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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Rex looks at the man that have approached him. It would seem this guy was holding a mug, though Rex doesn't what it's contents are. He slowly get his back off the wall, and stands up. "I-I... don't know where my parents are." He replies, rubbing his right hand against his left arm. "And I know i'm not... supposed to be here and stuff. But, I had no other place to go." He places his back onto the wall, utterly sadden. "Is it alright if I... um... follow you guys around? I mean, please?" During this talk, Rex looks around the tavern. And see that some of the people were happily drinking their troubles away... though some are having a little too much fun. But, that is the nature of a tavern or any places that sell heavy drinks.

"If you have the power to destroy the world...then you have to take responsibility for the world...don't you?" Those words went though Rex's mind at this moment. He heard this voice before... it sounded familiar, but he has other matters at hand, like this man before him.
Roman frowned, "The places we are going are not where we can bring a kid along." Roman looked around the tavern a moment before he found Ariella. "Follow me, our leader should be able to answer whether or not we can take you in." He said walking towards Ariella's table. He glanced behind him to make sure Rex was following him. It was likely the kid followed the Guild when they left the village that had been raided by the imps. If that was the case, then he truly had no where else to go. And Roman would be damned before he sent a kid off to an orphanage where he was told to sit there and behave and never get a chance to get out and explore the world and themselves.

He sat down at the table and pointed at Rex. "Ariella, we have a guest from the village it would seem. He wants to know if he can follow us around. I think a decision on that end would be up to you." Roman didn't have the time to take care of the kid and he doubted anyone else did either. If Rex wanted to live with the Guild he would have to take care of himself to a point. Roman hoped the kid really knew what he wanted.

@Ayane @Angelostar4
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holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdarselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @Roahon

health/mood ;; 100% / all around me are
familiar faces idiots

location ;; tavern

Grabbing her mug of bitter ale, she sat herself by Serna in a surprisingly graceful way for a Barbarian such as her.

Taking a hearty swig, she shot a glare to the noise and movement on the tables, noticing the half-orc beginning to join.

Groaning, she took another gulp, setting her mug down to slide her gaze over to Serna. "
Can you ask your girlfriend to get off the tables? Its causing me mild annoyance... and making my ale taste bad." Mazdl grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Come on people! Who's next?! Come on some one sing!"

Sorry, im not fond of making myself look like an idiot" She sighed, twirling the end of her hair with an index finger, smirking.

Slowing the twirling of her hair, she noticed a blue haired kid walk in, shifting slightly in her seat.

She didn't know how to properly care for a child or what they even liked. Mazdl was always uncomfortable around anyone under 14..

What do you do with them? Give them food and just...sit them in a corner? Or let them do whatever the fuck they want. Do I have to change them? Because thats a deal breaker.

Trying to ignore the young boy, she noticed a man walk in, awkwardly greeting everyone.

She pitied the poor guy.

Hm..Maybe he'll join too..

Rex got his rear off the wall again, and follows the person towards a girl with pointy and long ears. I think they're called... elves, if Rex remembers correctly. He steps forth and looks at the pointed ears girl. "Please! Let me follow you guys..." He says. "I have no other places to go... so, please!" Rex can only hope that his pleads would reach this girl. I mean, she looks rather nice and kind, so surely, he can follow them around and be of use.

@Ayane @RaikuKawisa


Jinkuro was just relaxing in his chair without a care in the world. With the other orc woman now on the table dancing, he was certainly entertained. Looking over to his left, he see a blue haired kid talking to the leader. "Don't tell me... is that kid going to... ugh... no way!? He looks so weak!" Jinkuro would be slightly irradiated, if this kid was going to be apart of this guild. But the more Jinkuro stared at him, the more he realized that the kid's soul was... off. Like, a power that has yet to be unleashed, and that this weak state is only a front. "I'm going to keep some tabs on him... heheheheheh... might even... y'know, do something to him." A wicked grin was plastered on his face at the thought of... 'doing something to him' Taking a swig of his cider, he looks back at the two girls dancing.
Truthblade said:
It was already late, and Korvalt had reached a small town. He felt a bit weary, so he decided, to rest tonight. But first, he wanted to stop and eat, and fortunately there was a Tavern nearby. Korvalt takes a few rolls and walks to the Tavern. There was some other people there already, and they did seem to be combat capable, or at least he thought so. They probally aren't but I wonder, Korvalt thought.
"So, everyone, how are you doing tonight?" Korvalt asked, though he felt kinda awkward.
Serna, now in a much better mood, was ready to relax after today's mishap.

