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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

She answered, "cause it was being knotty!" She laughed at her own joke, a smile on her face. She was thinking that since imps are free people, tree jokes fit in nicely. When they got back to the Guild hall, she would most likely not stop with these jokes.

Her laughing died down as she acknowledged what Jekkel said. "Yeah, we got it from here. And oh you know, a break from the castle. When my mother finds out I'm here, all hell will break loose." She chuckled.

@Sir Jake
"Oh knotty, I don't get it.... Just kidding, Thats pretty good." Jekkel laid down on his back "Well that's not good" he said to Caroline. "I'm going to take a nap, tell me when anything fun happens. Jekkel drifted into a dreamless sleep. It was nice. It was warm and dark.

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Ayane said:
"I agree." Dura says as she eyes the raid of them coming their direction. "There's more coming our way." She mumbles as she prepares another spell. Dura casts a fire spell that would create a fire trap underneath the imps feet. However, the spell's cast time was high. "Cover me, Asura. I'm creating a flame trap underneath them. It won't probably kill them, but it sure will weaken them." She then continued casting the spell.
dorkling said:

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert

health/mood ;; healthy / h y p e

location ;; outside

Asura waved at Dura with a smile. "Asura Eun!" She replied quickly before listening to Serna again.

Of course!" And with that climbed up a set of barrels and thrust her hands up to the roof of a store, heaving herself up and rolling across the roof.

Asura kneeled and crawled towards the edge, watching the hoard approach and tentively keeping an eye on Dura.

She found it to be easier to guard from up high, able to see everything.

Noticing two imps rush at her, she pulled out her fans and flicked her wrists, one imp decapitated, the other impaled.

Grinning, she stayed up there, waiting for more imps to come.

Serna, pleased to see cooperation, had fell back, now positioned closer to the other two, away from the proceeding imps and shouted,

"I'll round them up and you'll cast your spell under them!"

Of course, this tactic would need to be repeated multiple times to fully rid of the imps, and it seemed the casting duration would be too lengthy for them to rely on. But for crowd-control, it was definitely a good move.

The vicinity of the village was filling up with foes. With only the three of them, it would prove to be difficult ensuring no damage or harm be inflicted to the citizens and their properties. The villagers soon began to panic at the sight of the surrounding horde, locking themselves in their homes and barricading all entrances and exits.

Serna realized that he had underestimated the task at hand. Why have such low threat creatures become such a problem? And why were they gathering such numbers and attacking this specific village?

This couldn't be a coincidence... This was an organized assault. There had to be something darker underneath the surface of their actions.

"Do not let them reach the interiors!" He yelled, grasping his two swords and darting to the left side of the field. "Cast your spell here!"

Serna began knocking the foes into one area, grouping them up as Dura channeled her magic. He quickly jumped back for Dura to spread her fire onto the grouped imps. He then dashed to the remaining unions of enemies and swung in horizontal arcs, spreading his attacks as widely as he could.

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Having enough down time, Jinkuro raise up off the grass. Seeing as the threat has been eliminate, it was time to head back to the guild. With Muramasa in tow, he walks along the dirt path that leads back to town, while looking at the bright blue sky, with a shining sun. Too busy taking in the environment's beauty, he accidentally steps on a white fox's tail. It let out a yelp, causing Jinkuro to look downward to his feet.

"OW! Watch where you're going human!" The white fox said harshly, as it looks at it's tail. The voice was feminine in nature, so it must be a female. But wait a minute.... did this fox just speak!? Alarmed by this, Jinkuro gave the fox a curious stare. "Hmmmm... you're not what you are, aren't you? Yes, I can see it. Your soul... doesn't belong in that body" The fox so boldly claim.

"Tch... whatever. Run along fox, or i'll kill you." Jinkuro eyes glint with murderous intent. The fox's fur stands on end, feeling an evil presence radiating from Jinkuro. "Y-Yikes! I-I'll be o-off now!" The white fox runs off, in fear of being killed by Jinkuro.

With the annoying pest gone, Jinkuro continues his way to the village where the guild is located. But unknown to him, is that the white fox was still following him. "That's Izuna Jinkuro... Yeesh! He's one scary person. Those monks are crazy to take on this human. But I have to wonder... why do that want the body he is in? Whatever, got to keep a close eye!"

As Jinkuro saw the town in view, he saw that it was being under siege by those imp low lives. And good gracious, there was a lot of them. He then remember that two other guild members where there to keep guard... or was it three of them? Who cares! The fact of the matter is, that the guild will lose two or three tools. Letting out a heavy sigh, Jinkuro runs towards the town.

Once inside four imps all together lunge straight at Jinkuro. He withdraws Muramasa, and all four them gets sliced to pieces. "Annoying buggers... now, where the hell are they?" Jinkuro runs though out town slashing through the imps like butter, while taking in their souls.
Sapphire had wandered around for far too long and lost hope if finding her way back to the road she once was on. Suddenly though she started to pep up as she could smell a strong smell of blood near by. Her days of a assassin gave her a love for blood in a far too creepy way. To her it was the only thing in the world that aroused her and kept her somewhat sane through the few dozen murders she committed. She did always hate that people would give her odd looks or call her a devil for liking the smell that much, but what did others truly know of her, she may have seemed like a devil but a rose slept under that rough personality.

