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Different But In Love

Melody was shocked when she noticed him and whinpered, followed by a soft whine when he took away the blade and led her out, she grew more distressed when he threw it away. She shook her head and turned away with her arms crossed. "No" She says quietly.

(Yeah c:)
Dorian grew even more frustrated with her. "Melody..stop fighting with me. Give it to me now. I mean it. Don't make me do something that we'll both regret and end up getting upset." He didn't want to threaten her but this was his best bet. He glared at her waiting for her to give him the blades.
Melody just shrugged and began to wander away. "In my locker anyways, you can't get them without my key" She points out and then turns to him, shooting him a glare in return.
Dorian tugged her over to her locker. He looked at the locker and then back at her. "Key." He said demanding it.
Melody quickly shook her head and turned away from him. "No, I'm not going to fight about it because they're my blades" She says firmly to him.
Dorian scoffed and hit the locker. "So you want to just keep slowly dying? And your excuse would be 'Oh no one cares about me, the world is better off with out me' Bullshit? Melody, I don't care if they're your blades or not. Give me the damn key now." He slowly raised his voice.
Melody flinches and then looks at him finally. She wraps her arms around herself and then began to walk away from him, she wanted to give away her baldes, but she couldn't live without them almost. She broke into a run, finally.
"God damn it. Melody, get back here!" He started to chase after her through the hallways. He made sure that he was fast enough to follow her but not too fast to scare her even though he was faster than her. He kept chasing after her.
Melody cane to a dead end and then stopped running as she noticed that she was at the end of one of the hallways. She wanted to run back but she knew that Dorian was running after her, too.
Dorian finally stopped and panted a little bit. He held out a hand. "Melody, stop this now. You're acting like a child but this is too dangerous and serious for you. Please..give me them now." He asked her.
Melody glares at him but then finally passes him her locker key, she began to cry and then turned away from him, keeping her arms wrapped around herself, clearly distressed.
Dorian got the key and sighed. He made his way toward her and hugged her. "I'm sorry..I just want to protect you Melody." He said in a sad voice.
Melody was surprised that he had hugged her. She smiles weakly and blushes, hugging him back. "It's okay" She mumbles softly. "I guess it's just a habit I need to break out of" She says, trying to be positive.
"I'm going to help you. Just, don't fight me. It'll save the tears for you." He replied soon breaking the hug and looking at her in the face.
Melody nods and then looks down. The next session at the support group, she felt as if she had to tell him about her feelings. At the end of the session she approached Dorian with a weak smile.
As he saw Melody approach him, he brushed the back of his hair with his fingers. "Yea? Do you need something?" He asked her sounding concerned.
Melody began to tell him that she really liked him, "I don't just like you as a friend, I really love you....I just wanted to get that off my chest, you know" She says softly to him.
Dorian's facial expression became shocked as he heard her say that she loved him. He got closer to her and hugged her tightly. He hasn't heard those words in what seemed like forever to him. Just one tear strolled down his cheek. "I love you too..." He responded softly.
Melody smiles, she had never felt so happy with someone before. She nuzzles against his chest and then reaches up and places her lips to his, she blushes as she does this.
When his lips touched hers, his eyes widened. As she pulled away from him, he blushed and his face became red. He gave out an awkward laugh. "Sorry..it's just my uh...first kiss." He laughed and scratched the back of his head.
Melody giggles softly and then began to walk away, before giving him one last kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you at school!" She says cheerily and wanders off to head back home.
Dorian sighed and walked home smiling. He thought Melody was beautiful and was surprised that she would like him even though he scared her before. Anyway, he walked home happy for the first time in a long time.
Melody the next morning was so happy that she could have skipped to her locker, she wasn't stashing anything in her lockers like blades or sharp things, only her school books, though she barely went to lessons anyways, she was always with Dorian.
Dorian had become happier but always kept his eye on Melody. He wanted to make sure that she was okay. Today, he wanted to do something nice for her. "Hey, are you free this weekend?" He asked her rubbing her hand and smiling.
Melody nods, "Yeah, why?" She asks softly. She was smiling, something she hadn't done in such a long time. She blushes and then took hold of his hand, squeezing it.

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