Delirium [Inactive]

Mason and a new face enter the dinning room the new face is a beautiful blond haired girls she's about eighteen and I smile and say " I didn't know cureds could have such pretty eyes " then I turn to Mason " I believe we've never meet formally Mason Brooks I presume " I smile and say " I know that you guys want to fuss me out but I have something important that you guys might want to know so just listen for a second "

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Lilith tore her eyes away from Mason to look at who had spoke, noticing a boy her hadn't realized was there before. "How old are you?" She questioned raising an eyebrow skeptically, "ten?" It was clear he couldn't be much older than that and yet he still had the gal to flirt with her? She sighed, he was most defiantly from the wild, no normal person would do that. "Sorry, kiddo." She said waving her had a bit, "but I'm not interested in a guy that's younger then me. Try not to let it get to you." She then shot a glance at the other guy sitting at the table (Luca) before announcing that she was going to find a room to put her stuff in.

"Right, try not to break anything." Mason said meekly before turning back to his business with the guests. "What is that you want to tell me?"

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Zoë heard the door opening after a while of just basically staring at the ceiling doing nothing. Peering over at the new guest she had switched positions and was laying on her stomach while flipping through a magazine she had found lazily. Not recognizing the blonde she immediately got up and started straightening out the bed thinking its one of Masons room mates. "I apologize if this is your room, i'm kinda just hiding out here for now. They are talking about the twelve year old's bs he dragged into the situation, its created a awful mess if you ask me. I wonder if all invalids are as strange as that kid or well carry as much baggage that is." she spoke while straightening out the sheets. Once done she sat on the bed and offered a kind welcoming smile. "Either way I hope you don't mind me hiding out here, so whats your name? Its good to finally see another female unless I would have been suffocated by all the testosterone sooner or later." she mused the last part gently as she looked over at the new comer, swinging her legs which were crossed as she sat on the bed.
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I smile at the girl and wink then turn to Mason " If Zoë hasn't told you yet I don't come from the surrounding wilds I come from a place that revolted and is now it's own country " I pause trying to see their reaction " Any way when my people took over they gained access to the labs and we found out a new projects the doctors and scientist were working on" I pause letting it sink in and go on "What they were working on was the cure in an injection form that can be given to subjects as young as thirteen " I wait for their reactions I pray that they will believe me and I pray that they don't think i'm crazy
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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"She didn't," Mason stated, taking a place at the table across from the kid. "I understand your worry now that you've explained it but I'm still not sure how I can help you." If what the kid was saying was true then it would mean a complete changing in how the resistance would work. Not only would they have to rethink their tactics but they'd also have to change the time when they planned to relocate people not wanting to be Cured. It would double the work of the Underground, including himself. He'd have a tough time with managing younger children, he was so used to somewhat mature people passing through his house after all. Kids wouldn't know by the age thirteen that being Cure wasn't the life, they were so brainwashed at that age it would almost eliminate all chances of them wanting to love.

"I suspect you have proof?" He asked, seriously. "You have very dangerous information. You'll understand me wanting to reassure that what your saying is absolute."

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Heading down the hall she paused before a door that was open, blinking as she fixed her eyes on the girl within. She was lounged lazily on the bed as if it were her own, though from the look of the contents of the room it clearly wasn't. If Lilith had to guess it was most likely Mason's room, the lack of bunk beds was the main clue to that though. Most safe houses she had been to had bunk beds for the people staying there, while this was clearly a master bedroom. Who was the girl then?

"You Mason's girlfriend, or something?" She questioned raising an eyebrow. "You're pretty bold..." Lilith smirked, "Don't mind me." She then snickered, heading into one of the other rooms to toss her stuff onto the top bunk of the farthest bed. On her way back toward the kitchen she looked into the room again, gesturing toward the kitchen.

