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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

Tomiko Tomagi

Gazimon grunted as he felt something poke his back, but relaxed once more as the poking soon stopped. He let out a loud snore before rubbing his head on Tomiko's back which she'd normally jump from, but after hearing the information from Professor Agumon and the appearance of this unknown dot her mind was dealing with much bigger issues than a bad sleeping digimon. She stared at the dot for a minute attempting to rationalize it as a "neutral" party, but that was something she wished it to be more than it being actual fact. At this point, no assumption she made would help any since she had little to no information on how the radar worked and frankly she just didn't have the overall knowledge on the dot system or the digivice as a whole. She figured green to be good after having found humans where the green dots were and red was bad because of the Targetmon and it's two Goblimon came looking for a fight in the guise of those crimson colored dots. It wasn't until Takuma asked something weird that she took her gaze off the screen and onto him.

Ten years old? No, I doubt it. Last time I was told, I was fifteen ... probably." she answered bluntly, unsure of her own answer. The probably came from the fact that she no longer had her birth certificate so it was not all possible to techinally verify her age. At least in the presence of the Japanese government along with the rest of the world if she attempted to get a passport. When Dorumon reminded the two of the approaching danger (maybe) Takuma moved behind a rather thick tree trunk. That seemed to be the best course of action although she doubted they'd be fully protected by a few trees and leaves. From what she had seen earlier, these digimon packed a mean punch, and were capable of wild phenomenons that would have required media attention if in their world. Heading behind another tree, she could hear another argument ensue within the group, this time between Nathan and Mikado.

It seems the brunette has wished to run towards the city Professor Agumon had mentioned, while the red head wanted to stay fight. So she wasn't just a pretty face. Running away seemed like a plausible idea, but Nathan refuted this plan by taking into account that they had slightly weaker members in the groups. Maybe not in tip top condition, but with an injured Tsubaki and a broken Hero, they would undoubtedly become easy targets for oncoming pursuers. Tomiko fully agreed with Mikado's choice of action although she thought her reaction to Nathan's comment wasn't all necessary. She had thought she was the only one who realized that this wasn't something as simple as fight the monster and win the game. No, this was an actual life and death situation that could possibly lead to killing one or maybe them all. Although, with a quick glance at Dante, she wasn't too sure if they
all understood that fact. As she inched back to her own hiding spot, she heard something that urked her. Nathan had asked if Mikado had little faith in them. He used the fact that they had "took out" Targetmon. They didn't take him out, they one bade him away with minuscule attacks, nothing more. He was coming was back. Most definitely.

Unknowingly she found herself laughing to herself, her shaking waking up the sleeping Gazimon. He glanced at her, his eyes focusing on her lips as she attempted to stifle her small chuckles.
Did something funny happen? he questioned, rubbing his eyes underneath his glasses. Tomiko felt a slight surge of giggles remembering the words "faith" and "them". What faith were they supposed to have in one another? They were complete strangers who met an hour ago, some even later. The only reason why they were in the vicinity of one another was because they were stuck in this hilariously awful situation. So this faith Nathan spoke about could kiss it, because at this moment, no one could be trusted. Not even her so called partner.

Hey, what's s funny?" he mumbled.

Tomiko dropped Gazimon on the floor, the rabbit hybrid falling on his rump.

Nothing. Nothing was funny. But that doesn't matter. We have to hide now." she told him coldly.

Gazimon growled his to familiar growl, but stopped seeing as Tomiko wasn't the Tomiko he had known minutes ago. Something was different about her. She didn't physically look different, but the aura around her changed drastically to the point where he felt cold standing next to her. Gazimon couldn't speak, simply following his tamer behind a tree along with the rest of the group. It wasn't long before the coldness that surrounded her vanished, but he could still feel it slithering around him.
W-what was that? What happened just a second ago? he thought. Was she hiding something? He didn't know, but hoped to never find out.

"Scan-ning. Scan-ning." A synthesized voice rang out from up ahead of the path as the group prepared for first contact. Professor Agumon poked a head out and listened as the sound of blades piercing the trodden ground got closer and closer.

What appeared was a digimon, technically. Although anyone who tried to scan it for information would soon find that even the digivice was unable to retrieve relevant information about it. It seemed purely mechanical and seemed to lack any sort of ego. Its two optics glowed as it began to pick out every single person in the area who had since then taken defensive positions. Professor Agumon gazed upon the mechanical thing with both interest and horror. There was something that was unnerving about it - the mechanical being that lurched towards them at a steady pace was something that should not exist.


"Tar-gets ac-quired. Be-gin-ning di-gi-core har-vest." The strange spider droned on once more as its optics glowed red. Thin beams of light shot out in quick succession at their positions. It soon became apparent that cover wouldn't work - the beams bored through the environment and left spots of digital static. It was almost as if that it was actually wounding the world through some eldritch means. Though, the beams seemed to take a while to completely pierce through cover, and static formed at the spots where the lasers would soon exit from. As long as they noticed this fact, they'd be able to avoid these deadly lasers.

Takuma crawled towards a nearby bush once it became clear that these lasers were able to pierce through his defensive positioning. He came very close to dying when he pondered if Tim was actually lying about her age and nearly missed the telltale signs of impending laser death. One of the lasers had barely missed Doru. The intense heat given off by the attack had singed a patch of his fur. The young man opened up the Digivice and scanned the entity.

"That thing's a Rookie level! We should be able to take it down quicker than the monkey!" Takuma yelled out from his position. A beam shot out towards his head and he managed to duck. He gazed over to Doru and then pointed over at the mechanical monstrosity who was now making a beeline towards Takuma.

"Dash Metal!" The digimon roared out as he sprinted between tree trunks. In that moment, a small metal sphere had launched out of his mouth and struck the artificial digimon's optics dead-on. Doru's smile soon left his face when the thing simply continued advancing with no noticeable signs of damage. Its attention was now drawn towards the strange blue creature and it began advancing upon his position at a steady pace.

Doesn't seem like that thing can focus on more than one thing at a time. Doru thought as he began leading it around towards the Dante and the others.

