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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

Blue eyes fluttered open, then winced as the bright sun pierced the through the sky.

"Where am I?" Rose thought to herself. Slowly she sat up and looked around to see that she was definitely not in her room anymore. She noticed a small device near her.

"At least I have my phone." Rose thought and grabbed it, only to realize it was not a phone, but some sort of device.

"What the heck is this?" she muttered to herself and examined it.

"Finally! I've been waiting for you!" a voice called out. Rose was so startled and jumped up and looked for a human.

"I'm down here silly!" the voice giggled. Rose looked down to see a green creature with long green arms, purple nails, and a big pink and yellow flower on top of her head.

"What are you?!" Rose asked startled, her arms defending herself.

"My name is Palamon! I'm your partner!" Palamon replied with a huge grin.

"This is obviously dream. I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten. I'll be back in my room and everything will be back to normal." Rose said, closed her eyes and counted to ten. She opened her eyes to see that Palamon was still standing there, with a smile on her face. The device beeped in her hand and Palamon's image popped up and was registered as partner.

"I guess your my partner...Palamon." Rose said and took a deep breath.

"Well my name is Rose. It's nice to meet you Palamon." Rose said and gave a small smile. Palomino grinned.

"Now that we have the introductions out of the way, let's go!" Palamon said and grabbed Rose's hand and drugged her towards a group of other people with their own creatures, all surrounding a small yellow dinosaur with a coat on.
Mikado Saris

As the group ran through introductions she noticed the redheaded boy flash her a wink. She couldn't contain the grin that spread across her lips, however she refused to give him anything beyond that little grin. Ryu took note of the exchange and rolled his eyes. "Don't get your hopes up." She shot a quick glare down at her companion accompanied by a whispered "Shut up!" before turning her attention to the rest of the group as they continued their introductions. It didn't take long for the Takeda fellow to bring their group to a stop. More blips? As in bad-guys? She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her digivice, flipping it open to see for herself what these blips were. She let out an audible sigh of relief upon seeing the blips were green, not red. That would mean there's even more people stuck in this strange world. Maybe they'd get lucky and one of them has actual medical knowledge, or a way home. "Probably not..." She let out a sigh at knowledge that it'd just be more kids like them.

She looked over at the lab-coat wearing dinosaur pulled out a blackboard. She couldn't decide whether that blackboard had been there all along, or if it was some kind of magic trick."Where'd he get that from?" She looked down at her companion, hoping maybe he had some answers. Ryu returned her look and offered a shrug. "You learn real quick not to question some of the things other digimon do. It's not worth the hassle." She raised her eyebrows slightly at the thought. "I suppose that makes sense." Not having anything more to say on the matter she turned her attention back to the professor, listening to his lecture. This really did sound like some kind of MMO. So all they had to do was make sure they used the best match-ups possible. If the enemy was a Data-type, they use a Virus-type. Makes sense, easy to remember, the only question was what were the types of their digimon and the digimon they encounter?

Well it seemed like they'd be here for at least a little while so she found a nearby tree to sit down next to, leaning back against it as she listened to the professor digimon's lecture. Ryu followed close behind, sitting down next to her. He knew most of this already so he didn't much care for the lecture, instead his gaze drifted across the group. You could learn a lot about people simply by observing them, and he intended to learn all he could about his new teammates.

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@GasMaskie @One Mean Ghost @Colt556 @A Guileless Fable @ScaraByte @WoodenZebra @KageYuuki @Whyte mail

Serena Jones

Serena listened carefully with an excited look on her face as everyone made their introductions one by one. Sitting down on the ground when Professor Agumon began his lecture she listened, partially. She was more interested in listening to everyone else. Once it seemed mostly everyone was done introducing themselves and a lecture that Serena barely understood seem to come to a lull Serena spoke up. "Nice to meet all of you! I'm sure we'll all be great friends soon for as long as we have to be here." She told them excitedly, growing even more excited at the prospect of even more people arriving that she could be friends with. Then she remembered Dante's arm, she felt bad for him, he had to be in a lot of pain right about then. Standing up she walked over to him. "How's your arm Dante? I wish I could do more to help..but I'm not really that good at first aid." She told him, frowning slightly. Comman simply sighed, he didn't like the fact of stopping in the forest after being attacked so recently. Sure they had digivices with radars, but that didn't stop the fact of being attacked.


Tsubaki Mifune

After making her introduction, Tsubaki had fallen silent. She continued petting the sleeping digimon in her arms, his short hair felt soft under her hand. He felt so warm and calm . . . even though the two of them were complete strangers the little digimon seemed to completely trust her. The teen struggled to understand why Patamon seemed to instantly have so much faith in her. Let alone risk his life to try and protect hers.

The Tamer barely even noticed the group coming to a stop, despite her unconsciously stopping as well. Being trained in military color guard, and honor guard left her unconsciously watching and the following the movements of others. It always drove her friends nuts as she constantly fell in step with them without even looking. Glancing up at the sound of the stick in Agumon's hand smacking the blackboard.

The hell did that come-? Screw it, it's not even worth questioning today. She was basically holding a giant hamster with over sized ears for wings after all.

She quietly listened to his lecture, trying to keep focused. Concussions had an tendency to make focusing on anything a nightmare. Hopefully she was right about it being minor though. Even if Tsubaki struggled with listening to the lecture, staring at the diagram on the chalkboard gave her the gist of what he wanted to tell them. Three types of digimon and they all balanced each other out. It reminded her of the weapon triangle in the strategy game she played. Axes are weak against swords, swords are weak against lances, and lances are weak against axes. While that helped to balance all the units out, there were two classes that didn't fall under either. Magic and bows. Was there going to be an exception to the digimon types like in her game?

