group vote. Even our tummies voted against us" Dante laughed softly as Renamon scowled a little bit at her body betraying her.

"I suppose you're right. Besides, we can still look for supplies on the way to get food. It wouldn't hurt to stay in a group here..." she conceded as she crossed her arms over her chest, her tail swishing around behind her. "Well, that's settled then. Let's go y'all!" Dante called to the others with a laugh as he waited for the rest of the group to catch up before walking once more.

"So.... who exactly should start off sharing about themselves?" Renamon asked, her icy gaze scanning the group.

"Eh, I'll start us off. Well... I started martial arts when I was 5, I've practiced several different kinds of martial arts, and I'm a black belt in several of them... But underneath all of that, I'm honestly a total nerd..." He laughed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "I got into tech at a young age and I just sorta ran with it. I generally go by the name 'The_Prodigal_Son' online." He remarked. As it would happen, that handle was incredibly popular on tech forums... Some of his ideas were, to put it simply, brilliant. He left a lot of his code open for public use, rather than trying to profit off of it, too. Of course, they'd only recognize the name if they'd ever looked up the big tech forums online...


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki quietly watched as a chunk of their group was already dispersing. Part of her considered following along with them. After all, food was starting to sound really good about now and they did need to actually sit down and get to know one another. If they wanted to have any hope in working together. There were four stages that took place when teams are being formed, at least, that's what she recalled from her leadership studies.

Forming, storming, norming, and then finally preforming.

The first stage had already taken place and honestly it happened back when they first woke up in this place. But next . . . came the worst part. Heads were going to butt, ideals clash, she always hated this part. Thankfully in some situations it was a relatively short stage, such as when a group of more mature Cadet Officers were grouped together to work on a project. This, however, was painfully far from a group of officers with a few years of training and experience already under their belts. No, this was going to be a bumpy ride.

That said, she didn't feel right about leaving without being dismissed. You'd never do that speaking to a commanding officer why the hell would ever try that in the presence of a literal god? That seemed like a horrible idea in her mind. Taking a slow breath, the Tamer gave another slight bow. "Will that be all, Lady Yggdrasil?" She wasn't too sure how to go about this whole situation. Granted, she still hadn't fully processed what was going on.
Soren continued to listen as Yggdrasil explained everything asked of... was it a her, an it? Well, it doesn't matter. There wasn't a reason that the gender of the god of the Digital World would be important. Instead he focused on the the information, which was probably much more relevant. After storing all of the information away, along with the bits that were given to him, he inclined his head respectfully to Yggdrasil, muttered, "by your leave..." because he didn't know what else to say and didn't want to anger a god/goddess/thing, then turned to Rose who invited him to go with them to go get some food. Deep down, he was sorry for the way he acted earlier, but he still hadn't recovered from the shock of being immediately hated by the general digimon public. "Yeah, I'll catch up," he replied. He thought it would be a little better if he hung back a little bit, but Coronamon seemed to have other ideas

"Of course we'll come with you!" Coronamon shouted gleefully and grabbed Soren's arm, dragging him behind. He wasn't about to let Soren slink away to be by himself. They still needed to get to know their teammates, and besides, he was hungry and sure that Soren was too.

"Wait, Coro, I still have a question!" Soren tried to protest, but Coronamon wouldn't hear it.

"Why didn't you ask it then?" Coronamon replied, and Soren didn't have a good enough answer for that. He continued to be pulled along until he joined the rest of the group. Soren still was a tad unnerved by the atmosphere, but he still listened intently to Dante introducing himself. When Dante mentioned that he was The_Prodigal_Son, Soren gave a slight start. Coronamon looked up at him, confused. "What's wrong?"

"I know that name. I've seen this guy's work, and he's a genius. Nobody knew who he was, but people were quoting his code in almost every tech, game, or vaguely computer related forum there is." Soren told Coronamon. He thought for a while, then stepped forward. Coronamon looked up at him in surprise. "Well, there's no point in delaying the inevitable. I'm Soren, but you guys already knew that. My life is fairly boring. I've been doing fencing with foil and epee, with a little saber thrown in every once in a while. Most of my time was spent on the computer, or at school. I've also gone by Ren, if you guys want to call me that, and I go by Rune online."

He doubted any of them, except maybe Dante, would recognize the name unless they were a hardcore gamer. He generally kept quiet online, but he'd contributed a little to a few forums, just chipping in to fix things or play a game. He'd never commented on any forum with The_Prodigal_Son's code, but he'd been able to contribute his fair share of information to the tech community, and he was able to grasp most of the concepts online. He was much more well known in the gaming world as one of the most skilled gamers in almost any genre. Tactical, shooter, MOBA, MMO, in almost any style of game, he was near the top of the leaderboard or it's nearest equivalent. His biggest strength was being able to see the big picture in games, quickly assessing opportunity costs and which objectives were the highest priority at any given moment. He credited much more of his success to being able to spot tiny mistakes, openings, or patterns of play left by his opponent and figuring out a strategy to take them out. It also helped that he had a pretty quick reaction time.

