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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

(Half the size of people ok I'll remember that)

Jekkel felt like the daggers were not doing enough damage. "Bow or sword" Jekkel repeated this in his mind many times when finally he chose the bow. He quickly clipped one of his daggers back onto his belt. He needed a good sniping spot but where? Jekkel scanned looking for good ground. As he scanned he found the perfect spot the barn. He started to run towards his destination when an imp fired a little arrow into his leg. Jekkel gave a small groan. It was an arrow but It was not very big. He quickly pulled it out and ran to the barn. He through one of his daggers up to the roof, The dagger quickly bit into a chunk of the roof, Wood splintered everywhere. Jekkel ran and took a leap slowly climbing up the barn "Hope the farmer does not get too mad about this." He thought to himself. He reached the top and quickly pulled out the dagger and put it back onto his belt. He unsheathed his bow and started to fire onto the Imps. These Imps were nasty little buggers to catch. They were so small and fast "Just Keep still, It will make it a lot easier for you and me" He muttered under his breath.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @Opium @akumashioni @Theflamre@LionPride
(I'll just dump my little princess right in the middle.)

Caroline stood a distance away, her bow and arrows in her hands. She had one arrow nocked on in place, pulled back an waiting for the righ time. Everyone was doing close up, but she wasn't good at close up range, not really having a sword yet. Of course, she keeps a small one on her, but they're not that much use against Imps. She let one fly through the head of one, doing some damage but not enough to kill it. She heard it roar with rage, pulling the arrow out and throwing it to the side, looking for the culprit.

The princess grabbed another arrow swiftly and quietly, putting it in place and pulling the string back. The imp was still looking around, then spotting her with a look of rage. It roared at her in anger, getting ready to charge. Yet, she did not move, pulling her bow up and aiming It. It charged and she waited for it to get closer. Closer... And closer... It was mere feet away from Her when she let the arrow fly, hitting its head again and jumping out of the way as it charged past her, still not dead.
One imp runs at Jinkuro, wielding a sword in one hand, and has very loose armor. Barely even fitting his small size. He withdraws the Muramasa from his sheath, refusing to use Quick Draw on the bugger. The imp strikes at Jinkuro with all his strength, but he blocks it effortlessly. With quick speed, Jinkuro cuts the imp in half as he appear behind it's corpse (Oboro Style: Misty Slash!). The soul of the imp goes inside Muramasa. "Tch... a worthless soul, but it's better then nothing." He thought.

An imp with a bow was steadily aiming for Jinkuro's head. The creature let's the arrow fly. He turns around, and deflect the arrow. "Ha! These maggots think their worth something... idiots! All of them!" Since the imp wasn't on any elevated ground, Jinkuro swings the blade towards the ground releasing a fiery wave. The imp stares at the wave, as if he knew his fate was sealed. It let out a cry of agony as he was being burned alive. (Oboro Style: Ground Runner!). The soul of the burnt imp flys into his blade. "Killed two imps, got two worthless but helpful souls. Soon, i'll get so much more after this skirmish is over"
Roman drew an arrow from his quiver and nocked on the string of his greatbow. He saw a small group of imps approaching the fight from the right side. He took aim then loosed his arrow. He swiftly nocked two more and let them fly before the first one landed. His aim was true and the massive arrow, almost the size of the imp itself, embedded itself in the imp's body killing it almost instantly. The sudden death of their companion caused the other imps to stop confused and Roman's second arrow took out another of the imps. At this point the imps knew they were under fire and quickly took cover behind some trees leaving his last arrow to stick itself in the ground where one of the imps' head was a moment ago. He kept his bow trained on this group, almost daring one of the imps to show its ugly face so he could put an arrow in it. He hoped that the rest of the Guild was watching his back so that he wasn't going to get stabbed in the back by imp claws.

(wink wink nudge nudge )

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @Opium @akumashioni @Theflamre @LionPride
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(Caroline got yhu.)