Serena moving over to Dante caught her attention, once again causing the Tamer to lose focus. She frowned when she heard her ask about Dante's arm. "What happened to your arm?" She asked, moving closer to him. "I know a good bit about first aid if it needs looked at." She was guessing from the way his hand looked, he broke it. But when and how she didn't know.

@One Mean Ghost @Mitchs98 @GasMaskie

"So it's exactly like rock, paper, scissors except instead of a win, you just get an advantage if your type matches up right. Sounds simple enough..." Dante chuckle softly. Almost without warning, first Serena and then Tsubaki came up to him asking about his arm. Renamon moved to keep them back, but Dante rested his good hand on her shoulder. "Stand down, Renamon.... they just want to help..." He chuckled softly. Renamon sighed and reluctantly moved aside, but she glared icy daggers at both of them the second they took a step forward. It was clear from her fur standing on end that she didn't exactly trust these two around her injured Tamer..

Dante carefully pulled his left arm out of the sleeve, and unveiled the horrific sight that was his left forearm. The entirety of his forearm was a sick, nauseating shade of purple with the center, where the break occurred, being almost black. The two strong branches were keeping the broken bones set, but it was hastily tied together, and at the very least needed to be retied. "Let's just say Goblimon are actually pretty dangerous with those clubs of theirs...." Dante laughed softly at his own misfortune.

Although it was obvious the injury had to be incredibly painful, Dante laughed it off as if he just scraped his elbow.. Some of the nails in the Goblimon's club had cut his arm up pretty good too, but the wounds had mostly clotted by now and weren't bleeding much anymore. "I guess that's what I get for getting a bit cocky in a fight... You'd think I'd know better" He laughed softly, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly with his good arm. The surprising thing was, he got in a fight with Digimon and actually came out of it pretty well, given he was just a human.

Renamon sighed. "It's not a matter of knowing better. You jumped into a fight where you were outnumbered and did.... well, better than I think anyone would have thought possible for a human. Especially given the standard thus far...." She remarked. It was true, of the humans here, only Dante seemed to be really all that useful in a fight. Renamon still wasn't exactly sure they were here for. At least Dante was a fighter. The others? Maybe they were meant to be a diversion or something.... Tsubaki might be a little useful if she had medical training, maybe Tomiko for the same reason.

"I'm no better than anyone else, Renamon. I'm still a human. The only difference is my mom thought it would be a good idea to start me with martial arts training when I was five." He chuckled softly. Although some may see him trying to be a hero, he didn't see himself that way. He just watched out for others because, as far as he could tell, that was his lot in life. It's what he was good at. It was just his purpose in life.

@KageYuuki @Mitchs98 @anyone else who wants to notice this happening.
@KageYuuki @One Mean Ghost

Serena Jones

Serena winced and tensed visibly when he revealed his arm, it was much worse looking than earlier, and it had looked pretty bad earlier. She listened to him and Renamon talk, a sad yet concerned look on her face the entire time. She shook her head when he was done speaking, "Rena is right. We could've all gotten hurt worse if it wasn't for you and her. I can't fight and I'm sure I'd of been killed if I tried." She told him. "Thank you for helping us Dante." She added before hugging him gently. She then turned to Tsubaki. "He got hurt fighting more Gobli's before we found you. We got ambushed and he ran up and fought them with Rena. He was awesome!" She explained in slightly more detail than Dante.

Comman shook his head at her last comment, "
No, what he did was stupid. I can't account for Patamon but myself and Renamon could of taken care of them without him having to get injured." He told them flatly, not caring if he got a negative response of not. To him it was the truth, and he was surprised no one said it yet. "That's not true! You're mean Comman!" She shouted at him before turning back to Tsubaki and Dante, crossing her arms in a huff. Comman simply shrugged and stared on.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki watched the tensing digimon at Dante's side. She seemed very protective of him, like Patamon had become for her. However, unlike Patamon, she could easily kick Tsubaki's ass into next week. Nodding to Renamon as Dante told his partner she only wanted to help, the Tamer hoped that would be enough to calm the anxious digimon down.

Her eye narrowed as Dante showed her his arm. Yeah, it was very broken. Those Goblimon certainly weren't not the kind to mess with. "I don't have to ask whether or not you can move your hand, it's pretty clear from the bruising and swelling it's all kinds of messed up." Turning towards Serena, Tsubaki nodded at her explanation before carefully passing the younger girl the sleeping digimon she had been holding. "Could you hold onto him while I help Dante? He seems to like being pet."

No longer having to worry about the little digimon, her attention was back on Dante. Sure, her thoughts could be a little jumbled, but this needed taken care of. "Why don't you sit down for a bit?" Her voice was surprisingly calm and soft. The sight of blood and even nasty injuries never seemed to faze her. Provided she wasn't the one bleeding all over the place. Go figure. Looking around, she carefully looked over the collection of digimon. "We aren't lucky enough to have someone capable of making ice, huh?" She said before sighing. Her eye fell on the dozing Wormmon, "Hey, Nathan, Wormmon . . . you wouldn't be up to spinning some more bandages for Dante, would you?" He had made one for her, and Dante could certainly need them.

She had to pause and think this through, what all did she need? He already had a splint but it needed retied. They needed bandages to treat the cuts as well as something for a better sling. Then one long bandage to secure the sling so his arm didn't move around. What else? Water! They had to clean the wound somehow. "Anyone have some water?"