"Mason's in there, ya'know." She said lazily. "If you're his girl then I don't have a problem with you, most Sympathizers have partners after all. Just didn't expect you to be so young." She shrugged, looking the girl over once more. "How old are you anyways?"
" I have proof " I say "but its back on my boat their is a folder containing a copy of the information on the whole project Mason do you know how the magnitude of this could and will affect us? Ever since theirs been a cure us resistors always had a mark to go of they had to be eighteen and their had to be a scar but now they could send in teenagers into the wilds to spy without Invalids knowing a thing the injection doesn't leave a mark and the resistances won't suspect theirs a rat in till its to late from what I've heard last the inject-able cure was almost ready and that was a month ago Mason" my hands are shaking " For all we know it could be announced tomorrow and then what " I feel like crying but that would be cowardly and unmanly so instead put my head down on the table trying to calm myself but the tears come and I start to sob
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Zoë looked over at her when she returned. Blushing slightly at the idea she let out a awkward laugh. "Yeah i'm not his girl friend, but your pretty funny. I like your sense of humor. I wonder if all of Mason's room mates are as funny as you are." She said refering to the girl friend aspect and Sympathizer part. Playing with her braid as her legs sat crossed casually she replied. "Either way im seventeen and eight months." Thinking that since Lilith arrived maybe more room mates will be arriving soon she got up and slid on her shoes that were dirty with mud and blood which were located by the doorframe. Zoë then spoke as she leaned against the wall while putting her dirty running shoes on. "Maybe I should go anyways, if your showing up I suppose his other room mates will be arriving soon. Plus its almost the regulated curfew and I dont feel like getting in trouble with the Regulators that patrol around." It was obvious the denial was seeping in her words. Even though she was still wearing Masons clothes she decided it would be best to just give them back on her run tomorrow.

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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"It's not something we haven't dealt with before." Mason replied evenly to the kid's frantic speech. "We'll just deal with this the way we deal with everything else. Until then we need proof and to send word to the other stations." Mason stood, crossing his kitchen to take out a cup which he filled with water. He than place it in front of the kid, pointing at it in a gesture that meant he should drink it. "When you're done crying we'll take a trip down to your boat. I need to see this information with my own eyes." He was about to say more when her heard talking in the hallway, heading over he spotted Lilith and Zoe in the doorway.

"You're clothes are in the drier, why don't you stay just a bit longer?" He asked, "We have until nightfall anyways."

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

"Funny?" Lilith mumbled following the girl to the entryway. She wasn't sure what she had said, she wasn't trying to be funny at all. Either way she felt bad for scaring away Mason's friend. "I'm just moving in today. So, to be honest, I don't really know if there are any other roommates. " She eyed the hallway, remembering the empty bedroom that she had picked with a small frown. "From the looks of the rooms, I'm the only one here for now." She shrugged.

"Oh well, safe houses are bound to get more people coming and going." She mused, "I mean, Mason's one of the best-" She was cut across by Mason appearing in the doorway, offering for the girl to stay a bit longer. Lilith let a smirk flicker across her face. "Mmm... NOT his girlfriend, huh?" She teased quietly. Then in a louder voice, "Mason, I'm going to get food."
Zoë nodded silently along to Liliths words. Once finished putting on her messy running shoes she had walked straight into Mason. Stepping back a bit hearing Masons words she sighed looking outside his window momentarily. "Fine, fine your ass is mine if i'm late." Her words being playful as she then slid off her shoes. Watching Lilith announce she was going to get food, her eyes focased onto Mason and announced casually when she had left. "Your room mates are awefully funny. She was saying how your a Sympathizer and what not. I guess that definately elevates your status for being the oddest in town." She mused lightly as a light undertone of denial was revealed in her words; although the more she thought about it, it did seem plausable however the more thought that it may be true, the more she didn't want to believe.

While the two spoke she had returned her position on the bed, her sitting back on the bed, legs crossed. Zoë started playing with her hair which was a nervous quirk of hers. "She also told me you have not many room mates at the moment so I guess it wouldnt be too harmful if I staid a bit more... either way, she has quite the sense of humor." Curious about the discussion she asked. "So, what did you guys decided on regarding the issue with the ninja, sword weilding twelve year old?"

