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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

"Phew. Looks like that's all of them then." Takuma said as he wiped his brow and pocketed the Digivice. At the very least, the six of them had managed to remain in the same area. Although, it was probably easy for that pair to make their way back to the lake. He pouted slightly as he glanced over to the Serena, had he stopped Doru from scarfing down the candy he would have offered it to her. Maybe it'd be like feeding a small animal instead of a weird blue dog-thing.

Curious, the youth retrieved his Digivice and activated the Radar App once more. It seemed that four more blips had appeared in the meantime. Doru returned to the Tamer's side with nary a scratch. Once Dante and his fox dove the enemy their formation broke quickly and they lost all morale. Takuma whistled as he picked up the small plastic bag.

"...Huh, looks like that was easier than expected. I could have sworn that we were in trouble when they showed up. I guess those old legends were true." Doru muttered as he surveyed the area. The boulders and the fires started by the Goblimon attacks had disappeared along with any of the clubs that were dropped. He sat down with a sigh.

"Eh? What are you talking about Doru?" Takuma crouched down and scratched the underside of the creature's chin. It was strange, but with his own natural ditzy nature he was able to adjust to the strange happenings that had occurred. Whether it was a horde of goblins or a blue bipedal creature with small vestigial wings, the young man took it in stride.

"Well, there are old stories that predate Yggdrasill's reformatting of the Digital World. Digimon who met their destined Tamer were fated to become the strongest in the world or something to that effect." Dorumon spoke as he wandered over to the water's edge and took a sip of water from the lake.

"Eh? You lost me at Yggdrasomething." Takuma said as he idly began to flip the Digivice open and closed. The 'D' app still remained grayed out and unusable. The radar remained running in the background, it had stopped beeping after the four new green blips had been registered on the device. Doru merely sighed, such terminology was so basic that even an In-Training level could understand it.

"...Mrm, let's just get out of here. There's probably more Goblimon lurking around and it's likely that they've got a leader based on how coordinated they were when they came by."
The pair turned their attention back to Dante and Renamon, and for some reason it seemed that Dante had endured the worst of the attack. Takuma listened closely as the young man spoke and looked down at the radar.

"Mm, looks like there's a group of four not too far from us. Though the closest one is due in that direction. Eh? Looks like a single green blip just popped up. And it's fast, looks like it's heading towards a pair of greens that aren't moving?"


Short, gasping breaths blended into the silence of the forest as the small yellow dinosaur ran. He placed one clawed paw on the scholarly hat upon his head and desperately clutched the rod in his other. The strangely labeled badge shined in the underbrush of the forest. The creature glanced back, he couldn't see his pursuers but he could still hear their heavy footsteps up above in the trees and straight behind him.


"Gah, someone help gya!" The Agumon yelled out as he continued to run forward based solely on instinct. Perhaps it was destiny that led him to that Tamer in that very moment. As he ran for his life, he tripped on something. A certain something with over-sized ears. He tumbled into a bush after that chance meeting with the human's Patamon.

"Ngh. A Patamon shouldn't be out this fa- Is that a human gya?" The scholarly Agumon picked himself up and inspected his coat. In a matter of seconds, he brushed off the broken twigs and leaves that clung to him and looked as if he was ready to give an hour-long lecture. Although, the shock of seeing an actual human immediately caused his jaw to drop. So much so, that he had completely forgotten about his primate pursuer.

"Hey, wake up gya! Come on, you're a Tamer, right gya?!" Professor Agumon ran over to the unconscious woman's side and began shaking her shoulders once he recalled the immediate danger that was quickly approaching.



"The fun's just starting daddy-o."
The king of the forest snarled as he glanced up above his head at his two Goblimon underlings who seemed to soar through the branches. That uptight Agumon's scent was distinct - it was that of a city dweller's. He grinned as his shades adjusted once more. It would only be a matter of time before he made it to his target's location... and it seemed that there were at least two others in his vicinity. Whatever, the more the merrier.

[Re-Initalization Arc: A Part End]

##########'s Preview: And what happened to the Tamers who found themselves in a modern day wonderland? Would they survive the mad monkey's assault? And what of the spider whose very existence was analog? All will be revealed in Part B...
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[Re-Initialization Arc: B Part Start]


Tsubaki Mifune

Patamon winced a little, shaking his head as he recovered from being stepped on. First they're ambushed by a Goblimon, and now he's being stepped on by an Agumon! At least Agumon tended to be on the helpful side...

Tsubaki quietly moaned as she started to come around, blindly pushing the panicked Agumon off her. Her head was throbbing and the left side of her face felt wet. "Ngh, what happened . . . ?" She muttered before opening her eyes. Gasping, she quickly closed her left to keep anymore blood from stinging it. Her vision was still blurred and out of focus as she looked up at Agumon. "Who are you?" The Tamer asked as she forced herself to sit up. The whole world seemed to spin as she moved, causing another quiet groan as she closed her eyes and waited for it to stop.

Alight, so I definitely have a concussion . . . Ugh, why do cuts on the scalp have to bleed so much? I don't have any bandages, do I? And what is that damn beeping?! She opened her good eye and fumbled around for her beeping digivice. More red blips had shown up, and they were headed straight for them. "You've got to be shitting me," She growled not even noticing the group of green headed their way also.

Stuffing the digivice in her pocket and pressing her hand to the wound, Tsubaki forced herself to stand. She swayed slightly as the world spun once more. Running away with a concussion was not going to be easy, but what choice did they have at the moment?

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@GasMaskie @One Mean Ghost

Serena Jones

Commandramon sighed at what Serena said, legitamately hoping there wouldn't be anything that big coming from them. Standing he slung the M16 over his shoulder VIA the strap and looked at the group, and then to Serena. It seemed he could partially trust these people around her, especially considering the digivice was registering them as friendlies. Trust slightly, sure, like? No. "
Don't be naive kid. We wouldn't stand a chance against something that big." He muttered. It was roughly around that time he and Serena heard Dantes' muffled screams of pain, causing both of them to look over to him, and Serena to notice his bloody arm as he put it into a sling.

Ignoring everything else she immediately ran over to him. "
Oh my gosh are you okay Dante?! Does it hurt? Here drink some water, I think that helps injuries like this anyway.." She told him frantically, trailing off slightly and un-zipping her bag before holding out the bottle of water to him. Commandramon on the other hand looked around into the forest, for Goblimon to attack in a group like that something was wrong and he knew it. Goblimon were typically not that smart, so it was usually rare to see them doing more than clubbing each other or other digimon, much less working with each other.

I agree with Takuma. If they're more friendlies around we should meet up, while I'm not doubting anyones' combat abilities after what I just saw...Dante is clearly injured. It'd be safest to move in as large a group as possible." He told them, glancing over to Serena soon after. "Especially with our more...ahem..intelligence challenged members of this little group." He added, quite clearly referring to his Tamer and Takuma.
Mikado Saris

The blinding rays of sunlight, the chirping of birds. Yeah, it was definitely morning alright. She let out a small groan as she brought her right arm to cover her eyes, shielding them from the sun's harsh wake-up call. "Five more minutes..." She mumbled softly as she rolled over onto her side. Even in her half-asleep state she could tell something wasn't right. A sudden gust of wind only affirmed this notion and she forced herself to open her eyes. Blinking rapidly to try and deal with the bright light that beat down on her, she looked around trying to figure out what it was that felt off. She quickly got her answer as she took notice of the treeline to the side, the wide open blue sky high above, the sound of waves crashing down below. She shot up, alertness quickly engulfing her senses as she frantically looked around.

