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Different But In Love

Melody hesitates though smiles warmly. "Your bag looks pretty stuffy and full, I could put some of your things in my bag, there's a lot of space" She says gently, patting her light backpack softly.
"No it's fine, too many important things in here. Thanks though.." He responded soon shutting his locker and checking his phone for a text from his mom. Nothing. He then put the phone back in his bag and zipped it up.
Melody nods lightly. Since the day she apogised to him for her actions he seemed more laid back and he wasn't the jerk she thought he was.


As time went by, she would be happy to stay glued to his side, soon enough she was able to consider him as a friend. She often sat with him at lunch, during lessons and out on benches, and in the support group.
As time went by, Dorian didn't mind Melody's company and just stayed as himself being quiet and occasionally answering her and somewhat talking to her. However, ever since he pissed off those jocks, they haven't given him a break and always messed around with him doing small annoying things. As Dorian was walking through the hallway by himself, a jock came up behind him and smacked him in the back of the head and laughed. The Dorian smacked the jock back with his books. Again, another fight broke up and no one won.
Melody, at the end of the day had been dabbing gently at his bruises and cuts, she didn't seem to mind being in the boy's labotory to do this, she just wanted her friend to be better. "Only a few more weeks until graduation" She says gently.
(Wait they're seniors right?)

He sighed as he patiently waited for her. "Don't too it too hard, it stings." He squinted every time she dabbed his wound. Then he moved on to what she said. "Yea, I guess so." Dorian sighed not caring either way.
(They're in their last years, you said they would graduate together?)

Melody nods and then wraps his cut arm in some toilet tissue. She examines his marks, that were almost healed. She smiles at him warmly. "I hope you'll be okay now" She says gently.
(Yea, they'll graduate together)

Dorian sighed at the thought of the jocks beating him up again. "Whatever, just hate those guys. Makes me wanna puke." He responded. His response wasn't supposed to be mean to her, he was just angry at the jocks.
( ( :D ) )

Lily flinches at this though she lightly ruffles his hair gently. She looks at him for a short while and then sighs. "At least you don't have to cope with them for too long" She says, trying to be positive towards the matter.
He looked at her funnily when she ruffled his hair and then a smile started to come across his face. Then he let out a chuckle. "You want me to mess with your hair? Huh??" He laughed and twirled the tips of her hair.
Lily giggles softly. "Hey!" She says as he fiddles about with her dark hair. She smiles at him and then ruffles his hair once more. She then leads him over to the bathroom door. "We'd better head to Lunch before people get suspicious" She says.
He chuckled. "Not like that would matter since everyone says worse things." They both headed to the lunch room and as they were getting food, Dorian asked Melody a question. "Where would you like to sit today because it's your turn?" He asked.
Melody gestures over to a table in the far corner, it was well away from all the jocks and her ex best friends. The table was quiet, though they wouldn't have any trouble. "Over here" She says settling down at the table with her apple and soda.
"Okay." He stretched out the word as he followed her over to the table. He set down his cheese sandwich and ice tea. He began to eat but looked around every couple minutes to check if a jock was going to come.
Melody ate her apple and looks over him, soon finishing. She plays with the top of her soda bottle and then smiles, noticing that he was looking around, wandering whether the jocks would come over. She sighs. "Don't worry, they won't bother you" She says softly.
"I don't care Melody..They will either bother you or me. Just checking so I can see it coming." He responded. He rested his head on top of his handed sighed. His hair was longer than most of the guys, but it wasn't as long as a girls, it was some-what short.
She sighed and then flinched. "I'm only trying to help you" She pressed as she huffs in annoyance, it would be nice if he actually thanked her once in a while, spending time to befriend him and make him happy.
Dorian tilted his head and smirked. "What's that _ for?" He imitated her huff and chuckled. ( _ = Melody's huff). He kept his hand under his chin and looked at her.
Melody just shook her head looking down at her soda bottle. "Oh, nothing" She says lightly with a blush as she looks up at him, she blushes even more. She couldn't believe that she hadn't noticed how handsome he was.
Dorian looked up at her blushing towards him. This caused a chain reaction and made him blush. "Why are you blushing?!" He asked laughing in an awkward way.
Melody shakes her head and giggles softly. "You're blushing now too!" She says, though her blush soon disappears.
His face was shocked and he looked around trying to not focus on her blushing. He soon stopped blushing. Then he started to awkwardly laugh trying to make the situation a little better.
Melody glances at the clock on the wall, class would be starting soon. "I'm going to start heading to class" She says and stood up, throwing the remains of her apple in the trash can and then grabbing her soda.
"See ya later.." He said finishing up his food. Dorian picked up his water bottle and stuffed it in his bag to add on to the pile. Then he got up and started to head to his class.
Melody sat through a long hour of her last lesson of the day, Math and then was relieved when the bell went and she could go home. The following day was a Saturday, and she had to go to the support group. She wanders through the halls as she thought about how boring it would be.

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