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Luca sat quietly on the couch as he tried to contemplate what the little boy was telling him. Although he highly doubted these kids would be used to spy on the Resistance, allowing or forcing people to start getting the cure at a younger age was dangerous for two main reasons. The first reason that seemed the most important to Luca was that this could permanently damage the following generation's brains. After all, the reason they didn't originally make the cured age 13 was because it was very risky seeing as the brain was not yet fully developed. The second reason was that meant that the United States Federal Government was getting scarily close to completely eliminating the free will of the American people.

He moved off the couch when the discussion was over, awkwardly patting the crying child on the shoulder to comfort him. Luca moved into the kitchen and almost backpedalled right back out when he saw Lilith in there also looking for something to munch on. But he didn't, he sucked it up and walked over to the fridge, trying to keep his eyes to himself but not able to resist sneaking a few furtive glances at the attractive girl.

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"Yeah... She's hilarious." Mason replied meekly, try his best to give a soft laugh before clearing his throat. He didn't want to drag Zoe into the politics and further but somehow he felt increasingly worried about letting her leave. The world would change drastically if what the kid was right. Which Mason seriously hoped he wasn't.

"Ninja..?" Mason repeated, this time fully breaking into laughter. "Somehow that fits him pretty well, doesn't it?" He rubbed the tears from the corners of his eyes while talking. "We'll keep him here for now, but no one can know about him or Regulators will be on our doorstep in seconds."

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Mason, despite his somewhat thin look, had a startling amount of food packed away in his kitchen cabinets. Lilith was practically licking her lips at the sight of all the food. She settled for cereal, grabbing the milk from the fridge just as the dark haired boy from the other room entered. She eyed him as he crossed the kitchen to open the fridge, smirking slightly as his glance her way. Slipping from her seat, Lilith grabbed hold of the milk with one hand and quietly headed for the fridge. "Excuse me." She muttered when she appeared at his side giving a confident raise of her eyebrows before reaching across him to put it in its place.

"Thanks." She then said, a smile playing over her face as she retreated to where her bowl was. "I'm Lilith, by the way." The last comment was tossed, almost lazily, over her shoulder as she peeked back through a messy curtain of hair.

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Zoë frowned asking gently curiousity getting the better of her. "Are you not telling the Regulators so things wont get messy?" Noticing the tears that formed on the corner of his eyes as he wiped them away she giggled softly teasing. "Hey now, im not THAT funny." a soft playful grin plaid on her lips as she then offered. "If you need some help looking after him I could stay the night here if you have a free bunk. I sleep over often at friends houses so my parents wouldn't really give a damn. After all he seems like a hand full, so i'd be willing to help any way I can Hugh Hefner." She mused refering to their conversation earlier when he called himself a Play boy.

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I drink the water and i'm about to say something when the two girls enter they talk for a while when i'm in the background they don't notice me i'm about to say something about that whole "ninja boy" comment but I keep my mouth shut then after about five minutes I walk over to Mason and say " You ready to ship out ? The Zombies aren't getting any stupider O wait they are" I laugh then I notice Zoë their and I just realized I made a mistake my not watching my mouth around a Zombie's child
Luca shrank back just in time as Lilith reached across his upper body, preventing even the most minuscule touch. He waited patiently as she put away the milk and until she was safely back at the table before grabbing a yogurt for himself and situating himself at an empty counter top. He fidgeted with the top, not actually trying to open it but looking as if he were failing at doing so. He looked up at the girl only when she introduced herself. "Luca," he said quietly, the corners of his mouth twitching in a not quite smile.
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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"Something like that, Regulators don't exactly like me either." Mason replied, shrugging his shoulders as if it was something that was unavoidable from the start. In a way it was, but Zoe didn't know that. She might be one of those people one day, after all her life course was picked out when she turned 18. "If you want to stay, I'm fine with that. As you've probably seen we have more space here then needed." He glanced toward the kitchen, wondering how long Lilith would be in his care for. He hadn't thought to ask John, though he suspected if he was training the girl like the resistance wanted it would be quite some time. A year, give or take. He was still watching the doorway to the kitchen when the kid appeared, strolling over to Mason and making comments about zombies.

