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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

A green western half-orc noticed much ruckus in the castle of Tharlore as she attempted to rest. "Mm..." She just wanted to sleep in peace for once! The orc wasn't a very helpful person in general---unless there was pay. Large pay. The orc debated to go or not. Then again, if she stopped the noise, she could rest in peace. Decided, she stood up and walked, her gait quick and nimble. To the source of the noise. She notices a man in armor with another actually not in armor defending against imps. Should she help? The orc blew through her nose before asking, "Need a hand?" She took her staff from her back, and said, "Oh, the name's Dura." Dura suddenly recognizes the man...it was Corvus...the well known fighter of little mercy. She liked him. "I'd be grateful to aid you, the half-orc added."

Ayane said:
First name: Dura

Surname: Unknown

Age: 23

Sexuality: Straight as the x axis

Race: Half-Orc


Personality: Rude. She rarely has respect for others unless she believes that you are strong both physically and mentally. Sarcastic. Her jokes are usually making fun of someone that she dislikes. Brave. She is willing to go in situations others won't dare to go in.

Class: Fire Mage

Role: Using fire magic from the back lines.

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild): Similar to other half-orc stories, she ran away from the savage land of orcs and went to Etral. Her family were of high status in orc society in Atrea. However, since her mother was human and her father an orc, there was always room for discrimination. Her mother, a mage herself, taught Dura magic. Dura gained much respect of her and from her. Refusing or forced to eat humans, due to the fact her mother was, she was riducled as not a true orc. When she got older, she decided to take the journey to Etral for a better life than in Atrea.


A mage staff like this...


A spell book given by her mother


What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon, scroobs

Other: She is disgusted by orcs that eat humans, (mostly all orcs fyi).


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Ayane said:
"Hello, again." She greets him as she gave a smile. "How may I help you?" Ariella sensed the the man was serious about the guild---almost as much as she was. She slightly shrinked as he asked his first question, and cleared her throat as he reworded his question. Ariella nodded as she began, "In case you don't recall, the Twin Dragons guild was mostly numerous back then. My father, a human of the name of Sirius Silverwood, (not from hp heh) was a skilled warrior that ranked highly in the guild. We know the guild broke apart because of troubles...and my father didn't believe that the guild was connected anymore. Enough about that, apologies, I recreating it to honor that tasks should be done together as one. Just like the emblem." Ariella points to it at the back. "There is plenty of people who need help in Etral dealing with monsters---they are camped almost everywhere more than in any other nation. As fighters, we should protect the ones who cannot protect themselves." She then smiled to him. "Anything can happen in any guild....ah, what was your name?" Ariella asked with an apologetic expression.
Serna couldn't help but sigh at the girl's words. In response, he said to her,

"I knew of the Twin Dragons from long ago. Everybody did. But I did not know that the guild was just a band of eccentrics trying to be heroes."

Her words struck him personally.

It sounds to me this girl just threw together an abstract concept of what a guild is and just wanted some attention.

It was silly to him. The guild had no clear objective.

He began to doubt her leadership capabilities. But of course, what could one expect from such a young, immature teenager trying to lead a guild?

"Listen. You may mean to do good, but isn't that the job of our protective forces? Do you mean to replace them?"

Serna had found it cute that the girl wanted to protect Etral from monsters, however, it was much easier said than done to protect a whole nation from harm. It sounded like a childish fantasy to him, and he was only being realistic.

And although he was a very compassionate man, he found it annoying how she spoke with such naivety.

There are no heroes. There is no glory in battle. He knew this the best.

"I find it childish to base a whole guild around this idea." He finally spoke, revealing his true feelings.

He sighed again.

elfattack said:
I ask cause I have a friend called lionpride wanting to join as a warlock and I think dwarfs are cool @Ayane
(You might wanna delete this from the main and put it in the OOC)
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[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]Serna couldn't help but sigh at the girl's words. In response, he said to her,
"I knew of the Twin Dragons from long ago. Everybody did. But I did not know that the guild was just a band of eccentrics trying to be heroes."

