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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Ivory was a tad bit nervous when the metal men and horses turned his direction. But he kept forward anyhow. He was strangely calm but, he was always strangely calm. The metal horses were transfixing. He had never seen anything like it. It perplexed him. It wasn't alive or dead. he had no dominion over it whatsoever. He could heal it. He couldn't reanimate its essence... He was at a loss. He could feel the life force of every living creature and the presence of death in his general area. The horse perplexed him. It was utterly a shape of non-existence to him. He completely ignored the movement about him. It had completely left his awareness, he was so enthralled. and, even has the fist of the young girl gripped itself and, the metallic beings seemingly glared at him; small skeletal creatures with skin, fur and feather still clinging to their bodies, began to dig there way up from the earth. Small voles and squirrels, badgers sparrows and robins began to stir in his defense. Ivory had such the connection with death and, life for that matter.

Upon reaching the closet of the metallic horses he laid his head on the muzzle; not hearing a single word sent his way. He allowed his mind to go blank as his skin made contact with the cold metal. He felt pure magic running through, as if to substitute a life force. It was so similar to reanimating a corpse but, not quite. Instantly he snapped back to reality. He could feel the small skeletal bodies sitting in the shadows of buildings or flying from roof top to cloth covered stall. He realized he might have acted a bit impulsively. He calmly looked at the girl. She seemed to be the one in charge and, the one controlling these..."creatures".

"What are they?" his voice rose at the end of his question. His curiosity rising to the surface. "They most certainly are not dead. Yet, they're not alive." It wasn't his intent to startle anyone but everyone seemed to be a bit on edge around him. He frowned a bit. He was reminded f when his friends abandoned him upon discovering his power over death. The ominous brand burned into his back, the mark of evil or a bad omen, itched between his shoulder blades. So he took his quiver from his back and strapped it on his waist.

His silver-pool eyes innocently looked at the young woman more intently as his thoughts began to gather. "And, I've never seen anything like them before. I only deal with bodies. Dead or alive, doesn't matter."

His focused shifted back to the metal horse head. "Ive only just got here. I've come to join the Twin Dragon's guild. Would you happen to know anything about it?"
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Health: 100%

Stamina: 99%

Aether reserves: 87%

Active machinations:

-1 false arm (no attachment), fully functional

-2 auto-knights, all fully functional

- 2 auto-horses, all fully functional

- 1 auto-horse, maintenance hatch opened!


Temperment: Inviting (+ social)

Location: Guild hall


(cs page link)

Karol Teram (Mecha Magos)

Oh. He was just a necromancer. While certainly regarded with a sense of distrust in some places, the magic of life and death was quite common in Cromwell Tower. She’d long gotten over the feeling of wrongness that comes when looking at reanimated corpses; they were just like automatons made of skin and fleshy stuff, really. Karol let out a sigh of relief, the elf wasn’t priming for anything shady, he was just awkward. Most dark magic practitioners were a little weird. She blinked; that train of thought wasn’t quite right.

Lloyd was a cabalist; another ‘dark magic practitioner’. How would he feel if she called him weird? Karol thought back to the first time they met. The heavy crash of ocean waves in the dead of night. A little boy, inches away from murdering himself. His small, frail frame seeking comfort from a complete stranger. His tears.

How shameful of her to think in such a way! She spared her oath-brother a quick glance, running her fingers through his hair, an apology for an insult she didn't even utter.

Neither the elf, nor the magic he used were weird. Just different, if he had any trouble with people, it was likely caused by the issues they gave him and not the other way around.

Karol noticed a blue haired boy emerge from the guild house, but she didn’t pay him much mind. The elf laid his head on one of her auto-horse’s with what appeared to be curiosity. He inquired about the nature of the machine, Karol was more than happy answer.

“Their called autonomous constructs, or automatons.” She provided “They’re kind of like golems but it don’t need life energy to stay active. Just aether and maybe some oil when the joints get creaky.”

She pressed her hand on a panel of armor on the horse’s abdomen, after a brief moment, it clicked open, revealing a tangled system of wire pressed against pieces of leather, imitating muscles and veins on a real animal. Bright red streaks of her own magical energy traveled to and from a central point at regular intervals; most keeping themselves contained to the wires while a few errant threads ran across her fingertips before dissipating. She dug deeper, parting a few extraneous wires and flaps of leather until she reached a metal ball protected by the auto-horse’s “skeleton” with four fat wires feeding into all the others. Finally, she twisted the ball open.