Eventually she reached a village and in countered a fee villagers fleeing. She wondered what had happened but thought not much on it since she cared not for small things that seem to suddenly set peasants off nowadays. She wandered into the outskirts of the village and can across a few imps. This she truly found out of place since most imps would travel in larger groups. Once more she cared little after a few thoughts, she drawled he sword and snuck up on two of the imps. She then griped her sword harder as she got closer then swung and hit the two on there backs. She she looked at the other the other three that were turning to see there brothers dead on the ground. Before then imps could realize they had to attack her she took the left sickle of her back and swung it as well. She let the chain on the sickle loose so it would extend the range if the swing. With one swift motion she cut throw the small necks if the three imps that final were realizing what was happing.

She put away her sword and sickle as the imps fell once more and continued on her Mary way. Well marry till she turned a corner andgrunta few people battling a larger hoard of imps and grinned at the pools of blood from the imps. She snuck over to a spot overed in shadows that gave her a good view of others. Meanwhile a stray imp found its way near sapphire. It got behind her and scratched her, she have off a slight grunt and jumped up. She turned with great spread and drew her blade. With the flick of her arm she slashed the imp in half, blood from the imp splashed everywhere and hit sapphire in the face. She took a small lick of it and smiled. With the imp dead she put her sword back in its scabbard and sat down once more to watch the goings of the others fight the hoard of imps.
Ayane said:
"This isn't good...shit." Dura says as she channels her magic. Imps working together in such an organized manner...it couldn't just be a coincidence. "Careful." She casted the spell underneath the imps as flames appeared from the ground. Dura almost felt bad for the little suckers...not really.
She them went to cast another spell, but soon was overwhelmed by the imps presense. "Co leader, any ideas?" Dura sent a crest of fire towards the imps as they started to surrounded them. The half-orc noticed another girl fighting through the small imps. "Mind giving us a hand?"

Ariella then hears noises back at the village. "It sounds like they are in trouble---let's back them up." She looks at the group and says, "You all are more than capable. Alas, let's go." The half-elf put her daggers away as she started to lead the group towards the village.

(( sorry for the short reply, I'm feeling uninspired. Gn loves ♡ ))

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @Roahon @Opium @akumashioni@sir jake @elfattack @Angelostar4 @LionPride @anyoneelse @RaikuKawisa @Comet @
Jinkuro could hear a voice somewhere in the distance, as he pinpoints the voice. It was a half-orc. He rushes towards their direction, the Muramasa gathering the souls of the imps in a rapid pace. Now with the two, Jinkuro aids them by sending a wave of fire to a group of imps, they burn as the wave reached them. "I'll kill all them... none of them will escape!" Holding onto the Muramasa tightly, he made sure that the group won't get flank by their left and their right. One of the imps launched an arrow at Jinkuro but, he catches it by the shaft, and toss it on the ground.

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert

health/mood ;; 99% / happily murderize

location ;; outside

After Dura cast her spell, an imp, crept up to her blindspot.

Squinting, she jumped off the building and plummeted to the ground, legs extended as her feet connected with its face before quickly curling up to roll, using the imp to soften her landing

Imp fazed and incapacitated, she plucked her goried fans from the corpses of the smaller beings, flinging them again at nearing attackers.

Picking up the imp she landed on, she used him as a meat shield, blocking blows from daggers and arrows.

When the Imp was considered useless, she not so easily tossed the limp body onto a random group before getting into her stance, dodging blows and swipe-kicking, a flurried movement of arms and legs.

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holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @ anyone else

health/mood ;; 98% / letssss rumbleee

location ;; village

"It. sounds like they are in trouble---let's back them up."

Mazdl pulled her battleaxe out of the chest of a demon

(Or would their bodies disappear like SPN? idk), wiping the combination of different bloods off her cheek.

Nodding, she panted softly and followed after Ariella towards the village, feeling the adrenaline pulsate through her body.

Reaching the village, her coal colored eyes sparked with slight surprise at the organization of the enemy, smirking.

Spotting a fighting Serna not too far, she chuckled slightly. "
Hey pretty boy. Need help?" She called to him, kicking down an imp and swinging her large weapon at ease, it planting itself into the skull of a poor imp.

Asura jumping up, she called back. "
Im not a boy but yes!" She giggled jokingly, thrusting her leg out to an imps ankle, it instantly falling back before whipping out her fans and spinning.

Mazdl blinked at the silly female and shook her head, wondering why Asura wasn't dead already.

