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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

He hear the shout his face twisting from a smile to grim look. He gets up walking slowly to the door picking up a old bowl cleaning it as he walks. He sits down across the fire from the ork holding his bowl up gruk fills the bowl to the Brim .he let's out a sigh then tilts his head back and drinks the bowl leaving not a drop or bit of meat left. He nearly throws up falling over and almost vomiting but he recovers flipping his bowl over to show its contents were gone "I am a human of the clan Lamont and I honor the spirits of these men" he shouts before walking back and taking his seat again.
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A smirk appear on Jinkuro's face. "If only these people knew, that the spirits of these men... were inside the Muramasa now." He thought, stretching out his legs on the lone table. "Like it matters now, honor is such a foolish concept to me. Especially in battle... just idiotic and inefficient, in terms of combat"

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @Ayane @RaikuKawisa

health/mood ;; healthy / eager & disgusted

location ;; guild

Asura appreciated the mans words, not having an actual conversation in awhile. "Yeah I am actually-"

The guild leader summoned the rest to introduce themselves, offering an assortment of food. Darting up, she rushed up to the forming line in front of the half-elf, getting impatient as she oogled the food.

Waiting for the guild leader and male elf to finish speaking, she sniffed, something... familiar filling the air.

Recognizing the scent almost instantly, her face paled, staring blankly off into space, flashes of the burning village and screams clouding her vision and sight.

Roman's face turned to a grimace, putting down the loaf of bread he had been eating. Losing his appetite to the horrendous smell of cooking human flesh. He had eaten his kills before. Griffin wing was especially tender, but never something sapient, never something that only minutes ago could have a conversation with him. He immediately turned to the Guild Leader. "Please tell me - that," he said pointing to the cauldron full of human remains, "Is not going to be a common occurrence." If that was the case, there had to be plenty of other guilds who have use of his skills of monster hunting, for he was not going to live in a place where humans were on the menu. Just the thought of it made him want to hurl. He didn't care if it was 'honoring' the orc's fallen enemies or not.

He also made a mental note NEVER to eat anything from that cauldron ever. He would have to buy his own cauldron if he ever wanted to make his stew from the leftover meat from his hunts. And seeing the weird blood covered man willing take a bowl of that retched soup made his stomach uneasy. If he didn't get away from the sent of cooking flesh he might actually hurl. And with that he made his way back outside, far away from door of the Guild Hall.

As he breathed in deep cool, and most importantly, clean air he looked up at the night sky. The stars were coming out. He recognized a few of the constellations from a astrology book he had read. The only reason he picked up the book was because he heard one of them was named after a dragon. It didn't take him long to pick out that very star set. 'Draco' as it was called.
he sees a man walk away "must be looking for where the stew is" he says thinking aloud he takes a bowl of the stew making sure to get lots of the meat in there and follows the man. @Raikou Kaminari (its short but I kinda want to read his reaction)
Ayane said:
The half elf looked uo at the female orc with an inviting smile. "We do need a blacksmith, many thanks. And yes, there is pay. Like how the system worked before, at the end of the week we will pay each guild member their share. Better the quests, better the gold. Stranger, what is your name? " Ariella asked the half orc. "You seem oddly familiar. My head must be playing tricks." She looked at Serna with a small bow of her head. "My apologies. 'Tis a guild, so you are either a member helping or not. Consider it, however. We can use your help greatly, Serna I believe? Excuse my accent." Ariella gave him a smile as she observed the people in front of her. The orc was well equipped, and truly not savage...thank goodness. The man slightly bothered her. Not of his statue, but him as a human. The elf shook it off, and looked at the others in the hall. It was a spectacular sight to see. Then, a stranger came through the door....though it was no ordinary stranger.
"Cheers, Edith! Thank you dear! " Ariella greeted a elven girl with short blonde hair carrying two crates of nourishments from her family's business. They too were happy to see the guild reopen. She rubbed her hair before telling to run off.

"As my gift to you all, here is food. Enjoy." She placed the baskets of food on a nearby table, and went back to the individuals she was talking to. "Apologies, where were we? Ah, to everyone, please tell me your first and surname so I can register you. (Unless you already talked to her)"

@Comet @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Clairvoyance @dorkling @Opium (?)
elfattack said:
The the ork stands up his stomach rumbling after the story of the guards in the tavern. He decided to see if the corpses were still there and sure enough the bar tender was still trying to get them out after the patrons of the tavern had stolen their loot. Grok walked up grabbing all three with little hardship the bar tender looked up and opened his mouth to object then stopped when he saw he was looking up at a eight foot tall ork . Grok dragged them to the front of the guild hall and after a quick whopping trip he came back with a large cauldron big enough to fit all three of the guards in after he chopped them up a bit he then filled the cauldron with water and herbs before putting it over a fire to boil. It wasn't long before bones started to flotation to the top he threw these to the side. He might be out side but the smell was inside to those who had never smelled stewed human it smelled like a regular stew but to those who knew the smell it was obviously human. @Anyone in or around the guild hall
"Then I apologize as well. I do not wish to be confined by any guild. But I will definitely lend my services if needed." @Ayane

Serna then turned to the orcish woman and smiled.

