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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Caroline nodded at Ariella's orders, moving to the rear and pulling her bow back. Of course, she'll use them all on the imp boss, seeing as they'll break, but she'll make more when she gets back. She put two arrows on, feeling the sharp rock tips to see if they were good. She then proceeded to let them fly towards the imp boss, both of the arrows imbedding into it's side.
Raiku took a powerful stance and pulled his greatbow taunt. He took his time to make sure his arrow would count. It was more than a little concerning how many demons spawned in to help the imps. The imps did have a demonic influence so it wasn't surprising that they had demons. It was just the number of demons! Hell, anymore than one was too many. They needed to take out the leader of the imps before the imps outnumbered them. He let loose his arrow, watching it shriek through the air and pierce the body of the imp leader. The leader staggered backwards, but it wasn't going to fall in one hit. He drew back, this time taking aim at one of the demons. He wanted to know how much damage he could inflict to one of the demonic entities.
(Intro lost try not to look awful!)

Sapphire woke up on the ground, she opened her eyes and looked forward to the camp fire from last night. Slowly she sat up then yawned for a moment then rubbed some dirt off her face. She reached her hand over to her bag to shuffled through it till she pulled out a cooked rabbits leg.

She took a few nibbles till she had gotten her fill and put the rest back for later. She then got off the ground and started to bit up her things and got fully dressed. Sapphire shuffled her hand through her bag once more and pulled out a map then slowly moved her hand long it.

She knew she was about a day or so away from the twin dragons guild hall but not sure where exactly on the map she was any more. She put the map back then slung her bag over her shoulders and began to walk along a old forest road. Oddly she smelt blood in the wind as she walked around, she then realized that she was hopelessly lost.

(I figured it be best that she ether has not joined the guild yet and got lost only to meet you all shortly after your battle with imps or she is partnofbthe guild and left late and got lost anyways. Hope the intro is ok as well, and sorry about any misspellings, I am not the best with grammar.)
Ariella glared at Melmoth when he shoved her a few feet away quite easily. She was part elf anyways. Ariella was close to rebuttle, but instead considered what Melmoth said. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps he wasn't. She gave him a hard look before telling him, "Let's go on the offensive. I trust that you will have my back." Ariella says as she called to Raiku. "Good aim. Keep it up." She then looked at the situation in front of them her perspective. Taking them out one by one was her goal.

Ariella stabbed the imp boss with both her daggers, and proceeded to execute an air flips to create space between the imp and her once again. A demon flew to her right as she swiped at it, missing by an inch. Cursing softly to herself, she rolled to the side when the imp smashed it's large hammer to the spot in the grass she was in. "Here's your chance, Melmoth." She says.

@Opium @akumashioni @Comet @RaikuKawisa @LionPride @Sir Jake @elfattack @Angelostar4

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Opium @ whoever

health/mood ;; 100% / fite me

location ;; outside

Mazdl took notice of the princess and scowled. Though she may not like the younger female, she wasnt going to kill her or put her at risk.

I may be half an orc but im not that petty.. Damn these stereotypes that are acctually quite true..

Backing a away from Roman a bit, Ariellas shout rang throughout the battle ground, twisted, dark beings beginning to appear.

Smirking a bit, she pulled out her battleaxe. "
Ooohh this will be fun. I havent been up against a demon before-"


The said female turned her head to the voice, seeing it was Eira.

Im going to cast a spell on your weapon, adding holy properties onto your weapon. It'll help kill the demons quicker and easier."

Mazdl arched an eyebrow and shifted closer to the sorceress, letting her cast a spell.

holdonletmetakeselfieEira Corvus


health/mood ;; 95% / rly now

location ;; guild

Casting her glance towards her loved one, she mumured in his ear. "Honey, youre not the leader anymore.. Let Ariella be." Eira smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his cheek before going off to the field.

Ariella said she needed holy users and Eira took sight of the demons.

Eira wasnt exactly a holy user but knew quite a bit of spells and stuff of that sort. Pulling of her book of spells, she quickly skimmed through it, snapping her fingers and the book disappearing.

Closing her eyes, she began to murmur, hands outheld.

A wave of blue swept over the field and over the shadow like bodies, causing them to falter slightly in confusion.

The spell did no damage to them, but it weakened them, it enabling the others to fatally inflict or off the demons.

Like every large spell or one that she hasnt used as much, it did some damage to her own body and she couldnt use the spell for a certain amount of time.

Growing slightly weary, she took notice of Mazdls cocky appearance as she swung out her battleaxe.

