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Fantasy /Detailed] The Guild

Jing looked at a sign saying that there was party for the queen's daughter and she thought probably the girl that she had saw before was her. So she thought she could sneak into the party and just hang around and then find the guild.
After Caroline's hair was fixed, she quietly walked down the hall, being told to greet the comers, standing at the door and nodding at everyone with a polite smile. Of course, everyone who came was nobles, dressed all fancy like its a wedding. She pushed her small crown up her head, feeling it fall a little bit with each polite nod. She saw a few commoners sneak in, but she didn't stop them. They'll make it fun.

Soon enough, her mother grabbed her and dragged her back into the ball room and up towards her father who pulled her into a huge hug, laughing. "Thank you for being here sweetheart." He whispered to her, a smile coming to her face. "We shall begin." She said, pulling away from the hug now. She looked around for that one Commoner that snuck in, seeing if she can help her sneak out to go to the guild. When she was spotted, she excused herself quickly from the conversation that her dad was having with some fancy Noble man and his wife. She quickly walked towards the commoner, pushing her crown back up on top of her small head and dark brown hair. When she reached reached the commoner girl, she greeted, "hello, welcome to our banquet. May I ask something of you real quick? In private if that's okay." She gestured towards the doors that led to her rose garden, two maids stepping forward to follow but Caroline waved them off. "I am in no need of you right now. This is a private talk, you may leave." She said to the maids. She saw them hesitate for a minute and her eyes darkened, but then they left and her crisp, sweet smile came back.

@Blue Fire @akumashioni
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holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @Ayane @Theflamre

health/mood ;; healthy / curious and bored

location ;; guild

"It's fine, really."

Mazdl quirked an eyebrow at how his lips lifted into a smile. She definitely wasn't use to that by a human. But it definitely was welcomed, better than the judging stares and criticism.

Feeling his gaze on her, a smirk slipped across her features. Stopping, she stretched her arms a bit, weapons clanking together as she overheard the two.

"... You still haven't told me the business of your guild. But that aside, I wanted to ask if you were hiring. I'd be willing to aid your guild in achieving your objectives if I happen to agree with them... "

Eyebrows raising slightly, she turned, walking up to the two. "
Sorry to intrude and bombard you with all these questions but.. Do you need a blacksmith or somethin?" Mazdl asked bluntly with a blank expression, crossing her arms looking about. "If it gets me coin, im definitely joining.. " The heavily weaponed woman stated.

holdonletmetakeselfieEira Corvus


health/mood ;; healthy / surprised & calm, slightly offended

location ;; guild

Eira lowered her hood as the leader by the name of Ariella announced the welcoming of anyone to join. Lengthy white hair spilled past her black cloak, a soft but distant smile gracing her features.

I shall introduce myself when she isnt so busy.. Its surprising how young she is.. Way younger than I. But, wisdom isn't defined by age, im sure she'll be a wonderful leader..

Trailing off, a joking tone caught her attention.

"By the way does any one know the man in the mask at the tavern or he just passing by on his way to find a cult to join?"

Surprise flickered across her eyes, mouth going dry. She knew exactly who he was talking about. "
Excuse me young man.. I know of the person you speak.." Eiras tone was filled with calamity, silky and easing.

Im actually betrothed to that 'man in the mask' " The smallest hint of venom was traced in her pure voice, producing a hand, ring finger glimmering with the beautiful band.

Hearing any kind of horrible thing about her love stung her a bit, they didn't even know him.

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Those whom straddled toward the once-prepotent, though grand and proud, glorious Guild Hall of the Twin Dragon would glimpse at the domineering batavi mantle, women demurely contemplating with inquisitive curio, and men with demeaning yet exigent lours to assert dominance - all in which Melmoth had disregard.

His vast ensemble of battered, antiquated plated armour and scorned monumental mass was evident he paid no regard.

Those intelligible to appreciate his devotion and fidelity to the Crown, told by perspicuous narratives of children's fathers whom prevailed alongside him in wars, revered him with admiration and subtle respect. Yet, he was over-glorified most patently. The only true attribute he procure was his unequaled performance, recite with blades.

A ragged, penurious cottier blundered from the tavern. He was hysteric.

"Was there a fucking reason?!" he emit a minor, grieving squall, flailing his arms to grasp Melmoth's attention. The mounted Corvus snapped his gaze, the peasant winced as he quivered slightly.

In a deep, thick tone with a voice as stout as mud he spoke.

"Aye there's a reason, I'm a big fucker and tough to kill," (>inb4 clegane)

Melmoth hurled a replete woven purse.