She found herself sitting on a rocky outcropping, a sheer cliff leading to an ocean on one side and what appeared to be a forest on the other. Jumping to her feet she tried to remember what happened that might have led her to this situation. Her family weren't the outdoorsy types so there's no way she was camping and just forgot. Even if they were she'd never agree to go somewhere without internet and proper showers anyways. The last thing she could remember was flopping back onto her bed to take a brief nap before it was time for her raid to begin. This wasn't one of those stories where you get transported into the game, was it? She looked down and gave herself a quick pat-down, paying extra attention to her chest. Well, she wasn't her avatar that was for sure. As far as she could tell she was still very much herself.

Being in her favorite game wouldn't have been so bad if she had all the equipment and powers of her avatar but being her normal self in a world of orcs and elves? That couldn't bode well. She let out a quiet sigh as she shook her head. "Like that'd ever actually happen..." Figuring it was time to stop fantasizing about silly stuff she again looked around her surroundings. While the idea of her being trapped in a video game was absurd, the very real fact that she was out in the wilderness still remained. Deciding that her best course of action would be to look up a map or something she reached into her skirt's pocket to get her phone. As she pulled it out she instantly realized it wasn't her phone at all, the shape and size were all wrong. It was far too bulky for one thing. As she brought it up to examine it she heard a rustling in the bushes nearby.

She quickly spun towards the direction the sound was coming from and backed away slowly. Unfortunately with the cliff behind her she didn't have much space to work with. The rustling got louder and louder, whatever it was was drawing nearer. Right as the entity breached the treeline she screwed her eyes shut and covered her face with her arms defensively. "I'm too gorgeous to be eaten! My make-up wont even taste good I promise!" She couldn't help but ridicule herself, even in this situation what a stupid thing to say. The creature seemed to agree with her thoughts as she heard what sounded like a condescending scoff. "Too gorgeous, huh? Keep telling yourself that." A person? And a man by the sound of it. She lowered her arms somewhat and dared to peek open a single eye to see who was there, maybe they could help her back home.

At first she saw nothing so she lowered her arms completely and opened her other eye, quickly scanning the treeline for the source of the voice. It didn't take but a moment for her eyes to land on the only other living thing there. Was that some kind of lizard-thing wearing samurai armor? Because it definitely looked like a lizard-thing wearing samurai armor. She rubbed her eyes, figuring she was just seeing things, before opening them and getting another good look. Nope, still a lizard-thing wearing samurai armor. After a few more moments of her gawking the creature again spoke up. "You gonna keep staring or are we going to head out?" Head out? Head out where? She had enough questions as is and this thing's appearance just added a thousand more to the list. Finally finding her voice she spoke up, although her voice quivered slightly despite herself. "U-uh, um... who.. what exactly are you?"

The creature just gave an exaggerated sigh, as if she had just asked the dumbest question in the world or something. The creature then began walking over towards her, eliciting another yelp from her as she again brought her arms up defensively. "Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you. You're my partner after all." She slowly lowered her arms once again, curiosity usurping fear as she stared at the creature. "P-partner?" The creature had finally reached her, casting an almost condescending gaze upwards as it pointed towards the device still gripped tightly in her hand. "I'm what's known as a Digimon, you're a Tamer. The two of us are partners, we work together and fight toge--" She quickly held her hand out in a 'stop' motion while shaking her head rapidly from side to side. "Fight? I can't fight! I'm way too pretty to do something like that, I've never even been slapped once in my life!"

The creature remained silent until she finished her frantic refusal. With another deep sigh he spoke up yet again. "What did I say about relaxing? I'll do the fighting, you just throw on some skimpy outfit and toss around some pom-poms or something, alright?" She didn't exactly like the way he had put that but it at least beat being on the front line herself. Figuring this creature, at the very least, wasn't going to hurt her she brought her hand to her chest and closed her eyes. Taking several deep breaths to calm herself down she lowered her arm and looked down at the creature. "Alright, I'm calm. Ok so you're a digimon, do you have a name or should I just call you 'Digimon'?" She thought it was a perfectly reasonable question and for the first time since they met it seemed as if the creature agreed, or at least didn't mind. "I'm Ryudamon." A curt response but it got the job done. Ryudamon huh? A bit of a mouthful and certainly not very cute. Ryudamon.. Ryu.. she knew from her games that Ryu meant dragon in Japanese, so did that mean this thing was a dragon of some sort? He didn't really look too much like one, but then he did have the oriental-looking armor. After mulling it over for a bit she finally spoke up. "Alright, I'll call you Ryu, easier that way don'tchya think? As for me, I'm Mikado. Mikado Saris."

The creature didn't seem to really care one way or the other about his name being shortened, something she took as a good sign. She thought back to how the creature had pointed at the strange device she held when it first introduced itself. Bringing her hand up she figured she should take a better look at it, maybe it still was a cellphone despite it's change in appearance? Speaking of appearance she couldn't help but stare at it, wasn't it black before? She was fairly certain it was black, so much so that she looked down at Ryu. "Hey, um.. Ryu, wasn't this thing black? I'm not going anymore insane than I already am, am I?" The creature didn't even give her a verbal response, instead it gave her a shrug. Or at least the best shrug his bone structure allowed. Knowing she wont get any more information on this topic from him she turned her gaze back towards the device in her hand. It was a vibrant green with black trim, far different than what it originally had been.

With everything else she was experiencing she figured it was best not to dwell on the color of her fancy new cellphone and instead began examining it, trying to figure out how it worked. After a minute of analysis she finally had an idea of how it worked. It really did seem like a cellphone, without the phone part but still. She saw an app for what seemed to be some kind of radar. Giving it a little tap the screen changed to that of a stereotypical radar, pulses emanating from the center at regular intervals. "Neat." Far off into the woods there were a few blips of different colors. She looked down at Ryu again, curiosity evident on her face. "Hey, Ryu, this radar thing is showing blips out in the forest. Would those be more digimon like you?" She turned her gaze back to the radar there was a small cluster of different colored dots and they didn't appear to be moving much, if at all. "Probably not like me, either way we should head that way. We've wasted enough time standing around here." Ryu turned towards the forest and began to make his way in the direction she had indicated. Knowing she would be helpless without him she quickly followed suit, keeping relatively close to him as they entered the dense forest.
It was a quiet day at Strum's Bistro. It had been three hours since a customer had walked through the bright green doors into the restaurant. The torrential downpour outside, the fact that it was a Thursday, the antiques shop next door getting fumigated, these were probably all factors in the shop's decrease in popularity but the biggest one was obvious. The restaurant was old news. Ever since Pizza Hut, KFC, and Mini Japan had sprung up in town business had been at an all time low. It's getting to the point where the small family may have to close down shop.

That is, unless Nathan's plan worked.