A man walked in. He was probably a traveler settling in for the night.

'So, everyone, how are you doing tonight?'

"Good evening, sir. Why don't you join us for a night?" Serna spoke, hoping to ease the awkwardness that he could sense from the man.

Roahon said:
Sapphire : drunkenly awesome :
Sapphire stood up as the new guy and some kid entered the tavern. With so meany people in the tavern she felt that it was far too quiet. She walked over tibthe barkeep and smack a purse full of coins. "Start handing put drinks, time to liven this place up."

Sapphire walked up to a table and jumped up to it. "This place is far too boring, so let's have some fun." She says with a evilish grin on her face, she then throw off her shoes at some random fool near by and began to dance. Meanwhile the barkeep sighed and took the coin purse that Sapphire had given him and a made a round of drinks. He handed them to everyone in the tavern. " compliments to the girl dancing on the table over there." After that the barkeep returned to the counter and hoped no one would break anything.

Sapphire dance for a while till she was some what sweaty. She then began to sing to liven the mood of the place even more. "Dadadadadada it's brave new world we have found. Exciting new things everywhere we look, so much to see to see, so join me for one night of fun among this new world. " the bad karaoke would go on for some time till she jumped down and got another drink. "Come on people! Who's next?! Come on some one sing!" She shouted to the whole tavern.
And after Serna's words, The woman that he had met just a few hours ago had jumped onto the table and started dancing.

What is going-


Free drinks?


Serna immediately rushed to the barkeeper.

"I'll be taking advantage of the free drinks, good person of Ellon."

The barkeeper rolled their eyes and handed him a good mug.

Angelostar4 said:
Rex looks at the man that have approached him. It would seem this guy was holding a mug, though Rex doesn't what it's contents are. He slowly get his back off the wall, and stands up. "I-I... don't know where my parents are." He replies, rubbing his right hand against his left arm. "And I know i'm not... supposed to be here and stuff. But, I had no other place to go." He places his back onto the wall, utterly sadden. "Is it alright if I... um... follow you guys around? I mean, please?" During this talk, Rex looks around the tavern. And see that some of the people were happily drinking their troubles away... though some are having a little too much fun. But, that is the nature of a tavern or any places that sell heavy drinks.
"If you have the power to destroy the world...then you have to take responsibility for the world...don't you?" Those words went though Rex's mind at this moment. He heard this voice before... it sounded familiar, but he has other matters at hand, like this man before him.
it was only then when Serna had taken the drink did he notice a kid of all people inside the tavern with them.

A child? In a place like this? Who brought him in here? What were they thinking?

dorkling said:

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdarselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @Roahon

health/mood ;; 100% / all around me are
familiar faces idiots

location ;; tavern

Grabbing her mug of bitter ale, she sat herself by Serna in a surprisingly graceful way for a Barbarian such as her.

Taking a hearty swig, she shot a glare to the noise and movement on the tables, noticing the half-orc beginning to join.

Groaning, she took another gulp, setting her mug down to slide her gaze over to Serna. "
Can you ask your girlfriend to get off the tables? Its causing me mild annoyance... and making my ale taste bad." Mazdl grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Come on people! Who's next?! Come on some one sing!"

Sorry, im not fond of making myself look like an idiot" She sighed, twirling the end of her hair with an index finger, smirking.

Slowing the twirling of her hair, she noticed a blue haired kid walk in, shifting slightly in her seat.

She didn't know how to properly care for a child or what they even liked. Mazdl was always uncomfortable around anyone under 14..

What do you do with them? Give them food and just...sit them in a corner? Or let them do whatever the fuck they want. Do I have to change them? Because thats a deal breaker.

Trying to ignore the young boy, she noticed a man walk in, awkwardly greeting everyone.

