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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Aioki Gasped at the sight of blood as she grabbed her stomach as the blood was spilled and the guard's lay there either very injured about to die. She let go of her sword and went to a guard who was badly injured and got on her knees and looked down at him. Even though they were bad people they shouldn't die but as she was about to heal the guard a voice in the back of her head that was familiar to her and it said to her "Don't Heal Him I need my souls." She couldn't say no so she used one of her spell's called Divine Word's and killed him right away. She got up and walked back and looked down to herself.

Raiku blinked as the elf lady just declared she was the one reforming the guild. He scratched the back of his head. At least he knew who she was now, but alas he had already ordered his meal, he would seek out the guildhall and see if she would still be awake despite how dark it was getting outside. If nothing else he could wait til morning before looking for the Hall. Its not like it was going to grow legs and run away. He took the utensils provided to him and cut into the venison that was his meal for the evening before washing it down with some ale.

((not a big post, just a reaction to now knowing who the guild leader is :P

Also this is Skytalon <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/SkyTalon.png.96d264c6b644bf9297e44ab14c8703d4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/SkyTalon.png.96d264c6b644bf9297e44ab14c8703d4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ))



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Melmoth grit his teeth and grimaced yonder the mask as he accommodate the saddle, mounted upon his newly-adopted stallion. His fists clenched, as if to duke, upon the reigns, his leather stressed and growled, his metal grinding and bracing.

"You'd be one fucking guild the poorer," he accused, with criticizing tone his sharpish scowl harangue her with other mentions of whom he was, her doubts and curiosities piqued interest.

Though, it was hers to grant what she fucking thought.

There was something irregular about the man in the mask. @Blue Fire

Serna's heart sank, it saddened him to see this girl wanting to try.

"There's no helping these men. The best we could do for them, would be to put them out of their misery."

And the girl did just that. She cast a spell to instantly end their suffering.

Serna rested his hand on the handles of his swords, not in hostility, and rose from his spot.

Serna decided to follow the young elf. When he had reached the guild hall, he called out to her.

"You there. You said you were recruiting for a guild. May I ask the name, and the business of your guild?" Serna spoke, turning to the direction of the elf girl.

Serna was not particularly wishing to join the guild of the girl. He was only seeking work. Perhaps he could do favors for her guild and rack up some extra coins or supplies in return.
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he walks to the guild hall following the woman who claimed to be the guild leader he was all a sudden not so optimistic about the guild. though that one guy reminded him of his uncle he missed that guy though he could have done with out him doing horrible things to the rival clans men in the middle of the night as he saw the old guild hall doors open he stood at the door way not wanting to get blood every where. "Hello" he shouts at the woman from a distance though he did watch for a minute or two from the door way as she walked he like elven figures thought it was attractive. "my name is kris lamont of the clan lamont I am a cleric and I wish to join your guild. @Ayane
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As he walks into town picking the arrows d of the guards from his body without much of a bother. Then he walks by he sees his clan brother sitting at the door of some big place like he was waiting to get in he runs up to him being 8'0 he lens over catching him in a crushing huge while shouting "BROTHER" . Before the man can even catch his breath after being dropped he looks at the guild hall and runs into the building looking at every thing going "ooo" and "dis real shiny" even though the hall seemed less than that of the clan Lamont. He then spots the elf running over to the female elf and catching her in his crushing embrace as well before releasing her and continuing to run around the guild Hall. @Ayane @Theflamre
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Venus stepped back from the gory scene, raising her bow and aiming at the furthest guard. She drew back, feeling the soft feathers of her arrow touch her cheek, and released with a loud
twang sound from the loss of tension in the string. Right on target. She thought, grinning as she saw her arrow hit home in the man's throat, sending blood spurting out of the wound. The Elf lowered her bow, replacing a second arrow in her quiver, and leaned against the wall as the giant slaughtered the rest of them.

Once he's finishes taking care of the soldiers, he turns to leave the room. Before he walks out though, she looks over at him. "I applaud you, sir." With a nod, she strolls over to the body to collect her arrow, taking little hops and large steps to avoid stepping in blood.

"I am recreating the guild, but I'm uncertain if someone of the likes of you should be able to join." The half-Elf who'd attempted to be a mediator said. She paused before continuing. "My father would be ashamed if I did so."
She's the guild leader? Venus raised an eyebrow, watching the girl walk into what must've been the Guild Hall. "Well, I didn't come all this way to second guess the Guildmaster, no matter how young she may be." Venus slung her bow over her shoulder, tossing a coin at the barkeep for her drink, and ambled over to the double doors leading to the Hall.