@Veirrianna Valentine @Anyoneelseactive
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The God clapped her hands together as it seemed that the Digidestined had come to a consensus. She beckoned the Royal Knight in golden armor over and whispered something into the Digimon's ear.

"Right, this should be just enough Bits to get you the supplies you'll need on your outings and enough for one value meal for each person. As for housing, unfortunately, the only space available was a single three-person apartment." She smiled sheepishly and scratched her cheek.

Takuma stepped forward to receive the hefty bag that the gold knight brought forward. He wasn't prepared for the intense glare that came from the Royal Knight as they dropped the bag into the human's outstretched arms. Dorumon tugged on his shirt and kept him standing as he regained his balance. For a second, he swore he heard the Royal Knight sneer.

"So erm. Good luck, and you'll know when I need you here." Yggdrasill turned 180 degrees and began walking back to the discarded armor that rested upon the throne. The rest of the Royal Knights began to disperse as well, with some making use of hidden passages in the chamber. 'Dukemon' removed the plastic mask and the cardboard cutout stuck to his arm cannon. The Digimon grumbled something about Witchelny before cutting past the Digidestined and exiting through the front door.

"Urrgh. Dante, you hold onto this. I think my knees are going to buckle." Takuma's face was red as he hefted the bag of bits upwards and began moving towards the exit. Dorumon glanced back and recoiled slightly when he realized that Yggdrasill gazed at him with cold eyes.

"...We passed the Burgermon joint earlier, it shouldn't be too far from here. I'll lead the way."
Dorumon took the initiative and began walking ahead of the group. There was no way he'd stay here any longer than he needed to.
Rose smiled as Coro eagerly forced Soren to eat with them. Rose said. Palamon and Rose listened as Dante shared some information about him. A tech savvy fighter? Interesting combo. She was happy to have him on their side, and Renamon. Before she spoke watched Takuma hand Dante the large bag. "I wonder what's inside." Palamon said, eyeing the bag. "We will learn soon enough. Patience is a virtue." Rose said and chuckled.

Rose wondered what a Burgermon would Digivole into. Doubleburgermon? Cheeseburgermon? Maybe Megaburgermon. The thought of burgers made her stomach growl. "Well I'm not a fighter, and I'm not very tech savvy either. I'm just a typical student and garden in my free time. I do play some games but otherwise I'm usually outside." Rose shared as they group left the castle.


Tsubaki Mifune

Being dismissed by the god, Tsubaki only gave a slight bow of her head before turning and leaving the room. She joined with the other digidestined gathered outside the room, Patamon still in her arms. They'd spent the last few minutes talking, trying to get to know one another better. The Tamer had managed to catch pieces parts of their conversation, but it wasn't much. She'd worry about getting the details later, right now getting a plan together seemed more important. Her crimson gaze studied the group before falling on the bag Takuma had forced onto Dante.

"Before rushing off to the bazaar, we really should get some kind of plan together." She hesitated slightly, eyes still studying the bag. "Yggdrasil had said something about not being able to just give us too much money for fear of screwing up the economy. And I get the feeling none of us know exactly how much she gave us." She rubbed her eyes, ignoring the flakes of dried blood falling away. There was so much they needed to figure out and she's barely grasping things it's all been happening so fast.

It was overwhelming the kind of responsibility that was just dropped on them.

@One Mean Ghost @GasMaskie
Cora had risen and retreated back towards Vision as soon as Yggdrasil seemed to dismiss her, making a point to not want to irritate or anger her. As she neared him she noted that unlike the others, his wounds hadn't been helped at all, but Vision quickly assured her that it firstly wasn't a big deal, and secondly was probably going to take a lot more work. It made sense, but it didn't necessarily make her happy.

Helping Vision to his feet, the two began discussing what they wanted to do, and in the end Vision opted for visiting the orphanage so he could discuss a few things with the Digimon that run it, and Cora agreed, figuring she could practise while Vision did his work. Moving somewhat away from the group, Cora took a moment to look over at Dante. She wasn't sure whether she was going to like having him around, since he was a fighter, or get sick of him quickly, such as when he'd talked back at her out in the woods.

Still, better to have allies than enemies...

"Hey Dante, Renamon, Vision and I were thinking about swinging by for a quick bite, and then he was going to go discuss some business. I, conversely, figured I would train, and if we're going to be working together, I figured you may want to join us, maybe we could get a feel for each other's skill, huh?"

