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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Opium said:
Melmoth had emerged hastily from the evanescent mists of the moor, his steed galloped with an unyielding mettle as it bestride the plateaus and minor and sheer-deep depressions. As his mount repose to a canter toward the portcullis, frantic men desperately struggled to labour, heaving at the mechanism to elevate the leaden gate.
"Our worthy lord - he requites his return!" a sergeant caterwauled in a harsh, rasping voice.

Melmoth's stallion stampede within the bailey, those in tuition in how to appropriate a sword in the yard present no salutation, yearning to assimilate the understanding of how their Lord once fought. An obligatory communion of mingling noblemen socialized with one another. A chiming clang resonate as hammer hit steel, refining the brand into a sword - as came a sputtering hiss when molten metal made contact with gelid waters of the forge. The prattling ramble of children in their youth was derived as nothing but blather.

An assertive, unperturbed squire strolled to his mount as Melmoth reared the stallion, diverging from it's saddle and trampling the ground with his hefty boots, they trod into the mud with vigour.

"M'lord, we are delighted with your return," he bowed, in his hand a respective document, knowingly addressing Melmoth. As he tread toward the squire, his armour clanking with sonority, he seized the letter from his fist with a mere yank. The neurotic squire stumbled over his words, stammering as he attempt to state his expressions.

"I- we uh-" the squire stuttered.

Melmoth was hushed, attentive to the contents.

"A-An invitation, mi'lord, pe-petitioning your acceptance to attend a f-feast," he remark.

Without an utterance, Melmoth saddled the mount and promptly instanter the reigns with a lashing motion. The mount whinnied and traversed, then scrambling from the bailey courtyard, hurtling from the portcullis and drawbridge as he charged onward to the capital.


The nightly streets weren't as vibrant nor hectic when in the prime hour, instead vendors meandered and dawdled in proximity of their stalls, fastening latches with padlocks and closing down for the night. A retinue of guardsmen patrolled, the incandescent flicker of their torches governing the route.

Melmoth rode toward the vicinity of the alabaster castle.


There were subtle shrieks at first, then gradually reverberate the clamouring wails and howls, bawling hollers of

"Fucking imps," snarled he whom mount the stallion, a guttural, metallic growl.

Melmoth slapped the leashes and his mount struck it's hooves into the cobbled stone, resonating with a distinctive, grating clatter. As a precaution, he adjust his saddle, securing his stance as he streamed a single Shashka from it's holster, his fist clamped firm on the reign.

His stallion permeate through concerned congregated amasses of civilians and soldiers alike.

"Halt!" a guardsman roared, upraising his open palm at Melmoth, whom precariously battered into sending the guardsman sprawling and slouching upon the gravel, laying prostrate.

The sight was distraught, overwrought with soldiers attempting to repel the hysterical and demented horde of hideous, fuck-ugly imps. Their flailing arms thrashed at shields and floundered into men, tumbling as an assembly of them scaled the bulwarks and scaffolding.

One screamed as it wail at Melmoth, blundering with an agitated temper toward him. It leaped, bounding at chest-height with it's weapon poised for his vulnerable neck. Yet Melmoth's blade met its maniacal head with his steel, delivering a debilitating blow that macerate the imp's jaw. His mouth hung agape as it's pulverized cranium caved into itself, a disturbing assemblage of gore leaked from its mouth. There was no sound, no noise. No afflicting torment of agony. It was instant.

The imp smacked into the unforgiving stone, laying limp with a perplexed expression of a distraught gaze.

(Listen to enhance atmosphere of the next paragraph @1:30).


Amidst the flocking herd was a lady (@Comet ) and knight (@akumashioni ), discordant from one another with their typical manner. Melmoth enclosed upon their predicament, then offering his hand to the lady, lessening her harrowing worry of plight. At once, from the saddle, his mount counterpoise as he digressed from it.

"Hasten for the Guild, now!" he stipulate, bestowing upon her pallid fingers the pummel of his blade, entrusting his steel to defend herself if need be, then spanking the rear of his stallion.

He gait toward the Knight and gave a reassuring nod (despite his loathing detestation for Knights) to pacify his astonished glower, he appeared annoyed as if expecting another turn of events. Melmoth unsheathe his peripheral, silver-white blade (having confer what would of made up his primary dual-wield to the Lady), the polished steel of his Shashka was benevolent.

The imps had certainly accumulate in substantial magnitude.

The reputable and honourable stature of the Knight was one to prestige with merit.

They were primed for combat.
(Ok first, all of your posts give me headaches, second, how do you know I'm a knight? Not like I'm in full armor, I'm a politician at a banquet.)
(Oml, so much./.\ confusing words bro.)