"I see you are a blacksmith. And you were the one to hit me on the back of the head earlier in the hall. It's a pleasure meeting you as well, Mazdl-"


A truly putrid stench wafted through the air. @elfattack @Theflamre

"Krrgh-" He quickly put his hand to his nose. He could recognize this smell... It was a combination of fresh human remains poorly masked by an abomination of a stew.

Looking over to the source of the foul smell was not the right decision.

An orc and a human, of all things, sat around a boiling cauldron filled with the remains of the fallen soldiers from earlier. They were feasting on it...

Serna did not know how to react to the sight.

He noticed Mazdl's discomfort and put his hand on her shoulder. The stench disgusted him as well, but this was sub-par to what he had experienced on the battlefield. However, if he were used to these kinds of occurances, he would not be human. Serna ushered her outside with him, hoping to ease both of their nausea.

(you can allow him to take you outside with him or tell him to back off if you want.) @dorkling
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He sits there thinking the horrible flavor the idea of what he just ate creeping on him. "CLOVES" he shouts yes cloves that's was missing how could grok forget cloves he pulls some out of his pocket and walks over and drops them into the pot stirring it in tell he could not see them any more he took a sip almost vomiting again but this time for moral reasons not taste reasons. Yup he had done some horrible things to connect with his clan brother but this this would haunt him to his death bed. He walks over to his seat taking the chair again happy that he had corrected the issue sad that he would probably not sleep that night as he sat in his room think on what he had done.
Jinkuro gets up from his chair, and puts a hand on a somewhat shaken girl, that was in line to talk to the leader. He uses his other hand to cover Muramasa, not wanting to scare off the girl with the blade. "Oi, get a whole of yourself!" He said calmly, with a touch of anger for good measure. "Tch! This girl... why the hell is it look like she's staring into space?" He thought. "If she gets like this ever time... when the stench of death is close. She'll be next to worthless... and I ain't having one of my tools be like that!" @dorkling
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Roman heard the door open behind him, only to see the man-eating orc walking towards him. He quickly drew his bow, an arrow nocked and ready. The string drawn back. "Keep you and your sickening broth away from me." He warned. "I'm not interested in your disgusting rituals of honor. I will not be partaking in the flesh of my fellow man. So, turn around, and take that bowl with you. I already lost my appetite." His aim was unfaltering. His arms not even shaking a little at keeping the massive greatbow fully drawn. It was clear he was well experienced with his weapon.

He did not trust this orc at all. Monsters that have partaken of manflesh were the most dangerous because they began to crave it. A wolf that devours a corspe suddenly attacks and kills random travelers. He didn't want to test if this quality extended to those of stronger minds. He would question the strength of the orc mind, but the stunning half-orc woman inside the Guild Hall seemed to defy that accusation.
well this did not go as planned but he would make the best of it. he puts the soup gently down "now lets talk about this before ya do somthin with dat shiny bow dat ill make me mad." he needed to break the ice with something pleasant like his name " I am grok Lamont dat kilted man is me battle brother you know da one playing the bagpipes I under stand if you don't want any of dis here soup I forgot cloves and it tastes pretty bad and those guards were not in the best shape ether mostly fat not healthy I get it." he said slowly not wanting to get an arrow in the fact " I am a paladin of the holy church of protection and I will not harm you" god this did not go as he wanted it too. @RaikuKawisa
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Roman arms went relaxed, however, he did not return his arrow to its quiver. "Now I would like to enjoy the fresh air out here where I don't have to smell the cooking flesh of my kind. If you would kindly return indoors, I would rather not put an arrow in your heart, nor would I like to be ripped to pieces if I missed." Plus he was relatively sure he would end up in the pot with the rest of the human remains. NOT a thought that he wanted running in his mind, mind you.
" hey I under stand my people ate each other ever smelled burning ork not pleasant" he took his bowl and left. when he reached the guild hall he decides to take his human stew else ware carring the pot into the woods and starting a camp fire out there
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holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; healthy / relieved

location ;; guild

Mazdl didn't even catch Sernas words, too disgusted and caught up in the boiling pot.

