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Different But In Love



Lily Melody Collins


17 years old


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_static_19.jpg.076ede9bfa8c98c668f78614b50a65ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_static_19.jpg.076ede9bfa8c98c668f78614b50a65ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


'Everyday is a struggle'


Lily is sensitive, insecure, depressed, weak, constantly tired, really loving when you get to know her, suicidal and a hopeless romantic.


Blades, anything sharp, soothing music, drawing and writing in her journal.


Spiders, the dark and hateful people. She also hates people who judge her before they get to know her.




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Dorian Joseph Ryans


Age: 18


'Life Should Be Given To The Ones That Want One'


Dorian is not athletic, Bipolar, depressed, upset, can lose his mind sometimes, has a kind heart when you know him but you don't want to get on his bad side, wants romance but hates talking, and he likes taking pictures


Watching horror movies, rock music and Korean music (his mom lived in Korea and but had him in America but he isn't Korean), taking pictures, and sleeping


People that leave him (his dad left him and his best friend died while other friends turned against him), being neglected (his mom starts to neglect him), and People who think they are all that (the jocks and bullies in school)

Lily began to walk to the support group that she would be attending, after her mother told her that she needed some support and friends because she was getting out of control. Her hair was flowing freely, and she was wearing a long sleeved top in the middle of summer to hide her cuts, as well as some leggings and a pair of converse shoes. She took her seat with some kids about her age who were sat in a circle.
Another ruthless day had passed on for Dorian and he was hanging on his couch looking through his phone when he noticed a notification pop up: 'Stupid Support Group' He sighed and covered his face with his hand. His mother had signed him up to that to get him out of the house and also to see if he can be treated ever since he lashed out at her and her boyfriend. Dorian traveled to the support group and showed up in his dark gray sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and black skate shoes. He kept his hood on and muttered to himself saying that it's a waste of time.
Lily was sitting on the outside of the group, there was an empty space next to her when the boy wearing the hold entered. The only space left was the one beside her. She sighed sadly and looked down, this would be awkward. She had never spoken to anyone really after her friends ditched her because of her being such a loser.
Dorian entered and saw that there was one seat left next to a girl who looked a little shorter than him. He sighed not wanting to sit next to anyone but he had to suck it up. He sighed and sat down, then he lowered his head and closed his trying to sleep through it. Dorian kept his hands in his pockets and slouched in the chair with his head looking down towards his lap.
Melody watched as a gentle looking woman took a seat in the middle of the circle. She introduced herself to the group of unhappy kids, she was bouncy and seemed quite happy, too happy. What was there to be so happy about? She gave a whole lecture on how each one of us were different, but we were all beautifully different, and although we still have problems, we're beautiful on the inside and out. Although this little speech was inspiring, it didn't change Melody's insecurities whatsoever. The lady then told them to introduce themselves to the person beside them, she made sure to tap the sleeping boy beside Melody to make sure he heard that.
When he felt the tap on his shoulder, he flinched and looked up around the other group of kids looking at him. Dorian mumbled to himself and sat back in the chair making sure that he wouldn't sleep so no one could disturb him. Instead, he would use his trick to just stare in mid-air and fantasize about things that make him happy. It took forever for people to start to talk about their names and what not so he just sat quietly to himself.
Melody's eyes gazed around the group of people who were each chatting to the person beside them, some hesitant whilst others were surprisingly confident. As she looked around tiredly, the lady prompted her to speak to the guy that had been sleeping beside her. She hesitates but turns to him. "I-I'm Melody" She says quietly to him.
Dorian flickered his eyes as he heard a soft voice beside him and turned over with his cold, pale blue eyes. "Hm?" He said. He studied the girl and looked at her shoes up to her eyes. "Hi..." He said hesitantly. He tilted his head towards her and then tilted it back with a frown.
Melody hesitates once again but looks at him, trying to figure him out, she wandered why he was here if he was so uninterested, nor did he want to speak to anyone. Maybe, like her he was told to come here to seek help from his mum or something. She still needed a friend though, and he seemed quite interesting. "What's your name?" She asks, softly.
Dorian rolled his eyes to himself but didn't ignore her. "Dorian." He said in the simplest way. He crossed his arms and legs as he leaned back in the chair. He wondered why she wanted to talk to him, he didn't feel like talking but if he didn't, he'd be forced to. So he kept all of his answers short and simple.
Melody noticed him roll his eyes once she asked him that, and she quickly turned away, she let out a whimper as she wanted to burst out crying but she just couldn't bring herself to do it, not in front of all these people. So she just sat on her chair, turned away with her legs propped up on her chair, as she hid her face slightly. "No one ever wants to talk to me...." She mumbles to herself, softly.
Dorian heard her mumbled and sighed. Then he placed his hand under his chin and thought to himself 'Might as well try.' "Sorry." He apologized, then he went back to being quiet again.
Melody didn't say anything for the rest of the session, she just stayed in the same position she was in. When it was time to leave, she had never felt anymore happy. She began to collect her things, and then stood up finally, not saying a word to the boy that was sitting next to her. She began to file out along with the other lot of kids. She had school in the morning and had homework to catch up on.
In the morning, Dorian had put on a different dark hoodie and wore gray jeans with black skate shoes. He decided to skip homework again but he would make it up with ace-ing a test in the morning. At least he didn't have to go the next meeting for a week. Dorian knew how to drive but he either walked or used his skateboard. Today, he decided to walk to school; he started listening to rock music on the way.
Melody also had a test in the morning, she hadn't studied for it and hopefully she would so well. When it was time for school she say in the classroom where the test would be quietly as she watched all of her classmates chat happily whilst she was all by herself.
As Dorian reached the school, he took his hood off exposing his slightly messy black hair. He had his backpack on one side of shoulder and took out a pencil and put his hands in his pockets. Then, he headed straight to the classroom to start the test. People didn't talk to him and he didn't care. He thought people were a nuisance.
Melody watches as her group of ex best friends and some jocks approach her and began laughing, throwing rude notes at her and insulting her terribly. They just laughed when she began to cry, not caring.
Dorian saw those stupid jocks bullying a random girl in the hallway. As he looked closer, he began to realize that it was that girl from the support group. He decided to help her. Dorian walked up to the jocks and confronted him. "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size you lunk heads?" He insulted them and poked them. "Alright small fry, get the hell out of here before you end up in a place you don't want to be." The jock came back. Dorian smirked at them. "Try me idiot.." Out of nowhere, one of the jocks punched him the face and Dorian fell on his back. "See ya later dork." They walked into the classroom laughing and high-fiving. "You hit like my grandma." He whispered to himself.
Melody watches as the jocks and her ex best friends wander off. She looks over at the boy who had just saved her and reaches her hand out to him, helping him to his feet. "Thanks" She says gently.
Dorian didn't really care about her thanks. "Next time, stick up for yourself instead of making a scene crying." He didn't walk into the classroom to take the test. He walked around her and went outside to the track field to relax on the benches.
Melody watches him sadly. What a jerk. She sighs and then wanders around the school by herself, she left along with everyone else, eventually she had been noticed by one of the jocks and now she was badly bruised, a cut coming over her forehead as she bled. She sat just outside of the school, trying not to cry.
As Dorian was hanging out on the benches. He decided to take pictures of the empty field and then took pictures of the forest across from the school. The third bell rang for lunch. Dorian headed inside and decided to get an apple and water; he had a sandwich with him.
Melody sat by herself during the lunch period. She gazes around at the empty seats on her entire table as she looks at an apple that she had just purchased for her lunch. They said that she was fat, so she decided to go on a diet. She was still bruised, though no one seemed to care.

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