"Alright! That teriyaki tastes delicious! I guess the green onions helped after all. Now what's next..." Nathan Strum mulled over the recipe he'd spent the entire night coming up with. Surely this teriyaki bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin would draw in the customers. With a great flourish of his spoon he dropped the final ingredient, a dollop of honey, into the marinade. Suddenly a loud whirring sound ripped across the kitchen as the microwave began to shake. A bright flash filled the room, fading quickly away to blackness.


When Nathan opened his eyes he expected to see smoke, fire, and a ruined meal. Not towering trees and a strange green creature staring down at him.

"Oh, oh no. He's waking up! What do I do, what do I do?" the strange insect muttered as it paced nervously in circles. With a small grunt Nathan picked himself up off the forest floor and immediately understood the situation. He was in a dream. He had to be. He was probably knocked unconscious in a gas explosion or something.

"Man, dad's gonna kill me." His eyes wandered across his surroundings, resting on the strange monster beside him. It was the size of a small dog, reaching up to his knees, and its...fingers? Legs? were topped with a pink spike. On his left was a small cellphone neatly nestled in the grass. He pocketed it without a second thought. It was his dream after all.

"Hey, bug dude. Any idea where we are?" The worm nearly jumped out of his exoskeleton at the sound of the voice.

"I-I was just checking you for injuries! Please don't hurt me!" The insect squealed, quickly rolling itself into a ball like a pillbug. Nathan simply smiled and patted what he assumed to be its head.

"Hey, hey. I'm not gonna hurt you little guy. I'm just trying to get my bearings. I'm Nathan. What's your name?" The creature slowly unfurled itself, nervously twiddling its claws.

"I'm, uh, Wormmon." Nathan bent down and picked up Wormmon, placing the small Digimon on top of his head. Wormmon was surprised to find he wasn't shaking in fear just from being touched.

"Well then Wormmon, looks like this was fate! You guide me through the dreamscape and I hope that I'm not on fire or suffocating when I wake up!" He flashed his partner a giant smile, trudging along the strangely worn path in the middle of the forest.

"Ohhh, I knew I should have just stayed home today..."
"...Ah, it looks like another pair of green blips popped up overrrrrrr there." Takuma said as he walked back into the underbrush where they had all emerged from. He raised his hand to point at a specific bush without moving his eyes off the radar display on the device. And, on cue, a certain Ryudamon and their Tamer emerged from the dense vegetation that separated the forestry with the cliff.

Doru tilted his head slightly, the other Digimon was eerily reminiscent of himself with the presence of a similar Interface located upon the creature's forehead. Although, it seemed that the Ryudamon's was of an older style. He kept a respectable distance though, remaining at Takuma's side as the human boy waved at the pair.

"Heeeey. You're like... the eighth person to pop up today? Anyways, I'm Takuma, this guy's Doru. There's a few others with us, the one with the broken arm is Dante and they tall fox is Renamon. Then there's Comman and Serena. And we just fought off a horde of weird, green goblin things called Goblimon. Oh, there are three red blips now, and it looks like they're heading towards that group of three. Wait, did that green blip move slightly? Maybe it was just a reflection..." Takuma continued to ramble on incessantly, often times breaking out into random hand gestures that you could only assume made sense in his own little world.

"...Right, what he's trying to say (or at least get to) is that you humans all showed up in the same area and that the radar app loaded onto that device you're carrying indicates that there'll be another fight on our hands soon. There should be at least four more pairs that are wandering around here." Doru cleared his throat with a paw, glaring briefly at his Tamer who continued to talk to the air.

The device beeped again. Another pair of green pixels suddenly appeared on screen, although they were far from them. The three red blips that were zooming across the radar screen weren't headed in Takuma's direction, however. Looks like meeting up with the presumed other humans would take more effort.


@One Mean Ghost


@A Guileless Fable


The scholarly Agumon grabbed hold of the concussed girl's hand, dragging her with him as his stubby legs struggled to get them away from their current position. He took note of the beeping, and while he didn't know what it meant exactly there'd be time to learn after they got away from the immediate threat.

"My name is Professor Agumon gya. I was informed by the guardian of this area that something important would be happening today but never in my mind did I expect a human to start appearingya! Right now though, you're not in any condition to fight gya. We need to get to WiZ City before that blasted monkey gets to us first gya!" With each frantic step, the professor kept an eye on the Tamer who seemed to sway as he tried to drag her along.

He was getting desperate at this point. There was no way that she'd be able to fight in her current condition and the Patamon that accompanied her was a Data-type and most likely of below-average combat potential. He had gotten a clear view of his pursuer, and that primate would soon catch up to them no matter how far they ran or where they hid.

"Help gya!" Professor Agumon bellowed out at the top of his lungs as he continued to lead Tsubaki and her partner in a direction that was unknowingly in the opposite direction of the other group.



@Whyte mail

Boss Fight incoming! Prepare for combat!
Mikado Saris

As the duo breached a particularly dense bit of foliage they were rewarded with the sight of a small group of other humans and digimon. Upon seeing them she let out a relieved "Oh thank god!" and began making her way over to them. Ryu was close behind, keeping a close eye on the others. While they were suppose to be friendly one could never be too certain and he wasn't about to let anything happen to himself or his companion. As they approached the group a dopey-looking guy began to belt out words of introduction. She came to a stop and simply stared blankly at him as he rambled on, doing her best to follow along. "Takuma.. Doru... Dante.." She quietly spoke the words under her breath, trying to put faces to names and remember them so she didn't look like a fool later.

With the boy continued to ramble on she turned her attention towards the boy's digimon that took over the explanation. So basically they fought some other digimon, one of them is hurt, and they're about to fight even more digimon. Oh and there's also more humans out there. She gave small nods as she verified the facts in her mind, going through them as if they were a checklist. She stopped upon reviewing the part about 'another fight'. Wait a minute, did they expect her to fight? "Whoa, hold on now. 'Another' fight? As in bad guys are coming here to beat us all up and take me captive because I'm a spitting image of their most beloved goddess!? I'm sorry but I can't fi--" Her refusal to participate was quickly cut off as Ryu decided to chime in. "Trust me, nobody's got a goddess that looks like you. At least not one they love." Ryu paused a bit to look up at his semi-panicking companion before giving her a light slap on the leg. "Also, what did I say earlier? I fight, you sit there and be useless, remember?" His reminder did jog her memory, but just like before she really didn't like the way he had to phrase things.

She couldn't help but get the feeling her 'partner' may in fact be rather mean. She grumbled incoherent words under her breath as she flipped open her device, looking at the radar app to see what red blips they were even talking about. She quickly noted that the blips weren't even headed for them. What fight? The supposed enemies were going in the opposite direction. She was about to speak up with this when she realized where those red dots were headed. That makes a bit more sense. If we're going to meet up with the other people that got dumped here then it'd inevitably come down to a fight with those red dots. She let out a low groan of disdain while pocketing her device, giving the group a quick once-over. Seeing no better time than the present she flashed a delightful smile and donned a cheery tone as she introduced herself, making sure to work in as much charm as she could. If she was going to be with these people for who knows how long it'd be best to make sure they liked her. "I haven't introduced myself, name's Mikado. And this here is--" "Ryu." Being interrupted was a bit unexpected and she cast a surprised look down at her companion before quickly moving to cover up the disruption. "Hope we can work well together." The best follow-up would be to pretend it was an intentional part of their introduction and she silently congratulated herself on pulling off her recovery.