"I don't think I have the Zombie game you were talking about," Mason started. "But if you want to play a video game I suggest you do it in the living room. I have quite a good zombie selection, if that's what you're looking for. Ask the others if they want to play as well. Perhaps the At Dawn one." He sure as heck hoped the kid understood what he was saying. If not Mason would have to explain later.

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Lilith watched him mess with the seal of his yogurt, seemingly having problems. She considered asking if he wanted help but quickly thought better of it, she usually hated when people tried to help her do thing she was perfectly capable of. That was just who she was though.

"Luca..." She repeated with a slight nod of her head as she took a spoonful of cereal and stuck it in her mouth. She allowed herself to chew before speaking again. "How do you know Mason, then?" She questioned, "You staying in the safe house as well?"
Zoë nodded in understanding. "I'll try not to be a pest or in the way." she stated before David arrived into the conversation. Cocking her head listening to their conversations she understood perfectly what David was talking about. In school they were taught before things of invalids one being the lingo in case they spotted one so they could report it to the Regulators. "The 'Zombies' aren't getting stupider more on the lines of getting more duller and emotionless. Honestly, instead of invalids calling them 'Zombies' wouldn't 'Drones' be a better term? They are almost robotic in a sense after all, plus robots also don't have emotions as well. While as zombies are living corpses, or maybe that reference can refer to some being heartless due to them being limited in emotion...." she twirled her hair as she spoke her remark in a way showing Mason that he didn't have to talk in code around her, her words then trailed off into her in deep thought. She had a habit of over thinking and analyzing things in general due to her curiosity.
As I listen to I Zoë I know that she knew what I was talking about I pray that she didn't get Mason's "At Dawn" remark I move closer to Mason and say " You have 'AT DAWN'? " I put just enough emphasizes on the tittle to let Mason know I know what he's saying and give him a sly wink " I think all play it tomorrow" I put a little emphasize on tomorrow just to let him know I get the point "For now though I think i'm tired can I have a cotton ball and my sword back it needs to be oiled before I go to bed ?" I reach in my pocket and pull out a small metal tin of sword cleaning oil and show it to Mason to show I only mean to clean it and not to anything violent
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Luca fussed with the top for a few more seconds before carefully and precisely peeling back the lid. He stared at the yogurt for a second before realizing he had forgotten to grab a spoon. Walking over to the assortment of drawers, Luca ran a hand through his hair before rummaging through them, being sure to lightly bump his elbow into Lilith's arm. "Safe house?" he questioned. It was easy to piece together the fact that Mason was a Sympathizer but Luca hadn't taken that extra step to realize that this was a safe house. He wasn't quite sure how to answer the first question that had been fired at him so instead, he dropped it with the hopes she wouldn't pry.

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"Mmm... right." Mason grumbled after rolling his eyes at the kid's wink. He needed to work on his stealth, though Mason couldn't complain because he hadn't done a very good job of coding it in the first place. Turning to Zoe, he gave her a smile. She was smarter then more citizens he'd met, he almost wanted to invite her into the resistance. The only problem was he didn't know how she'd react, she was still pretty brainwashed at the moment.

"Hungry?" He asked, "Since you're staying I might as well cook dinner, I had planned on going without but looks like I won't be alone. Don't want my guests going hungry."

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

She watched as he got up to grab a spoon, lightly bumping her arm as he did so. "You don't live here then?" She asked, studying his face. "Shame..." Lilith had to admit, Luca was better looking then most of the guys she had encountered both before and after she had run away. Perhaps it was the fact that not only was he not Cured but also around her age, still his dark hair and deep eyes drew her in. The only frustrating part was the fact he didn't seem a bit interested in her, focusing more on his yogurt and refusing to look her in the face. Frustrating and yet completely enthralling. Maybe he was doing it on purpose?