She pitied the poor guy.

Hm..Maybe he'll join too..

'Can you ask your girlfriend to get off the tables? Its causing me mild annoyance... and making my ale taste bad.'

"Oh please- She's not my girlfriend. And I don't see anything wrong with it. Tavern's are supposed to be like this." He said, taking a gulp of the drink in his hand. But he remembered that the kid was of top priority here.

He set the drink down and moved away from Mazdl, walking towards Ariella, where the kid was speaking to her.

"Excuse me, what's this about?" Serna asked Ariella. @Ayane

"Hello there," He smiled to the boy. "How did you get in here?" He asked, genuinely curious.

He kneeled down to be level with the kid as he did not want to frighten him.

He was already certain that the kid was very confused from the hyper activity of the tavern environment. @Angelostar4

(Sorry, it was very hard keeping up with all of this, I tried to reply in the best way that I could)
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"Hm?" Ariella noticed the kid, and her eyes softened at his pleas.

"Well..." the half-elf trailed off until Serna came around. She saw him reach the boy's height, and gave a small smile. Ariella could imagine what a good father he could be. She wasn't very well with kids---she was used to adventurers and fighters alike being older than her. Should she let this kid follow them around? It would be dangerous, yet she knows the guild members would keep an eye on him. Ariella was that confident. Was she? The half-elf had alcohol in her---she had no idea at the moment.

"Hey, what's your name? You can stay with us until you find your parents." Would he be a burden?

"Serna and I will watch you. I'm Ariella." Ariella looked over at Setrna to see if she was doing this correctly. Kids were not her thing.

Ariella looked at the other individual she greeted, and with a smile replied, "Hello Korvalt. Yes, I am actually. So, how may I help you?" She observed the guy---he seemed to know how to handle a weapon quite well.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @Opium @akumashioni @Sir Jake @Truthblade @Roahon @Angelostar4
Sapphire gulped down a few more drinks till she could barely stand. She smiled when Dura walked over and joined in the fun. "At least someone else around here is fun. But I had one too meany I think. Time to sit down."

She walked over the group and sat down at the table and gave a slight burp. "Oh sorry, one to meany drinks does that to me." She says barely being able to land in the chair then giggling. She then noticed the new guy and kid from earlier. They were the ones that walked in when Sapphire started her small party.

"Hay short short stuff, and other guy who I can't see clearly ether." She giggled and placed her head on the table after that. "So what we talking about? So I am really hammered. Can't even see anymore." She gave one more giggle.

@Truthblade @angelostar4 \[uSER\=53106\]@RaikuKawisa[/uSER]
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Rex looks at a new man who crouched down to meet him, face-to-face. "W-Why i'm here? Because... I have nowhere else to go" He said to the man. Rex turns to the pointed ear lady, now named Ariella and looks at her. "I have no parents... um... I used to live in an orphanage. But that orphanage got destroyed... so, I followed you guys here." As he was talking to the two people, the lady that was dancing on the table comes forth. Rex was a little scared, but he tried his best to hide it. "Um... n-nothing. Oh! Um... my name is Rex, Rex Bateson"

@Devious Dilbert @Ayane @Roahon
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'W-Why i'm here? Because... I have nowhere else to go.' @Angelostar4

'I have no parents... um... I used to live in an orphanage. But that orphanage got destroyed... so, I followed you guys here.'

Oh no...

'Serna and I will watch you. I'm Ariella.'

Serna turned his head to Ariella,"Is that a good idea? If we're going to be doing things of similar caliber like today on the regular, I don't think we could-"

He looked back to the boy, "But we certainly can't ignore this..." He said, with sympathy.

"I'm sure there's got to be somewhere we can leave him that will be a lot safer... and appropriate for a child." He spoke while bringing himself back up to speak with the elf girl.

The drunken woman staggered in and Serna felt even more worried for the boy if he were going to be left in their care. @Roahon

Please don't scare him off...

holdonletmetakeselfieAsura Eunselfie


tag ;; @ anyone

health/mood ;; 100% / George Takei

location ;; tavern

Asura sat lone away from the drinking bodies, not one to consume alcohol.