"Alright so a quick recap. We're in this place called the Digital World. The people who live here, including you, are called Digimon. I'm something called a tamer but neither of us really know what that means other than the fact that you're my partner." Wormmon nodded, eyes darting across the treetops for any signs of danger. Nathan pulled the strange phone out of his pocket and flipped it in the air idly while walking. The fact that the phone had mysteriously changed from a dark black to a bright red with green tints didn't bother him. Color changing was a common occurrence in dreams.

"Alright, I think I get it now. So I'm like the chosen one? That must mean you're really strong, huh Wormmon." Wormmon shook his head, antennas drooping.

"Sorry to disappoint you Nathan but I'm not strong at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the weakest Digimon around. Sorry that you got stuck with me..." Nathan scoffed and flicked the Digimon playfully in the head.

"Of course you're strong! I mean, you got partnered with me right?" Wormmon blushed and looked up to see the forest canopy had become very thick, almost as if it was dusk in the daytime. He shivered on his perch, muttering reassuring thoughts under his breath.

"This is bad. This is very bad! Nathan we must leave this place immediately! We are in serious danger-"

"Help gya!" Echoed through the trees from their left, eliciting a long moan of sorrow from the small green insect.

"See what I mean! We have to get out of here or we might be next!" Nathan shook his head and pulled his partner off his head, holding him in front of him. Fire burned in Nathan's eyes hotter than a Greymon's Nova Flame.

"Wormon. You said I was a digidestined right? How digidestined save the world right? Well how are we supposed to do that if we can't even save one person!" The little worm shook in his arms, small tears welling up in his eyes.

"But what if we get hurt?" He said meekly. Nathan plopped the Digmon back on his head and began to run towards the sound.

"We won't get hurt. I've got you to protect me! Besides, no one would dare hit the chosen one."


It wasn't long before the pair arrived on the scene to see a small orange dinosaur, and even smaller hamster thing, and another human, though this one seemed to be wounded.

"Hey, did somebody shout for help? Have no fear! I, the chosen one, and my amazing partner Wormmon have come to rescue you!"
"Well my name is Momoki,but you can call me Momo,and my partner over there is Fanbeemon" Momoki said to the boy as he smiled at her.Momoki then smiled back.Then she heard a cry for help,"Did you hear that mabye we should check it out" Momoki said

Fanbeemon was busy looking for more enemies that she could beat up,'Know ones getting close to my Momo' Fanbeemon thought as she was flying around.Then she heard a cry for help,"Lets go!Someones in trouble" Fanbeemon said

(Sorry I was busy all day today and yestarday) @ScaraByte

ScaraByte said:
Oliver nodded and got up standing beside her, "Yeah. Are you ok though?" He asked looking at her for a moment then back to Dracomon who was moving back cautiously watching for other hostiles. Oliver continued to look at the girl and this time the blip had been a human and another digimon so that was relaxing to be able to be around another human rather than a red blip. He didn't quite know who this girl was but she hadn't shot a fireball at him so he was ok with her.
He then realized something and looked at her, "By the way my name's Oliver and my partner over there is Dracomon" He said with a gentle smile as the dragon continued to look about. It was quite obvious about how they were acting and what they needed to do with the hostiles but currently they had multiple objectives to handle. Acquainting themselves with the other pair was just one of the objectives, since they also had the other red blips to worry about if they were anywhere nearby.

Tomiko Tomagi

Tomiko held her breath, Gazimon holding her down to keep her from creating unwanted noise. Those things might be dumb, but that didn't mean they were totally brainless. A minute of silence passed, Tomiko still holding her breath as to not make a sound. Another silent minute and her face was turning blue, a serious Gazimon gazing through the bushes and trees to make sure the threat had cleared. A third minute passed and Tomiko could no longer hold the air inside her forcing the furry dog rabbit thing off her body. Her hand was met with an "oomph" as she gasped in an all to familiar attempt to regain some air. In the far distance, she heard a loud howl accompanied by a voice before returning to silence once again.
What was is it this time? she wondered. However, an angered howl brought her attention to the raging furball with glasses behind her.

Why do you constantly keep throwing me around! Is this the kinda treatment I deserve for saving your life? Huh!" he complained, Gazimon pushing his shades further up his snout. A possible sign that he was incredibly angry.

Tomiko growled, wanting to say something in response to him, but could not find the words to refute his complaint. He did save her. Twice. Even if the first time was his fault, he still managed to save her from dying a dog's death. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to cut the the thing a bit of slack.

Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry..." she muttered. Gazimon pulled his sunglasses down, an annoyingly broad smirk appearing on his maw.

Huh? What was that? I couldn't hear ya. Mind speaking up a bit Tim!" he chortled, lifting his annoyingly long ear to her face. "Come on. Say it again will ya!"

Tomiko had a nerve to shove a fist into that gaping mouth of his, but decided against it. She didn't want to hurt her hand anymore than it had already been. "
I said I'm sorry! You happy now!" she hollered. Gazimon nodded his head as steam began coming from her own. The enraged Tomiko rethinking about punching the darn thing. Her hand would heal. Balling her fist, she was about to assume the role of the one who beats the living crap out of Gazimon, but stopped as she felt something sliding down her cheek. Loosening her fist, she gently touched her face to see her blood spilling from a gash on her cheek. When did this ... Ah! She remembered when that Goblimon almost took her head off earlier. Reaching for her cheek again, she flinched, her fingers causing the wound to jerk in response. Ignoring the overly excited midget furrie, she looked for something to bandage the wound. I don't have my backpack on me! Her backpack held most of her items like her money and first aid kit. No use in getting angry about it now. It would be to time consuming to fret over something she didn't have.

For the moment, Tomiko decided to use her jacket to absorb the blood until she found something suitable on her person. She checked her pants pocket only to find a mini travel sized sewing kit lodged between her thigh and a few napkins. This'll do. Tomiko quickly pulled the napkins out and removed her jacket sleeve from her face and placed the napkins over the wound. She was surprised at the fact that she had any napkins on her, but she soon remembered how she took some from the school cafeteria so she wouldn't have to buy any of her own. Sometimes being poor paid off she laughed as she kicked the dancing animal in front of her.

Ouch! Didn't you just apologize for -- You're bleeding!" he gasped, as he ran to touch her face. Tomiko slapping his claws away in response.

Don't worry about it. The wound isn't deep, so the blood should be clotting soon." she assured, Gazimon looking quite disheartened as he held the claw she slapped away.

You know it wouldn't kill ya to be a little nicer to me. We are going to be partners and all." he whined, getting a confused look from Tomiko. She could recall him saying something similar to that when they first met. What did that mean? Was it the reason that she was in the weird monster infested place?

Yeah, about that. You said the same thing earlier. You mind explaining to me what this partner stuff is all about?" she demanded.