Oh, so fucking honorable." She retorted with heavy sarcasm, running her hands through her hair frantically. "And 'your land' im from there. I know. I went through all that bul-"

The disturbed and irritable female felt a hand on her shoulder, flinching slightly and about to swing at the person who touched her shoulder.

Right before her fist connected with the unknowns jaw, she realized it was Serna, ushering her towards the exit.

Sighing in relief, the two met the night (?) air, separating from Serna to lean against the Guild wall, closing her eyes. "Fuck.. Thank you for 'ushering' me out.. It reminded me way too much of Atrea.."

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


health/mood ;; healthy / spacey

location ;; guild

"Oi, get a whole of yourself!"

Blinking and snapping out of it, she glanced back to the female speaking to her, feeling warmth on her.

Recollecting herself, a quirky but seemingly genuine smile slipped across her features. "
Oh sorry! I was... Reminiscing." Asura shrugged. "Are you waiting also?" She didn't even realize the fuss the Orc and Roman were making.

((Sorry, that was short

Roman was just returning his arrow to its quiver when the Hall doors opened again. He almost redrew his bow to make a point to the dense orc, but it was not the same orc to walk out into the night this time. It was the lovely female half-orc he saw in the tavern. If there was ever an anti-thesis to the orc sterotype, she was it. Very far from the brutish features other orcs were known for and if her presence outside was any indication, no love for the flesh of man.

He took his arrow off of the string and returned it to the quiver with its identical fellows. "I take it you guys can't stand the stench created by that pot anymore than I can?" He asked while he slid Skytalon across his back. "In any case the night sky is wonderful tonight."

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling
dorkling said:

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; healthy / relieved

location ;; guild

Mazdl didn't even catch Sernas words, too disgusted and caught up in the boiling pot.

Oh, so fucking honorable." She retorted with heavy sarcasm, running her hands through her hair frantically. "And 'your land' im from there. I know. I went through all that bul-"

The disturbed and irritable female felt a hand on her shoulder, flinching slightly and about to swing at the person who touched her shoulder.

Right before her fist connected with the unknowns jaw, she realized it was Serna, ushering her towards the exit.

Sighing in relief, the two met the night (?) air, separating from Serna to lean against the Guild wall, closing her eyes. "Fuck.. Thank you for 'ushering' me out.. It reminded me way too much of Atrea.."

Of course, Serna expected nothing less from the woman considering her attitude. But his reflexes took control of him and forced his free hand up as a block to her blow. It was sloppy though, if she wanted to, she probably would have hit him anyway.

"Woah- I'm only trying to help." He said, nervously, and continued walking her out.

"It was just an act of the moment, don't worry about it." He said. Sighing, he continued, "I feel bad for the others still in there. It was terrible..."

RaikuKawisa said:
Roman was just returning his arrow to its quiver when the Hall doors opened again. He almost redrew his bow to make a point to the dense orc, but it was not the same orc to walk out into the night this time. It was the lovely female half-orc he saw in the tavern. If there was ever an anti-thesis to the orc sterotype, she was it. Very far from the brutish features other orcs were known for and if her presence outside was any indication, no love for the flesh of man.
He took his arrow off of the string and returned it to the quiver with its identical fellows. "I take it you guys can't stand the stench created by that pot anymore than I can?" He asked while he slid Skytalon across his back. "In any case the night sky is wonderful tonight."

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling
"Oh- no. I couldn't bare it." He smirked.

"Indeed, the sky really is something to look at."

At least the ocean of stars was calming. It helped subside the terrible ill feeling that he had.

It seemed to be the one good thing that had come out of today. He would surely write his family about his experience.

...But he would have to censor most of it.
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Jinkuro let's out a sigh, and gaze upon the woman's smiling face. "Reminiscing... that's something I don't do very often. Maybe because I don't need to." He thought as a small grin slipped across his features. "Nah, i'm just relaxing." Jinkuro said, rubbing under his nose with one finger. He then points to a table that was away from the crowd. "Well, i'll let you get back to your introduction to the leader." Jinkuro turns around, and starts to walk back to the table. Not even wanting to know the name of the guild leader, or this rather nice girl.

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa

health/mood ;; healthy / relieved

location ;; guild

Mazdl apologized in her own complicated way for the near hit, smirking at his nervousness. She loved intimidating others.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she exhaled, raising her eyebrows briefly. "
Yeah yea.. I mean.. It could be worse, force feeding us that.." She scrunched her nose, shaking her head.

Hearing the halls door creak open, another human exited, also revolted.