It ceases her from being one with her mind and body, unable to concentrate. Like the entirety of the Eun family, she voewd to never partake of alcohol, drugs, or any of the like.

It was merely a distraction and waste of coin.

Example A, the two drunken females dancing atop the tables, making themselves look like utter fools.

So, Asura lamely sipped at her apple cider and nibbled on her bread, mind still focused on her brother.

Asura noticed a little boy and a new man come in, perking up a bit.

About to get up to approach the boy, it seemed that Ariella and Serna were already at it.

Shrugging, she took a bite out of her cooked venison, smiling and enjoying the food.

It was a little different from where she came from but it was good.

Glancing back at the kid, she wiggled in her seat.

She adored kids, often watching and playing with the royal children, even being their side-babysitter.

Asura was quite good and experienced with children, but, the blue haired boy seemed to be taken care of.

Rex just rubs his left arm, waiting for a decision to be made. Though if he had to live, then he'll do it. He doesn't want to be a burden to these people. Rex starts moving from side to side, the stones in his pockets made some noises as he does it. Feeling some eyes on him, he looks around himself, and saw the a woman with a eastern sword was looking at him. She seems to be drinking some cider, the other woman was a rather nice-looking girl, she seem to be drinking apple cider.

Sapphire looked up from the table and over to the blue haired kid. "I say let him join. Heck think about it, new guild let's in young kid and trains him. Could earn you all some good reputation and just don't let him go out on jobs."

She then laid her head back on the table and mumbled something about training. The barkeep then walks over with another drink for sapphire, he shacks her and she starts snoring. "At least she paid for everything before hand. And I hope yoiball plan on taking her with you. " with that the barkeep walks away from the now sleeping.


meanwhile In nearby forest, the old half demon blacksmith stands in a clearing with moonlight covering him and a small hoard if skeletons with shields and steel swords. Two of the skeletons charge at him from both sides and swing at the same time. He rolls underneath and spins his knee so he faces them, then swings his silver sword through their spine and watches them fall apart.

He stands up and quickly takes his small crossbow and aims then shoots a skeleton in the heed. Another of the undead charges from behind, Audin spins around it and switched his sword to his back hand and stabs the bone soldier. The last three attack at one and the old man drops to the ground and lays flat as the three skeletons swing from all sides and end up hitting each other. Audin pushes him self off then ground and sheaths his silver gleaming blade then reloads a bolt into the small crossbow.

A mage in black robes walks up from behind a tree and with a scared look stares at the blacksmith. "Ho-how could a human, and a old man at that, defeat my hoard of undead?! You are not human are you?!" The mage, and Necromancer obviously, says before in sheathing a small knife from his robe. "Stay back! I know how yo us this!"

Audin mage a hatful and spiteful look. "Youngsters these days, don't even pay attention to detail. Look me in the eyes, yellow with slit pupils like that if a snake, or cat, then the gray hair and wrinkles along the body. All signs of old age yet good muscle tone and moments like that of a young warrior. All signs if a extended life span and bing a nonhuman entity. In other words a half demon, you really should study more and look at the details of someone. Expecially if aid person us a opponent, by looking at the details of a enemy you can quickly end a fight by striking any weakness that may have seen. Like you, your skeletons barely held up in a fight, a sign that you are week at summoning and controlling the undead. Then there's your stance and the way you hold that knife, no combat experience can see."

The old man steps closer towards the necromancer who starts shaking in his boots. "Wha-what do you want from me foul demon?! If its soul or such u am sure I can summon some for you...." Audin sat down after that and gave out a huff. "Man I am already tired from fighting a few skeletons, ether I am getting to old for this or those things were tougher then I thought. Anyways I am not here for souls or to kill you, though you shouldn't jump to things like that, I would lecture you on that but I don't have the time too. I am here for a book, the necromancy arts and binding spirits by Edward Johnson. I man told me you would have the fifth edition, the mist rare if all Edwards books on necromancy. May I have it? I did come a long way, and you did attack me first so I believe you owe me that much."