A construct of glass stained with hundreds of tiny runes. It gave steady, heart-like pulses that sent traces of her red aether through holes occupied by the four large wires. Gingerly, so as to not damage the glass, or the wiring it was rigged to, she cupped the warm thing that’d taken significantly more time to craft than the horses other parts in both hands. She raised it towards the elf.

“Here.” she said. "You can hold it if you want, but be gentle. It's like a brain melded to a heart, even if this one's a little simple. It won't move without orders."



Health: 99.998%

Stamina: 75%

Aether reserves: 100%

Soul: stable

Active Summons:

Zao'udin (common pygmy dragon), healthy

Temperment: Curious (+ perception)

Location: Guild hall



(cs page link)

Lloyd Solace (Cabalist)

Somewhere between his rather unprofessional tumble to the ground, a person with blue hair who appeared to be just a little younger than himself emerged from the guild house. He threw and caught a few rocks.They fell, and then something radiated from the younger boy. It was so much unlike any magic he’d witnessed before that he couldn’t come up with an appropriate description for it.

Lloyd reached out with a fragment of his underworld-tainted soul, an act invisible to all but the magically attuned, to probe at whatever power he was witnessing. Drakia, too, seemed interested, for he felt a piece of her lend itself to the effort. When they were mere inches away from contact, the probe shuddered, then broke. Karol was messing with his hair. Again.

“Wha? What was that for?” He squeaked. Though Karol’s attention was already on the necromancer, who rose small animals of all kinds around them. The manner of their arrival seemed natural. It was far from the drab, calculated fare with painstakingly drawn formulas and obvious manipulation that he’d seen a few students his age toy with. Now he understood what his teachers meant when they would constantly tell initiates that they had an understanding of the science behind magic, but not the art.

Lloyd shook his head, turning back to the boy. He couldn’t sense whatever it was he did anymore.

“Hello, my name is Lloyd.” He offered his hand to the blue haired boy. “If you wouldn’t mind me asking, what kind of practitioner are you?” Archmagus Kyras emphasized the importance of documenting all forms of magic that they encountered during their stay in the Twin Dragons, Lloyd was certain that the boy would be worth investigating.

Meanwhile, Zao’udin purred like an airship engine.

The bowman’s ear scratches were divine; his hands covered a much wider area than Lloyd’s.

Reluctantly, he withdrew, flicking his ears. Enough was enough, he had a reputation to uphold, after all. “Not that I mind, but why do dragon’s interest you, Roman of House Vokan?” the pygmy dragon cocked his head to the side. “You don’t seem like a practitioner to me.”

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Rex looks at the man's hand, then back at the man's face. Truth be told, Rex doesn't know what kind of magic he can wield... but just from looking at the current magic before him, it look somewhat interesting. No matter. Rex took the man's hand, and shakes it. "I don't know." Rex says honestly. He still had the rocks in his hands to calm him down, but his dragon stones were still safe-kept in his side pockets. "Uh... it's nice to meet you. My name is Rex." He was somewhat worried about this Lloyd person, but he seems okay at least.

Ivory listened to the young blonde girls explanation of the complicated beauty in front of him nodding at each response to his questions. He knew he just wouldn't understand. It was never alive. So he said as much. "Theres no hope of me getting WHAT these things are but, a name is all I need. I love them." He blandly proclaimed.

The girl had tapped the automatron, opening the belly of the horse. Wires and leather padded inside like the muscle and tissue of the real thing. Red flashes of magic corded through the wire veins like blood. Ivory could even see the metal bones peering from within. She then produced a small sphere made of glass, with three roping wires streaming from it. Ivory, was once again intrigued. This contraption was a combination of a brain and a heart. It was a catalyst where the magic lived. She'd invited him to hold it. Ivory, took the glass in his hands a held it like a crystal ball in front of his one visable eye. "Who are you?"

Just as the words left his mouth another man approached the group. Things were getting more and more interesting by the minute.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.36630c750fe54d96a9d587264c961ddf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.36630c750fe54d96a9d587264c961ddf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Roman Vokan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Class: Hunter

Skytalon - Large greatbow made of blackened dragonbone. Been in Roman's family for generations

Quiver with 30 greatarrows and 11 Dragonbone arrows

Black Leather Armor

Cloak with specially crafted holes to allow the quiver to be donned outside the cloak.

