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Fantasy [/detailed] School of Dragons

Comet said:
Ribbon shot volts towards the two dragons ahead of her, being a sore loser she is. She would have sped up more if she didn't have two riders. She pulled storm around to the others on the ground, landing the tall dragon and holding her hand behind her to help winter down. "I'll go get your dragon, Bismarck." She said, moving her dragon up into the air who roared and took off into the air after the others.
@Alaster Von Grim @JayKuro @femjapanriceball
JayKuro said:
Wynter got off the dragon and payed in the grass trying to catch his breath. ".....That... Was...... Fun...." He said not really talking to anyone in particular. He got up after he caught his breath and looked at the others not have gotten a good look at them earlier.
@femjapanriceball @Comet @Alaster Von Grim
Bismarck's face fell slightly at Sebastian's rather....blunt comment, but he didn't completely get defensive. He only did a little nod, looking at the ground. "R-Right....I'll make sure of that...." he mumbled. He smiled when he was reassured that he'd get Patronus back. "Th-thank you," he mumbled just as Severus landed right next to him.

"Hey, Big Bro!" Sierra chirped. "That was awesome! You've GOTTA teach me how to do that!"

"Um....." Bismarck mumbled, sitting back down. ".....Maybe some other time....."

Meanwhile, a very proud Patronus flew over to Bismarck with an eager expression. She gave him a look that said, "did you see that?" Bismarck chuckled and nodded, stroking her scales.

"Mm-hm....I sure did, Pat. You're getting better."
"You want to learn to fall off your dragon, your an odd one aren't you"

Sebastian said as he climbed onto fangs back and looked at Sierra

[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]"You want to learn to fall off your dragon, your an odd one aren't you"
Sebastian said as he climbed onto fangs back and looked at Sierra


"Duuuuude. Didja see it? He looked like he was flying. Just get rid of the screams and add wings and it's an angel bro."

"A-Angel bro?"

"Yeah! It looked SO cool! Like an angel bro!"


Sebastian blinked a couple times as he thought yeah he won't have any problems keeping her happy

"Well I think I'll be going cause I don't want to get in the way of whatever it is you two do"

He said before he nudged fang to leave


In collaboration with


Gliding through the azure firmament, a feathered, snake like beast steadily dove to the school grounds of vibrant green below. Atop of the bird-like dragon was a female with eyes similar to an ingot of gold, snow white hair braided long down her back, brushing her ankles when she stood.

The rather diminutive figure managed to wiggle off the lengthy monster, boots hitting the verdant ground.

Upon closer inspection, there was a variety of things strapped to the poor dragons body, mainly books. That unlucky dragon is named Paarthurnax, and he's all about balance.

Before they arrived to the school, he would not budge unless his owner made everything balanced and organized. Of course she complied and did as said.

Now the owner goes by the name of Aira Amachi, having a thirst for knowledge and...

She shifted her gaze to and fro, pausing.

She didnt know where to go or put her dragon.

Aira may be intelligent but, she refuses help and rather be the helper instead.

'I help myself' is her usual mindset.

Now..time to help myself and find the dorms...and then stables.

Another beast far off into the distance, graciously tearing through the sky with its figure, carried another girl. And as they neared their destination, the color of the ocean become more and more visible.

With a flap of the creatures wings, it broke its impact and landed softly on the earth below, creating a small circle of dust at it's feet. The girl jumped from its back. She inspected her baggage strapped into the saddle. Everything was perfect, no damage done.

She scanned her surroundings. Another girl and her dragon had already gotten here before her, and the girl looked disoriented.

"Well- Looks like this will be the parking lot for now." She said, turning her head and looking into the eyes of her blue dragon. He let out a soft moan, signaling his understanding.

Swirling above was a dragon engulfed in flames, an equally fiery male mounting it, appearing to be unharmed. The masculine figure spotted the stables almost instantly, pondering why four splotches below were afront of the school.

Snorting, he gingerly tapped the sides of his dragons neck, causing him to spiral down with a laugh.

Right before they hit the ground, the red beast slowed and hovered before his claws gracefully sunk into the terrain.

Heaving himself from the flames was a vermilion eyed teenager with corresponding locks that fell to his neck. The basilisk like creature behind him began to extinguish itself, inferno dying.

Stepping forward, he exaimned the two females in interest, going by the name of Branton Hayes. And Branton Hayes was currently giving the rather attractive girls nicknames.

Hm.. big tit tit and pretty tit tit..

The dragon behind him seemed to know what he was doing, snorting. The dragon making the fuss belongs to Mr. Hayes, named Odahviing.

"Is this the new stable?" Brenton smiled, especially at the dark haired one, aka pretty tit tit.

Pretty tit tit, a.k.a Fiora Velaeris, turned around to answer him.

...IS this the new stable?

She looked him up and down before responding,

"Yep. New stable. Right here." She spoke confidently, hoping that she wasn't wrong.

Her ocean blue dragon lifted its head to examine the boy's fiery red one, but without a word, and with nonaggression.

Big tit just silently observed as pretty tit tit spoke to the ruby haired boy, quite interested in his dragon that was once swallowed in flames.

The boy who made the oh so clever nicknames leaned against Odahviings scaly neck, coolly looking over the blue eyed girl who spoke with an air of confidence.