"Get whore with a sword," he scowled, thrashing the reigns with a brutish whip as the stallion whinnied and hurtled with a hastened, stampeding gallop toward Maldorcourt Castle, his House residence.

Within the moors came delineation of what formed a domicile abode to House Corvidae - an abundant generation of Lords from the House proudly recalled their home.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-20_21-43-33.png.04ff2f92f411b13aa649ce6d85557dc1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-20_21-43-33.png.04ff2f92f411b13aa649ce6d85557dc1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Raiku finally finished the meal he ordered in the tavern. It was a a fine meal. Wasn't as gourmet as some of the restaurants in the middle of the city, but the simple taste had charm. He could tell effort was put into this meal. He let the tavern owner know he would be back later before he picked up Skytalon and headed out the door. The guard had already lit the streetlamps in the fading light so navigating the streets wasn't too difficult and he found the Twin Dragon Crest before too long, the sounds of occupancy could be heard from inside. He pushed open the doors and made his way inside, a half dozen people were inside all talking to the declared Guild Leader. He found a stool and dusted off the top of it before sitting down. He didn't want to rush the Leader, she clearly a lot of people already begging for her attention. He set Skytalon on the table in front of him and began checking all the strings and supports making sure the bow was still in working order. Dragonbone was rumored to never break, but he didn't care to prove that theory wrong. However the string did wear away. So far it was still in good working order, which was good, because it took him at least two weeks to craft a proper replacement string. Not something that he wanted to spend his time doing.
@dorkling "well madam can you tell your betrothed that I think he's a pretty..." he thinks on the events in the tavern. "well I can't say much but I bet you have a story or two so tell me and the rest of the guild who this man is because he reminds me of my uncle and that's a very mixed thing to say cause my uncle was simple know as the butcher of men and I don't have to say why that is the title is pretty self explanatory" he said all this with out malice he did not hate the man he was simply curios. "also excuse my humor I was raised in a clan that's just how we talk around a camp fire with clan mates"
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Jing Looked back at the girl who wanted to talk to her. When she looked back she saw the girl she watched back outside and she also remembered the maids. Jing wasn't sure it she should talk to her but I guess she was already caught so she said "Yeah I guess we could talk in private." Then Jing started to follow her lead. @Comet
Caroline led the girl to the garden, stopping a little ways away. "Have you ever heard of the guild?" She asks, going Straight to the point as she bent down slightly to sniff a white rose, a small smile on her face. She turne around to face the girl adding, "if you do or not, you need to help me escape tonight. You're a commoner and you snuck past everyone else, you can sneak me out."

@Blue Fire
"Bah! The banquet can go on without me! I'm wasting time." Jinkuro stands up angrily, and stomps out of the castle. The maid that was with Jinkuro, lets out a breath of relief. "Whoever that woman was, she wasn't very ladylike at all."

Jinkuro, now in the town streets. Now heads towards his intended location, the guild hall. where the guild of the Twin Dragons was located. Jinkuro's stomach growls intensely. He holds it, trying to suppress it. "Damn stomach..." He muttered.
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holdonletmetakeselfie Asura Eun


tag ;; @RaikuKawisa @Theflamre

health/mood ;; healthy / curious & chatty

location ;; guild

Strolling into the guild, she nibbled on a cake, crumbs decorating her cheeks that popped out like a chipmunks.

Asura was quite the
charming individual.

Swallowing, she smacked her lips together and looked around in awe at the large room, noticing some people that were at the tavern.

In the middle were the human-orchismer, dark haired human, and guild leader conversing, the half-orc seeming to butt in. Off to the side was large, swamp colored orc, a man in a kilt, and a dazzling snow haired woman speaking. There was also a rather tall she-elf, admiring the hall and speaking to the guild leader.

Lastly, there was a man sitting on a slightly dusty stool, his fingers working across his admirable bow.

Hm.. The Guild Leader is quite busy.. And no one's talking to him.. So..

The small foreginer sat herself on the grimy floor beside him, setting her basket down in front of her.

"Hi! I like your bow" She chirped, nibbling on another cake.

And your hair! It reminds me of my brothers..

Her eldest brother also had a mop of black hair, always messy and free. She liked that.

Ooh.. Do you want some pastries?" Asura asked timidly, holding the basket up to reveal a variety of them organized.

Being the neat freak she is, she organized the sweets on her way to the Hall.

I know I look like im not from here but I promise I didn't poison them! Eun family would never do something so unhonorable such as that!" She informed, ignoring the pang she felt in her chest when she mentioned her deceased kin.

holdonletmetakeselfieEira Corvus


health/mood ;; healthy / thoughtful

location ;; guild

Eira listened to the taller figure ramble on, adjusting her circlet a tad bit as he continued.