@One Mean Ghost @Mitchs98 @Whyte mail (And anyone else that wants to chip in)
Mikado Saris

Mikado looked over towards the trio discussing Dante's injury. She couldn't get a good look at his arm but based on what they were saying he took a hit from one of the goblins and probably broke it. She couldn't help but agree with Comman's remark. It was clear that whatever reason they were here for, it wasn't for fighting. The digimon could fight, they couldn't, that meant they were suppose to play some other kind of role. Having a support run out into the front lines can get your entire raid wiped real quick, and in this situation that probably meant they would all die. She couldn't help but find the idea of respawning to be more than a little unlikely so she wasn't exactly keen on the idea of a wipe. This train of thought made her curious and she turned her attention back to the orange dinosaur.

She raised her hand to help get his attention as she spoke up. "Hey uh... professor.. Do we have any special powers? Like, can we use healing magic or something?" Under any other circumstances she'd feel like a complete fool posing such a question, but there had to be a reason why they were here. If they weren't chosen for their combat ability then clearly it was because they provided support for their digimon in some form. The most obvious would be buffs or heals or something. Even asking the question she still thought the idea of them being turned into healers to be as absurd as respawning, but there had to be some kind of explanation and now was as good a time as any to find out.

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Renamon's ears lay flat when Commandramon spoke up. And just like that, he went from being viewed as an asset to just an ass. "Oh is that so? Tell me, how many of those Goblimon did you take out, hmm? Did you count how many the two of us took out? Think for a second. Do you honestly think, with the numbers we were against, that if they had swarmed you could have stopped all of them before they got to your Tamer? If you think you could, You're either arrogant or just a plain fool!" She growled, her fur fluffing up before Dante grabbed her paw from where he was sitting as per Tsubaki's request. Did Commandramon not watch Dante take down several of them for her to finish off, disarm the one that broke his arm, and then proceed to bat another out of the sky? Even for a Digimon, he had done pretty darn good, and she was proud to call him her Tamer.

"Renamon, that's enough..." Dante murmured quietly as he closed his eyes his hand squeezing her paw just a little. .

"Dante, no. I am not going to tolerate him talking like that! I-"

"It's not important. We can't go fighting amongst ourselves. Regardless of anything, the facts are simple, I jumped in the fight, I fucked up and I got hurt. I made myself a liability." He still did not open his eyes, though he did lower his head. It seemed obvious that Commandramon wasn't nearly as hard on Dante as the boy was on himself. He had tried laughing it off, but on the inside, he was ashamed that he had gotten injured enough to need this kind of attention.

Renamon slowly started to calm herself down, though she clenched her fist. Everything in her wanted to pound Commandramon into nothing but fragmented code for that insult, but Dante was right, they needed all of them, even if for some of them it wasn't apparent why just yet. She just couldn't believe Commandramon would have the audacity to say that when the safety of his Tamer could be attributed in large part to Dante drawing the swarm to himself instead of letting them get to his Tamer. Did he really think he could call himself a soldier when he could trash someone who had fought alongside him like that?

@KageYuuki @Mitchs98 @anyoneelsereadingthis
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A brief image of a certain analog being crossed the professor's mind as the young woman asked a question. But, the person in question was on another level compared to the assembled humans that were now spreading out an taking some time to tend to their wounds. He coughed into one of his oversized sleeves before beginning to speak once more.

"It's said that a Tamer can bring out their destined partner's potential by building bonds gya. But I suppose that's the extent of the 'special powers' that beings such as yourself would have Miss, gya. Though, had you all been assembled in Witchelny, perhaps you all might have picked up magic gya." His verbal tic had returned for his short answer and there seemed to be no falsehood in his voice.

Takuma rooted through the convenience store bag, pushing aside the battery pack among other strange supplies and pulled out a refreshingly cold bottle of water. Without a second thought, he threw it over to Tsubaki before he took a seat against a nearby tree. Doru tugged at his master's sleeve and Takuma found himself looking over to another new face.

"Ah, guys. Looks like we picked up another one. I'm Takuma, that's Doru..." He began listing off each of the humans and their partners as Doru began to root through the plastic bag once again, this time taking inventory of the items that had been carried over from the Real World. Takuma brought his attention back to his Digivice's radar display after he finished reciting the names of the people who had banded together in this strange little group.

"...Right, so if Red Blips are enemies, Green Blips are friendlies, then what's a Gray Blip supposed to be?"

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@KageYuuki @One Mean Ghost @GasMaskie @ anyone else

Serena Jones

Serena nodded excitedly as Tsubaki handed her Patamon, cradling him gently in her arms, in awe that such a cute creature exsisted and could even talk. Sitting down on the ground beside them all she grew silent as she was captivated with the small and adorable creature she had been handed, she petted it gently while she half listened to Tsubaki, as well as Renamon tell Comman off. Serena couldn't agree more, yet she didn't say anything. She did however look down to her water bag when Tsubaki asked if someone had water, completely forgetting she had given hers to Dante earlier. "Dante might still have my bottle that I gave him." She told them just before Takuma tossed her a water bottle. "Or that. That works." She mumbled, shrugging before turning her attention back to Patamon, half wishing she had gotten him instead of Comman. While Comman was freaking awesome, Patamon was equally adorable.

Comman sighed at Rena's outburst, waiting for both of them to stop speaking before commenting. "
I didn't mean it that way. The fact that he rushed in foolishly was what I had a problem with. Sure, he helped, and I'm grateful for it. But we could have taken them on ourselves without him having to get injured, even if he did help." He told her, clarifying himself before growing silent. Great..now my Tamer hates me and most likely the rest do as well. Whatever. She doesn't have to like me for me to protect her, none of them do. He thought to himself.
Rose smiled as she was greeted by Takuma and Doru. So these creatures were called Digimon. Clearly they were getting a lesson from the Digimon in the coat.