Jinkuro looks over to the imp that launched the arrow at him. With an evident smirk on plastered all over his face, he pulls back the Muramasa, and swing it. A crescent moon comes from the blade and flys at the imp, cutting it in half (Oboro Style: Crescent Moon!). "What a pest..." The soul of the imp comes towards him, as well as the souls of the imps that have been slain by the stunning half-orc, and Asura. Looking elsewhere it would seem that even with the odds against them, Jinkuro and the others are doing well for themselves.
Ayane said:
"This isn't good...shit." Dura says as she channels her magic. Imps working together in such an organized manner...it couldn't just be a coincidence. "Careful." She casted the spell underneath the imps as flames appeared from the ground. Dura almost felt bad for the little suckers...not really.
She them went to cast another spell, but soon was overwhelmed by the imps presense. "Co leader, any ideas?" Dura sent a crest of fire towards the imps as they started to surrounded them. The half-orc noticed another girl fighting through the small imps. "Mind giving us a hand?"

If I'm being depended on- I really need to step up my game...

She's right. This isn't good. With just us three to worry about- we would have no problem.

However, with the villagers...

No. We can't leave them.

Serna spotted an ally in the distance.

It's that girl with the katana.

"Reinforcements have arrived." He announced. But it looked to be just her at the moment. @Angelostar4

Has the main squad finished up already?

"Hold them off until our numbers return to us."

Serna tucked both of his longswords to his sides, then extended his arms out, swiping at a 180 degree angle, hitting all in front of him.

His dual-wielding allowed him a great radius of damage-dealing. He had superb area of effect, and he used this to his advantage with crowds.

dorkling said:
Reaching the village, her coal colored eyes sparked with slight surprise at the organization of the enemy, smirking.
Spotting a fighting Serna not too far, she chuckled slightly. "Hey pretty boy. Need help?" She called to him, kicking down an imp and swinging her large weapon at ease, it planting itself into the skull of a poor imp.

Asura jumping up, she called back. "
Im not a boy but yes!" She giggled jokingly, thrusting her leg out to an imps ankle, it instantly falling back before whipping out her fans and spinning.
'Hey pretty boy. Need help?'

"Ya' know- I'd really love it if you would-" He replied to her, crouching, and aiming for a low blow. With one fast, fluid motion, he swept at the knees of his attackers. He then shifted his weight, bringing himself back up.

'Im not a boy but yes!'

Sapphire got up from her seat and decided to join in fun. She took out her blade and held it in a back hand stance. The back of the blade now ran up the back of her arm, she stared down the pack of small vermin and charged at the back if them. With swift moment and precise aim she struck on after another Ina vital spot but made the wounds just deep enough to slowly kill them.

After some twenty some imps sapphire stoked next to a building and watched the fools she had hit. One by one they slowly fell and sapphire smiled. To most a sigh that she was a true devil when she fought, but to her thus was nature at its fullest. Watching the weak die out and the strong rise above all. She wondered if the imps would ever fall though, there seemed to be a great meany of them and no sign if a end. But like most thoughts they faded quickly with her, but this time by a arrow or two hiring her arm. She was forced to drop her sword as she felt pain grasp her right arm.

She shifted her sight to the imps that had sent the arrows at her. As they readied more arrows she picked out the balde with the other hand and rolled behind a building she was near. Once she was safe again she pulled the arrows out of her arm and gave a loud scream that attracted far more attention form some of the imp hoard.

She watched a few make their way towards her. She got a sickle out and twirled it around then slashed any imp that got close to her.
He looks over to a woman that seems to be fighting like a demon... a wicked grin was etched onto his face. Jinkuro felt the need to let loose, but he knew better. Showing off his more powerful Oboro Techniques, would get him attention. For now, the Muramasa takes in the souls of all the imps that woman has slain.

"I don't like being on the damn ground... I need a vantage point. Hm..." He looks around and saw the shop store roof. With quickness he jumps off the stone floor, and onto the roof. "Much better..."

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; 97% / independent black woman

location ;; village

"Ya' know- I'd really love it if you would-"

Mazdl nodded slightly as she swung her toned arms about, leaving a trail of corpses as she neared Serna.

Nearly back to back to him, she switched her battleaxe out for dual and slightly smaller weapons, maces.

Wacking away and cracking any near imps, she glanced back to Serna, maneuvering about.

Still think you're too good for us or are you going to join?" She questioned, bashing another unlucky Imps features in.

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


health/mood ;; 98% / theft!

location ;; outside

Noticing the others join, she backed up and slaughtered or severely incapacitated them, wanting to return to her high point yet again.

parkouring climbing up the store building, she swung herself over and rolled, bumping into Momofuckiforgottherest.

Furrowing her eyebrows at her, she scooted towards the edge. "
Excuse me, but, this was my spot first thief. Find your own peeping building" Asura said playfully, crawling around and looking for anything sharp laying about.

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Roman made his way to one of the lower roofs in the village, climbing his way on top giving him an excellent vantage point in which he could pick off the invaders. This also came with the added benefit of making him harder to get to, not wanting to get ambushed from behind as he took out imps at a range. He looked across the street and saw two others on the store roof over there. He gave them a nod before scanning the battleground, the dead bodies of imps littering the village streets.

