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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

Mikado Saris

Mikado was close behind the boy, too afraid to risk falling behind and being left with just Ryu. As she was always told, there's safety in numbers. Seeing the boy ahead of her drop to his knees she figured they had arrived at their destination and hid behind a nearby tree. "Are we there?" She looked down at her companion wondering if a fight was about to break out. "Seems so, stay here and let us handle this." Ryu moved closer to the apparent leader and Doru, fully ready and willing to play his part in this assault. While typically he would lead the charge he was not above following the plans of others, if he agreed with them. Fortunately for this Takuma fellow, he did agree and as such remained on standby. Ryu wasn't fond of how quiet and reserved the boy was being, but a solid plan was a solid plan regardless of it's source. "Ready when you are."

Ryu crept forward while keeping tabs on where Doru was aiming in order to get an idea of where the enemy might fall. He studied every bit of terrain from their position towards the target. For plans like this to work the assault troops had to be able to move in quickly and that meant knowing the terrain. The tension was high as he waited for the two other digimon to open fire. Soon enough Doru fired his shot and Ryu was off. For better or worse he trusted the ability of his newfound comrades and wasn't about to wait until the shot hit it's mark before making his move. He was already half-way towards the target tree when the metal sphere hit it's mark and threw one of the Goblimon to the ground.

"Iai Blade!" Ryu shouted as he leapt towards the downed Goblimon. Upon nearing the target he opened his mouth and a long, slender piece of metal formed much in the same way as Doru's metal sphere. The blade quickly shot forth towards the Goblimon's chest as Ryu followed up with a headbutt.

Meanwhile Mikado was hiding behind her tree, not daring to defy Ryu's order. She did, however, dare to peak around and see what exactly was going on. She quickly spotted Ryu charging towards what appeared to be some creepy goblin monster. "You can do it, Ryu!" She whispered quietly under her breath, afraid of drawing the bad guys attention should she shout it loud enough for Ryu to actually hear. It was the thought that count.

@Colt556 @A Guileless Fable @GasMaskie @One Mean Ghost

Serena Jones

Serena and Comman soon caught up to the rest relatively easy, just in time to catch Takuma's plan in fact. "
You heard him Comman, shoot those guys outta the tree with Doru!" She declared happily. "Yeah, yeah. Just stay back." He replied before drawing his gun and crouching, aiming down the sights, waiting on Doru. Once he knocked one of them out of the tree he searched the tree-line for the other one. Meanwhile Serena came up beside Mikado and watched the action, "This is pretty cool huh?" She asked her suddenly.

Eventually he saw the other one, "
There. One of you get ready to finish it off." He told them, pointing at the Goblimon that was in the process of forming a boulder. And with that he opened fire with a barrage of bullets, hoping to either end it himself or weaken it enough for a finishing attack.
Tomiko Tomagi

If there was a God in this world the please hear my prayer. Please, and I'm begging you,please oh please shut this digimon up! Tomiko pleaded as she began ignoring her insufferable partner who continued to beg her to let him finish his initial sentence. What was so important in that sentence of his that he just had to say. If she had remembered correctly he began it with "I guess my silent treatment does work wonde...". Tomiko cringed at the thought of hearing that ending of that fragment. Feeling a pointy object poke at her leg she didn't dare to look down at her unwanted companion, the small vein that had been pulsing earlier grew larger with each word that fell from his maw. She had two options at this point. She was gonna run the chance of going crazy if she listened to anymore of his begging so she could either: A, Kill him or B, let him say what he so desperately wanted to. A led to a less painful resolution, but required delicacy and secrecy that she had yet to acquire. B was easily doable, but undoubtedly would cause her the most agony that she doubt would heal. Glancing down at the cheerful digimon, she smiled at the way his ears twitched periodically. His eye seemed larger than she had grew accustomed to, his slits were now as big as two medium sized watermelons that sparkled along with a grin that did the same. She felt something warm in her chest as she made her final decision. She knew what she had to do.

Kill him. That was the only way to get rid of this blubbering beast. Gazimon hadn't noticed, but the smile she gave him earlier was one of that only a person on the verge of insanity makes when their sanity hits the breaking point.

Gazimon, I got something for ya. " She spoke, repressing back the annoyance and anger she felt.

Finally gonna let me say it? Are ya? Are ya!?" he sang, Tomiko bloodlust growing ever so rapidly.

No, I just wanted you to -" she paused, biting her lip. With an irritated sigh she continued,"Yeah. Okay. Say it. I don't care anymore." Her reason had somehow outed her distress and irritation as the Gazimon smiled, now jumping in happiness. Oh, she was so going to regret this later. The digimon opened his mouth only to close it back again, his fur standing up while baring his teeth at an unknown enemy. Tomiko returned her attention to the front, the boy leading the group now stood awkwardly accompanied by a loud booming noise that came from further in front of them. Bypassing the kid she thought to be the leader of the group, she watched or she tried watching the events that unfolded in front of her. Okay, there was a pink blur, rustling trees with what seemed to be hiding green over sized monkeys, and people with digimon. Now what exactly was she
supposed to be looking at? It wasn't until the Dorumon shot a metal sphere at one of the rustling trees that she caught a glimpse of what was actually happening.

A large thump brought her gaze down to a fallen green barbarian. Adjusting her glasses, she got a better look at the flat green humanoid. It was a Goblinmon, one of those things that had gave her the scratch on her cheek. A devious smile ran across her lips finding enjoyment in the pain brought to the bulky digimon. Even if it wasn't the same exact one, she could still find satisfaction in the suffering of it's species. Looking left, she saw the thing she thought was a pink blur now a standing angrily with something string like on it's ... it's shoes? Shoe hands? Upon further examination, the creature, or digimon, was a hideously ugly highlighted monkey wearing red visors with electrical sneakers. Sneakers. Hands. She couldn't get past it's outrageous appearance. Tomiko was disturbed and angered by the poor usage of good looking shoes. Such a waste. Maybe she could take them when this was all over. Minus all the sticky string stuff.

What should I do? " Gazimon asked, tapping his tamer's shoulder.

Tomiko was thoroughly surprised to see how serious and not cool he was being, which reminded her of something. Gazimon wasn't talking. He was actually making sense for once. Awesome, there was a God. Tomiko investigated the situation, hearing the blue haired leader boy shout orders from afar. If she heard right, Dorumon and Commandramon would be handling aerial attacks as shown with Dorumon flying metal sphere earlier. Renamon, Gazimon, and Ryudamon were charged with attacking digimon on the ground. Seeing as Ryudamon had already shot a metal sickle at the fallen Goblimon she would have to either deal with the unorthodox monkey thing or wait for the other Goblimon to fall down as well.

"Gazimon. Other than that black mist you spewed from your mouth earlier, what other abilities do you have?" she asked wanting to fully utilize her partner ability to the fullest.

Other than Paralyze Breath I can use Pitfall which is basically making a hole under enemies." He stated. Sneaky attacks for one as bold and daring as him.