"Keep moving and attacking! We might be able to wear it down!" The mechanical spiders eyes began to glow once more, it seemed that firing off multiple lasers required a few seconds of charge. Slowly, the Digivice began to reveal more information. Their new enemy, the gray blip, was something called Gizmon.

Defeat Gizmon!
Mikado Saris

It didn't take long for the grey blip to emerge from the trees and come into view. It appeared to be some kind of weird mechanical squid thing. 'Scanning'? What exactly was it looking for? Her question was answered soon enough as it abruptly stated it had acquired it's targets and without any other warning red beams of light shot out at them. She was too focused on the new digimon to realize that beam of light was piercing it's way through the tree she was using as cover. "Mikado!" She was startled as Ryu suddenly called her name and tackled her to the ground. Just as she felt the hard soil against her skin she heard what could only be described as searing air. Looking up she saw the red beam shining brightly as it passed through the tree. "Keep away from it, we'll handle it." Ryu left her companion with simple instructions before leaping out from behind cover. "Iai blade!" Opening his mouth a long iron blade formed before shooting towards the incoming digimon.

As Ryu engaged the enemy Mikado quickly made her way to another tree. "This is why I said we should have run!" She cursed to herself, realizing that these people were going to get them all killed with their obsession for combat. She quickly got to another nearby tree, using it as cover. At the very least it seemed like the robot's lasers took a little bit of time to punch through the wood. As long as she kept focused she should be able to see it firing on her and move before the laser punched through. Hiding and moving was pretty much all she could do, all any of them could safely do. Of course seeing how some of her 'comrades' were she doubted they'd take the safe route at all.

Ryu glanced over to see Mikado ducking behind a tree. Content that she was as safe as she was going to get for the moment he turned his attention back to the robot. Noticing it followed after Doru after the metal sphere had hit it's mark he came to the same realization that the other digimon had come to. The question was could they change who Gizmon was focused on. Looking to test out his theory he fired off another Iai Blade, hoping to draw the thing's attention away from Doru.

Serena Jones

Serena smiled up to Tsubaki before returning her attention back to the clearing and Patamon, "
We'll be fine, the others will kick this things' butt and then we can all rest in the city." She told her, mostly to re-assure herself. She was becoming increasingly more frightened as she heard whatever it was clank closer and closer, it sounded huge. Despite her wanting to fight bigger stuff she wasn't all too sure about it now that she saw Dante and Tsubaki's injuries, the realization of all of them dying or worse slowly sinking in. By the time the thing had arrived she was trembling with fear, looking up at it as it shot death lasers into the trees. Almost immediately and wordlessly she tackled Tsubaki out of the way as best she could, a hole appearing in the tree they were standing behind. "That..that was close. Are you okay Tsubaki? Patamon?" She asked them, scooching Patamon out from under her. She hoped she didn't crush the poor thing.

Almost as soon as the Gizmon approached and started its attack Comman fell into tandem with the other attacks, quickly noticing how it seemed to only attack one Digimon at once. While, everyone else seemed to mostly be targetting the optics currently, Comman took aim at the various tubes connecting to the Digimon's limbs. "
M16 Assault!" He growled, peppering the tubes with bullets all over it. If his thinking was correct, destroying the tubes should slow it down or immobilize it, or at-least heavily damage it.
"Definitely not neutral! Don't worry we got this!" Palamon assured and ran towards the battle.

"Be careful Palamon!" Rose called out and took for cover behind a tree.

"Please, please let them be okay." Rose whispered to herself.

Palamon heard Doru explaining that this digimon couldn't focus on more than one thing. She saw Ryu attack it with Iai blade and Comman shooting the tubes.

"If Comman weekend the tubes, maybe I can tear one off." Palamon muttered to herself. Quickly she ran behind Gizmon and shouted "Posion Ivy!" her long purple nails entangled two tubes. She pulled on the tubes, if all else failed at least she would distract it.

Rose decided to peer from behind the tree. She saw all the Digimon attacking Gizmon, some of the people were next to their Digimon, others were taking cover.
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Nathan cursed under his breath as Gizmon wandered into the small clearing, its spindly robot legs deftly stepping between the holes in the webbing covering the ground. The creature was strange. Not as strange as Targetmon but strange nonetheless. Multiple green tubes dangled from its body, seemingly for no reason at all. Still the creature was small and, according to Takuma, only about as strong as their own partners. This should be an easy fight. These thoughts of an easy victory were cut short when a small laser seared across his cheek. Nathan yelped in a mixture of surprise and pain, hopping down out of tree followed closely by his partner.

"God damn that smarts!" He gingerly touched the burnt flesh, wincing in pain at his touch. How the hell did it do that? This thing was only a rookie level right? Mind racing, Nathan tried to come up with a plan. Judging from the lack of additional lasers flying towards them he pieced together that the robot could only focus on one target. If only they could stop those lasers, even if just for a moment, they could launch a counter attack. Wormmon was way ahead of his tamer, slowly creeping around to the front-side of the Gizmon, behind its previous target.

"Nebaneba Net!" A fat glob of sticky silk launched itself towards Gizmon's eye, hopefully to knock out the targeting system or even render the beast blind. He followed this up by making a large whip of fiber, slapping it into the purple contraption.


Tsubaki Mifune

From the moment that robot appeared, Tsubaki had a bad feeling. She was having a hard time believing Takuma when he called out that it was a rookie level like their partners. The thing was huge! How could it be considered rookie level? Then it started attacking. Her crimson eye could only widen in horror as she saw the beam pierce right through the tree Takuma had been using for cover. The next thing she knew, Serena was tackling the Tamer. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine . . ." she muttered in response to the girl's question.

For the first time to actually be getting some sleep, it wasn't exactly restful. Patamon quietly groaned and shifted, trying to snap out of whatever dream. While he was thankful for someone finally waking him up. He was not expecting to be squished under a young Tamer. "Ngh, Tsubaki, what's going on?" The digimon mumbled, still trying to wake up.