Her words struck him personally.

It sounds to me this girl just threw together an abstract concept of what a guild is and just wanted some attention.

It was silly to him. The guild had no clear objective.

He began to doubt her leadership capabilities. But of course, what could one expect from such a young, immature teenager trying to lead a guild?

"Listen. You may mean to do good, but isn't that the job of our protective forces? Do you mean to replace them?"

Serna had found it cute that the girl wanted to protect Etral from monsters, however, it was much easier said than done to protect a whole nation from harm. It sounded like a childish fantasy to him, and he was only being realistic.

And although he was a very compassionate man, he found it annoying how she spoke with such naivety.

There are no heroes. There is no glory in battle. He knew this the best.

"I find it childish to base a whole guild around this idea." He finally spoke, revealing his true feelings.

He sighed again.

(You might wanna delete this from the main and put it in the OOC)

Well, he doesnt like her xD )
The man's head rolls off into the water, as the head falls. Jinkuro awakens from his short nap. He lifts his head off the table, and notices one of the guild members arguing with the leader. Looking at the window... it was night out, and the stars were twinkling and sparkling. Jinkuro releases a heavy sigh, and spits on the guild halls floor. "What's the point in complaining about leadership? Like that matters here." He thought looking at the two talking. One looks like an elve, and the other was a human male. "Maybe it's not my place to speak... Heh, as if I know what's good leadership." Jinkuro grin, knowing full well of his track record with the jobs he had over the years.
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert](lololol he doesn't dislike her, he just doesn't like her reason for forming the guild)

Hmmm, or are you talking to me in general O.o )

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane

health/mood ;; healthy / curious

location ;; guild

Mazdl snorted slightly at his words, oh so polite. "Ok. Bye Mr. Nice Guy" She smirked, crossing her arms and lifting her eyes to the sky again.

Dragging her gaze over to the unknown male, noticing his bow. "
Well, stranger with the nice looking bow, im going to meander off and look for the forge around here. I am the new blacksmith to this entertainment show of a guild afterall." Raising her arms above her head, she stretched, warhammer and battleaxe clicking together. "See ya around I guess." Mazdl waved meagerly before wandering off.

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


health/mood ;; healthy / worried

location ;; guild

Stuffing her face with some fruits, she burped quietly, blushing and shielding her mouth with her hand.

About to head off to the dorms, she noticed that a male human was speaking to Ariella and she looked quite uncomfortable.

Changing course, she stood beside the two, crossing her arms and looking up to them.

I-is this man bothering you Miss Silverwood?" Asura asked protectively, doing her best to seem intimidating despite her height and appearance.

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Ayane said:
"Heroes are jusy people doing good things. I didn't say the previous members were 'heroes'." Ariella can sense the doubt from him---it was like a dark luminous cloud that hung above his head. She snorted when he mentioned the Royal Guard. "If you have noticed, they are not quite doing their job. Replace them? No, of course not. Aid them? Yes. I can see the doubt from your words ever since you spoke to me, Serna." Ariella folded her arms at what he said. It confirmed it---he thought she was a mere elven child with no capability. "You think as me as a child. I am no child, I can assure of you." She said as she stared at him. "And I am always open for help and suggestions. That is what the guild will be built upon. Communication, collaboration, and power. If you wish to keep viewing me as a child and not as a fellow ally, I don't need any of your help, sir." Ariella concluded and gave a smile to Asura. "Oh, no. It is fine, Asura. Thanks for asking, however. You are most kind." She gave a tired smile to Asura
@Devious Dilbert @dorkling
I thought she forgot my name? Her sudden remembrance and tone must be a sign of anger.

"I see I struck a nerve... I was hoping for a more rational conversation with you."

He kept his composure, but this girl was being very defensive when he simply gave his opinion.