"Understood. I don't like meddling in on unnecessary squabbles but seeing as I'm already in an unwanted predicament I don't think I have a choice in the matter. So this is what we're gonna do." She paused for a moment hearing gunfire coming from her initial position. The bullets flew up to attack another Goblimon who met the same fate as his companion. Okay, change in plans.

Never mind, change in plans. I'm gonna throw you over there and I want you to use your Paralyze Breath on that thing. I'll follow behind you, so when I give the signal I want you to start randomly digging holes in the ground. The monkey is fast, but even he can't avoid dozens of pitfalls." she smirked.

Got i... Wait, you're gonna do what -- To late. Here ya GO!" she chirped as she lifted the rabbit performing her Tomiko's Stranger Molestation Protection Series: #41 Super Powered Canon Throw to launch him at the unsuspecting Goblimon. Why me! he thought as he flew pass the Goblimon, maneuvering himself to front so that his feet would land on the tree rather than his face. With a thump he found himself sideways on the tree behind the fallen Goblimon.

Paralyze Breath!" he squealed, releasing the black fog out of his mouth, completely paralyzing the goblin digimon. Taking a step out of her hiding spot, she gave Gazimon a thumb up returning back behind the tree she hid behind, the beast angered by his tamer's lack of effort.

Are you kidding me!? You said you would come out and give me the signal!" He reminded.

I never specified how far I'd come out. Omega goooood luck out there!" she said giving the Gazimon another out of place thumbs up. With a low growl, he gave a weak smile thinking that he still would be able to tell her what he wanted to earlier. Having that in mind, he began digging furiously knowing that one of these holes would trip that speedy Targetmon.

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The Goblimon who had fallen prey to Doru's Metal Cannon attack could only gaze in horror as the dragonic Digimon launched a blade into his chest. It took longer to register the pain, although the shock still hadn't disappeared until Ryu's headbutt drove the blade in further. He cried out in pain as he exploded into data.

His companion in the trees didn't fare any better, as Gazimon's paralytic breath made him an even easier target for Comman's hailstorm of bullets. They punched holes through its virtual body but the Goblimon still lived. Patches of static patterns corresponded to the areas where bullets had ripped through his body. The Goblimon took one last look at his boss and of the Gazimon who had already begun preparing for a counterattack. As he fell from the tree, he wondered what sort of life he'd live next...

"Damn it, another one gone! Still got enough time to escape after I delete one of 'em though." Targetmon muttered as he launched off at high speeds towards the wounded young woman and her Patamon. Perhaps it was rage consuming him, for the Targetmon did not take heed to Gazimon's movements. As he zipped around the area in a zig-zag, one of the Gazimon's disguised holes suddenly revealed itself. He was too quick to fall in but he did however trip as the one hand collided with the hole. This sudden blunder ruined his concentration and the electrical field around him dissipated as he flew into a tree and landed on his back.

"Uggghhhh...." The monkey groaned in pain, dazed after the impact. If there was ever a time to launch an all-out attack, it'd be now.

@One Mean Ghost




@Whyte mail


Far off, in the depths of the forest, something stirred. Two optics flashed in the shadows of the forest as a machine slowly scanned the immediate area and advanced forward with meticulous precision.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki watched in a mild shock as the two Goblimon were quickly brought down. Looks like help's arrived. And in the nick of time no less. Hopefully that meant there were other humans with them, and if she's really lucky, one of them will have a first aid kit. She winced a little as she touched the still bleeding wound on her head. Why won't it stop already?

The crackle of electricity interrupted her thoughts. Tsubaki's eyes widened as she saw Targetmon begin his charge at her. There was no way she could get out of the way in time. Holding her arms up in defense, she shut her eyes and turned her head away.

Patamon saw the enraged primate's charge at the same time his Tamer did. "Tsubaki!" He yelled out before diving between the two to take the blow instead.

A loud crash. A pained moan. Both Tamer and digimon looked to see the state Targetmon had ended up in. She didn't have much time to process everything that was going on. She just reacted as her Crimson hue narrowed into a glare at the dazed digimon. "Don't let him get up, Patamon."

Her partner nodded, taking a sharp breath. "Air shot!" He began launching a barrage of compressed air bullets at Targetmon.

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Dante and Renamon had hid behind a tree, long enough to assess the target. "I don't like the look of that charge.. I got hit with a taser once before, I sure as hell never want to do that again... "He grumbled narrowing his eyes. He could already tell this guy was much tougher than any of the Goblimon. As much as he wanted to ensure everyone was safe, he had to be cautious. With one arm, his defense was cut in half, after all... "A taser?" Renamon asked confused. "Basically a little device that shoots electricity into you"

"that sounds painful..."

"It is.. trust me on that.."

Targetmon began its attack, causing Dante to grit his teeth. He ran multiple ideas through his head to stop it, but none would work in time! Thankfully Gazimon managed to slow it down. Dante let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Looks like that's our chance. Go for it!" Dante smirked up at Renamon as she nodded, leaping into the air over Targetmon. "Diamond Storm!"

Shards of diamonds rained down towards the momentarily disoriented Targetmon as Patamon's air shots kept it from moving. Dante moved up next to Tsubaki and Patamon, adjusting his jacket so his broken arm was hidden in the sleeve. If you looked at him, you wouldn't be able to tell his arm was as messed up as it really was. The worst thing you could ever do is let your opponent see a weakness, after all.

"Are you two alright?"
He asked, though his gaze never left Targetmon. If it tried to keep charging this way, it would have to get through him before Dante would let him hurt anyone else... For some reason, it seemed like Dante didn't care what happened to his body, as long as no one else got hurt... But even his body had limits, though, and he was pushing them righteously. He had been going full tilt since the fighting started, after all..

Mikado Saris

Mikado's attention was briefly drawn away from the fight as the young girl decided to pick the same tree to hide behind. She didn't like the idea of a mere child running around in situations like this, but then again if the powers that be chose her there's no reason a child would be out the question. Still, whoever was in charge of recruitment really should be fired. "This is pretty cool huh?" Cool? Really? Well she had heard that children were more open to new ideas so maybe this was just proof of that. "Not the word I'd use for it, but sure..." She turned her attention back towards the fight at hand, watching as Ryu seemed to be driving a blade of some kind into the chest of one of the goblin looking things.

She gave a little fist pump as the creature vanished into little bits of data, her companion appearing to come out victorious. Her joy was only compounded as she watched the two other digimon tag-team to take out the other goblin thing. If she had heard right it was only those two in the tree, so that meant the four of them had dispatched both enemies. Seeing the second creature fall to Comman's hail of bullets she let out a cry of joy and came out from behind her tree. "They did it! Good job Ryu!" She shouted the second part, wanting to make sure her companion heard this part. She just met the little digimon but proved to be every bit as strong and capable as his name had implied.