"It's nice to meet you Takuma and everyone else. I'm Rose and this is Palamon, my partner." Rose introduced

"Hi Takuma it's nice to meet you. I saw you guys kick those Goblimon butts! Everyone makes a great team" Palamon exclaimed and grinned. Rose noticed a commotion going on between the Renamon and Comman. Hopefully she would get to meet everyone personally later.

"So that's what this device is called." Rose thought and took out her Digivice. She noticed the grey blip as well.

"Maybe it's a neutral Digimon." Rose suggested.

"Or maybe it's an even bigger Digimon!" Palamon replied.

"Palamon they don't want to fight, they just got done fighting!" Rose explained.

"Oh, right. Yeah like Rose said, neutral." Palamon said staring at the green blip on Rose's Digivice.
Tomiko Tomagi

Tomiko slowed down along with the rest of the group, her focus still on the theories swirling around in her head. Her attention wasn't fully brought out until she heard a soft rustling accompanied by the sound of screeching wheels. She looked up only to see a chalk board being pulled out randomly in front of them. Normally this would have been a surprise, but after being transported to this god forsaken place, partnered with this snoring digimon on her back, attacked by green goblin's with clubs, and a monkey with shoes on his hands all in the span of an hour after arriving here, nothing surprised her anymore. She could see a flying pancake at this point and it wouldn't faze her. So, she pushed Gazimon a bit up her back while listening to Professor Agumon's mini lecture which gave her an idea on how attributes work. It basically worked on a system similar to a democracy which works on checks and balances. However that concept was somewhat far more complicated than what the dinosaur was explaining. Simplifying it , she compared the attributes to water, fire, and grass. Water doused fire while fire burnt grass and grass absorbed water. Each held their own ground against the opposing elements, but still weakened by the latter.

As he continued on, she felt a question develop in her head about something he said earlier. Opening her mouth, she closed it once more as her ears caught wind of the conversation next to her. She hadn't been paying attention long enough to know what happened, but she could definitely hear a bit of anger coming from the fox digimon's voice with her tamer attempting to ease her rage which seemed pointless. She was mad and nothing he seemed to say could rid her of her anger until he realized his own wrong doing. Wow. Maybe she had judged Hero a little to quickly. At least he understood what he did was idiotic and now was paying the price for it. Although it did seem like he showed little regret of his actions. If she knew his type well than she was sure that this wouldn't be the last time he'd hurt himself. As the conversation continued, she could piece together what happened. Commadramon had most likely said something about how foolish it was for him to jump in the fray when he was only a human. The dinosaur's tamer did not seemed to agree with him, but she didn't expect the little girl to. Just like Hero over there, she simply thought it to be natural for someone to save another. It was cool she guessed. Stupid and idiotic probably didn't even cross the child's mind. Tomiko silently agreed with Serena's partner, thinking at least the child had a good partner to look out for her. And seeing as how everything's been trying to kill them thus far, she'd definitely need one.

Tomiko turned her head as she heard Mikado's voice asking the orange dinosaur about whether or not they had 'special powers' to which he answered yes but no. It wasn't very clear as to what he was saying, but it seems that digimon partnered with humans held a special power within themselves that allowed them to become stronger, however, this only held true for the digimon not the human. In other words, in the relationship between digimon and humans, a digimon was like a light bulb and human the electricity. The stronger the electricity going into the light bulb, the more light the light bulb would emit. Taking that into account it brought her back to her original question.

Professor Agumon." she called softly, not wanting to wake her snoring partner. Not as a gesture of kindness, but more so for the group's but mostly her own wish not to hear his annoyingly loud mouth. " You said something about Targetmon surviving due to it being a champion level digimon, correct? If it was a champion level digimon then what does it make our current digimon? Also, you said to Mikado that we technically don't have any special powers as humans, but we do have the ability to increase our partners 'potential'. Does this potential have anything to do with these levels you had briefly mentioned earlier. Wait. I think Gazimon told me earlier what that was called." she paused, once again pushing the digimon higher on her back as to not drop him. Oh, that's it! "He called it digivolving. Does that have anything to do with the potential we give as their partners?" she questioned.

Tomiko wasn't an intellectual person by any means, but she did want to understand what her situation was in this world. She had created a theory in her head a few minutes after Professor Agumon's explanation. If what he said was true then that meant that their digimon held other 'forms' or 'bodies' other than the ones they have now. However, she couldn't fully grasp what the change was or how drastic the change could be. For all she knew, it could range from increasing size to a sharpening to a certain appendage on their body. A sudden beeping brought her gaze towards Takuma who was currently talking to himself about something on his digivice. Unable to get her own out she inched closer to the individual attempting not to intrude into his personal space, but that failed miserably as she found herself standing incredibly close to the boy. Whatever.

Gray Blip? What are you talking about." she asked, before seeing a small gray dot along with another green dot that seemed relatively close to their current location. She guessed the separated green dot was another one of them, but the gray dot was an enigma to her.

Could this possibly a neutral entity? As you said earlier, red meant enemies and green meant allies. So could it be possible that the grey meant neutral." she asked Takuma, still looking down at his radar. If it went by color scheme then gray could have been neutral, but that was most likely wishful thinking on her part. What could those grey dots mean? She was so invested in the small radar that she hadn't seen the green dot enter their own cluster, completely ignoring the appearance of another tamer along with their introduction. All she could think about was deciphering the meaning of the unusual entity depicted on Takuma's radar.

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"...An excellent question gya. As it seems, all your digimon are at the Rookie-stage which is the stage that most digimon tend to remain on their entire lives. The next stage after that is Champion Stage, and following that is Ultimate... though for some odd reason the last stage is called Mega despite ultimate meaning last, but I digress. In any case, as a Digimon climbs up the ladder it becomes harder to maintain each tier for extended periods of time. As for digivolution, that is exactly what I was referring to with my lecture. While some digimon are able to digivolve on their own, previous records indicate that a human who aids in digivolution results in an overall stronger specimen than the norm. A gold star for you." Professor Agumon moved to place a sticker on the girl, only for her to move away. His claw pressed the sticky piece of foil paper against the sleeping Gazimon's back and he shrugged it off. The Agumon pushed the blackboard back behind a tree and anyone curious enough to inspect the area would soon find that it had just vanished just like that.