He saw Serna and Mazdl circled by imps and turned his bow in that direction. He checked his aim and loosed his bow at the imps surrounding the two. He aimed for a bow-wielding imp first, dropping the beast before firing another half dozen arrows into the crowd of imps, his aim didn't need to be precise to hit the clustered imps. However, the imps noticed his position on the roof and began to climb up the sides to get to him. Roman barely avoided a dagger in his ribs before stabbing an arrow in the imp's face. He pulled the bloody arrow from the imp's face before quickly nocking it and firing it at another imp that was rushing him. He moved over to the edge and shot another two arrows, knocking down the imps coming up from that side.
Jinkuro let's out a smirk, as the girl said those words. He looks back to the carnage, taking the souls of the imps that have just died in front of him. Getting down on one knee, his taking a gander of the situation. "The monsters are slowly loosing their numbers. If these low lives knows what's good for them, they'll retreat." He stands back up, and looks at Asura. "I think it's safe to say... we've won this battle. I must say, i'm impressed with your fighting style." Jinkuro meant those words. Never has he saw such a graceful, but deadly way of fighting.

(It's Momohime, friendo machine. Almost had it xD )
Jekkel opened his eyes. He sat up slowly and gave a loud yawn. Jekkel looked around the field most of the group was gone. He heard a lot of noise coming from the village. Jekkel looked at Caroline "we should probably go and help them I suppose." He gave a long sigh then got up to head to the village.

Jekkel walked down the path, dead Imps scattered the area. There was a strong scent of blood. "This is not my idea of fun" he said aloud. Jekkel was on a hill, now had a better view of the little village. The town was in chaos. Imps were attacking everywhere and everyone. "What is with these nasty little buggers," Jekkel thought to himself. He started to sprint into the town, he would probably have to get to high ground.

Jekkel now approached the outer skirts of the town. He had to slay an occasional Imp or two but most of the imps were focused on the center of the town odd. Jekkel got out his bow and snipe for a while. After about five minutes he has only been able to kill about twenty imps, "This is taking to much time. Jekkel scanned the area, He was looking for any advantages he might be able to use.

Jekkel spotted a fishery he could use fish oil but in fear he might burn down the town, He quickly discarded that idea. The town was accompanied by a river about one hundred or two hundred feet, But surely he could not flood the town, with the water source to far away, But it was a step up from burning the imps and or the town. If they were to flood it most of the villagers should be safe. The town was on very flat land and the water would not occupy most of the town. Jekkel looked yet again but he could find nothing "Dang looks like We will have to take them out the old fashioned why."

Jekkel took out his sword. He gripped it Firmly. He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. When he was ready he opened his eyes and ran into town. The imps did not see him coming from behind. Jekkel was trying to do more slashing than stabbing, It covered a little more ground but less damage. He was slashing left and right in a repeating process. Finally, the dumb imps noticed Jekkel. They started to charge at him. Jekkel needed to get out of there quick if he did not want to become a pancake. Who knew little midget imps could be so deadly in numbers.

Jekkel quickly grasped his chained daggers and threw them to a roof of some building. The tooth of the dagger quickly bit onto a wooded surface. Jekkel started to climb hastily. He approached the top of the roof and sat at the edge for a moment. "Dumb imps" He Shouted on the top of the roof. Jekkel grasped his bow and pulled it out in front of him. and pulled two arrows from his quiver, If he did not find more arrows soon he would be out. Jekkel's quiver was not a big one. He held the two arrows in between his fingers and on the edge of the string. He pulled the bow back as far as he could and let the sting out of his grasp, This speedily sent two arrows in the imps direction. Jekkel repeated this process for a while.

(New morning fresh post)

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @Roahon @Opium @akumashioni @elfattack @Angelostar4 @LionPride @RaikuKawisa @Comet

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"23, 24, 25." As imps came towards Sapphire and she cit them down she counted. It helped keep her mind off the wounded arm which at this point was bleeding heavily, blood streamed down her arm and dripped off a the tips of her fingers. The pain was becoming to much to handle anymore, but with so meany imps not she could do that that moment. "26,27,28,29,30,31...." Final it stopped and no more imps were after her. She sheathed her sickle and hopped into a building. She looked around and sorted through the mess in the house, she lifted a box and found a imp inside. That had explained the mess of the building, we quickly she took her blade and jabbed it in the head. She let the box go and when back to looking.

With a smile on her fave she saw a small light. It was a light from a candle, she hopped over to it and took out the knife that laid in her boot and put it to the small fire ofbthw candle. Fire for some odd reason was one of the few destructive forces in this world that Sapphire hated, sure she would start a camp fire or use a candle when inside but usually she wpd stay far away from the foul beast of light. Nether a less she lost thought of the fire when she took the heated blade of the small knife to her wounds. She let out a yell that luckily did not get the attention of the imps. Once the wounds were closed ahe pit the knife away and walked out side to find the imp starting to thin out and spread along the village trying to get at the meany that were fight them. Sapphire took out her sickles and spun then around then chucked them at small imps that were near by.