Injuries: None

Mood: Excited

Conditions: None

Mentions: @marmar158

Roman was thrilled that scratching the dragon's ear had such a positive effect on the dragon. He started searching through a pouch on his belt. He normally kept his stash to himself, but he was willing to make an exception for a dragon. "Nope, I've never been one for even parlor tricks, let alone true magic. I am a Hunter. Particularly of large monsters that roam the land." He pulled free a piece of dried meat from his pouch. Nothing was more annoying than being distracted in the middle of a hunt and be hungry. So he keeps a small pouch of dried salted meat to sate his hunger while out in the field. "Probably not of the same quality of meat as I'm sure you are used to, but its all I can offer you." He said holding it out to the furry dragon before continuing. "In pursuit of that occupation, I have studied a lot about the different beings that inhabit this world. From the oceans, to the forests, to even the depths of the earth, dragons are the masters of their realm. There are stories beyond stories of the magnificence of dragons. The best thing is that not all of dragonkind is evil. Demons are arguably as strong, but finding one that doesn't wish for the pain and suffering of all of humanity is like almost impossible." He blinked as he remembered something. He pulled a flap open from a much larger pouch and pulled out a thick journal bound in black leather. "Would you mind if I sketched you for my journal? I like sketching wondrous and unique creatures that I come across as well as information on Pygmy Dragons is so rare."

He was only halfway listening to the mecha mage explain her contraptions. He was able to look back in time to see the heart. He wondered if all mecha mages used the same heart/brain core system. If so, it would give him something to aim at should he have to fight the machines in the future.



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(( Guess who has school in the summer? ))

Ariella slightly blushed at the man's reply, but brushed it off. "Eh, yes. Of course. You may come along. We need to get moving, though." She then thought what the walk would be. It was an hour's walk to Nishka, maybe more. Horses would reduce the time by half, maybe---

She noticed the dragon in her guild. "If you're here to join the guild, prove yourself in our current mission---to protect Nishka and provide support to the people. A dragon will be present, and we should be on our way. We'll travel by horse." Ariella then remembered with a smile, "We have a guild stable, forgot to mention that. Let's go."

Dura chuckled at what the blue haired female said. "Or that happens." She shrugged at her question and said, "Love isn't for me. It always ends in heartbreak or disaster. Maybe it was smart of you to not be with the guy." Dura stands up, and picks up her staff. "I'm not gonna babysit you any longer, but stay away from him." She gives a half wave before walking towards Ariella and the human Seitsu.

Ariella walks towards the stable as she looked at a familiar horse---it was her father's horse's daughter June. She gave the gray horse a rub before placing a saddle on her horse. Hopefully, the others could ride a horse. If not, it didn't really matter anyways---they would just have to walk.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Kleopatris @marmar158 @Angelostar4

Serna Tomargus

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/rush2222.jpg.57b6cfd414389a86074ddd6e1c1f72e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/rush2222.jpg.57b6cfd414389a86074ddd6e1c1f72e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Health: 'sall good.

Mood: Neutral.


Guild/ Stables



After Ariella's statement that they would be leaving on horseback, Serna got up to go.

(Just to make it quick, I'm gonna say that he already has all his shit on him. I know that I stated that he doesn't, but- Oh well. Let's just go with it.)

So- ready for today's work? I'm honestly wanting to get out of here after this morning." He said to Mazdl, who was still with him. He wasn't too enthusiastic, but he was ready to make some more money.


The other two, Seitsu and Renkei, were ready to leave as well.

(Short post. My bad.)



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holdonletmetakeselfieElodie Maluilosselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane and others ig

health/mood ;; 100% / u wot m8

location ;; guild

Elodie listened to the she orc and sighed, arms crossed over her chest as she stared at a random wall.

"Love isn't for me. It always ends in heartbreak or disaster. Maybe it was smart of you to not be with the guy."

She contained herself from rolling her eyes, nodding. "
Yeah.. sure." She sighed, waving the orc off as she stated she was done babysitting her.

Elodie snorted and glanced over to Seitsu and the guild leader, only to regret it.

That damn bastard made her blush..

She growled under her breath and stood up abruptly, pushing past Seitsu as she followed the others to the stables.