The mage dropped his knife and jaw, he would have some something about the whole thing but then decide he would rather just give the old man the book them fight. He walked over to a chest full if books and pulled out the one Audin was looking for. "Here, just please leave and never return." Audin took the book and nodded. "Very well, honestly don't ever want to come back to a place like this. Farewell youngster." The old man traveled back to his cart and placed the book safely in a small box. He got in top if the cart and sat down then wiped the horses to move. He and the cart were on their marry way and headed towards Capaldi.

Once reaching the Town he pulls his cart over to the side of street and ties the horses up. After making sure all his stuff was safe and sound he walked into a small tavern where he saw a group if people by a table all round a small child with blue hair. He quickly sat down at his own table and pulled out a small purse if coins and gave the barkeep a few for a round if drinks for him self.
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Roahon said:
Sapphire looked up from the table and over to the blue haired kid. "I say let him join. Heck think about it, new guild let's in young kid and trains him. Could earn you all some good reputation and just don't let him go out on jobs."

She then laid her head back on the table and mumbled something about training. The barkeep then walks over with another drink for sapphire, he shacks her and she starts snoring. "At least she paid for everything before hand. And I hope yoiball plan on taking her with you. " with that the barkeep walks away from the now sleeping.


meanwhile In nearby forest, the old half demon blacksmith stands in a clearing with moonlight covering him and a small hoard if skeletons with shields and steel swords. Two of the skeletons charge at him from both sides and swing at the same time. He rolls underneath and spins his knee so he faces them, then swings his silver sword through their spine and watches them fall apart.

He stands up and quickly takes his small crossbow and aims then shoots a skeleton in the heed. Another of the undead charges from behind, Audin spins around it and switched his sword to his back hand and stabs the bone soldier. The last three attack at one and the old man drops to the ground and lays flat as the three skeletons swing from all sides and end up hitting each other. Audin pushes him self off then ground and sheaths his silver gleaming blade then reloads a bolt into the small crossbow.

A mage in black robes walks up from behind a tree and with a scared look stares at the blacksmith. "Ho-how could a human, and a old man at that, defeat my hoard of undead?! You are not human are you?!" The mage, and Necromancer obviously, says before in sheathing a small knife from his robe. "Stay back! I know how yo us this!"

Audin mage a hatful and spiteful look. "Youngsters these days, don't even pay attention to detail. Look me in the eyes, yellow with slit pupils like that if a snake, or cat, then the gray hair and wrinkles along the body. All signs of old age yet good muscle tone and moments like that of a young warrior. All signs if a extended life span and bing a nonhuman entity. In other words a half demon, you really should study more and look at the details of someone. Expecially if aid person us a opponent, by looking at the details of a enemy you can quickly end a fight by striking any weakness that may have seen. Like you, your skeletons barely held up in a fight, a sign that you are week at summoning and controlling the undead. Then there's your stance and the way you hold that knife, no combat experience can see."

The old man steps closer towards the necromancer who starts shaking in his boots. "Wha-what do you want from me foul demon?! If its soul or such u am sure I can summon some for you...." Audin sat down after that and gave out a huff. "Man I am already tired from fighting a few skeletons, ether I am getting to old for this or those things were tougher then I thought. Anyways I am not here for souls or to kill you, though you shouldn't jump to things like that, I would lecture you on that but I don't have the time too. I am here for a book, the necromancy arts and binding spirits by Edward Johnson. I man told me you would have the fifth edition, the mist rare if all Edwards books on necromancy. May I have it? I did come a long way, and you did attack me first so I believe you owe me that much."

The mage dropped his knife and jaw, he would have some something about the whole thing but then decide he would rather just give the old man the book them fight. He walked over to a chest full if books and pulled out the one Audin was looking for. "Here, just please leave and never return." Audin took the book and nodded. "Very well, honestly don't ever want to come back to a place like this. Farewell youngster." The old man traveled back to his cart and placed the book safely in a small box. He got in top if the cart and sat down then wiped the horses to move. He and the cart were on their marry way and headed towards Capaldi.