It was clear to him now. She was definitely a child.

Turning to the woman who had stepped into the conversation, Serna said, @dorkling

"No- I didn't mean to rile her up. I apologize." He smiled to her.

But he certainly didn't like how sensitive the elf girl was about the topic.

'And I am always open for help and suggestions. That is what the guild will be built upon. Communication, collaboration, and power.'

It sure doesn't seem that way... If she can't handle criticism, why is she putting herself in leadership?

"I never said that I did not view you as an ally." He said, directing his words back to the elf.

"However, you must understand that after witnessing cannibalism in your guild hall, it disturbs me. And I am pretty sure a lot of the newly recruited members feel the same way as well. But I understand that you are not accountable for the behavior of every individual member. I am still offering my help, of course, for pay like every other member, but if you decline then so be it."
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"No- I didn't mean to rile her up. I apologize." He smiled to her.

But he certainly didn't like how sensitive the elf girl was about the topic.

'And I am always open for help and suggestions. That is what the guild will be built upon. Communication, collaboration, and power.'

It sure doesn't seem that way... If she can't handle criticism, why is she putting herself in leadership?

"I never said that I did not view you as an ally." He said, directing his words back to the elf.

"However, you must understand that after witnessing cannibalism in your guild hall, it disturbs me. And I am pretty sure a lot of the newly recruited members feel the same way as well. But I understand that you are not accountable for the behavior of every individual member. I am still offering my help, of course, for pay like every other member, but if you decline then so be it."
The half-elf sighed. She did get carried away, a bit. And well, she partly was just exhausted. "Look, I apologize for my actions. It's very hard to do this alone. I just believed creating the guild will recreate something great again (make 'merica great again). I think that we...well I, can use your help as co-leader...second in command? I assure you, you'll be paid accordingly." She was mostly offering him at this point. "And trust me, I am not just a child. I do care about Etral, and well I need help." Ariella said with a smile. "If you decide, won't you tell me tomorrow? 'Tis late." She asks.

(We need to speed up to the next day to advance the plot. So after you reply, a time skip?

And @Opium and @akumashioni @Comet I'm not sure about y'all )
Ayane said:
The half-elf sighed. She did get carried away, a bit. And well, she partly was just exhausted. "Look, I apologize for my actions. It's very hard to do this alone. I just believed creating the guild will recreate something great again (make 'merica great again). I think that we...well I, can use your help as co-leader...second in command? I assure you, you'll be paid accordingly." She was mostly offering him at this point. "And trust me, I am not just a child. I do care about Etral, and well I need help." Ariella said with a smile. "If you decide, won't you tell me tomorrow? 'Tis late." She asks.
(We need to speed up to the next day to advance the plot. So after you reply, a time skip?

And @Opium and @akumashioni @Comet I'm not sure about y'all )
(We can just skip my reply lol and make it morning)
Ayane said:
The half-elf sighed. She did get carried away, a bit. And well, she partly was just exhausted. "Look, I apologize for my actions. It's very hard to do this alone. I just believed creating the guild will recreate something great again (make 'merica great again). I think that we...well I, can use your help as co-leader...second in command? I assure you, you'll be paid accordingly." She was mostly offering him at this point. "And trust me, I am not just a child. I do care about Etral, and well I need help." Ariella said with a smile. "If you decide, won't you tell me tomorrow? 'Tis late." She asks.
(We need to speed up to the next day to advance the plot. So after you reply, a time skip?

And @Opium and @akumashioni @Comet I'm not sure about y'all )
[noworries abt it ,prolly best ((:

also @dorkling wont b on till latr prolly bc she in (my) bed sleeping so ;'
As the culmination of the conflict led to the withdrawal of the deranged, and porangi swarms of imps, Melmoth and (@akumashioni ) Ser Nathianel were fatigued with exertion, exhausted, respiring shattered gasps - Melmoth's a reverberating emanate. His mantle would cease to lessen from his features, it was besmirched with blemishes of slaughter and grume of eviscerated cadavers. In his other hand, clasped by the hair hung several of an imps head, leaking with profusion. They had route, the imps hollering as they adjourned back within the forested mountains.