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


health/mood ;; 100% / neigh :c

location ;; guild

Once Ariella mentioned horseback, she gulped silently, not knowing how to ride a horse.

Hopefully she'll let me walk..

Sernas voice snapped her out of it and she nodded, shrugging a bit. "Im always up for gold" She smirked, brushing past him as she followed after the mass to the stables.

The journey to woods were quite calming for Jinkuro, not having to deal with the chitter-chatter of the guild once in awhile was quite refreshing. The white fox that was tailing Jinkuro, finally caught up to him. It seems the little thing was rather tired out. "Ugh... whew... do you have to go so bloody fast... jeez" The fox says as it took it's surroundings as they stopped. "Plus, do you even know where the dang place is?"

Jinkuro only nods his head and looks forward. "I don't. But that's why I have you... right? So tell me where... now" Jinkuro says as he began to walk in the dense woods. The white fox could only let out tired sigh, and uses it's nose to point to the left. "There's a waterfall in that direction, that should lead you to the monks. Now if you excuse me, i'll be off. Have fun!" The white fox just runs off into the wild, and Jinkuro went to where the fox advised.


When Rex heard that it was time for the guild members to leave, he rushes back inside. "Hey, hey! Can I come with you guys? I can help too you know!" Rex pesters Ariella by poking her on the sides, and hopping up and down.



Health: 100%

Stamina: 99%

Aether reserves: 89%

Active machinations:

-1 false arm (arc emmiter attachment), fully functional

-2 auto-knights (Chainswords and auto crossbows) , all fully functional

- 3 auto-horses, all fully functional


Temperment: Prepared (+ sneak attack resistance, + rousing speach rolls, + will)

Location: Guild hall

@Kleopatris, @RaikuKawisa

(cs page link)

Karol Teram (Mecha Magos)

“The name's Karol” She replied. “And anyone who appreciates good craftsmanship is a good person in my book. Thank you.” Before she could say much else, a female elf emerged, delivered the shortest briefing she had ever been subject to, and then slinked off somewhere, probably to the stalls she mentioned.

The woman in charge appeared to be little too young, but she was also straight to the point. She didn’t quite know what her first impression of her was yet. Apparently they’d come at just the right time to join in on a mission. Karol sighed, she really would have liked to have some time to rest before lopping off heads with her chainsword, but so be it. If a sore behind from constant riding was the price of admission, she wouldn’t mind too much.

With a wave of her hand that was more for show than function, the aether source in Ivory’s hands lifted itself and retreated back into the auto-horse before its innards returned to their proper place as well. The twin auto-knights made for the cart, equipping a chainsword and repeating crossbow apiece. The knights then wheeled the cart into a space at the side of the guild-house’s property. When they returned, one deposited what looked like a buckler shield attached to an oversized tuning fork in Karol’s hands. It snapped on to her metal arm with ease.

“Well. It looks like there’s business to be done; you’re free to mount up with one of the autonomous knights if you’d like, the horses can take two people.” She gave Ivory a wink before climbing onto the empty auto-horse a few paces away. An auto-knight mounted the one Ivory was inspecting, the stead lowered itself to provide the elf easy access.

“That offer goes to you as well, Mr. hunter.” Karol said, glancing towards Roman. She walked her auto-horse over to Lloyd, motioning the boy to join her.




Health: 99.998%

Stamina: 75%

Aether reserves: 99.992%

Soul: stable

Active Summons:


Temperment: Anxious (minor) (+ perception, + incantation time, - social)

Location: Guild hall



(cs page link)

Lloyd Solace (Cabalist)

Zao’udin tore into the meat with gusto, the bowman was right, it wasn’t as good as Lloyd’s cooking, but appreciated the gesture immensely. It was a shame that he couldn’t contract two people at once. He nibbled leftover food particles from the tuft of amber fur at his chest “I thank you, Roman! And it is a shame that one as personable as you should be limited. Perhaps Lloyd could teach you a thing or two?”

Lloyd coughed. Turning his attention to Roman. The boy he’d just introduced himself to had ran into the guild house. “Demons really aren't that bad, they’re just... really, really good at doing bad things. You only hear about the ones that hurt the most people, and sometimes all those ones need is a friend. They can be just as sweet as us mortals, please don't speak of them so harshly.” Warmth spread across Lloyd’s chest as a certain one of his connections fluttered. He allowed himself a smile, Lloyd had suspected that Drakia was still listening in, they’d been together for so long that it was pretty difficult to hide their emotions from each other without actually trying, like now. Her presence spiraled away fitfully but the “damage” was already done. So much for The Faith Sunderer.