Once reaching the Town he pulls his cart over to the side of street and ties the horses up. After making sure all his stuff was safe and sound he walked into a small tavern where he saw a group if people by a table all round a small child with blue hair. He quickly sat down at his own table and pulled out a small purse if coins and gave the barkeep a few for a round if drinks for him self.
Serna looked over to Sapphire, "It's not that simple. Somebody would have to stay and watch him." He sighed, "And we're not going to train him to fight for reputation." Looking back to the boy, Serna said, "Do you really have nowhere to go? Where do you want to go?" @Angelostar4 @Roahon

"And Ariella, what are our plans for tomorrow?" He asked of her. @Ayane

He felt that he should know since he was now second in command of the Twin Dragons.

Serna noticed another man walking into the tavern. A hardened old man. @Roahon

But he was too preoccupied with other affairs to give it too much attention.

People came and left all throughout the night anyways.
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"Where do I want to go?" Rex looks a tid confused, but he shakes his head. "I want to be here mister. If that's alright with you" Rex said. He looks at the woman, who was sitting on the table. "And i'm willing to train if I have to stay here."

@Devious Dilbert @Roahon


From the words this child is saying, the kid is rather determined to stay here. Jinkuro continue on to listen in their conversation, with a smirk on his face. "I like this kid's guts... maybe he won't be burden after all."
@Angelostar4[/URL] @Roahon
"And Ariella, what are our plans for tomorrow?" He asked of her. @Ayane

He felt that he should know since he was now second in command of the Twin Dragons.

Serna noticed another man walking into the tavern. A hardened old man. @Roahon

But he was too preoccupied with other affairs to give it too much attention.

People came and left all throughout the night anyways.
"Let's just say things will be fishy." Ariella simply tells him as she looked out the window. "Alright, it's time to go. I'm even more exhausted. See you all tomorrow morning...ah Rex come with me. I'll show you your room." She almost forgot about the boy. Ariella sighs as she lightly pushed Rex to walk with her. She then said to Serna, "Thank you for today, Serna." Dura was pretty much passed out next to Sapphire, snoring lightly on the table. Orcs and alcochol was never the best combination---that was until she saw Sapphire. Ellon, help them.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @Opium @akumashioni @Sir Jake @Truthblade @Roahon @Angelostar4
Rex felt Ariella push him, suggestion him to move along with her. Not wanting to disobey a person that's giving him a free room, he follows the half-elf to this new room of his. "A new room... and a new place to life in." With these new environments, Rex would have to get comfortable rather quickly in order to stay any longer... or that could be him being paranoid that these people would throw him out if he wasn't being helpful. All of a sudden... that same voice appeared in his his head. "Rex, know thy right... know that nothing can stand in your path at your fullest potential... strength and power, never forget. Take responsibility for yourself and this world!" The voice disappeared into Rex's head.

Audin had a few drinks and saw a clock in the far corner of the tavern. Seeing it was growing greatly late Audin paid for the drinks he had and left the tavern. He walked over to his cart and climbed aboard it then took the rains if the horses. He wiped the rains the the horses started to move, the old man wandered the town atop his cart till he saw a local inn.

As he got close he pulled the cart to the side and climbed down to tie the horse up for the night. After a short bit of making sure the horses had some water and food he walked over to the inn and gave the man up front some coins. The man then gave the old blacksmith a room key if which Audin used and slept his night away.
I will timeskip, if this is alright ))

The half-elf woke up when the sun has barely risen---she thought that she could buy food and handle the paperwork for the guild before they had waken up. An old man was shouting something in the distance, though she couldn't make out his words from where she was. With her green cloak on, she recognized the old man---he was one of the sages of Ellon as well as the preacher of the largest church in Capaldi. Sages were often ridiculed, but their knowledge was inevitable.

"Sage, why are you shouting at the birds? It's only early morning." Ariella asks as she approaches him. The sage took her arm, and strangely looked into her violet orbs, "The Dark Lord has risen. His army aided with creatures of the land commanded by powerful lieutenants. I see the kingdom of Nishka in peril. Flames, burning flesh and smoke in the air. Let Ellon save them all."

Ariella, shocked, stepped away slowly as the man concluded, "but your guild can stop it from ever happening." She then knew what the group had to do. Other guilds will simply laugh at this old man, but she had a feeling of discomfort. It reminded her from when her father died from flames. Nishka was small, yet there was many people there.