Gazimon sighed as he took a step closer, holding his clawed hand up to reveal a small device that she had originally thought to be her cellphone. "
Listen up, because I ain't going to explain this again. When I say partners it means exactly as it sounds, partner. Me and you are going to be a team got it?" he stated, missing quite a few pieces to his story.

I get that part, although I don't totally agree with it. But that doesn't explain why I'm in this place or that thing in your hand. Plus, what the heck are you!" she questioned angrily, Gazimon shushing her with his free hand.

I'm getting there Tim, hold your Pegasusmon's will you. Now where was I. Yeah, back to partners. I don't understand how or why this happens, but for some reason humans get transported to the digital world from wherever you guys come from. That answers your first question. Now to answer the third. I told you earlier that my name is Gazimon not 'You'. I'm a digimon or digital monster, but digimon for short. Lastly your second question." he paused leaving Tomiko to wonder why he answered her questions out of order. Was he an idiot or something? Her thoughts were silenced as he continued on with his explanation. "This device in my hand is called a digivice. All tamers, the humans partnered with digimon, have one of these things. You use it to help make us digivolve and so on and so forth. Make any sense to you?" he asked, dropping a weird black device on the ground in front of her.

Nope not at all." she stated bluntly, Gazimon falling on his face due to shock he had just experienced. Digimon? Digivolve? Digiworld? How did he expect her to understand something so weird and completely random. So she was his tamer?! As if! She couldn't even tame her father much less a medium rabbit dog thing with a weird sunglasses fetish.

Standing up from their hiding place, Tomiko removed the bloodstained napkins from her face, a small dribble of blood now welling at the place her cut was. She tucked the paper into her empty jacket pocket, the blood on her hand having already dried on her fingers. "
Gazimon." she called, getting the little digimon's attention. "I don't understand all this digimon stuff, but I do get that I'm not in my world anymore. I doubt I could survive without one of this world's inhabitants with me so I'll be your tamer or whatever you call'em until I get back home. Don't expect anything more from me got it." she stated, picking up the digivice from off the ground. It was sudden, but the color shifted from black to a hot pink resembling the color of her eyes. Weird. Meanwhile ,Gazimon grinned, although somewhat disappointed that she still didn't understand his explanation. He worked really hard on it too.

Okay Tim. We'll be partners until you find your way home. However, I have to warn you. That as my tamer, that I am not at fault for any unrequited feelings you may get for me on our journey, goT..." he was silenced by a bop to his head. She said she wasn't going to sock him in the mouth, that didn't stop her from knocking him on his noggin

Shut up and tell me how to work this thing." she commanded, fiddling with the device until flipping open the cover. At first she was greeted by a blank screen until the screen lit up revealing a small radar icon. Gazimon looked down at the device as well, tapping his claw against the icon only for a sudden radar to pop up on the screen. Tomoki dropped the device, barely catching it before it fell.

Pfft! Don't tell me you were .. OOMPH!" she bopped him again on his head, refusing to let another word come out of his mouth. With a frowning Gazimon, Tomiko examined the small dots that seemed to be moving on the screen. Being poor, technology was something she had rarely came into contact with. It wasn't until earlier on this year that she got a phone. She was still learning how to send a text message, so something this would pose a slight problem for her. Further examining the dots, she saw an abundance of green dots with two separate clumps forming. Looking further up the screen, she saw three out of place red dots heading towards one of the grouped of green dots. To her knowledge, red was bad and green good, so she decided to go with the group closes to her that were not being approached by running red dots.

Let's go Gazimon." she commanded, as she adjusted her dirty glasses to fit correctly on her face, Gazimon doing the same to his own. It wasn't long before she understood the significance in the dots on the screen. She could see her own dot moving closer to the the group of cluttered green dots. A right turn. Left. Straight. One more right and the two were standing in a clearing, to see a group of two men both doning blue hair, and two girls. One had short light colored hair who seemed to be awfully worried about something while the other was a little girl. All four strangers were accompanied by a digimon of their own.

Are those digimon as -" she was cut off by an unreasonably energetic Gazimon who started walking towards all the other digimon in a rather friendly manner. She hoped this wasn't his attempt at being "hip and relevant".

Hey sup' Ryudamon! How you've been. Hey Dorumon what'chu you up to! Commandramon looking militaristic as ever bud. Rena... Never mind!" the digimon quickly backed away from the fox digimon holding up its trainer. Gazimon knew when someone needed some space, and Renamon needed it all.

Tomiko shook her head as she entered the group seeing as her so called partner already had. Looking at all of them once again she could think of nothing and quickly lifted her hand, "
Wassup?" she stated, beating the crap out of mind's self in her head as a scared Gazimon inched back to her side and patted the embarrassed Tim on her back.

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Not a problem we all get busy)

Oliver nodded knowing the urgency somewhat behind the situation. Dracomon quickly caught on to him to and moved to them now, "Alright then Momo, Hopefully we can help them out then" Oliver said before nodding to Dracomon. "Just follow our blips on your digivice and watch out for extra hostiles" He said before running ahead and to the direction of the plead. They knew whatever it was it probably wasn't someone playing a joke since these goblins had attacked them before and almost took them out.

Dracomon looked to Oliver as they ran he could see the gears turning in his tamer's head and knew he was a good person to be partnered with. "So, We have a plan yet?" Dracomon asked as they continued to move their blips still able to be seen on the radar since he looked at the digivice and could tell.

"Yeah... Plan is we try and defeat the other threat. It doesn't seem like it would be a kind person to play with if someone is yelling for help" Oliver said as the pair continued to move though he was worried about the problem, He was more worried about Momo and Fanbeemon since they had become acquainted with them.

@WoodenZebra @GasMaskie @Whyte mail
Momoki and Fanbeemon were right behind the other pair when they were running.She was looking at the blips and bloops on the digivice,'That's pretty cool' Momoki thought.As they were running Fanbeemon and Momo were having a conversation,"Momo what if the hostile in this situation is very dangerous?" Fanbeemon said looking worried,"Don't worry Beemon me Oliver and Dracomon have your back,so don't worry" Momoki said,"But Momo...Quiet I think we're nearing more people and the cry is getting louder" Momoki said inturrupting Fanbeemon.

@GasMaskie @ScaraByte @Anyone else in the same area.

"Thanks...." Dante murmured, taking the bottle of water the child offered him and twisting the cap off with his teeth. Clearly, this wasn't the first time he had to make due without his other hand.. "Don't worry about me too much. I'm tough..." He flashed a smile that disguised the pain before he twisted the cap back on the water with one hand. He stood up without Renamon's aid now. "Come on, we can't let Takuma get too far ahead of us" He kept up the smile as they kept up with their wandering klutz. It seemed in short order he found two other Tamers and Digimon. It seemed one of the Digimon knew Renamon...

"Hey sup' Ryudamon! How you've been. Hey Dorumon what'chu you up to! Commandramon looking militaristic as ever bud. Rena... Never mind!"

Her icy glare cut him off before she even finished her name. Renamon was rather notorious for being anything but friendly to others. Dante looked at the ever expanding group they had. At this rate, they'd have a small army of Digidestined. He turned his gaze to Commandramon. "Don't worry about me. I may be a little banged up, but I'm still more than capable of fighting." Dante remarked, causing his frosty partner to smile just a little and shake her head. He was almost as stubborn as she was....