Lloyd patted Zao’udin’s shoulder. “Sorry dear friend, I’d ask you to guide our path from the air, but I need you as rested as possible, just in case. If there’s going to be a fight, I might require your claws and breath.”

Zao’udin clicked his tongue, Lloyd couldn’t tell if it was out of agreement or disappointment. He padded up to the bowman, nudging his hand with his nose. “It was a pleasure to be in your company, noble Roman. I do hope we will encounter each other again, perhaps then, we could see about the sketching, or the magic, or both.”

Lloyd very nearly scowled. So Roman gets to be called “noble” while he only ever refers to his own contract as “fledgling” or by name? After only a bit of ear scritching and a piece of meat at that!. The boy shook his head, he’d allow himself to be jealous, but not angry. Never mistake social nuances for malice. Zao’udin was probably just trying to ensure that the two would still be friends at the end of the day. Besides, there were much more important, much more potentially fatal prospects to consider. Outside of a few hunts and training exercises, Lloyd had never seen actual combat, not of the kind where a mistake would mean his or his friend’s lives.

The dragon bowed his head, eyes closed, wings outstretched. Motes of orange and red light rose into the air, spinning about the dragon like a curtain twisted from above. He was doing it again. The completely unnecessary light show that he had the boy practice as part of their contract. The dragon opened one eye at Lloyd, as if to say, ‘come on, do your part already!’.

Suppressing a sigh, Lloyd channeled a negligible amount of aether through his staff, but made sure to spread it out, much more form than substance. He lifted the casting implement in the air, and the motes were covered in a mantle of Lloyd’s lime green aether, giving off the appearance of swirling stars amidst a cloud of gas in space. The boy counted down the seconds in his head: ‘One, two, three, and-’

With both hands he slammed the staff down, in the same instant, channeling Drakia’s illusion magic to create a bang of thunder that was not-quite-earsplitting. The cloak of fancy light disappeared along with Zao’udin’s form, leaving wisps of slowly dissipating smoke in its wake. With a nod to Roman, Lloyd sat at the open place on Karol’s auto-horse.

“Hm, you’re getting better at that. Though I liked the version where he sinks into the ground with the lightningy stuff around him better.” Karol said.

Lloyd let out a half chuckle, looking down at a few rocks littering the road. Again, Karol spoke.

“Scared?” She whispered.

Lloyd nodded.

“Don’t worry.” She wrapped her arms around Lloyd’s waist in a brief hug. “It’ll be just like monster culling. I’ll keep you safe.”

The churning in Lloyd’s stomach didn’t stop, but it became manageable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Raiku.png.35d113f06bfec6727cc5ad4cb17c29f0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Raiku.png.35d113f06bfec6727cc5ad4cb17c29f0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Age: -Unknown-

Gender: Male

Class: Shadow Dragon

Active Runes
Wouldn't you like to know :P

Wouldn't you like to know :P

Mentions: EVERYONE!


The cloud cover he had been gathering was finally thick enough to blanket the poor town in darkness of night even though it was closer to midday. The orc army was on the outskirts of the city. Where the farthest huts and houses were located. Raiku crossed the barrier between the Shadow Realm and the Realm of Light. Bright violet arcane marks appeared in the sky where he emerged as he called forth the wrath of his master's power. Large Runic circles began weaving dark ancient spells that not even the maddest necromancer would dare consider casting. As the dragon's full body emerged from the other Realm he fell through the air before his powerful wings furled open and he let out a mighty roar that shook most of the birds in the city free from their perch. The ones that didn't leave at the detection of dark magics that is.