She quickly spun back towards the little girl, grinning ear to ear. "Did you see that? Ryu easily finished off that goblin." She crossed her arms under her chest, oh so not subtly pushing them up in the process before continuing. "Truly a digimon worthy of having someone as pretty as me for a tamer." Her unnecessary self-gratitude was cut short as her digivice beeped within her pocket. Curious as to what that might be about she dropped her air of superiority and pulled out the device, flipping it open and looking at it. "Oh... right..." She was immediately reminded by that remaining dot that it had been three enemies, not two. So there was still another bad-guy up ahead harassing the other group. Seeing and hearing of nothing but goblimon she figured the last one was just another one of those. She looked over her shoulder at the blue haired boy while putting her digivice back into her pocket. "Hey uh... Takeda, let's move up and help the others. With how easily our digimon took out those green things this should be a cinch." As she spoke she made her way towards the blue haired boy, figuring their job over here was done now.

@GasMaskie @One Mean Ghost @A Guileless Fable @Colt556

Serena Jones

"Maybe you're just boring then." Serena teased Mikado before turning her attention back to the fight. It was relatively quick but extremely exciting and entertaining to Serena nonetheless despite the very real possibility of getting severely injured. She especially liked Comman and Gazimon's team-work. Though really, all of them were extremely cool and stuff. "Yeah! That was awesome! Good job guys! Nice shooting Comman!" Serena cheered along with Mikado. Serena giggled at Mikado, "Yeah, he was awesome too! But did you see Comman? He was all, pew pew pew, and then they fell over." She told her, doing her best to assert that Comman was, infact, the best out of all of them.

Comman stopped firing as soon as the Goblimon fell out of the tree, he looked in the general direction for a few minutes longer before nodding to himself and standing. With that he walked back over to Serena before directing her towards the rest. "She's right. We still have one target left. We can rest after we take it down." He stated whilst walking towards the rest of the group slowly. "Faster we get there, faster we get this over with. With any luck it'll be another easy win." He added, holding his gun at the ready and walking slowly into the bushes to get closer to the people they were trying to help.
A small groan escaped Nathan's mouth as he pulled himself upright, an ugly purple bruise beginning to form on his side from his partner's strike. Confusion flitted across the young man's face as he turned to Wormmon. Barely standing from the pain, Wormmon stood shakily in front of his tamer, a deep singed groove running down his body as if he'd been run over by a flaming wheel. How could they have gotten hurt? This was HIS dream. HE was in control....Wasn't he?

"It's...it's not a dream." The teen muttered, the words sticking to his tongue like glue as realization flooded his eyes. This wasn't some magical fantasy world, it was real. Wormmon was real, the other humans were real and, most importantly, Targetmon was real. Nathan's body began to shake at the thought of what would have happened if Wormmon hadn't pushed him out of the way...no. He couldn't be scared, even at a time like this. Even if this wasn't a dream he was still the chosen one dammit! Nathan scrambled off the ground towards his partner, carefully scooping the injured digimon into his arms.

"Wormmon! You o.k buddy?" Wormmon nodded weakly, small strands of webbing still hanging from his mandibles.

"Oh good, I did save you. I was scared...." The digimon let out a cough, small bits of purple blood and binary code splashing against the ground. "I wouldn't make it in time." A loud crash broke the sentimental scene as Targetmon slammed hard into a tree. The rest of the Digimon, hopefully allies, had taken to a full out assault on the finally still primate.

"Nebaneba Net!" Another sticky net, this one considerably smaller than the last, shot towards Targetmon, aiming to pin his sneaker hands to the tree. Nathan ran over to the small group of humans, clutching his side. They all looked a little worse for wear.

"Is everyone alright? Wormmon, do you have enough silk to make some bandages? This girl's head if bleeding pretty bad." Wormmon nodded, spinning out a small pile of silken cloths and bandages. Nathan handed them out to everyone, placing one carefully onto Tsubaki's head.

"Soooo, are just not gonna talk about that crazy ass monkey thing? I mean, it has feet for hands." He motioned to Targetmon, legs ready to spring out of the way of some final attack.
Mikado Saris

Ryu wasn't about to stand around waiting for permission from the group. There was still an enemy that needed to be dealt with and time is always of the essence on the battlefield. With Gazimon's pitfall tripping up Targetmon this was the perfect chance to get a good hit in. Ryu moved quickly to get into position, using a semi uprooted tree stump as a platform to launch himself into the air. Seeing the dazed Targetmon he quickly took aim and with another cry of "Iai Blade!" he let loose another iron blade towards the enemy. Upon landing he broke into a quick sprint towards the second group of humans and their digimon. As he drew near Renamon he came to a stop, firing off a second blade for good measure before turning his attention to the other digimon. "I recognize this guy, despite his looks he's a champion level digimon. If we don't do something we're going to be in real bad shape." Ryu cast a quick glance back in the direction he came from, somewhat worried about being so far from Mikado. He quickly shook his head to focus, there was only the one enemy and it wasn't one he could afford to take lightly.

While Ryu was fighting Mikado was cautiously making her way around the battlefield, her eyes glued to her digivice to make sure she kept a wide berth from the red dot. With no other enemies showing up she felt fairly safe making her way towards the second group. "Just that one red dot still.." Even with the distance she was keeping she still kept her voice low, there was always the possibility of a stealthed enemy. She couldn't help but shiver at the idea that this world might have rogue-like creatures that are just waiting to pop up behind you and stab you in the back. The whole place seemed fantastical enough as it was so that prospect seemed like a real possibility and that's exactly what made it such a scary idea. Soon enough her round-about path yielded results and as she came around a tree she spotted humans she hadn't seen before. Giving her digivice another look confirmed her suspicions, this was indeed the second group. She picked up her pace and did a sort of crouch-run as she made her way over to the one member she actually did recognize.

"Dante, right? You shouldn't run ahead like that!" She hissed in a whispered breath, not wanting to be too loud for fear of drawing attention from the creepy monkey. She knelt down next to the boy, taking a good look at at the wounded girl. Her breathing quickened as the seriousness of the situation began to dawn on her. They had only just arrived in this strange world and they already had injured. The fact that they may actually die was a very real possibility. As fear of this realization crept over her she couldn't do anything. She was frozen in place, staring at the blood from the girl's wound as the battle raged on nearby.



Tsubaki Mifune

"Diamond Storm!" Tsubaki looked up to see the fox-like digimon rain shards of diamond onto the stunned Targetmon. The way they caught the light made for an impressive display. Hopefully the strike was nearly as powerful as it looked. If it wasn't, well, at least they had some help now. She looked up at Dante as he asked if she was alright, noticing how bruised his hand was. "I'll live," she replied with a small shrug. Sure, she had a bit of a concussion and was still bleeding, but it could have been much worse. It should have been much worse.