This was important.

A few hours went by with Ariella pacing back and forth. She had sent Dura to check on the little kid from yesterday---though the orc looked half awake and hungover from the previous night. She sat down finally on a chair that encompanied the others circling a large wooden table with the guild's emblem on it. Ariella was glad that her mother knew contacts throughout the kingdom. Carpentry was often expensive---especially this quality.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @akumashioni @Sir Jake @Roahon @Angelostar4 @anyoneimissed
Jinkuro had fallen asleep on the table. When he comes to, he heard the yelling and yapping of an old man. He shakes his head back and forth, and gets out of his chair. Jinkuro began to do his routine stretches as he gets up. Seeing the leader pacing back and forth, with a concerned look on her face. Whatever it is she's concern about, she'll share it with the rest of the guild. With his stretches done, he sits back on the chair, and looks at a half empty glass of cider.


As Rex came too, he realizes that he was in a bed. "Oh... Right... i'm with these guys now." Rubbing his eyes, and stretching out his legs. Rex jumps out of bed, and into the guild hall. He see that the girl that took her in was pacing left and right, looking rather concerned, another was that woman with the weird sword... that gave him a deadly grin, and the other was the orc lady that took him to bed.

He goes to one of the many chairs, and sits on it.
Sapphire woke up in a gutter near the tavern, realizing she fell sleep there she got up with a grumpy face ad a hang over came over her. She walked through town and got a few things to clean her self up. Once that was done and headbti the guild hall where she saw a fee if the people from last night. She looked at the elf girl walk back and forth. "Hay knife ears, what's up? You look upset.* she says then sitting down and relaxing

Meanwhile Audin woke up in a inn room and gathered his stuff. He walked outside and found his caet and horses. After feeding them quickly he got on the cart and headed towards the guild hall. Once there he climbed down from the cart and walked over to the door then knocked. "Hello anyone home?"

@Angelostar4 @Devious Dilbert @dorkling @Ayane
Roman yawned as he awoke in one of the beds provided in the Guild Hall finding the bed, and the sleep that it provided, to be of good quality. His greatbow and quiver were hung on the wall where he left them last night. After going through the supplies in the storeroom of the guild, he did in fact find arrows made for a greatbow. Despite their age, they were still of high enough quality to be of use. He found 73 of them as well. Easily enough to refill his quiver twice more if he completely emptied it. He donned his black leather armor and his specially made cape. He then equipped his quiver and slid his bow over his shoulder. Satisfied he was ready. He left the room he claimed and walked into the main hall of the Guild already seeing some of the other Guild members up and about.

He saw the kid that he introduced to the Guild Leader last night sitting all alone again. "Sleep well?" He asked, pushing his cape behind him so it flowed on the back side of the chair so he wasn't sitting on it.
Renkei Kuzumiyo & Serna Tomargus

Leisurely strolling down the roads, Renkei recalled the name of the guild he was hoping to join, 'The Twin Dragons.'

The name repeated itself in his mind as he took his time getting to where he needed to be.

Word had already spread that the guild was being rebuilt. If the rumors were true, the guild used to be extremely powerful back in the day.

He didn't expect a newly established guild to be bustling with wealth and joy, but he figured he'd find out if that was the case.

Though- It would be hard for the guild to live up to its previous status, he knew that much.

A man seemed to be shouting into a tavern, some nonsense, Renkei thought. He didn't pay too much attention to it.

Serna woke up with a headache and as soon as he had gathered himself together, he headed straight down the stairs. Just like last morning, he left his equipment upstairs. All he wore at the moment was regular clothing.

He just barely missed the hysterical yelling. Rubbing his face and trying to wake himself up, he stepped away from the staircase and walked towards Ariella, who was already awake.

"What was that all about?" He asked, coming from behind her. He watched the man leave. "I could hear that all the way from-"

He was interrupted by himself yawning. He was beginning to regret binging on the free drinks from last night.

As the man quit his shouting and turned tail to leave, Renkei pulled up to the doors of the tavern.

This was supposed to be the place. The famous 'Twin Dragons' rebuilt. But looking inside, the first person he saw was a rather somber looking man standing in the doorway and looking... out of it.

