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Fantasy [/detailed] School of Dragons

Winter watched quietly observing nodding his head every now and then to show he was listening. 'They're complete opposites.....' He thought as the dragon Bismark was on started flying away from Sierra. ".......You guys........ M-must've had........ A-a rough trip....." He said not knowing if Bismark or Sierra had head him.

JayKuro said:
Winter held on a little tighter to Melissa as Ribbon sped up. "W-who...... are they?" He asked quietly not completely sure if he had been heard or not.
@femjapanriceball (sorry if my replies are a bit slow)
femjapanriceball said:
Sierra grinned. "Yeah! I really wanted to see this place, actually. Right, Bis?"

"I'm Sierra, and this is my cousin Bismarck! He's SUPER smart!"

"..........Uh............h-h-h-hi........." Bismarck mumbled before hiding his face in Patronus's scales.
Winter looked around and decided it was the other's turn to pick where they were going. His head jerked forward along with Melissa's as Ribbon roared when Fang knocked her muzzle off. He saw as Fang dove into the forest and weaved through the trees probably wanting to be chased or something like that.

@femjapanriceball @Alaster Von Grim
JayKuro said:
Winter watched quietly observing nodding his head every now and then to show he was listening. 'They're complete opposites.....' He thought as the dragon Bismark was on started flying away from Sierra. ".......You guys........ M-must've had........ A-a rough trip....." He said not knowing if Bismark or Sierra had head him.
Comet said:
Mellisa looked back when Winter buried his face in her back then her head jerked forward when Storm roared happily, the muzzle off. She smiled at her dragon then looked at all the others around her. Where is the next place?" She asked.ribbon flew side by side with Fang, gliding.
@Alaster Von Grim @femjapanriceball @JayKuro
JayKuro said:
Winter looked around and decided it was the other's turn to pick where they were going. His head jerked forward along with Melissa's as Ribbon roared when Fang knocked her muzzle off. He saw as Fang dove into the forest and weaved through the trees probably wanting to be chased or something like that.
@Comet @femjapanriceball @Alaster Von Grim
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Sebastian was wondering around the school aimlessly getting the lay of the land so to speak

"It totally was!" Sierra continued, crossing her arms. Then, suddenly, she spotted the dark and mysterious guy from earlier. She waved at him. "Hey! I love your outfit!" she shouted. Bismarck continued to ignore his cousin.

".......P-Please.......excuse my cousin's behavior.........she has a very......loud personality."
"So I've noticed, pardon me where are my manners my name is Sebastian and you two are?"

He asked as he walked up to Sierra and Bismarck

Ribbon roared again, stopping in mid hair, flapped her wings heavily and watching fang with slitted eyes. "Ribbon don't." Melissa warned but the dragon payed no heed to her as her wings folded and she dived. "Ribbon!" Melissa screamed, holding on tightly.

Fang looked up to see ribbon diving towards him, he smirked as he kept weaving through the trees until he came to a clearing where he flew straight up disappearing in the sun light

Wynter held on tightly as Ribbon dove chasing after Fang. 'I hope we don't fall off.' He thought holding on to Melissa tightly trying not to squeeze the life out of her. 'Those dragons sure love to flirt.' He thought looking at where Fang had just been before he went up towards the sun and disappeared.

@Alaster Von Grim @Comet
@Alaster Von Grim[/URL] @JayKuro @femjapanriceball
JayKuro said:
Wynter held on tightly as Ribbon dove chasing after Fang. 'I hope we don't fall off.' He thought holding on to Melissa tightly trying not to squeeze the life out of her. 'Those dragons sure love to flirt.' He thought looking at where Fang had just been before he went up towards the sun and disappeared.
@Alaster Von Grim @Comet
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Like a bullet fang dove past ribbon

"I'm Sierra! Sierra Saedor!" Sierra chirped. Severus soon followed after Ribbon and Fang, roaring in joy. Sierra let out an excited whoop. Meanwhile, Patronus was watching the three dragons, daggers in her eyes. Nobody was allowed to best Patronus. Especially not Severus.

"P-Patronus.....?" Bismarck mumbled, seeing the obvious anger in her eyes. She spread her wings out wide.....


.....Let out a loud roar.....


......And did a nose-dive, a screaming Bismarck clinging onto her for dear life. She did three loop-de-loops as she did so, whizzing past the three dragons.

"Hahaha! Awesome, Big Bro!"