It was, undoubtedly, a beautiful room. The Twin Dragons' insignia was emblazoned upon the far wall, and the room had a cozy atmosphere. It was like a home-away-from-home. Grinning slightly, Venus imagined drinking casks of mead and feasting after a successful quest, and decided to speak up. "It's cozy, I like it." She stated, waltzing into the room slowly. She did a 360 degree spin, taking in the dust-covered furniture and spiderwebs. "I'm looking to join this 'once great' Guild. Would you be interested in having me?" She rested her gaze on Ariella, tuning the other two out, a grin appearing on her face once more.

@Ayane @Opium @Theflamre @elfattack

(This is so crappy, but I'm distracted AF so don't judge meee)
Romulus was really too in shock to do anything as he watched man in the mask kill the soldiers on the spot. He was still standing in the entrance, so there was no blood on him, but everyone else started talking at once. Romulus saw an elf lady diss the man who killed the soldiers, and walk out the door. From what he'd heard, she was in charge of the guild, so he took note of the general direction she walked in. Before he could follow her, however, Romulus had to fill his stomach. He wasn't hungry like the wolf or anything, but there's nothing like food to help you forget about seeing a person get stabbed at a tavern. He spotted a lady selling baked goods. She noticed Romulus approach and looked him up and down. "You're not from around here, are you, dear?" She asked sweetly. Romulus answered, "Nope. I came from one- no, two cities over to sign up for the new guild." The vendor, without a word, gave him a bag full of pastries. Romulus started to reach for change, but the lady shook her head. "It's fine. You came all this way, after all. And I have more than enough." Romulus knew that these kinds of people wouldn't take "no" for an answer, so he took the bag and left with a simple "Thanks." After figuring out the direction the guild hall was in, it was no hard task finding the actual building. Romulus didn't know how he missed it the first time. He peeked his head in and asked, "Is this the guild hall for the Twin Dragon's guild?
Caroline payed no heed to people already showing up hours before hand. Maybe it was people her mother sent for to help. When she walked inside, her mother quickly whisked her away to the seamstress, five beautiful dresses strung around, ready for her to try on. She was quickly pushed up onto a podium, being measured by three other maids. The seamstress circled the young woman, a serious look on their face. "Try this one on first Madame." A blue and gold seemed dress was giving to her and she was pushed away to a dressing room.

She tried on a few more dresses, one a pink and white dress, another a sea green, but the one she chose was all white, with a dark red corset around her waist and bands around her arms to match it, long white strands attached to it. When she reached the podium in this dress, everyone was alien in awe as the looked at her. Her mother whispered, "that's the one." As if she was getting married. Caroline chuckled quietly, smiling softly at her mother. "I'll wear this one." She was then pulled down to go do something else, what ever that something else was...

Clairvoyance said:







Venus stepped back from the gory scene, raising her bow and aiming at the furthest guard. She drew back, feeling the soft feathers of her arrow touch her cheek, and released with a loud
twang sound from the loss of tension in the string. Right on target. She thought, grinning as she saw her arrow hit home in the man's throat, sending blood spurting out of the wound. The Elf lowered her bow, replacing a second arrow in her quiver, and leaned against the wall as the giant slaughtered the rest of them.

Once he's finishes taking care of the soldiers, he turns to leave the room. Before he walks out though, she looks over at him. "I applaud you, sir." With a nod, she strolls over to the body to collect her arrow, taking little hops and large steps to avoid stepping in blood.

"I am recreating the guild, but I'm uncertain if someone of the likes of you should be able to join." The half-Elf who'd attempted to be a mediator said. She paused before continuing. "My father would be ashamed if I did so."
She's the guild leader? Venus raised an eyebrow, watching the girl walk into what must've been the Guild Hall. "Well, I didn't come all this way to second guess the Guildmaster, no matter how young she may be." Venus slung her bow over her shoulder, tossing a coin at the barkeep for her drink, and ambled over to the double doors leading to the Hall.