'Cant stand' is the nicer phrase.." Mazdl huffed, casting her dark gaze to the equally dark night, but alight with stars.

Eh. Yeah.. True."

( Uhh sure it's nighttime :D )

"Mm, it getting late out already. The elf looked out the large windows, and saw the stars twinkling in the sky. She was getting distracted. Ariella wrote down the names she heard, her handwriting small but delicate. The girl was glad she was mostly literate, thanks to her mother.

"Yes, there is lodging at the back as well as a few rooms dedicated for each of your services...feel free to refurbish the rooms to your liking. And Sir Vokan, my name is Ariella Silverwood from Kagra. My pleasure to meet you." The half-elf gave a pleasant smile before writing his named in ink. She glanced at the other individual, and wrote down his name quickly before giving him a quick elven greeting. "You are very welcome to join, Sir Lor. You will be our Alchemist for the guild. Welcome all to the Twin Dragons."

The elf, at first, was a bit alarmed by Mazdl's presence---it was orcs in general. Then again, orcs loved to chop off elven ears and call it an afternoon snack. Orcs didn't care much about elven bodies as much as human bodies. Humans were their (shit) thing, as she thought. "Greetings, Mazdl. We can use your expertise as well...." That was when the smell hit her. It was horrendous---the smell of rotting human flesh after being engulfed in flames. And of course, the race that would enjoy a meal like that was indeed an orc. "Of course this will not be of daily occurance...the stench is much unforgiving."

The half-elf noticed the uneasiness in the half-orc's eyes which made her relax. This orc made sense in the head, and she respected that. Ariella felt as if she would get along with the half-orc just fine...

Once the stench left, she breathed the air again. Fresh air, thank Ellon. She then said to the others, "Lodging is in that hall. Pick a room, and it's yours. Our first minor quest is in the morning so please have enough rest..." Ariella mentally sighed to herself. This was harder work than she imagined. The others probably see her as a girl, frail and an impossible leader. But like her father said, it's never too late to redeem yourself and show who you truly were.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Twyllvarlais @anyoneelseimissed
Natethaniel was enjoying a stroll through the garden of the event he had been invited to in the Kings honor.

The natural hustle and bustle of the banquet had flustered him, causing him to seek refuge in the nearby garden, noticing the princess and some commoner conversing privately, he listened in slightly before approaching the two, hearing "the guild" mentioned.

"You mean the twin dragon guild?" His hearty voice was loud and proud, throwing any attempt at discretion long out the window, bowing respectfully before the princess and nodding towards the commoner.

" Ser, Natethaniel Arthur! At your service!"

@Blue Fire
Caroline whipped around when she heard a gruff loud voice behind her, her eyes cold. She didn't know who this person was, but last time she remembered this conversation was private. Be of sarcastic, she retorted, "Oh, I didn't know I invited someone else into my conversation." She waved him off, crossing her arms over her chest in a unlady like and glared at him. "But yes, I mean the twin dragon guild. I'm an old member of it, and I need to go back but I can't cause my mother tells me to stay here." She then rolled her eyes and looked back at the commoner who has been silent. She looked te knight up and down, then looked him in the eyes. "You're a knight, help me sneak out to the guild. I was asking the commoner right here first, but you can help since you know about them."

@Blue Fire
Natethaniel was unfazed by her abrasive demeanor, for he had indeed imposed.

"Forgive me, m'lady, though I am the right man for such a job.." He was certain he could sneak her out, but not getting caught was the hard part.

"The King and queen would surely miss your presence.. Though we could be long gone by the time anyone wisens up."

"That's what I plan to be, long gone." She pushed her crown back up her head, feeling the heavy metal falling to her forehead as she looked up at him. "So you will help?" She asked, moving a little bit to the side so the commoner can get in the conversation. She will also help, if she wants to that is. "Tell me your plans." She demanded, shifting her dress around a little bit. She didn't like the tightness of her dress around her waist, but it'll have to wait until their at the guild for anything else that is more comfortable.

He smirked, "well, I didn't come here intending to whisp away the Kings daughter, however, I know of many secrets in this city, known only to those who built it and Spiders.."

He pointed south, "there's a passage hidden within the sewers, it won't be pretty, but it will get us out of the city limits."

He bowed again, "If it's to work, we must leave immediately."

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She made a disgusted face when he mentioned the sewers. "There is no other way?" She sighed, looking at the ground then back at him. "Fine, sewers it is. I'm gonna get my nice dress all dirty.." She sighed deeply, looking down at the ground and her glowing white dress before looking at the open doors that led to the bustling banquet.

