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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

holdonletmetakeselfieElodie Maluilosselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane

health/mood ;; 100% / k-drama

location ;; entering guild

Its been five years..

Its been five years since her and her past lover had split up due to a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding that she still believed to this day, still fueled with 'hate' and pain.

She hasn't had a romantic interest since.

Sure she would charm men at taverns to buy her drinks and/or food, but that was as far she could go.

The baby blue haired female gritted her teeth, clenching her fist as she padded through the village.

That asshole..

That 'asshole' was her first and seemingly only love.

But, she didn't want to dwell on it, setting her mind on the newly formed Guild.

Apparently they started two days ago.. Just yesterday they successfully slaughtered an army of Imps and even some demons..

Should be interesting, I need something to do and a little coin doesn't hurt..

Kicking her boots along the gravel street, she lifted her head and sighed softly, closing her eyes.

I can't wait to start anew.. It shouldn't be too far according to that kind bakery woman..

She murmured the directions she was told as she walked, spotting the tavern nearby and then a building not to astray.

Is that really it..?

She wondered, spinning on her heel slightly to follow up the path to the hall, huffing quietly.

Pausing right before the doors, she hesitated, placing her dainty hands on her hips.

"Is this the Guild?" Elodie asked aloud, unaware of the approaching figure behind her..

Rex looks at the food that was on the table. It looked nice to say the least, so he grab some of the bread that was lying on the table, and put it in his mouth. After some chewing, he finally swallow it. "Thanks. That was good..." Even though there was clearly more food on the table, he thinks that just eating that will full him up. @Ayane

He looks at the guild entrance, and saw a girl with blue hair. It was a lighter shade of color than his own, but it was blue regardless. Rex knew the answer to her question, but he'll let someone that was actually in the guild to answer that.


Jinkuro with his cider glass empty, gets out of his chair and walks over to the table filled with food. It had apples, on it, and some bread. Taking one apple, and some bread, he began to chow down on his meal for the morning. Mid-bite, the guild door opened, revealing a rather lovely lady. He swallows the chuck of the apple he had bitten off, and examine the girl thoroughly. "She's cute at the very least.... but that's about it... still this guild can attract very interesting people at the least. Someone will fall for her though." Jinkuro thought with a smirk on his face. "She's too good to pass up"

Five years ago...

He didn't want to think about it. He mentally told himself to shut up.

He tried to convince himself a long time ago that it didn't matter. It was done and it was pointless to think about it.

But on this specific date, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep his mind off of it.

There was a new guild opening up in town and Seitsu had come from far lands to lend his power.

He figured the guild was lucky that they had caught his attention. If it was any old other one, he would have no interest.

But this guild had managed to impede an imp raid on a village. It sounded sort of silly to him, imps raiding a village.

However- He guessed he had to have been there to fully understand the threat of lowly imps in unison.

Anyway, he made his way through the town, coming upon the Twin Dragons guild- he learned of its location from a guard earlier.

A little blue-haired girl was standing right in front of it, her back to the crowds, facing the doors.

'Is this the Guild?' The girl spoke aloud to herself.

"Indeed it is, are you lost, my lady?" Seitsu spoke softly and smiling delightfully as he came from behind her, stopping with enough space in between them. He thought that the girl's figure looked familiar, but he told himself that he was just imagining things. There's no way she'd be...

Maybe? No-no. I haven't seen her in five years...


holdonletmetakeselfieElodie Maluilosselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane

health/mood ;; 100% / adfsdfjksfajfls

location ;; entering guild

Elodie was taken by surprise when a soft voice rang through her ears, somewhat familiar..

Shrugging, she observed the building, amaranthine gaze speculating.

Huh... that voice sounds pretty hot though-

Without turning, she slid her hands off her hips to cross them over her chest, parting her lips. "Not lost exactly..but interested.." She trailed off, feeling his presence near.

Spinning on her heel, she faced the man.

. . .

Her mind went blank as she beheld the bittersweet figure before her, utter surprise slapped across her face.

Seemingly innocent and otherwordly eyes widened, mouth agape and frozen, staring and observing every detail.

Like a match being lit, those few seconds passed, thoughts clouded with anger. Indescribable anger.


Eyebrows narrowed and eyes began to flicker in an unknown emotion, scowling and clenching her fists.


Following that simple word, yelling and cursing began to ensue from the both of them, the petite females blood boiling, about to lunge at him.

Elodie indeed lunged at the much bigger man, tackling him to the ground and sitting atop of him, spitting at him
and swinging at him, the damn bastard managing to dodge.

Raising her fist, her fist nearly connected with his nose-

Elodie didnt seem so cute and innocent now, huh?

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Serna Tomargus, Renkei Kuzumiyo, & Seitsu

Renkei whipped around, wide-eyed, as soon as he heard a sudden burst of anger, seemingly coming from a
furious young girl behind him. Serna instantly snapped awake and attempted to look over the man's shoulder, equally as surprised by the tone of pure hate coming from the girl's voice.

What the hell?

Gah- My head... What are these idiots yelling about so early in the morning-


The girl turned around to face Seitsu.

Let's take a look at that pretty face of yours-

But as soon as she faced him, their gazes met and instantly, all thought halted.

He was stupefied. Time seemed to completely stop and he felt that he stood in that spot for maybe five minutes without even breathing.

His pipe dropped from his mouth and the girl standing before him seemed to be in the same manner of utter incredulity.

Nonononono- This isn't- It can't be- This is all some kind of joke- It has to be-

His mind began flooding with disbelief.

But what gave it away was when the girl began clenching her fists- and then she spoke one single word,



In an instant, Elodie exploded like a hyper-reactive landmine.

