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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Morning came as the sun rose from the horizon. It was a nice view from the guild house---you can see where the sun meets the sea from far away. Her father always told her this when she would stay over at the guild.

"You can see the sun kiss the ocean from 'ight here, Elley." Sirius would say as he lifted his child off the ground.

"The sun can't kiss water, it'll steam. Mom told me." Ariella countered.

"Anything is possible, dear Ariella." He would say in reply.

Ariella woke up the next morning pretty early. She dressed in her armor she wore all the time, but brought a bag with her. Ariella checked the contents: ten potions, her diary, and a few knives. Looks good to her. She went towards the main lobby, and decided to nail the quest to the board. So everyone could see it. It read:

"Kill the raid of imps in Silvercrest farms. Imp boss is present in the morning. Will reward liberally."

Ariella checked that her daggers were intact on her belt, and looked if anyone was awake.

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Comet @akumashioni @Opium @Theflamre
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Early in the morning a thunderous bang of cracking wood wakes most people in the guild hall. It was quickly followed by someone Shouting "YOU SON OF A BITCH". The soumds came from the main hall as Kris threw Belmont into a table.
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"Now I can understand your anger at me but It was not what it looked like" he said. That night he had walked into Kris's quaters while his eyes glew green and he cried blood. He had begun a demonic chant above the cleric before the cleric had woken up and became very mad at him the idea was a simple trick. He was going to make him color blind for an hour nothing serious but the cleric was.less than happy to see him doing spells on him.
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Caroline came down from the loft, still in her dress from last night but he smaller crown she got out from last night was not on her head. Instead, it was in her hand. She would be wearing something else, but her armor from the last time was rusted. She say Ariella and half smiled at her, still sleepy. "Goodmorning." She yawned. When she heard yelling, she whipped around, sending dagger eyes towards the person who dared to disturb the peaceful morning. "Keep it down." She hissed then turned back to Ariella. "I'm gonna have to go get new Armour and something less..." She pulled at the white silk on her dress. "Formal and royality." She then walked towards the new leader and crosses her arms. "I got a rule while I'm here. I am not to be treated like royality. I came here to get away from my duties. Treat me like any other." And with that, she moved to go wake up Natethaniel.


She walked up to his sleeping form, tapping her finger against his forehead. "Get up." She ordered the knight, hoping he can hear her in his sleep. She wasn't a really.. Gentle person when waking someone, always being the one woken up.

@akumashioni (pulling you in this, you're welcome Love.)
Jinkuro woke up from one the guild hall's tables. Not knowing that the guild had actually rooms for their members. He looks to his left, and saw two men talking. One of which is less then please with the other. Having him pin down on a table, yelling at him. Releasing a tiring yawn, Jinkuro gets out of the chair, and stretches his arms and legs, while bending his back. He could hear the cracklings as he bends it backwards. Looking away from the two men, Jinkuro notices that the leader has but a post on the guild board. He walks over towards it, and reads the following. "Kill the raid of imps in Silvercrest farms. Imp boss is present in the morning. Will reward liberally." Imps. These buggers where going to be Jinkuro's first kills in this guild. Imp souls are practically nothing to the Muramasa, but it's something to it.

While his here at the guild post with the leader, he might as well say something. "Morning... Leader." He says, not fully awake.
"NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE REALLY CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU WERE CRYING BLOOD AND CASTING SPELLS AT ME WHILE I SLEPT " he shouted only further agitated by the attempted explanation. He slammed hia foot down on the smaller man's crouch as hard as he could. After that he left the man like that laying in a broken table making a high pitched weesing noise.
He did lay there making the high pitched noise tell he saw the kilted man leave the room. He stops immediately as the man leaves standing up and dusting him self off "hello my lady" he says waving to the half elf. He walks over to the bounty board looking at it for a few moments before leaving the main hall walking towards the farm.
Natethaniel roused begrudgingly, silently cursing the voice that woke him from his dreams.

His eyes opened and he saw the princess before him, Caroline.

"M'lady?" He moved from his sleeping position to a kneeling position, respectfully bowing before her. @Comet
Melmoth was stationed like a mighty centurion by the Guild Hall's barricaded foyer. The hefty, wooden-battered oak doors dominate the concourse, where delighted companions of the Twin Dragons gathered for assemblage during the sombre, shaded casts of the forenoon. Yet, as none could sophisticate the occurrences of the night prior, they had discern Melmoth from the adherents of the Guild as he abide the dormant stature.