After that she put away the sickles and used her blade as she turned and ran down a few back streets in the town. One by one she picked out any straggling imps she found. With this she stopped any that would sneak around at the other or escape. Once she was down with this she made her way back to the main area where everyone was fighting and got a great idea. She start to run in a circler motion around the imps and started cutting down the edges if the hoard. She rolled out of the way of a arrow half war through her fist GI around and spotted the two imps that shot her from before. She took her sickle and struck them back thus time, as the two fell she laugh slightly then was back to the circle if doom. As she cit down the outskirts of the hoard a few start moving inwards to escape their inviable (is that even the right word? The way you spell the word? xD man I suck at grammar.) Deaths. Little did the imps realize Sapphire was making them form a blob of inps which made for one easy target.

@Devious Dilbert @Sir Jake @dorkling @elfattack @LionPride @Opium @Comet @Ayane @akumashioni @RaikuKawisa @Angelostar4 @Anyone else I forgot

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tags ;; @Angelostar4 @RaikuKawisa

health/mood ;; 98% / #igiveuponmoods

location ;; outside

Asura found random bits and bobbles of sharp junk, strategically slinging it at the imps below. The objects would usually always impact thier twisted faces, screaming as they were blinded, or falling back instantly dead.

Glancing back at Momohime, her features changed and she smiled, as if she wasn't slaughtering a bunch of enemies a few seconds ago.

"The monsters are slowly loosing their numbers. If these low lives knows what's good for them, they'll retreat."

Wellll... They are kinda dumb.. So, who knows." Asura shrugged, pausing after. "But.. You don't have to be intelligent nor dimwitted to feel fear." She mused before glancing back at the field again, flinging more metal shit at them.

"I think it's safe to say... we've won this battle. I must say, i'm impressed with your fighting style."

Asura blinked, unsure what to say other than blush. She rarely got compliments or appraisal. It just what was expected of her.

O-oh um. T-thanks? I like yours too, with your cool sword and stuf-" Cutting herself off, she heard movement nearby, glancing over to see Imps attacking Roman.

Protective instincts kicking in, she gave an apologetic glance towards Momohime, waving and smiling before leaping to the building Roman was on.

Him mostly taking care of the situation, she noticed another Imp approaching and thrust her fan out, decapitating the thing as it sunk to the ground.

Y-you ok Roman?" She asked, retrieving her fan.

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"Time for me to get a move on as well" Jinkuro leap back onto the ground, and slash through two imps that were running for their lives. 31 souls fly towards the Muramasa, as well as the souls of the two imps that he have slain. Upon further inspection, the imps are running. "She right, I can sense the fear... Heheheheh. You're not getting away that easily!" Jinkuro goes out of his way to cut through the imps that were running, collecting more of their useless, but better than nothing souls. "I think that's enough death for now. Just let the rest of the guild take care of the stragglers, and i'll reap from their hard work" He lean against one of the broken houses, and observe the damage that the imps have done.

For lack of a better, it was horrible. Some of the houses valuables, had been stole. As well just plain tarnished... it was a horrible sight indeed.
Ariella saw the remaining imps flee. She sighed in relief as she went to help the villagers nearby. "Help the injured, please clerics. I'll check the perimeter for imps. Good work out there." Ariella smiles at them before looking over at Serna. "You did good, Serna. Great co-leader material right there." She then left.

Dura kicked a corpse off of her foot, cursing as she patted Serna's back. "You 'eard her. Good work." She then rested on hand on Asura's shoulder before walking off. She had a flashback of the half-orc girl Mazdl. Dura would have to have a word with the damn half-orc.

@dorkling (pm plox) @LionPride @Sir Jake @elfattack @Angelostar4 @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Comet @
dorkling said:
holdonletmetakeloadWebfont('Ledger');selfieMazdl Khazdar

tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; 97% / independent black woman

location ;; village

"Ya' know- I'd really love it if you would-"

Mazdl nodded slightly as she swung her toned arms about, leaving a trail of corpses as she neared Serna.

Nearly back to back to him, she switched her battleaxe out for dual and slightly smaller weapons, maces.

Wacking away and cracking any near imps, she glanced back to Serna, maneuvering about.

Still think you're too good for us or are you going to join?" She questioned, bashing another unlucky Imps features in.
(Serna Tomargus [insert picture] Health: 88% Mood: OH BABY Location: With the bae)

'Still think you're too good for us or are you going to join?'

He smirked at her question. "I think I've been given a good enough reason to."

With Mazdl now at the scene, he straightened himself up.

"Being co-leader is gonna be stressful though-"

He slashed to the left, wiping out a small groups of imps to Mazdl's side.

Another incoming attack was aimed for himself, and he quickly parried the small imp's attempt to cripple his right leg, then used his free sword to impale the creature.

The horde seemed to be dying down as the other guild members had arrived, both from retreating and from being terminated.

They're simultaneously retreating? Have they been ordered to fall back?

Perhaps it is just instinct? But then why would all of them flee at the same time and in the same direction too?

It was strange... The imps seemed to have fled at the arrival of reinforcements. It was a logical move. But that's what confused him...

Have imps always been intelligent enough to strategize?

Nonetheless, he was relieved. They had done a number on the village.

Serna was incapable of fending them off... But he didn't want to think too much of it.

It was embarrassing enough to be bested this badly by imps of all creatures...

As the last of the imps had fled, he let out a deep sigh.

After sheathing his blades, he stood tensely and looked to Mazdl but stayed silent.