Melmoth sheathe his blade, his gauntlet restrained to the intricate carving and detail of the hilt.

A multitude of billowing smoke trailed into the eventide gloaming, banners fluttered with frayed, tattered cloth and butchered gore lay dispersed

- this was distinctively a siege, and a stalled one at that. Disintegrated, scaffolding subside in a splintered heap, some adorned with defiled carcasses and others smoldering with ashen embers. The once grand marble was tarnished and now spoiled with smudges of crimson, bodies slumped against them.
The once immaculate, exquisite gardens lay dormant with wilting blossoms and florets.

Not a lingering soul was present, and those whom were would eventually sojourn.

The residence of Thalore had evacuate, evicted from their home as it lay in dilapidation.

And for honour's sake - Melmoth endeavoured with aspiration (assisted by Ser Nathianel) yonder the castle in search for the Lord and Lady - Lady Caroline's parents. They were both exasperated, yet concealed their sentiment. Melmoth saddled an oppugnant mount, stubborn as it faltered beneath his burden. Yet Ser Nathianel was much more nonchalant, controlling of his steed.

They rode in hushed unison, stifled of enticing chatter, tempting as it was, no longer being able to endure the suffering silence.

Yet they persist, impassive with lamentations.


In time, they approached the subdued and imperceptible pave, the gravel agitate with a churning, rustic grind as lanterns overhead oscillate timidly. Melmoth's woven potato sack he had salvaged to store the heads thumped with rhythm against the horse.


They haltered their mounts, their hooves clucked against the cobbled pathway, a man whom convey from the tavern descry Melmoth and anxiously shrunk back within the humble establishment. Ser Nathianel drape the lasso with a hurl, pitching the fence and restricting his stallion in place, fastened via rope.

Inside was a commotion of banter (ayy lads) and raillery of exchanging remarks. Melmoth and Ser Nathianel glimpsed at one another with a protracted glance as if to say "The fuck is going on."

Melmoth propelled his sollet with potent force into the door, the hinges rattled and groaned a rustic spur as it boomed open.

He was met with everyone's sudden gaze.

It was quiescent, the rambling had ceased, and the bagpipes succumb to a lower.

There was a brief pause, before his armour began to jangle and clank as he stepped forth with
inconsequential footfalls before the elven Ariella Silverwood (@Ayane ), the self-proclaimed pioneer of the Guild.

Melmoth thrashed the sack of imp heads to her feet, they tumbled, rolling out from the bag, their fixed, stupefied expressions of aghast forever present.

"There's my fucking loyalty," he gravely converse, his voice guttural and jarring.

He turned, armour and memorabilia clinking with a rattle as before, snatching the Odlamite Shashka from the (@Comet ) Lady's sheathe, now housing it in his own where it justly belong, he sat at the table.

The Guild Hall was shunned in awkward silence, his torso inclined with a banking heel upon the table, siphoning himself fresh wine.

It was dark.

@Everyone In the Guild Hall
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(I feel like people stopped reading my posts @Opium ) he chased after them after a while he realized that they were going to the guild and after finding them talking he also realized that he was no threat to the nobles. Though he still did not like the masked man on acount that he had heard many horrible things about the man the only postive things were from his wife and he took those with a grain of salt.
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elfattack said:
(I feel like people stopped reading my posts @Opium ) he chased after them after a while he realized that they were going to the guild and after finding them talking he also realized that he was no threat to the nobles. Though he still did not like the masked man on acount that he had heard many horrible things about the man the only postive.
[shit my bad ,I did read yrs jus forgot to acknowledge ,sry mate
Caroline payed no heed to all the others in the guild hall, going straight to a corner and pressing a small button, a hole in the floor revealing itself. She replaced her gold jeweled crown for a much smaller gold crown with metal flowers on them. She then pulled out her bow and arrows, her old choice of weapon, and closed the hole. She walke Over to the others, putting her weapon on the table and looked at everyone before she sat down.

