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Different But In Love

As soon as Dorian finished purchasing the two items, a Jock came up to him. "Hey dweeb. Going anorexic?" He asked. "Up yours idiot." Dorian lashed back. One of the jocks came at Dorian and he dropped the apple and water. Dorian came back up and punched the jock back in the face, it was a good one. It was just a fight between the one jock and him. In the end, they both got pretty beat up and Dorian ended up leaving the cafeteria with a bloody mouth and slashed eyebrow. "Last time I ever help cowards." He said to himself walking away with no food in his hand.
Melody, the following support group week, she truly didn't want to go, because she'd see that boy again, and so far, she had been trying to make friends with him but he had been so wrapped up in his own problems that she was acting so rudely towards her. She say in the circle with her arms crossed, her mum had told her to to.
Dorian came to the support group still bored out of his mind. His face was finally healing up and the bruises were starting to go from a blue/black down to a pale purple. He sat down in the group and looked at his hands.
Melody watches as the bit comes and sits down where he usually does which was beside her and she turns away, muttering things to herself about how jerky people can be towards others. She was still bruised from getting beaten up and had a bandage around her hand.
Dorian saw that Melody was annoyed with him. He didn't understand why because he should be the one annoyed at her. Instead, he wiped away the stupid thought and sighed/grunted and leaned back in his seat shaking his head.
Melody seemed to have enough of being in such a dumb support group, when she was being treated like shit and not supported at all, so she just stood up and then left, she hoped that one noticed her do this.
When he saw Melody leave, he decided to follow after her outside. "Hey, I know it sucks but do you really have to walk out like that? I mean you can just not listen to it so.." He asked her. He put his hood on and his hands in his pockets.
Melody shot him a look. "Why don't you just go off and make someone feel like a piece of shit? You're good at that" She mutters and then sighs as she looks away, glaring into space.
Dorian tilted his head at her. "Um, listen. I don't know what you're problem is with people but if you didn't notice those a**holes were throwing stuff at you and laughing and no one else was going to help you but look who popped in? Maybe if you stuck up for yourself, you wouldn't be in that situation having others pity you." He 'growled' at her.
Melody turns to him and gives him a harsh glare. "How are you to huge me for crying? Do you know how I've been feeling for these past few years? No! Well, you think you're better than everyone else, acting like you're all tough, making people feel more unhappy then they actually are! You think that it's cool to insult people when they don't need your fucking opinions! You.don't.know.or.understand.anything.about.me" She says and on her last words, she pokes him firmly, then she couldn't help but begin to cry.
He sighed heavily. "I don't feel like fighting with someone who will continue to say how bad I am." He started walking away to the nearest park holding out his camera getting ready to take pictures of the scenery.
Melody sighs and watches him. The following week at school she hesitantly approached him and then apologises. "I'm really sorry" She says quietly.
When she apologized to him. He nodded his head. "It's okay, you don't need to apologize to me. Water under the bridge I guess." He acknowledged her and waved goodbye since he didn't know her and what her life was. He decided to get an apple this time at lunch and go back to the benches at the track field again.
Melody decided to skip lunch and then wandered after him, noticing that he was sitting on a bench by himself, she wanders over to him and then sat beside him. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asks, gently.
"No, I don't care." He responded biting into the apple and looking through his camera. Dorian didn't mind people, only when they started things with him or others that don't deserve it.
Melody watches him and then nods. She then moves closer to him as he looks at his camera. "Do you like taking pictures?" She asks, curiously.
Dorian looked up out of awkwardness and was a little annoyed/anxious when she came over by him looking into his things. Dorian isn't the type of person that would warm up to you after a few days. "Yea, it's a hobby really.." He replied shifting his sight to the left of him, not moving his head.
Melody nods gently and then smiles weakly. "I like to take photos too, I keep a scrapbook of all the photos I take" She says and then digs into her bag and brings it out.
Dorian waited for her to take out her scrapbook and just looked through his camera and the pictures he took. Usually, he takes out the SD card and breaks it and then buys a new one but he didn't say anything, he just nodded his head in agreement.
Melody soon puts back her scrapbook and then stood up. "I guess I'll go now, see you at support group" She says and then begins to walk away. After her last few lessons, she headed back home.
Dorian looked at the time and realized that he had a doctor's appointment in the middle of the group. He came up riding his skateboard and then walked in with his hoodie on.
Melody was sat in her usual spot. She wasn't at all entirely sure that she wanted to be there at the support group, but she seemed less uninterested than she was before.
As a half hour passed, Dorian looked at his phone and saw his reminder that he had to leave. He got up from his seat and left the room starting to get ready to go on his skateboard.
The following week at school, Melody wanders over to the young boy from the support group, approaching him. "Hey" She says quietly as she looks at him, hoping he was in a good mood.
Dorian looked over to her and nodded, acknowledging her. He put his notebook in his locker and took out a smaller notebook and stuffed it in his backpack. Papers looked like they were going to fall out.

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