"Do we know where the other green blips are, and where other red blips are? Last thing we need is to get ambushed.."Renamon remarked as Dante pulled up his own radar. It looked like the green blips were consolidating in two main groups at least.. "We should find the other group as soon as possible. If someone was strong enough to keep all those Goblimon in line, we'll need the extra help.." Renamon remarked crossing her arms over her chest. Although she wasn't sure all of them would be useful in a fight, more numbers meant some of the pressure would come off Dante.. At least thus far their new allies had some use...


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki winced as she stumbled behind Agumon, her hand still pressed to the bleeding wound on her temple. She only nodded as he mentioned something about talking to the guardians of the area. All of this would be so much easier to process if her head was throbbing. At least the world finally stopped spinning. She winced, sucking in a sharp breath at Agumon's shout. "Ah, not so loud . . ." Yep, she definitely had a concussion. Hopefully it wasn't too serious.

Her gaze shifted back to the digivice in her hand. Whatever was chasing them was definitely getting closer, but it seemed so were what was hopefully some help. It was close too, they should be able to spot them soon-

"Hey, did somebody shout for help? Have no fear! I, the chosen one, and my amazing partner Wormmon have come to rescue you!"

Tsubaki winced, again with the shouting... "Hey, could we maybe keep it down a touch?" She studied the young man that had stepped out in front of them. At least someone seemed confident in his ability to help, because she certainly wasn't at the moment.

Patamon's ears seemed to droop a little as he looked up at the two. While he was happy to see another Tamer, why couldn't he have had a Gabumon or something with him? Whipping around, he heard branches snapping in the distance. "We need to get out of here..."


@Whyte mail
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Doru's mood seemed to deflate when he heard that familiar voice. That particularly loudmouthed Gazimon with the shades was memorable, to say the least. He forced a smile. It's not as if Gazimon had done anything to offend him per say, but just being around him was exhausting.

"...Ah, yeah. Hey." The most he would do was acknowledge his existence. The creature craned its head up towards Takuma who was still reading the radar. Given his furrowed brow, it seemed like he was actually putting some thought into operating the Digivice. But it was Takuma, so all of that interpretation was up in the air.

"I guess we should go take out those red guys then. We can save introductions for later when we're, y'know, not getting headhunted by green midgets." The youth connected his headphones to the Digivice and surprisingly, music started flowing through the earpieces. A music player app appeared underneath the Radar App now, although no such thing would appear for the others unless they too plugged in their own auditory devices.

"Now, the radar says thataway so let's get a move on before they get eaten or whatever." And with that, the young man began walking deeper into the woods towards the Tamers on the other side of the forest and their adversaries.

@One Mean Ghost


@A Guileless Fable



"Kekeke. Target locked on. Alrighty boys, give 'em the old one two. There might be more of them but they've only got pipsqueaks with 'em." The primate spoke from within the shadows of the tree's canopy. His two Goblimon cohorts shifted forward silently.

"We need to get out of here..." The Patamon said. One of the Goblimon could barely suppress their snickering when they saw the pudgy creature's over sized ear-wings. After regaining his composure, he turned to his comrade and gave thumbs up.

As if to break the momentary respite, a boulder soared through the air and over the heads of the assembled Tamers and digimon. It slammed into the ground a few feet past them, kicking up dirt. A second one impacted on the group's left, again kicking up dirt but otherwise harmlessly missing them.

Then came the awful primal screeching that belonged more at home in a jungle than a forest. And it was at that moment that their enemy finally made his presence known. He was a silver and yellow blur, and the space where he had been just a few seconds ago still crackled with electricity. Annoying squeaking came from his the sneakers he wore on his hands as he bounced from tree trunk to tree trunk, zig-zagging in towards the scholarly Agumon and his unimpressive allies.

"Pointy Head hehehehe!" The Targetmon closed on them quickly, and his pointy hair-style seemed to have actually become sharp and piercing like a spearpoint from all the energy that flowed into each strand. Despite his ridiculous appearance, it was clear from his speed and planning that he was a step above the Goblimon.

His henchmen began raining down their pebble-sized fireballs upon the group as their boss began to close in.


@Whyte mail

Targetmon has appeared! Defeat him and his henchmen!
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@One Mean Ghost @GasMaskie @Colt556 @A Guileless Fable (and anyone I missed..)

Serena Jones

Comman looked the new arrivals up and down, giving Gazimon a nod in response to his greeting. All of them seemed competent enough at first glance, hopefully they were good enough in combat. Serena on the other hand was currently focused on Dante and his injury. "
If you say so. Just take it easy and don't hurt yourself more with that injury. You can keep the water too." She told him. Despite what he said it was obvious he wasn't alright, but she had to take his word for it, plus she wanted to greet the new people! Comman looked over to Dante and shrugged, "Just don't get in anyones way. You can't do much with a broken arm." He remarked.

At that point Serena ran back over to stand beside Comman, waving excitedly at all the new people and Digimon. "
Hi! I'm Serena and this is Comman!" She greeted them happily. "Cool shades!" She commented to Gazimon. She hadn't even heard Takuma nor noticed him and Doru walking off, if it weren't for Comman she probably wouldn't have until he was gone. Tapping her on the shoulder he coughed and pointed towards Takuma, "Come on. Talk later, find the rest now." He ordered. A depressed look crept across her face, "Oh..." she mumbled. Then the prospect of MORE PEOPLE made its way into her mind, the depressed look quickly being changed back to her normal happy face. "Okay! Lets go meet the rest!" She declared happily, tugging Comman along as best as possible to Takuma. "C'mon lets go!" She told the rest, motioning for them to follow.


Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki agreed with Patamon, they needed to get out of there. None of them were in much shape for a fight. No matter what Nathan seemed to think. Before she had a chance to say anything though, the first boulder crashed down beside them. The Tamer flinched, shielding her eyes from the dirt that had been sent flying around. Just as the dust was settling from the first boulder, a second crashed into the ground on their opposite side.

Then that screeching . . . that horrible screeching that just made her head feel like it was going to split in two. Opening her good eye, she glared at Targetmon. Why couldn't they seem to catch a break today? The crazed monkey started charging the Agumon that had been trying to help them get away.

Patamon took to the air, expanding slightly as he sucked in a breath. "Air Shot!" The small digimon sent a bullet of compressed air at Targetmon.


@Whyte mail

Dante laughed softly. "Don't underestimate me... I can still do a lot of damage with just one arm..." Dante remarked with a grin that was more so he could grit his teeth through a fresh spasm of pain. Renamon stayed close to him, just in case she was needed, but Dante wasn't one to let people worry about him. "Come on Renamon. Those red blips were heading towards the other group. They might just need some backup!" He smirked over at his partner, who couldn't help but manage a smile. "Right...."

Without another word, the two ran on ahead of the group. Even with his arm in a sling, Dante wasn't going to stop until his body quit on him completely. Renamon kept pace rather easily with her Tamer. It was obvious she could outpace him with ease, but for once, she decided not to be the lone wolf. "What's the plan when we get there?" she asked, her icy gaze on her Tamer.