And following her eruption of rage, Seitsu began shouting back at her.

The two were drowning each other out in unintelligible cursing and yelling.

Crowds of commoners began pooling around the two, as they were creating a massive scene in front of the guild.

Seitsu side-stepped Elodie's lunge and his expression showed clear fury at her actions.

She swung her arm in an attempt to land a blow across his face and he jerked his head to the right.

Fed up with her bullshit, he raised his fist to knock her down.


Renkei quickly jumped out of the guild's doors to lift the girl by under her arms. He pulled her back as Seitsu swung his fist down. Luckily, Renkei was fast enough to get her out of the way before they made contact.

Serna stepped out of the guild hall as well, following him.

What's going on?!" Serna yelled, now losing his patience as well.

Renkei, still holding the girl back, struggled to say, "
You might not want to further provoke the angry man-" She was really fighting to get loose!

Don't blame this on me! She's the one who attacked first!"

@dorkling (WAS THIS TOO MUCH)
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Roman was assembling his breakfast plate of bread and cheeses when the door swung open. "Is this the Guild?" He heard a feminine voice speak out. He wasn't sure if the questioning tone in her voice was due to whether or not she had been searching for the guild for a while, or if she was questioning the state of the guild and its right to exist. He hoped it was the first one. He also found that he couldn't tear his away from her. His brain screamed at him that she was trouble. This thought was confirmed not even a moment later when a man appeared in the doorway behind her. When she turned around there was a look of recognition that crossed her face before it was replaced with pure rage.

With almost animal rage she tackled him to a ground, savagely swinging at him. It would be clear to a half blind monkey with no social skills could tell there was history. It wasn't until the samurai healer guy that was new to the guild stepped in to stop their fight. Which was good because it looked like the guy was about to knock her lights out. Roman sighed before standing up and walking over to the door.
"How about we take this inside so the crowd doesn't get any larger." He suggested, gesturing to the large number of people gathering around the fight/quarrel.

((Btw, you guys having a mini-storyline in the RP is cool and all, but when you are using all of your characters to post with, it kinda cuts out a lot of chance for others to interact
:( ))
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Jinkuro let out a small laugh at he saw the scene played out before him. He saw a man attempting to swing at the woman, but before the swing made contact, two other men, the pretty boy Serna, and some guy with glasses. Takes him and her out of the guild hall. Well... if the food and cider didn't wake him up, thus action certainly did. Since it was the early morning.

Jinkuro actually walks outside the guild hall, seeing the four. Not wanting to geet involved, he began to walk amoung the streets of the time. A white fox trailing behind him on the rooftops. As he walks in the streets, he passed by a woman with a rather weird helmet. Thinking nothing of it, he continues on.


Rex seeing the 'action' laid out before him, he walks outside. "STOP FIGHTING!!" He yelled at the four. Truth be told, he hates when other people fight... it made him somewhat upset really. Some tears come down his face, but he use his scarf to clean them up.

holdonletmetakeselfieElodie Maluilosselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; 100% / gfdi

location ;; entering guild / Renkeis arms

A glass wearing male burst from the guild and snatched her up right before Seitsu gave her a black eye and/or a bloody nose. Flailing and kicking, she attempted to free herself from the taller mans stronger grip, growling and ignoring the other people speaking.

basTARD!" She spat, cheeks flushed with anger.

She only went still when a small boy with similar hair shouted a demand to stop, causing Elodie to pause. Her glare softened as she took sight of the teary eyed boy, instantly feeling foolish and regretful.

I looked dumb.. didn't I?

. . .

Eh, I don't care.. but poor kid..

Children were probably one of her biggest weaknesses, she daresay wont admit the others.

Panting softly, she crossed her arms over her chest childishly, pouting. "
P-please let me down.. Im.. calm.. Calmer. I suppose.." Elodie lowered her azure head, puffing her cheeks out a bit.

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdarselfie


health/mood ;; 100% / stfu pls

location ;; guild

Mazdl awoke to the sound of shouting and excessive swearing, impressed by that girls offensive vocabulary.

Curious but groggy and grumpy, she rolled out of bed and quickly changed and groomed herself, grumbling softly about wanting more sleep.

Stepping out of her dorm, Asura joined her and they made small chit chat about the noise from outside, Asura slightly worried. Reassuring her, they entered the main hall and saw almost all of the members or future members involved.

A dark haired man held a small, watery haired girl who seemed to be limp, a pale haired man with scars glaring at her. The kid seemed to be upset, Roman looking concerned while Serna looked obviously disgruntled.

Smirking softly she walked over, standing behind Sernas shoulder in hopes to frazzle him.

Now, whats going on here? You look quite distressed Mr.Serna.." The she-orc murmured.

Meanwhile, Asura flashed a confused look to Momohime before approaching Rex, kneeling beside him and putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, softly speaking comforting words to him and coaxing him inside for food.

When Rex heard the comforting words of Asura, he calmed down considerably. He went back inside, and sat on the chair. Then, his head throbbed a bit. He hold it lightly, and could only hope that it was a passing fad. Rex grabbed the cheese that was on the table, and took a bite out of it, trying to forget about what happened outside, and his passing headache. But there was one good sign about Rex's action, at least he calmed the girl down.


Jinkuro notices the white fox tailing him on the rooftop. Having enough of it, he jumps on a lamp post, onto the roof where the fox let out a panicking yelp. "Fox... what did I tell you last time, if we meet again." Jinkuro said coldly as he places his hand near the sheath of Muramasa. "You would kill me... b-but! What if I told where the monks a-are hiding... yeah! If I told you that, you wouldn't kill me!" The fox was right. Jinkuro wouldn't kill something/someone, if it gave him advantage. So he puts his hands to his sides.