Calling her name, she beckoned her over to put a spell on her battleaxe. Of course it would wear out at some point, but, it'd make it possible for a normal to kill a demon.

Watching Mazdl approach a demon and swing, she chuckled softly and closed her eyes, casting a mini blizzard upon the demons, adding a little bit of holy water to it.

Melmoth's physiognomy contort into articulating conveyances of a glowering grimace, yet was shrouded yonder the ever restrained, dispassionate and heathen batavi mantle. There were mentions from depraved townsfolk it was... something extraordinary, ill-omened and inauspicious as detailed when they spoke of the baleful mantle.

"Hell has come to town!" they recalled. ooooforeshadowing

Melmoth clamped both gauntlets with a malefic, and vindictive, grasp upon the hilts of his dual wield. His steel shimmered with atrocious macabre.

He furrowed his brows, peering with a louring scowl at Ariella's oppressing
domination, she shambled, gaping with an astounded gaze at the warhammer as it was once again brought down. Melmoth paced with charging stride, flourishing his steel as he gyrate with a revolving pivot and welt the imp, boring both swords deep into it's torso. The imp relinquish the warhammer, his hands quivered with a convulsing shudder before releasing the handle in a stupor of trauma and exhaling a deafening, tremendous screeching holler of distress and torment. It began to realize the forlorn of the situation. Yet it was swiping at the blade and admonishing itself, attempting to heave itself free. Melmoth grinned a sickening simper as he wring the blade, it swivel between the imps ribs and a vile, nauseating snapping cleft of bones resonate within in it's interstice. There was no ululating wail that was enunciate, only demise, and cessation.

Melmoth slid the
excruciating-induced steel from the torso, sanctioning morbid relief as it slumped forward. Melmoth's sabaton connect with the imps jaw, an emetic and ghastly noisome of bone fissure and fractured as it then subside rearward, laying recumbent in a shallow, crimson cruor.

Lord Melmoth spiral, orienting with a lean forth and offering his assistant hand to Ariella.

"Shall I contest the daemon (boss) with single combat?" he queried, housing a single blade within it's scabbard.

(@Ayane )
After stating his question, Some of the members looked back at him. Others asked "Who are you" and one said something about War is never over something like that, Jekkel was only half listening, He was scanning the area to make sure they have extinguished all the threats. "I am Jekkel, Jekkel Oversight." Jekkel gave a smile at the group when he noticed there were demons "What the FU." BAM! a demon had already started its attack. The demon managed to pin Jekkel to the ground. Jekkel was in a Panic, He was trying to frantically reach for something to hit the Demon off him. The demon was currently clawing and biting him. Jekkel yelled out in pain. His hand finally grasped something on the ground, It twas his sword. He quickly kicked off the beast. His sword must have come undone from his back. The demon charged for another attack, Jekkel quickly dodged it and thrusted his the sword into the demon. He quickly pulled out the sword expecting the demon to fall over but it did not so. The demon lunged once again at Jekkel, The demon managed to scratch his left arm leaving a large claw mark "Ha Jokes on you that's my bad arm, Ow that hurts" Now it was Jekkel's turn to attack. He charged the demon, He was able to pin it to the ground with his sword in the demon's torso but guess what It was not dead "What does it take to kill you!?" Jekkel shouted at it. He started to kick the Demon but this was very ineffective. "How the heck do you kill a demon" He shouted.
dorkling said:
holdonletmetakeselfieloadWebfont('Ledger'); Asura Eun

tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa

health/mood ;; healthy / h y p e

location ;; outside

Asura glanced over to the man named Serna and squinted, registering him as the guy who kept messing and doubting her leader.

The squint soon lifted and she smiled, waving off the others and wishing them luck.

Returning her attention back to Serna, she nodded. "
I do short range! Martial Artist at that so you can probably guess how that'll go. I also have these trusty metal fans!" She chirped, a shing ringing softly as she pulled out tje dual weapons, gleaming in the sunlight. "Maybe Mazdl can make them look cool.." Asura mumbled.
Ayane said:
Dura decided to aid the two at the village. She acknowledged them with a brief greeting. "I'm sure you can use a mage, no?"
She took out her book of spells as she created a fireball to attack an imp sneaking up on them. "Name's Dura."
"Excellent. As we're not part of the bigger fight, I trust that we don't need a meticulous strategy." Serna said. "But watch yourselves."

he rotated himself to face the direction of the stealthy imp.

Serna unsheathed his two longswords and held them steadily. Coming from behind him, a ball of fire had struck the imp before he could move in for an attack. The imp bellowed greatly as it was seared by the flame. It fell to the ground where its screams of agony had quieted.