"Hit em hard and fast before they have a chance to realize we're there. Keep beating the crap out of them until everyone else shows up and finishes them off." Dante remarked with a fire in his eyes. His adrenaline was making him forget his pain. For some reason, he seemed intent on pushing himself harder than many would deem reasonable. Why did he act like he had something to prove all the time?...

Of course, Dante already knew why.... Like the Prodigal Son, he wanted to someday return and make his father proud...
Tomiko Tomagi

Tomiko remained quiet as the blue haired boy with the furry dinosaur digimon, Dorumon as Gazimon called him earlier, conversed with one another the two seemingly having a well off time together. Gazimon watched them both from afar, peaking glances at Renamon who appeared to be extremely pissed off for some reason, and then at Dorumon who gave him a weak greeting before returning his attention to his tamer. Watching the two talk to one another, he felt a little envious that he and Tomiko couldn't get along as well as them. His gaze was set on the pair for awhile before his attention was swiped away by a little girl who seemed to be the tamer of Commandramon. She was small, cute, and kind as she went all they way over to them just to compliment his cool shades. She was everything his tamer failed at miserably. Was it too late to trade?

Thanks little girl! I'll make sure to get you a pair of them when I see Gekomon again." he guaranteed, Tomiko , on the other hand, took notice of the red dots that now seem to mix in with the other cluster of green which she assumed had to be other group the boy was talking about. So her earlier assumption was right on the money huh. Red meant enemies and green meant allies, but that was still yet to be determined. Tomiko heard a voice coming from her side only to see a dinosaur dressed in a bullet proof vest and military helmet tapping on a girl who was almost at her height. She beat her by a few inches, but her height was really coming in close. Looking down further at her, she noticed that she was just a child. Man, when this kid hits puberty she'd leave this shorty in the dust. The idea wasn't very nice to think of, but now wasn't the time to be moping about being shorter than a little kid right now.

Looking down as Gazimon, Tomiko spoke,"
Hey. Time to move." Gazimon looked at her with slight annoyance, his eyes tracking the blue haired boy and the little kid thinking how much better partners they were to their digimon than Tomiko was. Following the boy, Tomiko glanced down at her so called partner only to see him frowning under his shades.

What's got you so down in the dumps?" she asked, unaware that she was the cause of his loss in energy.

Down in the dumps? What are you talking about!? I'm the coolest digimon around, what's there to be sad about?" he joked, as he walked next to her. Something was off here. He wasn't as hyperactive as she had seen him a few minutes ago. Did that fox digimon really scare him that much? No, it wasn't fear talking, so what was it? It couldn't be her right? She only knew him for less than thirty minutes, so she couldn't be the cause of him acting like this. Tomiko looked back at the past events remembering how she threw him into a Goblimon after he saved her from falling off a cliff and then kicking him off her after he pushed her out of the way from another Goblimon. Was she being a little too heartless? Gazimon did save her, and she's been nothing but violent towards him since her arrival.

Yo Gazimon." she called, the digimon looking up from below as the two continued to follow the group.

What?" he responded, revealing a hint of an attitude in his tone. Don't hit him. Don't hit him. She commanded herself as she looked through her mind for suitable words to tell him.

I know I've done nothing but hit and punch you and stuff, but I want you to know that I'm ... thankful for you saving me and grateful to have you around." She thanked, Gazimon ears twitching slightly as he was about to respond, a smirk on his face. She cut him off before he spoke saying," Don't ruin it with some narcissistic line okay. I'm really thanking you here."

I'ya... I got'cha Tim. I guess my silent treatment does work wonde..."

I told you not to ruin it!" she barked, walking at a slightly faster pace.

Come on! You had to let me say it! That was the nicest thing you've said to me all day! Let me say it plea..." He was cut off again. " No! " she told him, Gazimon continued asking her if she'd let him say it. Maybe she should've kept her mouth shut after all. What's wrong with a little depression. It did the body good. BUT NO, she just had to say something to him. Make him feel better! Tomiko hadn't been with the thing for long, but she already felt like she knew him for years. Watching the begging digimon resulted in a vein popping on her forehead, but coincidentally a not so annoyed smile to her lips. She was smiling at him. Oh she definitely needed to get out of this place. Next thing you know she'd be hugging him too.

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Mikado Saris

Mikado slowly scanned the group, the other 'tamers' paying very little attention to her and her introduction. In fact her digimon received more attention than she did as he at least got a personal greeting. Something Ryu didn't seem particularly excited about. All the same he returned the sunglasses wearing digimon's greeting with a simple nod of acknowledgement. Her expression fell as she was given the same general treatment as the furry digimon. The guy with the broken arm and his fox both seemed rather.. antisocial, or at least tough nuts to crack. The little girl seemed the type to give everyone the same general treatment, although she was currently focused on helping the wounded guy. She couldn't really fault the girl for that so she at least got a pass in her mind. The girl with the little rabbit-dog seemed a little stand-offish, but she seemed to be hiding it fairly well. Probably the most normal one of the bunch. And last and probably least was the first boy to introduce himself. He seemed like he might be on drugs, then again maybe she was the one who was hallucinating all of this. Either way he didn't seem like the reliable sort.

Certainly didn't seem like the friendliest or most outgoing bunch. Either way she'd have to be the one to inject some sociability into the group. She was about to speak up when the wounded individual took off in the direction of the second group. So he was going to be one of those types, peachy. She could deal with a group of abnormal individuals but the last thing she wanted to deal with was a headstrong macho-man charging into battle even when he had a useless arm. She could already see all the ways that will end badly for them. "Guess we should follow them..." She looked down at her companion as she spoke, figuring she already knew his answer. "Seems there will be another fight when we get there. Just hide behind a tree or something and let me handle it. The last thing I need is to protect you while trying to fight." For better or worse she was starting to get use to the rather rude way Ryu stated things. She couldn't really bring herself to chastise him since he was technically right. She had no combat skills, she was far from the athletic type. She knew she'd be a liability so despite her pride she made sure to keep silent whenever he made remarks like that.

With the rest of the group moving out she made sure to follow close behind them. She couldn't help but wonder why she, of all people, had been chosen to do this sort of thing. Right after showing up they were already going to be engaged in a fight, and it seemed like the other 'tamers' had already finished a fight. If this was going to be so combat focused why choose someone like her? She let out a small depressive sigh, wishing she was back home with her guild instead of trudging through some forest with a group of strangers and freaky animals.

Oliver stopped at the edge of the forest looking at the weird monkey. He aimed the digivice at it and scanned it quickly as a voice spoke to him, "Targetmon, Champion level digimon" and then a bunch of other useless information or maybe it wasn't. He ignored it for now and looked to Dracomon who looked slightly worried but still prepares, "So how do we take down a monkey?" Dracomon asked for Olivers plan. Oliver looked at Dracomon before turning around and seeing Momo and Fanbeemon who were following them. "You two have any thoughts?" Oliver asked them curious as to their imput.