"Well, we're being attacked by a giant robot thing." Tsubaki muttered as she watched the others begin their attack on it.

Patamon blinked, looking over at Gizmon. "I've never seen anything like it." He mumbled, shifting.

Tsubaki nodded, watching as the digimon only seemed to target a single being at a time. Pushing herself up, she moved closer to Dante. "Looks like it can only focus on one thing at a time. As fast as Renamon is, I bet she could slip behind it for an attack pretty easily."
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The Gizmon's attention shifted over the course of the multiple attacks that had landed. The two Iai Blade attacks from Ryu shifted its attention over to the dragonic Digimon. Comman's bullets smashed into the tubes, but surprisingly did little more than scratch the surface. As the beam finished charged, its attention shifted over to Palmon and her Tamer. The vines managed to keep it rooted for a few seconds before its actuators groaned out and the artificial Digimon ripped through its green bindings.

"Charg-ing com-plete." The Gizmon swiveled towards Nathan and his Wormmon and its powerful laser shot out of its optics, incinerating the sticky webbing and bringing its attention to the pair. By now, it had moved to the other side of the clearing. Takuma looked over to Doru, and the blue creature once again drew its attention by hitting it with one of his metal spheres.

As Gizmon began advancing towards Doru, Takuma glanced over to Dante and his Renamon. With its attention drawn back to him, he had a good chance of launching a surprise attack. There was no doubt that Tsubaki had the same thing in mind. The young man turned his attention to Tim and her Gazimon. From what he had recalled, the Gazimon had a paralyzing breath, although its effect on something purely mechanical was dubious at best. Those claws looked sharp, however.

"This thing's like the Terminator! How is it even harder to scratch this guy than the monkey?" He shook his head as he waited in his position. The Gizmon's optics flared up once more as it prepared for a widespread laser attack much as it did when it first arrived. Doru stood his ground at his position as he awaited the rest of his companion's attacks.

Dante was brave, but he was no fool. This wasn't like the Goblimon. The Goblimon were basically just short thugs with baseball bats, nothing too impressive. This thing was out of Dante's league.. He watched all of the attacks just seem to glance off of it, clenching his fist as it turned on the others. He felt so damn useless... No... A plan.. that's what they needed. He had to think... This thing was basically a robot... So those cables in the front were probably pretty darn important...

"Renamon... See if you can get your paws on those blades Ryudamon spit out... They might not be able to pierce that thing's body, but those cables in front maybe... A diamond storm followed by a hard slash on those may at least open it up... Just be careful.." Dante looked over at his partner, and she just smirked. "Always... I won't let you down Dante... Watch and learn" she crouched down, taking off running towards the thing from behind.

Without slowing down int he slightest, Renamon picked up the two Iai Blades by the handles as she closed the distance. She leaped up into a tree, using a branch as a springboard to get some air over the thing.. "DIAMOND STORM!" She roared, the glowing shards of diamond raining down on the thing with her close behind, following the diamonds down, she flipped once through the air to gain momentum as she brought the Iai blades directly down on the cables that connected the main body to the arms with enough force to at least break open the casing.

As fast as she could manage, she flipped back away from the thing, attempting to get away before it could counterattack... She had a bad feeling she may have just pissed the thing off though....
As expected from previous attempts, the Diamond Storm attack had failed to leave any noticeable damage on the Gizmon's exceptionally tough body. However, the blades struck true, damaging the Gizmon's hydraulic cables' casings, but not cutting deep enough to sever them. For a second, it seemed that the Gizmon had suddenly stopped functioning. But as soon as the Renamon had leapt back, the mechanical monstrosity leapt forward after her.

"P-T He-lix." The Gizmon's synthesized voice crackled as it quickly closed the gap between them. Its body spun as it raised its bladed legs upwards - it seems like it was capable of levitating on the lower set of cables. Blades sliced into Renamon's abdomen and threw the fox against a tree. The damage done was severe, perhaps maybe fatal. It turned to face the rest of the Tamers and their Digimon. Perhaps the mechanical monstrosity figured that the Renamon's threat was now neutralized.

"P-T Laser." And once again, multiple lasers shot out from its optics towards the rest of the Tamers and their Digimon. Takuma gasped as he watched Renamon slam against a tree and shifted positions once more as the laser burned through the rock he had been at just a few moments ago. Doru joined him, although the laser had hit closer than before and left darkened patches of fur where he had been burned.

"Comman! Try that again, the cables got damaged!" Doru shouted before slumping down with a groan. It was a bad hit, but he'd be able to fight to some extent. Professor Agumon was busy trying to put out a fire on his coat - the scholar was agile but his clothing still presented an easy target for the laser.

Tomiko Tomagi


The sound reverberated through the forest, the scent of burning trees as well as fur fillef the air as a mechanical creature shot a beam before showing itself. Was that a digimon as well? It seemed to be completely different from the one's she encountered so far. Most of their current digimon resembled anthropomorphic animals and a plant, she added seeing a green plant like digimon attack the metal beast. There were also humanoid digimon such as the Goblimon, but this was something completely different. It had lacked something all the other digimon she encountered so far had plenty of. Personality. It seemed to have been sent to attack them, but not of it's own incentive. Like it was following order without have any real idea what it was doing, a machine. Remembering the gray dot from earlier, she reached for her digivice in her jacket pocket only to see the dot now mingling with the green. So grey didn't mean neutral? Then could it possibly be ... she paused, silently chewing the inside of her cheek completely ignoring the battle currently taking place a few meters away. If the dot wasn't neutral than could it possibly stand for an anomaly? Something the device couldn't register. Her train of thought was blown away by Renamon yelling out her attack, pieces of rock flying at her from afar.

Gazimon jumped onto her chest, pushing the girl down, her thump accompanied by a loud bam coming from a nearby tree.

Snap out of it will you! This is no time to be day dreaming! There's a strange digimon attacking everyone and we're just sitting here like a couple of cowards! We need to go help them!" he hollered. The words that came from his mouth almost sounded like it came from a different Gazimon all together. Was this the loud mouth digimon who only cared about being 'cool' really saying this to her? Sucking her teeth, she removed the yelling hybrid off her.