Was he there the entire night?

His vambraces nestled in self-embrace, his pauldrons immobile as he stood arms folded. It was as if he were a carved representation, those settled as statues to forever guard a labyrinth in their slumber, duty-bound and unyielding. Then, his shoulder plates shifted, gauntlets convulsed momentarily, faintly trembling as he awoke from a profound drowse. His armour churned and grated with a scraping rasp as he founder forth with a slight pitch, stepping with a stalking march.

His sabatons lumbered upon stone with trampling oscillation.

As if his awakening stride weren't grievously harrowing and sinister enough, he emit a distressingly dissonant (metallic) and tormenting wail as if yawning. Yet it was cavernous and... ominous. A distorted howl from the deformed vocal chords of a wolf was best to describe, without the nauseating agitation.

"Hell has come to town!" came a whimpering bawl from outside as, what sounded like a retinue of guardsmen, had scrambled. Obviously subjects from the exterior of the Hall if not for those within heard the bellow.

Melmoth casually paced from the vestibule of the Twin Dragon's atrium, amidst startled confounds - he did not care to register their sensation. Instead, from the night prior when he met the ardour of his wife (@dorkling ), Eira Corvus, had he yet to assert a professing avow of fond endearment. They both desired the adulation of passion, and to rekindle what was depraved of them... (aww shiet thy gon fuck)

He ascend the elevations with a cacophony of great footfalls, his armour clanking with deliberate clangour, forcibly shoving past a Guild member without contrition or pardon.

Within, Eira undraped her garments as Melmoth transpire from the doorway. In a contemplation of secrecy, he firmly latched the bolt of the door behind him.

Melmoth betrothed her in his arms.

There were muffled, then smothered moans of pleasure...

[note tht wasnt in detail ,trust I can define the exact moment shit gets tense ,so dont report ,fuck. up. :^
akumashioni said:
Natethaniel roused begrudgingly, silently cursing the voice that woke him from his dreams.
His eyes opened and he saw the princess before him, Caroline.

"M'lady?" He moved from his sleeping position to a kneeling position, respectfully bowing before her. @Comet
Caroline growled and took his hand and pulled him up. "Don't treat me like a princess here. I'm here to get away from that stuff." She rolled her eyes at him, noting that he was the only on that has bowed. "I appreciate it, but I will not have it here." She looked off as everyone around was heading out to take care of the imps and she bit her bottom lip.

"Everyone is heading out, we need to go also. Get your armour on." And with that, she whipped around and walked off, grabbing her bow and arrows with no armour. After this fight, she'll get some.

He raised an eyebrow at her request, strange. "As you wish."

He quickly donned his armor, grabbing his spear, and opening the case that contained Excalibur.

"We journey forth against the imps?" He asked Caroline, politely inquiring about their purpose.

Caroline nodded, putting on the small metal flower crown she had in her other hand. She strapped on her arrows to her back, holding the sleek Wooden handle of her bow, feeling the metal swirls underneath her fingers and flower carvings in it. She winced slightly at the sounds coming from upstairs in the foyer, growling slightly. "They're fucking while we're going out to fight and possibly die just to save others. Great." He gritted her teeth, facing Natethaniel. "Are you ready?" She asked.

Serna strolled into the guild hall. He was in a good mood and he was ready to face the day.

His equipment lay in his room. All he had on him at the moment was the top half of his leather armor set, and regular town clothes underneath.

He made it no goal of his to get too friendly with the guild members. He still had no idea if he wanted to be apart of this children's party.

With a yawn, he slowed pace. He made his way to the nearest wall and leaned against it, keeping in the back of the room and away from the livelier group of guild members.

Mornings were his favorite. He felt most relaxed and easy-going in the early day.

He noticed the elf girl getting straight to work. She was posting up the first guild task for everybody to see.

'Kill the raid of imps in Silvercrest farms. Imp boss is present in the morning. Will reward liberally.'

He let out a long sigh.

Next thing you know, she's going to announce that we all must leave immediately.

He stretched, still leaning into the wall for support, and closed his eyes.

That offer she made me last night... Should I take it? Is it worth it?