However, that was not the last of them. Looking up from the death scene of the lone imp, he saw a whole union of them, moving towards the three, and advancing into the village.

"We must stop them from raiding the village." He said as he quickly began to charge into the onslaught of imps.

He held both of his swords out, horizontally swiping and slashing at their foes.

The imps were not a problem for the three. They were small fry. But in such a large legion, they were some trouble.

("COME ON! LET'S KICK SOME A!" Subtle reference to the game his character is from... IM SUCH A NERD ADOSKF)
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grok threw his axe to the side dropping to one knee and praying his body is engulfed in a warm light. as he stands up he looks to the demon and does the most orky thing he could think of he jumps at it his armor now under a holy buff the demon raises its arm to block the ork he just grabs onto the arm. he begins shaking violently his armor that is covered in sharp ridges cuts into the demons arm causing it to covering the ork in blood this only seemed to make him shake more violent doing more damage.
Caroline saw jekkel pinned down and she trained an arrow at the demon. She didn't know how much damage it would do, but she let it fly. It went through, but the demon disintegrated the went back into form a little bit away. It breathed heavily as it trained its eyes on her. "Fuck.." She breathed as it stepped towards her.

She had nothing to fight the demon with. She didn't really come.. Prepared. She has the armour Ariella gave her and her bow and arrows. That's all she had to her body at the moment. She strapped the bow to her back and just stood there, guessing hand to hand combat would be the best. When the demon stepped closer the chuckled, "I'm not good on hand to hand combat so go easy on me alright?" It grinned at her and sprinted at her, it's hands outstretched to grab her. She dodged swiftly, sending a foot into its back and sending it tumbling. "Oh goody. You followed my words." It turned around and threw a punch at her, dodging it easily.

"Since we're getting to know each other, I'll tell you some puns." She dodged another punch and swept her foot into its side. "Why do demons end up with so many blondes?" She asks in a comical tone, blocking another hit of rage. "Cause they're so hot!" She finished, giggling like crazy as she kept blocking attacks. She then moved her fist between its open arms and punched its nose, making it stumble back.

"Alright, that one was weak, let me try again." She then stumbled a little bit when it caught her off guard and scratched its claws across her side, ripping the white up and staining it with red, her blood spewing out slowly. She kept going though, not giving up so early. "What's the best way to get rid of a demon?" She then asks, starting up another pun. She could feel the demon was having enough of her dodging and talking. It started swinging widely at her quickly. "Exorcise a lot!" She finished quickly, feeling the claws connect to her cheek, blood spewing then a quick kick to her stomach sent her flying.

The princess laid there groaning as the demon walked towards her with rage in its step, Caroline chuckling. "Well wasn't that fun?" She asked, light hearted as ever, her crown falling off her head beside her with a clatter.

(Best princess ever to make puns while fighting.)

@Ayane @Opium @dorkling @Theflamre @elfattack @Devious Dilbert @akumashioni @Sir Jake @LionPride @RaikuKawisa @whoeveriforgot
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He had clawed a good way into its arm with his body but he need to move faster he started to bite into its arm it blood spewed and it started to try and claw at the paladin. Its claws only broke on his holy armor which was covered in demon blood but holy still "YOU TASTE LIKE COWERED" he taunted. The demon screamed as its arm could not longer hold the paladin and it fell off even a demons felt some pain and this pain was unbearable
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Jinkuro look at the guild members fighting the demon. He withdraws the Muramasa, in the demon's direction. Multiple gash appear all over the boss, it releases a loud cry. Taking pleasure from the boss pain, a wicked grin crept on to his face."The members are doing quite well fighting the demons and the boss. It's soul is more great than these worthless imps." Jinkuro with his wicked grin gone, stares at the boss with a calm expression. He notices that some of them are laying out a trap for the boss. "Heh... actually putting some thought into battle excellent."
Jekkel stood there by the demon leaning on his sword, " how I'm I supposed to kill you?" After saying these words the demon sorta phased through the sword and got up, But the demon did not go for him, as a matter of fact, it went for a princess?. "Now, what was a princess doing out on the battlefield." He thought to himself, The only reason he knew she was a princess was the crown, Perhaps it was enchanted who knows?. The Princess and the demon fought, She was fighting it in a rather odd way, Her fist and puns. Some of those puns were actually pretty good. It was not long until the demon was able to overcome her. Jekkel ran to the Girl and protected her from the demon "You should know it's not very nice to hit a lady." Jekkel said while giving the demon a dirty look. Jekkel was not in the best condition he had little mobility in his left arm most of his body was imprinted with scratch or bite marks. Jekkel held up his elvish blade "Come at me!" The demon Started to run at him. Jekkel quickly swept its legs with his own causing the demon to fall flat on his back. Jekkel then quickly thrust his blade into the face of the Demon. Black blood drooled from its face. It was dead. Jekkel quickly fell to the ground "Man they pack a punch" he said panting to himself.