I'm well aware of what's going on, but there's something you need to understand." she glared, causing chills to go down his spine.

I am a coward. The sooner you get that through your thick skull the better it'll be for the both of us! Besides, what could something like you do to that thing?" she questioned, her hot pink eyes staring holes into his face. She was so sick and tired of the constant fighting. People saying that she needed to be doing this or she had to help with that. Tomiko didn't need to be doing anything. She didn't even want to be here!

You're only good at sneak attacks. Digging holes under your opponents and paralyzing them with black fog. Aren't we both cowards here?" she stated, tear welling beneath his sunglasses as she continued. "The thing out there has a body made of metal and I doubt your 'Paralyze Breath' could do anything to it much less slow it down." she felt like going on about his inability to help in this battle, but was cut off by his sniffles.

Sniff. I know my abilities aren't the best compared to that of Ryudamon's or Dorumon's nor am I as fast and versatile as Renamon. However, I am no coward, and I'll prove it to you!" he barked, running out into the battlefield to join the fight. What did he think he was doing? He had no chance against that thing, but yet he charged into the fight blindly.

Sprinting onto the battlefield, tears dripping down his fur he had no idea what he should be doing. He hadn't had the attack power and his Parlyze Breath would probably be ineffective against the thing. Growling, his determination slowly rising with the idea of showing Tomiko he wasn't just a digimon pretending to be cool, but a digimon who was cool. Remembering his last battle with Targtemon, he thought to use the same strategy. Since the digimon was made of metal it's be heavier than the fast Targetmon, so maybe this time the thing would fall in. Nodding to himself, he began digging deeper pitfalls than before. He was going to prove he wasn't a coward. Not now, not ever.

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Dante's eyes grew wide in shock, his whole body shaking as he saw the blow Renamon took.. "No... RENAMON!!!" There was no such thing as caution to the Tamer anymore. His partner was hurt bad... Far worse than he was hurt before.. He ran straight across the clearing, not caring if that creature turned on him at any second. He dropped to his knees by Renamon, his body shaking as he carefully picked her up just a little off the ground. Her breathing was ragged, strained, her torso showing the static signs of damage like all Digimon did.

"I... I'm sorry Dante... I didn't think it... could move that fast..." Renamon murmured, even her voice betraying the severity of the injury... She tried to smile up at him, but it was weak, and she could barely maintain it.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Renamon... you did great... Just take a break now... the others can handle it... You're going to be okay..." His voice cracked a little as he forced a smile, trying to convince himself that the wound wasn't as bad as it looked. However, hearing the pain in Renamon's voice tore him apart.

"I'm sorry Dante.. I don't.... I don't think I'll be able to see you go home again..." Renamon breathed, her voice getting weaker as her blue eyes gazed up at him with sadness.. She felt like she was letting her Tamer down....