It was, undoubtedly, a beautiful room. The Twin Dragons' insignia was emblazoned upon the far wall, and the room had a cozy atmosphere. It was like a home-away-from-home. Grinning slightly, Venus imagined drinking casks of mead and feasting after a successful quest, and decided to speak up. "It's cozy, I like it." She stated, waltzing into the room slowly. She did a 360 degree spin, taking in the dust-covered furniture and spiderwebs. "I'm looking to join this 'once great' Guild. Would you be interested in having me?" She rested her gaze on Ariella, tuning the other two out, a grin appearing on her face once more.

@Ayane @Opium @Theflamre @elfattack

(This is so crappy, but I'm distracted AF so don't judge meee)
( It's good trust. I'll repy soon )
Aioki heard the girl say something about a guild which she thought about the Twin Dragons guild. So she got up and walk to her and saw a guild hall which she hoped was the Twin Dragon Guild. She looked into the guild hall and looked down and thought This can be my purpose She looked to the girl who looked to young to rule this guild but she said "I too would like to join the Guild." She grabbed her sun necklace and thought of her dad and then let go and smiled. (So crappy just out of it today sorry) @Ayane @Anyone else
"a little help here" the man in a kilt who was covered in blood wheezed from the ground. yea he heard a crack something in his back is misplaced. would this person even be able to lift him? many questions floated through his head as he laid on the ground. @Blue Fire
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Inside the castle, Jinkuro looks around taking in the environment of the castle. He was quite impressed with the decorations, it was fitting for whatever event is happening. Requiring information about the event, he walks over to one of the castle maids. "Oi, what's this event all about maid?" He said with a cold tone in his voice. The maid put on her winning smile, and replied. "Well... miss, we're holding a banquet!" She said all so excitedly. But before she could say more, Jinkuro walks away. Acquiring the information he needed. "A banquet... heh, af least I don't have to pay for the food. So I can eat all I want!" He thought as he made his way to the banquet hall. But he was stop by the maid. "Please wait... madam. You cannot go just yet." Jinkuro gave a cold stare. "Why the hell not?" This cause the maid to shiver slightly. "J-Just wait, please." Obviously upset, Jinkuro sat down on the floors of the castle.
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The half elven girl smiled as she sees recruits. "Yes, anyone may join." She stands up, her armor clattering against each other. "In case you didn't hear me before, I'm Ariella Silverwood, the current guild leader." She gave smile to them and notices the girl from the bar. "You're very skilled with that bow." Ariella compliments as she asked Aioki, "What class are you?" The half-elf asked gently.

She was pretty happy that people were joining---she thought others would see it as a joke. Once they start questing, they would reach the other guilds in no time. Ariella actually picked up the first quest for the guild----a raid of imps was attacking the farms.

She was walking around the city earlier, considering and reconsidering if creating the guild was a good idea. Mistakenly, she made contact with an old woman, dropping her freshly cleaned clothing into a puddle of mud---both of their reactions were priceless. After apologizing, and even gifting her some silver coins, she saw a man. It wasn't any man---a farmer. When Ariella approached him, his eyes looked dreadful. When she asked what was the issue, he said his farm was destroyed by imps. When she questioned him if he asked a guild or travellers for help, he said they declined his plea.

At that moment, she knew that she had to open up the Twin Dragons Guild once again---for both Ashira and Eiden.

@Blue Fire @SP3CT3R
he plays the bag pipes after casting a healing spell on him self [media]

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holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; pretty much everyone

health/mood ;; healthy / curious and bored

location ;; tavern / going to guild

The half-orc female scowled as the scarlet fluid splattered her cloak, whipping it off in disgust.

Ew. Obnoxious, cocky, rapist blood.. This was my good cloak too!

She honestly could care less if people would judge her for being partly Orc, only caring for if her parents discovered her location.

Even though she was 24 years of age, her kin would forcefully drag her back to filthy Atrea. Either that or burn down this nice little village.

They like burning down nice things.

Slapping a bunch of silver down, she stood, chair splintering against the oak floor with a cringey schooch. Stretching, she adjusted the battleaxe and warhammer that was crossed on her back, maces sheathed on either side of her hip and daggers strapped to her left thigh.

If she looked harmless at all, that all changed, some giving the average heighted girl a look with all those heavy weapons.

Sighing softly, a bard walked amidst the gore which seemed very peculiar, pulling out a lyre and beginning to sing, his chortling raspy but melodic voice ringing throughout the room.

With crimson blood and gilded steel, the one named Melmoth came as we spiel,

"O' daemon please we shan't kneel here we are - a blood meal!"

But House Corvus came to this land, to scourge and sully with their warbands,

"O' daemon flee if you will - wary of that, they love to kill!"