"Besides," Vision pitched in, "I may be able to swing a couple meals for free, I have a favour or two I can pull, and if yourself and Cora are going to be fighting, it would do you well to learn to work with each other."

@One Mean Ghost

Dante blinked a little in surprize as Takuma handed him the bag full of their entire supply of money. He grasped it in one hand, seeming to effortlessly sling it over his shoulder much as a thief would. "Sure, I don't mind carrying a little extra weight" he smiled, shrugging his shoulders as he accepted the burden from the other Tamer. Renamon shook her head in disbelief. She knew full well Dante was a protector, and very much intended to protect everyone in this group. However, from the looks of it, some of them may need to be quite literally carried through this adventure... Only Cora seemed to be combat ready, after all, and Soren, although trained, didn't seem too inclined to jump into the thick of a fight out of nowhere.

"I know that name. I've seen this guy's work, and he's a genius."

Dante's cheeks flushed a little bit at that kind of praise. It wasn't exactly something he was used to. Sure, he got praised on forums all the time, but to hear it in person? That was something new for him. After all, his father all but ignored him his entire life... Thankfully, he didn't have too long to dwell on it.

"I get the feeling none of us know exactly how much she gave us."

Dante shook his head. "How much she gave us is really irrelevant. What matters is how much it will get us. After all, we don't know the value of a bit here. It could be like American currency, or it could be like Japanese currency." he looked to Renamon, hoping perhaps she'd know.

"Don't look at me. I deal on the barter system." She remarked crossing her arms once again. Her icy gaze darted over to the girl with the wooden sword when she spoke up. Renamon still wasn't quite sure what to think of her. On one hand, she was a fighter, on the other hand, she seemed a bit over dramatic about things...

Dante laughed softly. "Sure, I don't mind getting a bit of training in after we've gotten some food. I just need to find a replacement for this" he spun the staff effortlessly in one hand, a subtle whistling coming from the wood. "Although it was useful for a short time, I don't think it'll handle much impact..." he murmured.

About this point, he noticed Dorumon had gotten a good start on them. "And on that note, it looks like we need to walk and talk or Dorumon's gonna ditch all of us!" he laughed starting after Dorumon, with Renamon close behind him, her tail swishing behind her as she went.
Serena Jones

Serena, for once, stayed quiet while she listened to everyone talk and explain who they were and stuff. She couldn't help but stare at the massive sack of bits they were given, she was sure it would be enough for all of them to get some food, or at-least hoped so. Once everyone finished speaking for the time being Serena decided to introduce herself better like Dante and Soren. "
If we're still doing the introduction thingy it's my turn!" She declared excitedly.

Okay, so. As everyone knows I'm Serena. Soo, I didn't exactly have a lot of friends, town I live in is kinda very small. I usually explore outside, I know lots of stuff about nature. Oh! I can climb trees and stuff pretty fast too. Aside from that I did the fastest speed run of Final Fantasy 7, two hours! I didn't document it on anything but uh..yeah." She explained quickly. "But I'm kinda boring otherwise, really." She added.

So uh...who goes next?" She asked, extremely excited to learn more about her new friends.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki managed to snap herself out of her slight daze to take in what the rest were saying. It seemed everyone at least agreed they should get some food before moving about to do their own thing. Perhaps that would be the best time for them to actually figure out what they were going to do. But it was hard to say given how determined the group seemed to be about splitting up. Maybe she could convince them to make a plan, but she'd just have to wait and see. For the time being, however, it looked like they needed to get going before some of the members got too far ahead.

She listened to Serena talk, quirking an eyebrow at the girl. "So I'm not the only speedrunner here, huh? Never ran Final Fantasy myself, but what console did you run it on? Last I heard the record for PlayStation One was around seven hours twenty-five minutes." She gave a slight shrug, if they wanted to know more about her speedrunning she'd answer their questions. But right now that wasn't exactly a useful skill for what they'd been pulled into. "Guess I should go, but what is there to tell you . . . ? There's really nothing all that outstanding about me. I mean I was a cadet for almost four years in the US Air Force Auxiliary. That's where I learned first aid, search and rescue techniques, basic survival skills among other things." There really wasn't much in talking about the leadership training, drill and ceremonies or all the aerospace education stuff. It didn't seem like very pertinent information.
Mikado Saris

She remained silent as she walked along with the group, listening to them chat among themselves about what to do or reveal their backstories. They all seemed extraordinary in one way or another. Dante was some crack coder, Cora was some experienced swordsman, Tsubaki was some trained soldier, even the little girl was able to beat the world record for speed running on that game. She couldn't help but feel out of place as a growing sense of alienation welled up within her. It was becoming ever apparent that these people all held some kind of special trait, and that was why they were chosen. And yet here she was, nothing special about her. She couldn't help but think they made a mistake in bringing her here. Clearly whatever device brought them here mistook her for the actual target.