"I am the herald of the Dark Lord of the Underworld!" The dragon's voice was magically enhanced to carry through the city streets and into the homes of beggars and nobles alike. "My master has declared this day to be your last. Send forth your best warriors to challenge the strength of my Lord and watch in horror as it falls short." For a moment he watched as all the citizens in the street looked up at him in confusion. That's when the dragon's spell took hold. A dark pulse emanated from the dragon, racing through the city like a cloud. People tried to cover themselves with their arms, but the wave passed through them seemingly harmlessly. They looked side to side. Some of them let out shouts of alarm as they realized what the spell did. The shadows of the townspeople rose up behind them. Dark clones stared at their originals. The shouts of alarm turned into screams of pain as the Shadowmen attacked their originals. Raiku dove down at this points, his wings at his side as the buildings rushed up to meet him. At the last second he spread his wings wide while opening his maw. Black flames rose from the back of his throat before spewing forth on the city below. The flame caught to anything it touched as the dragon soared over the town. Stone buildings were alight just as much as wooden ones, however, the flame on the stone buildings didn't spread as much as the wooden ones. After setting alight a swathe of buildings the dragon arose into the sky as arrows from the archers rose up to meet him. Some of the city's defenders managed to defeat the Shadowmen, especially those that were in close vicinity to the others. He quickly was out of range of the wooden sticks, the few that managed to reach him harmlessly bounced off his scales.

It was at this point that the orc 'army' reached the city gates. The guards, still reeling from the appearance of the dragon as well as the summoning of the Shadowmen were not prepared for the wave of green skinned men that crashed against the city gates. Mighty axes splintered the gates as siege ladders went up the walls. Orcs were horrible at everything but one thing. Making war. Even the Shadow Dragon couldn't fault them in that category. The city was falling fast in the face of dark flames and the orc army...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Kailun.jpg.a3c488fd83ff46baea88b043d00c98c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Kailun.jpg.a3c488fd83ff46baea88b043d00c98c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kailun Allone

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Class: Lightning Mage


Kailun Statis
Injuries: None

Mood: Concerned

Conditions: None

Magic Reserves: 75%

Volkias Statis
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb8a48009_LightningDragon.jpg.8944e0f057af64b1cbc54171b65eb685.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb8a48009_LightningDragon.jpg.8944e0f057af64b1cbc54171b65eb685.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Injuries: None

Mood: Protective

Conditions: None

Go to Nishka, they said. It will be fun, they said. THEY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE EVIL DRAGON THAT'S FOR SURE! Kailun though to himself as a arc of lightning danced to another Shadowman that tried to approach him but foolishly entered his Static Field. Right now he was helping a woman carrying a baby towards the sounds of slashing swords. He saw some guards had set up some barricades to protect civilians from the dark clones of themselves. He didn't even want to think of the bodies that lay in the streets. He couldn't. Using lightning was risky enough, using it while distracted was even moreso. He wouldn't even consider it if it wasn't for the fact that a single stray spark of the bright energy popped the dark bodies out of existence. He had a crystal spear clutched in his right hand and a large leather bag on his back. The reason he was here to be honest. He had considered dropping the damned bag in the nearest ditch, but he was not so fast to abandon his mission. Plus his teacher got... weird when his part shipments were late. A shiver ran down the boy's spine. He would rather face the dragon than deal with his teacher when someone got in the way of his latest project.

A low growl brought his focus back to reality and the issue at hand. Flapping in the air next to the mage was a young black dragon with blue sparks running through his scales. Volkias. Kailun's friend, companion and dragon familiar. Wooden wagons had been set up in the middle of the road with guards protecting the middle from the small horde of Shadowmen. Kailun groaned as he knew he was going to feel this use of lightning in the morning. He was always sore after spending a long time using his powers. He told the woman to wait in the shadow of a building before he charged forward drawing on the reserves trapped in the crystal as to not drain his own strength. He increased the size of his Static Field to encompass the area in front of the wagons. Sparks danced from his skin, striking the Shadowmen around him. The dark bodies faded into nothing as the sparks hit the mob. In a flash there were no more of them. The woman ran forward entering the protected area behind the wagons, thanking the mage the entire time.

One of the guards, now free from his fighting walked over. "You're a little young to be a mage aren't you?" He questioned him, warily watching the young dragon flying around his head.

"You're... a little... too alive... to be complaining."
Kailun panted, an edge in his voice. He just defeated all of the guys in the area and this guard had the nerve to question his age. "What's the closest way out?" He boy asked. He wanted out of this hellhole.

"Not possible. The mountain orcs are attacking the gates. There is no way out through the main gates. The guards have been ordered to direct survivors to the castle to attempt to mount a defense there." The guard tried to sound confident, but Kailun could easily tell the guard was running low on hope.