"Speak fox... tell me where they are." The fox starts to circle around Jinkuro, and looks at him. "They're in the forest, inside of a hiding base... if you strike there, you'll make them leave you alone slightly, and they won't know of your location."
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Ariella too hears the noise outside her guild. A bit suprised yet used to it, she thought, 'What happened now?' She walked over to the scene, her arms crossed as the half-elf spoke, "What in the name of Ellon is going on here?" Ariella first took a glance at the female. She had light blue hair in a long ponytail, her face in discomfort. The other male too had that expression of fatigue and anger.

"Why is there fighting in front of the guild....?" Ariella asked again before looking at Serna in confusion.

Dura chuckled at the sight, and walked up with her staff and said to the blue haired individual, "Pretty girl, calm the hell down." The half-orc too crossed her arms as Ariella noticed the crowd forming. "Ah, step inside. He's right. Please, take a seat and explain why you are here." She ushered them inside before closing the door behind them. "We have an important mission going on, too. Make it quick, please." Dura nods. "Pretty girl, speak up."

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Roahon @Angelostar4 @anyoneimissed
Serna Tomargus, Renkei Kuzumiyo, & Seitsu

Who are these people?

Don't tell me they're also trying to join the guild...

Serna looked over at the crying child and sighed. He felt kind of bad that the child had to see this.

This is really no place for a kid...

He felt very relieved when Asura took him back inside.

'Now, whats going on here? You look quite distressed Mr.Serna...' @dorkling

"I really have no clue. But I bet I'm gonna find out soon-" Serna said, tiredly, in response to Mazdl while stepping back into the guild and sliding past her in the doorway.

Ariella had stepped into the scene to order everybody inside.

Serna looked back to see the others coming into the guild as well, and the crowd dispersing.

If he wasn't roused out of his somnolence from the disorder of the two new figures', he was now that Mazdl was there. Something about her presence just made him more alert.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @dorkling



"I feel like if I put you down, this isn't going to be the last of it. Buuut- I'm gonna do it." Renkei said as he released the girl, smiling lightly and trying to dismiss the fact that she probably would have received a concussion if the man's hit would have connected. He was glad though to have stopped it.

It made him uncomfortable seeing girls get hurt like that.

Trying his best to laugh it off, he said tensely, "Pleeeaase don't do something like that again- I'm just the new guy."

Looking over at the crying child, he felt pity. He really wished these two strangers didn't cause such a commotion, not just for the reputation of the guild that he was hoping to join, but also because they had a kid with them as well. Speaking of, why was there a kid?

Really, though-

These guys obviously have some history between them, haha...

Oh well, It's probably best if I didn't know what their problem was.

He tried to stay in between them as everybody went inside. He felt that somebody had to watch over these two feisty spirits.


That's really Elodie? @dorkling

He gritted his teeth, the thought was dismaying.

He picked up his dropped pipe and began dusting it off with his haori then raised his gaze to the blue-haired girl.

After the crowds began to scatter, Seitsu began moving towards the tavern doors, still upset, and not seeming to lose his attitude any time soon.

Tch." He spit as he entered.

The man who had interfered in their clash was separating them so that he couldn't get a good look at Elodie, and he presumed that this man was going to be rather annoying in the future if he always stepped in between fights like that.

I don't care why she's here. I came here for work and I'm not leaving just because of her.

What a coincidence... running into her on our anniversary.

How delightful...

After stepping into the building, he moved to the far side of the room, away from Elodie.

He then waited for either the small elven girl, who he assumed was the guild leader, or Elodie to say something.
@dorkling @Ayane
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holdonletmetakeselfieElodie Maluilosselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; 100% / keep ya goddamn mouth shut hunty

location ;; guild

Guilt beginning to settle, watching as a cutesy, foreign looking woman consoled the boy she made cry.

Well...im terrible.

Then she spotted a quite attractive half-orc, behind the pretty but strict looking boy.

Damn, I'd bang her 10/10.. but it seems like that dark haired kid is taking interest in her.

Snapping back to reality, the man holding her began to speak, giving him a tired, aggravated look with furrowed brows.

I feel like if I put you down, this isn't going to be the last of it. Buuut- I'm gonna do it."


"Don't tempt me now." She snorted, feet hitting the ground as she was released, wondering why he was smiling. This guy was the only smiling person except for another orc girl who seemed to be chuckling.

Pleeeaase don't do something like that again- I'm just the new guy."

No promises" Elodie smiled cheekily at him before turning her attention to a leader like voice.

Shifting her direction, her violet eyes met the figure of a pretty elven woman.

"Why is there fighting in front of the guild....?"

Elodie bit her lip and glanced sideways, grasping her hands in front of her. "
Its just... bad memories. We haven't..." She avoided his gaze at all thoughts. "Seen eachother in awhile. Just...ha..surprised.." Elodie rubbed the back of her neck, assuming this woman was an important figure in this guild, seeing how she carried herself.

Elodie wasn't an idiot, she wasn't going to mouth off the possible leader of the place she wanted to join.

"Pretty girl, calm the hell down." came the voice of the chortling orc from before, Elodie arching an eyebrow and crossing arms.

Pretty girl huh? Should I take offense to that or not? Its sounds like an offense. But boy, im more than a pretty face.

The temperamental female chose to ignore that comment, licking her lips

"Ah, step inside. He's right. Please, take a seat and explain why you are here." The curly haired elf spoke up again, Elodie nodding and complying soundlessly, following after her, the man that was once holding her was trailing behind, blocking Seitsu completely with his towering figure over the short female.

