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Different But In Love

Dorian woke up really late that day. As time passed, it was finally time for him to go to the support group. "Great..." He sighed. He got dressed in worn out denim jeans and long sleeve t-shirt that had Pierce the Veil on it. He walked toward the support group, admiring the view as he walked.
Melody ran a hand through her hair as she sat boredly in the seat that she usually sat in during the support group. She was turned away from the others, already feeling boredom take over her.
Dorian finally made his way over and sat in his usual seat. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed from tiredness and boredom.
Melody stood up abd was glad that it was all over when the session was finished. She tripped over when she was leaving and dropped her bag, all of her things spilt out including her blades and razors she used for cutting. She hoped that no one would notice as she tries to pick them up.
Dorian was the last one to leave and saw Melody's razors fall out. He grew mad and went over to her to help her. Then, he took the razors and blades away from her. "I'm taking these. Don't fight me." He said, giving her a dirty and disappointed look. He helped her with the rest of the things but stuck everything in his pockets.
Melody tries to take then back. "Those are mine! You can't just take away my things, give them back!" She begs as she tries to desperetley grab then from his hands.
"No! Stop cutting yourself for no reason, you'll ruin your beautiful skin." He stepped back from her trying to keep the razors away.

(Omg, I have such a sad scene in the future. It's like sad and romantic but so sad ;- ;)
Melody nods and then stood up after taking her things. "But I don't know how to" She says truthfully as she looks down at the floor and then back up at him.

(I hope it's not something like killing off a character or a tragic illness. Otherwise, I would like to hear it?)
(Oh no, do you want me to tell you?)

You have to be strong, that's why I'm taking these away so you can't cut yourself up." He said sighing in sadness.
Melody looks at him, confused. "Why do you care though? You should be worrying about yourself, not someone not even worth the time of day, like me?" She asks, softly.

(Sure, go ahead)
Dorian scoffed at her. "See? This is what I mean. This is why I become the jerk you call me. You have no self-esteem and make me want to pity you. Everyone is worth it for someone. I have my own problems that I can solve by myself but you can't solve your problems since you have no self esteem or dignity."

(So after they are together, maybe Melody would be in the bathroom cutting herself because she's upset and then Dorian would get upset and he would start cutting himself on his chest and wrists. Then Melody would freak out and ask why is he doing that and then Dorian would say "Because this is what you're doing to me and then they both would be crying and yea ;-; Sad scene.)
Melody looks at him and then gkabces back down again. "Okay...." She mumbles and then began to turn away. "I'll see you at school. I guess" She says and then began to wander towards the door.

(Sure, maybe he would cut himself each time in return whenever she would do it?)
Dorian sighed knowing that it's going to be a big project to help her. He started to walk by the trash can and threw away the razors. Then he started heading home.

(I was going to make it seem like Dorian doesn't catch her for a while but when he saw the cuts, he would get upset and then when he catches her finally, that's when he would do it.)
Melody wanders to school the following morning, no matter what he said, she couldn't stop. She was loaded with more blades and would put them in her locker that morning.

Dorian had arrived to school in his usual outfit. He yawned as he travelled the hallway and didn't feel like interacting with anyone at the time. He put his notebook in his bag and just hung out by his locker.

(Okay ^-^)
Melody had her locker right near to Dorian's and she sighed as she noticed him there. She quietly trues to open her locker and then began to dig into her bag.
Dorian was mesmerized with his own problems and sadly didn't notice Melody. He thought of his late best friend and put his head down. He was quiet all until a jock and had come by. "Stop staring you bitch" He laughed pushing his head in the locker. Dorian got out and tackled the jock punching him in the face multiple times. This time, even though it was a tie between the two guys, Dorian felt like he won. They both came out with cuts on their faces and bruises.
Melody watches and then places her things in her locker. She watches as the jock wanders off as the bell goes and then she locks her locker and kneels down to help her friend, helping him to his feet.
Dorian sighed and nodded to her, "I got it." He got up picking his bag up and went back to his locker putting in random papers making more room.
Melody nods to him and then quietly makes her way yo the girl's bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind her as she did this. She was hoping that Dorian didn't see her.
Dorian had saw Melody rush to the girl's bathroom. He decided that he wouldn't go in there but he would wait for her. He started to get frustrated with her.

(When should they get together?)
Melody stayed curled up on the bathroom toilet for a good ten minutes and then she began to cut herself with a few spare blades that she had bought with her.

(They should probably get together pretty soon, like after the support group session she could confess her love for him?)
Dorian had leaned against the wall and waited for her. His straight face turned into a frown and he started getting more frustrated.

(Okay xD Dorian is bipolar and would mess up his proclamation)
Melody stayed on the toilet for a while. She was very guilty for going ahead and cutting herself after everything that she didn't even have the guts to go back outside. She began to sob gently.

( xD )
As time passed, he knew that she was probably waiting for him. With the hallways empty, he finally entered the bathroom and looked down at the stalls. He heard sobs from the last stall and pushed it open. He frowned and grew frustrated. Then he kneeled down to her and took the blade away from her; He also took her arm, the one she didn't cut, and brought her out of the stall then throwing away the blade. "Give me them..right now Melody. All of the blades. I don't care if I have to fight you. Now." He said in a harsh tone holding out his hand.

(I'm not going to do the scene since they aren't together)

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