Takuma took note of what the others had said. Both of the women had settled on labeling the gray marking as 'neutral'. It was approaching their position now at a slow pace and the blue-haired youth looked back at his companions who seemed to have gotten into a small argument. He cocked his head the other way and found himself staring at Gazimon's Tamer. At least for Takuma, there was a slight disconnect between her youthful appearance and the question that she had asked. She looked younger than Serena, for one despite Tim's height advantage. But Takuma was an idiot who watched tons of shows, for all he knew she could be the oldest in the group. He'd have to watch his words around her carefully.

"A-Ah, yeah. I'd say we have about five minutes before we make contact... You're not ten right?" Takuma spoke once more, somehow managing to forget what he had just resolved himself to do. Although, at the very least he managed to avoid mentioned washboards or walls. Doru looked on curiously, carefully taking note of his Tamer's tense expression and how he seemed to be preparing for the worst. Human culture was lost upon the blue-furred creature who approached the four pairs of humans who had been caught up in an argument.

"Oi. Something's approaching and we should try to get into position just in case a fight breaks out. We can settle this when we're not dead." He hoped that his words would have some sort of effect and re-focus the group. Arguments were something that were unpreventable and also expected given that it's only been slightly over an hour since they arrived in such a strange world. Professor Agumon had overheard Takuma's mutterings and since then took up a position behind a thick tree trunk.

###### Approaching!

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Tsubaki Mifune

In Serena's arms, Patamon stirred slightly before settling back to sleep. The young digimon hadn't slept in several days. He couldn't; not with the sounds of someone calling for help. He seemed to be the only one in the small group of Patamon and Tokomon that could hear it. They'd told him to quit playing games, that there wasn't anyone for miles and that they didn't have time to be messing around. No matter how hard he'd try, he couldn't block the calls out. Finally everyone had enough of his supposedly crazy stories and chased him away. The others made it clear he shouldn't come back either. Even if it meant he could finally track down what's been robbing him of any rest, it didn't make being practically disowned any less painful... "It's not a lie . . ." Patamon quietly murmured in his sleep.

While waiting on the others to respond to her questions, Tsubaki listened to Agumon explain a little more about how they were able to help the digimon they'd been partnered with. So basically they could unlock their partner's potential. While it made sense enough it didn't really give an explanation for why they were there. Finally though, she'd at least gotten an answer to one of her questions as Takuma tossed a water bottle to her. Much to her shock, she actually caught the thing too. Not bad for only having one eye open.

"Thanks," she said, still waiting on an answer from Wormmon. Before they had a chance to respond, another blip showed up on the radar. One that no one seemed to be sure what it was. Growling under her breath, Tsubaki tucked the water bottle in the pouch of her hoodie for later. "Sorry, Dante, I'll have to take care of your arm once this blows over."

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Dante tucked his arm back into his sleeve before it could be treated. Any sort of patching up would have to wait until they knew what was approaching. "Yeah, I'll need a raincheck on the doctor's appointment... For now, we need to worry about that threat... take Serena and the others and get behind Renamon and Comman." He ordered, standing up and looking up at the trees. He found a particularly straight branch, about six feet long and he took a solid grip on it with his good hand, breaking it off and spinning it around like a bo staff quite expertly even with just one hand.

"Comman... I know I messed up before and let one of those Goblimon bastards get in my blind spot.... If you will cover me again... I won't make that same mistake again..." Dante requested, turning his gaze to look at the Digimon. Even Renamon seemed shocked, but then it all became clear to her. That first time, she had warned Commandramon not to hit her Tamer, but Dante hadn't said a word. For some reason, Dante had put his trust, and even his life in Commandramon's hands... Without knowing Comman for more than a few minutes, Dante had taken a chance, counting on Comman's marksmanship to cover his blind spot as he himself served as bait to draw the Goblimon into firing range.. Even though that was exactly from where he had been attacked, Dante didn't hold any blame for Comman, instead shouldering all of the blame for his injury himself...

For Dante, it was obvious Comman's strength wasn't up close. So it was best if there was a few that got up close and personal to keep them at Comman's ideal range. Renamon couldn't help but smile. Dante really was something else... She stood on his left side, covering his injured side. "I'll probably never understand you, Dante, but you never cease to amaze me.." Renamon murmured as she stood by her tamer. "Just don't do anything too risky..." She added

"I have no intention of doing that. But if there's a way I can fight, I plan on doing it, partner. I'm not just going to sit back if there's something I can do..." he smiled over at her. She couldn't help a light chuckle as she nodded. "Well, it's obvious I can't stop you..." she remarked, staring into the direction the threat was coming from as she waited to see what they would face next.
Mikado Saris

"Witchelny, huh..." She was about to follow up on that when Takeda spoke up, saying something about another blip. Out of curiosity she again pulled out her digivice and flipped it open, sure enough there was some sort of grey dot. She glanced up from the radar, first at the new face giving a brief introduction and then over at the girl who called herself Tomoki, or was it Tomiko? Asian names all sound the same so whatever. She did pose a good question though and the professors accompanying explanation did clear several things up. She looked down at her companion upon hearing what their role was suppose to be. "So basically I provide you with the ability to 'digivolve' and become stronger?" Ryu gave her a small nod, his attention mostly focused on Renamon's outburst. Even though he didn't take his eyes off the little escapade he still afforded his tamer an answer. "As far as I know, the more trust we have in each other the more easily I can digivolve." As if worried about what Mikado's view on that might be he finally turned his attention towards her before continuing. "Do not think that is why I protect you, though. You're my partner, we're a team. I'd protect you even if you couldn't help me digivolve."