"We have an important mission going on, too. Make it quick, please."

"Pretty girl, speak up."

The Sorceress sighed dramatically at the she-orcs comment before clearing her throat.

I would like to join your guild." She stated simply, sliding her gaze over to Seitsu, smirking a bit.

That fucker isn't going to drive me out.

"A mission soon huh? If you need, I could prove my worth there." Elodie added in, perking up a bit. "And, ha, you'll know if im not worthy if I end up dead.." She chuckled, running her fingers through her pony-tail.

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


health/mood ;; 100% / ayy baee

location ;; guild

Ariella and Dura seemed to take care of the scene so she lowkey directed all her attention to future hubby Serna, sable eyes travelling over him lazily.

I really have no clue. But I bet I'm gonna find out soon-" He brushed past her, glancing back at him before following after.

I think...you need to relax. Ariella and the she-orc seem to be taking care of it" The long haired female stated, shoulder gently bumping into him as she crossed over to the dining area to grab some food.

Oh and," Mazdl looked over her shoulder to Serna. "are you satisfied that I covered up a bit?" She asked teasingly, working on adding more to her armor whilst everyone was asleep last night.

More of her chest was covered, chain on her torso strengthened, adding a short skirt to the armor and knee-high boots made of leather and metal-gold.

holdonletmetakeselfieAsura Eunselfie


health/mood ;; 100% / motherly

location ;; guild

Asura slowed her pace and let Rex go ahead, chewing on a piece of cheese.

Nibbling her lip, she approached and again and bent down to reach his height - which wasn't hard for her - and pushed random strands of blue from his eyes.

Hey..Don't worry about it ok? Some people just don't know how to properly take out their anger." She informed, nodding. "So don't worry. Ariella will straighten them out!" She smiled. "Anyways, my name is Asura! Do you need anything?" The amber eyed girl asked softly, smiling.

With info given him by the white fox, Jinkuro proceeds to turn his back to the fox. "Hehehehehehehe.... i'll make those monks paid with their souls!" And went with those words utter, he proceeds to run out of town. Goes in the direction of the forest. "That man is such hand full... and so ill-mannered...." The fox let out a gentle sigh, as it went to follow Jinkuro out of town. "The oaf doesn't even know the exact location! Jeez..."


Rex looks at Asura when she said if he needed anything. He then shook his head, and gave her a calm, but steady response. "I'll like some water... it'll help a lot." Afterwards he smiled at her for reassurance. Rex understands well enough that people just can't get along... which upsets him to an extend, but... if that's how it is, then so be it.
Ariella noticed how the blue haired female was looking at her...well, she was used to it. "Hm...Elodie was it?" She then smiled at her comment. "We aren't going to let you die, that's for sure. Welcome to the guild." Ariella then added, "I will accept you, but only if that---" She pointed to her and the other male, "---doesn't occur near this guild." Ariella then said, "Let me talk to him. Dura will watch you. Sorry for the babysitting, but you are still unsettled."

"No fuck," Dura mumbled under her breath as Ariella gave her a knowing look before leaving.

"Elodie, huh? What's up with you and that guy?" Dura looked over at Seitsu. "A pretty elf like yourself and an attractive human usually have happy endings. This one has a twist to it."

Ariella walked over to Seitsu as she reached her hand out for him to shake. "Hello. I'm Ariella Silverwood, the guild leader. I am guessing you wanted to join the guild?"

(After he replies, i promise we'll get onto the plot @RaikuKawisa xD )

@Devious Dilbert @dorkling @RaikuKawisa @Angelostar4 @marmar158 @Roahon
Serna Tomargus & Seitsu

dorkling said:
future hubby Serna

'I think...you need to relax. Ariella and the she-orc seem to be taking care of it'

I think you're right. Maybe I have been taking this too seriously.

When did I become so uptight?


Her gentle bump of the shoulder caught his attention and he looked up at her.

'Oh and, are you satisfied that I covered up a bit?'

Tricky question-

"I wouldn't say satisfied," He smirked, "But I like it."

I mean, I'm all for it if you'd prefer to wear less-

Haaah- I shouldn't say that-

As the rest of the members came in, he eyed the two who had just violently confronted each other right in front of the guild hall.

What do you suppose is between them?" He asked, wanting to know her opinion.


'I would like to join your guild.' @dorkling

Their gazes met for a second, he showed utter disgust at her words. He looked away as the elf girl approached him.

'Hello. I'm Ariella Silverwood, the guild leader. I am guessing you wanted to join the guild?' @Ayane

Well, this'll be fun. Cuz' I'm joining as well. And I'm not gonna lose to that little slut.

The elf girl's appearance had taken him by surprise.

Leader? But she looks so young-

Too young even for me perhaps-

But she's cute. I'll give her that.

He took her hand firmly, wiping off his negative expression and donning on a new one. He smiled lightly at her while saying aloud,

"Seitsu. It's nice to meet you, my dear. I'd love to join if you'd let me."

Taking her other hand and placing it on top of his, he continued,

"You have a very 'high-tier' mission available, yes? Allow me to accompany you. I won't disappoint- I promise."

Finishing his sentence, he looked into the eyes of the young elf and smiled warmly.
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holdonletmetakeselfieElodie Maluilosselfie


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Ayane @Angelostar4

health/mood ;; 100% / grumble sniffle

location ;; guild

"Hm...Elodie was it?"

Elodie quirked an eyebrow at the pretty elf and her smile.


Why is she smiling at me... Wouldnt she be pissed that im fucking around her guild?