"You will Renamon... Just stay with me... Come on... look at me... You're going to get through this..." His voice was choking up despite his best efforts, his vision getting blurry as tears rolled down his cheeks. He knew what this was... She was saying her goodbyes... It was all too familiar for him...

~~~~One Year Ago~~~~

"Mom... you can't die... You can't...." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked down at his mother. She was laying in a hospital bed, a knit cap upon her head with all sorts of machines hooked up to her. After a long, terrible battle with breast cancer, she was losing the fight. She had always kept on a strong face. She had never let anyone see her sad. But at long last, her time was coming....

"Dante, listen to me... I love you, with all of my heart... I want you to be strong for me." She breathed, her voice strained as her time slowly ticked away. "I am so proud of you, and everything you have done... My precious baby boy... My whole world..." she murmured weakly, reaching her hand up to cup his cheek. "I'll always be watching over you... Just remember that.... I love you......" her hand slowly fell away from his cheek to rest on the bed as her eyes slowly closed. "I love you too, mom..." Dante choked out, watching his mom smile just a little as she took her last breath.

The steady beeping of her heart monitor turned into a single, constant tone...

She was gone, and Dante was alone in the world...


Renamon slowly raised her paw to cup Dante's cheek, brushing away some of his tears.. "You were... the best Tamer I could ever ask for Dante.. Thank you..." she breathed, her hand dropping onto her chest as her eyes started to close.... Dante hugged her against his chest, closing his eyes as he begged whatever deity that oversaw this world to spare her...

Mikado Saris

Despite supposedly being a rookie, same as their digimon, this thing was proving a far greater threat than that monkey thing ever was. Their only saving grace was that the robot seemed rather dumb in it's targeting priorities so their digimon could keep juggling it between them. Even with that, though, the battle was not going in their favor. Every attack their digimon threw at it seemed to bounce off harmlessly. At least with the monkey their attacks seemed to do a little damage, this thing was pretty much straight up invulnerable. She let out a sharp gasp as she watched Renamon's assault end with the digimon taking a brutal counter-attack and slam into a tree. The fight had only just started and they already had their first casualty, and to make matters worse it was one of their supposed best fighters.

She didn't have too much time to ponder this as right after she could hear the mechanical creation's 'PT Laser' and the tell-tale sign of it about to fire it's laser weapon. She took a crouched stance, ready to bolt the second it began to fire. It seemed that once it started firing it didn't adjust until it had finished, that would be her window to get out of there. As soon as the lasers fired she sprinted around the edge of the battlefield towards the others, namely renamon. This didn't seem like a fight they could win and their only chance for survival was to escape.

Ryu narrowly dodged the beam of light himself, taking notice of his Tamer running around towards the others. With her earlier outburst and the way this fight was going he could guess with a high degree of certainty what she intended to do. Regardless of what Mikado wanted to do, his attention was focused on the immediate threat. With renamon likely out of the fight the number of strong combatants was diminishing quickly. However renamon's attack did give him a glimmer of hope as he noticed the damage done to one of the cables. With nothing else to lose he took aim and with another "Iai Blade!" belted out a few more blades towards the now-damaged cable. Their only chance at this point was to focus-fire that weak spot and hope for the best.

As for Mikado, she slid behind cover near Renamon. Her breath was ragged and sweat was beading down her face. She was far from the athletic type to begin with and with this being a literal life or death situation her nerves weren't helping matters. Adrenaline can only take you so far when you're an out of shape pampered teen girl after all. She looked over as Dante came running in as well, that much was to be expected. She didn't know Ryudamon that long but if he took a hit like that she'd probably respond in the same way. She quickly looked around at the other digimon still embroiled in combat and the tamers taking cover. There was only one chance at survival in her mind and she spoke up, especially towards the reckless Dante near her. "We have to run for it! This thing's too strong. Our only chance is to do a fight retreat."

She took a moment to take a few much needed breaths. Her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it was going to fail altogether. The wounded need to go first, the weaker digimon can guard them." She knew they were too scattered for all of them to hear her plan but they didn't need to know the details, they just needed to run. They weren't the ones that were going to be doing the fighting part of this retreat. "Our digimon will keep fighting the robot while following us, keeping the enemy at a safe distance from us. It's our only shot."

She never in a million years would have thought she'd be using strategies from her games in real life. But then she also never thought she'd end up in a situation like this, either. She made her way over to Dante and placed her hand on his shoulder. "She hasn't burst into data so there's still a chance. Come on, hero, we have to run for it or we're all going to die, including Renamon." She knew the others would be more willing to run, but it was the wannabe macho-man heroes like Dante and Nathan that would be the challenge. She only hoped Renamon's injury would spur Dante into action. After all if she had any hope at all it'd be at that city, not out in the woods.

Serena Jones

Serena watched as the fight raged on, uncharacteristically scared out of her mind. She had no idea why she was, she climbed trees the size of her house without batting an eyelash, but this..this was on an entirely different level. Shaking her head she had to calm herself, if she didn't she'd die. "
Damnit.." Comman muttered to himself as his bullets seemed to do jack of shit. He watched on, he debated throwing a grenade but with everyone that close it'd end up killing or injuring them so that was out of the question. As soon as the lazer beam fired he quickly jumped up onto a higher branch, barely dodging it. At the same time Serena scooped up Patamon and tackled Tsubaki down again just in time. "Are you guys alright? Sorry to keep tackling you but..yeah." She asked them, wincing slightly from the burn she recieved on her arm. Now wasn't the time for crying over a minor injury, especially considering Tsubaki and Dante were injured far worse than her.

Luckily, she didn't land on Patamon this time, so that was a plus. Standing up she looked just in time to see Renamon get severely injured. She gasped and watched in horror as she flew and slammed into a tree. If that didn't completely freak her out nothing would of. She suddenly burst into tears crying, "
W..we're gunna die aren't we. Renamon is dead too. We should of ran." She mumbled, trembling visibly in fear.

Comman on the other hand was too busy noticing the damage to the hydraulics and what Takuma said to notice his Tamer on the verge of a mental breakdown. Without further ado he shouted "
M16 Assault!" once more and began firing after the blades hit the already loose hydraulics, with any luck it'd take out at-least one of it's legs.
This time with the casing damaged, Comman's barrage of bullets and Ryu's conjured blades had a greater effect upon the the hydraulic cables that fed liquid into the Gizmon's actuators. It stuttered to a halt and for a second it seemed as if they had managed to disable the Digimon.

Zeroes and Ones soon appeared at the areas of damage along the hydraulic cables. As the digits disappeared the damage was soon becoming reversed as the small patches of static began to fade away. The casing, however, failed to regenerate. The Gizmon's optics flared up as the repair process began to finish.