The way Ryu seemed to swap between taking jabs at her and promising to protect her left her a bit off balance. All the same she couldn't help but take solace in his words and silently vowed to herself to do what she can to help her new partner. Her attention was once again stolen as she was reminded that they had some weird grey blip headed their way. With their little break seemingly coming to an end she pushed herself back to her feet and wiped bits of dirt and grass from the back of her skirt. She took a few steps closer to the rest of the tamers before speaking up. "So what's the plan? Do we hide? Do we run? Given the states of certain members of our group..." She looked at Dante and Tsubaki in turn before continuing. "I think we should run for this city the professor mentioned." She couldn't help but feel this group was a little gung-ho on combat, so it was up to her to try and guide them to a less life-threatening route.

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Rose tensed up. Positions? Fighting? This was way out of Rose's element. She wasn't sure what to do. Her heart started to race and her palms started to sweat. Palamon tugged at Rose's dress. Rose looked down and saw Palamon smiling.

"You don't have to worry. We're a big team and it's my job to protect you. Just cheer me on, okay?" Palamon asked.

Rose felt better after Palamon's little pep talk and was surprised at how supportive she was.

"Okay Palamon. I'll cheer you on." Rose replied and smiled back at Palamon.

"But only if we have to fight. If we don't have to let's avoid it." Rose added. Palamon nodded in agreement. She noticed that the group that was once fighting with each other were now working together, standing in a defensive position, ready to a fight. Rose still had a hard time believing this was real. How did she end up in the digital world? Who assigned people their Digimon? Was there any way to leave the digital world? Too many questions and no answers. There were bigger things to worry about, like the grey blip that was heading their way.
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As the group came to a halt, Nathan didn't even bat an eye as the small orange Digimon pulled an enormous blackboard from behind a tree. He had seen way too much today for anything so mundane to surprise him. Trees with long stiff cables instead of branches, a rock with a large T.V screen embedded in it, even a vending machine seemingly grown into the side of a fallen log. The entire ecology of this place seemed to be a strange combination of the real world and machines. When they all sat down for the Agumon's lesson Nathan got his first good look at the strange group of companions he was travelling with.

There was of course the ever beautiful Mikado and Ryudamon, the small dragon standing on guard even when there was no sign of danger. Next to her was the much younger Serena. Man, how young was she? She looked like she couldn't be any older than eleven. He made a mental note to keep an eye on her, after all a girl as small as her would be a prime target for bad guys. Her partner, Commandramon, looked a lot like Professor Agumon physically, though this one seemed to be decked out in army gear, complete with an actual gun and camouflage skin.

To Serena's immediate right was Tsubaki and her giant hamster thing Patamon. He was happy to see that her head wound had stopped bleeding enough that the bandages had to be changed every minute. While her partner seemed a little less than useful in a fight, it wasn't for a lack of trying and that was enough for him. Beside the pair of innocents stood what appeared to be the most powerful team there, Dante and Renamon. Nathan wasn't sure what to think of them yet but from the way they bickered you'd think they'd have known each-other for years. In Nathan's opinion they both needed to loosen up a bit but there's no denying they'd be a strong part of the team should anything else horrifying popped up.

Speaking of horrifying, Nathan couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy as his eyes glanced over the last member of the group. While Tomiko herself was a total cutie, Gazimon was a bit more...frightening. It reminded him of the time his cousin Richard's rabbit got rabies and attacked him, a memory that always made him wary around their long-eared kind. The fact that this one had claws the size of large bananas didn't help.

"Hey, Nathan, Wormmon . . . you wouldn't be up to spinning some more bandages for Dante, would you?" Nathan jumped up in surprise, the thought of Gazimon eating the marrow from his bones still fresh in his mind.

"H-Huh? Oh, yeah. Hold on." He looked down to Wormmon, the small Digimon focusing intently on Agumon's lecture, and extended his hand. It was only a few seconds before Nathan had enough silk to bandage up his external wounds and sling up the arm. He tossed the materials to Tsubaki, finally getting a good look at Dante's arm. The injury was brutal to say the least. The arm was turning a gross purple and he swore he could see a little bit of bone. Nathan reached into his pocket for the Tylenol he usually carried only to come in contact with the strange phone. He'd forgotten all about that. Stretching his arms in the air and letting out a huge yawn the red haired teen casually flipped the phone open only to see a small assortment of green blips and a single grey one. Some sort of radar? He tucked the phone back in his pocket. Maybe he'd fiddle with it some more when they got to the city.

"Oi. Something's approaching and we should try to get into position just in case a fight breaks out. We can settle this when we're not dead." Nathan's ears perked up at the sound of danger. With a small grunt he lifted himself off the ground, nudging Wormmon with his foot. Wormmon didn't respond, his fear filled eyes locked onto a part of the forest thick with undergrowth.

"E-Everyone, we've gotta get out of here! Something bad's coming, I can feel it in my thorax!" Wormmon cried, trying valiantly to skitter behind his tamer's legs. Nathan scooped up the frightened Digimon and ran over to the rest of the group, blood boiling with excitement.

"No way we can make it all the way to the city from here. If it was that close, Agumon would have said to book it wouldn't he? C'mon, how strong can this thing be anyways? We've got, like, seven people here. It has no idea what's coming! Just to make it a little bit easier though...Wormmon! Web up the ground where you were looking. Let's give whatever's coming at us a sticky situation." Wormmon nodded meekly, spitting the same adhesive nets he'd used against Targetmon all over the clearing where their enemy would surely come from.