"Great..." Kailun sighed. It was going to be a long day.



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marmar158 said:



Health: 100%

Stamina: 99%

Aether reserves: 89%

Active machinations:

-1 false arm (arc emmiter attachment), fully functional

-2 auto-knights (Chainswords and auto crossbows) , all fully functional

- 3 auto-horses, all fully functional


Temperment: Prepared (+ sneak attack resistance, + rousing speach rolls, + will)

Location: Guild hall

@Kleopatris, @RaikuKawisa

(cs page link)

Karol Teram (Mecha Magos)

“The name's Karol” She replied. “And anyone who appreciates good craftsmanship is a good person in my book. Thank you.” Before she could say much else, a female elf emerged, delivered the shortest briefing she had ever been subject to, and then slinked off somewhere, probably to the stalls she mentioned.

The woman in charge appeared to be little too young, but she was also straight to the point. She didn’t quite know what her first impression of her was yet. Apparently they’d come at just the right time to join in on a mission. Karol sighed, she really would have liked to have some time to rest before lopping off heads with her chainsword, but so be it. If a sore behind from constant riding was the price of admission, she wouldn’t mind too much.

With a wave of her hand that was more for show than function, the aether source in Ivory’s hands lifted itself and retreated back into the auto-horse before its innards returned to their proper place as well. The twin auto-knights made for the cart, equipping a chainsword and repeating crossbow apiece. The knights then wheeled the cart into a space at the side of the guild-house’s property. When they returned, one deposited what looked like a buckler shield attached to an oversized tuning fork in Karol’s hands. It snapped on to her metal arm with ease.

“Well. It looks like there’s business to be done; you’re free to mount up with one of the autonomous knights if you’d like, the horses can take two people.” She gave Ivory a wink before climbing onto the empty auto-horse a few paces away. An auto-knight mounted the one Ivory was inspecting, the stead lowered itself to provide the elf easy access.

“That offer goes to you as well, Mr. hunter.” Karol said, glancing towards Roman. She walked her auto-horse over to Lloyd, motioning the boy to join her.




Health: 99.998%

Stamina: 75%

Aether reserves: 99.992%

Soul: stable

Active Summons:


Temperment: Anxious (minor) (+ perception, + incantation time, - social)

Location: Guild hall



(cs page link)

Lloyd Solace (Cabalist)

Zao’udin tore into the meat with gusto, the bowman was right, it wasn’t as good as Lloyd’s cooking, but appreciated the gesture immensely. It was a shame that he couldn’t contract two people at once. He nibbled leftover food particles from the tuft of amber fur at his chest “I thank you, Roman! And it is a shame that one as personable as you should be limited. Perhaps Lloyd could teach you a thing or two?”

Lloyd coughed. Turning his attention to Roman. The boy he’d just introduced himself to had ran into the guild house. “Demons really aren't that bad, they’re just... really, really good at doing bad things. You only hear about the ones that hurt the most people, and sometimes all those ones need is a friend. They can be just as sweet as us mortals, please don't speak of them so harshly.” Warmth spread across Lloyd’s chest as a certain one of his connections fluttered. He allowed himself a smile, Lloyd had suspected that Drakia was still listening in, they’d been together for so long that it was pretty difficult to hide their emotions from each other without actually trying, like now. Her presence spiraled away fitfully but the “damage” was already done. So much for The Faith Sunderer.

Lloyd patted Zao’udin’s shoulder. “Sorry dear friend, I’d ask you to guide our path from the air, but I need you as rested as possible, just in case. If there’s going to be a fight, I might require your claws and breath.”

Zao’udin clicked his tongue, Lloyd couldn’t tell if it was out of agreement or disappointment. He padded up to the bowman, nudging his hand with his nose. “It was a pleasure to be in your company, noble Roman. I do hope we will encounter each other again, perhaps then, we could see about the sketching, or the magic, or both.”

Lloyd very nearly scowled. So Roman gets to be called “noble” while he only ever refers to his own contract as “fledgling” or by name? After only a bit of ear scritching and a piece of meat at that!. The boy shook his head, he’d allow himself to be jealous, but not angry. Never mistake social nuances for malice. Zao’udin was probably just trying to ensure that the two would still be friends at the end of the day. Besides, there were much more important, much more potentially fatal prospects to consider. Outside of a few hunts and training exercises, Lloyd had never seen actual combat, not of the kind where a mistake would mean his or his friend’s lives.