"Who's the person who started the guild back up?" She said crisply, checking for any damage in her weapon. She checked the Gold laced string in the bow for any damage, then moved onto her arrows, seeing that they were okay. She looked up at all the new faces, wondering which one is the leader now. "Well?" She asked, more attitude in her voice.


The man walked into the guild hall a black tome tied to his side it's covers covered in holy wards any one with any knowlage of holy seals could tell that the book was unholy. And any with powers of the the Arcane could tell that it oozed with madness. His staff was topped by a skull with multiple eyes what ever the creature was none in the guild hall knew. On his left hip was a sacraficial dagger bearing runs that would cause madness or horrible pain if you were cut with it. He surveyed the room for moment before finding the half elf he walked right up to her when he reached her he went into a low bow. "My name is Belmont blackhaven I wish to join your guild as a scholar my lady." He was right to the point not wasting a breath.
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@Comet im sorry but Mazdl will not like your character at all cx}

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Ayane @Opium @ whoever else

mood ;; content

location ;; guild forge

Mazdl soon came across the Forge and genuinely grinned, pulling the heavy weapons off her back and setting them down on the bench. Pulling up a creaky wooden stool, she scowled, deciding to fix it later.

It'll make due for now.

Looking over her weapons, she noticed some minor nicks that she could take care of easily.

Unsheathing her daggers and maces, she observed them to find they're in peak condition.

Smiling, she peeked and poked through the forge, finding leftover leather strips and a variety or ores she could smelt, even the occasional jewel she could use to spiffy a weapon or armor up.

Very pleasant Forge... I think I may spend my time more out here than in there-

She didnt know at the time but she would be grateful to not be in the same room as the new visitors

A few disrespectful and uncaring words may be spat at the royalty in there.

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


health/mood ;; healthy / protective

location ;; guild

Asura squinted at the seemingly nice human, taking Ariellas words and backing off, balancing the Chei rocks in her hand, already feeling relaxed.

Then, three new figures burst through the door, causing her to drop one of her special rocks in surprise. Blinking, she looked them over. One was the masked man from before, unsure what to think about him other than he would be good for the guild. Than, a man who looked like a Knight (?), beside a girl dressed in fanciful clothes and a crown.

She instantly knew the female had to be royalty. Asura straightened up, taught at a young age how to treat a Royal, and protect one. Silently observing the Princess, she knew for sure her title due to her attitude.

A princess in the guild? How... Exciting!

Quickly picking up her rocks, she felt her neck hair rise and spine prickle. Lifting her head, she saw a rather sketchy man who appeared to be a Warlock.

Village bells went off in her head and she quickly darted over to Ariella, standing there with an uneas
y feeling.

She wanted to make sure he wasn't going to try anything funny, instincts slipping in as she stood there protectively.

holdonletmetakeselfieEira Corvus


health/mood ;; healthy / no words can describe

location ;; guild

Eira was about to head off to her dorm when the doors crashed open, three bodies entering, one very familiar.

Freezing, she felt her heart thump against her chest, mixed feelings whirling throughout her, despite her calm appearance. Anger, Surprise, overall Love, etc.

Ignoring everyone else around her she stepped forward timidly, fiddling with the fabric of her cloak.

M-malmoth.." Eira felt breathless, as if his being was sucking it away.

He saw a woman walk in wearing a crown normally he hated royalty but she was a cleric and he felt the need to engage her for a quick chat at least . He walks over to the woman mostly to avoid the masked man and greeted her in his usual fashion "Hello there names Kris Lamont current clan master of the Lamont clan and cleric. How do you do." @Comet

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