"We aren't going to let you die, that's for sure. Welcome to the guild. I will accept you, but only if that----doesn't occur near this guild."

Elodie followed her point to her ex lover, biting her lip and smirking, arms crossed.

Well... if you say not near the guild.. sure." Elodies lips curved upwards, looking him over with spite.

Ariella explained that the half-orc named Dura was going to watch her.

"Elodie, huh? What's up with you and that guy?"

Instantly, her smirk dropped and she glanced away, jaw setting.

"A pretty elf like yourself and an attractive human usually have happy endings. This one has a twist to it."

A bitter laugh escaped her lips as she stared off into the distance, eyebrows furrowed.

Well.." She rolled her eyes and took a shaky breath, sitting up in her chair.

A prettier girl came along.." She murmured softly, the mischievous flicker dying in her eyes as she replayed those memories..

Clearing her throat rather loudly, she straightened herself and took a deep breath. "You're quite pretty too. Wheres your guy or gal?" She asked, mainly trying to get the topic off herself and him.

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


health/mood ;; 100% / w i nk

location ;; guild

"I wouldn't say satisfied," A smirk crossed his features, causing her cheeks to heat up.

Pushing it away stubbornly, she smirked and looked him over.

But I like it."

"Well im glad im pleasing you~" Mazdl purred, picking up an apple and taking a bite, observing him mischievously.

What do you suppose is between them?"

She shrugged and took another bite, teeth digging into the crimson fruit.

Eh, dont really care. As long as im not dragged into it"

holdonletmetakeselfieAsura Eunselfie


health/mood ;; 100% / motherly x2

location ;; guild

Asura grinned and nodded at his request.

As you wish-" She paused and hummed lightly, fishing her hand into her pocket to fish out two rocks. Not just any rocks though.

Chei rocks that would calm her.

Hopefully it'd do the same for him.

Here, balance these in the palm of your hand, close it in your fist, play with them. As long as its in your hand. Its very calming.." She placed the rocks in his hand before going off to retrieve water.

Rex looks at the rocks that were in his hands. He felt at peace when holding these rocks. But as he hold the rocks... Rex saw a little girl with blonde hair, in a very dark place. But that vision was short-lived, as he came too. So instead of thinking about that vision, he starts to play with the rocks by juggling them around, being plenty careful that they don't fall to the ground. "These people maybe weird... but their very nice at least!"



Health: 100%

Stamina: 99%

Aether reserves: 87%

Active machinations:

-1 false arm (no attachment), fully functional

-2 auto-knights, all fully functional

- 3 auto-horses, all fully functional


Temperment: Excited

Location: Guild hall

(cs page link)

Karol Teram (Mecha Magos)

Three armored horses; two hitched to a cart covered in canvas with riders in full plate, and one bearing a pair of red robed figures, traversed the streets of Capaldi. As passers-by glanced up from their morning routine, many noticed something strange about the procession.

The steeds were not living things. Anyone who paid them close attention would notice that their tails moved only with the wind, that their gaits were precise and efficient, not wasting energy on tossing their heads or braying. If the former didn’t give away their nature, there was, of course, the four red lights in place of a real horse's eyes that scanned the terrain, ensuring that the constructs didn’t fall into holes or trample people in the way. The “knights” atop the rear horses were aether powered replicas of the real thing as well. The only guts they held were of wire and leather plugging, both of which could be seen by peering into the spaces in their armored joints.

Karol willed the automatons to slow down, giving the citizenry a better look at them, and making it easier survey the labyrinth of buildings ahead.

Even with Lloyd seated in front of her, neither Tower mage could spot the guild hall that was their query. Karol didn’t mind. Taking the scenic route with the automatons drew stares, stares drew rumors, and rumors drew customers; a little extra weight in their coin purse wouldn’t hurt at all.

This wasn’t her first time in Capaldi, though all her previous ventures into the city were in the name of business, aside from the local castle and market squares, Karol had absolutely no knowledge of the area. She gave a slight ‘hm’ of contemplation. In a way, this was a business venture as well, just under the direction of the Archmagus rather than her parents. If the Twin Dragons was destined to reach the level of renown Kyras claimed it had in the past, there would be opportunities abound to spread the Teram family’s name.

“Stop please.”

Karol complied, giving Lloyd a sidelong glance. The boy offered a little smile before beckoning to a woman on the street who was busily dusting off the pelt of some poor animal.

“Pardon me miss. But we’re looking for the Twin Dragon’s guild hall.”

“Oh, you want to turn back then.” The lady said. She described some road-marks along the way, a few of which, they’d already passed. After thanking her, the pair turned around.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Karol grumbled, “Could have found it myself.”

Lloyd sighed, not taking his eyes off the road. “You said that half a bell ago…”

Karol paid no mind to her oath-brother’s complaints. Every main street was more or less connected to each other like a system of veins. They would have found their way to The Twin Dragons if they just wandered around. Eventually.

As promised, the building was a stone’s throw away from a modest looking tavern. It smelled heavily of a cleaning compound Karol recognized from the Tower. She forgot the exact name, but it was particularly useful for lifting bloodstains from wood. She left the thought aside as she dismounted in front of the guild hall, prompting the auto-knights to do the same. They took up positions on either side of her, their heavy steps in sync with their creator’s. With a grin, Karol placed her hands on the heavy doors.



Health: 100%

Stamina: 75%

Aether reserves: 100%

Soul: stable

Active Summons:

Zao'udin (common pygmy dragon), healthy

Temperment: Mortified

Location: Guild hall

(cs page link)

Lloyd Solace (Cabalist)

It took Lloyd a few moments to get off of the auto-horse without falling on his seat. The things were nearly a full third taller than him. He made to follow after Karol, but stopped mid-step, glancing back with a frown.