"It is aye? I swore I saw the stables back there." Branton chuckled lightly, Odahviing meeting the watery dragons gaze.

"Wh-what? Pshh. Well then I was lied to."

She turned to her dragon, "Aerithal, let's go."

Obediently, he listened and picked up his feet to follow.

(Characters present: Aira Amachi, Fiora Velaeris, Branton Hayes)
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"... What else i-is there?" Wynter asked looking around, although he couldn't see much, just the top of a few buildings here and there, As well as the forest they had just been in.

Sierra smiled. "Okay, Mr. Grumpy Gills!"

"......EHHHH?! I-I'm really sorry, sir....she didn't mean to.....Sierra....."

"Oh, whoops." Sierra's grin grew even wider. "Annnnyways, I'd totally like to see the dorms!"
Veridius Wensylve

Wheeling and spiraling through the sky, a majestic, verdant dragon flaunted its acrobatic flair. And with every flap of her magnificent wings, a strong and forceful boom filled the atmosphere. It was a sign of her vitality- and she loved the sound.

But the beautiful creature wasn't alone, she was accompanied by her master, a light pale-haired boy. And he seemed to be enjoying himself while hanging on tightly to his companion. The adrenaline rushed through him as his dragon danced while he experienced her performance first-hand. She darted left and right, up and down, swooping back up and then shifting gears into a glide, all done with such an air that one would mistake her for an expert. She dove, folding her wings in and sharpening herself into a point, descending rapidly, then spread them out, reaching her maximum wingspan, taking flight once more.

She had no intentions of showing off despite her display of grandeur, though it may have seen like it. Both her and her master were only delighting in her tricks and fancy moves. She relished the look of joy on her master's face whenever she did this. It pleased her just as much as it pleased him.

Finishing the show with one last grand sequence of horizontal spirals, she spotted a group of other dragons and humans in the distance.

@femjapanriceball @JayKuro @Comet

'Shall we?'

His dragon spoke to him telepathically. It was an ability that all dragons shared with their masters. But only he would hear his dragon's voice.

What- have you never seen other living beings before?" He replied aloud.

'Stop being so anti-social. Go make some friends.'

"Or- we can do the logical thing and go get settled in after wasting so much time."

Once he finished his last word, she took off, gaining in speed until she neared the group. @femjapanriceball @JayKuro @Comet

She slowed herself as she got close enough for her master to be heard by the others.

'Why?' He spoke to his dragon using his ability.

'Because you're being emo.'


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Aira ? Amachi

outside of school grounds | anew | @Devious Dilbert + anyone

It was slightly overwhelming at how quick those two showed up, unsure how to feel about the sanguine haired male who seemed like trouble to her.

Silently observing the two speak, her cheeks began to flush as the only male pointed out that the stables were back there, despite the confident air from the dark haired girl.

Wh-what? Pshh. Well then I was lied to."

Aerithal, let's go."

The magnificent azure dragon began to trail after her master obediently, who followed the amused and fiery two.

Licking her lips, Aira shifted her golden gaze back and forth and shrugged.

Might as well..

The short female shadowed the four as Paarthurnax snorted and swished its tail, having no other choice than to follow.

Hearing a massive and impressive boom ring throughout the heavens, Aira lifted her head in interest, spotting a winsome beast, an equally interesting male atop.

Continue to stroll after the others, she beheld the skillful flight, noticing another group nearby..

Fiora Velaeris

Fiora couldn't help but notice the jade colored beast in the sky on her way to the stables. She lifted her head to see a boy and his dragon stunt training.

Her dragon, Aerithal, looked into the sky too, watching their spectacular performance. He found it rather interesting, but his master on the other hand, didn't quite so. She found it annoying and unnecessary.

"What a show off-" She said harshly and gave the figure in the sky a dirty look.

Aerithal let out a small sigh and returned his gaze ahead of him.

Fiora held a strong dislike for those that were showy. Typically, it was those types of people ending up being the most useless in the long run.

Turning her direction back to the male that was with her, she figured she'd leave a good impression on him, @dorkling

"My name is Fiora by the way. What's yours?"
Melissa watched as a dragon and two forms following it. It didn't take her long to notice a boy on top of the dragon. "Your dragon has some good skills." She called, white storm eyeing the other dragon as she shifted her wings and her eyes slitted. "Storm, no." Melissa sighed. Her dragon growled at her, why do you keep telling me no?? Melissa heard in her head. She ignored it and looked at everyone. "No has been the word for the day." She chuckled and walked up to the new people. "Hi, I'm Melissa. My dragon is White Storm."

@femjapanriceball @JayKuro
White storm looked at him with a growl then looked at Melissa before scooting away towards them. When she got the distance away, she opened her wings and flapped them. Looking at Fang.

@Alaster Von Grim
Fang tossed Sebastian off having him fall about 10 feet onto the stone walk way then flew off with ribbon

"Great not even my Dragon"

Sebastian said as he pulled himself to his feet and limped back to his dorm room

Melissa looked at Sebastian. "Oh my god what happened?" She asked, walking up to him and putting her arm around his waist to help hold him up.

Storm took off into the air with a roar, going off towards the forest.

@Alaster Von Grim
"every rider gets thrown off, wether respected or not, it happens. Me and storm have a great bond, we respect each other, yet every dragon will disobey." She leaned over his side to look at him, smirking.

@Alaster Von Grim

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