I understand dear. Your humor is excused." She bowed her bright head slightly, her demeanor rather motherly.

She honestly yearned for little beings to call her own, but her stomach was barren and lost all hope on bearing a child.

Adoption would probably be the best option.

Who my loved one is hm? Well.. He was one of the greatest fighters in his youth.. He was the youngest swordsman to serve under the past King Orin. A personal guard, an Elite Retinue of Orin. The man goes by the name of Melmoth and has fought many battles, even one facing the Mourning Knight. The Mourning Knight slew majority of the Elite Retinue singlehandedly, him barely finishing him off. Melmoth is the last living Corvus man, the Lord of the House. Though he may seem brutal and savage, he does have an affectionate and compassionate side. But, you must grow close to him to discover that.. Now.. I have many stories but I rather get back to guild business if thats ok with you." Eira smiled softly, sitting down in a nearby stool.

Roman smiled as he lifted his bow off the table to better show it off. "Thanks. Skytalon has served me well so its only fair that I return the favor." He exclaimed before setting the bow back on the table and reaching out for a pastry. The meat from the tavern was nice, but there was no denying his sweettooth. He chuckled as he grabbed one of the cakes. "Don't worry I trust you. Besides..." He took a bite from the cake enjoying the sweetness the pastry brought to his tastebuds, "It is my experience that the most untrustworthy of people at the ones that look the most innocent. Too many people watch foreigners for dishonest ones to survive. Especially if they claim the honor of their family. That is something even the lowest of thieves should respect." He said with a light growl in his tone. However, his gaze softened so fast if she wasn't looking for it, she may have missed it. "I take it you are here to join up with the Guild as well?" He asked gesturing over at the busy Guild Leader.
"I understand" he smiled and put his mouth to chanter again beginning another song on his bagpipes [media]

[/media] he had played the bag pipes for 15 years they were very much second nature to him the song gave him time to think. He knew little of the masked man and even his wife would only tell of the well know reputation of the man things you tell to visitors so they think your husbands a war hero no not that you told them the truth he was a war hero. But what does being a war hero do to you after a while the only thing that your know for is killing. His uncle was a war hero and if he had to guess this man was a lot like him a butcher of men. he was lucky or she was unlucky normally he would let it be but this woman was joining his and his brothers guild and his brother was prone to bother people like that. @dorkling
Jinkuro with a growling stomach, makes it to the guild hall. He could hear music being played in the inside. He holstered up thr Muramasa, since it was slacking off his side. He opens the door, and walks inside the building. Paying some mine to the music, Jinkuro goes to a nearby table and pulls out a chair, sitting his bottom on it. He puts his feet on the table, and leans back on the chair. Once again, his stomach grumbles. "Who's ever playing those pipes or whatever... are pretty good at it." He thought. "Still, i'm going get some food later"
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The half elf looked uo at the female orc with an inviting smile. "We do need a blacksmith, many thanks. And yes, there is pay. Like how the system worked before, at the end of the week we will pay each guild member their share. Better the quests, better the gold. Stranger, what is your name? " Ariella asked the half orc. "You seem oddly familiar. My head must be playing tricks." She looked at Serna with a small bow of her head. "My apologies. 'Tis a guild, so you are either a member helping or not. Consider it, however. We can use your help greatly, Serna I believe? Excuse my accent." Ariella gave him a smile as she observed the people in front of her. The orc was well equipped, and truly not savage...thank goodness. The man slightly bothered her. Not of his statue, but him as a human. The elf shook it off, and looked at the others in the hall. It was a spectacular sight to see. Then, a stranger came through the door....though it was no ordinary stranger.

"Cheers, Edith! Thank you dear! " Ariella greeted a elven girl with short blonde hair carrying two crates of nourishments from her family's business. They too were happy to see the guild reopen. She rubbed her hair before telling to run off.

"As my gift to you all, here is food. Enjoy." She placed the baskets of food on a nearby table, and went back to the individuals she was talking to. "Apologies, where were we? Ah, to everyone, please tell me your first and surname so I can register you. (Unless you already talked to her)"

@Comet @Devious Dilbert @RaikuKawisa @Clairvoyance @dorkling @Opium (?)
Roman got to his feet and slid Skytalon over his arm so it would be secure on his back before walking over to the Guild Leader. "Evening, my name is Roman Vokan. I specialize in Monster Hunting and crafting equipment from my hunts." He said with a slight bow. He then walked over to one of the crates and grabbed a loaf of bread before walking back over to the Guild Leader. "I missed your name the first time." he said before taking a bite out of the loaf, "Would you be so kind to reintroduce yourself?" He asked her politely.