The cart was snoring.

Lloyd pulled back a layer of canvas to reveal a certain red furred pygmy dragon nestled between a few pots and a ladle, the cookware that he’d just finished washing hours ago. Lloyd poked him in the side until he stirred, jumping out of the cart with a yawn.

“May the goddess smile upon you this morn, fledgling. Have we arrived yet?” Zao’udin stood just a bit taller than him, the standard height for his kind. Though many Tower summoners prefered to contract true dragons, or more fearsome, less intelligent creature that proved easier to control, Lloyd was quite fond of the diminutive breed. He desired friends, not tools.

“And you as well, Zao’udin.” The cabalist returned. “We’re here, but that’s not important. If you were just going to sleep, you should have let me dismiss you at the last stop.” Lloyd rummaged through the section of the cart containing the rest of the cookware, nearly everything had strands of fur clinging to it. He would have to clean them again. At least the dragon was merciful enough to spare the food sacks from being crushed.

“Ah, but such pragmatism would have robbed you of an excellent first impression! Keeping a contract anchored to Ellon when you don’t have use for one is an important part of poise and postering. Having me by your side is like shouting to the world: ‘make way, I’m a cabalist worth his salt’, all without the rudeness of actually doing so.” Zao’udin snapped his wings back to their natural position. “Regardless, it’s my sworn duty as the favorite to ensure that no harm befalls you on the road.”


Lloyd blinked, and became not-Lloyd. His posture changing immediately to a more lax and confident stance that drew attention to his hips. His eyes took on Drakia red filling with slitted pupils. She would apologise for intruding so suddenly later, this little dragon was overstepping its bounds.

“That title is reserved, I’m afraid, for beings worth a bit more use. Besides, I claimed him first, it’s only natural that he would favor me over anyone else he contracts.” Though the voice came from the child’s lips, it carried a close impression of a vulpus woman’s. Lloyd’s time with his hometown’s choir gave his voicebox enough range suit the demon’s needs.

The presumptuous thing had the gall to snort at Drakia’s assertion, baring his teeth at her in a gesture that was part-grin part-snarl “Truly? Then why has Lloyd not contracted more demons, if he’s so fond of your ilk?”

“Quality over quantity, you glorified cat-lizard!” Drakia formed Lloyd’s face into a scowl before clasping both of his hands to his chest.“Isn’t that right?” She added in a much sweeter tone, silently cursing the fact that preening wasn’t nearly as effective while they shared the same body.


“I don’t have a favorite, and I never will.” Glaring, both physically at the pygmy and mentally at Drakia, he rasped his knuckles against Zao’udin’s forehead, then his own, knowing that the demon could feel what he felt at the moment. Being irritable after the long trip was understandable, but it was hardly an excuse for acting with such pettiness.

The dragon bristled, yet his oncoming hiss died in his throat as Lloyd smiled and wrapped his arms around Zao’udin’s neck, nuzzling him with his nose.

“I like all of you, now stop squabbling.” murmured Lloyd. This conversation always cropped up in one form or another, so often, in fact, that Lloyd wondered if his contracts were actually arguing, or if they just wanted him to reaffirm his affections for them every other week. With a lingering mix of disappointment and approval, Drakia’s influence faded back to the corner of his consciousness, taking the obvious signs of possession with her.

A false cough from Karol caught his attention, she held the door ajar, and the mighty cabalist prodigy was still half-buried in dragon fur like a child who’d just formed their first contract. Knowing his luck, the entire exchange would have been caught by anyone who glanced outside.

Lloyd disentangled himself from Zao’udin’s neck, collected his staff from the cart, and followed Karol inside with a brisk gait, born of embarrassment. He hid behind the woman to mask his reddening face.

The pygmy let out a whuff of air. “Oh well. There’s always second impressions. Or third impressions.”

((I am so sorry for the length))
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.f3a05c453ebd61093f39be5f7144f89d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.f3a05c453ebd61093f39be5f7144f89d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Roman Vokan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Class: Hunter

Skytalon - Large greatbow made of blackened dragonbone. Been in Roman's family for generations

Quiver with 30 greatarrows and 11 Dragonbone arrows

Black Leather Armor

Cloak with specially crafted holes to allow the quiver to be donned outside the cloak.

Injuries: None

Mood: Excited

Conditions: None

Roman heard even more arguing outside of the Guild and he turned to end the new fight as well before the public impression of the Guild was that of disorganized people with no camaraderie. However, thats when he saw it. He dashed out of the Guild Hall towards the cart outside with the new arrivals. If he was being more rational, he might have approached with a little more caution. He didn't know too much about Pygmy Dragons, most of the books about the otherworldy breed of fluffy dragons were tightly controlled by the Towers. There might be some books in the collections of other summoners and cabalist, but they were just as unwilling to share as they Tower was when he inquired about them. Something about 'not wanting to interact with fanatics'.

He bombarded Lloyd with questions "Is that a Dragon? How did you summon it? Can you teach me to summon it? Wait they are supposed to be intelligent." His questions shifted from the cabalist to the dragon. "What's your name? What type of dragon are you. Can I stroke your fur?" Not only was there a dragon in front of him but it was a dragon breed that he was not familiar with considering they live on another plane and the information on them is guarded.