"Nathan, you don't understand. This isn't somebody we can beat, even as a group! We have to run away or we'll all be killed!" The worm shook in his hands like a jackhammer with parkinsons.

"As much as the idea appeals to me, I'm gonna have to veto that. Nathan Strum never refuses a challenge and always, ALWAYS, comes out on top. I know that you're scared but what are we gonna do by running away? Leave the others who stayed to fight to die? Hell no! If we're going out, we're going out like heroes! Like the chosen ones we are!" Wormmon's shivering calmed slightly as he looked worriedly at his tamer.

"You.....you really think I could be a hero?" The boy patted his friend roughly on the head, setting him back onto the ground.

"I know you could be pal. Who else is gonna save the world?" With a few deep breaths, Wormmon's shaking, while by no means fully gone, had subsided to a more understandable quivering. Skittering quickly across the path it settled halfway up a tree, hanging upside down from a branch. The perfect spot to dispense some silken heroism. Nathan picked up a large pipe that had fallen from one of the trees and brandished it like a bat, joining the other small group of humans.

"Time to see what's behind door number one..."

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Mikado Saris

Mikado narrowed her eyes upon hearing Nathan's passion-fueled shtick about holding the ground and beating whatever was headed their way. Holding her glare her gaze slowly scanned the group as she spoke up, this time rather loudly making sure everyone could easily hear her. "That's stupid! You're all so eager to fight, look at Dante! Look at Tsubaki! This isn't a game, this is real with real injuries. We could die!" Emotion was welling up as she shouted, anger and fear mixing together and seeping through with every word. It's one thing to fight when you have no choice, like with that monkey. She knew this, even if she was deathly afraid she knew they had no choice then. But they did have a choice now. Instead of merely standing and waiting to face a new enemy they should be running. After her brief pause she directed her glare directly at Nathan, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yeah, sure, maybe we wont be able to make it to the city but we should at least try! According to that orange thing our digimon are rookies, do you know what that word means? It means they're weak! It's our job to help them but we can't do that if we're dead now can we?"

At this point Ryu finally stepped in and put his clawed paw on Mikado's hip. "Mikado, calm down. Regardless of our course of action we need to face it together, as a single team." Mikado bit her lower lip in frustration but otherwise followed her companion's advice. She wasn't one to panic or have emotional outbursts but these people were ridiculous. Why did they seem so eager to fight? She just couldn't understand them. They knew almost nothing about this world other than they could get injured and probably killed and that their digimon were apparently bottom rung in terms of power. And yet despite that they all seemed oh so insistent on trying to fight every possible foe that crossed their paths. She angrily rubbed her eyes as the tears welling up in them threatened to streak down her face. There was a very real possibility this new blip was another dangerous enemy and there was an equal chance that one, or even all of them might die if they fought it. She couldn't stand the idea that they'd so willingly take that chance.

Nathan's eyes narrowed as he bent down to Mikado's level, making direct eye contact with the concerned tamer. He understood where she was coming from, he really did, but Nathan was confident that this was one problem running away wouldn't fix. The creature was approaching fast and there wasn't much time left for dilly-dallying. Everyone had to be on the same page or things could get very, very bad.

"Alright Mikado. Say we do run away for the city with this thing on our heels. Who do you think is going to get overtaken first? The injured. Tsubaki, Dante, probably myself. I know you're scared. Hell, we all are, but running away is simply serving us up on a sandwich platter like its Tuesday afternoon at the bistro. Hiding, on the other hand, could work quite well. If it wanders past us than great! If not than an ambush could be just what we need." He placed a hand comfortingly on her shoulder, placing the cold iron pipe into her soft hands. She'd probably need it more than him anyways.

"Do you really have that little faith in us, or even worse, Ryudamon here? We took out Targetmon with only four of our little group. Now we've got double that number, not to mention the heavy hitters like you guys! You can get mad at my reckless but undeniably attractive attitude later. For now, we've gotta hide!" Nathan looked nervously at the moving treeline. Looks like they were out of time. Without staying to see if his pep talk worked or made things even worse, Nathan scrambled over and up into Wormmon's tree, resting on the branch above his partner. The pair sat silently, ready to act at the slightest hint of aggression.
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Mikado Saris

As Nathan came over and addressed her directly she couldn't help but clench her fist and grit her teeth. The desire to punch the man was almost overpowering, if not for their current situation she very well would have gone for it. The only reason running away wasn't an option anymore is because they all insisted on wasting time due to some warped desire to fight. What's done is done and all she could do was hope that her fears were unfounded and that the grey blip wasn't some powerful enemy coming to kill them all. "Come on, Ryu." Her voice still seeped with anger as she refused to even look at the redhead as he ran to hide behind a tree. She made her way to a separate nearby tree to hide, Ryu right beside her. Unlike her, he was ready to jump out and engage the enemy should it come to that. As they lay in wait for the potential hostile to arrive she simply whispered under her breath "Please don't be an enemy." over and over again.

Soren sat at his computer, just browsing over nothing in particular. His mind wandered as he flipped between web pages, doing absolutely nothing in particular. Glancing at the corner of the screen, he noticed that it was 1 in the morning. Maybe I should go to bed now. He thought wryly. As he began to shut down the computer, the screen began to glow. Soren stood up and backed away, completely shocked. The glowing intensified until he could see nothing else. Then a shape appeared, female, pleading for something he couldn't hear. Then pain, agony. When he woke up he felt a breeze blowing his face. He sat up, looking around. Trees, a cliff, and a strange looking burning thing about 10 feet away. "Hey there," The strange looking creature said. "I'm Coronamon. We should get going, this place isn't safe." Soren was still trying to get past the fact that the thing, Coronamon, could talk, and Soren could understand him.