"Thought I'd have someone else to talk to other than the old man and his sidekick." Lilith shoot a glare over her shoulder in the direction of Mason. "Hard to believe he's the guy everyone talks to highly of."
Zoë nodded a charming smile emerged once she snapped out of her train of thought as he spoke. "Sounds good to me, I can help if you need. After all it seems like you have quite the full house." she remarked as she looked around doing a head count. There were quite a bit of people so one person cooking may be over whelming, she assumed Luca and David were staying for dinner so that would justify the help. Hearing David and Mason though speak of needing to head back to David's earlier it made her curious what he had to show Mason. After all, Zoë had been there earlier and didn't find the boat to be a giant spectacle, its not like he was coming over to see the size of the vessel or David's sword collection after all, or maybe it had something to do with that bizarre story he had told her while she helped him onto the boat. After all the story did seem outlandish as if it were ripped out of a dystopian fiction novel but maybe he had some evidence to show, proof that not all of it is fiction. As Zoë thought about it more and more the it just kept sounding as far out there as in saying Aliens existed, after all it was just a story, no way could it be true. Feeling her mind wonder she shook the thoughts out 'I really have to control my curiosity' she noted to herself.
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Luca laughed lightly when she expressed her disappointment to him not living with Mason. "No I don't live here. Sorry to say I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." He swirled his spoon around in the yogurt before looking up and focusing his deep penetrating gaze on Lilith. "So why are you here?" he wondered aloud. Although she did seem like the rebellious type, she didn't exactly strike him as someone ready to launch full-fledged defiance against the government. But there was a likely chance he was wrong, books aren't always like their covers.

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"Sounds great!" Mason chimes happily, clapping his hands together excitedly. He then spun on his heels, heading toward the kitchen. Pushing his sleeves up in preparation to cook he looked back over his shoulder. "Coming, Zoe?" He questioned, crossing through the doorway and interrupting the conversation that Lilith and his other guest were having. "What does everyone want for dinner?" He asked, "Since curfew is to close for anyone to actually go anywhere all of you will stay here. I wouldn't be a responsible adult if I had you go home this late!"

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Lilith was almost stunned the minute his eyes fell on her, like they had frozen her in place. She nearly didn't hear his question, but with a nervous clearing of her throat and desperately trying to hide the pink in her cheeks she managed to say something.

"I ran away from home." She stated as evenly as she could, "Or... I ran away from the Cure." She shook her head slightly, "That place hasn't been my home for a long time." It was true, since her brother had disappeared her parents had become almost unthinkably cold. Worse then those normally affected by the Cure. She believed it was because Lilith had always been so close to her brother, following after him. She knew that they probably weren't surprised when they found her room empty that morning three months ago.

Blinking, she realized the heavy feeling around her and flashed a smile. "Not that it really matters," She said. "Only thing I have to worry about now is acting like a Cured. Apparently I'm not very good at it." She gave a little laugh, getting cut across when Mason stormed into the kitchen like an idiot. He spouted nonsense about being responsible.

"You're to stupid to be responsible for anything, don't try to act cool." She stated smugly, getting a glare in return. "Sorry, I shouldn't' have said that in front of your girlfriend... huh?" Lilith laughed as Mason started to scold her, a flustered look on his face.
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Zoë had followed on his heels, searching through his fridge and pantry to get inspired for what to make as she snickered slightly at his comment of being a responsible adult. A rosy pink crossed her sun kissed tan cheeks when hearing Lilith's girlfriend comment she sighed. "I already told you i'm not his girlfriend!" she replied even though she knew her pleads weren't going to convince the girl. Picking out some wavy pasta pieces she said her back facing the group. "We could make Lasagna for everyone, its easy and good for making when having more people to serve."
Luca nodded at her explanation, giving her an understanding look. He was about to respond when Mason and Zoë filed into the kitchen. Quickly, his mask was back on and he was once again focused on his yogurt, his simmering gaze diverted. When he realized he would have to stay for the night he was both excited and disappointed. The quiet of his home was a lot more comforting than the strange chaos of this house. Hopefully things would become less hectic soon. Zoë mentioned lasagna and Luca perked up. He absolutely loved lasagna. "I vote for that." he interjected.

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