Then birthed was he - Melmoth you see, mounting a mammoth, not giving the knee,

His sword - it came from the sky, Twin Dragons, hear them cry,

Forged from the mountain, put in his hands - heed to that no one shall stand!

"O' hear!" they cried, as some died, "we are denied as he stride!"

But here he came with no shame, never now lame with fame,

O' Melmoth - see, he gave to thee the courage with temper to fight not flee..."

Spacing out, memories began to dig its way out, causing strange flashes of images crossing her vision.

Malmoth.. So familiar..

Snapping out of it, the half elven girls voice broke through.

"I am recreating the guild, but I'm uncertain if someone of the likes of you should be able to join. My father would be ashamed if I did so."

Now that caught her attention. She desperately needed a job and assumed a guild needed a blacksmith. Mazdl might also throw her fighting skills in there, taught to be unfazed when cracking skulls together.

Following the mini hoard out of the tavern, she passed the
yummy dark haired human from before (@Devious Dilbert), her warhammer handle accidentally wacking him across the head/neck.

Snorting softly, she glanced back with a sultry gaze, holding back laughter. "
Oops. Sorry." Her dark eyes danced with amusement before casually carrying on.

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


health/mood ;; healthy & exhausted / curious & hungry

location ;; tavern / leaving tavern

Gripping the pastry basket, she watched as the gorey man made his leave, many of the people throughly disgusted or shocked.

Asura was used to this and taught to keep her cool no matter what, to stay clear-minded and concentrate. Thats why she never drank any sort of liquor or partake in drugs, like that shady Skooma the furry humanoids would make.

Cringing slightly at the screeching of her chair, she cast her big almond eyes towards the source, spotting an half-orc in quite a revealing outfit/armor, carrying a lot of weapons. Blinking in surprise, she could already feel her body aching at the looks of her.

Casually stepping around the mutilated corpse, a bard began to sing about the man who left, unsure if it eased or worsened the mood.

Hearing of the Guild, she trailed after in interest, keeping her basket close to her, tripping on the ocassion.

holdonletmetakeselfieEira Corvus


health/mood ;; healthy / distant but curious

location ;; guild

A lonesome figure cloaked in black wandered aimlessly around the village until she came across a small group of people, all filing towards the rumored Guild hall.

Its been a year..

A year since she last saw her husband, him going off for strange reasons that didn't quite make sense to her. Nonetheless, she awaited him, growing distant day-by-day, in their abode alone, reading and creating.

Blinking her cold appearing orbs, she shuffled up to the hall, quietly ducking in.

There appeared to be a tall elven woman taking in the place, observing, speaking to a half-elven girl. There seemed to be large orc stampeding through the foom, boisterously announcing the appearance of anything shiny.

A soft sigh escaping her lips, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

I might as well do something while Malmoth is gone..

Grok calms down and sits down talking about times when he and the man playing the bag pipes would slay rival clans men. Along with all the times that his clans brothers watch full eye had saved his life. Most of his tales end with then I killed it with my huge axe but the his tone was mostly matter of fact in that part not braging.
The force of something against his neck had made him whip around in surprise. @dorkling (oooooh girrrlll)

However, it was just the touch of a woman's weapon handle against him. Just a simple accident, he thought.

But the woman herself was one hell of a sight. Her beauty was really something. (he's really like, 'Daaayum girl')

"It's fine, really." He smiled.

He kept his gazed fixated on her as she walked past him.

Still grinning, he directed his attention back to the elf. @Ayane

Smiling at her, Serna replied, "I don't mean to be impolite, but I had no intention of joining. I hope you understand. You still haven't told me the business of your guild. But that aside, I wanted to ask if you were hiring. I'd be willing to aid your guild in achieving your objectives if I happen to agree with them. My name is Serna Tomargus and it is a pleasure to meet you."

He peered around the room, eyeing each of the others who had followed the girl into her guild hall. (@Everybody in the guild hall)

What a jolly crowd. How cute.
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as he removed his mouth pieces he looked to his new clan leader and asked "do we have quarters here or do we need to go get a room at the tavern" he put extra stain on the word tavern. he was not afraid of blood nor death but he would not sleep well with that masked man in the tavern. "by the way does any one know the man in the mask at the tavern or he just passing by on his way to find a cult to join?" he said jokingly but the note of seriousness when he mentioned the man in the mask. @Everyone in the guild hall
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