Ugh- I'm getting old...

Ayane said:
Ariella saw the remaining imps flee. She sighed in relief as she went to help the villagers nearby. "Help the injured, please clerics. I'll check the perimeter for imps. Good work out there." Ariella smiles at them before looking over at Serna. "You did good, Serna. Great co-leader material right there." She then left.
Dura kicked a corpse off of her foot, cursing as she patted Serna's back. "You 'eard her. Good work." She then rested on hand on Asura's shoulder before walking off. She had a flashback of the half-orc girl Mazdl. Dura would have to have a word with the damn half-orc.

@dorkling (pm plox) @LionPride @Sir Jake @elfattack @Angelostar4 @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Comet @

"Of course-" Serna said in reply to Ariella. "Thank you."

The half-orc, Dura, had patted him on the back and also gave him praise, to which he responded with a forced smile and short words, "Haha- You too."

Serna stepped away from Mazdl to survey the landscape. Some parts of the village remained almost untouched. Others- Well...

The scene itself wasn't too bad, however. It seemed that there were no citizen casualties.

But still... although there were no deaths, many of the citizen's homes ranged from slightly damaged to completely destroyed.

Why attack a village? No- They didn't only attack... They had plundered the village.

They had taken supplies. This isn't some petty road robbery... They had plundered a whole village!

Serna's suspicion began to grow after witnessing the organization and sudden tact of the imps.

Maybe I am thinking too much into this-

But I have never seen imps come together in large numbers like this to preform such an act.
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Sapphire fell back as well when more people started to arrive, she hated the when there was a gathering crowd. She turned to her left and walked into the shadows of two houses close together. When she exited to the other side of the long alleyway a screaming imp holding a frying pan came rushing at her from nowhere.

Sapphire took a step back and extended her foot in front of the mad imp that then fell over on the ground and lost his sad excuse for a weapon. Sapphire crouched down and took the knife from her boot and put it to the neck of the imp. "Now that was not wise, was it?" He eyes and voice were cold as the far north.