"Tch, ow!" She winced, pulling away a little from the bandage Nathan was trying to use. Realizing what it was, she sighed and relaxed a little. "At least say something before walking up on someone's blind side..." Tsubaki muttered under her breath. Not that she wasn't thankful for the help. He just scared her is all. "Hey, you're partner took a nasty hit back there, how's he holding up?" She asked, remembering the Wormmon knocking his Tamer out of the way.

A fourth Tamer showed up, scolding the black haired male for rushing on ahead. While it may have been reckless, it might have just saved the small group. Tsubaki noticed that Mikado had froze up a little, staring down at her injury. With a possibly forced smile, Tsubaki waved her off. "Don't worry, cuts on the head always look worse than they are." Having a more morbid curiosity paid off sometimes.

Tomiko Tomagi

Tomiko watched silently as the black haired boy with the broken arm rushed across the field to save the girl with a head injury lying near the edge. Was he trying to be a hero or something? His arm was already in bad shape from what she had seen of it earlier, although looking at it now, it was hard to tell seeing as he used his jacket to cover most of it. Nonetheless, she was sure that the constant activity had to put a lot of unnecessary strain on his damaged arm which was probably causing him a great deal of pain. And if he didn't feel it now he'd be feeling a whole lot of it later. Taking a step back pushing herself deeper into the forest, Tomiko couldn't help but feel a slight annoyance when looking at the stranger kid. For some reason, she had always held a great dislike of the heroic type, or those who did every little thing in the name of helping someone else or to fulfill their own idea of justice. She simply did not take well to the concept of putting your life in danger for a person you didn't even know. A coward she may be, but a coward is normally the one left to tell the tale of the hero since they cannot tell it themselves. Well, maybe it was too soon to judge him solely on this aspect. Who knows? What if he was simply a fool with a good heart, but then again, it takes a fool to be a hero. Chewing the inside of her cheek, she glanced down at the digivice in her hand, two clumps of green dots forming together on either side of the large clearing while the red dot remain motionless other than a few shaking sequences that she assumed had to be from the constant barrage of attacks it had been receiving since it'd fallen a little while ago.

Now what? Were they going to continue to attack the monkey until it died? Did death in the digital world for digimon held the same as it did in the world they originated from? No. When a digimon died they'd totally disappear. She hadn't seen it until a little while ago, the Goblimon turning into what seemed to be broken pieces of data after taking extensive damage from Ryudamon's "Iai Blade". The disappearance of the red dot became further proof that they didn't just die, but vanished all together. This left a lingering question in her mind. Now that the group had been transported from Earth to this strange realm did that mean they'd die in the same manner that the inhabitants of this world did? It was quite absurd when she thought about it, a human dying and then turning into broken bits of data. However, the idea at the moment seem quite plausible seeing as how they've been sent to this digital world after all. It would be strange if they retained their human body, and at least if they had somehow been turned into some unwarranted form of data it made how they got here a little more clearer. A sudden boom brought her attention back onto fight currently taking place. She didn't have time analyze the situation at this point. All she could do now was hope that a few more attacks from the other partner digimon would bring it down.

Sneaking around through the bushes, she heard a voice that sounded quite confused as to the weird monkey digimon. Truthfully, she had wanted to talk about the darn thing the whole time, but she had no one to talk to about it and talking about a monkey had not been her top priority. As she crept up, she heard a few more voices. One was a female who seemed to be reprimanding a person named "Dante" for his actions while the other reprimanded another for not announcing his present but then thanked them for whatever assistance they'd provided for them. Another step and she was out in the open surrounded by a group of 5. The boy who she had felt earlier annoyance was Dante she assumed, the brown haired girl along with the child of amazing height, the injured girl with white hair with red highlights at the tip, and a full blown literal red head boy. Well this was indeed a colorful bunch of individuals to say the least.

And it has hands for feet." she stated to what she had guessed to be the red head's voice from earlier. "At this point, who's to say that it's head isn't where its ass is to suppose to be." she mentioned, seeing at the pink creature was all sorts of backwards. All joke aside though, she bent over to the injured female, making sure to announce her presents as to not frighten her. Fear caused stress, unnecessary fright cause a sudden surge of stress, and all was unneeded at the moment.

Hello. My names Tomiko, and if it's alright with you can I quickly examine your head wound?" she asked politely before she explained her reasoning for it. "I don't want to touch you without your consent, but I think we should make sure that you don't have a concussion or any other form of head trauma. Do you feel light headed or sleepy at all as we speak?" shed questioned.

Tomiko was not a doctor by any means, but she did understand a few things about certain injuries like sprained ankles, head wounds, and other normal wounds that could be healed with a first aid kit. She had two siblings who often times got hurt. As their older sister, they expected her to make their problems go away, and that's exactly what she had intended to do. However, it was her first time testing her skills on someone other than them, but maybe if the wound or whatever type of damage she'd received wasn't too bad she could help relieve some of the pain.

Meanwhile, a tired Gazimon continued digging holes in the ground at a speed slower than when he had originally started.

Ha ... ha ... Hey Tim. Can I stop digging holes now?" he cried as he climbed halfway out of his current pitfall only to drop down to his face with his feet still dangling off the edge. Looking back at where he remember his tamer had been, and was thoroughly surprised to see that she had completely disappeared.

What the? Where did she go?" he wondered, the sound of multiple attacks being used caught his attention only to see a fallen Targetmon having tripped on one of the pitfalls of his making. Fully climbing out of the hole, he smirked triumphantly seeing as how he forced the fast digimon onto his feet ... hands. Whatever! He smirk didn't last for long since he decided that, like the others, he should be attacking the downed digimon as well.

Approaching Targetmon, he stopped a meter away with all paws on the ground. Taking a deep breath he yelled,"
Paralyze Breath!" The attack itself wasn't for causing damage, but it would make the digimon an easier target to hit. It also stopped him from doing any monkeying around. Although seeing as he was a champion level digimon the effects on him might not work as well as it did on the Goblimon. With that in mind he continued using Paralyze Breath figuring that more is better. Oh yes, I am a genius! Tomiko look at me now!

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"You don't need to worry about me, Mikado. I'm not usually this reckless, but it was a calculated risk... I knew you and the others could handle yourselves, but I had a bad feeling what was waiting here. I took a chance and it paid off..." He smiled reassuringly over at her. It was true, he was in a great deal of pain still from his broken forearm, as he would likely be for some time. However, that didn't stop him from purposely standing between Targetmon and the other Tamers. He wasn't going to let his pain show through. She might find it strange that he remembered her name, after all, he seemed to be more focused on the fighting than anything, however he had made it a point to try and remember everyone's names, including the Digimon.

He glanced over his shoulder at Tomiko. "If you can, try and move her and the other wounded behind the trees... If by some off chance this monkey survives this attack, I have little doubt he's going to make a beeline for what he believes is the weakest link here, and that's us Tamers." he suggested. He did not know the boy who seemed to have bruised his side (Nathan), but between him and the girl on the ground (Tsubaki), this rather motley crew would be a prime target if Targetmon wanted an easy attack option. Of course, if that damned dirty ape tried that, Dante would have his size 12 boots ready to answer the attack.