This is the place? Did I make a wrong turn?

"Uhhh- Excuse me, am I where I'm supposed to be? I'm trying to find the Twin Dragons," Renkei asked, smiling lightly at the older and tired-looking man. Serna was forced to snap out of his spaciness as a foreign voice was speaking directly to him. Looking up from his standing spot, the natural light coming from the opened door had stung his eyes.

"Wha-What? I'm sorry- Yes. This is the Twin Dragons."

"Oh- Yeah? Great!" Renkei laughed, "So where is the leader? I'm sure a kid like you isn't the one pulling the strings."

Kid? Did he just-

Serna face-palmed as he replied, "I'm not a kid, sir. By the way, I'm second in command. I'll handle whatever you need."

Wait-You? You're second in command? What are you- like sixteen?"

This guy...

"I'm twenty-seven... And yes- I'm second in command. What business do you have with our guild?" Serna spoke sternly as he folded his arms. He wasn't in the mood for this guy. His headache was really getting to him.

"Ayy! I'm looking to join!" Renkei laughed light-heartedly, seemingly oblivious to his impatience.

Oh great...

Serna turned to look back and call out to Ariella. "This guy here-" @Ayane

Name's Renkei Kuzumiyo by the way. It's nice to meet you... Who are you?" He interrupted.

...Serna Tomargus. It's a pleasure..."
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RaikuKawisa said:
Roman yawned as he awoke in one of the beds provided in the Guild Hall finding the bed, and the sleep that it provided, to be of good quality. His greatbow and quiver were hung on the wall where he left them last night. After going through the supplies in the storeroom of the guild, he did in fact find arrows made for a greatbow. Despite their age, they were still of high enough quality to be of use. He found 73 of them as well. Easily enough to refill his quiver twice more if he completely emptied it. He donned his black leather armor and his specially made cape. He then equipped his quiver and slid his bow over his shoulder. Satisfied he was ready. He left the room he claimed and walked into the main hall of the Guild already seeing some of the other Guild members up and about.
He saw the kid that he introduced to the Guild Leader last night sitting all alone again. "Sleep well?" He asked, pushing his cape behind him so it flowed on the back side of the chair so he wasn't sitting on it.
Rex looked at the man who haved shown him the leader of the twin dragons. "...Yeah, i've slept well." Rex said casually, and then looked at the leader pacing about. "That guy... that same guy keeps popping up in my head." That man... the man with the purple hair. Rex hopefully thought that one of his dreams, that the man would speak to him, instead of just looking and pointing at him. But, the poor boy could only hope.


Jinkuro looks over to that a new face has reared it's head into the building. And what do you know, it's a guy with glasses. He didn't really care for the guy, so he grabs the half-empty glass of cider, and just chugs it. Afterwards, he just releases a loud burp. Which was rather unladylike, for his appearance. But he didn't really care for that in all honest.
Ariella smiles at the boy from yesterday, and says, "Eat up. We have a long day ahead of us." She signals to the food on the table. She still didn't have a clue if she should bring him along. If the old man said was true, bringing him there can be too dangerous. And who would want to watch a kid while in combat? Oh, Ellon.

She then spots the male coming inside the guild hall, and was going to introduce herself when he spoke to Serna instead. Ariella then introduced herself when the time was right, "Hello, stranger. I'm the leader of the guild. May I help you?" (After he responds,) Ariella then told the members already inside, "Nishka is going to be attacked today by the Underworld forces."

Dura huffed, her locks placedf in a hugh ponytail as she crossed her arms. "And how did you learn of this?"

"A sage. If we can make it there before they arrive, we'll have more time to plan our defenses."

"Oi, the old man yelling earlier? Elf, you should know better. Aren't elves supposed to be intelligent?" Dura chuckles as she set her staff against the wall.

"Anyways, sages are never wrong. We all know this. No other guild is taking the sage seriously. Of course, we won't handle it alone. Nishka's royal forces would aid us, but we all know that they are the weakest of the three. Whoever is planning this is thinking strategically."

@Comet @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @dorkling @Roahon@Angelostar4

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