@WoodenZebra @GasMaskie @whoever else could see them.
The compressed air did little to stop Targetmon's now beeline charge straight for the Agumon, nor did it seem to really seem to damage him. It did, however alter his course by a few degrees. These few degrees caused him to crash through a tree, leaving a large hole that was slightly singed by the energy that had coursed through his attack. Still, the sheer force generated by the charge was enough to throw the Agumon back against a nearby tree and send the Patamon into a small tailspin.

"Grrr. You really think you can stop me with a Wormmon and a Patamon? I eat chumps like you for breakfast!" His visor glowed slightly, and his gaze turned to two new humans who were far from the battle. They were staring, but it didn't look like they'd be acting for a while. Targetmon grinned and beat his chest with his sneaker-wearing hands.

"I'm gettin' pumped now!" The primate roared out as he took a brief glance to his henchmen hiding in the branches. He seemed to signal them with a quick flick of his tail before immediately hopping onto all fours and accelerating towards the group. The flame that licked his hair seemed to grow with each step he took. That Agumon will be easy pickings, it'd be smarter to kill those analogs and their weak partners first.

The two Goblimon squinted and looked to the distance until they had finally found what their boss had noticed. They conjured their larger fireballs and tossed them in front of Oliver and Momoki. There was a small chance that the heat that radiated from the explosion might harm them, although their real intention was to keep them zoned out and unable to render aid to the Agumon and his group.

"Shocking! Hug-Hug! Sneeeeaaaakkkeeerrrsssss!" The Targetmon picked up speed and the air around him became saturated with immense amounts of static electricity as he ran in a zig-zag, disappearing from their line of sight behind the trees as he advanced. His sneakers were glowing now and it seemed that he was going for the human male with the Wormmon first!



Tsubaki Mifune

"Kya!" Patamon cried out as he tried to regain control of his flight. The efforts were in vain as he couldn't stop himself from slamming into Tsubaki. Had the Tamer not been so out of it, she would have been able to catch the small digimon just fine. But she was still having a hard time just standing. The force from just Patamon was more than enough to knock her off her feet.

Tsubaki winced, coughing a little as she looked down at her dazed partner. "You okay?"

Patamon looked up at her before nodding. Though before he had a chance to speak, more of the ground erupted into flames. The two of them didn't seem to be much of a threat to Targetmon, but he seemed intent on keeping something from reaching them. "Maybe I can put out the flames," He leapt out of his Tamers arms before running that way, already preparing another air shot.

Tsubaki opened her mouth to warn him to be careful, but was cut off by Targetmon's yelling. Why was everyone yelling? She turned to see the enraged digimon charging at Nathan. how am I supposed to even stop him?
Nathan watched with mild amusement as the monkey hopped from tree to tree, getting faster and faster. This was a strange dream that's for sure. Still he knew that he had nothing to fear. Everyone knows that you can't die in a dream, it's impossible. Wormmon had been reduced to a mumbling mess at the sight of the strange monkey, launching himself off his tamer and rolling into his protective ball.

"We're dead! We're already dead! Nathan run! He's too strong!" He cried, watching in horror as the Targetmon sailed clear through a tree and disappeared into the undergrowth, zigzagging even faster than before. Nathan simply smirked and pulled some phony karate pose he saw in a movie once. Who did this guy think he was? He had to be crazy to think he could best the-

"What are you doing?! Move!" The digimon yelled, smashing into his trainers side and sending them both sprawling to the ground just as Targetmon sneaker flew over the pair, grazing Wormmon's flank and giving him a nasty burn. Fueled by an adrenaline he never knew he had, Wormmon unfurled himself from his ball, taking the opportunity his reckless tamer had given him.

"Nebaneba Net!" A large sticky net of webbing shot out from Wormmon's mouth towards Targetmon.
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"Tch, just an inch closer and he'd be flopping around like a dead fish." The Targetmon snarled as he stood up from where he had landed. It was odd, seeing the Digimon rubbing its sneaker soles together like a pair of defibrillator paddles. His movements stopped as the sticky webbing wrapped around his hands. Growling once more, the flame upon his head lit up and burned bright after a few minutes of standing still.

"Get real! I'm the king of this forest! Do you really think a bunch of weaklings and analo-" The Targetmon was blown back a few feet. His visors couldn't conceal the fury in his eyes as the burning sensation at his side soon died out. The strangely dressed Agumon had stood back up now, the smoke bellowing out of his maw as he took deep breaths.

"...'Tamer', take a look at that Wormmon. Do you see what he did for you? Let that be a lesson." Professor Agumon adjusted his cap. Even with his intervention, they wouldn't last much longer. Especially with those meddlesome Goblimon turning their attention back upon the group. He extended his rod and prepared for a final stand as the Goblimon began preparing more boulders to toss down. And then there was a crack! The Goblimon fell to the forest floor after being hit by something dense and his flailing arm still managed to launch the boulder. However, it flew farther than expected, smashing into the scorched ground between Tsubaki and the two Tamers on the edge of the forest. It extinguished the flames, allowing for passage and further intervention in the fight.

Targetmon merely scowled and prepared his lightning-fast assault once more. He crouched into the now familiar position on all fours and the air began to crackle in anticipation once more.

@Whyte mail





Takuma stopped suddenly and caused Doru to run right into his legs. He fell onto his knees before bringing the Digivice up to his face and then turning his head upwards towards a tree not too far from where the group had advanced to. The fool looked back to the motley crew that had assembled within the past hour. Even someone like him could see that many of them had little to contribute, and even if Dante was competent he had gone and broken his arm.

"...You kn-, screw it. There are two red blips in that tree and there's a faster one on the ground floor now. I think Comman had an AK or an MK or whatever so he can help Doru out with shooting down those Goblimon. Ryu, Gazimon, and Renamon can charge straight in once those guys fall down. It probably pisses you guys off, but right now the rest of us humans can't do much to help you. I'd be out there fighting right beside you guys but I'm way too useless for that..." Even if some of it was muttered, it seemed that Takuma did have some sort of knack for planning. Though it didn't help that he started sniffling towards the end. Still, he felt a small paw on his back.

"It can't be helped, Takuma. Leave it to us until you guys properly evolve on your own."
Doru smiled slightly, even if he was an idiot it seemed like he was still trying hard. With that in mind, the beast took a wide stance and planted both feet into the earth. He opened his mouth wide and a small metal sphere began to materialize in the empty space. This time, however, it grew larger and it seemed to start shaking violently.

One eye gazed over to the Commandramon with steely resolve before he turned his gaze at the vague silhouettes that lay hidden in the tree. The moment they began to materialize boulder that pushed aside leaves, their positions became crystal clear. With a loud roar, Doru fired off the metal sphere and watched as it soared in a parabola into the air. It almost seemed like he missed but the crack that filled the air confirmed the hit and a Goblimon fell to the ground floor. It was dazed and rubbing its jaw - a perfect opportunity for an attack.

"Like Dante said, 'hit 'em fast and hard'."
Takuma put on his best impression of the other Tamer as he stood up and strained his eyes to try and get a glimpse of the enemy who was past the tree. The music on his headphones suddenly changed to an unfamiliar tune. He was sure it wasn't on his playlist, but it did get him fired up.

@One Mean Ghost



@A Guileless Fable


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