Many would wonder, and with good reason, why a seventeen year old boy would charge headlong into danger to protect people he hardly even knew. Dante grew up with something missing from his life. A Father. You see, although both parents were very much alive, his father was constantly working, to the point a younger Dante often forgot he had a father. Mr. Enferno was a highly regarded technology specialist, and he was often ferried around between various locations to provide his unparalleled expertise on projects. This, as you might expect, resulted in numerous moves for Dante and his mother.

His mother, quite wisely, knew that her son needed something constant in his life. Once he turned five, she enrolled him in Karate. Every time they up and relocated, Dante started all over at a new Dojo. Now, not every place had Karate, so when he was still young he also got a little training in Judo and Jiu Jitsu, as well as a little Tae Kwon Do. When he reached his teens, he had managed to gain a black belt in Karate and Tae Kwon Do, and was progressing quite well through Judo and Jiu Jitsu. About the time he was fourteen, he started taking up Muy Thai Kickboxing, and even dabbled in Kendo for awhile, in addition to the other arts he had trained in. You could say most of his life was spent in some dojo or other. Martial arts was the one constant in Dante's life. No matter where he went, he had a dojo to go to.

Now, moving around all the time made schooling rather difficult. There was always an adjustment period for him, but usually he adjusted rather well. He earned very good grades in school, his discipline largely attributed to his studying of martial arts. However, Dante had another motivator to excel academically. At home, his father was often very abrasive. He seemed to speak more in grunts than actual English, as if his mental capacity was completely expended during the long and rather arduous work days. Although he would occasionally have short conversations with his mother, Mr. Enferno scarcely noticed his son in the few hours he was both home and awake. In fact, the only real times Dante was acknowledged was when report cards came in. All A's actually earned him a bit of praise from his father. However, as he grew, even that small bit of acknowledgement diminished to scarcely even a glance.

Dante didn't really know what to do. No matter what he did, his father never seemed to care. It left him feeling like he didn't have a purpose. It was around the time he was fourteen that he developed the alias The_Prodigal_Son. More importantly, however, it was at this age that Dante had his first run in with a serious bully. Now, name-calling and other such playground antics were not uncommon. Those kinds of bullies Dante just largely ignored. It was at this age when he first realized what it meant to fight to protect someone else.

In an all too familiar scene, Dante was in his first week at a new school. In this particular school, the kids had divided themselves up into various cliques that were very tight knit, and often were at odds with each other. One boy befriended Dante early on. That boy was David, and he belonged to, well, the nerds. As you might expect, where there are nerds, there are bullies. Enter Francis, a boy that seemed to have grown like a weed early in life, and bulked up to match. Francis, as fate would have it, had a particular penchant for beating the tar out of David ever other week or so, just for kicks. Dante was with David when Francis made his move.

The lumbering oaf didn't stand a chance.

Rather than abandon his friend, as most would do, Dante bested the bully and left the bully stuffed rather unceremoniously in a locker. In that moment, Dante felt like he was actually good for something, like he had a purpose. Dante was never one to enjoy watching people suffer. He didn't really care what happened to himself, either. After all, if his own father didn't care, why should he? Even if the feeling was only temporary, he just needed to feel like his existence had value. When he put himself on the line, it gave his life meaning.

That was why he was willing to put himself on the line. He could never forgive himself if he stood back and let others get hurt, because he would have failed in his purpose.

@A Guileless Fable @KageYuuki @Colt556 @Whyte mail @Anyone I missed..


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki looked up at the Tamer standing between them and the dazed Targetmon. Apparently his name was Dante. Dante . . . she'd have to try and remember that one. A new voice caught her attention as Tomiko introduced herself and asked if she could take a look at Tsubaki's injury. The Tamer gave her a small smile, "Oh trust me, I have a concussion, no doubt about that. Thankfully it shouldn't be too bad of one. I mean my eyes aren't like two different sizes right?"

Hearing Dante ask that she and Nathan move back in case something happened, the Tamer gave a small nod before carefully standing. The world wasn't spinning anymore so that was a plus. Turning, she offered a hand to Nathan before leaving the clearing. Hopefully with the others there Patamon and that Agumon should be fine.

The shards of Renamon's Diamond Storm pierced through the downed Targetmon's skin like knives and left behind the queer static-covered wounds as one might expect by now. There was no twitching, no heaving of the chest and despite the attack it didn't seem like the monkey was going to explode into data like his henchmen. Professor Agumon ran up to the group, panting slightly after his last attack. Though even he had simply assumed that the Targetmon had lost consciousness after all that reckless fighting.

The Targetmon suddenly sprang up, quickly glancing about at the assembled Digimon and their Tamers. None of the Goblimon in his little gang had survived the encounter. He clicked his tongue and almost seemed to be preparing for an attack...

"Eeee! Eeee! No more, I give!" The odd monkey-like creature yelled as it barreled away from the group at high speeds. It seems like the sneakers on his hands weren't just for attacking either as it soon became apparent that chasing the Targetmon down would be an exercise in futility.

Streams of tears flew out of the Targetmon's eyes from underneath his curious visor. After a few minutes of full-speed sprinting, the Digimon plopped down into a sitting position and began to check his body for any lasting damage from that brief fight in-between the quiet sobs. As expected, these wounds would heal quickly, especially with his third "attack". Although, he was smart enough to know that trying to engage them again would be fighting a losing battle.

"Eeeek... those analogs were too much! Too much! A-At least I got away before they got me..." Targetmon whimpered as he slowly stood up on his own two feet and looked back from where he had run. There was no going back now.

As he wiped away the remaining tears underneath his visor the Digimon puffed out his chest and his face contorted into an surly expression. He began singing a song, something he had learned from the data that flowed in from the Analog World where those strange creatures hailed from. The song stitched up wounds, though the ones he had suffered were inconsequential at best as a result of the proliferation of Data-types in that band of misfits.

"...Looks like I'll have to take them seriously." The Targetmon muttered as he As he prepared to head back up the trees, an odd sound filled the air that could only be described as a blade piercing through the soft soil. The Digimon edged back slightly as the sounds grew louder.

Two optics flashed from within the darkness of the forest. The thing that lurched towards Targetmon slowly and the monkey froze in his tracks. Fear swelled within the Champion Digimon's chest as the being came into view. It was something like him but also something that was fundamentally wrong.

"...Tar-get ac-quired. In-i-ti-at-ing com-bat." The thing droned on, breaking down each word into syllables as if it was using some speech software to communicate. A wicked grin appeared on Targetmon's face as he took wide strides forward.

"Hehehe. You may be pretty weird looking but my shades know you're just a Rookie-level. You wanna tussle? Let's go! Time for my Digivolution!" The primate screeched as it drummed on its chest and howled. A golden energy surrounded the Targetmon as he charged towards the strange enemy and mid-charge his form had changed into that of an Etemon.