((Sorry for the semi-short post, i have to get to work))



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It was his third night staying in the small Tavern near tear the Guild Hall. Ivory had seen and heard much activity going on there. He decided today wold be the day. he rose from his goose-down bed. And washed his face in a bowl placed on a mirrored vanity across from the window. His fair toned body seemed to glow in the pale light coming in from the window. Eyes like full moons looked back at him ass he witnessed his reflection. "Well, today's as good a day as any." His footsteps like most elves were as light and soft as feathers on wool; barely making sound, he picked up his bag of arrows and placed them on his back. Then grabbing his bag, containing various tools of poison and healing, he made his way down the stairs and out off the a tavern, waving to no one in general as he left. A smile crept across his bored expression. He was beginning a new venture.

He made his way down the heavily trafficked road passing a number of shops and interesting people along the way. he stopped and looked at a rather dark looking stall. A small woman with stringy hair, your typical shady witch like character, offered him an assortment of strange rancid smelling objects, claiming that they held magical powers beyond his understanding. Ivory, having, gained the knowledge and understanding from his late master BloodTomb, understood that the majority of what she sold were just bits and pieces of various dried body parts dipped in an assortment of waxes and oils from the local cemetery. Most any side-street occult vendor sold them. Examining a few emerald amulets, he noticed the glint in his peripheral. He placed the amulet down and faced the direction of the light.

There across the way was the strangest cart he had ever seen. A small collection of metallic horses with riders seemingly made of the same metal. Attached to them was a cart. Ivory watched form a distance as two individuals from climbed down from the cart. The younger looking of the two, a little boy climbed out first. He fiddled with a package of of sorts to reveal a small furred creature. form this distance Ivory could not see exactly what it was but, he could tell it was holding conversation. Suddenly a change overcame the boys face and the was a difference in how the furry- winged creature responded to the boy. Ivory was extremely intrigued, only a fool would bypass perfect opportunity to see what magics were at work.

Not being the least bit timid. He silently made his way over to the pair. As he walked, he saw the young girl climb down from the cart to speak with the young boy. This would be a perfect opportunity.

he was preparing to speak to the pair on the cart when a man carrying a large bow ran up to them and excitedly asked the young boy a plethora of questions. He didnt seem to be too much older than Ivory. But , Ivory, pressed on. He was not to be deterred. He was going to speak and be heard. upon reaching the unique group of travelers, he the armored man talking to the furry creature. He deducted a few things from this. One, he wasn't apart of they're group. and, two, in front of him sat a pygmy dragon. A creature of intelligence.

Talking had never been his strong suit so he just stood there. Maybe someone would say something to him. If they didn't, then maybe he could silently follow them. Either way. He was joining this entourage.

(I meant to post, yesterday sorry for the lateness.)



Health: 99.998%

Stamina: 75%

Aether reserves: 100%

Soul: stable

Active Summons:

Zao'udin (common pygmy dragon), healthy

Temperment: Startled (- defense, -evasion rate, - initiative, + casting time, + recovery time, -sense of security)

Location: Guild hall

(cs page link)

Lloyd Solace (Cabalist)

To his credit, Lloyd kept up easily with the battery of questions, even if he was taken aback by the asker’s suddenness. Many of the very creatures he was inquiring about had a tendency to breach a summoner’s personal space, especially young ones that arrive on Ellon for the first time.

He answered each question in turn, looking up at bowman (@RaikuKawisa ). ”Yes, that’ll take a while to explain, and yes.”

Then the bowman addressed the dragon, stirring up a monster in both the literal and figurative sense.

“I’m what you’d call a ‘common pygmy’ in your tongue.” Lloyd gave a yelp of surprise as Zao’udin nudged him aside with his head “Though believe me when I say that such a label is.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Underwhelming.” The dragon presented himself; flaring his wings and straightening up to look as tall as possible, which, to a full grown man, likely wouldn’t be too impressive, no matter how much he tried.

“You are in the presence of Zao’udin: Herald of Sunrays! I hail from the third clutch of Litu’ya, Harbinger of Clouds. I am bound to this realm by Lloyd: Cabalist of Cromwell Tower! Who are you and your kin?” Then in a much quieter, much less formal tone, he added, “You may, but only because you seem to have exquisite taste; consider yourself privileged, fledgling!” The dragon careened his neck, offering Roman an unobstructed view of his chin and bat-like ears.

Lloyd groaned. The only thing bigger than Zao’udin’s appetite was his ego. The boy mulled over the prospect of dismissing him just to keep him from sticking a paw in his mouth, but decided against it. This man seemed to have certain… proclivities, and likely wouldn’t be put off by Zao’udin’s haughtiness. Who was he to deny one of his Contracts a new friend?



Health: 100%

Stamina: 99%

Aether reserves: 87%

Active machinations:

-1 false arm (no attachment), fully functional

-2 auto-knights, all fully functional

- 3 auto-horses, all fully functional


Temperment: Mama Bear (+ perception, + surprise attack resistance, + defense, + intercept chance, - Social)

Location: Guild hall

(cs page link)

Karol Teram (Mecha Magos)

Raising a hand to her chin, Karol admired the marvel of craftsmanship slung to the newcomer’s shoulder. “Greatbow.” she muttered under her breath. She had only seen two of the weapons before, and the one in front of her far surpassed them in appearances. She was, nigh instantly, filled with a certain giddiness. Greatbow arrows were huge, the potential for crafting specialty ammunition for them was limitless; explosives, sub-munitions, acid sprayers, an oh, so many runic formulas. Why, with the space provided, she could probably make a tracking, glowing, exploding projectile that split apart into more projectiles!

She wanted for all the world to reach out and touch the bow, to run her magic through such a rare weapon and see if it was just as sturdy and efficient as it was beautiful.

It took a tremendous amount of will, but she managed to look away, just laying her hands on the man’s weapon before getting to know him a little would be incredibly rude. There was an elf down the street, just a little ways off from Lloyd. (@Kleopatris )

An armed elf.