"Wait, wait, hold on just a second. I just need to rewrite my view of the world." Soren said. Nothing made sense, which made him think that it wasn't a dream, because dreams usually made sense until you woke up. Coronamon waited patiently as Soren looked around. How did he get here? Soren was still trying to wrap his brain around this strange place he'd landed in when he noticed a strange device near him. He picked it up, and pushed a few buttons. A screen popped up showing a few green blips and a grey one a small distance away. As he looked at the device it changed to an ice blue color with a silver trim. "Green usually means good right? I may not like it, but I need to know what's going on. You said your name was Coronamon, right?" Coronamon nodded. "Well can you tell me anything about this place while I'm going to the green blips?"

"Sure." Coronamon said. And so as they walked, Coronamon explained that this place had creatures called Digimon, creatures like him. These Digimon could do lots of different things and had different attributes. He explained how some Digimon had advantages over others, Digimon had different power stages, and that there were even ways to power up Digimon, though not many knew how to or were able to do this. Soren took all this in as he made his way towards the group of green dots. When he saw the people gathered around, huddling, watching out for something, he paused. "What is it?" Coronamon asked. "Didn't you want to go to the green dots?"

"Well yeah, I did, but I thought they were other... Digimon things, not humans." Soren said.

"Does it really matter? Shouldn't you be happy to see other humans?" Coronamon said.

"Well, look at their formation. They're tense, waiting for something to show up, probably that grey dot. There's some kind of defensive circle forming, and some of them are hiding." Soren explained. "They might not react well to us popping up randomly. Also, I'm not that good with other people."

"You'll be fine. Besides, wouldn't it be better for you if something is coming to be in a group? Plus you're a human too. They won't attack you."
Coronamon said. Soren hesitiated for a second, then shook his head.

"Sorry, but let's just wait here until that thing shows up. I'm not a fan of taking chances. I want to be able to get away if things get out of hand." He said. Coronamon frowned for a second, then came and stood next to him. "Why are you still here? Don't you want to go be with your friends." He asked.

"I know what most of those Digimon are, but I don't know who they are personally. Also, you're my partner. I'll stick with you and make sure that you don't get hurt." Coronamon said. Soren looked at the little thing, standing perfectly still, compliant and willing. Coronamon had told him some of the things other Digimon were capable of, and he knew that he had no chance against most of them.

"Thanks Coronamon. I owe you one." Soren said. Coronamon smiled and they waited in silence.

@One Mean Ghost @KageYuuki @Whyte mail @Runesage @A Guileless Fable @Colt556 @stepherz345 @GasMaskie

Serena Jones

Serena continued gently petting the little flying pig creature she was holding while everyone was talking to each other, easily and almost completely distracted by it. She snapped out of it once she heard something about hiding to fight due to something coming again. They'd just sat down and got relatively calm! C'mon! She listened to Mikado saying everyone was eager to fight and they could die. Serena wasn't exactly eager to fight, or exactly too keen on the idea of getting hurt or dying, but Nathan had a point. There was no way the injured would be able to keep up with them at all. Sighing she carefully stood up and walked over to hide behind a tree like the rest were doing, she was confident the digimon could fight off whatever was coming easily, especially if it was the injured Targetmon back for round two. She glanced over to Mikado but remained silent, she wondered if she should wake up Patamon or not..not that he looked incredibly useful for a fight but still. Deciding that it'd be up to Tsubaki she simply continued staring at the clearing their potential foe would be coming from.

Comman was, without a doubt, extremely shocked that Dante would be asking for his help, again. Again? What did he mean again...he couldn't remember covering him prio..oh. It made sense now, Dante was trying to be a diversion in the fight prior and even risked himself on the off chance Comman decided to fire near them. What he did made much, much more sense now. A simple army tactic diversion, sacrifice one soldier in an effort to wipe out the enemy. A dumb tactic Comman didn't agree with, but a tactic. "You got it." He told him, flashing him a thumbs up and nodding. He looked to make sure Serena was actually hiding before moving into posistion. Digging his claws into a tree he climbed it and balanced on one of the thicker limbs, gun drawn. "I'll fire on them from up here. Higher ground means less chance for any of you to catch stray gun-fire. Unless it's an incredibly small digimon or fast like Targetmon. With any luck, it'll be an easy fight." He told them, gun raised at the clearing.

Serena glanced over to Comman and Dante, glad to see them getting along again, even if what Comman told him was mean. She partially agreed but what he did could of saved them all, so his brave noment of stupidity was welcomed in her book, though she wished he didn't have to have been hurt for it to work. She then looked over to Mikado, who was quite visibly freaking out. She frowned at the sight, while she was feeling un-easy herself, she was confident in everyone's digimon to work together and take down the enemy, if it was an enemy that is.


Tsubaki Mifune

Pocketing the bandages, Tsubaki nodded her thanks. There was more than enough for her to take care of Dante's arm. Hopefully it'll help ease the pain he had to be in, even if just a little. But that would have to wait. Right now they had something headed their way, and from some of the sounds coming from behind the treeline it was big.

Tsubaki gritted her teeth a Mikado snapping at everyone. Yes, they were in danger. Yes, they could likely get injured or worse. But panicking did nothing but make things worse. Was Tsuabki afraid? She was terrified! Hell, who wouldn't be in their situation? The sharp snap of another tree branch, closer than before. They were out of time and arguing wasn't going to help. Still, she shot Nathan a piercing look. "Just don't blindly charge whatever's coming," She warned before moving to where Serena was. She wasn't going to wake Patamon unless she had to, that last fight much have taken it out of him.

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