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert

health/mood ;; healthy / h y p e

location ;; outside

Asura waved at Dura with a smile. "Asura Eun!" She replied quickly before listening to Serna again.

Of course!" And with that climbed up a set of barrels and thrust her hands up to the roof of a store, heaving herself up and rolling across the roof.

Asura kneeled and crawled towards the edge, watching the hoard approach and tentively keeping an eye on Dura.

She found it to be easier to guard from up high, able to see everything.

Noticing two imps rush at her, she pulled out her fans and flicked her wrists, one imp decapitated, the other impaled.

Grinning, she stayed up there, waiting for more imps to come.

Caroline started giggling when he said, "they pack a punch." She sat up with a groan, checking herself over. "Hell yeah they do." She looked at the tear in her dress and a angry look. "They tore my dress!! Oh hell no! Those fuckers..." She then stood up, her cheek puffing up and turning a dark blue from a bruise as she looked down at the guy who saved her. "Hey, thanks for saving me. The name is Caroline." She held out her hand to help him up, blood dripping down her side and staining that side of her white dress, but she didn't care anymore. She'll find another one. "Hey, while you're down there, grab my crown why don't ya?"

@Sir Jake
Jekkel looked at the girl "No problem" Jekkel grabbed the crown with his right hand and handed it to her. "So what's your name?" He asked. Jekkel was leaning on a hay bale, Blood dripping everywhere. "I think I'm going to sit here a minute or two the others look like they have it covered." Jekkel looked back the girl she was bleeding all over as well.

Melmoth strolled forth, his rattling armour, with a clattering resonance, the sonority of his panoply reverberate within the tempestuous midst of struggle. He disrobe himself of abraded metal, unveiling his prominent and acclaimed coat of sable, bearing the crest of House Corvus as he ameliorate the wailing enmity, the animus of conflict reconciled with reposing remedy.

"Daemon Lorde!" he dispute with a brusque, grating provocation. The Daemon Lorde (imp boss) yield, capitulating momentarily as it glowered upon Lord Melmoth with a wincing gurn.

"I challenge your steel, trial by twin duality!" Melmoth vociferate with a stentorious denounce. Amidst the engagement of the skirmish, imps, daemon and humans garner, accumulating as they suppressed the regulation of their steel.

"Duality on the field!" proclaimed a soldier as others soon promulgate the testimony of statement.

The Daemon Lorde snarled, trembling from a prior, rampant tantrum of raging tenor. It bereaved itself of vestments and regalia, dismantling itself of armour as Melmoth had done.

"All I want of twin duality is that steel of yours, and your mantle!" it bellicose with belligerent temper.

Lord Melmoth leisurely posed himself in stance with gradual larghetto, brandishing his steel upon both bare hands.

"Then you shall have it, Daemon - and ache upon the glare of my batavi," Melmoth gave in response. The Daemon grimace.

Throughout the initial, fundamental obligation of combat, their swordplay was of wary deterrent, a pantomime of flourishing tintinnabulation and chanting resonance of blades. Their performance was astonishing as it bewildered those witness. Melmoth, in a perilous impel, foist an intrepid laceration. The Daemon Lorde bellowed and lurched, foundering before the amassed crowd as it blundered. Melmoth pounced, with incision hastily drove the sword deep into it's thigh.

The Daemon Lorde collapsed upon his knees, bowing before Lord Melmoth of House Corvus.

"And who are you," the proud daemon spoke in a gravelly voice, "that I must bow so low?"

"Only a crow of a different coat," Melmoth respond, his Lady unite by his side as together they chimed, "that's all the truth we know."

The Daemon Lorde smirked, immersing it's shameful head in remorse and defeat.

"End it, now."

"I shan't grant you that honour," Melmoth sheathe his blade, turning.

The Daemon Lorde squalled with a caterwauling, shrill hiss of lamentation as other Guild members took the opportune moment.

The imps were defeated, and daemon route.

The battle was won.
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(She told him her name.)

Caroline took her crown with a smile and put it back on her head. "Thank you kind sir." When he said that everyone look covered, she noticed the traps everyone was sitting down and she sighed. "Traps aren't my thing, but I wanna see how this ends. First battle with this new guild, new leader, I want to see how bad this ends." She sat down beside him, holding her ripped open side with a wince as she watched them. She then said, "hey hey, why did the pine tree get in trouble?" She had a smirk on her, the pun already seeming hilarious in her head.