Caroline looked over and saw a smaller imp going towards Roman from the back, the boy being too focused on the group to notice it. She picked up a few of her arrows from the ground be shooting it clean through the head of the one going behind him, a loud thud can be heard as it fell. "I got you." She yelled at Roman, chuckling as she swiftly turned back around to kill the one who had a arrow of hers through its head, the third killing it and the same thudding noise can be heard. She picked up her arrow and walked over to Roman, picking up the one she used to save him and smirked at him. "You owe me one." And wit that, she stood beside him and helped him take out the outraged group of imps.

grok woke up his large heavy armor was still on him while he slept he stood up smelling blood on the air as he began a wild sprint breaking through many doors his large ork legs would get him to the farm soon. AS HE WORE HIS HUGE HEAVY ARMOR

holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa

health/mood ;; healthy / h y p e

location ;; outside

Asura glanced over to the man named Serna and squinted, registering him as the guy who kept messing and doubting her leader.

The squint soon lifted and she smiled, waving off the others and wishing them luck.

Returning her attention back to Serna, she nodded. "
I do short range! Martial Artist at that so you can probably guess how that'll go. I also have these trusty metal fans!" She chirped, a shing ringing softly as she pulled out tje dual weapons, gleaming in the sunlight. "Maybe Mazdl can make them look cool.." Asura mumbled.

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


health/mood ;; 100% / fite me

location ;; outside

Mazdl glanced back at Serna and Asura as they left, finding it peculiar that Asura was waving.

Shes... odd. But also very childlike and silly. Its kinda cute actually..

"You look familiar. What part of Atrea were you in?"

The dark haired female gritted her teeth slightly, closing her eyes.


"Eastern part.." She replied to the fellow half-orc, praying she didn't know her or her parents.

Yeah.. Sadly us Orcs are seen as idiots.. Which for the most part is true-" Mazdl coughed, glancing away.

Separating herself from the eerily familiar she-orc, a few imps began to rush her, scoffing a bit and pitying the poor little guys.

Very a little bit merciful, she pulled out her twin maces and spun at the imps, the imps flying back to the ground, screeching as they were blinded by scarlet dribbling down their revolting little features.

Right before she could finish them off, Eira cast two ice spikes to impale the two.

Arching an eyebrow, she sighed and backed off as the imps life essence began to fade quickly.

Noticing arrows fly by, she glanced back to see Roman uncovered, sighing and making her way over, swinging her maces on her way over.

Need a guard huh?" She asked gruffly

He fired eldritch blast into the imps as it his is launched the imps into the air there bloody corpses looking like ribbons as they flowed in the air. He turned killing one of the imps behind @RaikuKawisa covering him in gore as the imp exploded. The imps he killed imp after imp "they breed like rats " he said aloud. He looks ahead seeing a large group of imps he started to cry blood his eyes glowing a dark green and a lunatics smile appearing on his face as he walked into the group pulling his book and beginning his dark chant when he finally got to the group the simple dropped dead at at his feet.
Jekkel watched down on the battle. So many imps were dead. He searched the battlefield looking for any good kills when he noticed he was not the only person here, as a matter of fact, there was a group. "Splendid," He thought to himself. He needed to find a way to get their attention. He crouched there shooting imps but also thinking of a plan. After about a minute of thinking, it came to him. Jekkel noticed this farmer had many crops and amongst these crops there were pumpkins. "Perfect," He said under his breath. He aimed one of his arrows at a pumpkin and let the arrow out of his grasp. The Arrow soared through the air and hit the pumpkin causing it to splatter everywhere. This did not come to Jekkel's mind when he thought of it "Maybe it would have been better to shout at them..... Na" But sadly his plan revealed him more to than just the Group but also the imps. "Great" There was a Barrage of little imp arrows coming towards his face. Jekkel managed a little yelp before jumping off the barn. Jekkel managed to pull out his bow while in the middle of a flip He managed to hit an Imp in the knee, "No more adventures for him" He thought to himself. as he quickly stumbled to the ground "Not my best landing"

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @Opium @akumashioni @Theflamre @LionPride @RaikuKawisa

(I'm heading to bed my fellow Rpers Good night)
"ERE WE GO BOYS" he shouts running into a large group of them sending them flying as he sent his wicked great axe to work cutting his way to the front. He mauled the small creatures easily he was an armored goliath taking their blows without even flinching and slaughtering them with a smile on his face he knew no mercy for the small creatures crushing some in his stride he was the smaller creatures shield he was a demon of the field. "THESE GITS ARE BARLY WORTH THE TIME" he mocked as he advance further in to the mass.
Jinkuro simply lifts up the Muramasa, taking in all the souls of the deceased in the area. "Yes, Yes! So many souls. With this much death, the imps souls might actually be worth a damn to the Muramasa!" He withdraw the blade, and looks at the guild members going to town on the little buggers. One of the imps took advantage of Jinkuro withdrawing his blade, and rushes at him.