Ryu, as well, remained silent however his focus was on the blonde haired girl by his side. Try as she might to hide it he couldn't help but notice her negative feelings. While he wasn't sure what, exactly, the cause was for those feelings that did little to change the fact that they were there. It was then he noticed a slight pause in the introductions. They seemed to be exclusively aimed at the tamers, but then screw them he had a story as well. Taking the pause as a chance he spoke up for the group to hear. "I'm from across the sea, from a small village on Folder continent. Through a contrived set of circumstances I ended up here as the partner of her." He raised his paw in Mikado's direction as he spoke. Part of him thought maybe that was too vague a backstory and he was tempted to expand on it. However, he deemed it adequate for the group of strangers and simply shrugged as he looked up at Mikado. The little dragon then proceeded to give her a nudge to prompt her to join the more in depth introductions.

She was startled at the impact on her leg, quickly looking down to find Ryu giving her a nod. Figuring it was her turn she took a moment to think of how best to phrase things before speaking up. "Um... well, there's not really all that much to say myself. I go to school, hang out with friends, play a little bit of video games in my spare time. Pretty much your normal teen really." She never would have thought anything at labeling herself normal before, but in the environment they were in, the people she was with, she couldn't help but feel it was a very negative thing to be 'normal'. Even so she had a long, practiced history of acting and did well to hide her discomfort. Her voice was no different than any other time she had spoken and she endeavored to keep her trademark smile on at all times.
Soren was taken aback as the little girl, Serena, announced that she'd once beaten Final Fantasy 7 in only two hours, and it seemed he wasn't the only one. Tsubaki seemed just as surprised as he was. One eyebrow rose fractionally as Mikado protested that she was just a normal teen. Watching out of the corner of his eye, he took in her stance, smile, and voice tones, but something was off. Everything seemed to say that she was fine, but some intuition made Soren think she wasn't that happy to be here. His mind finally caught on to his subconscious's train of thought and he realized it was the eyes. Someone had once said that the eyes were the gateway to the soul, and something, while he couldn't quite place his finger on it, made him think that she was doubting her position here. Finally, he knew what it was. He'd seen those eyes on himself sometimes, and he recognized the well hidden pain and doubts behind them. He kept quiet, however, because he knew how he would sound and what it would do to her if he said what he'd inferred. He'd sound both intruding and false at the same time, and he knew from past experience that it hurt to have hidden thoughts brought to light. He guessed that she would be able to see through his disguise the same way- people who hid their innermost thoughts were usually the best at reading others- and he hoped that she would return the unspoken favor.

Coronamon watched Soren, confused at the mixture of emotions that seemed to be coming off of him. He wondered how Soren was able to keep so much bottled up inside of him without bursting. Finally, he came to the conclusion that Soren was just special, and dropped that train of thought. He turned to Ryu as he heard the introduction. "Wow, you're from across the sea? I've never traveled that far, I just can't bring myself to get on a boat." He sighed sadly. There was so much that he was missing out on because of that, but he just couldn't bear to be around that much water.

As he picked up the rest of the conversation, Soren agreed with Tsubaki. They needed some sort of plan, but they also needed food. Soren's stomach growled and he heard Coronamon chuckle because of it. "Oh, can it." Soren muttered to Coro, who chuckled again. Soren couldn't restrain a smile himself. When he heard Dante's comment on getting rid of the staff, he looked up. "It doesn't really need to take much of an impact. Just enough to make the attack miss. If you don't want it. I'll take it." Soren said as he followed Dorumon.

@Colt556 @One Mean Ghost @GasMaskie @Mitchs98 @KageYuuki


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki glanced at Dante as he mentioned they didn't even know how the currency worked just yet. "I really hope it doesn't end up like Yen. Though it would explain the massive bag of coins or Bits or whatever it was." Sure, there were bills for Yen but coins popped up all over the place there. Patamon shifted slightly in her arms. He was too tired to really jump into the ongoing conversation, though he made a mental note to ask Tsubaki about Yen or whatever it was she was talking about. Her gaze shifted to Mikado as she spoke. "I'm sure all of us more on the normal side when you get down to it." She shrugged, "Just weird circumstances made it seem otherwise. Anyway, you're going to have to tell me what kind of games you tend to play, but that can wait a few minutes."

Tsubaki turned to continue down the hall of the palace. "I don't know about you guys, but I can't think straight when I'm hungry. Let's grab a bite to eat and actually piece together some kind of plan." With that she continued down the hall. The Tamer knew for sure Serena and likely Dante would follow right away. The others likely only would because they were hungry.

Food was a great motivator and bribing tool.

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