When Caroline was with Nathaniel, about to leave, imps attacked her castle. She moved quickly to go see if her family was okay, but was stopped by a man coming up to her on a horse and offer her his hand. She looked at Nathaniel beside her, knowing he had a plan and she kinda rejected his hand, taking her crown off her head. She ignored the chaos around her, asking the man, "and who may you be?" She had a sharp tone to her voice, being harsh that he stopped her from seeing if her family is okay. When she heard a scream that sounded like her mother's, her heart went into her throat. She moved to see where her mother was and sighed in relief when her father showed up by the queen's side, saving her and taking her to safety. Pretty soon, he'll be looking for her. She had to go now or she'll never leave..

She looked at the two men that was by her, seeing which one she should go with. She knew that Nathaniel knew of the guild, but the guy on the horse mentioned them too.. But how did he know she was going there?? She crossed her arms like a child, giving him a harsh look. "How do I know that's where we're going? Ser Nathaniel beside said he'll take me there, even if it is..." She shivered, "through a sewer."

@akumashioni @Opium
Sitting back at his table Jinkuro decides to close his eyes, and relax. Noise around Jinkuro stop, as he entered a state of peace. As he opens his eyes, Jinkuro was on top of a beautiful mountain. To the left was a amazing, and majestic waterfall, that falling into the waves below. The right was a lush forest that home to such creatures, like Onis and Faires. "Why am I back here again? The sight of my master's death..." This thought went through his mind. He looks behind himself, and saw a man peacefully sitting on the ground. On his side was a katana. The sheath looked rather ancient, with all the carvings etched on to it. The man stands, and looks at Jinkuro with a piercing stare.

"Izuna Jinkuro! For disobligingly going against my will, and taking the demon blade! I shall take your life!" The man stood up and draw his blade at Jinkuro.
akumashioni said:
(Ok first, all of your posts give me headaches, second, how do you know I'm a knight? Not like I'm in full armor, I'm a politician at a banquet.)
[yr char profile tho ,nd I jus assumed

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @Ayane

health/mood ;; healthy / grateful

location ;; guild

Asura glanced back at the silly looking woman who didnt really act like her gender.

... I like her! (@Angelostar4)

Returning her attention back to the guildleader, whose name is Ariella, she realized she was next in line.

Yay! Finallyy

"Hello miss! Im Asura Eun, martial artist at your service! I shall provide protection and whatever you need! Im honored" She bowed her head to the younger female respectfully.

Now if you don't mind miss, im going to attend to the food and dorms now-" Asura added sheepishly, cheeks growing pink.

Well.. Can't wait for this to get started!" She waved and hurried off, appetite back on and attacking the food table stealthily.

holdonletmetakeselfieEira Corvus


health/mood ;; healthy / calm & reassuring

location ;; guild

Eira assumed what the kilted man was thinking.

That she was trying to glorify her husband, warp their thoughts on him.

That was not her intention at all, purely the truth, though its grisly and not as glamorous as most think. She was never delighted about the killings, the long time spent away from eachother, battling or traveling for business.

Besides, didnt many people kill others in the name of good, a higher order?

Flicking her icy colored eyes towards the guild leader, she approached, cloak sweeping along the floor. "
Greetings. Im Eira Corvus, a Sorceress. Fighter and Healer... And will gladly offer any knowledge that is of any use." She smiled gently, looking her over with kind eyes. "And dear Ariella.. I believe in you. I know you'll be an amazing leader, regardless of age or appearance.."

Comet said:
(Oml, so much./.\ confusing words bro.)
When Caroline was with Nathaniel, about to leave, imps attacked her castle. She moved quickly to go see if her family was okay, but was stopped by a man coming up to her on a horse and offer her his hand. She looked at Nathaniel beside her, knowing he had a plan and she kinda rejected his hand, taking her crown off her head. She ignored the chaos around her, asking the man, "and who may you be?" She had a sharp tone to her voice, being harsh that he stopped her from seeing if her family is okay. When she heard a scream that sounded like her mother's, her heart went into her throat. She moved to see where her mother was and sighed in relief when her father showed up by the queen's side, saving her and taking her to safety. Pretty soon, he'll be looking for her. She had to go now or she'll never leave..

She looked at the two men that was by her, seeing which one she should go with. She knew that Nathaniel knew of the guild, but the guy on the horse mentioned them too.. But how did he know she was going there?? She crossed her arms like a child, giving him a harsh look. "How do I know that's where we're going? Ser Nathaniel beside said he'll take me there, even if it is..." She shivered, "through a sewer."