A wicked grin appeared on his face, as he only flicks the hilt of Muramasa. All of a sudden, the imp was cut to shreds. "Fool."
He looked over noticing that someone just did a flip while being followed by imps he couldn't use that spell again he though. He began another chant raising his hands to point at the group his magic energy became see able a green light that flooded over the imps then exploded into a green gas. The imps were horrified then they began laughing they laughed and laughed tell they fell to the ground their faces contorting into a forced smile as they died.
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[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]"Lovely formation." Serna said to Ariella, and he genuinely meant it.
"Heavy armor users (Do we even have any of these?) QUOTE]

>fuck yeah
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Raiku gave a nod to the noblewoman next to him, helping him keep the group of imps down. There were four left, no three as one of Catherine's arrows took out of the imps. "Thanks for the assistance, let's hope I don't need to pay you back too soon." To Mazdl he replied, "The more the merrier. If you keep them off us we can cut their numbers before they can get to the group." He remembered Mazdl's dislike for the princess, and he hoped she wouldn't let that distaste risk the safety of her Guildmates. He fired another of his massive arrows, downing another imp hiding behind a tree that wasn't nearly as hidden as it thought.

@LionPride meh, Catherine and Mazdl already took care of the imps behind me plus that would mean they would be in the middle of the group.))
Opium said:
[somone giv me a brief on thefucks happening ))
All that's really happening right now, everyone is in a field mowing down Imps Like there is no tomorrow
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Melmoth, with his lady (@dorkling ), her arms wound firmly to his torso, both career with a stampeding thrashing of hooves that scourge the coarse farmland. His mounted stallion whinny a tumultuous, bray-ful neigh as it clashed with a dissenting wrangle of imps. A prodigious troop congregate in clusters and abscond from the field with a distraught and demoralized fraught, remarking the heed of Lord Melmoth. Apart from other affairs... they discern his salient sigil upon the blatant flagurant of his breastplate, and how his lordly garments were an enigma of consternation. His horse rallied, chucking forth slightly and pumping it's beast chest, hooves slamming with a weltering clutter.

"Twin Dragons!" he vociferate, wielding his blade, upheaved in triumph.

"Temper your valor without mercy! Your courage with passion! And slaughter those whom oppose our mandate! We Shan't Belay!" his words were vigorous of potency and lechery for homicide - all that a man knew whom spent his existence in massacre. He swung his blade and focused its verge at them - some shitting their guts out and retiring, levant of their vow.

Melmoth merged as he amalgamate with the Guild, revitalizing the embolden gesticulation and truculent battle alongside his fellow companions. He may of been a brute fucker of a man but he was there to stimulate those in need and offer his steel. Melmoth mangled the pulsating array of organs that formulate an imps structure, it's abdomen sectioned from the writhing halfman. It squealed, shrieking in anguished misery, bawling as it attempt to embrace it's innards to where they had once belong. Without clemency or a thought of lenience, Melmoth's imprecated batavi mask was promptly doused with a moistened cruor as he slit it's thriving neck.

The imp growled a yapping clamour of suffering, jolting fiercely in Melmoth's macerating grasp, with a soggy, tearful wail from the imp, Melmoth bore his fist into it's throat as it retched, gagging with a choking gasp.

He then wrenched out it's tongue.

The imp's flailing limps fell dormant as it croaked a final wheeze, now perished.

Melmoth hurled it's grisly, bloodied cadaver into the horde of imps. They were shunned in aghast.

Then one by one, the vast majority of them began to disperse, routing from the battlefield. Their bulk diminished.

Melmoth sheathed his steel.

"Tonight we smoke the bones of baby dolls," he muttered.

@Ayane ,@RaikuKawisa ,@akumashioni ,@LionPride ,@elfattack ,@Sir Jake @Comet @Angelostar4 @evryone else at the farm :^
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(Dang thats some good Rp skills @Opium)

Jekkel was recovering from his call. Most of the Imps have perished or retreated. Imps lay motionless on the battlefield, There was a strong smell of blood, But There was also a strong sense of Victory. "Is the battle over?" Jekkel thought to himself. He wondered over to the group. He wanted to get more information on what just happened why were there so many Imps. Jekkel quietly approached them from the behind. "So is the battle won?" Jekkel asked with an odd tone.