"Digivolution app download completed." Two digivices spoke out in the midst of the panic that had befallen the group. And the sources of that significant announcement came from Dante and Tim's phone-like devices. The grayed out 'D' icon was now rendered in color on their screens.

Takuma glanced between the young man who tended to his dying companion and the Gazimon who desired to prove himself. He looked down at his own digivice, noting how the app was still grayed out on his screen. Whatever the case was, it seemed that they'd have to take advantage of this new development. He remained silent as he brought Doru in close and tried his best to ease his pain by petting his head. His partner had taken a glancing hit but even that was enough to impair his functions.

Dante and Tomiko have unlocked Digivolution!


Tsubaki Mifune

After passing on her observation to Dante, Tsubaki found herself being tackled once again. Honestly, the little kid was pretty good staying in her blind spot. In hind sight, Tsubaki probably should have used some of that water to wash the blood out of her eye so she could see better. But it's too late for that. Not exactly something you could do with lasers flying everywhere. "Yeah," The Tamer replied as she got back up.

"At least Patamon wasn't sandwhiched this -" Her joke was cut short by the sight of Renamon being rushed at and cut down. "Oh god . . ." Tsubaki whispered, her eye wide in horror. Right now they were several outmatched, but judging by how fast that thing just sprinted running wasn't exactly an option. She clenched her fists to try and stop her hands from shaking. This was bad. They could all really die form this! She didn't want to die! Not now, not like this . . .

"W..we're gunna die aren't we. Renamon is dead too. We should of ran." Serena managed to say as she burst into tears beside Tsubaki.

The older Tamer closed her eye and took a slow, shaky breath. Don't panic . . . all panicking is going to do is just fuck us over. She couldn't show she was afraid, that would only push Serena further over the edge. Wrapping an arm around her, Tsubaki pulled the younger girl further away from the battle.

"We're not going to die," Tsubaki fought to keep her voice level. She pulled Serena close. "We'll figure something out. Just hang in there. I don't think your partner would want to see you cry, he's out there trying to stop that thing too. We'll get out of here somehow." She faintly heard something about an app download being complete, but was too focused on trying to calm Serena down to really pay attention.
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Dante's shaking hand reached for his Digivice, touching the button as Renamon's body glowed and started to change....




"R-Renamon?! You're alive" Dante stood up as Kyubimon stood up from the ground. Even from where he was, he could feel the flames coming off of her body. "Alive and more than ready to kick this thing's ass... But it's Kyubimon for now" She smirked down at her Tamer. She didn't even acknowledge Mikado. Given her low tolerance for those that were, basically, useless, it was no surprise. She moved away from the Tamers before the blue flames of her tails burned brighter, ghostly, skeletal faces showing in the flames. "Fox Tail Inferno!" The skeletal flames shot from her tail, flying towards the Gizmon and its exposed wires before each of the fireballs created a large explosion on impact.

"Come on, you overgrown toaster... I'm not finished yet!" Kyubimon taunted it. In this form, she was far faster than before. She was ready now for whatever this thing could dish out. She wasn't going to let her Tamer down again. That sadness in his eyes.. She would never let him get that way again...

Dante rose to his feet, wiping the tears from his eyes as a wide grin spread across his face. "Kick his ass, Kyubimon!" He called excitedly. He didn't even acknowledge Mikado's plan for escape. She had to be a very special kind of stupid if she thought that would have worked. She barely managed to run across the clearing. Even in a fight retreat, she'd have to keep running far longer than that. She'd collapse from exhaustion long before they got out of harm's way, and the Digimon trying to hold that thing off would likely have been picked off one by one trying to fight and retreat at the same time. Besides, this thing had already proved it was fast. It would have easily run down the slower members of the party, Mikado especially if that was her best effort at running.

When the grey blip originally came up, Dante had considered the possibility of running. He wasn't stupid, even if he seemed reckless at times. He had weighed the options. He could tell at a glance that with only a few exceptions, this group didn't have the speed or endurance for a retreat. And a fighting retreat would completely rely on a few Digimon to hold off that crawling tank alone. They'd have suffered significant casualties that way. The Digimon holding the thing off likely would have been picked off one by one before the slower members of the party got killed next. After all, Renamon was the fastest member of the group, and it had been faster than her. Ultimately, it would be either leave the weaker members behind, or stay and fight with less numbers. In either scenario, they would be right back to fighting this thing head on, or having only the fastest members escape alive.

Something this group didn't realize yet, Dante was much smarter than he was given credit for thus far. If they all got out of this alive, maybe they'd find out.
Serena Jones

Serena leaned against Tsubaki and hugged Patamon tightly as she cried, slowly calming down from what she was telling her. Sniffling she nodded slowly, still sobbing slightly, but no longer on the verge of outright giving into her fear. "Y-yeah. You're right. Comman and the rest can still save us." She replied shakily, though it was obvious Serena wasn't entirely confident in the idea, for obvious reasons seeing as their best fighter had just presumably bit the dust.

Comman grunted as the hydraulics began repairing themselves. "
Oh no you don't." He muttered. "Aim for the optics and the hover tube things, I'll focus fire on the hydraulics to keep it from moving too much!" He shouted to the rest. A valid plan as any, he thought. He couldn't let the fact that Renamon would most likely digitize get to him, what mattered now was saving Serena and the rest. Just as he was about to take up aim again he noticed a bright flash, glancing over to where it came from he thought it was Renamon digitizing, instead she seemed to of digivolved. "Well I'll be.." He muttered to himself, grinning at the sight of her attacking. Following suit he took up aim at the hydraulics once more followed by another "M16 Assault!"

The flash of light hadn't gone unnoticed by Serena either, she stared over curiously at Kyubimon. Was that Renamon and she digivolved like Professor Agumon said? Regardless she now had much more faith in them surviving this, calming down a bit more as she did.
When the Gizmon used it's lazers again Rose ran toward a different tree and took cover. After a minute, but felt like an eternity,s she looked around to see if everyone was okay. She gasped when she saw Renamon bleeding, Dante holding her. Her eyes started to tear up. Frantic she looked for Palamon, and sighed in relief when she saw Palamon using Posion Ivy on it's tubes, trying to get it's attention. Majority of the group was in fear and ready to run and honestly so was she. However she knew that this thing wouldn't let them go and that fighting was necessary. So she wiped her tears away and was about to say something, until the flash around Renamon caught her eye.

When the flash left Renamon had changed, bigger, faster, and stronger.

"That must be Digivolution." Rose whispered to herself. Suddenly she felt like things were going to be okay now.
Nathan and Wormmon gulped in unison as they watched blow after blow glance off the robotic Digimon. How the hell was this thing so durable? Takuma must have been insane to think this thing was the same level as their partners. Gizmon blew away the sticky webbing with a single laser blast, burning a hole straight through solid stone, and turned to face the duo.