The imp snarled at her and spook somewhat in what she guessed was the imp version of the human language. " Ţ͚͉̘̜̝͖̥͂̐̀͗ͮͤͣ̽ͪ̇͆́̍̄̏͊ͥͫ͜͝ͅH͆̈ͬ͛̓̓͂͛̇̌͗̎ͦ͏̴̴͔̹̻͈̕Ẽ̒̋̊̀́ͬ̕҉̬̲̟̯̼͇̹͈̖͖̫̪̘͖͜R̈ͭ̐̉ͧͭͮ̍̑̄̋ͭͥ̿̂̎͋̚̕͏͖̗͔͍̤̝͓̙͕̯̰̘̞͕̹͓͓̼̹E̸̷̡̺̙̟̝̺̪̜̻̋̂͋ͨ̏́͟ ̴̯̯̳͎̣̲̠̞̟͉̦͎̹͂͌̃ͣͥ̍ͩ̅͗̍͐̓̈́ͣ͐ͭ͆̚̚ͅḬ̵̧̺̺̘̓̏̈̇̀̔ͤ̏̄͐͗̌̑̏̍ͩ͒́͟ͅS̶ͥͦ̿͑̆̓ͤͭ̕͟͢͏͍̣̝͈͔̰̟ ̽ͫ̆ͪ͏͙̺͓̫͠͝N̡̟̻̖̝͇̞̹̻͓̤̲̰͖̪̲̯̹̞͎ͨ̄͒͑ͭ̇́͘͢͡Ǫ̶͈͓̟̦͔̠̣ͥ̑͐ͬ̉̉̐̍ͮ͑̎̌̔́̒̋́͟͜U̾̏͂̄̾̐́̒͐ͥ̿ͭ̿҉̦̳͕̱̳͜͜G̷͈̬̮̮͇̪̺̫̼̪̙͙̫̙̘̙ͮͪͦ́ͭ̂̀ͪ̍͐̋͆́͘͘ͅH̢̜͎̟̙̙̻̲ͣͩ̍͗ͬ̋͐͗̐̈́͊ͭ̓̒͊T̲̲̮͇̝ͣͫ̉ͪͨ̂͐̀̾ͪ͗̍͗ͮ̚̕͡ ͋̈̅̒̈́ͮ̔ͤ̏̿͆͛̽̚̕͏̥̣̦͓Y̶̢͉̫̻̼̻͎̤̘̺̖̥̯͎̖̪̱̥̿͛̃ͥͭ̒̀̄ͅO̢͍̟͕͔̟̠̩̺̜͔̼̹͙ͯ̏̂̿ͣ̏ͯ͊ͤ̓̔̀̀Ũ̼̗̤̯̼̗̭̳̼̜͈̱̰̦̬̩̹̥͒̇͑̋͑̒͆́͘ ̸̶̠̯̭̭͇̫̮̗͖̜ͦͣ̓͑̎̎̌ͭ̈́͟͟͠ͅC̸ͥ̽ͭ̓͊̿̄ͬ҉̛̱̙̳̙̟̞́ͅA̰̦̙͙̲̻̯̤̼̮̠͆̊͐͊̊̓ͤ̉̈͒̽̊ͯ̚͟͜͜͜N̵̎ͨ̎͌ͫͪͧ͆͋͝͏҉̺̖̩̤̤̞̣̖̟̖͙̲ ̛͔̱̫͉̺̬̙̪̻͊́̑̒̏ͥ́̂̃̾ͥ̍͜͟͡D̶̷̶̟̻̻̘͙̫͕ͥ͒ͫ̐̍̅ͨͧ̓̓̂̈́͑͋ͣ͋̓ͩ̚͢O̷̸̧̖̫̫̪͎͇̣͖͕͇̬͎̙̯̺̗̯̿̀̓ͬ́̌̾̐̊̊ͤ͢ͅ ̸̨̗̯̮̙̣͈̙̖ͦ́ͬ͞͡T̶͇͚̱̖̙̯̫̦͔̱͇̻̮̹͇͍͍̣̜ͩ̓ͮ̊ͣͣ̇́ͭ͌ͫ̃̊͗̀́̚̚̚Ȏ̑̆͆̀̋̓̿ͭͤ̆ͯ̑̃͏̷͏҉̖͍̬̹̰̩̲̞̻̣͇̮̖̺͍̟͔̯̞ ̶̹͚̫̰̤̱̩̣̊͗͑̅̀ͬ͐̌ͨ̍̊ͣ͂̏͛ͣ̉ͨ̀́ͅS̷̃̉̍͋̾͒̊͒͐͒̅ͧ̎ͥ͏͇͙̺͉̰̰͓̖̪̙̱̀T͗͗̂ͪ͊̑̎̓̉ͬ̚̚҉̡̜̱̹̼̜̥̖̝͚̠̭̝͓͉͉̟̲͔̬́́O̧̡̤̤͔̰ͫ̊͂͂̓ͪ̂ͩ͜ͅP̷͖͈̮̖͉̗̬̝̫̱͚̗̞̮̩̰͛̄̾ͪ͋̎͋͝͡͡ ̢͈̣̰͍̭͈̥̎ͣ̄͐̈́͗̄͒͂͛ͣ́͟͠͡Ö̰͔͖́ͥͥ̈́̍ͩ̕̕͡U̷̢̼͎͔̤͇̟̣̪̤̝̼̤̣͚̞̪̘͓ͧ̋ͦ͂ͫ̇ͣ̋̿ͬ̎̏ͮͪ̍Ŗ̡̻͇̘̱̺̭͇͖͍̖̠̻̺̬̒ͧ̈́̉ͯ͑ͭ͒ͨ̿ͨ͒͊̽ͯ͗ͩ̐̚͜ͅ ̧͐ͯ̽ͮ̆̕͏̳̪̦͎̤̺͉̹̰̗̙͘Â̶̴̷̛̛̜̞̻̟͉̥̥̪͔̗̲̹͕̮̦̣͇̝͚̎̐̚D̴̢̧̞̣͕̻͍̲̳̮̜͙͇͈̣̠̺̯̲̥͛̾̎̀ͯ̃ͯ͒͐̓̍̈́̂̍̐̎̉͗͆͟͞ͅV̨͕͖͕͕̀̆̽̈̑̑̀A̸ͧ̔̎ͨ̂ͥ͟͏̡̟͈̮̞͙̲̺͔̠̻̻̱̹͢N̵̶͔̹͓̻̬̗̬͔̬̘̪̻̗͇ͯ͋͛ͬ̑̈́͑̋ͧ̈͂͌͘̕͟C̶̨̤̘̬͙̠̪ͪ̐͒͒͂́͡͡Ë̶̴̡̼̺̟̱̩͇͇́͗ͯ̈ͫͅ,̌̎ͨ̅͋̈́ͭͮ̏̓ͮ̏̈́ͩ̀͏̱̳̲̝̺̞̳̤͙̰̗̪͈̱̥͕̻ ͎͕̣̼̣͍̞̜̯͕̥͓̥̠̇͊̂͊̈͂ͫͩͫͣ̄͛ͩ̚̚͘͟͠͞͞W̷̡̟̝̭̙͍͙̪̗̥͍̪̪̥͆̇̊͐́ͭ̄ͤ̓͊͊̈̾͑ͯ̾ͣ̇ͤ͘͜͡ͅͅE̢̛̙̯̜͈͎̲̲̜͖̗̠̖̯̱ͫ̋̾̋͘͟ ̷̶̢̢͉̹͇̳̥͇̞̹͈̙̫̻͖͓̮̣ͤ̄̎ͦͣͭ̿ͦ̆̍̐ͤ̒ͨͪ̓̽͌́W̢̠̭͕̠̤̹̠̮̖̗̟͇͇͙̦̠ͨͣ̑̂̌̇̿͛ͤͥ̆̑̓ͨ̆̉͊̿͘͜ͅḬ͔̲̦̠̬̯̰͈͚̳ͮ͂ͥ̑ͭ̓͆ͩͩ͋̇͑́̾ͣ͐ͦ͐̀́̕͠͡ͅL̸̵̹̳̳͇̥̙̘̱̙͇̻̙̫̯̝̥̝̅ͪ̉̾͆ͩͨ̇̍L̋̈͐̈́̉ͩ͊̎̏ͯ̇ͨ̂͆͢҉̨̞̲͇̮̹̗͇ ̸̢ͨ̓̍͌̓̃̔͌͊̈̏̔̆̆ͭ̆͘͠҉̹̘̥̹Rͩ̃ͣͯ҉̯̙̰̪̣̬͔̗̰̜͕̭̟̙I̵̱͖̩̠̞̯̙͎͚̩͎͎͈̙̥͇̩͍͗̈͂͂͆̄̋̀̂̐͋͆͠ͅS̈ͫ͌͛̅̈̂̆͐ͦͭͥ͏̢̛͓̭̰̲ͅĘ̶̵͎͉̗̦̤̊ͧͮͭ̏ͯ̀́̿̓ͩ̋ͬ̓̍͂,̟̠̭̯̐͋ͫ͋͛ͭͬ̌̐̍͂̀ͥ̚͡ ̨̫̮̤͇̯̺̜̯̜̺̤̺͕̭̫͓̣̮͑̄̐ͮ̊͛ͪ͢͝Â̡̭͇͚̞ͪ̈́ͣ̚͜N̍̓̐ͮ̿̄͗̑҉̷̶̻͇̗͔̬͍̰̖̺͖̝̺̞͞͠D̖̹̞͎̮͓̭̫̥̠̆ͩ̎̽̿̾̄̀̈̂̈́̄̏̏̋̓̂̒͘̕͜ ̵̷̵̢̠̤̞̈̐̔̇ͪ͋̐͗ͤͮ̇ͩͅY̡̢̙̻͇͉̦̦̳̱̠̳̩͈̪̝̠̻̼̊͊̆͑͠͡ͅŎ̴̵̧̳͉͚̘͚̣̼̜̼̖̹̹͓͎̺̜̩͔̆ͧ͘͞Ȗ̵̴͂ͦ̎̊͑̿̓ͭ̌͋̇̚͡҉̫̟̻͎̱̝̖̳̠̩̤̟̲̥̪͈̖̼͘ͅ ̨̻͓͖̰͚͍̟̥̤̱͇͓̞͍̦͇ͬ̏ͯ̌͐́̍̓ͭ̌͒̊́͜͠ͅͅS̔͋̅̓ͨ͋ͯͫ̄̇̆͗ͣͨ̽̚͏̴̯̖͕͙͓̺͚̬̯̪̟̀͜ͅȞ̛̗̪̗̳͎̫͍͚̞͔̦̱̇͗ͯ͢͟A͇̟̣̠̭̼͉͓͇͙̤̓̇ͧ̇͛̇̾̈́̆ͨ͗́͜͝ͅL̵̢̺͉̳̯͇̼̖̔ͧ̓̅̇͆ͯͦͥͦͩ̐̋̊̓͒ͣ́̚L̝̠̺̮͕̩͈̖̭̠̰̯̻̮̥̮̃̎ͥͭ͐̌̔ͯ̉̌̌́ͨ͒̄ͯ̚͘͞͝ͅ ̲̩̥̠̎͑ͪͨͩ̔̏ͦ͛́̒͘͘͞F̘͓͉̭̗̯̖̪͌̈̏ͦͭ͝͞A̢̧͔̱͚̠̬͎͍̙͍͉̺͉̰͕͔̙̲ͫͭ͗ͤ̎̅̒ͨ̓͐̓̉͌̓̀Ļ̬͖͚̺̗͌̔͑̈́ͤ̐͊̄ͨͯ͐ͭ͗ͬ̅ͥ̑͗͟ͅĻ͉̯̺̤̦͋̀ͯ̓̊́ͮ̅ͨ̇͟. " the imp then spat in Sapphire's face and laughed as it tried to get up and run for its life.

Sapphire smiled as the imp ran at its fast paced. How odd it was imps could run so fast with such small legs she thought. Nether a less sapphire shifted her hand on her knife and held the blade of it. She then aimed the knife at the imp and threw, it flew through the air with slight speed and hitbthe vermin straight in the middle of its back. She walled over and retrieved her knife from the imp and wiped the blood off using the imp its self.

Before heading off again Sapphire started to think about that that imp was shouting about. Maybe there was some odd thing like a warlock or such controlling this imps. That would explain why the crude worm that was the imp got thoughts about 'rising up.' She turned back and went through a house and searched through it till she found a old green scarf and used it to cover her lower face from the neck to her noise.

He then exited the house to the area that group of people that have fought the imps were and looked around for who ever she thought was the boss. Not being able to tell from the wide range of characters in the group. So she used a trick that kids used and closed her eyes and pointed to a random person. He finger landed on the somewhat pretty boy Serna, she walked over and tried her best to sneak up on him.

As she got close she stopped and rises her voise slightly so he would hear her. "Hay, if your not to busy I would like you to show me to the leader of this group, if you have one that us. I have something that they may like to hear about those imps.

@Devious Dilbert

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