He looked around the main hall of the Guild and he could see doors and hallways leading to other sections of the Hall. "Also, I have already secured lodging for the evening, but does the Hall have residences where I can live? A workshop would also be nice, a lot of monster materials do not come in 'small' size.'"



Name: Relleis translates to "dark"

Lor translates to "river"

Age: 45

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: Relleis stands at solid 5'10'' in height. Though he is built more lithe than say humans or Orcs, he is in peak physical condition sporting a very well defined physique that is unnoticeable unless he were to take off his armor; which he doesn't for the sole reason of sporting numerous scars, and wounds he collected over his lifetime as a monster slayer.

Class: Warrior/Alchemist

Role: Relleis supports his guild in the making of potions and his own brew of decoctions (which only he can use), which he picked up from his people back home. He is also very adept at swordplay, which he learned from his father. It incorporates fluid transitions between strikes, swings, dodges, pirouettes, parries; so as to not break the flow of battle. Though this sword style is harder for other races to learn because it requires a very nimble and agile body to make it practical on the battlefield.

Bio: Born in the forests of Kagra, Relleis was brought up in a culture of warriors and sages. From a young age, Relleis learned swordplay and fighting from his father, who was strict and you could almost say abusive, but it was to only improve his son so he could survive out in the world. His grandfather was the Sage for the little village where he lived. He taught Relleis secret recipes for making decoctions which are powerful potions only made for Wood Elves, due to their inherent difference in physiology from Orcs and Humans. He would often go hunting with his father to help get food to the village, and teach his son how to provide for himself and learn how to track. Coming of the age of 20, Relleis decided to set out on his own and become a freelance monster slayer. Over the years he became quite proficient at his job, though he has come close to death on many occasions. Hearing about reformation of the Guild, Relleis decided to check them out, to see if he could find a better and more steady stream of income.




Edit: I'll reveal his personality in the RP.

(For those of you who haven't read the updated CS)

Relleis entered the city of Capaldi, capital of Etral on his horse who he called Nenalata. On his horse hung the trophy of a Vampire, who was inhabiting the cemetery outside the city walls. Riding into the city, the wood elf was greeted by the Captain of the Guard who hired him. "So I take it you took care of the beast who was killing my men?" Spitting on the ground, the guard waited for Relleis' response.

Dismounting his horse, Relleis grabbed the trophy of the vampire and showed it to the guard captain. "There's your pest. I won't go into details about the monster, but be rest assured that you won't see anymore problems from his kind in the cemetery anymore. Got my coin?"

"Oi, bring the elf his coin!" A young lad came scurrying from behind the guard captain, and put a sizable pouch of gold in Relleis' hand. "Well good doing business with ya. Now if you'll excuse, I have matters to attend to." With that, the guard captain walked away towards one of his men, and began to tear into him for falling asleep on duty.

Putting the pouch of gold in one of his saddle bags, Relleis mounted Nenalata, rode further into the city. Nearing the local tavern, people were crowded around the entrance and murmuring amongst themselves. Getting the attention from one the bystanders, Relleis asked him,"What's going on here?"

The man replied hastily. "What you didn't hear the commotion? There was a brawl here moments ago, though most of the ones involved went to the abandoned Twin Dragons guild hall. I trust you know where that is?"

"Yeah I do, I passed by the place on several occasions. Well so happens that I'm trying to get in contact with whoever is trying to bring the guild the up and going again. I appreciate the information. Here for your trouble", Relleis flipped the man a gold coin and continued trotting towards the guild hall. Within a few minutes, Relleis found himself in front of the guild hall. Dismounting his horse, he tied up Nenalata, and headed on inside.

He was met by awful sounding music and many different able bodied people. Humans, half-elves and even half-orcs. Relleis shook his head slightly, he hated big crowds, since he was so used to working solo for 25 years. Wading through the crowd, he saw a black haired man in black leather armor with a bow. Walking up to the man Relleis asked him,"So where can I speak to the one who reviving this guild?''

@RaikuKawisa @Everyone
Roman turned to see the woof elf approach him and ask his question. Roman merely pointed to the young woman he was talking to before he grabbed his bread loaf. "She would be the one to speak to about joining the guild. I was just giving her my name to join as well."
Jinkuro looks at the wood elf that has just came through the door, with the corner of his eye. He stares back at the ceiling, minding his own business. "A diverse set of arms... and such strong souls as well." He thought. "The muramasa... would love to have their souls. But, they are my tools, so... I must keep them alive, and avoid uneeded contact with them"
Romulus was already halfway through a roll filled with cream cheese when he saw that there was more food on the table. Well, that's a problem. His gaze went from his bag to the table and back a few times, and decided to go eat the food from the table because there was steak. Romulus set the bag of pastries down on another table, and helped himself to the steak. "Mfoy nim if rofbuloub moodfayfg," He said with his mouth full. Romulus swallowed, and repeated, "Sorry, my name's Romulus Moonfang."
Relleis saw the girl the black haired man pointed to. She was young half elf woman with blonde hair and twin daggers at her sides. Walking up to her, Relleis introduced himself. "Greetings my name is Relleis Lor. I heard that there was someone who was reviving the Twin Dragons guild. I was wondering if I could join your guild. My income isn't the most lavish, and I'd be willing to provide alchemy recipes and potions for the guild." Relleis waited for the young girl to respond.

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The the ork stands up his stomach rumbling after the story of the guards in the tavern. He decided to see if the corpses were still there and sure enough the bar tender was still trying to get them out after the patrons of the tavern had stolen their loot. Grok walked up grabbing all three with little hardship the bar tender looked up and opened his mouth to object then stopped when he saw he was looking up at a eight foot tall ork . Grok dragged them to the front of the guild hall and after a quick whopping trip he came back with a large cauldron big enough to fit all three of the guards in after he chopped them up a bit he then filled the cauldron with water and herbs before putting it over a fire to boil. It wasn't long before bones started to flotation to the top he threw these to the side. He might be out side but the smell was inside to those who had never smelled stewed human it smelled like a regular stew but to those who knew the smell it was obviously human. @Anyone in or around the guild hall
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Jinkuro smells the air... it was the stench of death that he knew all to well. And when there's death... there's lost souls to be taken. He looks to where the smell is coming from, he spots a large cauldron, with an orc right besides it That's where the smell of death was coming from. Getting his feet off the table, Jinkuro draws out the Muramasa. Pointing the demon blade at the cauldron, out of the cauldron, comes three lost souls. The souls goes inside of the blade. With this process done, Jinkuro kicks his feet back on to the table. "Only people that do not know the stench of death, will eat out of that. I maybe hungry, but i'm not that desperate for a meal"

holdonletmetakeselfieMazdl Khazdar


tag ;; @Devious Dilbert @Ayane @elfattack

health/mood ;; healthy / interested & disgusted

location ;; guild

"We do need a blacksmith, many thanks. And yes, there is pay... Stranger, what is your name? "

A silent sigh of relief passed and she licked her lips, smirking slightly. "
Mazdl Khazdar definitely at your service." She nodded her head, starting to like this 'kiddo'.

Sliding her gaze over to thw human, she discovered his name was Serna.


She slipped out of her thoughts as Ariella announced food and to register.

Food? I like this girl even more.

Brushing past Serna, Mazdl crossed over to the array of food, set on the protein, meaty things.

Taking a bite out of a turkey leg, she cast her gaze over to an elven man who entered.

Interesting.. This guild doesn't seem so hopeless after all.

Face contorting slightly, she spat out her turkey leg into a piece of ragged cloth.

Ugh! Thats horrid. It smells just like-" Mazdl gagged and leaned against the table, clasping her hand to her mouth.

That damn orc!" She hissed weakly, stumbling over to the door.

hated the smell of cooking human flesh, it physically made her sick.

Even when she was young, she was forced to like the alternative source of meat, made fun of by her pee

'You're not a true Orc!'

'Not one of us'

'Pretty face.. Thats all you are'

'You're so weird! Its just human meat!'

Even her
human mother ate that. Mazdl didn't know it was wrong at the time, just knowing how much of a 'poser' she was, a let down.

But now, it was not right, the structure filled with humans.

Bursting through the door she glared at the Ork, growling. "A-are you serious?! There's a bunch of humans in there! What the hell! Not to mention it stinks horrendously-"

(( im writing up Asuras and Eiras right after this ^^​
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" In my land waste is not something we allow" he said his voice low and serious. "We eat what we can making every last drop count I understand if you dislike but I do it for the pride of my people" he takes the large ladle that he was using in the stew out taking a large mouth full of the stew. "plus this way my people honor the dead they help become our strength they help us feed and survive. I have eaten many elfs, humans ,orks and halflings not once dishonoring a foe they help me fight and their spirits guide me to shiny bits". he then lifts the ladle up once again but letting it hang there as if waiting for some one to come over and take a bowl full. "I am a ork of the all consuming maw now a ork of the clan lamont let it be know that I honor the spirts of these men" he said loudly.
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