She obviously wasn't like other princesses. She had no "royalty feeling" or a sense of "political smarts" about her. Some by now would question if she was really royality, but the deep chocolate brown eyes of her father and the facial features of her mother said way too much. Anyone can tell.

@Sir Jake
he simple started to eat the demon lord tackling the demon and taking its head in a single bite swallowing its head whole. He then went to work taking its heart and internal organs before skinning the beast its bones were also collected by the ork he kind of wished he hadn't eaten its head so he could have taken its eyes to. he worked almost silently tell all that remained was a kidney and then he took that too. after his slaughtering of the beast he left as he walked by the warlock he grabbed the man taking him quietly his ork strength allowing him to carry the man easily.
He was out of invocations and now could only cast elritch blast. He was scared out of his mind shouting and kicking at the beast. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP" he shouted as he was carried off by the ork. (Sorry I'm doing this on my phone so it's hard to type)
Opium said:
Melmoth strolled forth, his rattling armour, with a clattering resonance, the sonority of his panoply reverberate within the tempestuous midst of struggle. He disrobe himself of abraded metal, unveiling his prominent and acclaimed coat of sable, bearing the crest of House Corvus as he ameliorate the wailing enmity, the animus of conflict reconciled with reposing remedy.
"Daemon Lorde!" he dispute with a brusque, grating provocation. The Daemon Lorde (imp boss) yield, capitulating momentarily as it glowered upon Lord Melmoth with a wincing gurn.

"I challenge your steel, trial by twin duality!" Melmoth vociferate with a stentorious denounce. Amidst the engagement of the skirmish, imps, daemon and humans garner, accumulating as they suppressed the regulation of their steel.

"Duality on the field!" proclaimed a soldier as others soon promulgate the testimony of statement.

The Daemon Lorde snarled, trembling from a prior, rampant tantrum of raging tenor. It bereaved itself of vestments and regalia, dismantling itself of armour as Melmoth had done.

"All I want of twin duality is that steel of yours, and your mantle!" it bellicose with belligerent temper.

Lord Melmoth leisurely posed himself in stance with gradual larghetto, brandishing his steel upon both bare hands.

"Then you shall have it, Daemon - and ache upon the glare of my batavi," Melmoth gave in response. The Daemon grimace.

Throughout the initial, fundamental obligation of combat, their swordplay was of wary deterrent, a pantomime of flourishing tintinnabulation and chanting resonance of blades. Their performance was astonishing as it bewildered those witness. Melmoth, in a perilous impel, foist an intrepid laceration. The Daemon Lorde bellowed and lurched, foundering before the amassed crowd as it blundered. Melmoth pounced, with incision hastily drove the sword deep into it's thigh.

The Daemon Lorde collapsed upon his knees, bowing before Lord Melmoth of House Corvus.

"And who are you," the proud daemon spoke in a gravelly voice, "that I must bow so low?"

"Only a crow of a different coat," Melmoth respond, his Lady unite by his side as together they chimed, "that's all the truth we know."

The Daemon Lorde smirked, immersing it's shameful head in remorse and defeat.

"End it, now."

"I shan't grant you that honour," Melmoth sheathe his blade, turning.

The Daemon Lorde squalled with a caterwauling, shrill hiss of lamentation as other Guild members took the opportune moment.

The imps were defeated, and daemon route.

The battle was won.
Jinkuro looks at the defeated demon lord. With the Muramasa in hand, he lifts up the blade, and takes it's soul. The demon's soul flies into the Muramasa. "Soon... soon... you'll be the blade that shall cut through the gods!" He thought excitedly as he puts the Muramasa back into it's sheath. Turning her back to the now deceased demon lord, he walks away from it and lies in the grass of plains. "And now... I wait for my pay, my oh so glorious pay."
The ork knew exactly where he was going he knew he would need some where large to do this and mostly alone. he made way for the castle the princess was from most of its guards were dead and he was sure that it would take a while to repopulate it so the royalty that survived would have abandoned it and left a milta to defend it tell they got the proper troops to live there safely again. he wasn't afraid of some armed farmers and the area was perfect for what he needed. he began the long walk that it would take to get there axe in hand his mind set on the task at hand.
"Why did the pine tree get in trouble?," Jekkel pondered on this question for a while. He was not really good at riddles or jokes. "I don't know," He said with a blank face. Jekkel looked back at the group. Well, we both have bows if they do need help we can cover them from here." He said with a smile on his face. "So how's life going," He asked with a wondering face.


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