Takuma and Doru approached the small group as soon as the red blip had completely gone off-range. He pat Doru's head as he pocketed the phone-like device and folded his arms with a small grin.

"That was way easier than I expected. I mean, even if you didn't make him fade away like the rest of those Goblimon, at least we're safe for the time being right? Now we can focus on getting out of here and going home!" Takuma grinned, the last hour or so had been rather fun but now that the 'final boss' of the forest had been defeated they'd be able to leave. Right?

"Going home gya? Well... we'll see, we can sort this all out at WiZ City gya. I, Professor Agumon, thank you all for your help saving me gya. I haven't done field work in years and I severely underestimated the dangers of this area. " He had some knowledge of their situation, although the scholar believed that having them sitting and in a safe environment would probably be the best way to break the news to them. This was the first time he had ever seen analog beings up close and personal but they genuinely seemed like good people.

The scholar beckoned the assembled humans to follow him as he began walking towards the path he had strayed from when Targetmon and his henchmen had leapt out from the trees to attack him. Such attacks were common and was one of the reasons why many avoided the forest. A few of his hardier students, however, often lured the Goblimon into a false sense of security before beating them down for practice.
@ everyone

Serena Jones

By the time Comman and Serena had met up with the rest of the group Targetmon had already left and they made it just in time to catch Professor Agumons' introduction. "
You're welcome, right Comman?" She told Agumon happily. Comman nodded, "Yeah..right. Even if we didn't exactly know we were.." He replied, mumbling the last bit lowly. The two followed Professor Agumon and the rest down the path, at that point Serena realized there were more people in their group. One of which was injured but looked like they were being taken care of nonetheless.

She also pegged this as a perfect time for introductions seeing as everyone was grouped up and things had calmed down, so, she did just that. "Seeing as we didn't get to really introduce ourselves earlier, why not now? I'm Serena and this is Comman! Nice to meet you everyone." She greeted happily, excited to have so many potential friends, even if they were kinda being forced to travel together for the time being.
Mikado Saris

Ryu couldn't help but cock an eyebrow as the Targetmon ran off. A Champion level digimon should have been able to put up a much greater fight. "Well, that was easier than I expected." He shook his head and made his way back towards the group and his tamer. Regardless of why Targetmon ran off the fact remained that they were spared and should get out of there while they still had the chance. As he approached the group he couldn't help but notice something off about Mikado. She seemed to be staring at the wounded girl, but not quite. It was more like she was staring off into space than anything else. He offered a quiet sigh to himself, he sure got a high maintenance tamer. Then again, looking around at the others, it seemed as if he wasn't the only one to suffer from this type of problem. As he approached Mikado he gently placed his clawed hand on her shoulder. "Snap out of it, we have to get out of here before Targetmon decides he wants a round two." He gave the girl a small shake to further get her attention. A gesture that seemed to work as Mikado slowly looked over at her partner. Taking a deep breath she gave her cheeks a light slap. "Right, sorry Ryu...."

This place was far more terrifying than she had originally thought. However with Ryu comforting her in his own way and the fact that they had a pretty large group of people and digimon she began to feel a little more at ease. They did fend off all their attackers with what seemed to be only light injuries. Not wanting to be the one that panics she took another deep breath before getting to her feet. Her attention was drawn by the aloof boy and the strange orange dinosaur in a lab-coat. She perked up noticeably at the word "home" and quickly strode over to the two. "Wait, we can go home?" The orange dinosaur's non-committal "we'll see" dampened her spirits slightly, however even the possibility of going home was still enough for her at this point. With the dinosaur leading them to some sort of city she quickly fell in line, following after them. As she walked she glanced down to her side to make sure Ryu was right with her. After seeing him fight she knew the safest place she could be was with him. Ryu, for his part, saw the uncertainty growing in his Tamer and offered her a reassuring look. "Don't worry, Mikado, on my honor as a warrior I'll protect you no matter what." She couldn't help but smile at her companion's remark.

As they walked the little girl from earlier chimed up, suggesting they introduce themselves once again. With the rush to get here and the new faces this was probably a good idea. Not wanting to appear weak in front of the others she put a bright smile on her face and gave a small flick of her hair as her eyes scanned the group. "I like that idea so I suppose I will go next. I'm Mikado and my partner here is Ryu. It's a pleasure to meet you all." Unlike the first time Ryu actually let her finish her introduction this time before adding on a bit of his own which came in the form of a small wave with an accompanying "Hey". The group was still new to him and while they did cooperate against Targetmon that didn't exactly make them friends so he didn't want to spare anymore than the bare minimum of courtesy.

"Hey, you're partner took a nasty hit back there, how's he holding up?" Nathan's eyes cast downwards to the Digimon in his lap, its breathing coming out as more of a laborious whisper more than anything. Why Wormmon cared so much about a person he just met a few hours ago he'd never know, but it was something the tamer would never forget. With a small groan he pulled himself to a standing position and took off his jacket, gently wrapping it around the small Digimon like a baby in a blanket.

"Well he's not dead but he's certainly not in tip-top shape either. That monkey really got him good. I'd say he needs medical attention but one, I'm not a doctor, and two, even if I was I don't think Digimon really share the same anatomy as us." He watched cautiously as more and more people began to flood into the thicket, each of them with their own Digimon partner. He particularly noted the good looks of the tamer of the little samurai dragon. Blonde hair, medium sized in all the right places, sparkling ruby eyes that would complement his hair. She had it all. Perhaps when things weren't so batshit crazy, his partner wasn't potentially mortally wounded, and they escaped this spooky death forest he'd talk her up a bit.

Suddenly the Targetmon leaped from the ground, tears streaming from under its visor as it bounded back into the forest. It's raucous yelling stirring Wormon from his state of unconsciousness.

"Nathan? D-Did we win?"

"Yeah buddy. We won." Wormmon let out a sigh of relief, sinking back into his fabric cocoon.

"I thought we were goners for sure." Nathan couldn't help but laugh.

"If all these guys didn't show up we probably would have been pal." He turned to the small crowd of people and Digimon, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Speaking of that, you guys really saved our bacon! Thanks for all your help! Since it seems introductions are already underway, I guess we'll go next. Names Nathan, this brave little guy is my partner, Wormmon!" He said confidently, giving a little wink to Mikado. Wormmon waved meekly from his makeshift cot.


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Dante let out the breath he was holding when the Targetmon took off. His posture relaxed, and he grinned brightly at Renamon. "Awesome work, Renamon!" He noticed she wasn't quite as pleased, she seemed almost mad for some reason. "Renamon, what's wrong?"

"He got away..."

"But we won-"

"But he got away and survived!"

Dante rested a hand on either side of Renamon's face, forcing her to look him in the eye. "That's not important. What is important is that everyone is okay. You did amazing, Renamon" He smiled softly at her, causing her to sigh a little. "I guess you're right... I still don't like the fact he got away...." she murmured carefully moving his hands away.