"............I think I'm gonna be sick.............."
"I'll just stay here then"

Sebastian said felling a little neglected, fang zoomed past Severus and patronus

[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]"I'll just stay here then"
Sebastian said felling a little neglected, fang zoomed past Severus and patronus


"Patronus? Patronus—AAAAAAAHHHH!" Bismarck screamed. Patronus flew to catch up with Fang and, in the process, completely knocked her master off of her. Bismarck let out an alarmed scream as he landed on the ground with a THUD, not too far away from Sebastian. "..........Ow............." he muttered, ignoring Sierra, who was laughing her head off at him. "Patronus, could you please get back here.....?" After a minute, giving up, Bismarck sat down on a rock. ".......Stupid Sierra........."
"You OK kid"

Sebastian asked as he walked over to Bismarck

"Hyper cousin and disobedient dragon, your day must suck"

[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]"You OK kid"
Sebastian asked as he walked over to Bismarck

"Hyper cousin and disobedient dragon, your day must suck"


Bismarck chuckled nervously, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "You've got that right.....Sierra always gets herself in trouble and Patronus is overly competitive....." he said, standing up and brushing himself off. "But—ow—they're all I've got left. If I were to lose Sierra.....well....I wouldn't know what to do. And Patronus really is sweet once you get to know her....just....very competitive. She's the little sister to Sierra's dragon, Severus. Heh....it's like everything about us screams 'related'."
"I wouldn't know I'm an only child and my parents were always working"

Sebastian said as he watched fang easily out maneuver the other dragons
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]"I wouldn't know I'm an only child and my parents were always working"
Sebastian said as he watched fang easily out maneuver the other dragons

"Well....technically I'm an only child, but my dad took Sierra in after her parents were killed. Then Dad died.....and my mother isn't exactly the most.....um....sane person out there, so I've been looking after Sierra. It's a hard job, but completely worth it." Bismarck chuckled as Patronus continued chasing Fang. Severus kept going, but at a slower pace, with an irritated Sierra waving her arms back and forth like a maniac. ".......I just want to protect that smile for as long as I can......"
"Then do so cause sooner or later reality will hit her like a bus"

Sebastian said bluntly before he did a dragon call, fang heard the call and dove past patronus then landed in front of Sebastian

Ribbon snapped at the new dragon, her body sparking. "Ribbon stop!" Melissa called, fearing for winter's life for the moment.
Wynter saw Bismark on his dragon and felt sick just looking at him. He winced and Bismark was thrown of his dragon and hoped he was okay glad he got up almost immediatly after. Ribbon sparked and Wynter held onto Melissa closing his eyes. 'Is she about to chase another dragon?' He thought opening his eyes a bit so he could see what was going on.

@femjapanriceball @Comet
Adel sat in the stables near fel'zen while he slept. She turned the page of the book she was bread and slowly fell sleep herself. Fel'zen wokenup and saw adel fast sleep, he nudged her with his tail and woke her up. She looked over and yawned.

"Think its time I went to bed, wanna tale the fun way?" She says before pulling out some cooked rabbit meat and showing to her dragon. The big red fool of a dragon sprung up at the sight and smell of his most favorite treat in the world. He stared at it with puppy dog eyes then bowed down so adel to climb on his back.

She trow the meat at fel'zen and he caught it midair. She then climbed on his back and held on as he rushed out the barn and took flight. She laughed as the wing blew back her hair. Fel'zen flee over the school, adel leaned forward on her dragon and once more drifted off to her land of dreams.

Fel'zen looked back smiled at his sleeping partner. The only person the world he likes, and she is asleep on him, he was Happy. He then decided to just fly around the school till she woke up.
Ribbon shot volts towards the two dragons ahead of her, being a sore loser she is. She would have sped up more if she didn't have two riders. She pulled storm around to the others on the ground, landing the tall dragon and holding her hand behind her to help winter down. "I'll go get your dragon, Bismarck." She said, moving her dragon up into the air who roared and took off into the air after the others.

Sebastian patted Fangs neck

"Did you have fun bud, you enjoy playing with mels dragon"

He said looked at Mel and ribbon

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Wynter got off the dragon and payed in the grass trying to catch his breath. ".....That... Was...... Fun...." He said not really talking to anyone in particular. He got up after he caught his breath and looked at the others not have gotten a good look at them earlier.

@femjapanriceball @Comet @Alaster Von Grim

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