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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only let 2-3 more in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Is the character you want to make a villain?

Hmm...not necessarily. Dark, definitely, but not villainous.


Sleipnir said:
Just send him to me, Lazy; Hel is pretty busy moving out right now, but I'd like to leave new villains off the table for awhile so we can get through some other plots we have at the moment.
Alrighty, then. I'll do it 2morrow. More time to expand the concept and I needs sleeps. Nighty, then.
Elias said:
Would somebody please tell @Dnaleri017 if he is in or not? Poor guy/gal has been waiting for some time to enter the roleplay. @Hel or @Sleipnir, your cue
Also, throwing a thought out here...I was wondering how an actual human would fare as a main villain for a while. I was thinking some anarchist guy who had his family murdered by supernaturals while he was little, now grown up would start stirring people up against the creatures. If the humans would listen, the whole city would turn against the Deparment, and a siege would probably happen. The agents would have to defend themselves, without hurting the people they protect, but the humans would definitely hurt them. This guy would basically be against-supernatural Hitler.

Just a random idea :D
(It's no big deal, I'm patient. Plus I have Supernatural to watch while I wait xD )


Elias said:
There is still Dnaleri017 to think about...
(Again, I have plenty of time to wait, It's all okay :3)
My mind has become stagnant with my current characters. I'm going to retire both Sam and Allan, but keep Luke, since he was my first, and he has a good role within the dept

My next character is going to be a normal human, but who's gun has special abilities. I'll make him soon.

I'm gonna get back in full force. I was waiting for the whole party thing to pass over, as I couldn't exactly bring my characters into that. I just forgot over time
Dnaleri017 said:
(It's no big deal, I'm patient. Plus I have Supernatural to watch while I wait xD )

(Again, I have plenty of time to wait, It's all okay :3)
Hell yeah, another Supernatural fan. *highfive*
Where is this fellow I keep getting tagged about? I don't see his app!

@Elias Btw, William can take lead on the Hallows case until I get back? I've been moving out and it's eating all of my time, he's pretty much the senior officer assigned anyway, and I like @sliepnir's idea of moving this over to being a hosted project.

I would like to implement some sort of system to keep power levels in check, though, that way things don't get too out of control? Does anyone have ideas for that? I think I'm gonna make a request for a hosted project if everyone else agrees?

Me: *Watching Corpse Bride*


Me: Hey it's Caden


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I'm awake! So a question. Are there any entities who take charge of the afterlife and ghosts? Well, are there even ghosts?
Well, we've been EXTREMELY vague about the afterlife so far. Death is an entity (and actually a really nice guy) who I suppose is technically in charge of, you know, death, but we've established two different races so far who deal with carrying the spirits of the dead to the Great Beyond: That is, Norse Valkyries (ie our very own Liliana) and the mythical Black Dogs, a very small organization that was never really proven to exist. Galley trot is a black dog, and no one outside a few members of the department are aware that he is not just a shape shifter. We have more info about that on our Lore tab, and I intend to expand on it.

As for ghosts, yes, we have them. Two at the moment: Bael, a poltergeist, and Wednesday, a murdered bride. She has a pet zombie, Caden... Who I mentioned above xD

If you wish to make a ghostie be aware that I'm going to be posting some additional info in the Lore tab here very soon (Like, writing it now) if you wanna hold off or help out with the lore, because I don't have a WHOLE lot. Make your ghost however you like and I'll integrate your vision of ghosts into the lore.
Alright then. Because my current idea is something that helps spirit pass on. To wherever spirits pass on to.
Oh hh, I'm curious! Sanja, one of my characters, specializes in ghosts so I'd like to hear it if you wanna PM me.
Spirits go wherever they believed they'd go in the afterlife is basically what I'm going with. Whatever faith they believed the most or leaned to the most the spirits are judged according to those rules and sent to wherever they are judged to go, if that isn't too vague.

For example, if one believed in the norse afterlives, then they would be judged based on those rules and if deemed worthy would indeed find themselves in Valhalla or otherwise in Helheim.

If one is Christian, then they are judged on that scale and sent to wherever they go. Make sense?

OOC IN OOC! I am deleting those last few posts in the In character tab!
Hel said:
Spirits go wherever they believed they'd go in the afterlife is basically what I'm going with. Whatever faith they believed the most or leaned to the most the spirits are judged according to those rules and sent to wherever they are judged to go, if that isn't too vague.
For example, if one believed in the norse afterlives, then they would be judged based on those rules and if deemed worthy would indeed find themselves in Valhalla or otherwise in Helheim.

If one is Christian, then they are judged on that scale and sent to wherever they go. Make sense?
Very. But of course, a guide for souls would be a feasible character, no? -3-
Trundle said:
How should I incorporate my newest character?
The big cuddly guy? No idea. Perhpas he shows into town, and some agent wents after him thinking it's a new case. And then your call...

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