"Oh well, if he comes back, then we'll make sure he stays down. Sound good?" He suggested. Renamon smirked. "Sounds perfect" She agreed, walking next to him as the group followed Agumon. Not many would notice, but she was quite deliberately staying on his left side. She knew first hand how messed up his arm was. It had been a very sickly shade of purple that borderlined on black... At least the splint fit in the jacket, so no one else would really have to see how messed up his left forearm was. She was quite determined that nothing was going to hurt that arm worse. She was, quite notoriously, rather cold to anyone that tried to get close to her. For her to have taken such a liking to Dante so quickly was unheard of, but he had earned her respect faster than anyone before. Her ears perked up as introductions started all over again.

"I'm Dante, my partner here is Renamon." He lightly nudged her with his hip, causing her to smirk and return the nudge as they walked. They sure made one hell of a team. Renamon was quite grateful that, of the Tamers, she had partnered with Dante. Frankly, the other humans seemed more like useless meatshields than anything worth the fuss. The other Digimon, well some were useful. Commandramon, Dorumon, and Ryudamon were on the useful list. Even Gazimon was on there, even if he frankly annoyed Renamon to no end, and the fox would like nothing more than to drop Gazimon off a cliff sometimes... And then, of course, there were the not so usefuls, Wormmon and Patamon. They weren't bad Digimon, just that in a fight the two of them weren't exactly useful for anything other than a good diversion or an easily thrown projectile...

And of course, even if some of them were useful, that didn't necessarily mean Renamon liked them...
Roxana Lockhart

"Excuse me?" "Mm...five more minutes mom..." "Excuse me! This isn't a time to sleep!" Soon enough, Roxana let out a yawn and opened her eyes. "Sorry..." "Oh! Good you're awake!" She sat up and stretched a little. Glancing around, she panicked a little when realized this wasn't the park she was supposed to meet her friends at. And right beside here, was a strange and cute creature looking at her in a concerned manner. "Are you okay?" "Um...where am I?" "You're in the Digital world! My name's Biyomon. I'm suppose to give this to you."

Biyomon handed Roxana an odd looking device. Looking it over, it changed from black to blue with a small pink trim. Messing around with it for few minutes, she turned her attention to Biyomon. "This says I'm your tamer." "Yup!" Biyomon huh? Can I just call you Biyo?" "Sure!" This was all so confusing but hey. Looks like she had a friend. "Oh. I'm being rude. My name is Roxana." "Nice to meet you Roxana!" The two smiled and talked for a few minutes before noticing the radar. "Huh...there are a bunch of green blimps. That's gotta be something good right? Green isn't usually bad." "Well if you wanna go find where the blimps are, I'll follow!" "Thanks, Biyo." They might as well start walking. They didn't have anything else planned and finding a few allies would be helpful.
Momoki was just jumping around making the goblimons were throwing fire balls at her the entire battle against the monkey digimon.When the agumon invited them to follow she looked at Oliver,"Lets go" Momoki said walking to follow the digimon to another setting.

Fanbeemon was hiding out most of the battle.Yes a little shameful,but nothing she hasn't done before.Fanbeemon realized that she should be protecting Momo more so during the rest of the battle she fought too.After the Agumon wanted them to come and Momo followed Fanbeemon followed Momo flying over her head.

@ScaraByte (Sorry school)


Tsubaki Mifune

Patamon gave a small snort, glaring after Targetmon as he ran away. Like Renamon, he wasn't exactly a fan of the fact the monkey was able to get away. It was only a matter of time before he came back after all. Troublemakers like him never seemed to give up all that easily. But, as long as his Tamer was safe, that's all that mattered. Turning away, the little digimon hurried and jumped up into Tsubaki's arms. He smiled up at her though he wasn't sure what had painted the side of her face red, or was staining the white cloth across her forehead. Whatever it was, Patamon couldn't shake the feeling it wasn't good. "Are you okay?"

Tsubaki gave her partner a little smile, running her fingers through his short, soft hair. "I'll be alright, you don't have to worry about me."

Those big cerulean eyes continued to look up at her as they started down the path. "Of course I do, I'm supposed to protect you."

"But . . . why?" Confusion laced the Tamer's voice as she looked down at him. "I mean, we literally just met . . . I don't understand."

Patamon tilted his head slightly in confusion, "Why would I need a reason? Besides, you're my Tamer." He snuggled up against her. "What kind of partner would I be if I didn't help you?"

Tsubaki sighed, lightly petting him. The small digimon snuggled closer to her in response. It didn't make sense; hell, none of this made sense. Wake up in some strange world filled with all sorts of bizarre creatures. One of said creatures say they're supposed to be your partner. But what you're supposed to do or if or how you'll even get home, no one knows . . . She hated having absolutely no information to work on. Maybe the digimon leading them will actually have some answers. Or, you know, he could end up an enemy like that Targetmon. That was always a possibility it seemed.

Everyone beginning introductions thankfully snapped her out of the train of thought. The last thing you need to do when lost somewhere is panic. All that'll accomplish is screw you over. Royally. Wait, what was going on again? Oh yeah, introductions. Even though she listened to everyone's names, Tsubaki knew there was no way she was going to get any of them right on the first try. It was amazing enough she got Patamon's name down so quickly.

"I'm Tsubaki, this little guy's Patamon." She expected the little digimon to say something, but much to her surprise, he was dozing off. No sense in bothering him if she didn't have to.
Oliver followed Momo and her digimon Dracomon holding close to them as they walked. "Well that monkey ran away so I guess that means it will be back sometime" Dracomon said looking at where it had flee to. He seemed disappointed because of it though there wasn't really much that he could do to attack it with fire in the way and other possible targets. "Don't worry too much Dracomon, When he returns there will be more of us. So the primate won't stand a chance, plus we'll be stronger" Oliver said with a confident smile looking at his partner.

Tomiko Tomagi

Everything was smooth sailing from there on. The hero, a nickname she gave the broken armed Dante, stood between the monkey digimon and the injured allowing the group to inch back into safety a few feet away. She felt faintly annoyed by his actions once again, but this time didn't dwell to deep on them. The fool wanted to be a hero, and who was she to get in the way of his suicidal goal? Soon after, something strange occurred, the monkey had left the group in tears. Hmm, well it seems that it held a higher intelligence than the Goblimon before it seeing as it knew to retreat. That or fear took over and it simply followed it's instincts and fled. Who knew really what went on it's mind. However, she did know that it probably wouldn't be the last time they'd encounter it. It'd definitely comeback posing as their enemy again in the near future. Releasing a sigh, she heard a familiar voice from behind her. The blue haired boy from earlier now joined the group, saying something that should certainly be their top priority. Glancing down at the girl with the head injury, she felt a little worried for her. As the girl had stated herself, she did have a concussion but it didn't seem as bad as she thought or maybe it did. She couldn't tell since blood had dried up where the knot was, obscuring its size. Tomiko wasn't sure something like this could be healed with a cold press and water. The girl may need a doctor, and now that she thought about it, so did the Hero with his broken arm. But did they even have doctors in this world? Well, even if they did, they'd problem be of no help since apparently humans were quite an oddity if she had listened to Gazimon's story correctly.