@Ayane @RaikuKawisa @akumashioni @LionPride @elfattack @Comet @Angelostar4 @Opium
Sir Jake](Dang thats some good Rp skills [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31311-opium/ said:
Jekkel was recovering from his call. Most of the Imps have perished or retreated. Imps lay motionless on the battlefield, There was a strong smell of blood, But There was also a strong sense of Victory. "Is the battle over?" Jekkel thought to himself. He wondered over to the group. He wanted to get more information on what just happened why were there so many Imps. Jekkel quietly approached them from the behind. "So is the battle won?" Jekkel asked with an odd tone.

@Ayane @RaikuKawisa @akumashioni @LionPride @elfattack @Comet @Angelostar4 @Opium
Ikr, they are god of rping xD )
Comet said:
(I'll just wait until I needed cause Caroline can't really do any... Up close battle.)
we shld hav a moment wher King Orin is like "fuckme sideways these guys r stealing the honour " nd has his elite retinue (which melmoth was apart of so ther can b som tense moments) try dissolve the guild- fuck thn evryone runs to Maldorcourt Castle wher Melmoth proves he aint so bad by lettn ppl in his crib to chill ;^

andd w/ the princess's influence ,she can declare council w/ the King ??(so you hav chance to resolve shit ig @Comet )

but ,jus an idea ,dont consider it toomuchh

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Sir Jake](Dang thats some good Rp skills [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31311-opium/ said:
Jekkel was recovering from his call. Most of the Imps have perished or retreated. Imps lay motionless on the battlefield, There was a strong smell of blood, But There was also a strong sense of Victory. "Is the battle over?" Jekkel thought to himself. He wondered over to the group. He wanted to get more information on what just happened why were there so many Imps. Jekkel quietly approached them from the behind. "So is the battle won?" Jekkel asked with an odd tone.

@Ayane @RaikuKawisa @akumashioni @LionPride @elfattack @Comet @Angelostar4 @Opium
Ariella looked over at the scout, and said. "Who are you, stranger?" She took out an imp with a flick of her wrists with both daggers in hand. Ariella kicked the limp body away as the imps started to retreat. "The battle is never over." She pointed to the imp boss, it's size much larger than the rest of the imps---perhaps greater than the group as well. Ariella took the time to say to Melmoth, "Remember, I'm the leader around here." She then watched as the damned imp approach them in an angry wail.

Something strange occured.

Demons appeared next to the boss imp, their darkness surrounding them. "What in the name of Ellon...demons?" The imp boss seemed to care less about them---even content of their presence. Were they working together?

"Clerics and holy users take out the demons...archers and scouts stay in the rear. I never fought demons before...be cautious." Ariella says to them as the boss and the demons lunged at the group.

Dura decided to aid the two at the village. She acknowledged them with a brief greeting. "I'm sure you can use a mage, no?"

She took out her book of spells as she created a fireball to attack an imp sneaking up on them. "Name's Dura."

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @Opium @akumashioni @Sir Jake @elfattack @Angelostar4 @LionPride @anyoneelse
Melmoth shoved Ariella (@Ayane ) with an impending thrust, depositing a smear of slaughtered carnage upon her stationed posture.

"Then fucking act as if you are, hearten your armed forces, not just holler orders, they will cherish your respect and admire your leadership," he lectured her with the ominous macabre-like timbre of his utterance - his perspective should be appraised with evaluation, him retaining men of his own and being a Lord of House Corvus it was only relevant. Yet he did not query her guidance nor initiative with dubiety, he comprehend the understanding of governing an entourage of personnel. If she would ponder his words with consideration, and not be so protective, he would furnish the Guild by granting his own men to contribute their efforts.

"In your duty, Lady Silverwood, when swords are willing to pledge their allegiance of steel, a good name is as valuable as a sharp sword or swift mount in the affairs of arms," he recite, momentarily inclining his head in respect. Melmoth then creep the steel from his scabbard, dual wielding his Shashkas as he marched unto battle.

Melmoth had fought daemon once before in the days of King Orin II (grandfather to the current King), he knew no poxy cleric nor benevolent, holy passage would deter these relentless brethren of hell apart from unforgiving, inveterate steel.

Only those with mettle could slay these peculiar, indisposed warriors.
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