"Shit!" Nathan dove to the side, scooping Wormmon into his arms, as a large laser blew through the air where they stood half a second ago. The red-headed tamer let out a long string of curses. This is bad didn't even cover a fraction of the situation. This walking death machine was taking everything they threw at it and dishing out red hot instakill lasers for everyone. Mikado was right. This wasn't something they could defeat. Running away seemed to be the only option but would it even work? This thing had near-perfect aim and could shoot through solid stone! Even if they did manage to break away this thing could shoot from fucking mars and still hit with pinpoint accuracy.

"We're all gonna die. We're all gonna die. We're all gonna die." The small Digimon had rolled itself into a protective ball in his tamer's arms, his antennae twiddling intensely with fear. Wormmon had lived in this forest long enough to know every thing that called it home and even meticulously cataloged how dangerous every denizen of the forest was. The fact that Gizmon wasn't in any of its records scared him more than anything.

A fresh wave of despair rolled over Nathan as he watched Renamon, arguably the strongest of the group, get slammed into a tree like the robot was swatting a mosquito. As another volley of lasers launched from the monster's optics, Nathan dove to cover his unaware friend, gritting his teeth as the laser originally aimed for Wormmon effortlessly pierced his shoulder. The pain was intense but Nathan couldn't afford to scream. He didn't want to risk catching Gizmon's attention. He glanced hopelessly at his comrades. This was his fault. If he hadn't insisted they could take this....this thing then maybe the group could of gotten away safely. If he had only listened to Mikado, none of this would have happened. If only-

A strange computerized voice echoed across the battlefield, derailing the train of despair that had set up in his mind. Wormmon peeked slightly out of his ball, just enough to see what had caused the voice. Suddenly Renamon began to glow in a warm yellow light, swiftly changing shape before coming to rest fully healed beside her ecstatic tamer. Wormmon let out an audible gasp.

"She digivolved!" Nathan wasn't quite sure what that meant but from Wormmon's still very frightened but hopeful tone he assumed it was good. Reaching into his pocket and whipping open the strange phone, Nathan thumbed the digivolve button over and over, hoping that somehow the two of them could be worth more than cannon fodder.
Tomiko Tomagi

She sat there silently, her eyes following the determined Gazimon as he dug holes attempting to trap the machine. She felt a little worried, but then a slight fit of anger and resentment, and then another sensation of worry. As of now, she had no clue what she was feeling towards the digimon who claimed their partnership. She hadn't known him long, but it felt like she'd known him for years. She had managed to hide it well, but he reminded her too much of her younger brother Satoshi. Hard headed, the need to be cool, his overall annoyance, the two shared everything in common yet she couldn't get over the fact that it wasn't him. This thing wasn't her brother, and he was never going to be. Being with him only reminded her of the ignorant kid she'd left behind to care for their sister by himself. It nagged at her to the point she'd yell at Gazimon, hurt him, tell him things she didn't
fully mean. Her eyes looked at him with pity, apologizing to him for having a cruel tamer such as herself.

Digivolution app download completed..."

She heard the mechanized voice, a slight shaking coming from the digivice in her hand. What the ...? She gazed down upon the device, her eyes seeing a new icon that she hadn't noticed earlier. A 'D' that hadn't been there a second ago. Professor Agumon had said something about how digivolution was a way that digimon reached higher peaks and gained more power. Leaning forward, she picked up her hand from the ground, her index finger slowly moving towards the app. She didn't know what this would do, but she was going to find out. With a click, a ray of light flashed in the hole Gazimon was currently digging.




Tomiko could hear the little rabbit as he shot up from his pitfall, his body enveloped by a white light. He was transforming, no, digivoliving!



Tomiko stared blankly as his small body stretched, his body growing immensely in size while he arm formed into larger claws on hands instead of paws. As the white light disappeared, a black creature was left in it's place followed by a deafening scream as it stretched it elongated arms and puffed it's chest. No way. That couldn't have been Gazimon. Her digivice fell from her hand as she saw him, his four eyes glowing red while his crimson nails glinted in the sunlight. Looking closely at his face, she could see his sharpened fangs covered in saliva along with tiny pair of sunglasses that covered an eye as he roared, the strength of his howl pushing her back further into the bushes. Wait, he wasn't roaring. Listening closely she could hear him repeat something with each howl.

I ... AM ... STRONG! I ... AM ... STRONG!" he screamed, tears stinging her eyes as they slowly fell. She had did this to him. She had made him like this. She didn't care about his appearance, but he was not the Gazimon she had known. He hadn't even looked in her general direction to show off his new digivolution. Who was he now? He roared once more before his tattered wings lifted him off the ground, his claws glowing a bright sinister red. Locking on to the mechanical Gizmon, he lifted his hand calling out his attack before bringing his nails down on the mechanized digimon.

CRIMSON NAIL!" he yelled, unconcerned about the newly digivolved fox digimon who battled alongside him.

With that, he launched a barrage of attacks, his nails attempting to rip the digimon open. What had she done? Tomiko picked up her digivice and ran through the trees, Gazimon's wings breaking branches as his current size was too big for the small area they had been fighting in. What to do? What the hell could she do!? She ran through the bushes towards the front of ... Devidramon.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" she cried. That thing wasn't Gazimon. It was her.

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Mikado Saris

As she was attempting to muster up some kind of retreat she was momentarily blinded as the wounded fox next to her suddenly began to glow vibrantly. She fell back onto her butt, an arm covering her eyes as the digimon changed right in front of her. It went from the bipedal fox into something straight out of her games. As suddenly as it began the light died down and all that was left was the large nine-tailed fox declaring itself Kyubimon. She looked over at Dante as he expressed his surprise and joy at the revitalization of his partner. She took this chance to get back to her feet, staring at the digimon with wide eyes. So this was that digivolving the professor mentioned. They might stand a chance with this.

Her gaze followed after Kyubimon as it charged into battle, belting out an attack that far surpassed anything they had used prior. Ryu, for his part, took several strides back to make sure Kyubimon had ample room to fight. He knew better than to needlessly throw himself into a fight with a Champion level digimon. He had mixed emotions over the sudden digivolution. On the one hand this would likely be what saves all of their lives. On the other hand he couldn't help but be a tad jealous that his bond with Mikado wasn't at the same level as Dante and Renamon. She shook his head in an attempt to shake off these distracting thoughts. That sort of thing was for when the battle was over. For now he still had to do what he could in support of Kyubimon.