The dragon bowed his head, eyes closed, wings outstretched. Motes of orange and red light rose into the air, spinning about the dragon like a curtain twisted from above. He was doing it again. The completely unnecessary light show that he had the boy practice as part of their contract. The dragon opened one eye at Lloyd, as if to say, ‘come on, do your part already!’.

Suppressing a sigh, Lloyd channeled a negligible amount of aether through his staff, but made sure to spread it out, much more form than substance. He lifted the casting implement in the air, and the motes were covered in a mantle of Lloyd’s lime green aether, giving off the appearance of swirling stars amidst a cloud of gas in space. The boy counted down the seconds in his head: ‘One, two, three, and-’

With both hands he slammed the staff down, in the same instant, channeling Drakia’s illusion magic to create a bang of thunder that was not-quite-earsplitting. The cloak of fancy light disappeared along with Zao’udin’s form, leaving wisps of slowly dissipating smoke in its wake. With a nod to Roman, Lloyd sat at the open place on Karol’s auto-horse.

“Hm, you’re getting better at that. Though I liked the version where he sinks into the ground with the lightningy stuff around him better.” Karol said.

Lloyd let out a half chuckle, looking down at a few rocks littering the road. Again, Karol spoke.

“Scared?” She whispered.

Lloyd nodded.

“Don’t worry.” She wrapped her arms around Lloyd’s waist in a brief hug. “It’ll be just like monster culling. I’ll keep you safe.”

The churning in Lloyd’s stomach didn’t stop, but it became manageable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.5081003b67db018370fb93d9a5f63877.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.5081003b67db018370fb93d9a5f63877.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Roman Vokan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Class: Hunter

Skytalon - Large greatbow made of blackened dragonbone. Been in Roman's family for generations

Quiver with 30 greatarrows and 11 Dragonbone arrows

Black Leather Armor

Cloak with specially crafted holes to allow the quiver to be donned outside the cloak.

Injuries: None

Mood: Saddened

Conditions: None

Mentions: @marmar158

Roman wasn't so used to hearing people defend demons so strongly. Sure cabalist rose to their defence, but it usually went along the lines of 'I'm strong enough to control my demon, it didn't burn down that village.' He would have to ask the young mage about that sometime. "It was a pleasure, Zao'udin Herald of Sunrays." He said with a slight bow before watching the display. For a moment he wondered if they light show was the actual dismissal of a summoned being, but when Karol came by and said “Hm, you’re getting better at that. Though I liked the version where he sinks into the ground with the lightningy stuff around him better.” Roman realized it was an act. Not that it surprised him. The pygmy clearly thought highly of himself. Still, he was discouraged that he didn't have a chance to start sketching the dragon. None of his family's journals had any mention of Zao's breed of dragon. He put the journal back in its pouch and then grabbed the saddle behind the autoknight and swung himself into the saddle with a practiced ease. If Karol didn't make the offer he probably would have gotten one of the horses from the stables. Once he got some funds from completing the Guild's contracts he hoped to acquire his own mount. Many hunts were impossible without a swift mount. Griffins for example. Unless you pin them to the ground, all they need to escape is take wing and fly off. At least with a mount you can pursue and attempt to knock them out of the sky.

He looked over at the kid. "If what I've seen of your summons is any indication, they will protect you. You can stay by me if the fighting starts. I normally stay in the back so I have room and time to use my bow to its fullest." He offered. He saw those chainswords. Unless they were just for show, he imagined they could do some real damage. He would rather her man the front line, but to do that she would need to not be worried about her friend.



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(Well assuming the other have not left yet sapphire will be heading ahead.)

Meanwhile on the edge if town sapphire had gathered her stuff and got her horse, a black mare named Gem. She climbed onto gem and galloped out of town. She figured it would be best to move ahead of the rest of the group and scout out the area they were heading to.

This was more up her sleeve, working alone and able to sneak around. She head through a shady forest and stayed until he shadows to help remind her if well her self. She may be a former assassin but she has the darkness in her and that's where she belonged. She made it deep into the forest and her horse gem had gotten tried. She wandered through the first till she found a steam and let the gorse drink. Meanwhile sapphire sat down for a while and read a nice little book.

(Not much but late here, and sorry for not being around of late)

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