Gazimon? Speaking of that fool where was the rabbit dog creature. She could have sworn he was right -- Tomiko spoke a bit too soon. In a matter of seconds, the vibrant yet exhausted Gazimon was standing right next to her. His mouth revealed devilishly sharp canines as he grinned in a triumphant pose.

Soooo. You got anything to say to me? Ya know. Since I single-handedly stopped Targetmon in his tracks?" he reminded, placing his claw under his nose to add to his absurdity. Oh. So the digimon's name was Targetmon huh? Well that was pretty useful, naming wise.

Come on I know your just dying to -" his rant was cut short by a orange dinosaur that joined the group as to answer the blue headed boys statement. The dinosaur introduced itself as Professor Agumon before thanking them for saving him from the rowdy bunch from earlier. So going home wasn't going to be a simple task, just as she'd thought. The fact dawned on her that she could be possibly stuck here forever, being unable to see her siblings or mother again. She could live without the man, but who would take care of the children if it weren't her. Her head drooped down at her sudden realization, only to be comforted by a confusingly sympathetic Gazimon. Tomiko had the mind to shake his paws off her hand, but she couldn't. That tiny grip of his had brought about a minuscule amount of comfort, but that felt better than nothing at all.

With a small explanation from Professor Agumon, the group followed the digimon through the forest to wherever this "WiZ City" was. Tomiko would have liked to take the walk in silence to sort out a few ideas she had about this strange place, but as always, there was a wrench stuck in her plans as the little girl called for personal introductions. A sigh escaped her, as the child went on to introduce herself as Serena and the commando digimon beside her as Comman. Probably a shorter version for Commandramon which was understandable seeing as his name was quite the mouthful. Next was the brunette named Mikado along with Ryu. Hmph, they haven't even known each other for a day before they start giving out nicknames. As they continued, she could feel Gazimon slower his pace having forgotten that he was holding her hand. In embarrassment she pulled her hand away from his paw, but something wasn't quite right here. He looked tired and awfully quiet. His eyes fell slightly with each step and he stumbled from time to time. Tomiko smiled to see that the little thing was finally tired which meant she'd have his big mouth shut for the rest of the trip. Walking up, she noticed the dirt that clung to his claws, the Earth clumping together under each individual nail.
The girl sighed slowing her pace down while bending her knees in front of the tired digimon causing him to fall forward on her back.

Huh? What are ya doing?" he mumbled.

We human's call this a piggyback ride. Now shut up and go to sleep, idiot." she demanded, lifting the digimon with small thrust upward to get a better hold on him. Gazimon was slightly confused at this seemingly kind gesture made by his tamer. However, he didn't dare question her for she might throw him again. Making himself comfortable, he rested his head near the nape her neck, an ear flopping over on her shoulder while his fur tickled her a bit. A second later and the digimon fell asleep.

She growled before calming herself whispering to the unconscious Gazimon,"
You did great Gazimon. You did great."

The introduction continued going from the red head named Nathan along with his partner Wormmon, super hero boy Dante and his digimon Renamon, and ended with the injured girl named Tsubaki along with her flying piglet digimon Patamon. Seeing as how she was one of the last ones left, she decided to go next.

Apparently they were on a first name basis, so she'd start with that. "
Hello, my name's Tomiko and my ..." she hesitated for a moment before continuing on,", partner is this thing sleeping on my back, Gazimon."

Finishing her introduction, she fell silent, her footsteps now mixing in with the people's around her. As she walked, she found this group to be a little bit weird. Really. All of them easily accepted the digimon beside them as their partner, and no one really voiced their concern about going home other than the blue headed boy and Mikado. Well, she hadn't verbally voiced her own out either, but still. Some of them seemed unconcerned for the most part. This made her wonder if they even wanted to return back to Earth. Well, they didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. She'd be returning home no matter what. Tomiko was willing to sacrifice everything in order to get back to her brother and sister, she just had too. She's the only big sister they've got and she was not going to let them be alone with their father to pick up his bad habits. However, if she wanted to go back she would need to obtain information about this world. With that in mind, she slipped quietly into her thoughts, contemplating on her next course of action.
These people aren't my friends. she reminded herself before ultimately tuning out everything around her. She was going home. No matter the cost.

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Takuma kept up the pace humming along to a new song that his headphones had switched to. Once the murderous green thugs and their strange leader was gone, the forest was surprisingly nice to walk through. Takuma smiled, ranking this as the second best forest he's gotten lost in. The blue-haired youth heard faint beeping from his pocket and pulled out the Digivice. Gazing down at the radar, he called out to the rest of the group who were still walking forward along the path.

"Ah, guys. Maybe we should stop for a sec. Looks like a few more blips just showed up. Again." He waved his hands over his head to get their attention as he stopped in his tracks. It took a moment, but he realized that there were also two newcomers who were walking alongside them. Doru looked up to the radar display before brushing off his fur to look presentable - he had figured that sooner or later his Tamer would make an introduction.

"So uh, my name's Takuma Watanabe. I'm from America, I'm 17, and this little guy's my friend, Doru. Nice to meet you, Tsubaki and Nathan." He offered a friendly smile, but soon recoiled in pain as he accidentally bit down on his tongue. Doru merely brought a paw to his face, emulating the way some humans would facepalm.

"Well, as a Professor I don't accommodate for latecomers but since we'll be waiting around, I suppose I'll take it upon myself to enlighten your minds gya." The scholarly Digimon pulled out a blackboard on wheels from behind a nearby tree. Which was exceedingly strange, I mean, who hides blackboards in a forest? Professor Agumon began to draw out three circles and labeled them with symbols. When he finished, he pocketed the chalk and tapped on the completed diagram with his rod.

"Let's start with a Digimon's attributes. I'm sure you've all realized by now that as Digimon, we're all composed of data that has collected in the Digital World. A Digimon will have one of three attributes based on the data that composes them. These three attributes are: Data, Vaccine, and Virus. And much like rock-paper-scissors, they hold an advantage against one and a weakness against the other. The cycle is as follows: Data overwrites Vaccine, Vaccine is an anathema to Virus, and Virus corrupts Data. That blasted Targetmon survived because a majority of your attacks were from either Data or Virus types. Although, his status as a Champion-level Digimon also helped him survive as well. Though, I suppose you should remember this - An attribute advantage does not necessarily mean that you'll be able to fight another equally. A Greymon would still lose against a Daemon (although I have the feeling that none of you know what I'm talking about)." Professor Agumon droned on and his short lecture involved wild movements and numerous tapping on the diagram with his rod. Smoke seemed to rise from Takuma's head as he failed to understand it. His partner, however, was jotting down notes and copying down the diagram for future use.

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