"Leave now?" She asks, seeing her father mingle with others with a smile on his giant face as his crown rested proudly on top of his head. "She didn't want to leave him so soon, missing the award he's getting but if they have to leave, then they shall. "Let's get going. Lead the way."

Melmoth had emerged hastily from the evanescent mists of the moor, his steed galloped with an unyielding mettle as it bestride the plateaus and minor and sheer-deep depressions. As his mount repose to a canter toward the portcullis, frantic men desperately struggled to labour, heaving at the mechanism to elevate the leaden gate.

"Our worthy lord - he requites his return!" a sergeant caterwauled in a harsh, rasping voice.

Melmoth's stallion stampede within the bailey, those in tuition in how to appropriate a sword in the yard present no salutation, yearning to assimilate the understanding of how their Lord once fought. An obligatory communion of mingling noblemen socialized with one another. A chiming clang resonate as hammer hit steel, refining the brand into a sword - as came a sputtering hiss when molten metal made contact with gelid waters of the forge. The prattling ramble of children in their youth was derived as nothing but blather.

An assertive, unperturbed squire strolled to his mount as Melmoth reared the stallion, diverging from it's saddle and trampling the ground with his hefty boots, they trod into the mud with vigour.

"M'lord, we are delighted with your return," he bowed, in his hand a respective document, knowingly addressing Melmoth. As he tread toward the squire, his armour clanking with sonority, he seized the letter from his fist with a mere yank. The neurotic squire stumbled over his words, stammering as he attempt to state his expressions.

"I- we uh-" the squire stuttered.

Melmoth was hushed, attentive to the contents.

"A-An invitation, mi'lord, pe-petitioning your acceptance to attend a f-feast," he remark.

Without an utterance, Melmoth saddled the mount and promptly instanter the reigns with a lashing motion. The mount whinnied and traversed, then scrambling from the bailey courtyard, hurtling from the portcullis and drawbridge as he charged onward to the capital.


The nightly streets weren't as vibrant nor hectic when in the prime hour, instead vendors meandered and dawdled in proximity of their stalls, fastening latches with padlocks and closing down for the night. A retinue of guardsmen patrolled, the incandescent flicker of their torches governing the route.

Melmoth rode toward the vicinity of the alabaster castle.


There were subtle shrieks at first, then gradually reverberate the clamouring wails and howls, bawling hollers of

"Fucking imps," snarled he whom mount the stallion, a guttural, metallic growl.

Melmoth slapped the leashes and his mount struck it's hooves into the cobbled stone, resonating with a distinctive, grating clatter. As a precaution, he adjust his saddle, securing his stance as he streamed a single Shashka from it's holster, his fist clamped firm on the reign.

His stallion permeate through concerned congregated amasses of civilians and soldiers alike.

"Halt!" a guardsman roared, upraising his open palm at Melmoth, whom precariously battered into sending the guardsman sprawling and slouching upon the gravel, laying prostrate.

The sight was distraught, overwrought with soldiers attempting to repel the hysterical and demented horde of hideous, fuck-ugly imps. Their flailing arms thrashed at shields and floundered into men, tumbling as an assembly of them scaled the bulwarks and scaffolding.

One screamed as it wail at Melmoth, blundering with an agitated temper toward him. It leaped, bounding at chest-height with it's weapon poised for his vulnerable neck. Yet Melmoth's blade met its maniacal head with his steel, delivering a debilitating blow that macerate the imp's jaw. His mouth hung agape as it's pulverized cranium caved into itself, a disturbing assemblage of gore leaked from its mouth. There was no sound, no noise. No afflicting torment of agony. It was instant.

The imp smacked into the unforgiving stone, laying limp with a perplexed expression of a distraught gaze.

(Listen to enhance atmosphere of the next paragraph @1:30).


Amidst the flocking herd was a lady (@Comet ) and knight (@akumashioni ), discordant from one another with their typical manner. Melmoth enclosed upon their predicament, then offering his hand to the lady, lessening her harrowing worry of plight. At once, from the saddle, his mount counterpoise as he digressed from it.

"Hasten for the Guild, now!" he stipulate, bestowing upon her pallid fingers the pummel of his blade, entrusting his steel to defend herself if need be, then spanking the rear of his stallion.

He gait toward the Knight and gave a reassuring nod (despite his loathing detestation for Knights) to pacify his astonished glower, he appeared annoyed as if expecting another turn of events. Melmoth unsheathe his peripheral, silver-white blade (having confer what would of made up his primary dual-wield to the Lady), the polished steel of his Shashka was benevolent.

The imps had certainly accumulate in substantial magnitude.

The reputable and honourable stature of the Knight was one to prestige with merit.

They were primed for combat.
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