Both Ryu and Mikado's attentions were stolen by the sudden second digivolution. It wasn't just Renamon, but it seemed as if Gazimon as well managed to digivolve. As the furry little digimon transformed Mikado couldn't help but bring a hand to cover her mouth as a gasp slipped past her lips "What the hell is that...?" Unlike Renamon, who transformed into a beautiful nine-tailed fox. Gazimon transformed into some terrifying looking dragon. That was hardly a change she expected. The dragon's sudden brutality towards the robot also seemed out of place from what she had seen of Gazimon. Ryu stared at the newly digivolved Devidramon. He had run into a few them in the past and was lucky to have gotten out alive. They were usually some horrifying enemies to deal with. He could only hope being paired with a tamer made this one a bit more friendly.

Even so Ryu made sure to keep a wide berth from Devidramon. He seemed a little too reckless in his onslaught of the robot. "This could get very bad..." Seeing as they had two Champion level digimon he made his way back over towards Mikado and Dante. Mikado reluctantly tore her gaze off the berserking dragon and focused her attention on Ryu as he ran up. "R-ryu, what is that?" She shakily raised her hand and pointed at the black dragon, giving it another fear-filled gaze as it slammed it's claws into the robot. "That's Deivdramon. Usually a very, very bad digimon to run across. Let's just hope it's still the good old Gazimon we know and love otherwise we're in for an even worse time." Ryu gave his explanation as he came up to Mikado's side, turning his attention on the dragon as well. Only time would tell whether or not Devidramon would become an enemy.

Ryu turned his attention up towards the other tamer, figuring it was only right to give Dante a bit of advice. "If Devidramon does go berserk, Dante, Kyubimon is the only one that has any hope of stopping him. You should prepare yourself for that possibility." He wasn't as critical of the boy's methods as Mikado seemed to be. After all fighting was a big part of his life and he respected others for taking a stand even when they were too weak to do anything. Even so the situation they were in had the possibility of getting significantly worse, and seeing as how Dante was the only other one to make his digimon digivolve it would come down to him if things did go south.

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Soren watched the action unfold keeping as hidden as he could. He hoped that that weird mech-thing hadn't spotted him, but the scything lasers began to burn through the tree he was hiding behind. "Let's go," he whispered to Coronamon, who nodded, and they dove behind another tree as the one they had been hiding behind disappeared in a burst of static. "What is that?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before in my life. It's hurting those people, though, we should help the-"

"Hold on just a second. Look at their attacks. They're hardly damaging it at all. I don't know how much damage you'd do, because you use flame-based attacks, but there's no good throwing ourselves into the fight if we can't beat it yet." He watched the Digivolution of the two digimon and took a step back. "That's impressive. Who are they."

"Kyubimon, a Mythical Animal Data-type digimon is the fox-looking one. The other one is Devidramon, a Dark Dragon Virus-type, and it kind of looks like it's out of control." Coronamon replied.

"That's not good. I don't know if it's a good idea to help out. We could get pretty beat up. If Devidramon is out of control trying to destroy that thing, then if you go attack it you'd get hurt too, or that thing might attack you, or-" Coronamon stopped him.

"My turn to interrupt. I'll be fine. It's my job to protect you, and if they are out of control and attacking you, I need to stop it. I'm not totally defenseless; I can take care of myself. Besides," a spark of mischief kindled in his eye, "I haven't even showed you my strength. You're just going to have to trust me, and hope it all works out." Coronamon smiled. Soren stood there for a moment, but it seemed like much longer. He smiled back.

"All right Coronamon. Just... come back." Soren said. He'd never had anyone who'd paid attention to him this much, or was willing to risk so much for him. The least he could do was let him do what he wanted, and support him the best he could.

"You got it, boss." Coronamon smiled again then jumped out of their hiding place. "Corona-knuckle!" Coronamon shouted. Flames encompassed his fists as he unleashed a flurry of blows the Gizumon's cables from behind, making sure to keep the Gizumon between him and the rampaging Devidramon. Hopefully the flames would weaken the metal being. A sudden thought occurred to Soren, and he stepped out of hiding.

"Watch out for it's PT-Helix attack, You're close enough that it would hit you for sure." Coronamon nodded, and jumped back a little bit. His body became engulfed in flames and he shouted, "Petit Prominence!" preparing to defend himself.



Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki nodded as Serena began to calm down. The older Tamer still had no idea exactly how they'd get out of this mess, but at least she'd helped keep Serena from outright panicking. Sighing, her crimson eye moved down to look at Patamon. The little digimon was squirming in the girl's grasp, trying to wiggle out. "S-Serena, you're squishing me." He finally gasped out.

Tsubaki went to say something, but a bright flash caught her attention. She turned to look at where it'd come from. Had Renamon really met her end so soon? Would Dante even be able to handle losing his partner? The Tamer blinked when she saw Kyubimon standing where Renamon just was. The digimon had changed, becoming a kitsune, a legendary nine tailed fox. Was this the digivolution Professor Agumon had been talking about earlier?

"Kick his ass, Kyubimon!" Dante yelled, cheering his revived partner on.

She couldn't help but grin. They had a chance now! A real, fighting chance against whatever this thing was. "Teach that bastard a lesson!" Tsubaki called, adding to Dante's cheers. There was another bright flash. Another digimon's evolving? Gizmon wasn't going to stand a chance against two higher level digimon.

Wait . . . That grin slowly vanished. Something was very wrong. It wasn't Devidramon's appearance, as intimidating as it was. No, it looked like he'd lost control. Tsubaki took a hesitant step back, if Devidramon didn't snap out of it chances are he'd target the group of Tamers next. So much for being saved.
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The Gizmon attempted to raise its blades up once more, but Comman's sustained rate of fire with his M16 prevented it from regenerating completely. As it shuddered in its attempts to move, Kyubimon's flames smashed into its metal hull. The ghostly flames seared its metallic shell and left spots of bright orange where they had impacted.

The situation only got worse for the artificial being when the Devidramon had charged forward with its blood-red claws. They tore through the heated metal and exposed the Gizmon's internal systems. As it launched a flurry of rending slashes with its claws the Gizmon detected another presence. A certain lion-like Digimon who harnessed the power of the sun. Although he was just a rookie, even his flames began to melt the casing on the cables he had targeted.

"Fa-tal er-ror! Fa-tal er-ror!" It droned on as the Devidramon's claws were coated in the black coolant that circulated through its body. It could no longer process anything, and soon the light in its optics went dark. Though, its death most likely went unnoticed to the former Gazimon.

Takuma carried his wounded partner with him as he watched the events unfold. As the Gizmon's body soon started to fade away into data, he looked upon the rampaging Champion with uncertainty. Seeing the jovial, although strange creature turn into a demonic dragon was certainly a surprise. Professor Agumon looked on, however, not with doubt or fear but with an inquisitive eye.

The two digivice's circular displays had changed when the Digivolution app was unlocked. A small red 'X' remained on the central portion of the screen. It had a border around it that seemed to slowly disappear as time went on. Like the central screen, it seemed that digivice's circular display was also a touch screen.

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