The moment reminded Karol of her time in Kagra. A trade caravan she was a part of was beset by elven highwaymen from seemingly nowhere. They were much too nimble to score anything but glancing blows, while she and the other traders were stabbed in the arms and legs. Repeatedly. They disappeared as quick as they came, leaving no trace of their existence save for a some pools of blood and more than a few empty spaces in their wagons that once held satchels of gold and products. Karol’s magitek arm whirred softly as she curled its fingers into a knuckle at the memory. She would still have a few scars from the encounter if it weren't for the alchemist that traveled with them.

As one, every automaton turned to face the new arrival. While she had her own at her hip, the auto-knights’ chainswords were stowed away in the cart. They could still punch a normal man’s face in without too much trouble. So long as this assailant was alone and didn’t have access to some of the more ridiculous magics, Karol was certain that he could be dealt with long before he had a chance hurt Lloyd. Or, the guy could have been a little awkward, and she was now locked in the middle of a social faux pas. She’d been wrong about these things before, but it always paid to err on the side of caution. Karol decided to test the waters, hoping that the situation was in line with the latter.

“Hey there! You wouldn't happen to be a member of the Twin Dragon's would you?” She gave the elf a full-toothed smile. It wasn’t hard to feign a sense of ease, he was rather good to look at. Not as good as the greatbow, but still.

Lloyd blinked, turning to face the direction she was focused on. “Karol? Who are you tal-ah!” The boy fell, kicking up a cloud of dust. She didn’t blame the him for being startled. She hadn’t noticed this strange elf until he was a few paces away from them.

The cabalist let out a noise that was more whimper than chuckle. “Oh, uh. You scared me, hello.” he said, expressing the very spirit of redundancy. He batted bits of debris from his robe before retreating a few steps.

The pygmy dragon looked from the elf, to the bowman, and to the elf again. It was as though Zao-something - dragon names were weird, Karol could never quite remember them - didn’t know whether to write the situation off in hopes of recovering his chance of getting ear-scratches, or to be reasonably paranoid as well.

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Rex hearing the commotion outside, decides to step out and see what all the ruckus about. Upon looking outside again, he sees a whole bunch of things! A cart with seems to have swords with chains, a... dragon, and some people that he've never seen before. Standing before them, Rex continue to throw the rocks into the air just to calm himself.

Though, he was staring rather hard at the dragon. He doesn't particularly know why he is staring at it, but... it makes him feel... rather strange. A little voice starts to ring in his head. "Show them your strength... rule the land with your might!" Then another voice rings in his head. It was the same voice as last night, though... it seems to be a lot louder, which breaks his concentration of juggling the rocks about. "If you had the power to rule the land... would you do it?" It was the same question... why was it the same question.

But as he got out of his trace, Rex looks down before him, and pick up the rocks he had dropped. Taking another look around, this time at the people. He notices the bow guy that was saying how was it this morning. Two unknown people... and one unknown elf man, with a big bow on his back. Whoever these people are, they seem to want to be apart of the guild.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.6370ce84e298811a33f2ba244a28085a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Roman.jpg.6370ce84e298811a33f2ba244a28085a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Roman Vokan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Class: Hunter

Skytalon - Large greatbow made of blackened dragonbone. Been in Roman's family for generations

Quiver with 30 greatarrows and 11 Dragonbone arrows

Black Leather Armor

Cloak with specially crafted holes to allow the quiver to be donned outside the cloak.

Injuries: None

Mood: Excited/Giddy

Conditions: None


“I’m what you’d call a ‘common pygmy’ in your tongue.” The kid was surprised as the dragon pushed him aside. “Though believe me when I say that such a label is... Underwhelming.” The dragon presented himself; flaring his wings and straightening up to look as tall as possible. Which left the dragon at about Raiku's midsection. Raiku suppressed the urge to call the dragon adorable. Dragons were notorious for their egos. Flattery was much more valuable way of getting a dragon's friendship.

“You are in the presence of Zao’udin: Herald of Sunrays! I hail from the third clutch of Litu’ya, Harbinger of Clouds. I am bound to this realm by Lloyd: Cabalist of Cromwell Tower! Who are you and your kin?” Then in a much quieter, much less formal tone, he added, “You may, but only because you seem to have exquisite taste; consider yourself privileged, fledgling!”

Before he could respond to the fluffy dragon, the summoner's companion, the one eyeballing Skytalon like a hungry man stares at a steak, called out to an elf that had been approaching the group. Roman was used to seeing things that did not want to be seen. If you couldn't find a monster in its natural habitat where it is designed to blend in, you had no purpose in trying to hunt it. As it was, so long as the elf didn't get between him and the dragon he didn't so much care about his presence. However, when all of the machines around him started reacting that he took notice. His arrows were large enough that they can usually pierce armor, but a metal construct worried him. A single arrow to the heart wouldn't drop it, he would either need to damage it enough to break the mage's connection to the automaton, or enough to permanently disable it. Given that he had never faced one before, all of this was just his own assumptions. He hoped he would never need to figure out how to actually disable one.

Roman reached forward and run his hand through the dragon's fur and down its neck before repeating the process. He had no idea that the Pygmy Dragons were not scaled. There was so much variety in dragons that they truely deserved their own categorzation. Still, the only thing he knew of Pygmys was that they came from another Realm and they were intelligent. "You honor me Zao'udin. Your magnificent form is all but 'common'. I am Roman of the House Vokan at your service." He scratched behind the Pygmy's ear. Most cats he met enjoyed this gesture, so he was seeing if the dragon would be the same in that regard.



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