@akumashioni @Opium
[its either take his hand or travel though a shit infested sewer (which can b blocked by imps on either side once yr in) ,melmoth gave you his blade assuring yr safety and his stallion so you can go to the guild (which you need to get to anyway) ,nathaniel and I will return to the guild hall wher @Ayane will debate whethr she can trust melmoth or not (having been denied/doubted)

[plus im linking the attack of the imps on the castle so its strengthens the cause for whn we attack the imps or thyr hideout whatevr ,and you havn been in the midst of the attack truly want retribution

[im jus tryn to advance the storyline so we can all meet nd organize ,I undrstand you had plans nd r prolly annoyed at me but I wont bother you again ,trust

[this is a much fairer adaption.

@Comet @akumashioni
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Opium said:
[yr char profile tho ,nd I jus assumed
(Obviously you know I'm a knight from my character page, what I was asking was how does your character know? And no ones annoyed at you, we don't care how we get to the guild.)

@Ayane nothings wrong, his posts just give me headaches.
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Jinkuro flashes a wicked smirk at the man, he brandish his teeth. This body, surprisingly has very shark-like teeth. "A dead man shouldn't be yapping their mouth. They should be quiet and motionless!" Jinkuro shouts. The man having enough talk from Jinkuro, rushes him with his blade drawn. Standing still, Jinkuro quickly draws the Muramasa, and quickly puts it back into it's sheath (Oboro Style: Quick Draw). Multiple gashes appear all over the man's body, who has stop right in front of the man.

"D-Demon... how could you... wield the blade?" The man was wanting an answer. He was badly wounded, blood coming out of his wounds at a rapid rate. "Answer me Demon!"

Jinkuro fully takes out the Muramasa, and places the blade near the man's neck. "How? It's simple... Oboro Style." As those words left his mouth, he slash the man's head clean off.
Caroline raised an eyebrow. "You're letting me take your horse?" She asked, taking his hand and climbing up on the horse, fixing her dress around so it doesn't rip or anything else, and looked at Nathaniel. "You guys traveling alone or coming with me to the guild? I would rather not travel without Ser Nathaniel, since he's a knight, as you can define by the name Ser." She sat up tall, holding her golden jeweled grown in one hand, holding onto the horse with the other.

@akumashioni @Opium
"You guys traveling alone or coming with me to the guild? I would rather not travel without Ser Nathaniel, since he's a knight, as you can define by the name Ser," her endearing words hew upon impaired ears.

Yet Melmoth was already situate upon the ground, expediting his assistance for Ser Nathaniel, in which his stance held a crucial pose, right boot stationed forth and gauntlet caressing the hilt, fondling the various lacerations and dented manipulations of the pommel as he ferociously survey the assault, determination and tenacity deviant in his eyes yonder the batavi mantle.

He gyrate, fiercely growling at the Lady,

"Fucking abscond!"

Melmoth gave the stallion a pounding thrust upon it's hind, letting it whinny with invigoration before dashing hard for the Guild Hall.

"They sneer and jeer - O' how they bravely let us hear! Thought whatever happens, We Shan't Belay!" he thundered the words of House Corvidae, subsequently cleaving the blade with an enfeeble culmination, ploughing the imp of it's intestinal organs as they surged from it's gut.
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Where was he? he had spilled his stew in the forest which had attracted some dire wolfs he was lucky to escape the pack into a castle though the castle looked like it wasn't doing to much better. the imps didn't bother him much as he ripped one apart with his bear hands ,but then he saw it a man with a blade covered in blood and right next to two nobles. He was a paladin of defense he sprinted towards them as he reached the man with the horse picking up the horse and throwing it toward the blood covered man with the blade screaming "WAGH".
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Opium said:
[tells you to fuck off to the guild hall ,he will deal w/ the situation as he fights side by side with Ser Nathaniel
(theres imps in the castle garden? I saw you eviscerate one in your previous post, forgive me for not having the mental fortitude to translate all your posts to modern English.)
Not targeting anyone in the rp, (pls understand this), please keep large paragraph replies as this is a Casual/Detailed rp. It should really be teo paragraphs, but whatever. And please use proper punctuation and grammar, I received a complaint about this from one of you :) Thank you <3 ♡ )

Ariella chuckles softly to the martial artist. She was cute, reminding her of the little elf Edith. "Asuna...Eun, got it. And have a good rest. Tomorrow will be a big day." She notices the sorceress, and gave a smile as she nodded. "You will be quite useful, madam." Ariella felt her heart stop when she mentioned what she was thinking, and uttered, "A-ah, much obliged madam. Truly, many thanks." The half-elf gave an embarrassed smile as her face reddened. "I really hope so. My father would be proud, in all honesty."

She looked around, and attempted to memorize each and one of the members names. Ah, she'll get them eventually. She would have to pick up the cloaks with the emblem from a friend of hers...she then would visit her mother before the quest at the fields. Her heart raved as she thought of the day to come. Ariella too has to recieve a good rest.

@dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Twyllvarlais @anyoneelseimissed

akumashioni said:
(theres imps in the castle garden? I saw you eviscerate one in your previous post, forgive me for not having the mental fortitude to translate all your posts to modern English.)
SP3CT3R said:
Romulus shot up. There were several smells coming in from outside, and none of them good. They were the smells of a large battle. And they were accompanied by sounds. It sounded like people were being attacked. Romulus turned to the others at the guild hall and asked, "Do you smell- I mean, hear that? It sounds like there's something going on."
@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Twyllvarlais @Ayane ((I'm just pinging the people Ayane pinged because i don't remember who's in the guild hall))
(( Le castle is not neaby. Thalore and Nishka))
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When the odor had died down, Serna took a deep breath of the cool air. He took it in and held it for a while and finally exhaling, he said,

"Well- I'll be heading back in now, It was pleasant to be out here with the both of you." He said this mainly just to appear polite.

He rested his hands onto the hilts of of his sheathed blades and turned to leave. @dorkling @RaikuKawisa

Once back inside the Tavern, he made his way to the guild hall.

And once back inside the guild hall, he spotted the leader and wanted to converse with her. @Ayane

The elf girl running her own guild had intrigued him, especially when the girl looked so young. In truth, he was very lowly regarding her.

"Now that that whole disturbance has been taken care of... I'd like to ask what you hope to accomplish with this guild. What is this whole thing even about?" He asked of her.

Hearing his own words aloud made him realize how rude he sounded, but he was too indifferent at the moment to care. After what Serna had just witnessed inside this very guild hall, he was very keen on questioning what this guild was going to stand for.

"I mean- If I'm going to be working with you, I want more background information. What are the Twin Dragons, rebuilt, going to signify? After... the events of today, I just want to know exactly what I'm getting myself into. It seems you're recruiting any and every body- but for what? I'm not exactly sure I want to be associated with a guild that allows this kind of behavior at all." @Ayane
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@dorkling[/URL] @RaikuKawisa

Once back inside the Tavern, he made his way to the guild hall.

And once back inside the guild hall, he spotted the leader and wanted to converse with her. @Ayane

The elf girl running her own guild had intrigued him, especially when the girl looked so young. In truth, he was very lowly regarding her.

"Now that that whole disturbance has been taken care of... I'd like to ask what you hope to accomplish with this guild. What is this whole thing even about?" He asked of her.

Hearing his own words aloud made him realize how rude he sounded, but he was too indifferent at the moment to care. After what Serna had just witnessed inside this very guild hall, he was very keen on questioning what this guild was going to stand for.

"I mean- If I'm going to be working with you, I want more background information. What are the Twin Dragons, rebuilt, going to signify? After... the events of today, I just want to know exactly what I'm getting myself into. It seems you're recruiting any and every body- but for what? I'm not exactly sure I want to be associated with a guild that allows this kind of behavior at all." @Ayane
"Hello, again." She greets him as she gave a smile. "How may I help you?" Ariella sensed the the man was serious about the guild---almost as much as she was. She slightly shrinked as he asked his first question, and cleared her throat as he reworded his question. Ariella nodded as she began, "In case you don't recall, the Twin Dragons guild was mostly numerous back then. My father, a human of the name of Sirius Silverwood, (not from hp heh) was a skilled warrior that ranked highly in the guild. We know the guild broke apart because of troubles...and my father didn't believe that the guild was connected anymore. Enough about that, apologies, I recreating it to honor that tasks should be done together as one. Just like the emblem." Ariella points to it at the back. "There is plenty of people who need help in Etral dealing with monsters---they are camped almost everywhere more than in any other nation. As fighters, we should protect the ones who cannot protect themselves." She then smiled to him. "Anything can happen in any guild....ah, what was your name?" Ariella asked with an apologetic expression.
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Ayane said:
"Hello, stranger." She greets him as she gave a smile. "How may I help you?" Ariella sensed the the man was serious about the guild---almost as much as she was. She slightly shrinked as he asked his first question, and cleared her throat as he reworded his question. Ariella nodded as she began, "In case you don't recall, the Twin Dragons guild was mostly numerous back then. My father, a human of the name of Sirius Silverwood, (not from hp heh) was a skilled warrior that ranked highly in the guild. We know the guild broke apart because of troubles...and my father didn't believe that the guild was connected anymore. Enough about that, apologies, I recreating it to honor that tasks should be done together as one. Just like the emblem." Ariella points to it at the back. "There is plenty of people who need help in Etral dealing with monsters---they are camped almost everywhere more than in any other nation. As fighters, we should protect the ones who cannot protect themselves." She then smiled to him. "Anything can happen in any guild....ah, what was your name?" Ariella asked with an apologetic expression.


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