Perhaps it was just something she said as an act of the moment. I wouldn't be surprised because of her outbursts yesterday.

Do I really want to work with such an impulsive little girl?

No- I do not.
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Comet said:
Caroline came down from the loft, still in her dress from last night but he smaller crown she got out from last night was not on her head. Instead, it was in her hand. She would be wearing something else, but her armor from the last time was rusted. She say Ariella and half smiled at her, still sleepy. "Goodmorning." She yawned. When she heard yelling, she whipped around, sending dagger eyes towards the person who dared to disturb the peaceful morning. "Keep it down." She hissed then turned back to Ariella. "I'm gonna have to go get new Armour and something less..." She pulled at the white silk on her dress. "Formal and royality." She then walked towards the new leader and crosses her arms. "I got a rule while I'm here. I am not to be treated like royality. I came here to get away from my duties. Treat me like any other." And with that, she moved to go wake up Natethaniel.

She walked up to his sleeping form, tapping her finger against his forehead. "Get up." She ordered the knight, hoping he can hear her in his sleep. She wasn't a really.. Gentle person when waking someone, always being the one woken up.

@akumashioni (pulling you in this, you're welcome Love.)
"Morning, your highness. How do you do?" Ariella didn't know too much of politics, but she did know she was princess of Thalore. Plus one for her knowledge. "I have prepared extra armor on the table, equip lightly though." She then nodded quickly to what she said. "Yes miss." Ariella watched her leave and wondered how on Ellon she will explain why the girl was there. Well, that was a later problem. She notices Serna, and gave a smile. "Morning, Serna...I believe that was your name. Have you thought about my offer? I can really use the help." Ariella asked as she had her arms crossed.

"You're an elven kid, of course you'll need help," Dura said as she appeared from her room. "Don't call me that, orc." Ariella replied as the orc shrugged and had her belongings out and ready. Staff check. Book check. Human male talking to the proclaimed leader? Hmm. Dura leaned against a wall, getting some shut eye until they left, yet still listened carefully.

Ariella then wondered out loud, "at what time we should leave..."

Dura answered, "Soon as possible. I'm itching to fight these damn imps."

@Devious Dilbert @Comet @dorkling who ever else...

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @ whoever

health/mood ;; 100% / eh

location ;; guild hall

After a night of tinkering around the the forge, she collapsed into bed and slept like an Orchsimer baby, snoring quite a bit.

Awaking feeling not so refreshed and not so content, she stretched and groaned, doing a mini workout before pulling on her usual armor, slightly revealing but very protective.

Since I'll be getting some coin and have a forge available, I'll be able to upgrade my armor and equipment.. Maybe add a little gold to it..

Groomed and clean, she exited her room with her heavy surplus of weapons, rolling her eyes at the scene with the two men.

But she did notice something.

What the hell is royalty doing here? Fantastic

Snorting, she crossed her arms and headed over to Serna, noticing that he was quite a way from the others.

Too good for us huh?" Mazdl smirked, playing with the dagger that was once attached to her thigh.

(( doing Asuras soon​
((If the RP moves on before i get off work, Roman woke up and met with everyone in tge Hall and follows them to where tge imps are. I cant type my usual quality of post on a phone :( . However if tge RP is still in tge Hall about 4 and a half hours from now ill make an actaul post of Roman meeting with everyone))
(its a field with some imps whats gonna use imps A GOD no some random dick not some real lord)
Ayane said:
"Morning, Serna...I believe that was your name. Have you thought about my offer? I can really use the help."
@Devious Dilbert @Comet @dorkling who ever else...
This again? Do you remember who I am or not?

It shouldn't be that hard- I'm the war veteran with the girly name.

"Are you sure you want a man whose name you can't even remember as your second in command?" He sighed.

He was hardly joking with the girl.

dorkling said:

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @ whoever

health/mood ;; 100% / eh

location ;; guild hall

Snorting, she crossed her arms and headed over to Serna, noticing that he was quite a way from the others.

"Too good for us huh?" Mazdl smirked, playing with the dagger that was once attached to her thigh.

(( doing Asuras soon​
Serna looked down to see the same orc woman from yesterday. And of course, she looked stunning this morning.

"Psssh. You may have read my mind." he smirked.

He turned his head into the direction of the other members before saying, "It looks like you'll be heading out soon. Good luck with that."

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